Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q/R – S – T – U – V/W – X/Z
Oath(s) of allegiance of Adam and Eve, 828
of Creator Michael in accepting initial vicegerent sovereignty, 238
of eternity, Trinity, administration of, by Chief of the Transcendentalers, 351
origin of the, 797
Obadiah identity and influence of, 1067
Oban Onagar’s headquarters at, 716
Obedience Jesus’ pledge to his parents of, 1384
to the truth, vs. veneration of the teacher, 1413
Objective Jesus’ one, 1522
Objectivity total, a definition, 2095
Obligation(s) ethical, character of, 616
Jesus’ teaching as to bearing, 1770
to the state, moral myth of the citizen’s, 800
Obscene appearance of, in scriptures of religions, 1004
Observers ascending mortals as, in celestial personality corps, 416
student visitors as, 339
Vorondadek, on isolated worlds, 390
Obstacles a challenge to the kingdom builder, 1740
Occident adoption of Western Jewish viewpoint by the, 1338
Andite expansion in the, 889-899
of the first century after Christ, 1332-1333
Jesus’ acquaintance with the civilization of the, 1427
nominal Christian faith’s final dominance of the, 1083
and Orient, delay in cultural intercourse between, 879
religions, of times of Jesus, 1336-1337
woman’s difficulty in the, under Pauline doctrines, 937
Occidental(s) faiths, the Levant the homeland of, 1042
increasing divorce among, a cause of, 929
peoples, Christianity’s present status among, 2075
philosophy, the embodying of Melchizedek teachings in, 1077
tongues, source of the similarity of, 872
white races, members of the Caucasoid class, 905
world, Ikhnaton’s nearness to changing the whole history of the, 1047
Occupations of Nazareth’s citizens, Jesus’ early acquaintance with, 1367
Ocean(s) absence of, on Edentia, 486
absence of, on Jerusem, 520
beds plus overlying water, weight of, vs. that of the continents, 668
sinking of, during climatic transition stage, 683
currents, shifting of, results, 697, 699
-floor water pressure, 669
formation of Urantia’s first, 660
Oceanic influences, a factor in climate fluctuations, 662
nursery of life on Urantia, 684
Octopus evolutionary position of, 732
Offerings to the Edenic priesthood, character of, 848
making of Nazarite, by John the Baptist, 1496
Offspring affectionate regard for, a mammalian survival advantage, 693
control of, and cultural civilization, 769
Og the raid on, a typical picture of ancient practice, 779
Oil deposit of, during brachiopod age, 677
presence of, in coal layers, 681
in sedimentations of Cretaceous stage, 690
source of, 677
Ointment costly, Mary’s anointing of Jesus with, 1879
Okhban status of, among the Egyptians, 1046
Old age, infirmities of, on worlds in light and life, 625
-age insurance in the continental nation, 814
large families as, 940
-age pensions, administration of, in the continental nation, 814
vs. the new in social organization, 911
order, avoidance of, in teaching the gospel of the kingdom, 1655
vs. the new order, 1609, 1904, 2043
religion, vs. the new, 1951
Stone Age, and the blue man, 725
identity of the, 718
Testament, Amenemope’s teachings a forerunner of the, to the Hebrews, 1046
kingdom ideas of Jewish literal readers of the, 1500
a marital guilt test as recorded in the, 795
story of creation, date of the, 837
women regarded as property in the, 917
way, vs. new way, 1609
Oligarchy of age, and the patriarchal idea, 789
Oligocene period, length of, 696
Olivet the boy Jesus’ weeping on, reason for, 1381
Olympian gods, an illustration of man’s anthropomorphism, 1078
Omen a definition, 963
Omniaphim first Technical Advisers chosen from, 279
ministering spirits in the superuniverses, 306
origin of, 286
as Paradise Companions, 283
Omnificence the fallacy of, acceptance of, 1300
and omnipotence, 1299-1300
Omnipersonal Personalized Adjusters are, 1201
Omnipotence angels’ lack of, 1841
a child’s transfer of his ideas of, from parents to God, 1013
and compossibility, 1299
of Conjoint Creator, limitations of, 99
of Deity, not the power to do the nondoable, 1299
and dominance of the absolute level, 47
of Eternal Son, 76
God’s, 1442, 1454
and omnificence, 1299-1300
Omnipotent Deity, 2
Omnipresence definition of, 44
of Divine Minister in Nebadon, 510
divine, ubiquity of Deity, vs., 1296
of the Eternal Son, relation of, to that of the Universal Father, 76, 77
of the Father, relation of, to that of the Eternal Son, 76, 77
of God, 45, 1443, 1448
and the Son, 81
outstanding attribute of Infinite Spirit, 92, 94, 95, 96, 99-100
Seven Master Spirits’ collective attribute of, 186
of the Supreme, 1452
and ubiquity, 1296-1297
Omnipresent Deity, 2
Omniscience of Father and Son, 76, 81, 1855
limitation of, 49
and predestination, 1300-1301
and reflectivity, 105
Seven Master Spirits’ collective attribute of, 186
spiritual, of the Eternal Son, 77
Omniscient Deity, 2
Omnivorousness of Material Sons’ offspring, 593
of most world races, 594, 901
Omri attempted land deal of, 1073
Onagar birth date of, 716
doctrines of, 716
first truth teacher, 715-717
identity of, 1009
life span of, 716
on Urantia advisory council, 513
Onamonalonton achievements of, 723
center, the oldest Amerindian culture, 884
length of life of, 723
and the red man’s council of seven, 789
on Urantia advisory council, 513
One day alone with God, 1920-1921
God, the alter ego’s evolution to, 997
characteristics of the, 1450
doctrine of, in Chinese religions, 1451
greatness of the, 1453
Greeks’ search for, at time of coming of Christianity, 2071
Ikhnaton’s apparent failure to impose the worship of, 1048, 1049
Melchizedek’s attempt to keep alive the truth of the, 1017, 1018
of Salem, vs. the many gods of Mesopotamia, 1018, 1019
High in Authority, function of, in a trinitized evolutionary trio, 217
sponsor of Paper 25, 284
hundred, the, organization of, 745-749
Truth,” of Singlangton, 513, 724, 825, 889
-two-three, the first, the only loyal midwayer leaving Urantia, 866
Universal Deity, Islam’s steadfast presentation of, 1051
One-brained type of mortals, characteristics of, 566
One-celled organisms, of early marine life, 674
Oneness absolute, of Deity, 108
absolute, of Father and Son, 79, 90
of Conjoint Actor, Universal Father, and Eternal Son, 92, 97, 115
of divinity, 31
with divinity, a definition, 639
of Eternal Son and Universal Father, 88, 97, 1750
of execution, in the divine Trinity, 115
with the Father, Jesus’ consciousness of his, 1786, 2092
of Jesus and his Father, 1855, 1985
of spiritual influences, 95
Ophel connection of, with feast of tabernacles ceremony, 1794
Opium medicinal use of, by the Sumerians, 992
Opportunity boundless, in God’s plan for his creatures, 365
Opposable thumb, dawn mammals’ development of, 704-705
Optimism child’s trusting, Jesus’ possession of a, 2089
Optimist(s) blind, Jesus not a, 1102
a definition, 1954
Simon Peter an, 1550
Oracles the Latins’ consulting of, 1080
traditional, supposed inspiration of, and the transmission of truth, 963, 1731
Oral law a definition, 1713
Jesus’ conflict with Jewish, 1368, 1713
Orange and green races, struggle of, 724
man(men), 723-724, 728
extinction of, 585, 591, 724, 728
race, beliefs of, regarding after life, 953
effect of, on the early races in India, 880
Porshunta, oracle of the, 513
Oratory of Nebadon, vs. that of Urantia, 1503
on worlds in light and life, 630
Orbital stability of earth and moon, results, 657
Orbits of circulatory matter, variations in, 667
of nebular suns, determination of, 653
Ordeals Jesus’ denunciation of belief in, 1681
primitive, for crime detection, 795
Order and stability in the universe, 55
Ordination apostolic, arrival of long-waited hour of, 1568-1570
instruction of the twelve, preliminary, 1568-1569
Jesus’ promise of, to the new evangelists, 1668
pledge, of the Salem missionaries, 1077
sermon, the, 1570-1571
of the seventy, Peter’s, six points in, 1805
of the seventy, 1800-1808
Organic evolution absence of, on Jerusem, 521
on inhabited worlds, conditioning of, 730
planetary rebellion’s effect on, 754
Organisms vs. mechanisms, 1227
Organization influence of, on growth of Christianity, 2070
perfecting the apostles’, 1544
Organized society, right of, to employ force, 1470
Orient and Occident, delay in cultural intercourse between, 879
revival of spiritual consciousness in the, 1078
waiting of the, for a new religion, 2069
Oriental law, characteristics of, 2072
minds, myths of, regarding leaders, 1352
Origin lowly, no handicap to recognition of ability, 240, 508
man’s, vs. his eternal destiny, 2076
nature, and destiny, man’s ignorance of his, 1660
and nature of Thought Adjusters, 1176-1184
Original a definition of the, 1262
and Eternal Son, 88, 445
and Infinite Spirit, approach to creatures of the realms by the, 249, 445
Michael, relation of Infinite Spirit to Havona bestowals of the, 87-88, 94
Personality, absoluteness of, 1434
man’s relation to the, 30
reality, the primal concept of, 7
sin, the belief in the idea of, 974
concept of, development of the, 952, 971, 978
origin of Paul’s theory of, 1339
Son, activity of, on Paradise, character of, 76, 83
confusion of Michael of Nebadon with the, 74
and the Father’s eternal purpose, 81
of God, the Eternal Son the, 73
Havona ascenders’ consciousness of spirit of the, 84
Monota an eternity counterpart of the spirit energy of the, 471
Paradise Sons portraitures of, 87
relation of Paradise to eternalization of the, 127
self-consciousness of, 76
Unity, the Universal Father the, 1148
Originality and authority of Jesus’ teaching, 1672
vs. eccentricity, 1673
unstifled, of Jesus, 1102
Origins finite, value of, 215
significance of, 314
of worship, 944-949
Orlandof mission of, 725
on Urantia advisory council, 513
Orphic brotherhood, development of the cult of the, in Greece, 1079
Orthodoxy intolerance of, a danger in formalized religion, 1092
Orvonon mission of, 725
Orvonton Adjuster’s presence with man in, 449
belief regarding outer space creations, 131
Census Directors, chief of, 267
character of mind in, 481
the choice of Solitary Messengers as a field of service, reason for, 259
classification of Sons of God, 223
counterclockwise motion of, genetic character of, 168
curtailment of System Sovereigns’ powers in, 511
definition, 1
divisions of, rotation of, around Uversa, 168
an experience of mortal progress through, 80
future astronomic observation of the grand divisions of, 459
a giant sun of, description, 460
identification, 182, 189
identity of Master Spirit of, 376
limitation of reflectivity service in, 308
local universes of, accumulation of midsoniters’ corps in, 401
loyalty of Trinity-embraced sons to, 244
Master Spirit of, a function of, 190, 197
merciful-ministry function of, 182
Nebadon a young universe in, 359
number of Solitary Messengers operating in, 256
of Son-fused mortals in, 450
of suns in, 172
and origin of Andronover nebula, 651
physical center of, distance of Jerusem from, 359
position of Nebadon in, 359-360
power directors, relation of, to outer space activities, 131
seraphic assignment in, 421
the seventh Paradise satellite of the Spirit, relation of, to seventh superuniverse, 198
seventh superuniverse, 129, 344
spheres of, arrangement, 167
standard day, length of, in Urantia time, 174
sun-forming nebulae in, 170
superuniverse of, 165, 167-168, 175
Technical Advisers operating in, number of, 279
type of cosmic mind, Nebadon pervaded by, 102
univitatias’ standing in, 493
Urantia astronomers’ observation of major divisions of, 167
universe’s position in, 165
Uversa the capital of, 340
year, length of, in Urantia time, 174
Osiris an Egyptian god, 1045, 1067, 1081
Other -awareness, innate, a definition, 196
side,” definition, 364
-than-personal beings and entities, 143, 333
-than-personal reality, ability of Eternal Son to create, 77
Oudah beliefs, of the African Pygmies, 994
Outer space associate force organizers’ operations in, 329
bodies, astronomic velocities of, unreliability of Urantia estimations of, 134
creations, expansion of function of God the Sevenfold in the, 12
effect of, on electronic and ultimatonic activity, 473
exploration of, by Solitary Messengers, 260
finaliters’ service of the Supreme Being in, 643
first universe of, mobilization of, 351
forces, vs. grand universe physical energies, 131
identifiable aggregations of matter in, number of, 354
level(s), activities in the, 129
fourth, extension of pervaded space beyond the, 124
Paradise force organizers’ activities in, 131
second universe of, energy mobilizations in, 351
mind activities in, 132
mobilizing universes of, 2
the Nebadon Corps of the Finality and, 2015
number of nebulae types in, 169
possible ministry of finaliters in, 628
Seven Master Spirits’ conditioning of segments of, 184
Solitary Messengers’ inability to detect the presence of Adjusters in, 1183
a source of short space rays, 667
universe organization in, 130
universes, Ascendington probable Paradise home world of children of, 148
destination of Corps of Mortal Finality, 345
possible collaboration of Michael and the Supreme Being in, 1318
preparation for developments in the, 353-354
Unqualified Absolute in, 14
Outer-spacers possible future function of evolutionary citizens of the grand universe to, 262, 1280
universes, accompaniment of Creator Sons by Divine Ministers on possible missions to the, 635
future, forecast of, 353
probable administrators of the, 353
grand universe response to potentials of, 353
linear gravity operative in, 125
probable function of Creator Sons in, 643-644
three pertinent facts regarding the, 354
uninhabited, 354
winding up of, apparent, 176
zone, of nether Paradise, functions, 122, 123
Outmarriage final dominance of, reason, 919
Out-mating relation of peace and, 919
Outward working, most profound, Jesus’ decision to perform his, reason, 1837
Overcare heavenly Father’s, Jesus’ complete certainty of the, 1470, 1579, 1954, 2089
Overcoming evil with good, 1770
the world, by Jesus, 1954
Overcontrol of basic energy systems, pure spirit the potential of, 292, 638
of evolution, 730-740
of Supremacy, 115
universe, of the Unqualified Absolute, 14
Overcontrollers of the master universe, 2
Overministry of Paradise Trinity, 380
Overpopulation inevitable problem of, 770, 908
Overrevelation an evil of, 330
Oversoul the Brahman’s belief in, 1030
of creation, 37, 1278, 1283, 1285-1287
Indian concept of the, 1030
Overspecialization danger of, 1673, 1726
Overteaching dangers of, 750
Jesus not guilty of, 1535
Overthrust rock, in British Columbia, 690
Ovid identity of, 1019
Oxen as early burden bearers, 746, 902, 909
Oxygen atmospheric, exhaustion of, by meteoric combustion, 659
carrier, iron in circulating blood cells, 737
-enriching atmosphere, a meteor-resisting shield, 660
free, generation of, on Urantia, 660
Oysters bivalve gastropods of late invertebrate-animal age, 676, 732
evolution of, in later reptilian age, 687
Ozone Urantia’s, function of, 665
Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7