In striving to reach its goals and fulfill its mission Urantia Association International has teams of dedicated volunteers who serve to facilitate a variety of services and programs that are designed to serve students of The Urantia Book in their study and in their interactions with others. As we come together in study groups and various events, there is a palpable sense of fellowship that gives rise to many growth opportunities such as gaining wisdom from others, sharing spiritual experiences, learning about different cultures, and recognizing the value of teamwork.
Fostering Urantia Book Study Groups
Individuals who seek a deep understanding of the teachings of The Urantia Book can find it helpful to study with others. Urantia Association provides assistance in forming study groups, and considers them the primary social environment for learning about the teachings and educating others. Here are forged fellowship and teamwork, as individual experiences and interpretations are shared in an informal atmosphere conducive to spiritual growth.
Study groups are completely autonomous; Urantia Association exercises no authority over their activities while recognizing their importance in the study and dissemination of the teachings. We support study groups with study aids, educational services, and assistance and advice in hosting them. We also maintain a database of readers who wish to meet with others and study The Urantia Book.
Urantia Book Reader Services
To foster study group development and local contact among readers, Urantia Association provides a reader referral service. We maintain a database of readers who have asked to receive news and information on The Urantia Book and Urantia Association, and who want to meet with others in their region. When an interested reader contacts us, our Reader Referral Service can provide contact information to others in their local area. It will also respond to all other kinds of inquiries whether they be received as phone calls, emails or website contact.
We also provide a discussion forum on this website where our moderators are tasked with being directly involved in our forums to answer questions, facilitate discussion, and maintain the integrity and accuracy of the information posted.
Follow these links to find ways to connect with other students of The Urantia Book:
- Find a Study Group and Local Chapters (Constituent Associations)
- Attend an Event
- Forums
Educational Opportunities
Conferences, symposiums and other educational meetings are organized by Urantia Association. Such events also provide opportunities for readers to meet and interact with one another. By sponsoring gatherings, Urantia Association promotes a deeper understanding of service and teamwork, and the personal commitment to ideals of spiritual living.
Educational programs are developed that encourage the in-depth study of The Urantia Book and the natural development of leaders and teachers. The events, topics, speakers, facilitators, venues, and time frames of meetings are planned well in advance. Urantia Association members may volunteer or be invited to assist in any of these areas.
In addition to meetings and conferences organized by Local and National Associations, every three years Urantia Association sponsors an international conference. The venue for this event is alternated between countries that have a National Association so that members and readers worldwide have an opportunity to attend and participate in the planning and hosting of an international gathering.
Urantia Book Study Aids and Resources
Many students of The Urantia Book produce study aids and derivative works—creative tools that help others understand the complexity of The Urantia Book. Secondary works can be instrumental in assisting or inspiring others in their study and personal spiritual development; they are also useful as outreach tools for sharing the book’s teachings with the wider community. Urantia Association encourages and supports the development of Urantia related study aids and may assist readers in their production and distribution. View a list of categories in the Topical Index.
Developing Teachers & Leaders
Spiritually inspired teachers and leaders have changed the course of human progress and civilization. The development of leaders and teachers who are well versed in the teachings of The Urantia Book is a core focus of Urantia Association.
We welcome people who are willing to organize, facilitate, and encourage others in a deeper understanding of The Urantia Book, and our service programs train those who wish to contribute.
Good leaders are essential to the formation of stable and dynamic study groups and for the formation and management of National and Local Associations of Urantia Association. It is important that such leaders and teachers naturally emerge. Study groups have proven to be the best environment to develop teachers and leaders in a natural, evolutionary manner. Urantia Association does not presume to designate who is a leader or teacher. Members of Urantia associations and local study groups naturally recognize individuals that are well-informed, insightful and successful communicators to teach, speak, and lead activities.
Global Seeding
To bring an awareness of The Urantia Book into the public arena, our Global Seeding Project places The Urantia Book into relevant learning centers throughout the world. This includes libraries; colleges and universities; schools of philosophy, religion and science; and other centers of progressive thought. Scholars, academics and religionists are often drawn to new and enlightened ideas (as can be found in The Urantia Book). Courageous thinkers are inspired by the book’s teachings and have a platform to influence and enhance the quality of thought in their fields of expertise.
If you would like to get involved in the Global Seeding program, please Contact us.
Book Fairs & Expos
Book fairs and expos offer a proven and effective method for sharing The Urantia Book with the public. They are well attended globally and can be easily organized and managed by a small group of readers. Book shows are unique opportunities for team building while they stimulate an awareness of The Urantia Book and allow the teachings to be shared in a personal way.
While Urantia Foundation maintains a professional presence in the commercial book trade, Urantia Association book fair presentations are typically geared for the consumer or librarians. In this way the general public can see and hear the name Urantia in a friendly and casual atmosphere while discovering the book’s teachings and meeting with people who have been inspired by them.
There are many book fairs every year on every continent, each with a unique theme. Some are appropriate venues for The Urantia Book’s message of spiritual rejuvenation. Wise preparation for book fairs is essential and conferring with experienced presenters develops good practices. Feel free to contact Urantia Association for our policies and referrals to book fair veterans.
Prisoner Inquiry Response Team
The purpose of the Prisoner Inquiry Response Team (PIRT) is to minister to those who are incarcerated by offering them the saving truths of The Urantia Book. Since the inception of PIRT in 2005 over 4,000 inmate letters have been processed in the United States and around 2,000 Urantia Books have been provided to those who seek truth, beauty and goodness but are confined in the darkest places on the planet, our prisons.
The feedback from recipients of the book has been tremendous. We have received several hundred sincere letters of gratitude from inmates who testify that The Urantia Book is life-changing, inspirational, and answers many of the questions that linger regarding the nature of the Deities, the cosmos, our planetary history and the marvelous teachings of Christ Michael.
Our hope is that these revelatory teachings will work to transform these individuals and reap untold benefits once they’ve served their terms and are returned to civil society. These new Urantia Book students are spreading the word to friends, family, prison guards, administrators, and chaplains as well.
Over the years we have often been asked why so much time and energy is being devoted to prisoners. They ask, “Are we not casting pearls before swine?” In response to these types of questions we refer the reader to Jesus’ own admonition to his Apostles:
“And mark well my words: I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. The Son of Man came not to be ministered to, but to minister and to bestow his life as the gift for all. I declare to you that I have come to seek and to save those who are lost.” [The Urantia Book, paper 157:6.9, page 1750.3] [The Bible: cf. Matt. 9:13b; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32, 19:10]
Jesus was adamant that he was here to seek out the sinners to welcome the prodigal son’s return and save the lost sheep.
To get involved with our PIRT program please contact us.