Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q/R – S – T – U – V/W – X/Z
Qualified Absolute, the Deity Absolute, 14
Absolute, and the Infinite, 13
relation of Universal Absolute to, 5
unification of the, with the unqualified, 15
Vicegerents of the Ultimate, 333, 1167, 1291
Reflective Image Aids representation of, 179
Quality definition, 82, 1477
difference between quantity and, 82, 1477
is felt”, 1219
Quanta electronic conditions resulting in giving off, 475
and energy absorption and release, 474
Quantity definition, 1477
physical matter, 82
Quantum behavior, wave mechanics of, reason for confusion regarding, 474
definition, 474
Quarantine of planets and systems, reason for, 46
of Urantia, effect of, on Urantia Revelation, 578
lack of effect of, regarding the Eternal Son and the spirit-gravity circuit, 82
Quarantined worlds, Vorondadek observers on, 491
Quartan space level, number of Master Architects composing the, 352
Quartz change of limestone to, 676
Quasi-physical beings, invisibility of, to mortals, 320
Queen(s) and kings, origin of prestige of, 632, 790
mother, Mary’s spirit of a, at Cana, 1528
Quest of the ages, true liberty the, 613
Question(s) and answers, Jesus’ teaching of his apostles by, 1546
classes, apostles’ conduct of, at the Bethsaida camp, 1657
conferences, temple, Jesus’ discovery of, 1380
Jesus’ disquieting, effect of, on parents and teacher, 1368
purpose in asking, 1383, 1460, 1786
Peter an asker of many, 1550
Philip’s foolish, Jesus’ recall of, 1960
Quibblers Andrew’s denunciation of the six spies as, 1654
Quibblings Greek intellectual, Simon’s assignment to deal with, 1565
Quiet hour of Jerusem, 520
zones, shape and functions, 125, 1170
Quinine an early medicine, 991
Rabbi(s) apostles’ ignorance of the lore of the, 1548
disagreement of, as to “who is my neighbor?”, 1580
inability of, to justify their rejection of Jesus, 1907
schools of the, Jesus’ lack of instruction in the, 1790
teaching of, concerning the ignorant, 1545
technique of acquiring the title of, 1891
Race(s) amalgamation, Adamite, results, 871
amalgamation, in Mexico and Central America, 727
prevention of, purpose of castes, 882
Urantia, modern, dangers of, 726
Urantian, limited, prerequisite to successful, 920
blending of, on a normal planet, time of, 593
colored, sudden mutation of six, time of, 701
commissioners, function of, 411, 553, 1253
decadence, a Roman weakness, 2074
eighth Urantia, 857
enlightened, of worlds in light and life, nature of, 630
evolving, authority of Material Sons and Daughters to purge the, 627
God no respecter of, 1736
high spiritualization of, during Teacher Son age, 598
human, members of, 513, 715
improvement, danger of mistakes in, 585
during ages of light and life, basis of, 630
a factor in an expanding civilization, 804
limitations of Prince’s staff in, 574, 747
Serapatatia’s plan for speeding up, 841
Urantian, methods of, 586
individual, and God’s doings, 48
intermingling on present-day Urantia, dangers in, reason, 920
mixed, 904-905, 918
mixture, advantages of, 880
effect of, on sex attitudes, 913
influence of, on child culture, 941
modern, persistence of fear in, reason for, 851
mortal, earlier, vs. later, 584
number of, on normal worlds in light and life, 625
one, during postbestowal Son era, 597
original colored, present existence of only two, 919
for perfection is on”, 365
pure, present nonexistence of, 919
purification program on Urantia, difficulty attending a, 585, 592
separation of mortals into, reason for, 715
survival of primitive man, results of competition in, 592
of Urantia, Jesus’ contact with all but one of the surviving, 1485
from which Mighty Messengers spring, 246
Rachel, a member of the women’s corps about, 1679
query of, regarding salvation, 1682
Rachel, of old and her sacred stones, 944
Racial amalgamation, 584, 585, 586, 593
blending, Melchizedek’s advice to Adam regarding, 827
a prerequisite to universal peace, 594
deterioration, of Rome, Christianity’s inability to compensate for, 2074
differences, persistence of, on mansion worlds, 553
dispersion, the great age of, 591
diversification, stimulation of competition by, 726
guilt, man’s and Jesus’ death on the cross, 2003, 2016
hatreds, present, the explanation of, 1220
heroes, respect for, in the Occident, 1012
ideals, a factor in material civilization, 909-910
identity, Aryans’ effort to perpetuate, 882
interpreters, function of, 553
mixtures, 919-921
morality, influence of, on forms of religion, 1005
obliteration, 591
reasons for class distinctions, 793
representation among women impregnated with Adamic life plasm, 851
sin, development of the idea of atonement for, 978
solidarity, Jewish sense of, 1511
the yellow man the first to achieve, 885
strains, purification of, during post-Adamic age, 593
tendencies, influence of, on man’s philosophy of religion, 1113
types, social tendencies, characteristic of the basic, 553
Racially degenerate stocks, the unwise perpetuation of, 1088
Radiant energy modification of inheritance factors by certain long rays of, 667
source of, 667
Radiation solar, 460-461
Radio transmission waves, position of in Orvonton scale, 474
Radioactive matter, definition, 472
Radiobroadcasts long-distance transmission of, reason for, 666
Radium clock, and estimation of age of Urantia, 659
emanations in lead formation, 474
positive and negative particles of, velocity of, 477
Ragaba Nathaniel the Pharisee’s home at, 1825
the seventy’s labors in, 1817
Railing and mocking of Jesus, by spectators of the crucifixion, 2008
Rain falling of, on just and unjust, 1571, 1830
an illustration of energy direction, 461
maker, the shaman as a, 988
mountain building as influenced by, 662
Rainbow attitude toward, in India and Africa, 947
Rainfall absence of, on Jerusem, 520
Rainier beginning of the mountain career of, 698
Ramah apostles’ meetings in, 1637, 1641-1643, 1741
Ramath the seventy’s labors in, 1817
Ramman Babylonian god of air, 1637
Ramona Cain’s wife, 849
Ransom and atonement, incompatibility of, with Jesus’ teachings about God, 2017
redemption, and covenants, evolution of modern sacramental services from former, 981, 983
Ransomed first-born of the Lord God of Israel, Jesus becomes a, 1373
Rantowoc the first mortal to secure a personal guardian, 1242
Rantulia a Satania neighbor, 457
Rapping on wood, relation of, to tree worship, 946
Rationalization possible influence of, in religious experience, 1110
Ratta and Adamson, 861-862, 895
ancestor of Jesus’ mother, 1245
ancestry of, 861
reaction of, to her unique children, 861
Ravens the Father’s provision for the, 1823
Reactions of approval of local universe life projection, in Paradise Trinity, 374
of existence, time of appearance of, 951
four supreme, of fatherly love, 1575
universe, God’s limits to, self-imposed, 58
Reading courses, of Jesus, under the synagogue teachers, 1387
Real estate, the Zebedees’ investment of Jesus’ wages in, 1422
Realism physical, a passing episode in man’s earth life, 2076
Reality(ies) absolute, fusion of Adjuster and immortal soul an, 147
absonite, see Absonite(s), realities
level of, see Absonite(s), level(s), of reality
actuality, and reality potential, equalizing tension between, 15
all, dependence of, on existence and relationships of Seven Absolutes of Infinity, 1157
awaiting those who survive the life in the flesh, 501
balance of, between cosmic potentials and actuals, according to Lao-tse, 1033
basis of, 55, 1228
beginnings of, the Seven Absolutes of Infinity the, 1156
of being, sharing of, by the Universal Father, 109
the Brahman’s effort to find, 1029
characteristics of, 8, 43
complete, philosophy’s contribution toward the concept of, 1110
completion of, faith the only passport to, 1117
Conjoint Actor’s reaction to both material and spiritual, 140
of Conjoint Creator, disclosure of, 99, 103
consciousness of, the result from revelation, 1122
co-ordinate, 7
creative, spirit the, 484
deified, personality a level of, 8
deity, adjustment between undeified and, 15, 1157
differentiation of, 6
discourse on, 1433- 1436
divine, of First Source and Center, 44
of God the Son, 73, 74
in time and space, man’s glimpse of, 57
truth a, 42
truth, beauty, and goodness are, 43
economic necessities’ requiring man to face, 1093
energy, mind, and spirit, innate recognition-realization of, 195
enrichment of, 13
error not a, 42
eternal, ideals of, a definition, 1745
and spiritual, vs. shadows of truth, 1641
true religion’s partial insight into, 1728
of eternity, vs. pleasures of time, 1745
of the external, recognition of the, importance of, in human experience, 1123
finite, the two prime manifestations of, 362
finite level of, see Finite, level of reality
fundamental, of personality experience, 140
genesis of, to the creature mind, 1158
of God, 23, 24, 48
faith’s ability to grasp the, 1731
no possible miracle demonstration to prove the, 1119
Rodan’s contention as to proof of the, 1784
God more than a, 1124
growth, conditions influencing, 1163
in human experience, soul a, 8
idealized, God more than, 23, 53
infinite, see Infinite, reality
spiritual, Universal Father a, 25
in the kingdom of God, Jesus’ talk on, 1615
levels of, results of universe contest between, 37
of life, Jesus’ frank facing of the, 1102
magic’s attitude toward, 996
manifestation, three degrees of, in the local universe, 1136
of the material universe, 64
measurement of, by physical-gravity response, and quality of spirit content, 140
methods of relating children to, 92
of morontia forms, 2029
and spirit world activities, 498
nature of, Jesus’ dissertation on the, 1434
no real beginning to, 1153
nonspirit, functional, space potency ancestral to, 126
objective, the highest, technique of man’s contact with, 2095
the one uncaused, 3
origin of, 6-7, 1152
the Paradise-Havona level of existential, 640
of the Paradise Trinity, 112
of pattern, components of, 10
perception, relative, man’s greatest aids to, 1173
personal, 8, 9, 141-142
personality’s experience of, on the spiritual level, 645, 1139
Peter’s dislike to face, 1551
physical, of far-flung universes, consciousness of the cosmic mind of the, 196
and spiritual, responsiveness of, to personal presence of the Paradise Father, 638
positive, Unqualified Absolute a, 14
potential, and reality actuality, equalizing tension between, 15
prayer’s attainment of, 1002
premise of, the seven Absolutes the, 1155
problems, attainment of true perspective of, 215
realization, the absolute finality of all, in the three Absolutes, 1172
relation of beauty to, 43
of true liberty to, 613
relative, nonspirit functional, pure energy the ancestor of, 638
of religion, human experience the highest evidence of the, 1127, 1129
religious experience’s endowing of man’s concepts of ideality with, 1116
response, in personality association of cosmic mind, 191
of self-consciousness, 1479
sensitivity, of cosmic mind, vs. energy-material response to gravity, 192
and the seven Absolutes, 1157
several levels of, Brahmanic philosophy’s failure to differentiate between the, 1031
shadows of time, eternity’s reflection of, 2080
signifies change, growth”, 1097
the source of, 2095
space potency not a level of, 126
spirit, the natural the “shadow” of, 1692
of spirit beings, 25
things and spiritual beings, 118, 140
of the spirit, duty of those who know about the, 1602
spiritual, drawing of, to Eternal Son, 78
God a, 28
of spirit being, vs. human material satisfactions, 501
of spiritual progress, identity of, 2078
values and forces, 82
supreme, sources of, 1263-1264
of the universe, 1922
the three primal phases of, 6, 7
time-space finite, activities of, 11
total, see Total, reality
total integration of, presence of, in the Paradise Trinity, 1174
totality, inevitable distortions in the human mind’s attempt to understand, 1152
transcendent, God is, 23
of the transcendental level, 1160
the two phases of, 127
subabsolute levels of, 640
ultimate, see Ultimate(s), reality
ultimate universe, how grasped, 31
of the Universal Father, Lucifer’s rejection of the, 603
universal, origin and nature of, 5, 6
universe, the mission of art regarding, 557
seven variations of, reason for, 110
source of, 1434
three levels of, the cosmic mind’s response to, 192
unqualified, a definition, 645
Realization of the Father’s love, the cross a stimulation of the, 2019
of personality, time of, 540
a stage from reverence to love, 1675
Realm adjudication of, by a Son of God, 341
Reason ability of, to question faith, 1125
alone, inability of, to validate the values of religious experience, 1116, 1125
the basis of science, 1106, 1136, 1137, 1141-1142
a definition, 1139
faith’s sustaining of, to its limit, 1141
-fate, of Stoicism, 1336
the heavenly, patience of, 1452
Jesus’ courage controlled by, 1103
moral level of, and religion, 68
morality, 196
personality of God implied by, 28
pure, and existence of God, 24
religion not the product of, 1104-1105
source of, Conjoint Actor the, 8
a stabilizing influence in religion, 1137
wisdom, and faith, man’s highest attainment, 1141
Reasoning strength of Jesus, 1589
Rebecca dedication of to awaiting the beginning of Jesus’ career, 1403
identification of, 1402
love of, for Jesus, 1402
a member of the women’s corps, 1679
onetime of Sepphoris, presence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 2008
reaction of, to Jesus’ refusal to wed, 1403
tarrying of, by Jesus’ tomb, 2013
Rebel(s) attitude of universe rulers toward, explanation, 618
a coming end for, 529
Lucifer, repentant, present activities of, 610
pardon for, 39
universe, refusal of, to approve the verdict, result, 615
worlds, isolation of, by circuit supervisors, 266
Rebellion(s) absence of special conditions in Satania favorable to, 602
Adam and Eve not guilty of, 845
a coming end for, 529
conscious, sin an attitude of, 1660
of creatures of nature, results of, 57
deliberate, against the Father’s will, sin the, 1660, 2003, 2016
greatest punishment for, 37
disastrous, in system 11, of constellation 37, consequences, 1311
the greatest security against, 609
Herod’s fear of John’s instigating a, 1506, 1508
insurrectionary, and nature, 57
leaders, rejection of Michael’s offer of salvation by the, 610
local universe circuits affected by, 82
Lucifer, immediate results of, 758
many reasons for refraining from arbitrarily stopping the, 618
of Material sons, personal results of, 581
Nebadon’s experience with, 573
number of, in Nebadon, 605, 1326
origin of Lucifer’s ideas of, 602
outbreak of, 755
by a Planetary Prince, immediate result of, 394
present status of the, 610-612
prevention of, during Urantia bestowal, 1326
provisions for meeting, 85
sin, 361
test of ascendant mortals in times of, 245
of Trinity-origin beings, no risk of, 207
universe, postsovereignty, method of dealing with, 1494
Urantian, acute period of, 756
effect of, on mission of Adam and Eve, 830
Rebellious worlds, Most High’s seizure of authority over, 489
Rebirth in the spirit, a definition, 1592
Reborn being, meaning of, 1576
citizens, of the heavenly kingdom, the sons of God, 1568
necessity for being, 1576
Rebuke James’ and John’s reaction to Jesus’, 1525
Jesus’, of the Jewish leaders, 1910
at Simon’s banquet, Judas Iscariot’s reaction to, 1879
stinging, apostles’ reaction to, 1760
of Peter, by Jesus, for attempted smiting of Malchus, 1974
Receivers of defaulting planetary governments, Melchizedeks as, 389, 1014
Receivership Melchizedek, of Urantia, function of, 607
Recents of Days absence of, from their capital spheres, 212
associates and assistants of, 211
creation of, simultaneous, 211
function of the, 166, 179, 181, 211
number of, 211
Stationary Sons of the Trinity, 114, 207
Reception for Adam and Eve, time and place of, 829-830
-banquet, customs of Jesus’ day at a, 1540
companions, preparation of, for assignments, 283
Receptivity man’s capacity of, for the Spirit of Truth, prayer and, 2065
silent, need for period of, in prayer, 1641
Recesses millennial, of mortal-finaliter companies, 249
Recession of light, and slowing down of Jerusem activities, 522
Recharging spiritual, of higher spirits, 502
Reckless Jesus’ lack of ever being, 1102
Recognition of God, inalienability and constitutiveness of, in all men, 196
unearned, the true believer’s attitude toward, 1740
Reconciliation to God, the cross not man’s, 2019
Reconstructive power, of intense faith, 1669
Record personalities, seconaphim as, 201
Recorder(s) archangel, function of, 409
morontia, function of, with spirit recorders, 544
spiritual files of the, 288
superior, origin of many, 431
supreme seraphim, function of, 429
system headquarters of, 525
of universal conciliators, functions of, 276
Recording angels domiciles of, 525
mortal-career records of, and memory recall by Spirit-fused mortals, 451
of mortals, guardian seraphim the, 1243
seraphim, seconaphim, and tertiary supernaphim, 302
Records advancement of, from capital to capital on basis of significance, 281
Chiefs of, as directors of Celestial Recorders in superuniverses, 281
formal and living, encountered from Urantia to Paradise, 281
of superuniverse headquarters, 314
human, destiny guardian’s conserving of, 1246
importance of, in conduct of the universes, 308
individual, source of, 281
Jesus’ reason for making no, 1768
preservation of, in triplicate, 525
spiritual, technique of assembly and preservation of, 201
of the universe, live, 201
written, of Jesus’ life, 1341-1343
Recreation of morontia worlds, 502
spiritual, a concern of reversion directors, 548
and the twelve apostles, 1371
war an ancient form of, 784
the worthwhileness of, 942
Rectangles of Jerusem, rendezvous of lower native life, 522, 527-528
Red first of the six basic types of primitive men, 589
man(men), 723
vs. black race, 584
blue man as compared with the, 725
date of exodus from Asia of the, 869
in eastern Asia, 833
entrance of, into North America, time, 728, 884
and Eskimo, Hudson Bay meeting of, 728
excessive warfare of the, consequences, 887
influence of the Dalamatian revelation on the, 1007
migration of, direction of, 727
Onamonalonton a far distant leader of the, 513
onetime worship of circles of stones by the, 945
and pictorial writing, 746
possession by, of the highest sex code, 913
present American, an admixture of races, 919
self-destruction of, in the Americas, time, 880
usually the first-appearing colored race, 735-736
race(s), crucial struggle in Asia between the yellow and, 883
early tribal organization of the, 883
escape from Asia by the, 883
isolation of, 871
a superior people, 584
and yellow peoples in Mexico and Central America, 727
Sangik blood in the Nordic race, 897
Redemption and covenants, 982-983
dual requisites for, 1446
moral, a tenet of Paul’s teachings, 1337
price, of first-born Jewish sons, 1352
primitive man’s feeling of the need of, 974
salvation as, 2018
Referee(s) trios, 276-277
trios, justice guides appearance before, 434
Uversa registration of, 414
Reference library, living, of universe of universes, 302
Reflection(s) profound, predication of faith on, 1459
of the self in water, the savage’s association of the soul with, 1215
of the Seven Master Spirits on superuniverse headquarters, 275
Reflectivation to Uversa of Lucifer’s mental state by Union of Days, 602
Reflective angels, function of, on Urantia, 318
circuits, restoration of Urantia to, results of, 318
focus, of superuniverse capitals, headquarters of Reflective Spirits at the, 200
Image Aids, abiding places of, 178
creators of the, 197
function of, 178, 179, 201, 202
lack of will of the, 202
length of service of, 202
Master Spirits’ channel of communication with ancients of Days, 197
number and distribution of, 202
origin of, 201, 202
Mother spirits, resemblance of Reflective Image Aids to, 202
seconaphim, field of function of, 414
service circuit of the Reflective Spirits, a superuniverse circuit, 177
Spirit(s), 178, 200, 201
of assignment, individual representation of Master Spirits by the, 308
character of personalities of, 202
children of the Paradise Trinity, 197
creation of Reflective Image Aids by, 202
of seconaphim by, 205
of, technique of, 199
creature-trinitized sons associates of, 252
forty-nine, the Trinity’s and Master Spirits’ cocreation of the, 1272
function of, 178
groups, chief of, 199
location of headquarters of, 200
nature of, as related to Master Spirits, 200
natures of, 275
number of, 199
origin of, 199, 200
production of secoraphic hosts by, 307
relation of, to creation of Conciliators, 275
of Reflective Image Aids to, 179
retentive personalities, 201
of Uversa, liaison with, by Master Spirit Number Seven, 189, 1272
thinking, three basic factors in, co-ordination of, 192
Reflectivity and activity of the Supreme Mind, 105
availability of Paradise knowledge to local universes through, 302
complexity of, 105
functions of, 105, 201
inheritance of, by seconaphim, reason for, 307
intelligence, scope of, 77
linking of system and superuniverse administrations by, 485
Majeston chief of, 199
a mystery of Spiritington, 145
a secret of God the Spirit, 145
services, normal worlds’ access to, 598
personal and precise character of, 201
system, focal points of, 209
technique, information provided to the adjusters by the, 1186
synchrony of Census Directors with, 266
unification of physical energy, mind, and spirit in, 105
universe, 105
various functions of, 145
Regent(s) Most High, 390
of Nebadon, Gabriel as the, 367, 371
Regrets Universal Father never harbors, 58
Rehabilitation co-operation of the Deities in, 86, 2018
of rebels and wrongthinkers, relation of Creator Sons to the, 38
Rehabilitators Paradise Sons as, 85
Reign of God, Jesus’ promise to his apostles as to their seeing the, 1569
Reincarnation belief in, in Jesus’ times, 1811
and fetishism, 967
idea of, origin, 953
limitation of, to spornagia, 528
orange race’s belief in, 953
Reindeer value of, to Neanderthalers, 721
Rekeying of morontia mortals during ascent through Edentia worlds, 494, 544
Relationship(s) brotherhood a fact of, 138
truth the greatest pronouncement of, 1615
God of Action, ancestor of, 99
human and a child’s dependence on family for understanding of, 1922
love the greatest, 1608, 1615
of men and angels, recorders of, 554
the primal, 7
vs. systems, 1227
Relative divinity, 3
Relativity concept, evil a, 1435
and the eternity and infinity of God, 2078
of reality, basis of, 1435
Relaxation of the ages, ascending pilgrim’s third metamorphosis, 297
celestial function of, 547-548
function of, 1777
reminiscence of the past, 549
reversion directors’ promotion of, 339
Relics impotence of, 1681
Jesus’ avoidance of leaving material, 2008
and miracles, vs. fetishes and magic, 968
origin of worship of, 968
Religion(s) alone, inadequacy of, as a basis for understanding universe truths, 1135
definition of, in the continental nation, 811
firsthand, world’s need for more, 2083
four kinds of, on Urantia today, 1129
frozen forms of, vs. liquid liberties of enlightened sonship, 1728
influences against, 1090
the lower, vs. the higher, 1781
vs. the “miraculous,” 1128
modern, essentials to rehabilitation of, 43
major error of, 1572
the necessary paradox of, 1121
never a negative attitude, 1131
possibility of, being good or bad, 1780
and religious cults, number of, represented on Urmian faculty, 1486
Rodan’s definition of, 1780
survival of, reasons for, 1132
the truth and maturity of, measure of, 28
two phases of manifestation of, 1110, 1115
ways of keeping, free from secular alliances, 1089
what it is not, 1091
without God, an impossibility, 996, 1126, 1141, 1781-1782
Religion(s), 1. Definitions
a definition, 40, 66, 68, 1013, 1090, 1091, 1095, 1096, 1100, 1104, 1105, 1107, 1115, 1121, 1128, 1136, 1142, 1228, 1421, 1603, 1641, 1739, 2075, 2080, 2096
definitions of, present-day formulation of some five hundred, 1129
Jesus’ definition of, 1590, 2063
is a living love”, 1100
the Master’s definition of, 1780
new, definition of the, 1742
organized, a definition, 1616
practical, a definition, 1129
purpose of, a definition, 192, 1013, 1116
Religion(s), 2. Evolutionary religion
biologic, of primitive men, nature of, 590
the component parts of, 1140
early evolution of, 590-591, 944, 950-957
errors and distortions in, 1140
evolutionary, see also Evolutionary religion
inconsistencies of, 961, 1005
technique of, 66, 996
evolved, relation to magic, 1004
vs. revealed, in regard to wisdom, 1101
formulation of, by evolution and revelation, 948
historic, highest recognized values in God conceptions of, 1127
in the inspiration of man’s evolving nature, 1104
later evolution of, 1003-1013
of men, origin of, 1012, 1467
no longer a scheme of insurance against bad luck, 956
origin of, 951, 1105, 1775
of past, chief concern of, 1086
place of, among primitive peoples, 955
primitive, basis of, 767, 950, 956, 975, 990
relation of, to evolutionary human existence, 68
of various ages, causes for differences in the, 1127
Religion(s), 3. Revelatory religion
expanded by revelation, 1110-1111
revealed and evolutionary, 40, 975
hazard of national culture’s permeation of, 2064
of revelation, technique of, 66
true religion, a definition, 1728
two characteristics of, 1007
science, philosophy, and revelation, some contrasts in, 1119, 1122, 1138
Religion(s), 4. Civilization and religion
of civilization, a definition, 1728
crash of civilization survived by, 196
the eternal foundation and the guiding star of civilizations, 1013
the field of, 68
as a guide and counselor in the changing world, 1087
and the human race, 1132
influence of, on art, 2080
the mission of, 1121
the property of the human race, 1119
the range of, 1104
a way of living and a technique of thinking, 1013
Religion(s), 5. Social aspects of religion
direct influence of, on social reconstruction, 1088
effect of, on human troubles, 2093
first a personal adjustment, and secondly, a group adjustment, 1090
influence of, in adjusting to defeat, 1780
on group associations, 797, 1089, 1092
the only legitimate concern of religionists as a group, 1089
opposition of, to violence as a technique of social evolution, 1086
real, increased social service a natural result of, 1120, 1121, 2095
as a social institution, 1004, 1086-1093, 1626, 1642
the source of man’s fraternity impulse, 1139
true, social characteristics of a, 1781, 2093
urge of, a requisite to an altruistic social order, 196
of the world, neglect of the poor by, 1608
Religion(s), 6. Religion and culture
effect of, on man’s sense of idealistic isolation, 1117
on meanings and values, 1094
influence of, on daily living, 1093, 1094
on human progress, 1094
living, a great unifier of family life, 1089
as man’s liberator, 1116-1117
the moralizer of marriage, 917
and the mores, 1004-1005
need of, for new leaders, 2082
not a child of culture, 1119
an isolated part of life, 1124
present challenge to, 2075
as a promoter of supreme loyalties, 1089
relation of, to cultural development, 885
to science, art, philosophy, ethics, and morals, 2096
as a value-lure, 1089, 2075
Religion(s), 7. Faith and fear in religion
assumption by, of the validity of faith, 1139, 1141
consequences of falseness in, 1457
development of, through faith and insight, 1105
the discovery through faith by, of a God of salvation, 1106
evolutionary, born of fear, 986
the faith act of the recognition of the inner urge to divine attainment, 1107
faith in the method of, 1106, 1115
is faith, trust, and assurance, 1104
of fear, evolutionary, vs. the revelatory religion of love, 1090
ghost fear’s relation to, 767
of the kingdom, manifestation of, 1862
of primitive fear and dread, identity of, 2063
secularized, of the “dark ages”, 2074
sentimental ideas of, as an escape from the demands of living, 1121
the sphere of the faith-experience, 1110
of the spirit, definition, 1728, 1729, 1730
vs. religion of traditional authority, 1729-1732, 1893
spirit of, vs. form of, 1087
spiritual insight, 1107
validation of, only by living faith, 1130, 1141, 1572
without faith is a contradiction, 1141
Religion(s), 8. National religions
beginning of a, among the Jews, 1075
Greek, empire status of, 2071
of the Greeks and Romans, lack of moral and spiritual drive in the, 1083
Hebrew, 43, 1338, 1987
of India, vs. that of China, 885
Jewish, attitude of, toward morals and ethics, 1338
of the Jews, Andite source of, 896
Neanderthaler, character of, 721
of Onagar, character of, 717
qualities of Jesus’, 1582
Romans’ attitude toward, 2072-2073
tolerance of, 2072
in Tibet, 1038
in Western life, ritualistic character of, 2074, 2081
without science, the Jews’, 1726
the world’s, 1442-1454
Religion(s), 9. Authoritative religion
of authority, contrasts between religion of the spirit and, 1729, 1732
Jerusalem leaders’ establishment of a, 1729, 1730
of ceremony, vs. religion of the spirit, 1893
danger of the substitution of a ritual for, 992
dogmatism of, 479
of the mind, upholding of, by ecclesiastical authority, 1729
mistakes of, results, 43, 1088
of ritual, authoritative, many persons’ preference for, 2085
of traditional authority, vs. religion of the spirit, 1730
Religion(s), 10. Religion of personal experience
appeal of, to the loyalty of the whole personality, 1119
destiny of, 67
an experience of believing, knowing, and feeling, 1142
a form of moral trust in the realities of time and eternity, 1115
grounding of, in personal experience, 1128
in human experience, 1094-1103, 1113
humans’ definition of, according to individual experience, 1129
an individual experience, 1089, 1130-1132, 2093
influence of, on the believer’s consciousness of being a son of God, 1117
of the kingdom, a genuine personal experience, 1862
and life beyond the grave, 956
a living experience of the loyalty of love, 1012
never a passive experience, 1131
not the offspring of feelings and emotions, 1105
a personal experience, 1087, 1140, 1539, 1629, 1732, 2075, 2092
prayer as the most potent agency of, 997
real, and the worship urge directed by wisdom, 948
and the religionist, 1088-1089
salvation of will creatures from a priori assumptions of, 191
spiritual status of, determination of, 67, 1727, 2096
true, and the individual, 1778
unreserved belief of, in the existence of a God of salvation, 1106
Religion(s), 11. Characteristics of religion
all, characteristics of, 1100, 1107-1109
the central truth of, 1127
characteristics of, during the “dark ages”, 2074
common teachings of all, 67
essential characteristic of God in, 40
factors in, 1780
to be judged by its fruits”, 1109
proof of the vitality of, 1107
some “fruits” of, 1006
status of, evidences of the, 1127
things common to all, 1004
the ultimate goal of, 1132
Religion(s), 12. Psychology of religion
a creation of the insight originating in man’s mind-experience, 1105
fate of, when mastered by theology, 1141
love the essence of, 1122, 1124, 2095
man’s supreme endowment, reason, 1121
of mind, Jesus’ followers’ dissatisfaction with a, 1730-1731
modern theologians’ and philosophers’ formulation of about five hundred definitions of, 1129
not a mystic experience of ecstasy, 1104
the product of reason, 1104
a technique for attaining a static peace of mind, 1096
theologic propositions, 1095, 1107
only possible scientific phase of, 1105
optional, 69
perception of, human, 1119
a psychological definition, 1105
thinking or feeling alone insufficient for, 1121
without a church, vs. a church without a religion, 1092
yields happiness, 1106
Religion(s), 13. Philosophy and religion
concept of the reality of God essential to, 24
an evaluation of the material world by, 950, 1139
function of, as compared with that of science, 1476
implications of, 40
an insight into reality, 1107
its own critic and judge, 1107
need of, for new slogans, 2077
not derived from the logic of human philosophy, 1104
a system of philosophic belief, 1104
paradoxes of, reason for, 69, 1121
vs. philosophy, 1121
possibility of endurance of, without philosophical support, 1080
preset need of a re-evaluation by, 1013
the producer of theologic philosophy, 1130
and reality, 1119-1121, 1630
reason for growing reality of, 141
spiritual and physical science, 1727
Religion(s), 14. True religion
ability of, to activate man, 1093
the ancestor of advanced ethics and morals, 1104
basis for, 1130
the cause of ethics, 1862
a censor for mortal affairs, 1115
comparison of, with morality, 2096
concern of, only with values, 1110
with the spiritual viewpoint, 1135
creating of ethics and altruism by, 1122
genuine, effect of, on the religionist, 1089
vs. erroneous theology, 1141
influence of, on the home, 1923
the test of a, 1100
God in, 30, 59, 66-68, 196, 1125
of the ideal, 1780-1782
influence of, on moral values, 2096
and morality, 1115-1116
more than emotionalized morality, 1124
not merely a moral movement, 1104
relation of, to morality, 1124
sound, man’s present need of, 1090
a species of conduct, 1780
spiritual potentiality of, vs. the duty actuality of morality, 1124
true, a definition, 883, 966, 1012, 1013, 1089, 1091, 1100, 1104-1105, 1107, 1115, 1138, 1142, 1616, 1671, 1727, 1782, 1950
foundation of, 1462, 1727
immediate service of, 66, 1781
Jesus’ address on, 1728-1730, 1745
purpose of, 1745, 2078
Rodan’s analysis of, 1782
a wholehearted devotion to a reality of supreme value, 1100
Religion(s), 15. Religion of and about Jesus
evolution of, and Jesus’ mother’s ancestors, 1345
Joseph’s family’s connection with, 1344
of Jesus, 1091, 1593, 1769, 1771, 2063, 2075, 2076, 2091-2093
vs. Christianity, 2083
modern man’s reason for evading the, 2083
must be lived, 2091
vs. natural religion, 1141
positive nature of, 1769
present Christianity not the, 1084
Rodan’s definition of the, 1781
vs. religion about Jesus, 2086
as a unifying influence, 2065
validation of, by genuine personal experience, 2087
about Jesus, vs. gospel of the kingdom, 1413, 2091
vs. religion of Jesus, 2051, 2075, 2091
Jesus’ interpretation of, 2088
of John, vs. that of Jesus, 1609
of Paul, glorified Jesus the object of worship in the, 2092
and the spiritual realization of the brotherhood of men, 1490
world, relation of, to Jesus’ religion, 67
Religionist(s) beliefs of, religion’s validation not dependent on the, 1130
cause of wars among, 1487
consciousness of the, of suffering and injustice, 1088
exhibition by, of an inexplicable tranquility of character, 1120
faith of, in a God of love, 1124
faith’s effect on the, 1115
as a group, need of, to be concerned only with religion, 1089
individual, and organized religion, 1616
Jesus the world’s most wholehearted and devoted, 2093
need of, to function individually, not as groups, 1087
vs. nonreligionists in tasks of social reconstruction, 1087
personal interpretation of true religion by each, 1091
predictions of, and the Absolutes, 56
privileges of a, as an individual citizen, 1089
the sincere, consciousness by, of universe citizenship, 1100
true, an aim of, 67
Religious activity in the fifteenth century A.D., 1010
assembly, absence of places of, in the continental nation, 811
assurance, genuine, absolute affirmations of, 1119
attainment, prayer and, 1621
authority, present need to replace, by a philosophy of living, 1098
belief, apostles’ attempt to fit new gospel into old forms of, 1542
Urantia, advice to Michael as to stereotyped systems of, 1330
ceremonial, and spirit evolution, 952, 962, 1728
certainty, sources of man’s philosophy of, 1139
challenge of this age, 43
civilization, prayer’s contribution to, 999
comfort, common people’s hunger for, 1539
concepts, intellectual crystallization of, spiritual death the, 1120
consciousness, identification of the three elements in universal reality by, 2094
a universe reality, 69, 2089
convictions, effect of, on marriage, 922, 932
Paul’s, New Testament’s portrayal of, 2091
criticism, open, lack of, at present, 1088
daydreaming, possible danger in, 1099
development, methods of achieving, 1131
devotion, modern man and, 1780, 2077
duty, Jesus’ praying never a, 2089
ecstasy, rampant, not divine inspiration, 1000
education, promotion of, 1092
emotions, no mystic faculty for receiving or expressing, 718, 1104
ethics, positive, advice to Michael regarding, 1329
evolution, probable future advances in, 1041
experience, a child’s rightful chance to grow his own, 1094
definition and identity, 1000, 1091, 1095, 1105, 1110, 1114, 1116, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1123, 1126, 1129, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1219, 1585, 1718, 2075, 2096
“fruits of the spirit”, 192, 1091
genuine, the tests for, 1000-1001, 1107
God a loving person and a personal love in, 42
identification of a, 1131
man’s three great satisfactions in, 69
material mind’s inability to understand, 69
observable traits of those having had a, 1089, 1091, 1093, 1109, 1119-1120, 2093, 2095
personal, religion’s validation dependent upon the faith of, 1130
prayer a part of, 1123
primitive, identification of, 1131
real, theology’s inability to depict, 1116, 2096
vs. religious beliefs, 1130
vs. religious symbols and ceremonies, 1728
subjective and objective phases of, 69, 1107, 1141
wisdom of, paradoxical nature of the, 1119
worship the spiritual domain of the reality of, 192
faith, a definition, 1091, 2078, 2093
to “follow Jesus” is to share his, 2090
philosophy’s rightful respect for, reason, 1125
a proof of the presence of indwelling divine spirits, 1108
fanaticism, the undesirability of, 1000
gathering, vs. a social occasion, 1133
growth, 984, 1004, 1091, 1094-1095
steps in, 1098-1099
impulse, the true, origin of, in genuine spirit presences, 402, 1132
insight(s), consequences of, 1121
higher types of, Thought Adjusters’ influence on, 1129
origin of, 1097
philosophy’s union of the scientific attitude and, 1138
power of, 1119, 2096
product of, 1122
intolerance, cause of, 987
leaders, Jesus’ rejection by Jerusalem, 1412
true, influence of, 993
liberty, Jesus’ teaching as to, 1487, 1731, 1930, 2071
prerequisites to one’s right to enjoy, 1135
life, idealistic, Jesus’ attainment of, in a realistic world, 2093
of Jesus, secret of the, 2089, 2090
Michael to live the ideal, 1328
living, a definition, 1094, 1097
peace, cosmic poise, an earmark of, 1101
social service based on, 68
the supreme loyalties of, 1142
the unquestioning devotions of, 1142
loyalty, an evaluation of, 965, 1096
man, a definition, 1582
movements, Urantian, advice to Michael as to, 1330
obligation(s), family relationships not to interfere with, 1581
marriage at one time a, 915
observances, of the Nazareth family, modification of, by Jesus, 1402
peace, means of attaining, 1487
philosophy, the acid test for, 53, 1114
four phases in the evolution of, 1114
the ideal of, 1141
school of, onetime proposed establishment of, at Damascus, 1412
uniqueness of each individual’s, 1130
practices, guarantee of the freedom of, society’s right of, 794
Jesus’ effort at adjustment of his, and his parents’ views of, 1372
older, vs. Christianity, 2069
personal, Jesus’ followers first attempt to socialize, 1625
revelation, an essential to brotherhood on Urantia, 597
five epochal events of, 1007
ritual(s), Christianity and, 2069
evolution of, 963, 979, 986
speculation, dangers of, 1121
symbols, vs. religious experiences, 1728
teacher(s), of the first century A. D., 1010
of the future, 1010
great, 1008-1010
Moses a, 1057
in Rome, effectiveness of Jesus’ teaching of the thirty-two, 1456
seven outstanding world, 1339
unlettered characteristic of many notable, 1127
teachings of Jesus, need for church’s return to, 2091
thought, diversity of the interpretation of, 1129
Urantian, confusion of Deity identity by, 60
training of children in the continental nation, 811
Jesus’ need to do, 1635
turmoil, present, significance of, 1092
uniformity, not necessary to religious unity, 1487
values, goals, men’s ease of agreement on, 1130
wars, cause of, 1487
worship, the source of, 992
Rematerialization of Material Sons, and change in their life-transmitting mechanism, 581
of Planetary Adams and Eves, time required for, 582
Remembrance supper, establishing the, 1941-1943
Reminiscent jests, definition, 547
Remission of sins, Hebrew belief regarding, 60
of sins, John’s baptism for the, 1502
Remorse and repentance, in evolutionary religion, 1004
Renaissance Christianity’s moral influence up to the time of the, 2075
of Judaism, 1338
spiritual, secular education’s possible influence on a, 2086
Rendezvous with Jesus, apostles’ first, 1937
worlds of the universes, 174
Renunciation a step in religious evolution, 976-978
Repair shop, presentation to James of title to the, 1418
Repentance of Adam and Eve, acceptance of the, 851
of Cain, motivation of, 849
effects of, 998, 1898
factor leading to man’s, 1610
John the Baptist’s preaching, 1537, 1584
man’s, and the goodness of God, 1675
a prerequisite to forgiveness, 1452
prevalence of talk about, in Jesus’ time, 1510
Repersonalization of Adam and Eve, 853
of Adam and Eve, Adam’s idea as to the time of, 852
of Adjuster-endowed children who have not made their choice concerning Paradise career, 532
conditions preliminary to, in the morontia resurrection halls, 1230, 1234
of corporeal staff, time involved in, 743
a definition, 1235
planetary, Material Sons’ need for tree of life on, 825
resurrection from death, 409
spiritual, on Paradise, and recognition of instigator of rest, 299
Repetitions ornate, ineffectiveness of, in prayer, 1640
Representative government, Adam’s abandonment of attempts to establish, 834
government, ancient wars’ interference with, 798
basis of, 798
divine ideal of self-government of nonperfect beings, 517
evolution of, 801-802
of Jerusem Adamites, 515
of mankind, necessity for surrender of power to make war into hands of, 1489
Representatives Jesus’ personal, characteristics of, 1582
Reproduction of Adams and Eves, 415
of mortals, confinement of, to inhabited worlds, 516
natural, increase of Material Sons by, 515
regulation of, during ages of light and life, 630
Solitary Messengers without power of, 257
of unfit, restriction of, during post-Magisterial Son ages, 595
Reproductive function, guidance of Material Sons and Daughters in exercise of the, 515
natures, of Adams and Eves, dissimilarity of, 581
potential, absence of, in personalized infants, 531
powers, lack of, by Life Carrier experimental life, 404
urge, function of, 938
Reptile(s) evolution of the frog into the, place of first step of, 683
flying, appearance of, 686
kingdom of, four surviving divisions of, 732
of Miocene period and of modern times, 698
sudden appearance of, 686
widespread reverence for, 968
Reptilian age, early and later, 685-688
Resentment apostles’, at discourtesy showed the Master, 1687
deep, of Judas for noninterference by Jesus in John’s execution, 1926
Judas a victim of, 1567
Reserve corps of destiny, 1257-1259
of destiny, the introduction of a recent message on Urantia from an Adjuster to a member of the, 1213-1214
loyal midwayers function with, 863
the master seraphim’s influence on the, 1256
members of the, generally unknown to their fellowmen, 1258
political sovereignty council of, on Urantia, 1258
qualifications for membership in the, 1257
relation of secondary midwayers to, 865
significance of a mortal’s being enrolled in a, 1242
direction of, 339
on Urantia, time of largest membership of the, 1258
Reserves planetary helper, function of, 439
Planetary Prince, secondary Lanonandeks assigned to, 392
seraphic, makeup of corps of, 432
of superior seraphim, headquarters of, 431
Reservist(s) all, possession of self-conscious adjusters by, 1257
the chief function of, 1256
dying, technique of transfer of vital data from a, to a younger successor, 1258
on Urantia, not generally known in history, 1258
Resident governor general about, 1252-1254
attitude of the angelic hosts and the united midwayers toward the, 1252
authority and functions of a, 1252
a fatherly adviser, 1253
Machiventa’s invisible presence on Urantia as, 1026
the twentieth, assumption of office by, during the preparation of these papers, 1252
on Urantia, identity of the, 1251
Residential unit, Paradise, capacity of, 121
Resources unearned, persons to determine the distribution of, 1464
Respect of Jesus’ enemies, for him, 1102
a modification of fear, 1004
Respecter of persons, God not a, 27, 46, 138, 1468, 1608, 1662, 1831
Respiration of space, 123, 124
Responsibility Jesus’ bearing of, 1405
supreme human, parenthood a, 941
Rest day, Adam’s and Eve’s anticipation of a, 831
day, Wednesday, the apostolic, 1920
essential to enjoyment of Paradise, 299
negative utilization of time, 315
regular seasons of, for ascenders, 282
sevenfold nature of, 299
the worthwhileness of, 942
Restfulness in contemplation of the old in one’s order, 548
Resting throughout mansion worlds, 535
Restraint in all things, the virtue of, 1447
civilized, origin of, 963
exhibition of, in soul winning, 1765
Resurrection(s) of Adam and Eve, time of, 853
of the Adamic dispensation, 2024
apostles’ early failure to believe in the, 2029
archangels of the, central rendezvous of, 533
function of, 409
of ascenders, and extension of vision range, 498
awakening of mansonia career, number of times experienced, 540
of a bestowal son, time of, 596
and cessation of existence, 37
at conclusion of Michael’s bestowal, 1328
vs. crucifixion, 2063
of the dead, and Life Carriers, 533
of the dead, Pharisees’ belief in the, 1534
from death, definition, 409
dispensational, 533, 2024
on Adam’s Urantia arrival, 852
Gabriel’s relation to, 370
on Urantia, 596
into eternity, 283, 297, 299
hall(s), of Edentia, location of, 486
the final, 540
of the first mansion world, 451, 533, 543, 2021
of the mansion worlds, prerequisites to the immediate passage of the surviving soul to the, 1232
morontia, conditions preliminary to repersonalization in the, 1234
on planet Melchizedek, 486
special, on Edentia’s first receiving sphere, 486
of Jesus, April 9, A. D. 30, 2021
Jesus’, effect of, on the gospel, 2052
the greatest revelation of his divinity, 1968
proclamation of, and beginning change of the gospel, 2051
summary of the situation Sunday night after, 2034
superhuman recital of the events of, 2025
three clarifying statements about, 2021-2022
truth and fact of, 2023
untrue belief regarding, 2023
John’s belief in Jesus’, 1555
of Lazarus, 1842-1849, 1850
significance of, to people of Bethany, 1880
various reactions to the, 1846, 1847
and the life, I am the, 1871, 1965
literal, absence of, subsequent to attainment of system headquarters residence, 539
millennial, reasons for, 568
a mortal’s, significance of, 1248
of old personality, definition, 341
promise of the, 1649
roll calls, and mortals’ contacts with Gabriel, 370
second death not followed by, 532
of sleeping survivor, factors in, 533
of second dispensation, 830
of the Son of Man, prediction of, 1952, 1967
of the soul, 744
special, 533
frequency of, 568
mandate number 26 of the Urantia series, 853
millennial, on Urantia, 596
and millennial post-Adamic, 2024
reasons for, 568
of the unjust,” identity of the, 1247
Retaliation Jesus’ abhorrence of, 1579, 1764, 1770
Retirement age in the continental nation, 814, 817
Retrievers Paradise Sons as, 85
Retrograde motion of Jupiter and Saturn satellites, significance of, 656-657
Return imminent, of the Master, followers’ belief in, 1867, 2067, 2092
of Michael, 1603, 1876, 1914, 1918-1919
great understanding about the, 1918
from Rome, 1468-1482
of the seventy to Pella, 1806-1808
Revealed religion effect of, on evolutionary religion, 1006
emphasis of, on loving, 1111
an evaluation of, 1110
vs. evolutionary religion, 40, 68
miracles not a proof of authority in, 1128
morontia phase of, identity of the, 1111
a spirit derivative, 1110
and theologic egotism, 1012
the unifying element of human existence, 1123
Revelation(s) the ability of, to clarify metaphysics on an evolutionary sphere, 1136
affirmation by, that First Cause and the God of salvation are one and the same, 1106
an analysis of, 1109
attitude of, toward the cosmos, 1122
bridging of the gulf between the material and the spiritual by, 1106-1107
celestial personalities assigned to this, 32
a compensation for the frailties of philosophy, 1140
concept of God presented by, 28, 1122
confirmation by, of the experiential harmony of science, religion, and philosophy, 1106
constant progressive nature of, 1007
co-operation of the Deities in, 86
co-ordination of the sciences by, 1122, 1123
dealing of, with philosophy, 1106
with religion, 1106
with science, 1106
effectiveness of, 1111
epochal, an analysis of, 1109
as an epochal phenomenon, 1107
of the everlasting Father, Son of Man the, 89, 1326, 1328, 1331, 1383, 1425, 1522, 1536, 1542, 1635, 1711, 1749, 1856, 1857, 1931, 1991, 2086, 2097
and existing human concepts, 17
function of, in reconciling God concept of science, philosophy, and religion, 59
in regard to science and religion, 1138
and God in nature, 1106
of God, comparison of, with the religions of men, 1467
origin of, 1467
to universe of universes, 29
great, times of testing as times of, 2082
importance of, in the formulation of man’s philosophy, 1137
to the understanding of universal truths, 1136
influence of, on man’s evolving comprehension of Deity, 990
liberating, truth a, 1608
limitation(s) of, 1109-1110
by man’s capacity of receptivity, 1007
man’s only hope of bridging the morontia gulf, 1137
metaphysics man’s substitute for, 1139
and morontia mota, 57
mortals’ dependence on, 221
not necessarily inspired, 1109
the only technique to compensate for the absence of mota in the material world, 1136
as a personal human experience, 1107
personality concept of God validated by, 29
philosophy, religion, and science, some contrasts in, 1122
promise, of an eternal existence, 1460
proof of the reality of, 1106
religion(s) of, a definition, 1728
a technique of, 66
requirement of, for the validation of religious faith, 1106
spiritual expansion of, and evolutionary religion, 1110
the substitute for morontia insight, 1106
of the superconscious, in the human mind, vs. subconscious emanations, 1207
teachings of, regarding man’s progression, 1112
technique by, for achieving unity between matter and spirit, 1106
for saving time in the sifting of error from truth, 1110
tends to make man Godlike”, 1122
transient quality of all, 1008
of truth, limitations of those engaged in the, 1004, 1109
unifies history”, 1123
of Universal Father, character of Eternal Son’s, 88
and the working of the Infinite, 239, 1106
Revelational religions, vs. natural religion, 1141
Revelators restrictions of, to the revelation mandate, 1109
of truth, possibilities of Urantia mortals as future, 247
Solitary Messengers as, 260
Revelatory commission, Midwayer, membership of, 1343
religion, provisions of, 1101, 1111
and the real spiritual world, 1007
on Urantia today, 1129
Revenge Jesus’ warning against, 1579
Judas’ desire for, 1567, 1887, 2056
is the mask of cowardice”, 1632
primitive humans’ consciousness of, 708
private and personal, Jesus’ attitude toward, 1580
source of, 1713
war caused for desire for, 784
Reverence antecedents to, 1675
appearance of, in first humans, 708
the ascetics’ teaching of, 2043
lack of, in first human worship, 959
the Master a pattern of, 1103
a modification of fear, 1004
progressive stages to love from, 1675
without fear and superstition, teaching of, by Jesus, 1673
Reversion activities, vs. worship on Paradise, 549
directors, 285, 547-550
assembly hall of the, location, 526
comparison of, with Urantia humorists, 547
a function of, 282, 339, 548, 942
directors, with co-ordinators and liaison directors, 546
humorists of morontia worlds, 502
importance of activities of, among evolutionary ascenders, 549
mansion world headquarters of, 530
operations of, on system capitals, 416
origin of, 548
reason for their name, 548
supervisors, functions of, 546
Revival the Samaritan, 1615-1616
Revolution primary, of cosmic energy, 133
violent, vs. peaceful evolution, 1043, 1088
Revolutionist militant, Jesus not a, 1671
Reward(s) functions of, 579
for good and evil, God’s ordination of the, 1450
Judas’ appearance before the Sanhedrin for his betrayal, 1997-1998
spiritual, Judas’ failure to appreciate possible, 2056
Rhine mingling of the Danubian-Andonite and Nordic-Danish cultures on the, 897
Rhinoceros(es) extinction of, in Western Hemisphere, 698
family, arrival of, 695-696, 721
Rhythm beauty, and harmony, intellectual and spiritual relations of, 507
employment of, in early attempts to cure disease, 991
nonexhausting character of, 504
recorders, function of, 504
Rich Jesus’ reason for condemning the, 2093
man and the beggar, 1854-1855
“a certain,” Jesus’ advice on wealth of, 1462
Roman, Jesus’ counsel to the, 1462-1465
and his treasures, Jesus’ parable of, 1821
and poor, in the Father’s kingdom, 1536, 2044
in spirit, vs. poor in spirit, 1573
young man and others, 1801-1803, 1822
Riches accidental, man’s rightful attitude toward, 1464
Amenemope’s teaching in regard to, 1046
as a moral curse and spiritual stigma, 1464
Jeremiah regarding, 1822
Jesus’ decision against compromise with, 1520
trust in, vs. entrance into spiritual life, 1803
Ridicule Judas’ reaction to, 1887
and mocking, the Master’s tolerance of, 2008
Peter’s inability to withstand, 1551
Sadducees’ plan to subject Jesus to, 1900
Riding the light beams, by solar calcium, 462
Right(s) of coinage carried with it the right to levy taxes,” 1899
definition of, the mission of government, 906
doing, happy person’s motivation of love of, 1572
as to fact, wrong in the truth, 555
hand of the Father,”, 64, 148, 239, 596, 1604
Law, Zoroaster’s god of, 1049
to love and be loved, a factor of true liberty, 615
of man, primitive concept of, 962
original definition of, 963
vs. responsibilities of parents, 941
to rule, and power to feed, 1702
and wrong, the Adjuster’s definite participation in conflicts between, 1192
evolvement of the concept of, 956
morality the realization of the existence of, 2096
relative, recognition of, 192
Righteous character, the prerequisite for mortal admission to the morontia worlds, 1112
the final fate of the, according to Mithraism, 1082
indignation,” James’ attempt to excuse his temper as, 1522
Jesus’ purpose not to call the, 1541, 1750
life, apostles and the, 1571
not a reason for one’s salvation, 1683
Pharisees’ concept of the, 1541
Righteousness the basis of Jesus’ piety, 1785
decreeing of, occasion for, 315
a definition, 41, 193, 1621, 1683
divine “robe of”, 1682
of eternity, and mercy, 38
eventuation of freewill choice in, 613
vs. evil, potential, 51
the Father’s four demonstrations of, on Urantia, 1914
gleam of, man’s following the, in his soul, result, 1117
of God, 36, 1444, 1445, 1664, 1826
God’s love of, vs. hatred for sin, 41
hunger for, of kingdom believers, 1133, 1337, 1574, 1683, 1739, 1774
implication of, 41
inherent in Havona personalities, 52
inner, Jeremiah’s proclamation of an era of, 1071
Jesus’, a definition, 1574
the Jews and, 1076, 1584
and justice, 36-38
kingdom believers’ need for faith in the triumph of, 1739
a machine’s inability to hunger for, 2077
man’s hunger and thirst for, the Adjuster’s creation of, 1107
maturity of Jesus’, 1785
Moses’ teaching as to the relation of prosperity and, 1500
national, Amos’ teaching regarding Israel and, 1071
need to progress in, 1736
positive, Jesus’ teaching of a, 1770
relation of justice to, 115
of mercy to, 115
relationship of prosperity and, 976
salvation’s dependence on, 1447
vs. sin, 625, 755, 1951
vs. sinlessness of Jesus, 68
vs. sonship, 1621
status of, in the Father’s kingdom, 1568
the supreme word of Ikhnaton’s daily life, 1048
technique of acquiring, 1621
true, means of attaining, 1446
truth endowment, 1726
of Universal Father, possessed by the Eternal Son, 75
shared by Infinite Spirit, 92
Rig-Veda the Hindus’ “one spirituality of the gods,” 1052
identification of the, 1028
teaching of, regarding the “soul”, 1216
Riot(s) Jewish, a consequence of Pilate’s use of temple funds, 1988
Pilate’s fear of a, 1996
Risen Christ, Christianity’s exaltation of the, 2059, 2066, 2092
Rites and rituals, of cults, nature of, 1337
Ritual(s) an analysis of the nature, cause, and effect of, 992
danger of the substitution of, for religion, 992
influence of, on progress of civilization, 992
Jesus’ desire to free the Jews from bondage to, 1383
dissertation on the indifference of the Father toward, 1404
the origin of modern religious worship, 965, 992
a part of the life of the ancients, 924
purified, Ezekiel’s wisdom regarding the use of a, 1076
significance of, in religion, 1076
temple, Jesus’ disappointment at the explanation of, 1378
of worship, Mithraism’s contribution to final Christian faith, 1083
Ritualism Jewish bondage to, 1340
Ritualistic pageantry, pagan, Christianity’s adoption of, 2070
Rivalry and pride, negative influence of, on succeeding generations, 942
promotion of, among the seraphic hosts, 313
River(s) dwellers of France, identity of, 715
on Havona spheres, 156
of life, Master Spirits the sevenfold channels of the, 404
torrential, absence of, on Edentia, 486
of truth, man’s spiritual heritage the, 2082
that watered the Garden, course of the, 823
of Western Europe, location of Andonite settlements on the, 715
Roads and the Roman state, 801
Robbery by youths, the urge for adventure a cause of, 2009
Rock depositions, number of, in St. Croix Valley of Wisconsin, 670-671
depositions, in earth’s outer layer, 668
layers, dating before the origin of life, 671
salt deposits, of brachiopod age, 677
Rocky Mountains deposits of Cretaceous age in uplifted foothills of, 690
formation of, 692
maximum elevation of, time of, 690
Rodan acceptance of God as a “transcendent” person by, 1784
of Alexandria, 1772-1782, 1924
confession of faith by, 1781
death of, 1787
return of, to Alexandria, 1787
ten addresses by, 1772
Greek philosophy of, 1772-1775
Roll call of a dispensation, archangels’ promulgation of, 409
dispensational, vs. awakening of individual mortals on the third day, 569
of mercy, and the roll call of justice, 1247
of the planetary resurrection, 2024
of the survivors of the Adamic default, 853
Roman(s) ability of, to govern themselves and the Occident, 2072
armies, encompassment of Jerusalem by, and believers leaving the city, 1913
Jews’ inevitable conflict with the, 1913
authorities, Sanhedrin’s fear of complications with, because of Jesus, 1847, 1911
captain, defense of John Zebedee by the, 1977
reaction of, to the Master’s death, 1590
centurion, effect of Jesus’ crucifixion on the, 2009, 2011
healing of the servant of the, 1647
Jesus’ talk in Corinth with the, 1474
characteristics of the religion of the, 1432
citizen(s), apostles’ difficulties in preaching to, 1607
Paul a, 1332, 2071
civilization, the great weakness of, 801
contribution of the, to western civilization, 2073
court, address of Jesus before a, 1462
cross, Jesus’ subsequent hanging on a, 1868
crucifixion learned from the Phoenicians by the, 2005
cult, many human gods in the, 1081
early, characteristics of, 2072
fighting of Christianity by the, 2071
triad gods of the, 1143
education, loyalty bred by, 2072
Empire, adoption of Christianity by the, 2073
carrying of Jesus’ message to the, 1596, 2070
extent of, 1455
receptiveness of, to Christianity, 2069
spread of Mithraism over the, 1082
weaknesses of the, 2074
favorable attitude of, toward monogamy, 927
government, apostolic discussion of relations between the Jewish people and the, 1580
guard, Sanhedrist committee’s request for a, at Jesus’ tomb, 2014
human sacrifice practiced by the, 980
influence, 2072-2073
journey, Jesus’ chief reason for making the, 1455
judge, Jesus’ talk in Corinth with the, 1474-1475
law, characteristics of, 2072
legions, Mithraism’s spread over the Roman Empire by the, 1082
officials, reactions of, to Jesus’ preaching, 1654
-political domination of the Mediterranean lands, 2073
rule, tolerance of, effect on new religion, 1332
possession of Greek culture by the, 2072
protection, of John, during Jesus’ trial and crucifixion, 1977
religion, Greek influence on the, 1080
rule, Jews’ belief as to the cause of, 1510
senator, Jesus’ talk with a, 1461
soldier(s), Jesus’ appeal to the hardy, 1590
Jewish leaders bribing of the, 2023
present at death of Jesus, 2010
with Judas to arrest Jesus, 1973
state, bases of the, 801
conditions of, favorable to the bestowal of Michael, 1334
religion, an analysis of the, 1080
twelve ghost feasts of the, 960
world, Christianity’s conquest of the, 2086
tour, Jesus’, time of, 1427
Romance fantastic, in modern courtship, consequences, 929
Romanized Greeks, influence of, on Judaism and Christianity, 2073
Romantic love, a rarity in primitive mating, 922
Rome carrying the gospel to, by Christian missionaries, 2068
collapse of, lesson in the, 801
contact of, with Palestine, 1333
contribution of, to spread of the gospel, 1333
foreign policy of, and the survival of Palestine, 1334
Ganid’s desire for a new religion big enough for, 1467
a great blunder of, 1989
the greatest city of Jesus’ day, 1441
influence of, on European civilization, 1332
Jesus’ personal contacts in, 1455-1456, 1461
recollections of his associations in, 1520
method of overcoming nationalism by, 2073
the mistress of the Western world, 1522
and Parthia, results of struggle between, 1333
polyglot composition of, effect, 1498
Roots an early medicine, 991
Rotation of Edentia Most Highs, suspension of, at Lucifer rebellion, 490
Royal families, basis of, 790
insignias, early, origin of, 789
Rufus identity of, 1438
Jesus’ first aid to, at Cyrene, 1438
Simon of Cyrene’s son, a gospel teacher in Africa, 2006
Rule(s) of justice in Havona requirements, 158
of living, 1650-1651
of living, conforming to the, vs. being transformed by the Spirit of Truth, 1609
Ruler(s) of the Capernaum synagogue, Mangus’ appeal to, 1647
Jewish, conclusions of, regarding the gospel movement, 1596, 1606, 1607, 2045
of the Jews, Jesus’ crucifixion by the Romans at the behest of the, 2001
man’s duty to honor his, 1907
of Paradise, divine light of the, 1458
political and religious, John the Baptist’s denunciation of, 1506
of a Universe, a title of Jesus, 1409
of the Universe of Universes, 53
unscrupulous, Hebrew teachers’ constant rebuking of, 1076
Rulership basis of, 789
Ruminants overrunning of North America by, 696
Runaway lad, Jesus’ talk in Corinth with the, 1475
Running away from home, the price of, 1922
Russia polar-sea inundation of, in later reptilian age, 687
Ruth, of the Old Testament about, 1345
an ancestor of Jesus’ mother, 1345
Ruth, sister of Jesus absence of, from Bethsaida good-bye, reason, 1587
affection of, for Jesus, 1402, 1416
arrival of, at Golgotha, 2007
attempt of, to elude the Pharisees, 1743
belief of, in Jesus’ divine mission, 1628, 1721, 2032
birth of, 1389
characteristics of, 1402
Jesus’ care of, 1389, 1483
marriage of, to David, 2031
presence of, at Jesus’ crucifixion, 2008
secret visit of, with Jesus, at Capernaum, 1628
unswerving loyalty of, to Jesus, 1546
Ryonin identity of, 1040
Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7