Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q/R – S – T – U – V/W – X/Z
Pacific Atlantic, Arctic, and Gulf waters, onetime connection of, 678
coast, high land elevations during early trilobite age, 673
mountain ranges, time of completion of, 690
range, elevation and location of, in early Cretaceous age, 689
coastal highlands, location of, in early fern-forest period, 680
high coastal regions, extent of submergence of, during coal-deposition epoch, 682
Island peoples, effect on, of infiltration of mixed Adamic blood, 879
islands, racial occupancy of the northern, 884
Ocean, bed, compensatory sinking of, 662
eastern extension of, to Dakota Black Hills in later reptilian age, 687
invasion of American continents by, time of, 673
lava flows on bed of, effect, 660
North American Carboniferous sea’s outlet to the, 682
origin of, 662
voyage of Andites to South America, 873
Pagan cults, definition, 1336
gods, Samaritans’ worship of, 1613
idea of appeasement of the Gods, 60
Jesus’ and Ganid’s discussion about the, 1466
pageantry, use of, in Christian worship, 2074
Paganism and mysteries, effect of, on Christianity, 2070, 2086
Paganization Christianity’s experience with, 2070, 2075
Pain an advantage of, 51
insensitivity of early man to, 714
a result of evil, 1446
sin a cause of, 1447
there shall be no more”, 299
Pair marriage ideals of, woman’s gains in the, 937
and parental happiness, child welfare, and social efficiency, 928
Pairing of the sexes, the beginning of human society, 932
Palatine hill, identification of, 1455
Palavers primitive, uselessness of, 789
Paleozoic era, length of the, 672, 684
Palestine choice of, for Machiventa’s activities, reason, 1018
climate of, 1367
concept of one God prevalent in, 1022
cult of Ashtoreth in, 1043
vs. Greece, in religious development, 1079
interest of celestial beings in, during Jesus’ growth, 1409
Jesus’ decision to close his earthly career in, 1483
languages prevalent at the time of Jesus in, 1338
a province of Rome, 1498
reaction of, to John’s preaching, 1502
selection of, for Michael’s bestowal, 1344
strategic geographic position of, 1333
Palestinian independence, Jews’ explanation of, 1334
kingdom, date of census in the, 1350
Palisades of the Hudson River, formation of, 685
Palonia Michael known as the Savior Sovereign of the system of, 1311
Panama Isthmus, submergences and emergences of, during Cenozoic age, 693
Panoptia attitude of people of, toward Lucifer rebellion, 607
Panoptians function of, on seventh Jerusem transition world, 607
proclamation of Michael’s mercy by the, 610
Panoramic reign-records, of Caligastia, obliteration of, 757
Pantheism the acceptance of the fallacy of omnificence, embracing the error of, 1300
the corporeality error of, 29
and personality of First Source and Center, 29
philosophy’s need to avoid, 1140
Pantheistic Deity, Universal Absolute not a, 15
Pantheon definition and origin, 948
Parable(s) of brotherly love, Jesus’ preparation to enact the, 1938
danger of allegorizing, 1691
individual interpretation of, 1692
Jesus’ narration of, purpose, 1581, 1694
use of the, a new method of teaching, 1546, 1672, 1688-1694, 1952
in teaching the multitudes, 1590, 1694
prayers,” Jesus’, 1621-1624
teaching value of, Jesus’ designation of, 1692-1693, 1942
Parables of Jesus The Good Foundation, 1738
The Hidden Treasure, 1694
Kingdom like Leaven, 1694
and the Mustard seed, 1693-1694
like a Sweep Net, 1694
Parable of the Absent Landlord, 1893-1894
of the Bridge, 1735
of Great Supper, 1835
of the Lily, 1737-1738
of the Lost Son, 1850-1853
of the Marriage Feast, 1894-1896
of the Pounds, 1875-1877
of the Shrewd Stewart, 1853-1854
of the Sower, 1688-1689
interpretation of, by Thomas, 1691
Jesus’ explanation of, 1693, 1727
unexplained addition to the, 1693
Nathaniel’s interpretation of, 1690
Peter’s interpretation of, 1689-1690
of the Talents, 1916-1917
of the Two Sons, 1893
Pearl of Great Price, 1694
The Rich Man and the Beggar, 1854-1855
The Weeds among the Wheat, 1693
Paradise absoluteness, relation of, to attributes of Third Source and Center, 99
Architects of the Master Universe, a function of, 352, 357
council, of Seven Master Spirits, 188, 257
counselors, to Most Highs, 179
Creator(s), respect of, for privacy of personality, 208
the Supreme’s finding the, coincidental with humans’ finding the Father, 1284
Deity(ies), the last three levels of God the Sevenfold, 4, 1270
sevenfold will of, personification of, 238, 240
source of the personality realities of the supreme Being, 641
Father Melchizedek’s missions to, 385
Father-Son, personification of, in Nebadon, 367
Gautama’s failure to point the way to, 1035
Isle, 87, 165, 197, 252, 287, 297
influence of, on force, 139
material gravity circuit of the, 177
nature of the, 119-120
Lanaforge’s message of assurance to, 609
no royal roads, short cuts, or easy paths to, 551
registry number of Urantia on, 182
residents of, encouragement of, to attempt trinitization, 254
the seventh heaven, 553
spirit, indwelling, nature of, 25, 94
threefold light of, source, 149
Trinity, Philo’s aid in Paul’s restoration of the concept of the, 1339
Paradise, 1. Material nature
circuits, clockwise movement of, 152
cosmic technique of, and operation of natural laws, 468
dimensions of, comparative, 119, 126
eternal, the absolute of patterns, 10
eternal materializations on, 472
and Havona circuits, reason for separation of, 153
Isle of, 118-127, 1159, 1151, 1160, 1263
location of, 2077
monota, absoluteness of, 471, 480, 1275
present relation of pervaded and unpervaded space to, 124
shape of, 118-119
size and location of, 152
and space, 124, 152, 1156
space functions of, 124, 125
and time, 134, 315, 739
time and space nonexistent on, 2, 120, 299, 739
time-space status of, 2
transcendence of time and space by, 1439
the ultimaton’s nucleus, 467
Paradise, 2. Cosmic relations
and absolute motions, 133
the absolute of patterns, 127
advisers to local universe rulers, 179
broadcasts of, a superuniverse circuit, 177, 504
center of all things, 32, 51
clearinghouse of Seven Master Spirits, 179
cycle, all energy circuited in the, 321
definition, 149
deities, transcendence of time and space by the, 1439
focal point of personality circuit, 640
focalization of reflectivity on, 105
geographic center of infinity, 126
headquarters of the seven superuniverses and their correlated segments in outer space, 150
the material fulcrum of infinity, 101
no location in space, 120
nonspatial, 120
not a person, 101
not spirit, 139
possible sometime arrival of outer-spacers on, 636
reality, and finite reality, 11
reflectivity contact of superuniverses with, 308
relation of, to reality, 7, 637
the source of all material universes, 637
of force and energy, 139, 468
Source and Center, one of the Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 1156
Supreme Power Directors’ operations from, 320
Paradise, 3. Deity residence
abiding place of the Father, 139, 640
activity of Original Son on, character of, 83
Deity(ies), 26
absoluteness and infinity inherent in personalities of the, 2, 44
and actualizing Deities, 10
co-ordination of love, mercy, and ministry of, in Trinity Teacher Sons, 233
existentiality of the oneness of, 640
knowledge of the, of God’s eternal purpose, 54
personality association of the, 31, 367
Seven Master Spirits’ origin in, 189
Deity presence absolute only on, 645
personal presence of the Eternal Son, 639
Paradise, 4. Subdivisions of Paradise
area(s), absoluteness of, result, 120
the only nontemporal place, 135
nether, 121, 122, 469, 1276
operation of transcendental energy from upper level of, 471
peripheral, 120, 121
portals of entry to, 52, 295
Trinity, domination of upper Paradise by the, 120
Paradise, 5. Paradise Gravity – energy
absolute-gravity grasp of, over material organization, 237, 470
pull of, percentage utilization of, by grand and outer universes, 132
absoluteness of material gravity of, 82
creative forces, expanding march of, 645
dependence of gravity on, 467
energy(ies), relation of, to divinity, 471
to superuniverses, location of flash stations for, 121
energy’s origin in, 1116
everlasting grasp of, 91
forces and energies, 467-468
force organizers, force-charge of space modified by, 126, 131, 169
mother wheels of space initiated by, 455
production of motion by, 168
gravity, 9, 111, 125, 126, 128
a definition, 125
function of, in physical universe, 94
nether-Paradise force’s relation to, 122
stages of response to, 9, 125, 126
ultimatons’ subjection to, 465
-gravity pull, puissant energy’s reaction to, 470, 476
gravity’s relation to, 125
physical energy traceable to, 105
Presences, the source of energy, 467-468
residence of Master Force Organizers, 329
Paradise, 6. Uniqueness of Paradise
definitions of, 7, 1149
inevitability of, 127
the infinity potential of Universal Father’s nonpersonal self, 101, 127
oneness of energy and spirit on, 104
relation of physical, mindal, and spiritual energies on, 140, 484
uniqueness of, 126, 127
the Unqualified Absolute co-ordinate with, 1156
without duplicate, 120
Paradise, 7. The Paradise Father
Deities, Michael’s subordination to will of, results of, 1325
dwelling place of the Universal Father, 587
Father, 23
of all personalities, 8, 195
avenue of communication of, with universe of universes, 186
causation of quantitative fact and qualitative value in the, 1477
centering of all things and beings in the, 638, 646
character of the abode of, 638
the eternal God the, 645
functions and contacts of the, 139
Jesus’ desire to glorify the, 1395, 1406, 1417, 1469, 1620, 1753, 1797
subjection to the will of his, 1417, 1424
man’s only gift to the, 22
Michael’s experiencing the will of, 1324, 1325, 1327
Original Son’s personality derived from the, 79
possibility of suffering by the, 53
of pure energy and pure spirit, 638
relation of, to God the Sevenfold, 646
supervision of the universe of universes by the, 1513
God discernibly present on, 45, 2052
limitation of God outside, 48
man sees God only on attaining, 28
parent, God the Father our, 640
personality of the Universal Father, 39
presence, God’s, accessibility of, 62, 119
pull of the Universal Father, 645
seven sacred spheres of, and communion with the Father, 64
Universal Father personally resident on, 1176
Paradise, 8. Paradise Sons
bestowal Son, archangel corps of a, 409
mission of, 567
prerequisite for planetary arrival of a, 567, 595
Creator Sons, 66, 234-242, 352
functions of, 28
and God the Sevenfold, 11
local universe fathers, 4
mercy motivation of, 618
Universal Father rules through his, 44
Michaels, Havona the educational training ground for, 162, 293
Michael’s visits to, 367
Sons, on bestowal missions, mortal experience of, 23, 87, 229
communication of, with Original Mother Son, 88
desire of, to come close to their subordinate living creatures, 1308
Eternal Son approachable through his, 80
of God, 87, 88, 89, 223-233
and the bestowal plan, 2003
characteristics of the, 34, 224, 647
missions of, 573
origin and nature of, 224, 232
three orders of, 223-224
Trinity Teacher Sons classified as, 214
incarnated, personalized Adjusters of the, 1179
incarnational bestowals of, as miracles, 1331
pledged as retrievers, 85
primary, functions of, 234, 235
as rehabilitators, 85
second order of, 225, 384
united ministry of, 232
sonship, unrevealed orders of, 88
Paradise, 9. Conjoint Actor
Master Spirits, mind presence of God, and cosmic mind of the, 45
pattern, activation of, by Third Source and Center, 10, 100, 101
personal presence of the Infinite Spirit, 639
relation of activities of Conjoint Actor to, 101
Trinity, Conjoint Actor’s functioning in behalf of the, 471
Paradise, 10. Paradise Citizens
absonite beings’ headquarters, 628
Citizen(s), classification of, as Co-ordinate Trinity-origin Beings, 214
creation of, completed, 214
as descending pilgrims, 288
and finaliter, trinitization of a “child of time and eternity” by, 262
inner zone of Holy Area the Paradise home of, 120
mortal ascenders’ fraternization with three thousand orders of, 300
ascenders’ frequent fraternization with, 351
number of orders of, 222
perfect will creatures, 287
trinitized offspring of, custodians of, 296, 352
Companions, Paradise Citizens as assistants of, 283
graduates, definition, 343
level of Master Architects, 351
natives, dual recognition of Father and Son by, 79
permanent ascendant citizenship of, 532
Spiritual Sons, unique functions of, 231
Paradise, 11. Life and culture
characteristics of, 98
classification of living beings, 330-334
conduct, characteristics of, 301
council of perfection on, 278
custodians of knowledge located on, 431
formal records of, 281, 288, 302
headquarters of interpreters of ethics, 312
of Majeston on, 200
instruction on, one hour’s, vs. ten thousand years of Urantia methods, 303
knowledge inherent only on, 339
language requirements on, 537
living library of, 281
Masters of Philosophy on, 311
mind, characteristics of, 481
personalities, influence of, on all creatures, 1148
in, number of, 330
time-space descension of, 4
personality classification, basis of, 330
prevalence of order on, 301
responsibilities attending attainment of, 295
revelation of mutual understanding in chance meetings on, 503
reversion activities unnecessary on, 549
spirit realities, oneness of, 639
training of Perfectors of Wisdom on, 215
trial trips to, 293
truth, a definition, 596, 1112
type of perfection on, 36
Paradise, 12. Paradise ascenders
Adjuster’s presence with man on, 449
arrivals, assistance to, of interpreters of ethics, 300
study pursued by, 343
ascendant mortals’ current residence, 347
ascenders’ consciousness of worthwhile experiences even to, 535
discovery of God as a person on, 1296
eternal awakening on, 430
ascending Material Sons’ start on journey to, 444
mortals as perfected spirits on, 343
ascension, 9, 581, 1191
finaliters’ completion of, 509
of midwayers, circumstances of beginning of the, 627
of surviving human souls, secret of the, 84
-ascension career, Material Sons and Daughters eligible for, 515
ascent, first pause in the, 435
former men and women aiding each other in the, 939
Master Spirit activities as related to, 190
midwayers’ initiations into adventure of, 425, 444
pauses in the, conditions of, 435
the supreme adventure of time, 1608
assurance of man’s ascension to, 54, 63, 79
attainment, of angelic hosts, 443
methods of seraphic, 440
reappearance of Agondonter grouping upon, 579
by seraphim and midway creatures, 244, 248
awakening from final transit slumber of time, the sixth jubilee, 305
career(s), of Adams and Eves, starting point of some, 629
eligibility of Adam and Eve for the, 852
factors in the ascent of the, 569, 1630
man’s freewill choice for or against the, 620
the climb to, and gratification of the desire to travel, 340
destiny, identical, of the three brain types, 447
divine destiny of children of time, 162
eventual goal of ascending mortals, 255
the goal of the pilgrims of time, 417, 454
Jesus’ promise to the thief regarding, 2009
journey, the will creatures’, 21
Material Sons’ attainment of, 349
the mortal passport to, 290
pilgrims of eternity, time of first arrival of, on Havona, 291
plan for progressive ascension and attainment of mortals, 867
seraphim’s clearance for, 423, 427
Seraphington the angelic threshold to, 440
and survivors, 63
Paradise, 13. Corps of the Finality
Corps of the Finality, classification of, 337
the eternal brotherhood, 1122
personal residences of, 156
seven, 252
final qualification of mortals as children of, 297
Finaliters, Corps of, 148, 352
and first outer space level, 453
present functioning of, in the grand universe, 1239
possible future destiny of, 558, 1239
the finaliters’ home, 163
goal, sleep of eternity transit to, 270
headquarters of corps of Transcendental Finaliters on, 346
mobilization of Corps of Mortal Finaliters on, 345, 354
service, ceremony marking entrance of ascending mortal upon, 538
Trinity, finaliters’ oath of allegiance to the, 345
Paradise, 14. Relations with Havona
descenders, Havoners’ ministry to, 157
-Havona broadcasts, reception of on Jerusem, 522
creatures, evolutionary personalities the cosmic complement of, 362
personalities, beings classified as, 222
and finaliters, success of trinitizing unions of, 250
and seven finaliter corps, diverse progeny of, 251
trinitization engaged in by, 210, 249
standard day, 134-135, 153
system, 129, 152-154, 157, 208, 285, 938
-trinitized sons, training spheres of, 251
light of spheres of the Father shed throughout, 143
pilgrims, necessity for unconsciousness of, during last transit from Havona to Paradise, 135
sacred spheres, 129, 143-151
satellites, of the Father, organization of work of the, 208
of Infinite Spirit, headquarters of Master Spirits, 197, 198
location of Supreme Executive of Orvonton on, 307
names of, 198
spheres of the Infinite Spirit, training spheres of trinitized sons, 251-252
Trinity, Havona natives the offspring of, 157, 221
Paradise, 15. Paradise ministrations
angels’ attachment to service of, 441
Companions, angels as, 270, 283-284, 285
instigators of rest the inspectors of, 299
messengers of, 21, 440
ministering spirits of, 285
residence of ascending pilgrims on, and training by primary supernaphim, 159, 298
spirit-fused mortals’ service on, 453
Thought Adjuster, the Mystery Monitor, 64
Unions of Days, reserve corps of, as functioning on, 212
Paradise, 16. Paradise Trinity
Deity(ies), oneness of the three persons of, 31
results of the Trinity association of the three, 113
the three, 335, 1145
Trinity, 15, 108-117
absolute attitude of, 41, 113, 644, 1171, 1265-1266
and absoluteness of Universal Father as total Deity, 111
absonite overcontrol of the, 116
acts of, as related to progress of eternity, 116
application of law a function of the, 114
ascending pilgrims’ need of help in finding the, 293
attitude of, toward the universes, 15, 16, 164
characteristics of justice of the, 98
comparison of, with Mystery Monitors, 1271
vs. divine unity, 31
Edentia representative of, 489
embrace of creature-trinitized sons by, 244, 251
of seraphim and midway creatures by, 248
eternity of, 644, 1174
existence of the, 91, 1174
First Source and Center’s function as total Deity through the, 111
a function of, 108, 641
and functions vs. attributes, 113
function of God the Supreme as to the, 251
God the Supreme potential in, 12
indivisibility of Deity in the, 640, 1147
infinite, potentially, 16, 1166
influence of, on the possible unification of the grand universe, 1279
Inspired Trinity Spirits the offspring of, 219, 220
justice inherent in sovereignty of the, 114
and limitation of God’s power, 48
loyalty of transcendentalers to the, 333
man’s finite concept of the, 113
members of, co-ordinate, 35, 108
Michael of Nebadon not a member of, 366
mortal view of totality attitude of the, 115
not a personality, 1145
as one Deity, 1331
the one inescapable inevitability, 15, 108
origin of Inspired Trinity Spirits in the, 219
overcare of master universe by, 136
personalities of the, and Urantia sacred books, 60
the possible relationship of the Father, Son, and Spirit (as persons) to the, 1147
presence of, and functioning of Supreme Spirits, 205
a real entity, 1145
relation of Father, Son, and Spirit to the, 112
of the Supreme to the, 1171
and revelation of eternal nature of Deity, 108
Seven Master Spirits’ functional relation to, 188
and the Sevenfold Deity, 362
Seventh Master Spirit’s spokesmanship for attitude of, 188
specialized representation of Deities composing, on worlds of the Father, 144
the Supreme Being’s deity nature’s dependence on the, 1282, 1304
the three concentric circles’ symbolism of the, 1016
total integration of reality in the, 1174
Trinity Teacher Sons produced by the, 230, 598
undivided Deity, 3
unified Deity, 110, 1173
Union of Days the ambassador of, 166, 212, 235, 410
unique attitude of, toward the universe, 112, 113
the uniqueness of the, among absolute relationships, 1147
Universal Censors the judgment of, 217
unqualified unity, 1279
Paradiseward drawing power of Paradise Deities, 91
Paradisiacal activities in Havona, 160
Paradoxes of religion, cause of, 1121
Paralytic healing of the, 1666-1667
Paranoiac many early medicine men, 986
Parchment doorpost, Jesus’ objection to the Jewish ritual of the, 1372
Pardon the Lord’s promise of, 1446
Parent(s) admonishing children to honor, need for, 1675
affliction of children not for punishment of, 1664
arrival of, on mansion worlds and repersonalization of their deceased Adjusterless children, 570
and children, contemporary sojourn on mansion worlds of, 531
-child relationship, concept of God, 40
nature of, 1013
indulgent, the heavenly Father not an, 1653
Jesus’ nonselection of his, 1407
mansion world, collaboration of, with morontia custodians of their children, 531
of Mary, Joachim and Hannah the, 1347
nontransmission of sin to child from, 2016
the reward of, 804, 1676
trinitizing oneness of, 250
of the twentieth century, knowledge of, 1922
understanding, believers to be, 1932
unwise, God not like, 1653
wise, and the development of their children’s independence and liberty, 1922
Parental commission, passage of requirements of, on first mansion world, 531
craving, the Eternal Son’s gratification of, 161
experience, the necessity for, 531, 939
happiness, pair marriage and, 928
instinct, influence of, on keeping men and women together, 938, 940
love, selflessness in, 41
relationship or its equivalent an essential to attainment of the Corps of the Finality, 516
responsibilities, Joseph’s and Mary’s faithful discharge of their, 1372
schools, compulsory attendance at, in the continental nation, 811
traits, children’s inheritance of, 1604
Parsees fear of the dead by the, 1050
fire myth in symbolism of the, 778
Part and whole, 52, 137-139
Parthia and Rome, results of struggle between, 1333
Parthian kingdom, separation of the Roman Empire and the Han Empire by the, 1487
Partiality God’s unwillingness to show, 998
Parting of the ways, for many Jewish leaders, 1710, 1714
Partners with God, method of humans’ becoming, 1471
Partnership between one man and one woman, the home a, 940
effectiveness of the divine family, central creation the proof of, 160
of faith, 380, 614, 1299, 1467
of man and woman, 930, 938-939
of Universal Father and Eternal son, purpose and duration of the, 90
with God, Jesus’ profession of, 1786
revelation’s disclosure of man’s capacity for, 1122
Passenger birds, fandors as, 694, 746, 831
birds, as human transports, 694
Passion(s) freedom from, necessary in problem solving, 1773
man’s four greatest, 1451
Passover(s) attendance of the Jews of the world at the, 1793
the boy Jesus at the, 1379
ceremonies, Hebrew sacrament rite in, 984
feast, bloodless, the first, partaken of by devout Jews, 1404
the twelve apostles’ first, 1648
Jerusalem, rare appearance of women at the, 1377
at Jerusalem, Jesus’ attendance at, 1362, 1409, 1596-1606, 1648, 1867
Jesus’ contemplation of a bloodless, 1379
declaration of intention to attend the, 1872
Jesus takes James to his first, 1399
lambs, coincidence of death of Jesus and the sacrificing of the, 2002
meaning of the old, 1942
the new, a definition, 1943
no direct relation between the death of Jesus and the, 2002
Philip’s query of Jesus about preparation for the, 1933
reason for the Last Supper’s preceding the, 1940
rites, diet composites of, 1379
Sabbath, Nazareth family’s preparation for the, 1375
and secular work, 1967
supper, Bethany, Jesus presiding over, 1399
throngs, apostolic personal work among the, 1596
Passport to eternity, 294
to Paradise, seraphim’s surest, 427
Pastoral living, changes brought about by, 933
man, enslavement of woman by, 778
peoples, more recent, 768
Patagonians present worship of trees by the, 946
Paternity to the Spirit, Eternal Son’s consciousness of, 110
Patience Adam’s and Eve’s lack of, results, 840
an attribute of the Infinite Spirit, 100
of meekness, 1574
conditioning of power by, in Orvonton, 182
a foundation stone of real families, 1604
and free-willness, 42
Jesus’, 1103, 1401, 1589, 1672, 2008
Jesus’ plea to James Zebedee to show, 1958
teaching of, 1580
lack of, a cause of Adam’s failure, 846
a preliminary to manifestation of mercy, 315
time a vital factor in function of, 617
vs. the understanding forbearance of true maturity, 1295
Patrae in Achaia, scene of Andrew’s death, 1550
Patriarchal idea, origin of, 789
type of family life, the creation of, consequences, 933
Patriot fiery, Simon Zelotes the, 1956
Patriotism a definition, 1488
Pattern(s) about, 9, 10, 483-484
absolute of, 127
for all personality, identity of the, 1263
aspect of a living being, an arrangement of energies, 483
-being, central universe inhabitants, functions of, 157
control, in sex cells, forty-eight units of, on Urantia, 397
creation, Havona a, 54
definition, 10, 127, 404
of God’s action, modification of, 56
for material universes, Isle of Paradise the, 24, 1156
minds, on each Havona world, 161
Paradise the absolute master, 8, 127, 1148, 1434
personalities of all mortal types, Havona the home of, 162
of physical creation, source of, 374
Ruler of universe of universes is, 53
scope of, 10
for spirit artistry, Havona, 498
universe, Havona the, 83, 152, 160
Paul Abner’s differences with, over theology, 1831
achievement of, 1865
adaptations of Jesus’ teachings made by, 1337, 1831
association of the identity of the “tentmaker of Antioch” with the “scribe of Damascus” by, 1456
attitude of, toward women, cause, 977, 1679
the carrier of the Christian message to the gentiles, 2069, 2072
and Christianity in Ephesus, 1478
controversy of, with his Jerusalem brethren, cause, 2064
criticism of the Cretans by, 1436
denunciation of, by Abner, 1832
elimination of some of Philo’s inconsistencies by, 1339
epistles of, similarity of Cynic preaching to, 1336
experience of, in Corinth, 1473
foundation of the cult of Christianity by, 1338, 2091
gospel of, a component of advancing western theology, 1340
a great organizer, 2070
his pessimistic view of humankind, 2093
identity of, 1412
influences bearing on doctrines of, 1340, 1865
influence of, on Christianity, 1011, 1865
on Luke’s gospel, 1342
on teachings of Jesus, 1864
John Mark’s association with, 1341
knowledge of, of morontia worlds and material, 542
of the persons of the Paradise Trinity, 1144
one of the seven outstanding world religious teachers, 1339
organization of a Christian church at Corinth by, 1472
and Peter, compatibility of, in later years, 1551
proclamation of a Jewish Messiah by, 1332
reference to the sudden conversion of, 1099
religion, vs. citizenship of, 1332
speech of, to the Athenians about “the Unknown God,” 2071
Stoic sympathies of, 1336
of Tarsus, and early Christian doctrines, 68, 1010, 1084
unawareness of, as to his letters sometime being regarded as the “word of God,” 1084
Pauline Christianity, Antioch the eventual headquarters of, 1869
Christianity, the pagans’ acceptance of, 2070
doctrines, woman’s difficulty under the, 937
Peace the activities of, 769
be quiet,” Jesus to his apostles on Sea of Galilee, 1695
be upon you, and my peace I leave with you,”, 2032, 2033, 2040, 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2050, 2052, 2053, 2054, 2055, 2057
the believer’s experience of, 1782
chiefs, functions of, 789
cosmic poise, an earmark of religious living, 1101
a definition, 783
on earth, and good will among men,” the message of the bestowal Son, 437, 597, 1487, 1569, 1682, 1777, 1824, 1951
and equality, 1487
false, undesirability of, 1674
a fruit of the spirit, 381
and good will, apostles to proclaim, 1682
groups, in succession as they appeared, 765, 788
I leave with you
my peace I give to you,” 1954
individual believer’s attainment of, 1824
influence of, on status of woman, 936
of Jesus, a definition, 1955
Jesus’, not negative, 1575
lasting, and true religion, 66
and love, the dove a symbol of, 946
of God’s law, 1446
means of securing, 783, 1489, 1491, 1951
the meek’s delight in, 1445
of mind, Adjuster’s ability to confer a, 1192
and prayer, 998
pure thinking and virtuous living as related to, 1446
static, religion not a technique to attain a, 1096
and Perfection,” one of Jesus’ evening discussions, 1683
persecution often follows, 1575
personal, a function of, 1575
political, a function of, 1575
promoter, outmarriage a, 919
religion’s means of attaining, 1486
social, a function of, 1575
of the soul, technique of attaining, 1480
sublime, faith and, 1115
and tranquility, reason for Urmia religionists’ state of, 1487
treaties, the first, 788
universal, a prerequisite to attainment of, 594
on Urantia, prerequisite to, 1489
the wicked’s lack of, 1445
world-wide, factors contributing to, 594, 597, 820
Peaceably Jesus’ plea to John to strive to live, 1956
Peacemakers apostles’ attitude toward, 1575
happy are the, 1570
Peacemaking effect of, 1575
Pearl of great price, a definition, 1583, 1694
Pearly gates, of the promenade walls of the Sons on Jerusem, 524
nautilus, cephalopods the early predecessors of, 676
observatory, view from the, 521
Peat beds, origin of, 681
Pebbles peculiarly marked, the first fetishes, 967
Peer Andrew, in most abilities, his associates’, 1549
Pella apostles’ two-week work near, 1587
apostolic camp near, 1626
corps’ departure from to southern Perea, 1868
return to, after Lazarus’ resurrection, 1847
camp, 1817-1819
apostolic headquarters during the Perean mission, 1808
establishment of new camp by Jesus’ followers at, 1806
evenings at, 1817
historical significance of, 1587, 1806
Isador’s writing of Gospel of Matthew in, 1342
Jesus’ and his brothers’ departure for, preceding Jesus’ baptism, 1504
last sermon at, 1858
John’s baptizing near, 1495
return of seventy to, after six-week preaching tour, 1801
significance of Jesus’ isolation near, 1492
Penalties of sin, inevitability of, 1661
Penance forgiveness of sin without, 1545
ineffectiveness of, in prayer, 1640
negative form of the ritual of renunciation, 976
Penitents of Lucifer rebellion, rehabilitation of, 758
Pennsylvania coal layers in, number of, 681
and outcropping of ancient fossil-bearing rocks, 670
Pentecost and amalgamation of midwayers into one group, 864
attendance of the Jews of the world at, 1793
day of, Jesus’ gift of the Spirit of Truth on the, 1918
strange teachings about the, 2062
demoniacal possession impossible since, 863-864, 962, 1631
the great festival of baptism, 2060
influence of, on mortals, 2064
John’s assistance of Peter on the day of, 1555
the “new teacher’s” arrival on, 2066
Peter’s inauguration of a new religion at, 2091
preaching on, result, 1549
sermon, 2060
significance of, 2060-2062, 2065
technique of Adjuster bestowal on Urantia since, 1187
what happened at, 2062-2066
People identity of God’s, 1444
make a civilization, 854
types of, met by Jesus on his Mediterranean tour, 1424
Perea beauty of, 1817
gentile and Jewish population of, 1817
Perean(s) belief of many, in John, 1508
hills, Jesus’ forty-day isolation in the, 1512, 1523
mission begins, 1817-1824
the Master’s last ministry, 1817
territory covered by the, 1808, 1817
Perfect beings, ability of the Deities to create, 258
beings, Creators’ technique of producing, 541
creatures, in universes encircling Havona, number of, 362
divinity, 3
even as your Father in heaven is perfect,” 1537, 1571, 1573, 1583, 1584, 1604
and imperfect, interrelation of the, 637
infinitely, God’s choice of the, 59
life, Jesus’ living of a, 1785
Perfected creatures, equality in degree of divinity potential of perfect and, 362
man of a universe, Jesus the, 1103
self-realization, and perfected equilibrium equals the attainment of the Supreme, 1291
Perfection(s) absolute, of the Scriptures, erroneous idea of the, 1768
attainment, delay caused in, by doubts and questionings, 1118
divine destiny of, the God-knowing believer’s realization of, 1985
the long, long Paradise trail of, 127
plan, Infinite Spirit’s function in the, 93
of beauty and holiness, cause, 1460
central creation a pattern of, 360
centralized, the Father’s liberation from, 98
chief purpose of human struggling, 1574
of creatures of time, an attainment, 361
of Days, 210-211
absence of, from their capitals, 210
ascending mortals’ initial contact with, 211
functions, 179, 210
major sectors administered by three, 166, 181
number, 210
origin, 210
reason for the name, 210
Recents of Days as compared with, 211
Supreme Trinity Personalities, 114, 207
decision to achieve, essential to soul evolution, 740
degrees of, 36
in the divine integrity, 35
desire to attain, an essential to survival, 447
limitations of man’s, 22
man’s destiny, 22
relation of goodness to, 647
evolutionary realms’ attainment of, 25, 360
the Father’s escape of limitations inherent in, 108
Father’s paradise, will creatures may share, 36
the Father self-conscious of his, 34
future, of the Supreme, Havona a finished portrayal of, 161
God of, 22
not a slave to his own, 138
God’s, a mystery, 26
Havona, character of, 52, 115
-hunger, experiential, a definition, 647
self-consciousness of, a prerequisite to spiritual progress, 1095
innate, a prime manifestation of finite reality, 362, 737
of man, Jesus the, 1604
man’s hunger for, the Thought Adjuster’s arousing of, 1107, 1119
mortal, degree and limitations of, 22
nature’s relation to, 103
origin of belief in man’s having started his career in, 975
our eternal goal, 846
of Paradise Deity, and nature, 56
Paradise, vs. unfinished universes, and nature, 57
prerequisite to striving for, 1449
primal, basis of, 36
a progressive attainment, 360
of purpose, ascending pilgrim’s sole sort of perfection, 290
in the divine Trinity, 115
a result of, 290
race for, is on, 365
realization, vs. time-space delay, 160
seven types of, 3
soul’s attainment of, 1451, 1953
supreme, the goal of, 100
in survival, the secret of, 1221
universe levels of, and imperfection, mercy’s relation to, 38
Perfectness God’s escape from limitations of, 29
Perfector(s) of Wisdom author of Papers 11, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 26, and 27, 127, 142, 151, 163, 233, 242, 297, 305
administrative associates of, 216
attachment of Souls of Philosophy to, 311
creation of, completed, 214
function of, 178, 216, 218, 311
and Havona administrations, 217
the “I was,” 218
interest of, in executive worlds of the spirit, 151
mission of, 215
number of, assisting Ancients of Days, 178
and distribution of, 215, 244
one-seventh of Ascendington forbidden to a, 147
origin of, 215
relation of Divine Counselors and Universal Censors to, 215, 217
to verdicts of Universal Censors, 218
Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 114, 218
as truth revealers, 216
versatility of, result, 216
Peripheral Paradise about, 121, 122
activities of, 119
area reserves, probable future use of, 121
percentage of area of, occupied by and reserved for universes of time and space, 121
Seven Supreme Power Directors’ location on, 320
souvenirs of material days on, 120
Periphery of Paradise, direction of energy manifestations of Master Spirits from, 184, 189
Periwinkles of late invertebrate-animal age, 676
Permanence of Father’s residence on Paradise, 119
Permanent citizens of constellations, univitatia the, 485, 493
of Jerusem, Material Sons of God the, 515-516, 523
of the local universe, 414-416
of Urantia, 424, 865-867
of Uversa, present function of, 416
Permanent citizenship corps of, twelve orders of, 337
Permian period, the age of biologic tribulation, 684
Perpetua death of, 1808
Peter’s wife, function of, in the women’s corps, 1808
Persecuted for righteousness’ sake, happy are the, 1570
Persecution(s) aftermath of, 2072
attendant upon the proclamation of the new religion, 1584, 1730, 1947
of believers, in Jerusalem, 1616
by religious dictators, 1930
bitter, Lazarus the victim of, reason, 1844, 1849
cause for the later dispersion of the apostles, 2045
early Christian, a cause of, 1861, 2072
influence of, on religion, 1089
Jesus’ imperviousness to, 1102
prediction of imminent, 1870, 1931
promise not to forsake his followers in their, 1913
of Jews, in Alexandria, at time of Christ, 1339
Jews’, of the “Christians,” 2068
of Jews and Christians, and Empire worship, 1336
of modern Jews, some results of, 1909
Peter’s ability to withstand, 1551
Persecutors man to pray for his, 1640
Roman, Marcus’ defiance of Peter’s, 1461
Perseverance creature achievement’s dependence upon, 1266
Persia rise of Mithraic cult in, 947
virtual extinction of the Salem gospel in, at time of arrival of Zoroaster, 1049
Zoroastrianism’s place of origin, 1449
Persian(s) beliefs and practices, adoption of, by the Essenes, 1534
doctrines of good and evil, influence of, on the teachings of Jesus, 1864
early triad gods of the, 1143
Gulf, central Nodites’ headquarters, 822
Dravidian shipping in the, 881
region, headquarters of the Prince, 743
kingdom-of-heaven concept of the, 1859
mystery(ies), Mithraism a, 2070
teachings from, in Christianity, 1637, 1670
Persistence function of man’s, 1619
parable to illustrate the results of, 1619
Person(s) Eternal Son’s ministry as a, 86, 112
God a true, 111, 1448
God no respecter of, 46, 1736
resemblance of, 194
a superior, definition, 1447-1448
true, Universal Father a, 28
Personal actions of Conjoint Actor, 101
advice, Jesus’ final, to each of his apostles, 1955
affection, vs. sex attraction, among the ancients, 923
Aids, without discoverable form, 483
field of activity of, 264-265, 268
of the Infinite Spirit, number of, 268
stationed on central Isle of Light, 264
time of creation of, unknown, 268
angels, certain human groups’ possession of, 1241
association with Jesus, apostles’ remembrance of, 1546, 2059
beings, sojourn of, not permitted on worlds of the Son, 143
source of personality of, 79
bias, vs. group judgment, 1764
combat, Ganid’s question concerning Jesus’ refraining from, 1469
connection of Universal Father with his creatures, 28, 62
contacts of God, infinite numbers of, mystery of, 139
definition of, 9
Deity, 2, 6, 31, 78
devil, fictitious teachings regarding power of, 753
differentiation of the, result of, 15
encounter, near, Jesus’ only, 1436
experience, assurance of kingdom family membership a, 1641, 1860, 1916
dependability of, confidence in the, 1124, 1453, 1458, 1629, 1731
a reality of, 31, 52, 1123, 1539, 1629
function of Universal Father, 3, 109
God, nature’s contemplation’s nonrevelation of a, 1107
of personal salvation, the matured religionist’s faith in a, 1124
guardian, immediate assignment of a, to one who makes the supreme decision, 1242
level of worship, 66
liberty, Eve’s attendance on the propaganda of, 846
Lucifer’s and Caligastia’s attitude toward, 434, 601, 615, 752
and spiritual self-restraint, 1460
life of Jesus, mortals’ spiritual inspiration from the, 2092
memory, of worthwhile experiences, throughout the ascendant career, 535
messengers, importance of Solitary Messengers as, 261
ministry, of Jesus, 1460-1462, 1484
motives, knowledge of, the basis of fairness, 428
nature of God, perfect revelation of the, 110
pleasure, mature, vs. immature evaluation of, 1094
presence of God, universal, mystery of, 139
of ministry on Havona, Infinite Spirit known as a, 94, 186
vs. public ministry, of Jesus, 1424
realities, 7, 141-142
relations of the Universal Father with his universe children, 109
religion, Jesus’ teachings and his, 1581-1583, 1629
man’s hunger for, 1337
religious experience, divine personality grasped by, 17, 30
and fruits of the spirit, 1585
security, the result of Jesus’ complete dependence on the 2089
spirits, 334
spiritual experience, religion a, 577, 646, 1090, 2075
survival, positive assurance of, a result of Jesus’ teachings, 1112
unity with Deity, 3
violence, prevention of, a right of society, 793
work, the apostles’ first tour one of, 1538
of Jesus in Corinth, 1474-1476
with women, apostles’ rules concerning, 1680
worker, Andrew an efficient, 1549
Personalities angelic, 285
center of all, 71
classification of superhuman beings, makeup of, 158
creator, 106, 360
creature, 106, 140
diverse, and unified spiritual natures, 1591
domains forbidden to, 144
the Father of, 164
finite, destiny of those, who choose to do the divine will, 70, 1173
spiritual possibility of, 15
of the grand universe, 330-334
groups, composite, classification of, 337-338
highest universe, vs. lower orders of intelligence, 62
human, apostles’ evaluation of, 1727
human, emergence of, on the mansion worlds, 1235
of the Infinite Spirit, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 105-107, 266, 573
classification of, 336
three major classifications of the, 107, 418
interrelationship of, 761
of local and superuniverse, a function of, 100
universe, 406-417
material, morontia progressors’ contact with, 545
ministering, of the Infinite Spirit, 75
necessity of respect for, in soul winning, 1765
nether Paradise and worlds of the Son closed to, 144
never the same, 194
number of, in Paradise and grand universe, 330
orders, of Univitatia, intellectual subdivisions of, 493
of Univitatia, number of, 493
Paradise the place of primal origin of all, 127
parental encircuitment of all, by the Father, 46
physical-energy, 334
primary, of Conjoint Creator, 102, 110
register, Uversa, 334-344
of Solitary Messengers, type, 261
spirit, of the Infinite Spirit, mission of the, 107
spirit the goal of existence of all, 140
spiritualization of, the realm of the Eternal Son, 139
Supreme Trinity, 207-213
of the Third Source and Center, central registries of, 198
peculiarities of, 106
Thought Adjusters not, 1180
totaling, chiefs of Census Directors’ function as, 267
trinitized by glorified creatures, potentials of, 146
Personality activities, of upper Paradise, 119
animal and plant life not possessed of, 404
co-ordinators, Solitary Messengers thought to be, 262, 1190
encircuitment, man’s, in the Holy Spirit, 1129
experiential, requisite for functional reality of, 71
First Source and Third Source, endowments of, 106
First Source and Center more than a, 89
human, error of mathematics in dealing with, 1477
Lao-tse’s teaching regarding the emergence of a, 1033
local-universe, the pattern for, 28
and man’s concept of God, 33
material or spiritual, 70
non-Father, Third Source and Center’s bestowal of, 106
orders of, 8
presences of spirit beings, vs. Urantia mortal bodies, 483
records, place of preservation of, 409
of universe and universes, beginning of, 209
relation of Paradise to, 7
Rodan’s explanation of, 1783
section of written records of Paradise, first entry in, 209
spirit and matter as defined by, 82
the three dimensions of, 1095, 1226
Personality, 1. Personality defined
concept of God, and First Cause of science, 29
spiritual value of the, 30, 31
cycle, completion of the, 90
a definition, 8, 29, 70, 194, 615, 1434
the a definition, 59
not self-centered, 109
and energy, 8, 483
form, a definition, 483
of infinity, 35, 110
is or is not, 70
of man, definition, 9
mature, Rodan’s definition of a, 1777
nature of, not fully comprehended, 70
not a progressive achievement, 70
presumption to attempt to define, 1225
purpose of, 192
reality(ies), 8, 9, 613, 1122, 1140, 1210, 1226-1227
relation of pattern to, 10
relationship, definition, 110
a requisite of, 334
some things known about, 1225-1226
spiritualized, a definition, 141
an unsolved mystery, 70
values, a definition, 195, 196, 1226
Personality, 2. Bestowal by the Father
bestowal of the Father, 70, 79, 367
cause of, 79
distributions, of Paradise Father, results of, 35
endowment, from the Father, 1301
eternal, universe potential of, 142
expression, Father’s freewill act conditioned, 7
Father bestowal of, on all moral creatures, 196
the Father the source of, 119, 1232
the Fathers eternal endowment upon his creatures, 1226
gift of, to God, 1225
as a gift of the Universal Father, Lucifer’s denial of, 603
God shares his, 58, 62
of man, source of, 138, 640
mortal, direct bestowal of the Universal Father, 89
Universal Father the source of, 363
origin of, 27
segregation, cause of, 1434
the sovereign freewill bestowal of the Universal Father, 1201
source of, 8, 77, 79, 194, 334, 1225
Universal Father the bestower of, 109, 236
Personality, 3. Personality circuit
circuit, and “bosom of the Father,” 64
Conjoint Actor’s relation to, 112
of the Father, 9, 25, 53, 62, 65, 76, 106, 119, 363, 445, 640
and superuniverse representations of Eternal Son, 83
of the universe of universes, center of the, 71
circuited in the Universal Father, 71, 1225
drawn to Universal Father, 103
encircuitment of, Universal Father acts alone in, 95
gravity, noncomputability of, 133
operation of, a volitional act of the Universal Father, 104
of the Universal Father, circuit of, characteristics, 131
presided over by Universal Father, 99
response of, to the personality circuit, 131, 1225
Personality, 4. Deity and absolute personality
absolute, of Deity, location of, 5
Paradise Father’s concept of, and Eternal Son, 73
Second Source and Center the, 74, 1156
Universal Father’s inability to act alone as the, 111
absolutism, the Father’s liberation from, 98
Paradise Trinity’s function in Father’s escape from, 108
Original, absoluteness of, 1434
partnership, Father-Son, 93
-pattern possibilities, creatures of Havona as, 162
perfect, of Michael Sons, 28
realization of, by the I AM, 6
three types of Divinity function in, 1107
in the universe, 29, 30
evidence of the fact of, 846
of Universal Father, Eternal Son’s revelation of, 88
Unqualified Absolute devoid of, 14
Personality, 5. Personality of the Father
concept of God, revelation validates, 29
of Deity concept, functions of, 31
in Deity, prerequisite to, 1145
Father, God is, 79
of the Father, absolute unification of, 638
Nathaniel’s reasoning in convincing Rodan of the, 1784-1785
the Father’s contact with, 76
the Father’s, qualities of, 34
revelation of, to a universe, 94
focalization by Universal Father, 13
of God, concept of, a gradual evolution among the Hebrews, 1062
mortal realization of the, 69
relation of religion to its concept of the, 28
Rodan’s disagreement with Nathaniel and Thomas on the, 1783-1784
spiritual realization of, 31
God an infinite Creator, 28
God is, 4, 28, 70-72, 89, 1783-1785
God more, but nothing less than a, 1785
and goodness of God, 40
independence, of the Deities, 90
of love, God the, 2095
proof of God’s being a, 1123
relation of Universal Father to, 8
self-centered, God not a, 363
struggles, Universal Father participates in his creatures’, 29
transcendent, God a, 41
of the Universal Father, 27-29, 30, 138, 239, 639
Brahmanic philosophy’s failure to recognize the, 1031
Personality, 6. Personality of Son and Spirit
absolute, see Absolute(s) and personalities
attainment, the Eternal Son the pattern of, 80
complete and perfect, the Infinite Spirit a, 96
of Conjoint Actor and Seven Master Spirits, 186
of Creator sons, differences in, 236
of the Eternal Son, 78, 80, 81, 91
grand universe functioning of Conjoint Actor as a, 99
Paradise Son’s, characteristics of, 79
pattern, Eternal Son the, 10
performances on executive worlds of the Spirit, 151
real, Eternal Son a, 79
of Seven Master Spirits, 186
of the Son, a function of the, 73
of spirit beings, manifestations of, 10
source of Eternal Son’s, 77
of Original Son’s, 79
of Third Source and Center, relation of to Father-personality and Son-personality, 110
Personality, 7. Adjusters and personality
Adjuster’s status as to, 1198
circuit of Adjusters, God’s action over the, 45
consciousness, universal, relation of Thought Adjusters to, 71
craving to be like God, and Adjuster presence, 24
capacity for, in the Adjuster, 71
eternal, the Adjuster’s dependence on mortal will for, 1233
effect of Thought Adjuster on, 194
humans’ sovereignty of, Adjusters’ respect for, 1204
Personalized Adjusters’ embrace of all known relationships of, 1201
technique of the Adjuster’s winning, 1238
trust, a certain Adjuster’s promise to be true to his, 1214
Personality, 8. Uniqueness of personality
changelessness of the, 1225, 1226, 1572
is absolutely unique,” 1225
man’s, identity of, amid change, 31
no repeated identical expression of, 1284
Paradise Creators’ respect for privacy of, 208
paradox of the part and the whole on level of, 138
recognition, mystery of, 451
unchanging, significance of, 1235
uniqueness of, 1129, 1220
Personality, 9. Relation to the will and soul
dedication, relative free will involved in, 194
function of mind in, 9
influence of, on life, 1225, 1227
a limited sovereignty of will associated with, 1220
man’s moral will, 1458
mindal-energy, 334
mortals’ association of will with, 1183
not necessarily a concomitant of mind, 325
relation of, to worship, 66
relationships, transcendence of mind and matter by spirit in, 140
status, in connection with the psychic circles, 1209
submission to the will of the Creator not a surrender of, 1285
Personality, 10. Creature personality
creature, bestowal of, results, 71
two characteristic phenomena of, 194
Universal Father’s freewill gift, 448
of each human, an irreplaceable meaning-value in the finite, 1284
God’s action as related to each, 56, 62
human, Jesus’ recognition of the worth of, 2076
potential in cosmic-mind endowment, 70
relation of, to time-and-space events, 135
intercourse, between man and God, 31
of man, need of respect for, 1765
man’s type of, 30
meaning status of, 1218, 1226
satisfaction, supreme, the God-choosing son’s finding, 1221
Personality, 11. Characteristics of personality
attributes, Brahman’s lack of, 1030
certain characteristics of, 8
consciousness of time by, 1226
contactability of, 106
facts that mortals should remember in their study of, 1227
finite-creature, characteristics of, 106, 1226
a function of, 8, 102, 1226
insight peculiar to, 193
is characterized by morality,” 1225
manifestation, conditioning and qualification of, 194
physical systems’ subordination to, 1275
range of, 8
some characteristics of, 110, 194
subinfinite orders of, characteristics of, 8
transmissibility of, 127
Personality, 12. Evolution of personality
association, insurance against evil, 1776
pooling spiritual possessions through, 1776
value of, 1477
evolutionary ascent of, 8
evolving, limitations of, 42
inability of, to perform in isolation, 1227
and man’s ascension to the moral level, 193
man’s evaluation of, 1232, 1784
performance, in the local universe, 1160
realization, on a material world, identity of the sum total of the, 1209, 1226
scale, steps in the, 435
the time tension of, 1616
Personality, 13. Identity and unification
ability of, to retain its identity, 1434
attainment, spiritual, goodness’ relation to, 1458
decisions, the importance of man’s, 1303
dependence of, on selfhood reaction to universe environment, 1235
entire, harmonious functioning of, a requisite to the traversal of the seven circles, 1209
experience, and co-ordination of truth, beauty, and goodness in, 43
freedom, increasing, in universe progress, 1460
and identity, 142, 195, 1219, 1225
vs. individuality, 1227
of man, unification potential of, 640
maturity of, evidence of, 1774
mortal, unification of human experience with matter, mind, and spirit by, 647
a possession of the material self, 71
stability of, prerequisite to, 1774-1775
unification, 66, 135, 140, 174, 518, 639-640, 647, 1099, 1101, 1132, 1572, 2093
and the altruistic drive, 1132
violation, and new achievements, 422
Personality, 14. Destiny of personality
of the annihilated individual, fate of the, 37
both existential and experiential, future destiny of, 1201
destiny of, 27
development and Deity association, an ascending personality’s endless possibilities of, 1169
existence, eternal, how attained, 26
spiritual goal of, 189
extinction, Ancients of Days’ relation to, 367
of mortal mind, 26
isolated, fate of, 37, 1616, 1985
method of survival of, 1459
mortal, technique of eternalizing by the, 1295
motivation, perfection of, and mortal perfection, 22
Paradise perfection of, essentials of, 290
perfection, mortals’ attainment of, 1511
possibility of survival of death by, 1226
reaction to environment, a factor in creature perfection, 361
survival, 9, 69, 341, 761, 846, 1225-1240, 1457, 1480, 1660
nature’s lack of proof of, 1106
and reality of God, 24
revelation the assurance of, 1122
Personality, 15. Morontia personality
assembly, temple of, on first mansion world, 532
becoming a part of the Supreme Deity by, 1232
effect on, of passage from morontia to spirit, 342
individual, participation in the actualization of the Supreme a benefit to each, 1285
Morontia Companions’ possession of distinct, 545
of morontia status, mortal personality as a, 540
new, creation of a, from the surviving soul and the Adjuster, after fusion, 1212
the old, resurrection of, 341
onetime material, conditions involved in the reassembly of the, 1234
realities, of the Supreme Being, 641
Personality, 16. Jesus’ personality
of the adolescent Jesus, 1395
each apostle’s attraction to a certain trait of Jesus’, 1550
of God, Jesus’ life revealed the, 30, 1784
integrity, Michael’s, Immanuel’s responsibility for, 1329
Jesus’ difficulty in understanding his, 1371
growing consciousness of his, 1368
matchless symmetry of, 1534, 1562
resurrected, a probable component of, 2015, 2016, 2021
Michael’s revelation of, 30
organization of Jesus’, 1396
perfected human, presentation of, in Jesus’ life, 1425
splendidly unified, the Son of Man a, 2088
strong and forceful, Jesus a, 1589
supreme, Michael the, 367
traits, Jesus’ inherited, 1348
Personalization(s) of Adjusters, an occasion for, 445
of the Conjoint Actor, 98
of Creative Spirit, 374-375
of Creator Sons, 88, 374
deity, 16, 58, 109-110
of Deity, three, 110, 640
of energy, God more than a, 1124
existential, of Deity, Infinite Spirit the completion of the, 110
of the Father’s love and mercy, 75
of Magisterial Sons, 88
spiritual, of Universal Father on Paradise, 118
of the Third Source, a result of the, 93
of the Trinity, Supreme Being’s relation to, 113
of Trinity Teacher Sons, 88
of Universal Father and Eternal Son, result of the, 98
Personalized Adjusters ability of, to see and communicate with the celestial personalities, 1516
about, 444
as ascending Sons of God, 443-445
assigned to command celestial hosts, 1516
authority of, on Divinington, 1200
and baptismal vision of the Son of Man, 1512
College of, 186
communication of, with Jesus, 1904
Divinington the home of, 1180, 1201
the executives of the Architects of the Master Universe, 1201
the Father, 1523
the Father’s immediate presence, 1515
function of, on Divinington, 1201
identification of, by name, 1180
Jesus the sole observer of his, 1511
Jesus’ recalling of the admonition of his, 1530
Jesus’, command of, to former Adjuster of Lazarus, 1846
commander of celestial forces, 1633
departure of, for Salvington, 2025
the Father’s message through, 1755
and healing of 683 mortals, 1633
lack of time control of the, 1520
Michael’s, present status of, 1180
a source of information about Jesus’ life, 1341
possible acquired mortal experience of a, 1200
visibility of, to beings having attained the Universal Father, 1181
Personification of Eternal Son by Michael of Nebadon, 366
of particular concepts, Celestial Guardians the, 253
Peru traces of Andite blood in, 884
Pervaded space confluence of unpervaded space with, 123
effect of, on linear gravity, 125
space respiration on, 123
extent of, at right angles to plane of Orvonton, 125
force-charge of, 139
major divisions of, 128
outer extension of, 124
present status of, 124
Perversion of prayer, some attendant dangers of, 995
Pessimism a consequence of the pursuit of mere knowledge, 2076
definition, 2079
of the materialist, significance of, 2079
Pessimist Thomas a real, 1561
Peter Abner’s disagreement with, about jurisdiction of the Jerusalem church, 1831
admission of, to courtyard of Annas, 1980
age of, when chosen as an apostle, 1550
appeal to Jesus for the afflicted by, 1632
argument of Gadiah with, 1428
association of, with John Zebedee in Christian movement, 1555
attempt of, to persuade Norana to leave, 1734
baptism of three converted Pharisee spies by, 1667
calls a meeting, 2057-2058
capitulation of, to Jesus’ washing of his feet, 1939
characteristics of, 1550
chief spokesman for the apostles, 2029
confusion of, concerning Jesus’ identity, 1552
in the courtyard, 1980-1982
crucifixion of, 1552
date of death of, 1341
denial of Jesus by, 1551
difference of, with Nathaniel regarding the gospel message, 2058
dream of, 1703
evaluation by, of Jesus’ religion, 1582
favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 1701
glad tidings of the kingdom proclaimed by, 1552
interpretation by, of parable of the sower, 1689-1690
James, and John, accompanying of Jesus on Mount Hermon by, 1752
Jesus’ special instruction of, 1593
personal companions of Jesus, 1547
presence of, at Jesus’ transfiguration, reason, 1754
search for Jesus by, 1635
and James, statement by, of their readiness to “take the kingdom,” 1579
Jesus’ request of Andrew to pray for, 1703
and John, apostles’ reaction to return of, from the tomb, 2028
at the tomb, 2027-2028
leader of the church at Jerusalem, 2068
love of, for Jesus, 1551
loved the Master,” 1939
mistake of, in his gospel message, 2059
and Nathaniel, argument of, over interpretation of parable of the sower, 1690
and Paul, compatibility of, in later years, 1551
preaching of, compared with that of Jesus, 1594
of ordination sermon to the seventy by, 1805
public recognition by, of the presence of the Spirit of Truth, 2059
query of, regarding forgiveness, 1898
reaction of, to Jesus’ preparation to wash his feet, 1939
to Mary Magdalene’s recital of events in the garden, 2027
the real founder of the Christian church, 2050, 2069, 2091
the recognized head of the apostolic corps, reason, 2045
report by, of Jesus’ farewell and his ascension, 2058
request of, for a private talk with Jesus, 1578
rescue of, from drowning, 1703
selection of Simon Zelotes for an apostle by, 1540
sermon on “The Kingdom” by, 1629
supervision of the new evangelists by, 1688
thoughts of, as he ran to the tomb, 2027
tribute of, to Andrew, on day of Pentecost, 1549
visit of, with the morontia Jesus, 2039
visiting of Christian churches by, 1551
Peter’s lack of jealousy of Andrew, 1549
preaching on Pentecost, influence of, 2069
protest, 1759-1761
wife, ability of, 1552
death of, 1552
a member of the women’s corps, 1552
Peter’s confession Jesus’ unquestioned divinity the new feature of, 1748
about, 1745-1746
Petition(s) to the Father, by bestowal Sons, 229
man’s inability of, to change the Father, 1619
prayer as a, 996
prerequisite to the answering of all, 1639
Petrified forests, of early reptilian age, 686
Phallic cult, origin of the, 962
Pharaoh attitude of, toward Abraham’s return to Salem, 1019
failure of, to recapture the fleeing Semites, 1056
God’s supposed hardening of the heart of, 1738
Pharisee(s) and almsgiving, 1651
attitude toward women of the, 2065
controversy of, over Jesus’ healing of Josiah, 1814
criticism of Jesus by a certain malignant, 1540
of Jesus by, at Matthew’s carefree affair, 1540
a definition, 1534
dogmatic theology of the, 1672
four objections of, to the Master’s teachings, 1850
hypocritical, Jesus’ contempt for, 1386
Jerusalem, fossilized religion of, 1730
John the Baptist’s reprimand of, at time of their baptism, 1502
misinterpretation of the sacred writings by the, 1768
motives of, for wanting Jesus put to death, 1911
objection of, to dropsical man’s presence in breakfast room, 1834
presence of, in Mary’s home, cause, and effect, 1743
at Pella camp, 1818
and the publican, story of, 1573, 1838
query of a believing, as to the number to be saved, 1828
at Ragaba, 1825-1827
reaction of, to the resurrection of Lazarus, 1846-1847
refusal of, to countenance assassination of Jesus, 1911
sincere, Jesus’ respect for, 1386
three Sanhedrin, withdrawal of, at faulty indictment of Jesus, 1985-1986
three strict rules of the, 1827
as tradesmen, 1335
wealthy Philadelphian, breakfast for Jesus given by a, 1833
Philadelphia apostolic corps’ arrival at, during Perean ministry, 1833
apostolic rejoicing over progress of the gospel at, 1833
believers, the second largest group to see the morontia Jesus, 2042
strict adherence to the religion of Jesus by the, 1832
church, Abner head of the, 1831, 1869
vs. Jerusalem church, 1831
headquarters of the eastern Christian church at, 1430, 1831
Lazarus’ flight to, 1849, 1869, 1880, 1897
the seventy’s labors in, 1817
Philanthropy limits to effect of, 957
Pharisees’ publicity regarding their, 1651
Philip, the apostle age of, when chosen as an apostle, 1556
attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 1618
baptism of his entire family into the kingdom by, 1556
of Bethsaida, meeting of Jesus by, 1526-1527
characteristics of, 1556, 1557
choosing of, as an apostle, 1526-1527
crucifixion of, 1558
the curious, 1556-1558
encounter of, with a delegation of believing Greeks, 1902
founding of Christian church in Caesarea by, 1430
identification of, 1556
Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 1897, 1960
a mighty man in the kingdom, 1558
and Nathaniel, preaching partners, 1538, 1681
participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 2060
Peter’s defense of work of, among the Samaritans, 1551
quandary of, as to becoming one of Jesus’ apostles, 1526
query of, concerning “fear of the Lord,” 1675
questions of, concerning Jesus’ resurrection, 2038
reactions of, to appearance of believing Greek gentiles, 1902
to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 1885
request of, to be shown the Father, 1947
selection of Thomas Didymus by, 1539
the steward of the apostles, 1547
wife of, association of, with her husband in evangelistic work, 1557
death of, 1558
a member of the women’s corps, 1557, 1808
Philip, brother of Herod a half-hearted believer in Jesus, result, 1741, 1789
Philippine Islands to Africa, universal belief from, in man’s having been created from clay, 837
Philistines Abraham’s contact with the, 1023
David’s defeat of the, 1073
defeat of Saul by the, 1072
Joseph’s recounting of the history of the, 1370
origin of, 838
Philo adaptation of Plato’s theories to Hebrew theology by, 1637
of Alexandria, and early Christian doctrines, 68, 1010-1011
belief of, concerning incarnation, 1811
comparison of teachings of Paul and, 1339
identity of, 1433
influence of, on religious thought of the Occident, 1338
on Romanized Greeks, 2073
on the teachings of Jesus, 1864
one of the seven outstanding world religious teachers, 1339
possession of a copy of Amenemope’s Book of Wisdom by, 1046
Philosopher(s) co-ordination of ideas by, 1110
gravest error of, 42
Greek, Rodan a, 1772
Nathaniel the apostolic, 1558
the pantheistic Deity of the, 68
Philosophic belief, system of, religion not a, 1104
chaos, of the twentieth century, 1090
concept of God, need for change in the, 69
of the I AM, 1152-1153
and the Unqualified Absolute, 14
co-ordination, 1135-1137
dynamics, mortal spiritual insight the soul and energy of, 1120
reasoning, Greek, in Paul’s Christianity, 1340
religions, Christianity’s triumph over, 2070
a definition, 1129
on Urantia today, 1129
stability, a result of Jesus’ teachings, 1112
thought, pure, development of, among the Greeks, 1046
uniformity, vs. spiritual unity, 1129
Philosophical blunder, the supreme, 215
Philosophizing by ascendant personalities on Paradise, 303
definition, 303
Philosophy(ies) achievement of unity by, 1477
assumption by, of the validity of wisdom, 1141
of, religion not grounded in the, 68
attempt of, to co-ordinate material and spiritual concepts, 1139
attempted technique of, logic the, 1106
attitude of, toward the cosmos, 1122
the barren extremes of, 1779
the basis of, 647
characteristics of God in, 40
comparison of mota with, 554
a definition, 806, 1136, 1228, 2096
dependence of, on science and religion, 1477
dogmatism of, 479
false, religion’s persistence in spite of contamination with, 1107
religion’s subjection to the delusions of, 1119
the field of, 67
frailties of, revelation a compensation for the, 1140
function of, in the absence of mota, 1136
in the failure of metaphysics, 1136
in mortal life, 554
Gentile, characteristics of, 1336
God in, 30, 59, 1125
human, importance of, to the understanding of universal truths, 1136
morontia mota’s relation to, 556
inability of, to comprehend the evolving soul, 1215
the Jewish religion’s deficiency in, 1076, 1467
of living, an effective, factors in, 43, 1572
vs. religious authority, 1098
man’s distorted basis for his, 1137
inability to formulate an adequate, 1137
materialistic, possible prevention of development of, 141
moral, component of a strong character, 192
morality of Jesus’, 1585
necessity for the assumption of three realities by, 1110
need of, to avoid materialism and pantheism, 1140
to reckon with elliptic rather than linear reality, 1137
origin of, 1775
of perfection, availability of, 303, 311
personality of God not validated by, 31
possible dogmatism of, God-knowing men’s proper reply to the, 1127
precedence of, over science, 1228
and reality of God, 24
the realm of wisdom, 1110
relation of, to religion, 68, 1080, 2096
vs. religion, 996, 1121
and religion, 1113-1114, 1129-1130, 1140
of religion, personal, factors contributing to a, 1113
the three contending, 1090
religion, and science, meaningful unity of, 1080, 1122
religious, vs. nonreligious, 1114
vs. revelation, 1106
Rodan’s strength and weakness of, 1775
teaching of, in school of Meganta, 1787
schools of, on universe headquarters, 551
on worlds in light and life, 630
solution of mysteries by, 302
source of true, 1476
true, wisdom based on, 1459
the Universal Unity of, 29
yields unity,” 1106
Phoenicia apostolic corps’ return from, 1741-1742
apostolic visit to, in flight from the Sanhedrin, 1723
continuing the journey to, 1733
winning of souls in, 1736
Phoenician(s) believers, morontia Jesus’ message to the, 2054
in Ephesus, Jesus’ talk with the discouraged, 1478
a part of the Semitic race, 1333
Photographers group, of transition worlds, 504
Phrygian ceremonies, degrading character of the, 1081
cult of Cybele and her son Attis, popularity of the, in the Graeco-Roman world, 1081
Physical afflictions, healing of, vs. cleansing of spiritual disease, 1649
appliances, of star students, 339
aspects of Jerusem, 519
of the local universe, 455-466
blessings, primitive man’s prayers for, 995
body(ies), of mortal creatures, fabrication of, 376
shadowy, matter the, 82
“temples of God,” 26
components of local universes, origin of, 455
construction, of sacred spheres of Paradise, 143
control of Creative Spirit, relation of, to power charge of a local universe, 358
of local universes, relation of minor sector administration to, 181
controllers, on archangel commission of Life Carrier transmutation, 731
ascending mortals’ contact with, 319
assistance of, to seraphim, 1246
attitude of, toward reversion, 548
devotion to duty of, 323
energy circuits of, 177
transformers the more personal of the, 326
functions of, 457
Master Spirit Number Five adviser to, 187
mind domains of the, 730
and ministry to human and subhuman intellect, 103
permanent assignment of, to the local universe, 413
physical ancestors of the, 320
power-control creatures, 101
preparation of, for action at the Cana wedding, 1632
of space-energy conditions for functioning of, 652
relation of, to gravity, 473
secondary midwayers’ working connections with, 424
of space, goal of, 321
superuniverse, character and functions of, 175, 320
training not required by, 323
co-ordination, 637-638
creation, uniformity in administration of the, 320
elements of architectural worlds, number of, vs. those of evolved planets, 541
emergence of universes, 357-358
energy(ies), about, 155, 469-471
activities, the field of science, 1476
circuits, origin of, on nether Paradise, 122
classification, 469
definition, 9
the domain of Universal Power Directors, 265
force, and matter, oneness of, 123
manipulators, function of, 504
personalities, 334
physical-energy manipulators control of, 504
source of, 47, 105
of space, power centers’ direction of, 456-457
system of Satania,
Jerusem the supervising center of, 457
unified by Isle of Paradise, 99
events, catastrophic, relation of, to functioning of the Supreme Being, 115
environment, prayer’s lack of effect on, 999
facts, uniformity of, 42
features of Jerusem, 520
force(s), energy, and matter, oneness of, 123
man’s sometime achievement of relative mastery of, 1306
gravity, action, a function of, 140
complement of the Third Source and Center, a use of the, 136
the Conjoint Actor not directly concerned with, 112
grand-universe capacity, vs. outer-space capacity, 132
nether-Paradise forces’ relation to, 122
response, reality as measured by, 140
source and substance of, 101
the two forms of, 126
universal manifestation of the Isle of Paradise, 100
habits of mortals on worlds in light and life, 630
healing, and the building of the kingdom, 1635
vs. mental healing, 1645
laboratories, trial-and-testing, on Jerusem, 828
life, of architectural spheres of Nebadon, ten standard divisions of, 521
prerequisites, 664-665
light, and spirit luminosity, 10
marks, on Jesus’ resurrected body, Philip’s queries about, 2038
matter, a definition, 82, 123, 648
relation of Isle of Paradise to, 8
nature, and true revelation of Paradise harmony, 130
organization, Creative Spirit’s relation to, 374
patterns of living beings, source of, 404
phenomena of space, cause of, 47
pleasures, unsatisfactory food for soul hunger, 942
power and energy, the domains of, 527
personalized, of triune Deity, 189
reactions, characteristics of, 150
realms, influence of energy transformers on, 327
science(s), discoveries of, and range of human vision in first stage of light and life, 627
and spiritual religion, 1727
technique of the, vs. that of the Thought Adjusters, 2095
use of, in a study of the universe from the outside, 1135
senses, effect of man’s viewing the universe with his, 1135
of humans, number of, 564
reality domain of, 192
spheres, the abiding places and working arenas of spirit beings and ascenders, 139
stability, local universe, factors in, 177, 480
stimulus(i), central universe, insensibility of Urantians to, 154
vs. spiritual stimulus, 1193
systems, in Andronover, formation of, 653
astronomic, in Satania, 359
in Satania, inhabited worlds in number of, 359
of time and space, stabilization of, 360
torture, practice of, in primitive religion, 976
types of mortal creatures, number of distinct, 560
the seven outstanding, 561
universe(s), coherence of the, 42
decimal system inherent in the, 397
divine beauty seen in the, 40
Paradise the source of the, 7
paralleled by spiritual universe, 94
Unqualified Absolute the upholder of, 637
uplifters, Planetary Adams as, 436
Physician(s) Greek, conversation of, with Jesus in Rome, result, 1461
Jesus besieged as a, 1646
Luke the, 1581
Sethite priests as, 850
those who are whole need not a, 1541
Physicists predictions of, and the Absolutes, 56
universe, function of, 398
Uversa, energy and matter in outer regions as calculated by, 131, 351
Physics Dalamatians taught rudiments of, 748
human evolution not explained by, 738
revelation’s co-ordination of, 1123
Picket duty, men’s responsibility for, 934
Pictorial writing, of the red man, 746
Pictures of Jesus, deleterious influence of, 1590
prohibition of making of, by modern tribes, reason, 955
Piety the apostles’, vs. Jesus’, 1785
civilized man’s sometime outward manifestation of, purpose, 958
vs. sanctimoniousness, 1673
self-conscious, Jesus’ lack of, 1583
Pigs giant, extinction of, 696
Pikes Peak mountain activity as illustrated by, 692
Pilate attempt of, to avoid pronouncing the death sentence on Jesus, 1993
attitude of, toward the Jews, 1988
choice between Jesus and Barabbas given the crowd by, 1993
compliance of, with the Jews’ request for dispatching of the victims of crucifixion, 2011
granting by, of a guard for Jesus’ tomb, 2014
Jesus brought before, time, 1987
official position of, 1987
on trial before Jesus,” broadcast to the universe, 1999
plan of, to free Jesus, 1993
private examination of Jesus by, 1991-1992
reaction of, to Claudia’s note, consequences, 1994
to his last talk with Jesus, 1996
readiness of, to release Jesus, 1996
refusal of, to take money for release of Jesus’ body, 2012
suicide of, 1989
Pilate’s last interview, 1995-1996
tragic surrender, 1996
wife, plea of, that Pilate refuse the Jewish leaders’ request as to Jesus, 1973
Pilgrim(s) ascending, Havona receiving planet for, 290
disappointed, cause of failure of, 295
discoverer of Havona, 270
of eternity, and pilgrims of time, achievement of, on worlds of Michael Sons, 293
guardians, functions of, 545
Havona, inner-circle tests of, 294
helpers, function of, 290, 291
journey from superuniverse headquarters to Havona made alone, 343
on Paradise, avoidance of confusion by, 301
from Paradise, and pilgrims of time, first meeting place of, 291
of space, elementary course of instruction of, 291
encouragement of, to attempt trinitization, 254
of time, arrival of first, on outer circuit of Havona, 203
Ascendington the receiving sphere of, 147
ascension of, through Havona, 156
effect of Original Mother Son’s bestowal on, 87
extent of experience of, in major sectors, 211
final training of, on the Isle of Light, 301
function of Graduate Guides as related to, 270
Havona the finishing school for, 54
on the Havona worlds, 209
introduction of, to eternity, preparation for, 299
major sector work of, character of, 211
minor sector work of, character of, 211
and pilgrims from Paradise, first meeting place of, 291
retardation of ascent of, a cause, 315
and space, and Father’s personality, 30
transports of, from superuniverses to Havona, 290
universes of space as training schools for, 417
-training schools of central universe, teachers in the, 346
Pilgrimages to sacred shrines, an ancient ritual, 992
Pilot the Adjuster the human’s, 1217
light in the human mind, identity of the, 1181, 1246
world, Salvington, home world of Melchizedek Sons, 387
of seventh Havona circuit, domicile of fresh arrivals, 158
Pindar attempt of, to reform the Greek religion, 1079
Pine replacement of fern forests by, time of, 692
of later reptilian age, 687
Pit of destruction, and leading of the blind by the blind, 1907
Pitcairn experiment, success of, reason, 920
Pituitary bodies, organization of glands comparable to the, and spirit reception, 566
possession of one, two, and three, on different worlds, 566
Pity genuine, Jesus’ expression of, for his accusers, 1990
Jesus’ rare indulgence in, 1874
Jesus’, for Pilate, 1999
vs. mercy, 315
Placental mammals, sudden appearance of, time of, 693
Plan(s) of Universal Father, extent of the, 34, 36, 364, 365
of life, new and original, Jesus the exemplification of a, 1594
of Mercy Ministry, 85
for others, results of making fewer, 555
of progressive attainment, explanation, 85, 305
of Universal Father, steadfastness of the, 36
Planet(s) about, 172, 564
of Andronover nebula, time of beginning of life implantations on, 654
Andronover’s suns’ acquirements of, 654
barren, life initiation on, 399
classification of, as of the primary modified order of mortal ascension, 599
definition, 173
divine plan in the, 51
dominant influence on the, 483
evolved, number of elements of, vs. those of morontia worlds, 541
exhibits of, on system headquarters worlds, 425
the Father no respecter of, 46
God’s conduct modified by plans of a, 56
presence in a, degree of, 46
grand divisions of matter in the, 471
inhabitable, local universe’s complement of, 166
origin of, 171-172
superuniverse’s complement of, 166
inhabited, ruler of, 166
Lanonandeks continuous rulers of the, 393
material composition of, 458
Melchizedeks’ emergency service on the, 389
Michael’s visits to, 367
Mighty Messengers defenders of, 245-246
native, mortals’ nonreturn to, 436
number of, known only by Universal Father, 49
origin of, 455
number of modes of, 172
other inhabited, prayers from, 1621-1624
preparation of, for status of light and life, 621
quarantine of, reason for, 46
rulers of, function, 136
Salvington broadcasts directed to individual, 371
606 of Satania, 829, 830
service of Trinity Teacher Sons to, 214
settled in light and life, future of, 621, 1306
size of, 173
solar system, origin of the twelve, 656
stone the basic building matter for, 462
Planetary Adam(s), 580-588
Adam(s), biologic upliftment the role of the progeny of the, 581
and Eve, chief business of, 583, 588
instruction of, in evolutionary race 585
nonmating of, with evolutionary races, 593
optional continuance in planetary service of, 628
possible careers of, on release from planetary duties, 628, 629
teaching service of, and reception of Adjusters, 629
visible rulers of a world in the planetary stage, 632
visibility of, to mortal races, 515
identification of, 436, 444
mission of, 415
number of, lost in Satania, 581
value of voices of the garden to, 437
administration, 573-574
participation of Vorondadek observers in, 491
advancement, and divine plan of progression, 830
utilization of leisure for, during post-Magisterial Son ages, 595
age(s), advanced, function of spirits of trust during the, 438
closing of, and bestowal of a Paradise Son, 60
epoch of Teacher Sons the vestibule to the final, 567
successive, 621
assembly, era of, 658
assignments, primary and secondary midwayers co-operation in, 424
biologic uplifters, Adams and Eves the, 424
chief of Adjusters, Tabamantia’s acknowledgement to the, 1189
civilization on normal worlds, secondary midwayers’ connection with, 425
conduct, Gardens of Eden as social patterns of, 586
creation, man intended to be masterpiece of the, 57
culture, 578
custodians, function of, 544
custody, delivery of the charge of, to Adam and Eve, 830
destiny, new and unrevealed, mankind’s march toward a, 1086
dispensation, the current, sleeping survivors’ repersonalization at the end of, 1231, 1233
and decrees of cessation of existence, 37
evolution, order in, 560, 567
father of Urantia, Adam the, 514
government, 1490, 1254, 1258
of Urantia, vs. that of other isolated worlds, 1250, 1258
headquarters and schools, 575-576
helpers, classification of, 436-439
isolation, Adjuster contact and, 1191
cause of, 394
judges, function of Avonal Sons as, 226
life, 559-560
celestial, reaction of, to seduction of Eve, 842
differences in, on each evolutionary world, 397
loyalty to sovereignty of Creator Sons, winning of, 224
memorials, location and number of, 526
ministry, midwayers an order of, 855
missions of Material Sons and Daughters, 415
mortal epochs, 567, 589-600
orbits, stabilization of, 657
pattern, racial, 553
physical types, 560-563
Prince(s), 572-579
absence of, from Urantia, compensation, 1254
acting, conjectured duration of the sovereignty of Machiventa as, 1251
adjudication of Urantia on arrival of, 717
apostate, Lucifer’s instruction to, regarding legislative and judicial proceedings, 604
arrival of, and beginning second half of human history, 589, 718
and departure of Life Carriers, 400
and new dispensation, 591, 2024
time of, 701, 722, 735
ascendant mortal staffs of, and origin of primary midwayers, 424
benign rule of average worlds by, 576
Caligastia the, 667
corporeal staff of, make-up of, 574
dispensational adjudication on arrival of the, 590
a distinct group, 572
elevation of, to Planetary Sovereign, time of, 444, 577, 588, 599, 632
function of, 51, 359, 392, 567, 572
Gabriel’s jurisdiction over, 573
headquarters of, and development of civilization, 586
of an inhabited planet, 166
invisibility of, to mortals, 575
the Lanonandeks, 223, 524, 741
loyal, permanent attachment of, to their planets, 576
make-up of staff of a, 573
man’s instinctive anticipation of the appearance of the, 1008
mission of, 572, 576
passing upon fitness of reproducing human strains by the, 574, 585
planting of seeds of revealed religion by the, 590
primitive mortals’ attitude toward the, 590
rebellion of, effect of, on Urantia, 266, 394, 578
rebels among, in Nebadon, 393, 607
responsibility of a, 754
sacredness of trust reposed in a, 754
secondary Lanonandeks as, 392, 572
and staff, visibility of, to Material Sons and Daughters, 587
System Sovereigns’ direction of, 393
titular, Jesus as the, 1014, 1251, 1319, 1327, 1512, 1919
of Urantia, 741-753
identity of, 567
Michael now the, 1025
usual time of arrival of the, 735
procession, Urantia out of step in the, 597
races, and nature of Paradise Sons, 34
rebellion, 754-762
receiver(s), Adam’s conference with the, 830
Machiventa’s functions as a, 1025
the twelve Melchizedeks, 1014
Urantia’s administration by a council of, 759
resurrection, morontia Michael’s command regarding the, 2024
rulers, Life Carriers as race-purification advisers of the, 627
sentinels, function of, 864
series of mortals, 565-568
service of Daynals, 231
Sovereign(s), elevation of Planetary Prince to, and midwayers, 444
inner temple of, the place of Adjuster fusion, 623
mortal chief executive as associate of, 628
new authority of, 622
prosperity of a world in light and life under rule of the, 624
summons of, to candidates for soul-Adjuster fusion, 623
Trinity Teacher Sons as advisers to the, 634
of Urantia, Machiventa Melchizedek the future, 632
visibility of, conditions of, 622
stage of a world in light and life, period of, 631-632
systems, why created, 21
temples, “coming down from heaven of,” 622
variations in life types, cause of, 560
Planetesimals about, 172
Plant life animals’ dependence on, 676
and bacteria, common ancestry of, 732
primitive, first habitat of, 665
responsiveness to environment of lower forms of, 737
Plant(s) commingling of, during ice age, 702
domestication of, in the agricultural age, 769
fear and worship of, cause, 945
flowering, appearance of, time, 688, 691
and fruits, as fetishes, 967
influence of the growing of, 769
land, migration of, from seashores, time, 675
method of survival in time by, 1459
old superstition regarding woman’s ability to raise, 934
Planting of a seed necessitates its death, 555
Plato influence of, on Paul’s doctrines, 1340
Jesus’ and Ganid’s discussion of teachings of, 1476
Jewish beliefs as effected by, 1338
some teachings of, 1079
theories of, in Philo’s Hebrew theology, 1637
Plato’s doctrines, Jesus’ and Ganid’s discussion of, 1433
Platonism Greek, influence of, on first-century gentile world, 1335
Play an activity of Jerusem, 526
alternation of work with, 547, 1616
builders, function of, 502
competitive, a means of interracial social contacts, 597
provisions for, on worlds in light and life, 630
in west Garden schools, 835
a definition, 547, 549
on earth, vs. worship on Paradise, 304
edifices of transition worlds, 502
instinct, of the Andonites, 714
and humor, the violet race’s introduction of, to humankind, 942
Jesus’ capacity for, 1361
a means of combating intolerance, 803
of Paradise, worship the, 304
performances in schools of the Prince, 575
of present day races, source of, 835
religion’s effect on, 1089
a reminiscence of the past, 549
the rest of, 299
spirit, throughout journey to Paradise, 282
of time, reminiscing, during service of eternity, 316
uplifting, soundness of, 942
Playmates Jesus’ Alexandrian, 1355
Pleasure(s) augmentation of, by rhythm, 504
a child’s evaluation of experience’s dependence upon, 1094
escape, man’s, vs. pleasure enjoyment of Havona creatures, 52
a factor in the development of culture, 577
fathers’ desire to provide for their children’s, 1604
Havona creatures’ enjoyment of, 52
lures, new function of, in family life, 940
mania, a present threat to family life, 942
man’s right to, 1096
requisites for, 51
seeker, aim of the, 577, 1779
of time, vs. realities of eternity, 1745
without debauchery, man’s need to enjoy, 977
Pledge of a Creator Son to retrieve his creation, 238
of loyalty, to Jesus, apostles’ approval of Peter’s, 1716
Pleistocene period, length of, 702
Pliocene period, length of, 699
Plural deities, Abraham’s emphasis on one God, vs., 1018
marriages, 925-927
-wife mores, influence of, on brother and sister marriages, 919
Poetry a definition, 2080
origin of, in incantations, 1006
a relief for profound philosophy, 1616
Poets rhythm recorders as, 504
Poise matchless, of Jesus, 1589, 1970
Poison(s) discovery of, effect, 790
effect of, on the Adjuster’s functions, 1204
mental, identity of some, 1204
Poisoned weapons, early use of, 785
Polar lands, climate of, during brachiopod age, 677
sea, extension of, in later reptilian age, 687
Pole Star significance of, to the Egyptians, 1045
Police force(s) absence of, on worlds in light and life, 630
moral, religion the, 1006
Police supervision by the Alpheus twins at Amathus, 1589
Political administration, Greek and Roman empire status of, 2071-2072
attitude, Jesus’ teaching as to, 1580
developments, influence of, on man’s philosophy of religion, 1113
duty, man’s ethical recognition of, and religion, 2075
freedom, the Greeks’ teaching regarding, 2071
genius, vs. religious leadership of Ikhnaton, 1047
growth, final consummation of, 1488
organization of the continental nation, 809-810
growth of, problems of the, 1488
panaceas, not substitutes for spiritual progress, 2077
parties, origin of, 792, 1488
power, Jesus’ refusal to exhibit, 1837
progress, Western world’s appreciation of, 2069
reformer, Jesus not a, 1580
rivalry, Romans intolerance of, 2072
sagacity, of Moses, vs. that of Ikhnaton, 1047
service, attitude toward, in an advanced state, 803
sovereignty, 1487-1490
evolution of, from family to empire, 1488
re-establishment of European small-group, 1489
state, dictatorial, origin of the, 2081
tyranny, the religionist’s consciousness of, 1088
venture, Jesus’ “kingdom” not a, 1647
Politician(s) Jerusalem’s corrupt ring of, destruction of, under Josiah, 1074
Matthew’s influence on, 1560
shrewd, Matthew a, 1560
Politics and religion, discussion of, at Matthew’s home, 1540
and religion, gradual divorcement of, 1930
without principles, society’s tolerance of, 2086
Polyandry onetime practice of, 926
usual limitations of, 926
Polygamy blue man’s rare practice of, 891
Christianity and, 2069
vs. monogamy from a cultural viewpoint, 928
origin of, 781
Polygyny a cause for the spread of, 926
four sorts of wives recognized under, 926
onetime practice of, 926
Polynesian islands, biologic modification of peoples of, by Andite sailors, 873
and white races, the blending of, on Pitcairn Island, 920
Polytheism of the Aryans, 1027
a definition, 67, 1144
function of, with primitive man, 67
Ikhnaton’s attempt to swing Egypt from, to monotheism, 1047
vs. monotheism in Egypt, 1044, 1145
and trinitarianism, 1144
transition between, and monotheism, 67
Pontius Pilate about, 1987-1989
beginning rule as governor of Judea by, time, 1512
Pool of Siloam, and healing the blind beggar, 1812-1813
Poor belief in the gospel by the, 1608, 1830, 1859
Jesus’ reason for blessing the, 1594, 2093
and outcast, apostolic preaching of glad tidings to the, 1608, 1710
in spirit, happy are the, 1570, 1573, 1574
widow, and her two-mite offering, 1883
world religions’ neglect of the, 1608
Populace desertion of Jesus by the, 1715
unthinking, presence of, in mob clamoring for death of Jesus, 1995
Popular assembly, a great social advance, 798
Popularity unearned, Jesus’ refusal to prostitute his divine attributes to acquire, 1521
Population(s) city, limitation of, of the continental nation, 809
condensation, and the Roman state, 801
controls, modern remnants of primitive, 770
dense, caste a result of, 770
pressure, reaction of the violet race to, 870
quality of, determination of, 770
restrictions of early races, 770, 936
stationariness of, on worlds in light and life, 630
variation, the law of, 769
Pork taboos on, 936, 975
Porogia a Satania Neighbor, 457
Porphyreon apostolic preaching in, 1736
Porshunta mission of, 724
on Urantia advisory council, 513
Portal(s) of eternity, prerequisite to the opening of the, 71
of perfection, the long journey to, 71, 318
Portalon Nebadon neighbor of, 360
Positive constant advantage of the, over the negative, 1125
nature of Jesus’ religion, 1769-1771
Possession of evil spirits, a type of human sickness, 1591, 1658
Possessions earthly, Jesus’ followers and, 1581
spiritual, pooling of man’s, consequence, 1776
Post -Adamic age, of an evolutionary planet, 534, 621, 821
-Adamic man, 592-594
Urantia, the seven major religious epochs of, 1009
-Havona creation, board of managing directors of, 198
epochs, actualizing Deities of the, 10
trinities, experiential, 15, 16
universes, personalization of presence of Eternal Son in, 83
-Magisterial Son age, of an evolutionary planet, 621
Son man, 594-595
-Melchizedek era, religious teachers of the, 1009
-Planetary Prince age, of an evolutionary planet, 591-592, 621
-Teacher Son age of normal planets, 536, 599
Son man, 598-600
Postbestowal ages of a Creative Spirit, 204
Son age, characteristics of, 536, 595-596
Postgravity stages of response to Paradise gravity, 126
Postmortal career, crowning achievement of, 538
career, Jesus’ first words of his, 2022
residence, man’s first, 174
Postponement Paradise attitude toward, 294
Potential(s) vs. the actual, in time universes, 1124
vs. the actual, in this universe age, 1284
actualization of all, conjectures regarding the, 1168
of all potentials, an appellation for the First Source and Center, 1155
a definition of the, 1262
Deity, definition, 2
infinite, of God in a boundless universe, 49
of mind, 638
infinity, character of, 15
intellectual and spiritual, of evolutionary beings, source of, 191
perception of, as actuals, on the absolute level, 1173
personality, of moral beings, 5
physical energy denotes, 9
reality, 7, 1154, 1296
reality mobilization of, how signified, 353
time-actualization of the, 1262
of the Ultimate, Havona suggestions of the, 161
unrealized, of creature beings, effect of trinitization on, 247
Potentiality(ies) capacity, to the creature, 1262
conversion of, into actualities, in the scheme of universal creation and evolution, 1261
new, the seven triunities disclosing of, 1151
Pottery advancement in, during Dalamatian epoch and later, 748, 903
industry, Ur the headquarters of, 875
introduction of, into the Nile delta, 889
making, development in the art of, 903
in the second garden, 850
origin of the art of making, 902
Poultry keeping of, in Jerusalem, illegal, 1981
Pounds parable of the, basis of, 1875
Pouring out of the spirit of the Universe Son upon all flesh, 365, 2035
Poutaenus identity and work of, 2074
Poverty attitude of believers toward, question as to, 1603
culture and, 907
the explanation of, 1220
man’s natural estate, 773
the mark of an unprogressive society, 803
Nazareth family’s experience of, 1400
near-absence of, on advanced world in light and life, 629
Power -actualizing Deity of the Supreme Being, function of, in the Sevenfold Deity, 362
adjustment, technique of associate power directors in changing, 326
agencies, spornagias’ utilization of, 527
and authority, Jesus’ knowledge of having received all, 1918, 1938
Judas’ notion of Jesus’ fear to assert his, 1566
centers, concern of, in the minor sector stage of stabilization, 635
devotion to duty of, 323
direction of physical energies of space by the, technique of, 322-324, 456
energy circuits of, superuniverse circuits, 177
evolution not experienced by, 323
function of, in transmutation of ultimatons into electron circuits, 473
functional control units of, number of, 323
Master Spirit Number Five adviser to, 187
Nebadon, 455-456
Paradise force organizers’ supersedence by, 455
“personal” and living, 323
physical ancestors of the, 320
power activities of, 473
relation of, to gravity, 473
of space, goal of, 321
technique of, description of, 175, 323
training not required by, 323
charge, of a superuniverse, character of, 321, 326
circuits, going out from superuniverse centers, 321, 326
in organized space, 473
of universes, establishment of, 169
conditioned by patience, in Orvonton, 182
control of, by power centers, 473
of control and co-ordination in Isle of Paradise, 49
-control creatures, of the Third Source and Center, 99, 101
stations, automatic, suns as, 172
controlled by God, 47
currents of space, supervision of, 265
definition of, 9, 323, 418, 469
delegation of, by Universal Father, 49, 52
designs, operation of, by Creator Sons, 374
Directors, 319-329, 455
dependence of, on the Master Spirits, 1275
as energy Catalyzers, 471, 473
field of activity of the, 107, 357, 457, 471
Master Spirit Number Five adviser of, 187
and organization of superuniverse mass, 170
and power charge of a local universe, 358
power-control creatures, 101
taking over of power direction in local universes by the, 329
Third Source personality of the, 106
transmutation of energy into matter by the, 468
type of mind of, and mind-gravity estimation, 132
effect of, on religion, 1004
energy-matter’s organization as, 470, 1164
eternal, God an, 28
the evidence of stability, constancy, and eternity of Isle of Paradise, 139
to the faint, He gives,” 1448, 1662
the Father self-conscious of his, 34
to feed, and right to rule, 1702
force, and energy, oneness in origin of, 637
and glory, Jesus’ decision against a program of, 1518
of God, 46-48, 49, 364, 1453, 1454, 1675
from on High, definition, 2043
Jesus’ avoidance of a display of, 1543
superhuman, conditions of possible use of, 1518
of the kingdom, nature of, 1568, 1634
lanes, in Nebadon administration, 456
of a Master Michael, character of, 240
in the material world, vs. greatness in the spiritual kingdom, 1940
materializing, unified by Isle of Paradise, 99
mobilization by Universal Father, 13
oneness of God in, 646
-pattern, and loving person, the same universal reality, 1149
-personality focalization of the Trinity, 113
synthesis, in the evolving Supreme, 1167
of finite and Paradise reality, 11, 161
in the Supreme, 641, 648, 1164
-personalization, of actualizing Deities, 10
present era of, 115
possession of, and refusal to use it for self-aggrandizement, a mark of high civilization, 556
potentials of the Almighty, unification of, with spiritual nature of the Supreme, 161
unifying, of the sovereignty of experiential supremacy, 641
prerogatives of Almighty Supreme, source of, 641
relation of, to pattern, 10
space not, 123
spiritual, of Eternal Son, 76, 79
superhuman, Jesus’ decision against using, for Jewish gratification, 1520
supernatural, Jesus’ greatest demonstration of, 1708
supreme, of God, 1448, 1452
systems, Edentia, supervision and distribution of, 494
temporal, Jesus’ refusal to employ, 1523
transformers, presence of, at Cana wedding, 1530
Universal Father the head of, 50, 239
Father’s reservation of, apparent reason for, 108
universe, electronic organization of, 321
unlimited, Jesus’ possession of, 1543
without conscience, society’s tolerance of, 2086
Practical affairs, and Conjoint Actor, 66
Jesus characterized as, 1101, 1102
Practice of magic, 972-973
Praetorium Jesus’ trial conducted on the steps of the, 1987
Praise Jesus’ attitude toward, 1594
-phrase, daily, the Dalamatians’, 747
Prajapati identity of, 1028
Pray the right way to, 999
in the spirit,” need for material beings to, 1849
Prayer(s) addressed to the Son, 66
addressing God the Father in, 66
and the alter ego, 996-997
answered and unanswered, 1639, 1848-1849
answers to, question of Thomas regarding, 1605
association of, with religions of evolution and revelation, 996
assurance of God’s hearing, 1639
the breath of the soul, 1619, 1621
causes for, 1001
change of man’s attitude toward God by, 1639
vs. communion of worship, in modern religion, 1123
creature-interest element of, 65, 999
Dalamatian, Edenites use of, 836
definitions, 1616, 1618, 1621, 1848, 1946
difference between worship and, 65
discourse of Jesus on, 1618-1619
for divine guidance, importance of, 1640
does not change God,” 998
double function of, 997
early man’s two occasions for, 1001
effective, five characteristics of, 1620
ethical, power of, 997
the evolution of, 983, 994
of faith, influence of the, 998
significant evolution of, 997, 1848
foolish, children and their, 1639
function of spirit-gravity circuit in, 84
Gautama’s disregard for the importance of, 1037
genuine, origin of, 994
the ideal, 1618
influence of, on the one who prays, 996, 998, 1639, 2065
Jesus’ consent to teach his apostles a suggestive form of, 1618
last, with the apostles, 1963-1965
trips to a hill outside Nazareth for, 1387
seasons of communion not, 1618
Jesus’, effectiveness of, 1408
in Gethsemane, 1968
result of, 1621
at the time of his baptism, 1511
for the twelve, 1620
of a just man,” influence of the, 983
lack of the spirit of thanksgiving in, 1640
limitations of, 999, 1639
local universe concerned with, 65
vs. magic, 995-996, 1001
man’s best method of communicating with his maker, 1000
elevation by, 1002
results of, 1621
unanswered, 1605
the Master’s favorite, 1774
ordination, 1569
materialistic, need for avoidance of, 1639
may enrich your life,” 998, 1123
the meaning of, to Jesus, 2089
as a means to worship, 1640
model, apostles’ desire for a, 1619
more about, 1620-1621
no set time for, 1640
not dependent on education, philosophy, social status, or culture, 1000
a substitute for action, 997
of Onagar, significance of, 716
other forms of, 994, 1621-1624
a part of religious experience, 1123
personal, desired secrecy of, 1640
perversion of, 995
prerequisites to God’s hearing man’s, 1451
to the hearing of, 1443
of primitive man, 983, 996, 1001
public, Jesus’ aversion to, 1620
the purpose of, 1616
as related to physical environment, 999
relation of, to careless speech, 1640
of a religion, significance of, 67
seeking the Father’s favor by, 1576
some definitions of, 1001
sometimes man’s intercourse with his own subconscious, 996, 999
of the spirit of man, vs. that of the mere mind of man, 1848
a spontaneous outburst of God-consciousness, 1002
taught by John for the multitude, 1618
of thanksgiving, a healthful attitude of spiritual meditation, 1100
thanksgiving, and worship, Jesus’ discourse on, at Jotapata, 1638
time, in Nazareth home, and family discussions, 1401
of time, sometimes only answerable in eternity, 1848
translation of worship to, 65
a twofold human experience, 997
wheels, use of, in Tibet, 1038
wholehearted and unselfish, an attempt to contact the Thought Adjuster, 1099
vs. worship, 1616
and worship, Jesus’ teachings about, 1616
Prayerful consecration, to doing his Father’s will, Jesus’, 2089
Praying and feasting, Jesus’ comments on, 1655
as a personal experience, 1001-1002
in public, vs. living faith, 1838
in the spirit and in truth, a definition, 1640
true, a definition, 995, 996, 1001
Preabsonite training of Paradise, 495
Preacher(s) Andrew not an effective, 1549
chief, of the apostolic corps, Peter the, 1549, 1551, 1594, 1884, 2045
Jesus not a, 1594
John the Baptist more than a, 1501
public, apostles’ ordination as, 1568
of righteousness, John the Baptist a daring, 1499
Preaching at Archelais, 1607-1609
of Jesus from a boat, reason for, 1628
Jesus’, effectiveness of, reason, 1594
tour, the first, 1547, 1628, 1637-1646
the second, 1668-1677
the third, 1678-1687
Preadjutant -spirit minds, definition, 480
Prebestowal ages, sovereignty limitations of Creator Son during, 238
charge, Immanuel’s, Jesus’ assurance of adherence to, 1513
conference of Michael with Gabriel, 1324
Precious metals, on architectural worlds, 526
Precision and law, 115
trinitarian justice characterized by, 59
Predestination humans’ freewill choice regarding, 1204
Predictability of mind-gravity circuit, 104
Pre-existence Jesus’ growing consciousness of his, 1395
Pre-experienced Adjuster, possible gift of a, to a mortal of survival prospects, 1199
Preferment worldly, effect on the apostles of desire for, 1758
Pregnancy primitive man’s superstitions regarding, 931
Pregravity stages, of response to Paradise gravity, 126
Prehuman ancestors, escape from extinction of, 705
era, definition, 589
existence, Jesus’ full self-consciousness of his, 1408, 1787
Prejudice(s) apostles’, against the Samaritans, vs. their loyalty to Jesus, 1607, 1612
effect of, on the creative imagination, 1220
, on the Scriptures, 1768
hypocrisy born of, 1820
influence of, 1094, 1774
Jesus’ desire to free men from, 1745, 1792
Judas’ Judean, against his Galilean associates, 1566
necessity for freedom from, to enter the kingdom, 1861
Pharisees blinded by, 1726
religious, Jesus’ death, the result of, 1872
Jesus’ freedom from, 1671
toward scientific discoveries, faith’s lack of, 1115
Preknowledge God’s existential nature of, 1185
the Master’s, the reason for the apostles’ “miraculous” catch of fish, 2046
the Master’s use of, in his cure of many sick, 1645
Prelife era, period covered by, 672
Premarital training, influence of, on divorce, 929
Prematter space the womb of some, 123
Premind thinking and knowing ability of, 102
Thought Adjuster’s, and mind of Father and Son, 78
Prenatal marking of children, origin of belief in, 962
Prepersonal Adjusters, function of, 70
channels of communication with God, Adjusters’ use of, 65
Deity is, 2, 78, 112
divine spirit, a part of man, 30, 129
entities, nature of the mind endowment of, 1181
numerous unrevealed, conjectured functions of, 1179, 1181-1182
Solitary Messengers’ consciousness of the presence of, 1189
function of Universal Father, 3
levels, possibility of Thought Adjusters having volition on, 1183
a permissible term to apply to an Adjuster, 363, 380, 639, 1184
status of Adjusters, 8, 28, 445
Pre-Planetary Prince age, of an evolutionary planet, 513, 590, 621, 625
Prerequisites of Adjuster indwelling, 1186-1188
Presence(s) circuit(s), of Eternal Son, 45
circuit(s), of Infinite Spirit, 45
of Paradise, 45, 176-177
-consciousness of the Supreme Being, possible emergence of, in reflectivity, 105
evolving, of Supreme Being, measurement of degree of the, 46
the Father’s, fluctuating of, reason for, 46
location of, 63
many, other than Thought Adjusters, 1271
patrols master universe, 45
of God, 45, 64, 65, 95-96, 1474, 1733
Jesus’ method of attainment of the, 2089
man’s indwelling, certainty of reality of, 195, 1784
reason for limitation of the, 48
God’s effective, in creature minds, determination of, 46
mind, of Deity, determination of, 64
of Mystery Monitors, evolving soul’s experience of the, 65
phenomenon, of a personality, energy not manifested in, 483
physical, of the Infinite, a definition, 64
spiritual, of Divinity, determination of, 64
of Divinity, differential, 64
Present all of the past and all of the future in the, from the infinite and absolute level, 1296
interpretation of the, 215
universe age, 115, 242, 244, 247, 345, 353, 454, 558
Grandfanda’s relation to Supreme Council of Destiny in the, 353
Havona activities peculiar to the, 160
relation of Architects of the Master Universe to, 251
and scope of Urantia Papers, 144
Presentation of Jesus in the temple, 1352-1353
Preservative salt a, 1572
Pressure guages, automatic, living, frandalanks as, 328
-presence, of primal force, north and south differences of, 122
Prestige political, Jesus’ refusal to prostitute his divine attributes to gain, 1521
Presumption freedom from, of Jesus’ faith, 2090
possible causes of, 1673
Presumptuous Jesus’ faith never, 1102-1103
Pretense Jesus’ lack of, 1101
Prevention of transitional breakdown, a factor in material civilization, 911
Price of entrance to the kingdom, relation of, to the rewards, 1537, 1802
a, for everything, 796
of following Jesus, 1577, 1869
Pride effect of man’s, 1451
effect of, on marriage, 922
the Father’s disdain of, 1676
a function of, 765
goes before a fall,” 1223, 1444
the greatest danger to man’s spiritual integrity, 1223
influence of, on Jesus’ family, 1721
Jesus’ freedom from, 1582, 1786
Judas’, effect of, 1925
Lucifer’s, tragedy of, 603
Nathaniel’s characteristic weakness, 1558
of self, Lucifer’s nourishment of, to point of self-assertion, 603
some unfortunate characteristics of, 1223
source of, 1713
Priest(s) and administration of primitive justice, 795
almost complete absence of, in Greece, 1079
a check on kings, 790
early man’s worship of, 774, 948
matchmakers, 923
in Egypt, opposition of, to monotheism, 1047
of El Elyon,” Machiventa known as the, 1015
of the Most High God,” identity of, 1085
evolvement of, 992
Gautama’s denouncement of, 1035
gentile, morality of, 1338
Jesus’ instruction to the leper to show himself to the, 1643
and Levites, sunrise procession of the, 1794
of the mother cult, encouragement of physical suffering by, 976
power and authority of, 968
prosperity of, under Tutankhamen, 1048
reason for women’s selection as, 777
and rituals, 992-993
and scribes, reaction of, to cleansing of the temple, 1890
shamans’ functioning as, 989
specialization of, 992
from Ur, Bethlehem visit of the, 1352
Priesthood(s) deterioration of, in Mesopotamia, 1043
influence of, on scientific development, 993
on spiritual progress, 993
on stabilization of civilization, 993
Jewish bondage to the, 1340
Sethite, threefold nature of, 850
Priest-king shaman’s sometime function as a, 986
Primacy of the Father, 5, 6, 35, 51, 52, 53, 88, 108, 239
universal, shared only with Paradise Trinity, 35
Primal Ancestor of universes, God in absolute probably the Final Father of personalities and the, 1296
causation, origin of, 1152
Cosmic Pattern, the Universal Father the, 1148
creator, Eternal Son a, 75
force(s), inherence of, in the Absolutes, 638
to the scientist God a, 30
Mind, the divine Creator, 34
reality, in spirit world, 23
thought of the Universal Father, eternalization of, 638
Primary Associators, an order of Master Physical Controllers, 325
Associators, function of, 328
Corps of the Finality, destiny of surviving mortals, 347, 354
Gravity Messengers under sole assignment to the, 346
personalized messenger corps of the, 347
eruption, description, 204, 374
Eventuated Master Force Organizers, assistants to Architects of the Master Universe, 319, 352
function of, 329, 469
space presence of, on potential force, 469
evolutionary races, colors of, 564
force(s), influence of Infinite Spirit’s supercontrols on, 112
organizers, field of initial operations of, 470
Master Force Organizers, early control by, of space-energies later organized as Andronover, 651
midway creatures, invisibility of, to humans, 745
function of the, 745
number of, rebelling, 756
origin of the first, 424, 745
total number of, 424, 745
midwayers, 855
Adamson’s knowledge of, 861
vs. angels, 424
functions of, 425
number of defaulting, 863
relation of, to the Urantia Revelation, 865
seven adjutant mind-spirits nonfunctional with, 424
technique of energizing of, 424
of production of, 855
races, interbreeding among the, 585
Sangik, an original skeletal type of a Urantia race, 904
seconaphim, assignment of, to ascending creatures, 317
attachment of, to Ancients of Days, 307
fifth and every seventh one thereafter, function of, 309
the fourth and every seventh serial, function of, 309
living mirrors, 307
number of, in each created group, 307
seven types of service of, 308
special ability of the first and each succeeding seventh, in each superuniverse, 308
transport powers of, 290, 430
supernaphim, classification of, 298
craving of, to be conductors of worship, 304
the custodians of knowledge of the, 288
function of, 287, 298
Infinite Spirit the creator of, 285, 287
the present chief of Urantia seraphim, 414
versatility of, 298
Primates about, 706-707
the ancestors of man, 707
birth of the first of the, 700, 706
experience of, with fire, 712
mutation in stock of, result, 700
origin of, 707
parents of the first human beings, 707
twins, characteristics of, 706-707
Primitive concepts of God, effect of, on Urantians, 60, 2019
human institutions, 772-782
man(men), 589-590
attitude of, toward enslavement of their backward fellows, 585
toward higher animals, 946
carnivorousness of, 593
civilization and, 908
date of appearance of, 718
definition, 589
difference between an animal and, 1479
genealogy of, 707
golden age of, 717
and his religion, 1091
suspicion the inherent reaction of, 437
marriage, a matter of business, 917
religion(s), concern of, with ethics and morals, 1110
evolutionary origin of all, 1129, 1132
nature and effects of, 29, 60, 956, 1005, 1010, 1012, 1728
need to judge, in the light of its contemporary times, 1115
worlds, length of life on, 564
Primordial -force behavior, and postulated ether, 476
force, definition, 329, 469, 638
evolution of, 169
function of force organizers with, 329
reaction and characteristics of, 136
transmutations of, prior to appearance as universe power, 470
reactions of material life, initiation of, 560
Prince Caligastia, Nodite staff of, Ratta a direct descendant of, 895
of darkness, Caligastia the, 1914, 1938
of devils, Beelzebub the, 1714, 1850
Jesus accused of working by power of the, 1693, 1746, 1797, 1814-1815, 1847, 1892
of Heaven, revelation of, 1451
of Peace, bestowal Son the, 597, 766, 1522, 1536, 1909
of Salem, mission of the, 389
of this world, Caligastia the, 752, 1512, 1904
Prince’s corporeal staff, work habits of, 773
headquarters, character of, 575, 750
reign, 749
staff, 742, 750
Printing appearance of, 887, 907
influence of, on civilization, 907, 912
Priscilla identification of, 1473
Prison Jesus’ failure to deliver John from, reason, 1507
John the Baptist’s suspense in, 1507
Jude’s confinement in the Jerusalem, 1415
worlds, Satania, a warning to Nebadon, 510, 611
Prisoner(s) Jesus an unusual, 1982
the soul without God a, 1449
of spirit hope,” Adjusters the, 1182, 1193
Private ownership, benefits of, 782
ownership concomitant with agriculture, 902
praying, vs. group praying, 1001
property, 780-783, 901, 917
and the Roman state, 801
secretary,” Michael’s functions as a, 1313
Privilege(s) of God-knowing mortals, 1465, 1610
two, of duty of man, 1600
Probation nursery children, appearance of, as on nativity worlds, 516
nursery(ies), on constellation and universe headquarters finaliter spheres, 570
purpose of, 516, 535
supervisors of, 516, 517
Probationary children, Paradise destiny of, 532
children, size of families of, 532
nursery, location of, 531, 569
service of inexperienced parents in the, 531
Problem(s) avoidance, eradication of, a purpose of morontia career, 551
entangled, best method of solving some, 1611
of life, the two major, 1438, 1778
of the Lucifer rebellion, 613-620
man’s unwillingness to face, 1773
solution of a, first step in the, 1773
solving, Jesus’ greatest method of, 1774
duty, of life, faith’s nonshunning of the, 1115
worshipful, and religious growth, 1095
spiritual, Jesus’ refusal to apply material tests to prove, 1523
Proclamation of the gospel, vs. working of wonders, 1649
of the kingdom, the disciples’ lack of understanding as to the significance of the, 1618
Jesus’ instructions as to the method of, 1569
of Yahweh, 1056-1057
Procrastination eradication of, a purpose of morontia career, 551
Procreation of Adams and Eves with creatures of time, possibility of, 581
midwayers’ lack of powers of, 864
mortal, the one requisite for, 70
by spornagia, regulation of, 528
woman’s part in, 836
Prodigal son, Jesus’ retelling his favorite parable of the, 1850-1853
Profanity origin of, 992
Profit motive, 805, 813
wealth, many different sorts of, 1464
Profiteering Jesus’ attitude toward, 1891
Progress direction of mortals’, importance of, 1653
the final harvest of persecution, 1575
growth not mere, 1097
Havona, inward from seventh to first circuit, 157
helpers, function of, 865
individuality development a prerequisite to, 557, 569
of mankind, prerequisites to a cult’s contributing to the, 966
in meanings, importance of, 1097
Paradise, the path of, 301, 435
possibility of, in inherent motion, 316
a prerequisite to continuance in the Father’s kingdom, 1682
vs. products, in growth, 1094
vs. providence of God, 54
religion’s purpose to insure, 1745
universal order of, ordination of, by Paradise Trinity, 99
watchword of the universe, 54
Progressing personality, superhuman, functioning of, 29
Progression ceaseless, life in the Father’s eternal creation one of, 1953
divine plan of, and planetary advancement, 830
by evolution, vs. revolution by revelation, 750
relation of knowledge and wisdom to, 740
Progressive perfection plan, created intelligences engaged in the, 558
religious experience, 1111-1113
Projected Incomplete, identity of the, 56, 1291
Promenade(s) of the Jerusem residential circles, 523
walls of the Sons, number of gates in each, 524
Prometheus legend about fire and, 901
Promiscuity religious sex rituals free from, 965
Promised Land the Arabian Semites’ futile attempt to fight their way into the, 1054
historical reference to Joshua and the, 1501, 1828
Property accumulation, a means of augmenting self-gratification, 942
apostles’ nonholding of, 1581
attitude of believes toward, question as to, 1603
danger in destruction of, 777, 943
disputes, ancient methods of handling, 797
former requirement of, as a marriage guarantee, 923, 928
honesty, basis of, 781
influence of, on marriage mores, 918
Joseph’s, Nazareth family’s early loss of, 1395
mores, a stabilizer of marriage, 917, 922
the onetime basic institution of self-maintenance, 942
primitive man’s treatment of his wife as, 917, 936
private, early types of, 781
security of, in evolution of representative government, 802
the stabilizer of marriage, 917, 939
and wealth, conservation of, a factor in preservation of civilization, 888
Jesus’ abstention from preaching against, 1581
Prophecy(ies) against Israel, in Jesus’ sermon introduction, 1709
Imports of Time the secret of, 315
Messianic, postascension application of, to Jesus, 1347
Prophet(s) the cataleptic as, 987
Daniel, declaration of, concerning the Son of Man, 1526
early God concept of the, 21
man’s worship of, 948
exalting of ideals by, 1110
false, Jesus’ warning against, 1571
the four great, among the Egyptians, 1046
hailing of God by the, 1448
heaven-sent, fate of the, 1906, 1908
Hebrew, the coming of a deliverer foretold by the, 1347
Isaiah, growth of the God concept from Moses to the, 1597
reference of, to the Jews, 1902
Jeremiah the, fulfillment of the words of, 1630
Jesus’ rating of John the Baptist as a, 1509, 1627
Jesus regarded by some as a, 1746, 1790
Jewish, definition, 1501
John the Baptist as a, 1499, 1501, 1508
as the last of the old, 1498
knowledge of, regarding Universal Father, 35
living, Jesus’ plea to his followers to become, 1731
longing of, for revelations, 1807
the Messiah as a, 1501, 1509
of Mount Carmel, Elijah the, 1497
new school of the, 1657-1658
is not without honor save in his own country…,” Jesus to his Nazareth enemies, 1686
power and authority if, 968
study of, in the synagogue school, 1362
vs. theologians in religious development, 1128
Urantia, references of, to God, 23
Prophetess of Hierapolis, Leah, Philip’s daughter the, 1558
Prophetic artists, function of, 501
vision, a definition, 1000
Propitiation components of act of, 978
man’s erroneous ideas concerning, 964, 2016
of an offended Lord, an unworthy philosophy, 60, 978
Propriety Jesus’ extraordinary sense of, 1101
Prosaic Jesus’ lack of ever being, 1102
Proselytes of the gate, a definition, 1600, 2060
gentile, “a devout man,” 1420
Prosperity Egyptian teaching concerning, 1053
the Hebrews’ onetime consideration of Yahweh’s favor in terms of, 67, 1063, 1500, 1662, 1830
of the wicked, apparent, worry caused by the, 976
Prostitutes professional, origin of, 791, 918
temple, disposition of earnings of, 982
Prostitution absence of, among the early races, 914
Protector God a, 1448, 1449, 1450
Proterozoic era, the life-dawn era, 670
era period covered by, 672
rocks, on earth’s surface, present distribution of, 670
Proton(s) central, disruption of, in Orvonton, 478
charged, mesotrons’ relation to, 479
volume of, comparative, 477
Protoplasm living, vs. dead, 737
superior strains of, importance of guarding, 560
Urantia, a prerequisite for functioning of, 664
Protoplasmic cell, a definition, 560
memory material, the evolutionary type of knowledge, 1111
Proto-Taoism designated Shinto in Japan, 1033
Proverbs Jesus’ use of, reason, 1952
Providence accidents of time and, 167
Egyptian concept of, 1053
the function of, 56, 1305-1307, 1931
is a function,” 1304
of God, a definition, 54, 99, 1307
Urantians’ misunderstanding of, 54
in infinity, a definition, 1307
man’s error regarding, 1305
Moses a believer in, 1058
not whimsical nor magical, 1307
of the overcontrol of Supremacy, the increased evidence of the, 1305, 1307
and progressive evolution, 54, 1307
relation of, to supreme Lawmaker, 54, 1306
the slow, sure emergence of the sovereign of the finite universes, 1307
true, a definition of, 1305
unpredictable, due to fluctuations in creature attitude, 1307
Providence’s functions as related to the total, 1305
Providential Deity, present belief in a, 1090
intervention, indicative of some function concerning the growth of some total, 1305
sometime occurrence of, 1071, 1307
Province of prayer, 999-1000
Prudence apostles’ permission to exercise, 1579
of Jesus, 1102
Psalms and the book of Job, 1060-1061
a certain twelve, by Ikhnaton, 1048
an evaluation of the, 1060
first, Amenemope the author of, 1047
for the last day of the feast, number 82, 1794
source of many of the, 1043, 1060
study of, in the synagogue school, 1362
twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second, Jesus’ repetition of, while dying, 2010
varying concepts of God portrayed in the, 1060
Psalmist Jesus’ designation of errors in prophecy of the, 1725
and his message, 1340
knowledge of, of Edentia’s three rulers, 488
Psychic circles an analysis of the, 209-212
humans’ varying degrees of communicating with Adjusters in ascending the, 1208
the minimum and maximum limits of the, 1210
Psychic illusion man’s spiritual urge not a, 2096
organization, basic orders of, number, 398
Psychological crisis, certain mortals’ consciousness of fellowship with God only through a, 1131
Psychologists of the first heaven, mind planners as, 553
Psychology of a child, the natural positive quality of the, 1131
a definition, 1135
limitations of, regarding the inner motives of religion, 1107
modern, effect of, on religions of fear, 1090
of religion, 69
vs. theology, 1107
Pterosaurs flying, nonsurvival of, 688
origin of, 688
Ptolemaic Egypt, and Palestinian independence, 1334
Ptolemais apostles’ first visit to, 1668, 1706, 1741
Ptolemy translation of the so-called teachings of Moses by, 838
Puberty ceremonies, purposes of, 791
Public appearance, Jesus’ first postbaptismal, 1532
appearance, in Rome, Jesus’ nearest approach to a, 1462
baths, Roman, Jesus’ refusal to visit the, reason for, 1461, 1472
career, Jesus’ first pretentious effort of his, 1536
Jesus’ plans for a, in his father’s land, 1483
ministry, Jesus’ plan for final effort at, 1850
Jesus’ status at beginning of his, 1517
officers of the continental nation, required qualifications of, 816
opinion, influence of, on civilization, 802
Jesus’ attitude toward, 1594
present fetish of, 970
vs. personal ministry, of Jesus, 1424
preaching, apostles’ concentration on, after Bethsaida healing, 1633
importance of, after Jesus’ resurrection, 2045
revenue, the first, 796
sermon, Peter’s first, following the resurrection, effect, 2050
service, attitude toward, in the continental nation, 814
shame, Jesus’ awareness of, 1969
speaker, James as a, 1552
Philip not a good, 1557
teacher, Jesus’ explanation as to his becoming a, 1436
Jesus’ return to Galilee to await beginning his work as a, 1483
people’s failure to recognize their personal friend Jesus in his later role as a, 1495
treasury, consequences of prolonged support from the, 910
trial, Jesus’, place of, reason, 1987
trust, penalties for betrayal of, in the continental nation, 814
work, beginning the apostles’, 1587-1595
Jesus’ plans for, 1514-1516
Publican(s) definition, 1873
and harlots, entrance of, into the kingdom of God, 1893
Jesus’ mingling with, 1541
and the Pharisee, story of, 1573, 1838
regenerated, Matthew a, 1560
and sinners, John’s believers, 1893
presence of, at Matthew’s banquet, 1540-1541
Son of Man a friend of, 1851
Puissant energy, definition, 329, 470
-energy stage, ultimatons’ inability to return to, 476
Pulsating stage of suns, length of, 459
Pulsations convulsive, of giant suns, time of, 465
of nether-Paradise outer zone, proportions and extent of, 123
of younger suns, causes, 465
Punishment arbitrary, affliction not an, 1661
the greatest, 37
Jesus’ restricted use of, in child training, 1401
social, of evildoers, Jesus’ approval of, 1579
Punjab Andite infiltration into the, 878
Aryan infiltration into the, 882
Pupil rewards for Jesus’ diligence as a, 1364
vs. teacher, 1570
-teachers, ascenders as, 279
Purchase and dowry, 923-924
Pure energy, a definition, 126
in heart, happy are the, 1446, 1570
-spirit existence, seven phases of, the spheres of the Eternal Son the worlds of the, 149
Purgatory Tibetans’ belief in, 1038
Purging an early form of treatment, 991
Purification early practice of ritualistic schemes of, 935, 958, 976, 1352
laws of, Pharisees’ scrupulous observance of the, 1827
Mary’s sacrifice for, 1352
Purim feast of, 1360, 1379
Purity spiritual, not a negative quality, 1574
Purple robe, dressing Jesus in the, 1995
Purpose of affliction, 1161-1162
eternal, of Universal Father, extent of the, 34, 55, 364, 665
Jesus’ one, 2052, 2090
perfection of, in the divine Trinity, 115
of the Universal Father, unfolding of the, 91
Purposeful universe, proof of the existence of a, 1435
Purse Jesus’ onetime sending forth of his disciples without, 1944
Jesus’ refusal of Alexandrian Jews’ offer of a, 1414
Pursuit of pleasure, vs. love of home, 942
sincere, of divine values, worship the, 195
of truth, approach of soul insight through, 2076
Pygmies of Africa, present religious status of the, 1010
of Africa, present-day, primitive social conditions of the, 764
no marriage institution among the, 914
Pyramid stone, Egyptian, Imhotep’s building of the first, 894
Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7