Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q/R – S – T – U – V/W – X/Z
Vacation(s) Havona, Ascendington the place of mortals’, 147
nature of, in the continental nation, 813
pleasures and religious worship at feast of tabernacles, 1794
of the twelve during Bethsaida encampment, 1657
Vacillation example of Peter’s, 1551
Valley of decision, why tarry in the, 1820
of Hinnom, Judas’ retirement to the, 1998
of the shadow of death,” Jesus’ willingness to walk through the, 1103
Valor of Adjusters, an indication of long training, 1180
Value(s) appreciation of, a level of mortal wisdom, 806
both actual and potential, 1097
consciousness, the result from religion, 1122
contrast of, with fact, 1477
dependence of, on relationships, 1097
discrimination of, a part of the ancestry of religion, 1095, 1105
distortion, a peril of industry, 786
experiential realization of, 1097
faith’s concern with, 1114
the Father the source of, 73, 1127
God more than a, 1124
inability of, to be static, 1097
of life, true, spiritual experience’s revelation of the, 1098
life’s greatest, man’s need to believe in his highest interpretation of, 1115
-lure, religion as a, 1089
man’s ability to communicate, 1775, 2079
experience in and with, objective validation of, 192
need to pray for, 1002
manifestation of Paradise-absolute, 2
and meanings, perfection, differential levels of, and potential evil, 613, 1097
mortal consciousness’s progress from fact, to meaning, to, 1299
new, the seven triunities’ deitizing of, 1151
the personal quality of the, presented by the Adjuster, 1130
prayer’s function in the conservation of, 995
as relating to personality, 1226
relation of, to God, 67, 98
to one’s motivation, 1098
religion’s ability to spiritualize, 1001, 1110, 1124, 2077
seven variations of, reason for, 110
spirit, 2
and spirit, 102
stereoscopic effect of mota on, 554
transcendent, in human life, source of, 140, 1727
the uniqueness of, in universe reality, 1261
of universal reality, 1
Van activities of, during rebellion, 756
Amadon an assistant to, 757
and Amadon, 1-2-3 the first’s service with, 866
welcome of Adam and Eve by, 829
Amadon’s devotion to, 761
appeal to Lucifer for ruling on Caligastia’s demands by, 755
on the council of planetary receivers, 760
departure of, for Jerusem with Melchizedek receivers, 833
and entire court, loyalty of, 757
influence of, 1007
lake of, Adamson’s descendants’ habitations near the, 1021
length of Urantia life of, 759
loyalty of, to the universe government, reason for, 756
office of, 749
post-Dalamatia function of, 759
present status of, 760
reunion of, with his Adjuster, 760
seven-hour speech of, indicting planet and system authorities, 755
the steadfast, 759-760
sustenance of, by tree of life, 825-826
technique of achievements of, 757
titular leader of loyal midwayers, 856
translation of, to Jerusem, time of, 760
on Urantia advisory council, 760
Van’s cultural headquarters, time spent in moving, 823
Vanadium function of, in the sea squirt, 737
Vanites absorption of, by Adamites, 870
location of, 860
Vanity and charms, 781
effect of, on marriage, 922
exhibition of, by first humans, 708, 765
and fashion, vs. home building and child culture, 942
function of, 765
and ghost fear, men held together by, 766
Vapor baths, use of, in healing disease, 991
Variable star(s) dependence of period of light fluctuation of, on luminosity, 459
the sun a former, 655
Variations small, new species not evolved as gradual accumulation of, 669
Variety in the concept of beauty, 646
restfulness of, 555
Vedas the four, an evaluation of, 1028
Vedic-Aryan cult, evolution of the, in India, 1027
effect on, of rejection of the Salem gospel, 1029
and post-Vedic deities, 1031
priesthood, collapse of the, 1029
three-headed fire god, Agni the, 1143
Vedism decline of, cause and effects, 1028
Vegetable to animal, transition from, relation of sponges to, 731
food, woman’s provision of, 834
kingdom, development of animal types from basic patterns of the, 560
life, basic system pattern of, 560
generation of oxygen on Urantia by, 660
tracing of evolution of, into animal life, 669
Vegetarian tribes, survival of, in modern India, 851
Vegetation of coastal swamps of Carboniferous age, relation of, to coal deposits, 681
first appearance on land of, 673
of late climatic transition stage, and land-animal life, 683
Vegetative incarnation, and light-energy intake, 286
land-life period, 678-680
Velocity in energy, retardation of, by mass in matter, 175
of enseraphimed being, 260
limit of, of midway creatures, 260
of seraphim, 260
of Solitary Messengers, 261
triple, 260
Veluntia density of, 460
Vengeance danger of, 795, 1576
influence of, on ambition, 1926
Jesus’ efforts to minimize, 1764
is mine,’ says the Lord,” 795
wrongs not righted by, 1580
Vengefulness God never indulges in, 41
Venom addicts, origin of, 946
Ventriloquism use of, by early priests, 987
Venus identity of, 1080
superbreathers on, 561
Verdicts of Universal Censors, impossibility of forecasting, 218
in Uversa courts, formulation of, 180
Vergil significance of talents of, 2073
Veronica of Caesarea-Philippi, identification of, 1698-1699
Vertebrate type of animal, characteristic of the age of fishes, 678
Vesta identity of, 1080
Vestal virgins, duty of, 947
Vested interests, accumulation of, a danger from formalized religion, 1092
Veto scepter, Universal Father wields the, 52
Vevona past and present function of, 437
Vice crime and sin, concepts of, based on early sex taboos, 915
a primitive definition, 976
vs. virtue, 1673
Vicegerent authority, Michael’s prebestowal, 237, 240, 361, 602, 605, 1326
Planetary Prince of Urantia, Machiventa Melchizedek as, 514, 611, 632, 1025
Vicegerington activities on, and functions of, 145
assignment of “children of time and eternity” to, 262
headquarters of Corps of Conjoint Trinitized Finaliters, 346
secrets of, 146, 249
trinitized sons of children of time and citizens of eternity held in reserve on, 250
Vicissitudes of life, religion as an aid to man in facing the, 956, 1121
Victory(ies) human, assurance of, in race for perfection, 365, 1904
Jesus’ greatest, in his whole career, 1985
Jesus’ wresting of, from the jaws of defeat, 1405
man’s greatest, definition, 1451
spiritual, sole means of winning, 1765
that overcomes uncertainty, faith the, 59, 383, 1601
Viewpoint(s) man’s, character and results of, 48
of men and women, inevitable difference in, 938
Vigilance societies, secret societies as, 792
Village spring, proximity of Joseph’s workshop to the, significance, 1357
Vilton length of Satania service of, 512
Vindictiveness Judas’ characteristic of, 1566
Vine true, Jesus the, 1945
Violence a cause of accident and death, 989
the law of nature, 783
Violet hue of Material Sons’ body radiance, 580
peoples, home life of the, 850
number of, at start of racial amalgamation, 585
race, 584, 834, 850-851
Adamson’s secondary center of, 849
after the days of Adam, 868-877
attempt of, to divorce the mathematical from the volitional, 1136
basis of the civilization of, 870
blue man’s assimilation of the, 725
characteristics of the, 850, 868
definition, 583, 753
failure of the plan for the, 753, 877
the first-born of the, 861
history of the, 868
mixture of, with evolutionary peoples, results of, 836
monogamy of, 586
stock, influence of, on civilization development, 901
Virgin Adjusters, arrival of, on primitive worlds, 1197
-born sons of destiny, as saviors, 947
shall bear a son,” a misquoted scriptural passage, 1348
Virility of the adolescent Jesus, 1395
Virtue(s) definition, 192, 193
faith the endowment of, 1446
of man, a definition, 193, 1453
a prerequisite to acquirement of, 557
supreme, a definition, 193
vs. vice, 1673
volitional, with personality, 238
Virus bodies, renegade parasitic fungi, 732
Vishnu alleged incarnations of, 1032
identity of, 946, 1031
Visibility of a ruling Magisterial Son to inhabitants of the realm, 588
Vision extension of, 325
human, changes in range of, in first stage of light and life, 627, 630
morontia, range of, 524
physical and spiritual, of Adam and Eve, 851
range, extension of mortal, on mansion worlds, 269
of spornagia, 528
Visit of Jesus with the apostles at the Last Supper, 1953
to Kheresa, 1694-1695
with Martha and Mary, Jesus’, 1797-1798
with Nicodemus, 1601-1603
to Philadelphia, 1833-1841
to Zaccheus, Jesus’, 1873-1874
Visiting with the apostles two and two, 2047-2050
about the temple, 1883
Visitors at Pella camp, national origins of, 1808
Visualization ceremonies of spirit beings, in the morontia temples, 622
Vitality spiritual, faith’s promotion of, 1727
Vitamins ultraviolet rays’ relation to, 665
Vivifier divine, a title for God, 1448
Vocabulary enlargement of, vs. development of character, 1094
enlargement of superuniverse, for Havona, 537
Vocation(s) arguments of Cain and Abel regarding their, 848
beneficial use of one’s, 1572, 1673
builders, function of, 502
of Paradise Sons on bestowal missions, 229
Vocational reasons for class distinctions, 793
Voice(s) of the adolescent Jesus, characteristics of, 1395
of the angelic hosts, 309
of the archangel, response of seraphic guardians of slumbering personalities to, 409
at the baptism, apostles to refrain from discussion of the, 1545
of the Conjoint Actor, 308
of the Creator Sons, 308
flashes, Ancients of Days’ utilization of, 309
in the Garden, seraphic, remonstrance of, with Adam and Eve, 437, 583, 827, 842, 846
of God,” conscience not the, 1208
of mercy, function of, 430
of one crying in the wilderness,” 1502
of the Seven Master Spirits, 308
sound of a, at Jesus’ baptism, 1504
of the transfiguration, identity of the, 1754
of Wisdom, assignment of, to Perfectors of Wisdom, 310-311
function of, 310
Volcanic action(s), of early Cretaceous age, 689
action(s), extent of, in early reptilian age, 685
time of beginning of, on Urantia, 659
activity(ies), and the continental drift, 689
of brachiopod age, location of, 677
age, 658-660
Volcano(es) activity of, in late Carboniferous period, 682
decrease of, and appearance of earthquakes, 660
of eastern Kentucky, activity of, 675
a fetish, 967
Volition below the absolute, limitations encountered by, 1300
First Source and Center limited only by, 5, 95, 111
infinite, a characteristic of the First Triunity, 1148
limitation of function of, 1300
mortals’ association of, with personality, 1183
power of, 102
Volitional Absolute, First Source and Center the, 74
Voodoo doctor, present, and the magician of old, 972
Vorondadek(s) as constellation rulers, 488
error possible to, 390
high court of review, function of, 390
number of, in local universe, 389
observers on isolated Satania worlds, director of, 433, 491, 1253
origin of, 223, 384
Sons, 223, 389-390
constellations governed by three, 166
observers on isolated worlds, function of, 491
origin of, 389
present constellation government includes twelve of the order of, 490
relation of Faithfuls of Days to, 213
worlds, number and location of, 391
Vosges beginning of, time of, 681
Votes in Jerusem elections, value range of, 518
Voting compulsory, in the continental nation, 818
differential, on Jerusem, 518
Wales deep submergence of parts of, 674
Devonian rocks in, thickness of, 679
Walking ability of dawn-mammal twins, 705, 707
on the water, Peter’s dream of Jesus’, 1703
Walls custom of building live slaves into, 981
of Jericho, Jesus’ comment on the falling of the, 1879
War(s) absence of, on worlds in light and life, 630
advantages, social price of, 785
among mid-mammals, number of survivors of, 705
ancient, vs. modern results of, 786
captives, enslavement of, a forward step, 779
a cause of, 766, 783-785
costliness of, 785
dances, refinement of, to social ends, by Tut, 748
defensive, of the continental nation, 819
a definition, 783, 1491
effect of, on class distinction, 792
ending of, a level of statehood, 807
eventual abandonment of, 785
financing of, in the continental nation, 815
global, means of prevention of, 1490
glorification of, a mistake, 786
in heaven, 606, 756
a heritage of early evolutionary man, 614
-madness, Christianity’s lowering of its ideals before, 2083
major, cause of, 1488
inability of international police force to prevent, 1489
minor, world-wide confederations of nations’ ability to prevent, 1489
obvious fatalities of, 989
an outcome of man’s social evolution, 957
persistence of, reasons for, 783, 784, 1487
present, the explanation of, 1220
and rumors of wars,” Christ Michael’s warning of, 597, 1912
social value of, reasons for, 785
world, world-wide confederations of nations’ inability to prevent, 1489
Warfare between Adamites and Nodites, 844
between physical and spiritual natures on Urantia and normal worlds, 382
Warning usual ineffectiveness of, 1941
Warrior greatest, a definition, 1447
Washing of the apostles’ feet, 1938-1940
hands, importance of, to Jews of Jesus’ day, 1713
hands, Jesus’ omission of, at Nathaniel’s breakfast, 1825
Watchdogs service of, to early man, 778
Watchmen twenty, at Jesus’ tomb, 2014
Watchword of Jesus, “Fear not,” 1582
of the universe is progress, 54
Water(s) of adversity, Jesus’ promise concerning the, 1662, 1767
of architectural spheres, vs. that of evolutionary worlds, 486
atom content of one drop of, 463
baptism with, vs. baptism with the Spirit, 1593
composition of, unpredictable by science, 141
an early fetish, 967
of life, discourse on the, time and place of, 1795
the divine Spirit, 381, 1337, 1404, 1614, 1712, 1795, 1796, 1829, 2054
mankind’s onetime worship of, 946
of Merom, Jesus passing by the, 1492
outpouring of, a ritual symbol of outpouring of the spirit, 1794
as protection against ghosts, 964
from a rock, the Mosaic legend of, 1518
spiritual, vs. material, 1613
systems, of architectural worlds, surface and subterranean, 486
use of, in treatment of disease, 991
vapor, in Urantia’s atmosphere during volcanic age, 659
into wine, Jesus warning his apostles against mentioning the turning of the, 1531
Wave energy, octaves of, in Orvonton, classification of, 474
-energy manifestations, 474-476
lengths, short, absorption of, by ozone layer, 665
phenomena, of processions of energy particles, cause of, 475
Way of life Jesus’ and Stephen’s discussion of the, 1411
result of an intelligent creature’s mischoosing the, 1429, 1639, 1903
Way of living the best, Jesus’ showing of, 1580
Way of salvation identification of the, 1107, 2017
Way of truth identification of the, 1118
Weak indulgence in resolutions by the, 556
Weakling(s) Jesus’ religion not alone for, 1583, 1608
John the Baptist not a, 1627
judicial, Pilate a, 1996
Weakness pride, man’s great, 1596
Wealth accidental, definition, 1463
acquiring, technique of, 1779
discovered, a definition, 1462
dishonestly acquired, disposition of, 1465
earned, a definition, 1463
equitable distribution of, impossibility of establishing rules for, 1464
an essential of temporal life, 1778
faith man’s true, 1446
genius, definition, 1463
honorable, possession of, not a sin, 1821
inherited, a definition, 1462
interest, definition, 1463
Jesus’ attitude toward, 1581, 1803-1804
Matadormus’ belief concerning, 1802
material, Jesus’ advice as to the administering of, 1462
natural, use of income from, in the continental nation, 814
not a curse, 1821
possession of, and happiness, 1573, 1803, 1821
and property, unfair distribution of, Jesus’ preaching against, 1581
source of, 773
stolen, definition, 1463
trade, a definition, 1462
unfair, a definition, 1462
Wealthy of Jerusalem, location of the villas of, 2005
the three questions to be answered by the, 1822
Weaning early, facilitation of, by cooking, 747
of Jesus, reason for delay in, 1355
Weather conditions on Edentia and associated worlds, 486
phenomena, region of origin of, 666
vane, origin of the cock on the, 964
Weaving practice of, in days of Eden, 830
in the second garden, 850
Wedding(s) at Cana, 1527, 1528-1531
ceremony, 924-925
double, of Simon and Jude, 1420, 1484
elaborate, of the red men, 924
gifts, woman’s right to own the, a forward step, 936
James’ and Miriam’s double, 1418
presents, origin of the custom of giving, 916
Wedlock dissolution of, 928-929
Wednesday the rest day, 1543, 1589, 1920-1928
Week Dalamatian origin of the, 837
five day, in the continental nation, 813
Jerusem, length of, 511
Weeping of Jesus, on the brow of Olivet, cause, 1882
of Jesus, at Lazarus’ tomb, possible reasons, 1844
may endure for a night, 1445
Weight factors modifying, 175
Weights the first, 775
Welfare of others, source of man’s interest in the, 1129
of the part, vs. welfare of the whole, 48
Werewolf a definition, 954
West Indies land elevation during early trilobite age, 673
Western civilization, domination by the Christian church of, result, 2081, 2086
civilization, state of, early in the first century, 2069
Hemisphere, isolation of, in Pliocene period, 698
life implantation, 667, 674
world, Christianity’s reconquest of the, 2086
Pauline Christianity’s spread from Antioch to all the, 1869
Whales ancestry of, 733
mammals, 562
Wheat and tares, concurrent growth of, 1429
Wheel gigantic, grand universe a, 164
man’s introduction to the, 746, 904
Whimsical Jesus’ freedom from being, 1101
Whirled stars, origin of, 170
Whirling spheres, gravity’s relation to, 125
Whirlwind the harvest from sowing of the wind, 1445
White background of good, vs. black patches of evil, 2076
and black races, mixture of, undesirability of, 920
dwarf, definition, 464
light, definition, 475
man, first landing of, on Atlantic coast, 729
man’s religion,” Christianity designated as the, 1031
peoples, racial origins of the, 725, 889
races, composition of, 873, 919
mechanical and religious developments of the, 888
present Christianity, a religion of the, 1084
racial antecedents of, 725
racial, of the spheres, 593
Whole duty of man, definition, 1600, 1805
man, the, a definition, 1590
and part, 52, 137-139
welfare of the, 48
Widow of a deceased brother, Jewish custom as to, 919, 926
of Nabal, David’s marriage to the, 1072
of Nain, funeral of the son of the, 1645-1646
suicide of, on her husband’s grave, 960
Wife and husband, reciprocal obligations of, 1471
killing, ancient, limitations on, 796, 936
onetime qualifications of a, 916
stealing and purchase, and the mother-family, 933
Will absolute, a characteristic of God, 58
an analysis of, 1111
-to-believe,” evolutionary, vs. the “will that believes”, 1122
birth of, awareness of Census Directors of, 267
control of the mind for good or ill, by the, 1217
of the Creator, the creature’s choosing to do the, cosmic value of, 1288
creature(s), animal evolutionary, personal experience of, 361
Census Directors’ concern with, extent of, 267
the crucial test of, 315
divine plan of progress for, 85
endowment of all, by cosmic mind, 192
extinction of, Ancients of Days’ authority in, 180
and Father’s Paradise perfection, 36
and God’s personality circuit, 25
mortal, the Father’s presence in, 363
source of the personality of, 363
non-Adjuster-fusion types a modified order of, 446
Paradise journey of the, 21
perfect and perfected, 287
plan of exaltation of, to Paradise perfection, 93
portrayal of transcendent value of each, 138
study of, on superuniverse capitals, 338
time of registration of death of, 267
of registry of, by Census Directors, 267
universal cosmic endowment of, benefits of, 191
Universal Father never coerces, 22
a definition, 400, 710, 741, 1431
divinity of, and mortal perfection, 22
of the Father, Cana so-called miracle not contrary to the, 1531
compassion and tolerance born in submission to the, 1958
definition, 1711
heart of Jesus’ religion a personality motivated to do the, 1582, 2083
in heaven, decision to do, and the immortal soul, 70, 740
Jesus’ concept of the, 1384, 1519, 2087
Jesus’ subjection to the, 1325, 1331, 1409, 1424, 1608, 1872, 1920, 1934, 1966, 1972, 2089
result of creature’s choosing to do, 25, 382, 1569, 1907
obedience to, the law of the kingdom, 1596
spirit-unified individuals’ desire to do the, 1592
the Father’s, indication of ascender’s final choice to live, 64, 1642
finite and infinite, oneness of, in Michael’s temporal life, 1327, 1328
free, creative, man’s endowment with, a reason for, 194, 614, 1300
of the Creators, mercy delays of time by mandate of the, 59, 616
God of, 6, 38, 44, 71
God’s exercise of, in delegating authority, 50
limitations of, in time-space creations, 1300, 1301, 1303
of man, supremacy of, 71, 753
man’s possession of a, 1134, 1233
relative, field of function of, 194
spiritual, of the individual, a level of relative sovereignty, 22, 1487-1488
of the Universal Father, relation of the Infinite to the, 6, 38
God is, 58
of God, choosing to do, the highest moral choice, 435, 1211
contrast of human will with the, 1431
a definition, 1221, 1278, 1431, 1454
final, 48
God the Supreme as a manifestation of the, 1278
Jesus’ concept of the kingdom as the, 2088
Lao-tse’s pronouncements regarding the, 1034
living the, synonymous with living divinely, 1174-1175
mortals’ attainment of perfection relating to, 116, 138
a revelation of, 615, 1176
thrill of trying to do the, 1732
union of the will of man with the, 1031
God’s willingness to indwell men subject to the human, 1221
of the heavenly father, Jesus’ consecration to doing the, 1512
infallible, of the infinite mind, 48
Infinite Spirit endowed with, 96
infinity of, eternally inherent in First Source and Center, 111
Life Carriers’ report of functioning of, and dispatch of Planetary Prince, 590
of love, domination of one’s life by the Father’s, 1598
of Lucifer, as opposed to the will of God, 614
of man, definition, 730, 1431
Holy Spirit’s partial limitation by, 379
union of, with the will of God, 1031
man’s new, capacity of, 1583
unity of, amid change, 31
manifestation of, by self-acting Adjusters, 1196
power, a prerequisite to leadership, 1739
Reflective Image Aids devoid of, 202
registration of first act of, 267
Salsatia’s cognizance of birth and death of, 413
source of the dog’s, 1431
supremacy to the Adjuster of the human, 1217
the unified, co-ordination of the ego desire and the altruistic urge by, 1134
-union, of man and God, means of effecting a, 1946
whole-souled choice of, undefeatability of, 740
Willingness to believe, the key to Havona, 290
to drink the cup, Jesus’, 1969
Wind(s) the ancients’ belief as to the origin of, 946
comparison of the spirit with the, 1602
directional changes of, results, 699
harvest of the sowing of the, 1445
Windstorm(s) primitive man’s reaction to, 947
of the Sea of Galilee, explanation of, 1694
Wine inevitable appearance of the, at the Cana wedding feast, 1530
new, at Cana, quality of, 1531
offering of, to Jesus, by the captain of the guard, 2008
process of making of, at Cana, 1530
Wings angels’ lack of, 438, 1246
Wisconsin and outcroppings of ancient fossil-bearing rocks, 670
Wisdom acquisition of, definition, 1435
of Adjusters, an indication of long training, 1180
adjutant of, 401, 402-403, 948-949
of the ages, presence of, with Ancients of Days, 311
animals’ nonpossession of, 1435
ascent to, by experience, 303, 631
a cardinal virtue, according to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 1079
central source of, and distribution of mind, 50
concern of, with the world of truth, 1141
of the Creators, a demonstration of, 361
cumulative character of, reason, 1775
deficiency of, relation of, to evil, 755
a definition, 1004, 1111-1112, 1776, 1949, 2094
dependence of, upon facts, 1222
divine, man’s need to pray for, 998, 1002, 1447
relation of Perfectors of Wisdom to, 216
and safe, characteristics of, 614
does justice to differing men”, 1122
a factor in Jesus’ teachings, 1112
faith’s sustaining of, to its limit, 1141
Father’s possession of, undiminished, 49
fear of the Lord the beginning of, 1444
functional divisions of, number of, 303
of God, 29, 48, 58, 1454
God’s love restrained by, 41
of the Gods, time of manifestation of, 599
the highest, moral decision, 194
importance of, in religion, 948
in success, 1774
indispensability of, to the endurance of nations, 911
infinite, God the possessor of, 48, 1448
influence of, regarding the use of faith, 1119
Jesus’ acquirement of, 1407
prayer for, 1634
for his apostles, 1569
is justified by her children”, 1627
keen, apostles to show, 1571
of knowing God, religion’s carrying the, from one generation to another, 1088
in knowing the laws of the Eternal, 1452
vs. knowledge, 908
the Lord’s creation in, 1444
love perfected in, 1898
man’s need to pray for, 999
technique of attaining, 58, 1448
the mark of difference between the human and animal mind, 1111
of Melchizedeks, 386
mortal, ascending levels of, 806
Moses’ possession of, 1009
origin of, 1459
of Paradise Trinity, relation of Perfectors of Wisdom to, 216
relation of wisdom of Union of Days to the, 617
Perfectors of Wisdom the sources of, 216
and personality, 8
philosophy the realm of, 1110
prerequisite to the acquiring of, 1435, 1466
presence of both fact and ideal in, consequence, 1779
is the principal thing…”, 1481
pursuit of, reason for, 806
reason, and faith, man’s highest attainments, 1141
safeguarding of knowledge by, 557
search for, a purpose of education, 806
seasoned, an essential of material success, 1739
of Solomon, influence of the, 951, 1338
of the Son, 76
source of, 402, 577, 1443
transcendental, in design of stable and flexible units of matter, 480
true, factors in, 1958
and truth, influence of a respect for, 969
twofold origin of, 216
Voice of, 310
of the world, limitations of those having only the, 1120, 1520
not a prerequisite to exercise of faith, 1107, 1127
and Worship,” one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 1683
Wise reasoning, and Van’s loyalty, 756
Wise man(men) characteristics of the, 1447
of heaven,” the masters of philosophy, 303
hunger of, for the divine embrace, 1443
priests from Ur as, 1352
Wish Jesus’ last, 2010
Witch doctors, a check on kings, 790
of Endor, and King Saul, Jesus’ recounting of the story of, 1646
man’s association of the, with the devil, 987
Witchcraft a believed cause of disease and death, 990
a definition, 987
and hysteria, 968
status of, in primitive tribes, 987
Withered hand, Jesus’ purpose in healing the, 1665
Witnesses false, presence of, at Jesus’ trial, 1982, 1985
at Jesus’ crucifixion, 2004
Wives as hunting prizes, 720
limitations on number of, allowed one man, 926
older, attitude of, toward new wives, 926
Wizards practices of, source, 972, 979, 1681
Wolf Nordics’ belief concerning eclipses and a, 946
Wolvering Nebadon a neighbor of, 360
Woman(en) apostles’ reaction to Jesus’ treatment of, 1546, 1614, 1679
attitude of the Adamites toward, 891
attitude of, toward man’s work, 774
behold your son!” 2009
believers, enthusiasm of, for the resurrection message, 2051
method of approach of, to Jesus or the apostles, 1679
reaction of, to commissioning of women gospel teachers, 1679
choice of, as wives for successful hunters, 720
Christianity’s acceptance of, as members, consequences, 1083
in commerce, 774
an courtship, 923
depressed, gratitude of, for healing, 1836
equality of man and, attitude of Jesus toward, 1839
evangelists, faithfulness of the, 1680
traveling with Jesus on third preaching tour by, 1683
exchange, first form of trading, 776
fifty, training of, by the original twelve, 1808
first liberation of, 934
the first slave, 778
five, early Sunday morning departure of, for Jesus’ tomb, 2025-2026
function of primitive, 765
in war, 785
gains of, in the ideals of pair marriage, 937
of Galilee, at home of Joseph of Arimathea, 2014, 2030
go in peace
your faith has saved you,” 1652
go your way
God has forgiven you,” Jesus’ words to Nalda, 1614
group of believing, presence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 2008
in industry and government, a level of statehood, 807
influence of, in promoting marriage, 939
Islam’s degradation of, 1051
of Jerusalem, courage of, in showing sympathy for Jesus, 2005
Jesus’ use of, as gospel teachers, 1671
kingdom standing of, after Pentecost, 2065
man’s brutal treatment of, a dark chapter in history, 778
married, identifying marks for, 915
membership of, in Edenic council, 831
vs. men, as to sex taboos, 915
Michael’s attitude toward, significance, 1671
modern, crucial testing of the, 937
mourners, hiding of, near Jesus’ tomb, reason, 2013
of Nazareth, Jesus’ childhood acquaintance with the, 1364
not the spiritual inferior of man, 1679
Paradise Sons born of, on mortal-bestowal missions, 229
Paul’s attitude toward, cause and effect, 977
power of, over man, 935
as property, 917
rare appearance of, at the Jerusalem Passover, 1377
a real producer, 934
rights of, in the kingdom, 1546
rulers, 789
separation of, from male worshipers, the youthful Jesus’ reaction to, 1377
status of, at close of pastoral stage, 769
of Sychar, 1612-1615
taken in adultery, true story of the, 1793
ten, Jesus’ choosing of, for work of the kingdom, 1678
the twelve, loyalty of, 1715
under the developing mores, 936-938
with a hemorrhage, touching of Jesus’ garment by the, 1698
with the lost coin, Jesus’ retelling of the parable of the, 1851
with the spirit of infirmity, 1835, 1836
young Nazareth, attitude of, toward Jesus, 1402
Womankind treatment of, in the Old Testament era, 934
Woman’s(en’s) corps, Jesus’ parting advice to the, 1897
corps, Mary Magdalene the chief spokesman for the, 2029
members of the, 1679
Perean mission of the, 1808
Peter’s wife a member of the, 1552
Philip’s wife a member of the, 1557
cult of Mithraism, nature of the, 1083
evangelistic corps, 1678-1679
rights, vs. man’s rights, 937-938
status in early society, 935-936
significance of, in progress of marriage, 935
Womb of some matter and prematter, space the, 123
of space, children of, 304
Wonder(s) Jesus’ choice of a program without, 1518
Jesus’ decision, in healing the blind beggar, to perform a, 1812
-seeking generation, and the doing of “miracles,” 1631
-worker, Jesus’ refusal to become a mere, 1520, 1523
-working, and the building of the kingdom, 1635, 1710
Wonderful works, the Father’s, during Jesus’ mission, 1905, 1934
Wood peoples of Turkestan the first to build homes of, 902
Woof of Morontia, 9
Word(s) creative, the Creator Son the, 1407
a definition, 74
Eternal Son the, 73, 74, 90, 111, 161, 227
of eternal truth, Jesus’ bestowal life the, 1943
expression of Universal Father’s “first” infinite thought, 73, 93, 227
as fetishes, 969
of God,” Paul’s unawareness of his well-intentioned letters’ being later regarded as the, 1084
significance of the flesh bestowal of the, 1712
sources of the, 1732
the, vs. the words of men, as to wholesale slaughter of enemies, 1768
-God, supreme desire of the, 90
is made flesh,” in bestowal Sons, 94, 227
of Jesus, those of the Father, 1947
relation of, to prayer, 1002
of the son, 13, 94
of Urantia, Andonic tongue the, 714
Work(s) alternation of play with, 1616
compulsory, in the ideal state, 803
on earth, Jesus’ completion of his, 1935
of God, a definition, 55, 1710
good, God’s ability to see, 1450
hard, man’s dislike of, 1120
importance of one’s, 555
of the kingdom, and anxiety for material needs, 1577, 1823
Jesus’ early morning planning for, 1688
Jesus leaving the apostles to carry on the, 1934
nobility of, a level of mortal wisdom, 806
out your own salvation,” the dying words of Gautama’s son, 1036
of the Paradise Sons, character of, 224
positive employment of time, 315
primitive savages’ attitude toward, 773
wonderful, praising God for his, 1454
of the world, manner of doing the, importance of, 435
Workbench Jesus’ first, 1367
Worker personal, Philip a successful, 1557
Working day, length of, in the continental nation, 813
groups on earth, social architects function in formation of, 432
earthly, reassociation of, on mansion worlds, 432
tarrying of ascenders on seventh mansion world for tardy members of their, 539
of wonders, vs. proclamation of the gospel, 1649
World(s) advanced, unhandicapped by backwardness of sister planets, 636
affairs of this and the next, Jesus’ talk with John Mark on, 1921
of the archangels, location of, 409
a better, dependence of, on the individual, 1630
career, the adolescent Jesus’ contemplation of his, 1376
cloud-bound types of, formation of, 466
cold, inhabitability of, 173
Court, function of, 807
of the cross,” 661, 1319, 2016
deliverer, Jesus the, 1347
of the Evening Stars, activities of the, 408
of the Father, silent sphere of the system, 510
status of ascending mortals on, 148, 208
gas-contraction, mountains, water, and air on, 466
government, Adam’s efforts to establish a, 833
I have overcome the,” 1954
improvement, Serapatatia’s support of Adam’s plan for, 841
individual, diversity of midwayers’ work on, 425
source of power for, 322
of the Infinite Spirit, 149-151
influence of a real musician on a civilized, 500
inhabitable, in a system, 166
inhabited, Creator Son’s ten million, 80
energy transformers, number of, in an, 326
local universe administration of, 213
number of, in a system, 357
Universal Father’s knowledge of, 165
Jesus’ work for all his, 1585, 1594
law, future enforcing of, by world government, 1491
leadership, the great test of, 770
material, birth of, 467
mission, of Jews, purpose of, 1334
ocean and first continent, 660-663
organization, Adamic, Melchizedek plan for, 827
other needy, Jesus’ desire to work in behalf of, 1515
of outermost local universes, craving of Solitary Messengers for assignment to, 256
planetary transporters’ service to the, 438
powers, of Jesus’ times, 1487
of reality, means of the revelation of the, 1435
religions, 1442-1454
see also Religion(s), world
revolving, 133
rulers, Planetary Princes the, 434
seraphic, 420
settled in light and life, administration of, by Corps of Mortal Finality, 344-345
assignment of angels to, 441
character of “funerals” on, 623
Jesus’ experience of mortal life on, 1425
one language, religion, and race on, 624
reason for concern of, with comprehension of truth, beauty, and goodness, 646
of the Sons, activities of, 510
of space, guardians of, 411, 864
living existences on, and Paradise perfection, 36, 1570
variety of creature and other life on, 173
of the Spirit, activities of, 510
of the Spirit-fused mortals, location, 411
state, relative power of small and great nations in the potential, 1489
supervision of, 46
this, Jesus’ choice of, for his seventh bestowal, 1407
of time and space, 22, 197
of today, need of the, 380
travel, present influence of, on civilization, 909
of unreality, creation of a, 1779
upheld in space, 46
the whole, one’s neighborhood, 1580
-wide peace, prerequisites to, 1491
Worldly goods, of Jesus’ followers, Peter’s question regarding, 1803
possessions, of the seventy and the twelve, dedication of, 1803
Worm of the dust, man as a, 1676
Worry animals’ incapacity for, 1773
an evidence of moral immaturity, 1773
Jesus’ preaching against, 1579
man’s possible transcendence of, 1778
Worship accorded to Universal Father, 65
Adam’s refusal to accept, 832
adjutant of, 401, 402, 948-949
aides to, 1641
angels not objects of, 419
of animals, 946
appropriate places of, 1840
assemblages on Paradise, need for occasional dispersal of, 304
and attainment of self-realization, 1572
builders, function of, 502
capacity for, a requisite in producing an immortal soul, 70
connotations of, 66
constituents of, 66
the culmination of religion, 2075
a definition, 66, 192, 303, 304, 1616, 1641, 2095
of Deity, taught by all religions, 67
depth of individual, determination of, 67
designation of food animals as objects of, 716
determination of quality of, 303
dispatched by Father’s personality circuit, 65
divinely creative character of, 1616
the dominant passion of Paradise attainers, 303
Edenic, choice of seventh day for, reason, 837
effect of, on the mind, 1123
of the elements, 946-947
enlightened, wisdom’s surrender to, 1228
evolution of, 303
factors in, 39, 196, 1777
family, Edenic, time of, 836
faulty, Jesus’ respect for his fellowmen’s, 1103
of God, and adoration of the beautiful and reverence of unity, 68
effect of, on one’s world citizenship, 1930
Spirit of Truth, a helper in the, 1454
a God-knowing person’s illumination by, 1175
Greek philosophers’ disdain for all forms of, 1079
group, beginning of, 1133
Hap’s seven chants of, 747
of the heavenly bodies, 947-948
illuminates destiny,” 1123
impulse of, source of the, 977, 1245
intelligent, and personality of Deity concept, 31, 69
Jesus’ engagement in, 1620
of man, 948
man’s soul’s support, 1448, 1675
willing, reason for, 1675
morontia temples not used for, 622
of the Most High, extent of, 1443
on the Most Holy Sphere, 120
nature not an object of, 57
open-air arenas for, on worlds in light and life, 630
origins of, 944-949
on Paradise, appointed times and places for, inadequacy of, 34
vs. play on earth, 304
of the Paradise Father, vs. enjoyment of art, 1600
and personality, 8
of plants and trees, 945-946
prayer and, 1616, 1618
vs. prayer, in modern religion, 1123, 1443
purpose of, 65, 192, 1616
rendered to God, 65-66
the rest of, 299, 1616
a result of, 1641
rituals, association of prayer with, 999
Rodan’s definition of, 1777
shrine of the Most Highs, location of, 492
significance of, to material mind, 65-66
sincere, attempting to contact the Thought Adjuster through, 1099
God’s willingness to accept even crude, 1598
a requisite of a spiritual character, 1287
spirit of, 402
spontaneous, a means of Paradise progress, 301
the source of energy, 1777
of stones and hills, 944-945
system, centralized, the Hellenic Greeks’ lack of a, 1083
temples of, on worlds of mortal ascent, 502
time for, in career of light and life, 282
translation of, to prayer, 65
true, 65, 66, 998, 1599, 1840
the practice of the presence of God, 1133
the prelude to, 1133, 1448, 1640
spiritual satisfaction derived from, 22, 69
of Universal Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit, 74
for Universal Father, must be voluntary, 22
various definitions, 1616
Worshipers potential, Adjuster-indwelt mortals as, 590, 1614
Worshipful expression, engulfment of Paradise by, 304
spirit, the Psalms’ transcendence of, among all sacred books, 1060
Worshipfulness excess of, on Paradise, reason for, 304
Wound-healing technique, improvement on Urantia’s, 735
Wounding of self-respect, avoidance of, 1765
Wrath of God, 57, 1597, 1725
of God, Jesus not a sacrifice to appease the, 2016, 2019
Jesus’ refusal to acknowledge the, 1378
kills the foolish man,” 1673
Yahweh a God of, 1597
Wrathfulness God never indulges in, 41
Writing(s) evolution of early, 775
Jesus’ destruction of all his permanent, 1330, 1514, 1527, 1583
early practices at, 1358
modern, origin of, 775
and printing, appearance of, 907
Sumerian system of, 860
Wrong inability of vengeance to right a, 1580
in the truth, though right as to fact, 555
Wrongdoer(s) God the Father of the, 68
granting of full hearings by Ancients of Days before execution of, 617
Wrongdoing effect of, on a family, 617
greatest punishment for, 37
harvest of, and mercy, 37
Thought Adjuster tormented by man’s, 45
Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7