
Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index


Tabamantia acknowledgement of, to the chief of Adjusters, 1189
    agondonter rating of, 579
    identification of, 565, 821, 1189

Tabernacle(s) feast of, Galileans’ participation in the, 1379
    of the flesh, 103, 532
    of nature, worship in the, 1840

Table etiquette, origin of, 975

Taboo(s) the, 974-975
    advantages and disadvantages of, 975
    against marriages among relatives, 918
    early, concerning prospective parents, 933
    on eating fetish animals, 955, 967
    food, see Food, taboos
    negative idea of the, 796, 1401
    origin and development of, 797, 974
    purpose of the observance of a, 974
    restrictive sex, crudeness of early tribal, 914-915
    slavery of, Jesus’ delivery of man from the, 2093
    violation of, a sin, 976, 990
    on woman’s work, 774

Tact a definition, 1740
    and tolerance, the Master’s, effectiveness of, 1778

Tactics Jesus’ change in, apostles’ reaction to, 1714

Tadpole(s) the fish state of frogs, 680
    quickest way for a, to become a frog, 1094

Taking God’s way, vs. getting your way, 1946
    oneself too seriously, results of, 555

Talents divine, Jesus’ portrayal of the folly of prostituting, 1519
    latent, Andrew’s ability to discover young people’s, 1549
    parable of the, 1875, 1916-1917

Talisman of the law, sometime use of a stone as a, 945

Talk(s) about angels, Jesus’, 1840-1841
    to the apostles on wealth, Jesus’, 1823-1824
    with my Father who is in heaven”, 1365
    about the kingdom, Jesus’, 1746-1747
    with Nathaniel, Jesus’, 1767-1769

Talmai identity of, 1072

Tamar ancestor of Jesus’ mother, 1345

Tannach Jesus’ view of, from the hill of Simeon, 1387

Tao identity of, according to Lao-Tse, 1034
    the one First Cause of all creation, 1033

Taoism about, 1038, 1039, 1451-1452
    content of monotheistic truth in, 1451
    of the past, vs. that of the present, 1032

Taoist beliefs, on Urantia today, 1011
    belief, in the doctrine of a Universal Deity, 1430

Tarentum embarking at, 1470
    Jesus’ and Ganid’s interesting experience near, 1468

Tarichea apostles’ overnight stop in, 1587
    apostolic visit to, on second preaching tour, 1668
    Philip’s and Nathaniel’s first tour to, 1538

Tarim basin, culture of, vs. that of Tibetan centers, 885
    basin, paintings revealing proof of the onetime presence of blondes and brunets in the, 879

Tarrying -places, in the Father’s universe, 1947
    and teaching by the seaside, 1688-1697
    time in Galilee, 1524-1537

Tarshish Jonah and his voyage to, 1428

Tasmania Andonic migration to, 719

Tattooing origin of, 791, 983

Tax(es) collector(s), of Jericho, Zaccheus the, 1873
    collector(s), Jesus’ experience with the, 1393
    collector(s), secret clubs as, 792
    Jesus’ and the apostles’ payment of, 1991
    temple, Jesus’ decision that Peter should pay the, 1744

Taxation in the continental nation, 815-816
    earliest form of, 792
    enslavement, prevention of, a prerequisite of freedom, 798
    land, origin of, 782

Teacher(s) of Alexandria, one of Jesus’ names, 1492
    Andite emigrants as, 873
    ascending mortals as, in celestial personality corps, 416
    authoritative, Jesus an, 1395
    brotherhood, in schools of the Prince, 575
    chief, of the women’s corps, 2029
    classes for training, in Prince’s schools, 575
    divine, Jesus’ authority as a, 1786
    exaltation of, a natural human tendency, 1413
    faithful, tertiary seconaphim as, 318
    false, fate of, 1571
       Jesus’ references to, 1731, 1907, 1913
    field of Trinity Teacher Sons as, 88
    freedom of, a necessity, 806
    gospel, women as, 1671
    -healer, Jesus’ change from, to “Son of God”, 1749
       Jesus’ purpose as a, 1749
    Hebrew and Greek, the Master’s recognition of the good in, 1582
    instructions for, 1765-1767
    James Zebedee’s interest in Jesus as a, 1421
    Jesus the, 1368, 1369, 1374, 1396, 1422, 1427, 1543, 1594, 1749
    Joseph’s and Mary’s ability as, 1349
    man’s duty to reverence his, 1907
    Melchizedeks as, 386
    Michael to function on Urantia as a, 1328, 1347, 1386
    mission of bestowal Sons as, 229
    new, Andrew’s belief in Jesus’ being the, 1524
    -priests, the premier caste of, origin of, 882
    vs. pupil, 1570
    religious, influence of, on morality, philosophy, and religion, 1009
    of rest and spiritual-energy intake, 505
    of science and religion, failings of many, 1138
    Sethite priests as, 850
    Son(s), collaboration of, with finaliters on worlds of system stage of light and life, 633
       corps, length of service of, on an evolutionary world, 598
       epoch, significance of, 567
       future eras of, on Urantia, 514
       group advent of, on spiritualizing worlds, 598
       inauguration of final epoch of planetary attainment by the, 622
       invisibility of, to mortals, 408
       mission, scope of, 598
       schools of, on universe headquarters, 412
       time of leaving a planet by the, 599
       training of Trinitized Sons of Perfection by, 253
       a volunteer, on Urantia advisory council, 760
    true, appearance of, through the ages, 988, 1045
    Urmian, respective religious groups’ support of the, 1486

Teaching(s) about accidents, 1830-1831
    of Amenemope, 1046-1047
    apostles’ difficulty in understanding Jesus’, 1541
    conduct, of kingdom of heaven believers, vacillation in, 1725
    counselors, assistant teachers’ service to, 430
       functions of, 428
    about the Father, 1590-1591
    of Jesus, actual, necessity for a revival of, 1866
       analysis of the methods of, 1771
       Asiatic religionists’ potential acceptance of the, 1432
       attitude of, toward morals and ethics, 1338
       Christianity’s tendency to obscure, 1670
       dynamic quality of, 1401, 1590
       eternal nature of, 1866
       an evaluation of the, 1112
       followers’ postresurrection departure from, 1825
       Greeks’ and Romans’ reaction to, 1607
       vs. materialism, 2076
       perversion of, 1582
       a religion for everybody, 1583
       result of honest acceptance of, 1791
       survival qualities of, 2082
       vs. teachings about him, 1543
       type of religion of, 1582
    Jesus’ assurance of the future understanding of his, 1820
       exemplification in his life of his, 1749
       one idea in, 1749
       recognition of the apostles’ slow discernment of his, 1577
       technique of, 1546
       warning against preaching about his, 1543
    of the kingdom, the two truths of first import in the, 1593
    the Master’s, unwillingness of present day mortals to grasp, 1614
    negative, derivation of, 1401
    religious, Jesus’ refutation of contemporary, 1786
    in Sidon, 1735-1736
    in Solomon’s Porch, Jesus, 1815-1816
    tactics, the Master’s change in, 1715

Teamwork dependence of, on leadership, 911
    importance of, 312

Technical advisers about, 279-281, 298
    angels as, 273, 285
    dependability of, 281
    functions of, 279-280, 414
    makeup of working groups of, 279
    number of, in Nebadon, 414
    progress of, unlimited, 281
    registered on Uversa, number of, 279
    training of, 280

Technical analysis failures of, 141

Technicians function of, 554

Teeth evolution of, in Urantia higher mammals, 737

Teherma identification of, 1592

Telephone number, vs. subscriber’s personality and character, 141

Telescopes modern, space penetration of, 130-131

Temper James’ possession of a fiery, 1552

Temperament influence of, on man’s religious philosophy, 1113
    Judas surly and vindictive in, 2057

Temperamental feeling, diversity of, and spiritual unity, 1591

Temperance a cardinal virtue according to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 1079
    a fruit of the spirit, 381
    Jesus’ preaching of, 1673

Temperate climes, superior Sangiks’ selection of, 728
    zone, period of freedom of, from glacial age, 702

Temperature changes, output of short space rays as modified by, 667
    definition, 473
    of the earth at its center, 668
    in energy and matter transmutation, 473
    influence of, on electron escape, 478
    internal, of suns, 463
    of Jerusem, production of, 519
    low, effect of, on electronic construction and atomic assembly, 473
    maximum, of a sun, 465
    relation of, to gravity in energy and matter evolution, 473
    and short-space-ray production, 475
    sun, 460, 463

Temple(s) accommodation for worshipers in the, 1378
    apostles’ appearance in the, to preach the message of a risen Messiah, 2060
    of Artemis, location of the, 1477
    of Baal, appearance of, in Jerusem, 1074
    barter, young Jesus’ questions about, 1382
    courts, Jesus’ teaching in the, 1789, 1795
    destruction of the, and “end of the world”, 1912, 1913
    discourse, Jesus’ last, 1905
    discussions, the boy Jesus’ formal admission to the, 1382
       the youthful Jesus’ reaction to, 1377
    of divine service, burial place of Adam and Eve, 852
    of the Father, Edenic, destruction of, 826
       on transition world number seven, 538
    of the finaliters, location of, 530
    fires, sacred, virgins’ dedication to tending the, 982
    of God,” 381
       physical bodies are, 26, 1609
    guards, attempt of, to arrest Jesus’ followers, 2000
       continuous duty of, at Jesus’ tomb, 2021
       purpose of, to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane, 1973
    harlotry, Nabodad’s futile attacks against, 1043
       practice of, 965, 982
    humans’ long wasted effort on, 956
    Jesus’ and the apostles’ teaching in the, 1596
       first trip to the, 1378
       promise to cleanse the, 1384
    of light, location of, on world of the Father, 510
    living, of spiritual fellowship, foundation of, 1747
    the Master’s final departure from the, 1908
    of New Life, radial wings of, number of, 533
    onetime fetish places, reason, 969
    of records, on system capitals, 436, 525
    rulers, profits of, from temple commercial activities, 1889
       right of, to question Jesus’ authority to teach, 1891
    and its services, Jesus’ youthful impressions of the, 1375
    sleep, a method of healing disease, 991
    -tax collector, episode of the, 1743-1744
    teachers, reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ questions, 1382
    of the Universal Father, location of, in Eden, 824
    of the unseen Father, location of, in Dalamatia, 743, 745
    vacant, on Jerusem, sealing of, with insignia of Michael, 527
    of wisdom on Uversa, 311

Temporal affairs, Jesus’ non-meddling in his followers’, 1821
    afflictions, man’s, the Creator’s knowledge of, 2019
    duty, devotion to, influence of, on spirit sonship, 1930
       and spiritual service, simultaneous recognition of, 1957
    exaltation, Jews’ expectation of Israel’s, 1510
    inequalities, prerequisites to an understanding of, 1268
    institution, the family a, 1581
    kingdom, apostles’ persistent belief in a, consequence, 1871
       his followers’ belief in Jesus’ intention of inaugurating a, 1867
    life, apostolic anxiety regarding, 1823
       the essentials of, 1778
    living, a major problem of life, 1778
       provision for necessities of, 1778
    matters, man’s concern over, 1605
    order, in the earthly kingdom, man’s duty to maintain, 1763
    power, kingdom of heaven and the re-establishment of Israel as a, 1579
       non-employment of, for furtherance of the spiritual kingdom, 1930
    prosperity, not indicative of God’s favor, 1662
    rule of Archelaus, rejection of, vs. that of Jesus in spiritual rule, 1875
    rulers, claim by, of descent from deity, 948
       improper requirement of homage due God by, result, 1957
       nonworship of by believers, 1930
    securities, the vulnerability of, 1096
    vs. spiritual nature of Jesus’ kingdom, 1354
    sufferings, man’s lessening of his, 1664
    throne of Israel, Pilate’s recognition of Jesus’ noninterest in the, 1991
    the time shadow of the eternal, 1864
    upheavals, kingdom builders undisturbed by, 1916
    welfare, Adjusters’ extent of interest in mortals’, 1204

Temptation(s) advice of Jesus for meeting, 1738
    character of the Master’s so-called, 1517
    of Eve, 841-842
    Jesus’ discussion of, 1738
       forty-day isolation not a time of great, 1514-1515
    nature of Jesus’ on Mount Hermon, 1493
    one of Jesus’ greatest, 1412
    the real cause of, 1738
    technique of triumph over, 1739
    youthful Jesus’ real, 1386

Ten Commandments, in Greek, Jesus’ writing of, on smooth boards, 1392
    Commandments, Hebrews’ receiving of the, at Mount Sinai, 1057, 1599
       negative, change of, to positive law of love, 1599
       original, of children of Israel, 1599
    lepers, identity of the, significance, 1827
    number, inherent in physical universes, 397, 479
    virgins, parable of, in the writings of Selta, 1915

Tenderheartedness a worthy attribute, 1575

Tenderness Jesus’, 1589
    not an unmanly trait, 1575

Tension(s) cosmic, Universal Absolute equalizes, 15
    in the cosmos, man’s striving for God-attainment the cause of, 1276
    -presence of living Paradise force organizers, the primary differentiating function of, 469
    -presence, of Universal Absolute, significance of, 15

Tentmaker(s) Jesus a, in Antioch, 1456, 1492
    Paul, Aquila, and Priscilla as, 1474

Terah identity and importance of, 1018

Terminal mission of Teacher Sons, John’s comments on conclusion of, 599
    rest of time, preliminaries to, 270, 293
    transition slumber, the mortal’s, a supernaphim’s ministry in, 1244

Terminator of an age, Jesus the, 1510

Terrestrial cataclysms, kingdom builders undisturbed by, 1916
    energy, regulation of flow of, 662
    escape, 568-571

Territorial state, influence of patriotism on evolution of the, 1488

Territory definite, and the Roman state, 801

Tertiaphim as High Son Assistants, 414
    length of service of, as Creator Son assistants, 306
    a lone, a companion of Michael on his second bestowal, 1311
    ministering spirits in the superuniverses, 306
    origin of, 286, 306
    Technical Advisers recruited from ranks of, 279

Tertiary circuit supervisor number 572,842, function of, on Salvington, 266
    finites, existence of, 1164
    maximums, of finite reality, a definition, 1158
    seconaphim, 313-318
       number of, in each created group, 307
       relation of, to ascending creatures of time, 317
    supernaphim, classification of, 288
       function of, 288
       God the Supreme involved in creation of, 272
       origin of, 287
       Spirits of the Circuits creators of, 286

Test(s) apostolic, at Caesarea-Philippi, 1727
    of the circle, selection of, 291
    Jesus’ passing of his supreme human, 1970
    Judas and his great, 1567

Testimony contradictory, at Jesus’ trial result, 1982

Textbook Jewish priests’ intention to prepare a, for their fellows in captivity, 1068

Thaddeus cupbearer at the Last Supper, 1938
    and Lebbeus, or James and Judas Alpheus, 1563

Thanks audible, for food, Jesus’ neglect of, on Mt. Sartaba, 1611
    Jesus’ first offering of, at the Last Supper, 1938
       offering of, at feeding of the five thousand, 1701

Thanksgiving discourse of Jesus on, at Jotapata, 1638
    lack of spirit of, in prayer, 1640
    prayers of, group participation in, 1640

The Father’s will, 1971-1972

The promised helper, 1948-1949

The Resurrection about, 2020-2028

Thebes the capital of Egypt, under Tutankhamen, 1048

Theologian(s) John Zebedee the leading apostolic, 1556
    vs. prophets in religious development, 1128

Theologic definitions of God, need for change in the, 69
    egotism, appearance of, with revealed religion, 1012
    philosophy, the producer of religion, 1130

Theological arrogance, vs. certainty of faith, 1012
    beliefs, mere, vs. religion, 1095
    uniformity, not a requirement to the security of a religious group, 1135

Theology ability of, to evaluate religious experience, 1107
    contrast of, with psychology, 1107, 1135
    a definition, 69, 993, 1107, 1130, 1135, 1141
    vs. metaphysics, 1135, 1140
    the mission of, 1141
    not the producer of religion, 1130
    not a science, reasons, 1135
    personality of God not validated by, 31
    vs. religion, 996, 1141

Thermal activities, effect of, on atoms, 472

Thief coming of, at an unexpected hour, and the Son of Man’s departure, 1824
    on the cross, 2008-2010

Thing(s) characteristics of a, 2078
    and energy, 102
    man’s experience in and with, objective validation of, 192
    relation of, to God, 98
    of universal reality, 1

Thinkers real, few of, among mortals, 1213

Thinking alike, not necessary to being alike spiritually, 1591
    critical, the parable’s provocation of, 1692
    evil, human, and Thought Adjuster, 45
    inauguration of new ways of, 767
    keen, honest, and discriminating, a prerequisite to sound philosophy, 1113
    of men and women, differences in, advantages, 938
    schools of, on the mansion worlds, 551
    surrender of, to wisdom, 1228

Third cosmic circle, attainment of the, result, 569, 626, 1187
    Person, deitization of the, 91
       of Deity, equality of, with First and Second   s, 90
          God the spirit the, 4, 90, 92, 95
          nature of, a phase of the, 85
          personality existence of the, 109
          representation of, on the worlds, 95
          the source of mind, 103
          source of mind-gravity circuit, 104
          the Third Source and Center the, 1156
       relation of, to First and Second Persons, 94
       supreme ruler in domain of created mind, 102

Third Source and Center about, 5
    absolute mind of the, 78
    agencies of, functions of, 88, 101, 1148
    anti-gravity a force of the, 82, 101
    associate and executive of Father and Son, 91
    attributes of the, 98-100
    beings of, agencies in early universe organization, 358
    capacity for mind-gravity function of, 132
    cosmic mind’s relation to mind of, 105, 191
    distribution of, no detraction from personality, 96
    eternalization of, with central creation, 93
    fragmentations of premind spirit of the, 333
    functions of the, 107, 114, 236
    grand universe representation of the, 106
    individualized portion of spirit of, and reawakening of primitive mortals, 569
    the Infinite Spirit, 161
    infinity of mind of the, 102
    lack of representation of, on superuniverse headquarters, 106
    mercy-ministry attitude of spiritual personalities of the, 85
    mind characteristics of the, 93, 105
    names of the, 98, 99
    non-Father personality bestowal of, 106
    one of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 1156
    a person, 96
    personalities of, a function of the, 114
    power-control creatures of the, 101
    relation of Creator Sons to, in universe making, 236
    relation of, to man’s practical affairs, 66
    revelation of law a function of the, 114
    Seven Master Spirits’ representation of, 189
    source of solitary Messengers, 257
    superiority of, to physical gravity, 100
    the universal unifier, 98
    various titles of the, 92

Thirst for the living water, Jesus’ recognition of Nalda’s, 1613
    for righteousness, a prerequisite to kingdom entrance, 1861, 2054
    spiritual, Spirit of Truth and, 1795

Thirteen “unlucky”, 968

Thirty pieces of silver, Judas’ reaction to his reward, 1998
    pieces of silver, Judas’ willingness to sell his friend for, 1567

Thomas age of, when chosen as an apostle, 1561
    apostles’ delay in Jerusalem due to the emotional disturbance of, 2042
    attempt of, to persuade Norana to leave, 1734
    attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 1618
    brooding of, at Bethpage, 2037
    characteristics of, 1561, 1562
    death of, 1563
    depressions of, Jesus’ knowledge of, 1562, 1611
    Didymus, identification of, 1539, 1561-1563
       selection of, by Philip, 1539
    discussion of, with Rodan, 1772
    and his associates, labor of, at Edrei, 1765
    influence of, on fellow apostles, 1838
    interpretation of the parable of the sower by, 1691
    Jesus’ calling of, 1542
       final personal admonition to, 1961
    vs. Judas as an apostle, 2056
    loyalty statement of, 1544
    manager of the apostolic itinerary, 1547
    the Master’s influence on, 1561
    and Matthew, preaching partners, 1681
    morontia Jesus’ talk with, on service, 2048
    opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 1701
    query of, concerning accidents, 1830
       regarding differences in Judaism and Jesus’ religion, 1728
       regarding evil, 1660
    questions of, at Bethany, 1603
    reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 1886
    reprimand of, by Jesus, 1605
    request of, at Bilboa, concerning prayer, 1618
    separation of, from his associates, reason, 2039
    question of, “Shall we have everything in common?”, 1577
    short retirement of, after Pentecost, 2058
    statement of, concerning the Master and the kingdom, 1636

Thomas’ wife, attitude of, at his joining the apostles, 1561

Thor a god of certain white tribes in northern Europe, 893, 948

Those above Name and Number identity, 247
    see also Those without name and number

Those High in Authority abilities of, outstanding, 246
    attachment of, to governments of Perfections of Days, 210
    field of activity of, 246, 316
    functions of, 180, 246
    origin of, 178, 246
    relation of, to Perfectors of Wisdom, 216
    Trinitized Sons of Attainment, 243, 244

Those without Name and Number attachment of, to governments of perfections of Days, 210
    function of, in Uversa courts, 180
    origin of, 178
    qualifications of, 246, 247
    significance of the name, 247
    Trinitized Sons of Attainment, 243, 244

Thoth identity of, 1044

Thought Changers, identity of, 1177
    Controllers, identity of, 1177
    cosmic gulf between matter and, 1228
    cosmological levels of, factors in attainment of, 646
    exchange, Adamic, mechanism of, 834
    of the Father, expression of, 13
    -Father, Word-Son the avenue of spirit expression of the, 638
    function of every impulse of a, 647
    -God, supreme desire of the, 90
    preservers, function of, 503
    recorders, function of, 503
    religious and philosophic, development of, specialized, 591
    supreme assertion of, a requisite for, 51
    technique of, of Havona, vs. Urantia thinking, 158
    Universal Father’s “first,” expression of the, 90

Thought Adjuster(s) an analysis of the origin and nature of, 1177
    Andon’s and Fonta’s reception of, 717
    apparent function of, as a subjective phenomenon, 2095
    approved method of attempting to contact the, 1099
    the arrival of the, and the emergence of one’s moral impulses, 1131
    the arousal of a perfection hunger in man by the, 1119
    arrival of, in great numbers on Urantia, time of, 717
    attachment of reality by the, to man’s spiritual insight into the cosmos, 1122
    attitude of, toward man’s altruistic impulses, 1131
       toward man’s egoistic motive, 1131
       toward man’s will, 753
    automatic preparation of all normal minds for reception of, 85, 364, 379
    Brahmanism’s close approach to the idea of, 1030
    characterization of, 194, 379-380, 1190, 1195
    classification of mortals with relation to, reason for, 445
    and coherence of mortals, 43
    comparison of Philo and Paul as to concept of, 1339
    comparison of, with the Supreme, 1288
    contribution of, in making truth accessible to man, 1112
    as a “cosmic window”, 1129
    definition, 46, 220, 379, 639, 1328
    detachment of, from Caligastia one hundred, 744, 758
    the divine affection of a, 1203
    and divine love for mortals, 40
    divine origin of the, 86, 220, 957, 1180
    of extraordinary versatility, a reservist’s possession of a, 1257
    facilitates personal communion, 31
    a fragment of God, 1132
    function of the, 1190, 1357
       at mortals’ death, 431
       in worship, 66
    fusion of Andon and Fonta with, and learning their Nebadon names, 711
       with, essential to attainment of Paradise, 64
    identity of, 8, 31, 194, 1177
    independence of, 1190
    indwelling of mortal minds by, 380, 498
    influence of, on man’s religious insight, 1129, 1282
       on religion, 1003, 1141
       in the translation of man’s sense of duty into faith, 1118
    isolation of, 363
    Jesus’, arrival of, significance of, 1357, 2091
       direct communion with his, vs. mystical experiences, 1100
    lack of relaxation or energy intake by, 1183
       by, of special mechanism for self-expression, 1104
    Machiventa’s, unique significance of, 1016
    man indwelt by a, 63
    man’s ability to consecrate his human mind to the spiritual urges of the, 1301
       most effective means of contacting his, 996, 1000
       relation to, compared with the relation of the Supreme to the Paradise Trinity, 1276
    mission of, 34, 568, 639, 1185-1194
    mortal superconscious zone of contact with the, 1099
    need of, to acquire experience, 1195
    nonindwelling of Adam and Eve in the first Garden by, 852
    nonpossession of, by Material Sons, 581
    not personalities but real entities, 1183
    the one truly divine and objective reality associated with mortals, 2095
    origin of, 46, 62, 100, 445, 1288
    Paradise rendezvous of, 144
    personality as effected by, 194
    possible relation of, to Inspired Trinity Spirits, 220
    possibly all volunteers, 1185
    is prepersonal, 28
    prerequisite to indwelling of mortal minds by, 736
    presence of, in man, a revelation of universe unity, 1282
       a proof of spiritual reality, 1139
    of previous experience, contribution of, to talented mortals, 508
    previous knowledge of, regarding their candidate for indwelling, 1185
    and proof of existence of God, 24
    reception of, by midwayers, time of, 627
    reference to Andon’s and Fonta’s fusion with, 717
    relation of bestowal of, to that of personality, 194
       of, to human mind, 86
       of, to universal personality consciousness to, 71
    retention of identity by the, at mortal death, 1230
    selection of mortal subjects by, an enigma, 1183
    seven orders of, 1178
    Solitary Messengers’ detection of, 257
    source of the, 452, 639, 2061-2062
    three possible fates of, 1177
    unification levels of spiritual progress in experience of mortals by the, 425
    universal coming of the, and mission of bestowal Son, 567
    Universal Father’s direct human contacts by the, 49, 53, 86, 445, 1180
       Father’s free gift, 24
    universal ministry of, to normal mortals, 47, 1328
    various designations of, 1183
    varying degrees of efficiency in, 1213
    wrongdoing of man torments the, 45

Thoughts Jesus’ knowledge of man’s, 1786

Thrace Matthew’s journeys through, 1560

Thracians religious beliefs of the, 1010

Three -brained mortals, extension of physical senses of, 564
    -brained mortals, vs. one- and two-brained types, as to Adjuster contact, 1197
       peoples, superiority of, in planetary evolution, 566
    concentric circles, interpretation of the meaning of, 1015, 1016, 1042
    -gas mixture of Edentia’s atmosphere, 486

Threefold-Deity-union the Trinity, 188
    fluctuation of light of the Deity abode, significance of, 304
    mansion of light, Michael’s headquarters in, 366

Thriftiness Jesus’ attitude toward, 1579

Throne of David, Jesus and the, 1385, 1522
    of David, Jews’ questions as to the vacancy of the, 1500
    the Father’s occupancy of a, 1588

Thumbs of first human beings, 704, 707

Thunder Sons of, Jesus’ designation of James and John Zebedee as, 1552, 1955
    the voice of an angry god, 947

Thunderstones of the modern Bretons, 899

Ti Tao the pass of, Andites’ entrance to China through, 886

Tiberias anti-Jesus council held at, importance of, 1717
    apostles’ avoidance of, on first preaching tour, 1637
    apostolic third-mission visit to, 1678
    conference, the second, 1719
    identification of, 1419
    Jesus’, James’, and John’s secret trips to, 1647
       warning his six apostles to avoid, 1531
    reference to, regarding moral status, 1410

Tiberius Caesar coins struck in honor of, date, 1512
    death of, effect on Pilate’s fortunes, 1989
    Jesus’ baptism in the fifteenth year of the reign of, 1512
    Pilate’s fear for his position before, 1988

Tibet gateway for Mesopotamian penetration of China, 878
    migration to China from, results, 885
    persistence of Andite cultural centers in, 878
    present status of the shaman in, 988
    a strange mixture of Melchizedek teachings with other beliefs in, 1038

Tibetan(s) lack of the Jesusonian gospel of the, 1038
    peoples, modern, traces of Andite blood in, 879

Tidal frictions of earth and moon, equalization of, result, 657-658

Tides of Urantia’s first ocean, 660

Tiger saber-toothed, picture of our primitive ancestor and the, 1098

Tiglath identification of, 1492, 1494, 1752

Tillers of the soil, and herders, relation between, 769

Time abrogation of, in “water-into-wine” episode at Cana, 1530
    accelerated, archangels’ desire to invoke, in disposal of Jesus’ body, 2022, 2024
    vs. achievement in Havona, 291
    Adjuster’s inability to control activities related to, 1516
    always present to God, 34
    beginning of, transactions marking the, 1158
    conditioning of all creatures, 739
    consciousness, motion in space not necessary for, 135
    control, Personalized Adjuster’s lack of, 1520
    cosmic mind conditioned by, 102
    Creative Spirit not independent of, 376
    definition, 1117, 1439, 2021
    delay(s), causes of, 616, 740
       necessity of, in perfecting finite’s striving toward perfection, 1164
       spirit gravity free from, 82
    estimate of, vs. viewpoint of eternity, 1577
    Eternal Son and Infinite Spirit unconditioned by, 376
    eternity the absolute of, 15, 135, 1295-1296
    and eternity, relative realities of, 7, 1150
    to eternity, Jesus the living way from, 1426
    events of, as scaffolding, 364
    factor, elimination of, in feeding the five thousand, 1702
    factor, significance of a, to that which grows, 1158
    fatal squandering of, 315
    habiliments of, mortals’ and Adjusters’ deliverance from the, 1182
    on Havona, 153
    ignored by infinite mind, 102
    Import of, 315-316
    an isolated event of, 364
    Jesus’ dissertation on, 1436
    lag, between seedtime and harvest in mercy ministry to mortals, 616
       influence of, in creature participation in divine creation, 1159, 1164
    the last venture of, 295
    limitation of Creative Spirit by, 376
    Lucifer’s attempt to short-circuit, 614
    measurement of, the individual’s yardstick for, 739
    measurement, standard, for superuniverses, 153
    Michael Sons’ independence of, relative, 377
    mind-perceived, definition, 31, 135
    nonexistence of, during sleep of death, 1846
       on Paradise, 120, 153, 739, 1173
    the “one talent”, 315
    a Paradise bestowal, 134
    periods, confusion of, in Sumerian times, 857
    personality’s consciousness of, 1226
    place of origin of, 120
    play cycles of, 316
    reckoning on Edentia, 485
       of the Urantia revelation, 651
    relation of Jesus’ activities to, 1517
    relationships, motion in space necessary to, 135
    relativity of, illustration, 618
    a requirement in the attainment of knowledge, 911, 1120
    Salvington and Satania, 372
    self-consciousness, man, vs. the animal as to the possession of, 1479
    sense, creation of, by personality, 135
    service the goal of, 316
    seven superuniverses the creations of, 130
    shadows of the material facts of existence, 1641
    Solitary Messengers’ consciousness of, 256
    and space, 134, 135
       beginnings of knowledge in domains of, 302
       classification of mortals of, 445
       defiance of, by Gravity Messengers, 260, 347
       degree of independence of, of Solitary Messengers, 261
       Deity personality in, 4
       discernment of God by mortals of, 27
       events, the human personality’s relation to, 135
       evolution in, 739-740
       evolving God of, 4
       importance of, to finite creatures, 1303
       independence of reflectivity service of, 201
          of spirit-gravity circuit of Eternal Son of, 377
       Inspired Trinity Spirit’s independence of, 219
       law libraries of, living, 280
       mortals of, 445
       near defiance of, by solitary Messengers, 260-262, 413
       nonexistent on Paradise, 2
       only absolute beings absolutely independent of, 377
       pilgrims of, 30
       realities of, 7
       relation of spiritual gravity control to, 82
       relationships of, 739, 1297
       sevenfold Deity personalization in, 11
       superuniverses of, 1
       Supreme Being the God of evolutionary creatures of, 4
       Supreme Creators of, 405
       transcendence of, on absonite level, 2
          by Gravity Messengers, 347
       Ultimacy of Deity transcends, 31
    -space activities, eternal goal meanings concealed in, 494
       creations, pilgrims’ awareness of almighty overcontrol of, 292
          settlement of, in light and life, consequences, 1278
       creator, Michael a, 1318
       creature(s), Reality origin as viewed by a, 6
          ultimate service-destiny of, how afforded, 12
       delay, vs. perfection realization, 160
       divinity of God the Sevenfold, finaliters’ comprehension of, 643
          Supreme Being a unifier of, 643
       evolution, imperfect divinity on certain levels of, 3
       finite creatures, and the goodness values of divinity, 648
       image-shadow, 29
       limitations, and finite level of reality, 2
       mechanism of universe of universes, twin facets of, 482
       mind(s), co-ordination of the, in the Supreme Being, 1269
          and time and space mechanisms, 482
       modification of the Absolutes, 644
       overcontrol of the Supreme, 2, 470
       realms, magistrates of, 225
       reflection of spirit reality, 484
       relativity, mortals perception of the Trinity of Trinities as a, consequences, 1174
       revelation of the Universal Father, 639
       spirit manifestations, point of final unification of, 639
      -transcended values, and God the Ultimate, 2, 4
       unity, central universe source of, identification, 292
       universes, 219, 233, 362, 642
       values, transcended, 12
    spirit-perceived, definition, 135
    standardized, on superuniverse headquarters, 174
    striking step with eternity, 1616
    a succession of instants, 1297, 1439
    system, broadcast of, by master chronoldeks, 519
    terminal sleep of, 270, 283, 297
    of the tomb, 2012-2019
    transition zone from, to eternity, 135
    the two houses of, 315
    unavailability of, for dodging situations, 551
    unconsciousness of sleeping mortals of passing of, 341
    in the unfolding of the planetary life plan, 560
    unit, universal, 134, 1295
    Universal Father’s evaluation of, 36
    viewpoint, vs. the eternity viewpoint regarding the actualization of the Trinity of Trinities, 1174

Timesavers Solitary Messengers as, 257
    tertiary seconaphim as, 318

Timothy association of, with Paul at Corinth, 1472

Tithe(s) Abraham’s payment of, to Melchizedek, 1020-1021
    the earliest tax, 792
    Jesus’ payment of, from the family fund, 1361

Tithing percent of income devoted to, on a world in light and life, 625
    Pharisees’ strict practice of, 1827
    system, origin of the, 1016

Titus investment of Jerusalem by the armies of, time, 1342

Titus, of Capernaum Jesus’ “healing” of the son of, consequences, 1644

Titus, of Crete identity of, 1438

Toda tribe of India, present practice of praying for the, 994, 996

Todan carrying the gospel into Mesopotamia by, 1637

Toe evolution, of Oligocene period, 695

Tolerance a blessing of the modern secular revolt, 2081
    a characteristic of man’s striving for supermortal ideals, 1100
    a definition, 1740
    importance of, to success, 1774
    Jesus’ teaching of, 1580, 1958
       possession of, 1583, 1589
    Nathaniel’s reverence for Jesus’, 1559
    parents’ and children’s learning lessons of, 941
    sympathetic, source of, 1958

Tom-toms use of, in early practice of healing the sick, 991

Tomb(s) constructions, of Egyptians, reason, 953
    discovery of the empty, 2023, 2025-2027
    humans’ long wasted effort on, 956
    Jesus’, size of, 2013
       soldiers’ placing of the doorstone before the entrance to the, 2013
    Joseph’s new family, decision to place Jesus’ body in, reasons, 2013
    private, placing Lazarus’ body in a, 1842
    significance of, to the Egyptians, 1044

Tombstone significance of the, 945, 964

Tongue(s) Jesus’ comments on the influence of the, 1640
    several, Pentecost messages in, 2060
    of Uversa, definition, 503, 537
    of the violet people, replacement of racial languages by the, 594

Tools of civilization, 901-903, 909
    of divinity, ascending pilgrims’ early access to, 318
    Jesus’ laying down of his, reason, 1535

Topography of Edentia, 485
    evidence of ice action on, 700
    influence of, on India, 880
    of the isolated continent, advantages of, 808
    unique, of Jerusem, 520

Torchbearers social, influence of, on civilization, 909
    spiritual, of divine truth, Jews no longer, 1909

Total Deity, see Deity(ies), Total
    God’s attitude toward the, 137
    reality, experiencing of, the full realization of God, 2094
       relation of First Source and Center to, 5

Totalitarian ecclesiastical domination, 2081

Totalitarianism secular, 2081-2082

Totality attitude, of Paradise Trinity, 113, 115
    attitude of the Supreme Being, mortals’ view of, 115

Totemism a definition, 970

Totems primitive man’s use of, 837, 926

Tower of Babel about, 858-859
    projection of a third, 876
    second attempt to build the, 859

Tower of Siloam tragedy of the, significance, 1830

Toy man’s first, 968

Trade beginning of, 775
    channels, influence of opening of, on mixing of cultures, 904
    and commerce, Garden laws of, 836
       promotion of, a right of society, 793-794
    and the development of culture, 903-904
    global regulation of, and world peace, 1491
    and industry, commission on, function of, 747
    Jesus not to teach rules of, 1576
    relations, of Eden with outside world, 833
       a specialty of the Adamic schools, 587
    secrets, preservation of, reason for secret societies, 790

Trader(s) ancient, a function of, 775
    early, differential honesty of, 775
    honest, rights of, as to the distribution of his income, 1464
    women the first, reason for, 775

Trading counter, 775

Tradition and authority, possible resignation in religious philosophy to, 1114
    basis of intellectual religions, 1780
    dangers of reverence for, 1731, 1745
    of formal religion, freedom from, in the gospel, 1791
    influence of the present day, 1126
    Jesus’ attempt to prevent influence of, in his spiritual meanings, 1383, 1792, 1942
    Jesus not bound by, 1091, 1102, 1712
    Jesus’ warning against, 1592
    Jewish people’s enslavement by, 1340, 1582, 1906
    origin of, 758, 772, 1352, 1727
    vs. reality, in Jesus’ teaching, 1671
    religious, definition, 59
    as a safe refuge from spirit struggles, 1729

Traditional belief, vs. religion, 1780

Traducer dangerous, Jesus charged with being a, 1983

Traffic supervisors of the spheres, transport adviser as, 505

Tragedy of Adam’s failure, a factor of the, 844
    of the Christian church, 1864

Training centers, Salem missionaries’ establishment of, 1027
    evangelists at Bethsaida, 1657-1667
    Jesus a product of his, 1521
    the Kingdom’s messengers, 1538-1547
    regime of the finaliters, purpose of, 547
    school(s), for morontia orders, location of, 535
       the universe on vast, 558-559
       universes of space as, 417

Trait determiners in human sex cells of reproduction on Urantia, 397

Traitor the apostles’ resentment against Judas the, 1966
    impossibility of saving Judas from turning, 1941
    the Master’s greeting of Judas as a, 1973
    testimony of a, Jewish law’s forbidding the, 1982

Tranasta definition, 471

Trance prophet, experience of, at Bethsaida camp, 1666

Tranquility of character, religionists’ exhibition of an inexplicable, 1120
    a result of Jesus’ teachings, 1112
    of spirit, Adjuster’s ability to confer a, 1192
    of trust, Jesus’ possession of, 2087

Transcended time, conjectures regarding the possible blending of sequence between time and, 1291

Transcendence God’s, definition, 69

Transcendental(s) appearance of, before and after the finite, 1158
    a definition, 1159
    energy, field of activity of, 471
    -experiential self, the Ultimate, 1294
    Finaliters, corps of, 353
    function, of the Paradise Trinity, 1171
    Havona functioning as a, 1160
    an integrating level between absolutes and finites, 1159
    personality, identity of the basis for, 1111
    a “pre-echo” of the finite, 1159
    reality, the Ultimate the apex of, 1167
    superfinite level of reality, 1162
    ultimates, relation of, to the finite, 1158
    unifier, the Ultimate’s gradual emergence as, 1305

Transcendentalers governing corps of the, 351
    mortal ascenders’ fraternization with, 300, 351
    origin and attributes of, 350, 351
    residence area of, on Paradise, 350

Transfiguration the, 1752-1754
    Jesus’ memory of the, influence of, 1872
    meaning of the, 1755
    significance of, to Peter, James and John, 1755

Transformations of grace, a response to living faith, 1686
    progressive morontia, number of, 542

Transformers and enseraphiming, 438
    planetary, and visibility of angels to mortals, 574
    and the visible morontia Jesus, 2027

Transgression of Adam and Eve, character of the, 852
    persistent, of divine law, iniquity the, 1660

Transit of the Planetary Adams, 582
    sleep, induction of, 430, 431, 438
    trance on journey to Havona, vs. attainment rest, 297
    trio, function of, 293

Transition chambers, on advanced mansion worlds, vs. resurrection halls of initial reception world, 543
    culture worlds of Jerusem, satellites of the, 174
    life, many apparently useless forms of, Life Carriers’ production of, 736
       period covered by the, 540
    ministers, 437, 439, 551-556
       seven orders of, 439
       system headquarters of the, 525
    period, from vegetable to animal life, 669-670
    realms, definition, 468
    seraphim, relation of, to humans, 555
       seven divisions of, 552
    servants, spironga as, 523
    slumber, of the last resurrection, 297
    spheres, progressive modification of, 543
    from time to the vestibule of eternity, 600
    from vegetable to animal life, time and place of, 669
    world(s), angels’ assistance of mortals through the, 1248
       economy of, 502
       number five, activities of, 510, 537
          four, ascending mortals’ visits to, 536
          one, activities of, 530, 535
          seven, activities of, 510
          six, activities of, 510, 537-538
          three, activities of, 510, 535-536
          two, activities of, 510, 535
       seven, Jerusem’s major satellites, size of, 509

Transitional -culture planets, provision of spornagia for, 530
    culture worlds, numbers and names of, 509-510

Translated souls immediate destination of, 624

Translation about, 623-624
    of living mortals in morontia temples, 622-624
    of midsoniters, time of, 400
    of mortals, percentage of, during fourth stage of light and life, 631
       of primary modified order of ascension, 570
    sleep for passage from one to another mansion world, 534

Translators ascending mortals’ contact with, 534
    functions of, 546
    need for, by individuals from different superuniverses, 503

Transmigration belief in, a deterrent to spiritual advancement, 1029
    a definition, 1029
    effect of belief in, on India, 129
    origin of belief in, 953, 1029
    of the soul, Gautama’s fight against the belief in the, 1035

Transmutation unlimited, of manifestations of the Infinite, 468

Transport advisers, function of, 505
    dispatcher, and transport departure, 439
    interplanetary, basic energies unknown on Urantia, essential to, 325
    personalities, seconaphim, functions of, 310
       of tertiary supernaphim, function of, 289
       Trinity-origin beings independent of, 222
    preparation of Material Sons, time consumed in, 582
    seraphim, function of, 147, 438, 526
       initial velocity of, 521
       point of attainment of standard velocity by, 521

Transportation stimulants to, 775

Transporters of administrator seraphim, function of, 436
    other than seraphim, 433
    supervisor seraphim, conditions effecting velocity of, 433
       function of, 433

Travel human desire for, gratification of, 340
    Jesus’ years of, 1421
    and trade, European, development of, at times of Jesus, 1333

Traveling courts of the worlds, 276
    trader, influence of, on the advancement of civilization, 904

Treason the first capital crime, 796
    Jesus indicted for, 1985

Treasure(s) in heaven, apostles to lay up, 1577, 1821, 1853
    hidden in a field, parable of, 1694

Treasurer Judas the apostolic, 1545, 1547, 1566, 1925
    Matthias the later apostolic, 2045, 2058
    of the Philadelphia church, Lazarus the subsequent, 1849
    of the women’s corps, Joanna the, 1679

Treaty the first tribal, subject of the, 775

Tree(s) -climbing technique of first humans, 708
    dwellers, primitive men as, 590
    evolutionary importance of, 691
    fetishes, origin of, 967
    first appearance of present-day, time of, 690
    home, of Andon and Fonta, influence of, on tribal relatives, 712
    influence of, in life of ancients, 945
    of the knowledge of good and evil,” a figure of speech, 825, 975
    is known by its fruits”, 1714
    of life, 825-826
       Adam and Eve denied access to, after default, 845
       Edenic, destruction of the, 826
       a factor in length of life of Van and Amadon, 759
       fruit of the source of the antidotal complements of Satania’s life currents, 745
       lack of, on Urantia, at time of Melchizedek, 1015
       ministry of, to Adam and Eve, 834
       warning of Adam and Eve when partaking of fruit of the, 842
    spirits, varied ideas about, 945
    worship of, 945
       one of the oldest religions, 945

Trephining the skull, shamans’ technique of, 991

Triad(s) beliefs, evolutionary, vs. the trinity concept, 1143
    deities, the natural origin of, 1143
    an evolutionary, sometime mixture of the concept of, with a revealed Trinity, consequences, 1143
    gods, many early people’s worship of, 1042, 1143
       not true trinities, 1143
    origin of ideas of, 1143

Trial(s) and difficulties, prerequisites to man’s reception of wisdom, 1466
    disclosure of true motives by, 1824
    formal, Jesus’ appearance before the Sanhedrist court for, 1982
    of Jesus, news of, brought to Martha and Mary by David’s messengers, 1997
    Jesus’ preparation of his apostles for their soon-coming, 1754, 1824, 1948
    marriage, the onetime practice of, purpose, 917
    trip(s), in the flesh, 26
       to Paradise, 293

Triangles Jerusem, activities of the, 528

Triassic period, length of, 687

Triata a definition, 126, 156, 471

Tribal affairs, placing of, in the hands of the shrewd, 987
    beliefs, origin of, 1132
    chiefs, deceased, “deification” of, 948
    fetishes, evolution of, into tribal gods, 1003
    God(s), of the Jews, Yahweh, the progressive conception of, 1856
       Samaritans’ worship of, 1612
    groupings, color the basis of early, 591
    law, an early formulation of, 796
    mark, early man’s need for a, 763
    spirit, dawn mammals’ development of, 704
       of solidarity, effect of, on primitive religions, 1132
    stone fights, annual, need for, 784

Tribe(s) about, 787, 788, 1488
    of Adam, Cain’s mark of membership in the, 849

Tribulation entrance into the kingdom through, 1521, 1533
    great, prediction of, for time of Jerusalem’s destruction, 1913
    man’s, inevitability of, 556, 1954

Tribunal(s) of a Planetary Prince, character of decrees of, 573
    of time and space, beings exempt from detention by, 257
    of Trinity Divinity, authority of decisions of, 217

Tribute to Caesar, probable result if Jesus had sanctioned payment of, 1899

Trifles little time wasted on, by Jesus, 1495, 1820
    mortals’ tendency to give attention to, 1987

Trilobites age, 673-674
    decline of, in brachiopod age, 677
    near extinction of, 681

Trimurti significance of, in Hinduism, 1031

Trinitarian concept, among the early Hindus, 1144
    concept, vs. the monotheistic belief among the Hebrews, 1144
    postulate, real, a definition, 1144

Trinitarianism confusion between polytheism and, among the Hebrews and Mohammedans, 1144
    a definition, 1144
    vs. monotheism and polytheism, 1144
    origin of the idea of, 1145

Trinitization adventures of central universe and Paradise creatures, results of, 249, 251
    adventures, limitation of creatures as to number of, 249
    of Ancients of Days, simultaneous, 209
    and authority to represent the Trinity, 146
    beings engaging in, 249
    between finaliters and Paradise-Havoners, 262
    of a “child of time and eternity,” and unrevealed mind potentials of the Supreme-Ultimate, 262
    creature, beings eligible for, 249
    by creatures, results of, to participants, 250
    a definition of, 11, 146
    experience common to all trinitized Sons, 243
    the Father’s liberation by, 11
    of Mighty Messengers, the first, 245
    of Perfections of Days, purpose of, 210
    potentials of Material Sons, vs. those of ascendant mortals, 349
    a secret of Vicegerington, 146
    technique of, 146, 249-251
    unions, increased efficiency of parties to, 250

Trinitized Ambassadors, field of operations of, 211, 248-249
    beings, classification of, 331
       vs. Trinity-origin beings, 148
    corps, definition, 330
    Custodians, vs. Celestial Guardians, 248
       identity and function of, 211
    Finaliters, Corps of, 352
    offspring of glorified creatures, Deity embrace open to, 146, 199
    Secrets of Supremacy, 149, 207-208
       Paradise worlds of the Father directed by, 144
       Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 114, 207-208
    sons, assignment of Solitary Messengers as associates of, 219
       of Attainment, associates, co-ordinate, of Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 247
          field of service of, 244
          groups making up the, 178, 243
          orders classified as, 244
       of children of time and citizens of eternity, occupation of, 250
       of Destiny, repercussion of trinitization of, in phases of Supreme-Ultimate mind, 251
       of God, 243-255
          origin of, 223, 243
          ten orders of, 336
       Mighty Messengers as, 454
       as Most High Assistants, 409
       of Perfection, attitude of, toward realities of universe ascension, 253
          identity of, 244
       of Selection, finished creatures, 454
       of unrevealed destiny, question as to eternal association of Solitary Messengers with the, 262

Trinitizing of primary and secondary maximums of reality, consequence, 1158

Trinity(ies) absolute level attained by the, 2
    Absolute, absoluteness of, in total function, 1168
       completed function of the, conjectures regarding the, 1168
       identity of the, 1167
       time of the completed formation of the, 1167-1168
    administrators, grand corps of, personnel of, 218
       present, the probable future vicegerents of the Supreme Being, 1292
    ambassadors, 370
    association of the three Deities, result of, 6, 110, 113
    attitudes, simultaneous and multiple, 113
    beyond the finite, 116, 117
    Christian concept of, errors in the, consequences, 1144-1145
    comparison of a, with a triunity, 1147
    concept, vs. evolutionary triad beliefs, 1143
       in relation to Agni, 1027
       the Sethites’ retention of the, 1009, 1143
       Zoroastrianism’s failure to evolve the, 1050
    conception, not just a group of three separate gods, 1144
    Councils of the, 178
    creation of central universe by the, 154
    the, a definition, 15, 16, 108, 1167
       a definition, according to Lao-tse, 1033
    deity reality, 1167
    is deity unity”, 1167
    disclosure of unified nature of, by Ancients of Days, 209
    doctrine of, and Rodan’s belief as to the personality of God, 1784
    embrace of creature-trinitized sons by the, 247, 252, 296, 454
    -embraced sons, classification of, according to origin, nature, and function, 243-244
    experiential, correlativity of the, 1167
    final function of the, question as to, 644
    first experiential, association of Architects and grand universe Supreme Creators in the, 352, 1166
       identity, 1166
    functions of the, 16, 113, 114, 1145
       relation of, to that of the Supreme, 1265
    government, material emblem of the, 606
    guides, function of, 292
    inevitabilities, the Seven Master Spirits apparent, 1266
    Infinite, 16, 113
    justice administered by the, 1146
    limitation of the Absolute by the, 15
    Machiventa’s symbol of the, 1143
    man’s view of the, 115
    mortal man’s inability to understand the, 1269
    not a person, 113
    not personal, 1167
    not the simple sum of the attributes of the three Paradise Deities, 1145
    oneness of the three Deities in the, 644
    an organic entity, 1147
    -origin Beings, classification of, 331, 335
       Beings, co-ordinate, 214-222
          home of, location, 148
          loyalty of, 222
          Paradise perfection of, 207
          space velocity of, 222
          vs. trinitized beings, 148
    original Deity, 1263
    the Paradise, 91, 108-117
       see also Paradise, 16. Paradise Trinity
    personalities, definition, 236
    portrayals, in India, source of the early, and the late, 1144
    the possible relationship of the Father, Son, and Spirit (as persons) to the, 1147
    reactions of, to personality, 1167
    reality, Havona comprehension of, 188
    regime, extent of, 181
    responsiveness of space presence of outer zone of nether Paradise to the, 123
    a revealed, sometime mixing of an evolutionary triad with, 1143
    the second experiential, the Supreme Being’s possible coabsolute relationship in, 1292
    Seven Master spirits’ inability to function as the, 185
    Son(s), Immanuel a high, 370
       of Paradise, Faithful of Days a, 489
       personalities included in the stationary group of the, 114
    sovereignty, man’s need to recognize the extent of, 1145
    stationary sons of the, 108, 114-115
    a supersummative Deity, 1145
    of Supremacy, attitude of, reflected by Supreme Being, 12, 113, 115
    Teacher Counselor, special advisers of, in seventh stage of light and life, 628
    Teacher Son(s), and activities of Mortal Corps of the Finality, 232
       administration of Nebadon educational system by, 412
       association of Evening Stars with, 408
          of, with Melchizedeks in training of ascendant mortals, 389
       certain future appearance of, on Urantia, 600, 1025
       classification of, 214
       co-operation of finaliters on light-and-life worlds with the, 626
       co-ordinating function of, 215, 232-233
       the Daynals, 223, 230, 598
       a function of, 88, 214, 408, 634
       liaison of, with Inspired Trinity Spirits, 220
       liberation of midway creatures by the, 627
       local universe training of trinitized sons by, 251
       Michael’s function as counselor to a, 1314
       mission of, 220, 231
       nature of, 230
       number of, 214, 230
       origin of, 88, 224, 230, 384
       possible association of, with finaliters in career of future universes, 232
       repeated return of, to the same worlds, 599
       secretaries to, 428
       service of creature-trinitized sons with, 244
       unique Trinity origin of, 214
    teachings of the, Salem missionaries spread of the, 1144
    the total of Deity, 115
    of trinities, 644, 1170-1173, 1174
       complete function of, prerequisite to the, 1172
       components of the, 16, 644-645, 1170-1174
       the Supreme Being’s possible coinfinite participation in the, 1292
    and triunities, 1146-1147
    vs. triunity and triodity, 1167
    of Ultimacy, 113, 116
    Ultimate, component parts of, 352
       the co-ordination of cosmic and spirit evolution on transcendental levels, 1166
       the enigma concerning the present status of the Supreme, and the, 1168, 1291
       Michael a part of the, 1318
    unification of, to finite beings, 12
    unity and deity plurality, 1145-1146
    Universal I AM the cause and source of the, 644
    worship of, in Egypt, 1053
    Zone of Infinity’s Paradise relation to the, 122

Triodity(ies) about, 1151, 1265
    ability of, to function on the finite level, 1264
    absoluteness of the, in the Supreme Being, 1165
    of Actuality, the three entities in the, 1151
    manifestation of, on the finite level, in conjunction with the Supreme Being, 1264
    non-Father triune relationships, 1151
    of Potentiality, function of the, 1151, 1262
    relation of, to the Supreme, 1266

Trips away from home, of Jesus, educational advantages of, 1360
    about Rome, 1466-1467

Triumph of the death on the cross, 2018
    of love, 618-620

Triumphal entry, of Jesus, David Zebedee’s spread of the report of the, 1881
    entry, of Jesus, Rebecca’s presence at the, 1403

Triune Deity, Seven Master Spirits’ relation to, 185, 189
    -origin beings, definition and classification, 330
    Paradise Deity, and God the Supreme, 11
       three orders of sonship of, 384

Triunity(ies) absolute unification of realities by the, 1160
    an association, 1147
    the basic association of Absolutes, 1157
    the component entities of the, 1149
    a definition, 1147
    effect of, on the Father-I AM, 1150
    first, functions of the, 1148
       identity of, 1147
       impossible personal relationship of the Father, Son, and Spirit to the, 1147
    fifth, the triunity of reactive infinity, 1149
    fourth, control of the units of cosmic energy by the, 1149
    function of, 1150, 1157
    a functional unity, 1147
    members of a, partners, 1147
    Paradise Trinity the first, 112
    the reality of, 1147
    relationships of First Source and Center, and the Trinity Infinite, 113
    second, the determiner of the patterns of cosmic configuration, 1148
    seven, a function of the, 113
    seventh, the triunity of infinite unity, 1150
    sixth, the triunity of cosmic-associated Deity, 1150
    third, the spirit-evolutional triunity, 1149
    vs. Trinity, 1146, 1147

Trouble(s) believers’ attitude toward inevitable, 1767
    God a present help in, 1444
    Jesus’ experience of earthly, 1954
       warning of, in the Father’s service, reason, 1533
    a motive for prayer, 1640
    origin of many of man’s, 1674
    real, the sole possibility of, 142

Troubled minds, definition of, 1591

True light which lights every man who comes into the world”, 447, 1104, 1181
    monogamy – pair marriage, 927-928
    religion(s), the ancestry of, 1105, 1107, 1120-1121
       basis of, 1780
       a cult’s relation to, 966
       and modern science, 2076
    Shepherd, a title for Jesus, 1409
    values, 1456-1457
    vine, I am the, 1965

Trust and assurance, man’s development of, 1107
    childlike, necessary to entrance into the kingdom, 1118
    in the divine word, man’s joy in, 1610
    and faith, the two cardinal precepts of Melchizedek, 1007
    funds, definition, 1463
    grandeur of, requisites for, 51
    in the Lord, man’s, 1445, 1704
    morontia Jesus’ talk with Andrew on, 2048
    of one another, Jesus’ plea to the apostles for, 2055
    sublime, in the goodness of God, 1108

Trusteeship of wealth, sacred responsibility of a, 1465

Trusting God as did Jesus, the aim of kingdom believers, 2091

Trustworthiness of candidates for trust, reflection of, to governing authorities, 316

Truth always a revelation, 1109
    artistic triumphs of, 555
    the Buddhist teaching concerning “small” and “large”, 1039
    confidence in, relation of fear of public opinion to, 1641
    creed crystallization of, 1727
    vs. facts in theology, 1615
    final, Gautama Siddhartha’s attempt to grasp, 1099
    fossilization of, a danger from formalized religion, 1092
    of God, Abraham’s treatment of the, 1796
    Havona creatures’ attitude toward, 52
    and Hebrew and Greek religions, 67
    nonresentment of honest criticism by, 1641
    principles which should guide preachers of, 1765-1767
    promulgation of, believers’ attitude in the, 1931
    relation of love to, 67
    revelatory religion, 1007
    sustaining of the universe by, 1449

Truth, 1. Truth defined
    cannot be defined with words, only by living”, 1459
    -conviction, a definition, 1951
    -co-ordinated, a definition, 1726
    a definition, 625, 1459, 1949
    divine, a definition, 1949
    of living, a definition, 1115
    meanings, a definition, 648
    revealed, definition, 1459
    is timeless”, 1297

Truth, 2. Truth and deity
    absolute, impossibility of attaining a full knowledge of, 1120
    a comprehensible element of Deity, 646
    a divine reality, 42-43
    divine, and will of God, 52
    eternal, a true spirit value, 1950
       where discerned, 40, 1710
    -fact, of the Father’s presence in his sons, importance of, 361
    the Father’s ministry of, nonstatic, 1731
    God is, 1443, 1449
       the most living of all, 1127
       the source of, 23, 1444
    life of, God the, 67
    the Lord’s abundance in, 1444
    love of, Father and Son equal in, 75
    origin of all, in God, 1125, 1459
    personification of, in the local universe, 377
    the reality and divinity of, 1452, 1459
    wisdom of, origin of, 302
    your word is, 1964

Truth, 3. Truth, beauty, and goodness
    beauty, and goodness, 42, 646-648, 804
       culmination of one’s pursuit of, 2078
       the individual’s need to recognize the sovereignty of, 1002, 1089, 2096
       the mortal mind’s choosing of, significance, 1237
       noninherence of, in physics or chemistry, 2077
       penetration of, from the supreme to the ultimate, 1263
       the correlation of, 507, 1092, 1175, 1279, 2096
       unification of, in experience, a prerequisite for their real expression, 507, 1001
    beauty(ies) of, vs. phenomenon of evil, 2076
       reason for the, 42
    and beauty, correlation of goodness with discernment of, 42-43, 1458
    man’s attainment of beauty through, 1142

Truth, 4. Spirit of Truth
    living, promise of the gift of the spirit of, 1948
    responsiveness of Spirit of Truth to, 647
    an understanding of, through the ministry of the Spirit of Truth, 1138

Truth, 5. Characteristics of truth
    a characteristic of, 42, 1949
    coherence of, 43
    a factor in love, 1583
    is inconcussible”, 1297
    a liberating revelation, 1608
    lives always in the present, 888
    is living”, 1917
    living, dynamic quality of, 1949
       gospel of the kingdom a, 1931
       relation of goodness, righteousness, and justice to, 507
    qualities of, 43
    is relative and expanding”, 888
    shall make you free, 1796
    unchanged nature of, from generation to generation, 1119

Truth, 6. Truth and religious experience
    an aid to worship, 1840
    appreciation of, 52, 646, 1460, 1925
    the central, of religion, 1127
    comprehension of, the highest form of human liberty, 2060-2061
    destiny of the followers of, 1450
    enhancement of the discernment of, as related to experience, 1458, 1726
    and error, the individual’s choice between, and insight, 625, 2095
    and faith, 1141, 1459-1460
    growth in the knowledge of, and entry into the joy of the Lord, 1917
    insight of revelation, one necessary basis for man’s philosophy, 1137
    living, operation of, in spirit-born men and women, 1961
    man’s faith in, a measure of his spiritual capacity, 1740
       possession of, dependent on faith, 1459
    ministry of, and man’s worship, 1641
    nearness of faith to the, 1453
    one believes, 1114
    and personality, 31
    personally discovered, origin of, 1459
    relation of, to health, sanity, happiness, 43
    religious believers’ willingness to appropriate, 641, 1041
    results of the working union of human faith and, 1111

Truth, 7. Truth seeking
    attainment of, by knowledge, 303
    blessing of being enlightened by the, 1655
    giver, result of the meeting of a truth seeker with a, 1428
    hunger, a prerequisite to entrance into the kingdom, 1861, 2054
    kingdom believer’s freedom to follow, 1731
    logic’s functioning dependent on a personality’s desire for, 1138
    love of, not compulsory, 1713
       a requisite for, 51, 1740
    mortals’ guide into all, 1951
    privilege of those who know the way of, 1465, 1953
    a requisite for possession of, 280
    saving, man’s ultimate belief in the, 1569
    seeker(s), in the Bethsaida camp, 1657
       prerequisite to one’s ability to attract, 1726
       reason for Jesus’ early contact with, 1359
       result of the meeting of a truth giver with a, 1428
    -seeking man, vs. the self-sufficient man, 1574
    subordination of spirit-led lives to, 1732
    technique of making man capable of accepting, 1112
    unexplored, faith voyage of adventure on the seas of, 1729

Truth, 8. Truth and science
    absence of conflict between true knowledge and, 1459
    contrast of, with knowledge, 1435
    and facts, a human being’s need of both, 1222
    of God, a relative revelation, adaptable to evolution, 1126
    importance of, in scientific research, 992
    vs. knowledge, 1459
    linked with fact, consequences, 1297
    a machine’s inability to know, 2077
    and material science, 141
    vs. mathematics, 1476
    relation of, to science and philosophy, 647
    sometime association of, with obsolete ideas regarding the material world, 1119
    spiritual, material wonders’ failure to advance, 1705

Truth, 9. Truth and error
    advantage of, over error, 1125
    evolved religion believed by its followers to be the, 1006-1007
    and falsehood, conflicting, error created by, 613
    living, overcoming evil by love of the, 1443
    vs. magic, in world today, 973
    over evil, the cross the symbol of the triumph of, 2018
    perversion of, a cause of, 215
    revelation of, on Urantia, effect of rebellion on the, 1119
    and untruth, potentiality of error in presence of, 613

Truth, 10. Jesus’ teaching
    concealed, of the original gospel, sometime emergence of, result, 2061
    vs. fact, of Jesus’ resurrection, 2023
    a factor in Jesus’ teachings, 1112
    about himself, Jesus’ decision to reveal to his apostles the, 1746
    about Jesus, apostles’ reaction to, 1746
    Jesus’ ability to recognize, 1390
       first experience in being unable to tell the whole, 1397
       interest in proclaiming, 1101, 1383
       loyalty to all, 1101
       talk with Ganid on the difference between knowledge, wisdom, and, 1481
       use of parables to teach seekers after, 1689
    of Jesus’ gospel, ultimate persistence of, 2082
    about the kingdom of heaven, Jesus’ teaching his apostles the, 1524, 1934
    of the parable of the sower, apostles’ inability to grasp, 1691
    saving, apostles to proclaim the, of man’s being a son of God, 1681
       Jesus’ proclamation of, 1101
    spiritual, Jesus a teacher of, 1594

Truths the greatest of all, identity, 2086
    of the kingdom, primacy of, 1592, 1804
    two primary, in the teachings of the kingdom, 1593
    universal, of the cross, 2019

Tubal-Cain reference to the Scriptural, 1764

Tunic Jesus’, reason for the soldiers casting lots for, 2007

Turkestan Adamites’ activities in, 891
    the Andite homeland, 882
    the Andonites in, 869
    the blending of the Adamites and Nodites in, 872
    Mesopotamian exodus into, 880
    revival of civilization of, 872

Turtles land type, appearance of, time of, 691
    nonprogressive descendants of frog family, 732
    survivors of early reptiles, 695

Tut office of, in Dalamatia, 748

Tutankhamen identity of, 1048

Twelve apostles, the, 1548-1567
    apostles, Jesus’ washing the feet of his, 1939
    commonplace men, Jesus’ personal representatives, 1582
    dedication of their worldly possessions by the, 1803
    first work of the, 1545-1546
    heart-sorrowing disappointment of the, 1634
    ordination of the, 1568-1586
    organization of the, 1547
    preliminary ordination instruction of the, 1568
    religion the exclusive business of the, 1583
    legions of angels, forces at Jesus’ command, 1975
    the number, subdivisions and multiples of, relation of, to basic life patterns, 397

Twentieth century marriages, vs. those of the past, 930
    century, new problems of all religions in the, 2075
    century, rediscovery of Lut’s teachings, 747

Twins Alpheus, return of, to their Galilee homes, after Pentecost, 2058
    among dawn mammals, 704
    momentous conference of the human, 708
    Primate, birth of, 706
    of retarded mid-mammals, founders of simian tribes, 706

Two -brained peoples, the Urantia races, 566, 1197
    sons, the parable of the, 1893
    and two, the apostles sent forth, 1538, 1545
       the morontia Jesus’ special talks with the apostles, 2047

Tyrants early, restrictions on, 790
    evolutionary man’s contention for material liberties with, 614

Tyre apostolic corps’ preaching and teaching in, 1737
    gospel messengers from, 2054
    groups to see Jesus from, 1578
    the Master’s one public talk in, 1737
    and Sidon, sojourn at, 1734-1742

Tyrian purple belief in Jesus of many manufacturers of, 1737


Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7
