Planned Giving
Many different forms of donations and gifts are possible. Urantia Association International’s IRS 501(c) (3) tax exempt status allows us to accept gifts that can also serve the financial interests of generous supporters. All direct contributions in all forms may be claimed as tax- deductible charitable contributions on United States Tax Returns. Certain gift forms, such as highly appreciated properties, stocks, or taxable IRAs can also help the donor reduce tax liability while also providing an income tax deduction.
The Association’s Gift Maker’s Guide presents multiple estate-gifting strategies and describes how the United States tax code applies to different forms of gifts. Each donor’s tax and estate situation is unique, and the strategies described here will have different results for each individual tax return, based on tax bracket, state of residency, etc. (These strategies are basic estate-planning, and nothing presented in this guide should be considered tax advice.)
Each gift form offers unique benefits to the donor, based on individual circumstances, assets, taxable income, and priorities. The gift forms and strategies described in this guide are well documented and have been used for many years by millions of donors to support thousands of charities, institutions, and non-profit organizations.
Read or download our Gift Maker’s Guide