Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q/R – S – T – U – V/W – X/Z
Jacob a boyhood friend of Jesus, 1357, 1364, 1368, 1410, 1470
the younger stone mason, Miriam’s betrothed, 1414
Jacob, of Crete private interview of, with Jesus, 1597
Jacob’s well assembly of a crowd at, reason, 1614
Jainism another name for Suduanism, 1450-1451
on Urantia today, 1009, 1011, 1031
Jairus plea of, for Jesus’ healing of his sick daughter, 1698
position of, in Capernaum synagogue, 1707, 1709, 1718
James Alpheus and Judas Alpheus, 1539, 1541, 1547, 1563-1564, 1681
Jesus’ last words to, 1959-1960
James, brother of Jesus assumption of full responsibility for the Nazareth family by, 1398, 1410, 1422
attitude of, toward Jesus’ life mission, 1399
baptism of, 1504
birth of, 1357
characteristics of, 1401, 1503
conference of, with Jesus, about his marriage, 1414
conversation of the morontia Jesus with, 2032
employment of, in Zebedee’s boatshop, 1483
and Esta, marriage of, 1418
exclusion of, from Jesus’ inner circle of associates, 1538
faith of, in Jesus, 1527, 1534
and his first Passover, 1399
graduation of, 1398
Jesus’ appeal to Andrew for help for, 2048
childhood teaching of, 1364
the later head of the Jerusalem church, 1802, 1831, 2068
limited faith of, in Jesus, 1721
post-Jesus connection of, with the Christian movement, 1722
reception of, into the commonwealth of Israel, 1399
religious nature of, 1399
James, of Safed identification of, 1755-1756
James Zebedee about, 1420, 1421, 1552-1553, 1582, 1589, 1658
the first apostolic martyr, 865, 1553
giving the charge to the new evangelists by, 1668
inquiry of, regarding Jesus’ interpretation of divine forgiveness, 1898
Jesus’ final personal admonition to, 1958
and John, compatibility of, 1553
inquiry of Jesus by, as to their place in the new kingdom, 1525
mother of, a member of the women’s corps, 1808
preaching partners, 1681
reaction of, to Jesus’ rebuke, 1525
relations of Andrew with, 1548
request by, to punish the inhospitable Samaritans, 1788
sponsors of James and Judas Alpheus, 1563
joining of John the Baptist’s cult by, 1503
labors of, at Philadelphia, 1769
opposition of, to proclaiming Jesus king, 1701
outstanding feature of the personality of, 1552
participation of, in the Pentecostal service, 2060
private conference of, with Jesus, 1578
question of, regarding divorcement, 1576
reaction(s) of, to Jesus’ foresight, 1594
to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 1884
request of, for a prayer to teach believers, 1619
selection of James Alpheus by, 1539
serious illness of, 1718
suggestion of, that the apostles go to the tomb, 2037
a well-balanced thinker and planner, 1553
Jamnia Jesus’ visit to, 1492
Jansad Identity of, 849
Japan Andite penetration of, 873
outstanding religion of, in present day, 1011
Japanese expulsion from the mainland of ancestors of, time, 884
Salem missionaries’ penetration to the, 1021
Japhia apostolic visit to, 1668
Jaram the Hittite, identity of, 1019
Java Andonic migration to, 719
man, Andonites’ relation to, 719
Jealousy effect of, on the evolving soul, 1204, 1927
for, not of, man, God’s attitude of, 57
man’s possible transcendence of, 597, 1778
source of, 1713
Jebus David’s establishment of the capital of the united kingdom at, 1073
David’s six wives from the women of, 1072
identification of the city of, 1015
Jehoash identity of, 1074
Jehonadab destruction of the real estate agents of Baal by Jehu and, 1074
Jehu Jesus’ parents’ story of, 1374
Jellyfish in late invertebrate animal age, 676, 732
Jephthah and his daughter, 980
Jeramy identity of, 1471
Jeremiah assertion by, of Yahweh’s being the God of all nations, 1067
fate of, 1068
the fearless, 1340, 1067-1068, 1074-1075
Jesus’ quotation from, in Capernaum sermon, 1630, 1677
presentation of God by, as just and loving, 1067
suggestion by, for the surrender of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar, 1068
teaching of, regarding an era of inner righteousness, 1071, 1609
Jericho Andrew’s assignment of apostolic couples to, 1595
blessing the children of, 1839-1840
discussions of Joseph and Mary at the inn in, 1351
ford, John the Baptist begins preaching near the, 1501
historical significance of, 1501
Jeroboam identity of, 1074
Jerusalem academies, Jesus’ inspection of, 1422
apostles’ reaction to Jesus’ prediction of the destruction of, 1882, 1867, 1910, 1912-1914
apostolic corps’ departure for, 1706, 1888
believers, Antioch believers’ financial assistance to, 2067
bestowal of the Spirit of Truth not limited to, 2065
brethren, Paul’s controversy with, 2064
church, Abner’s disagreement with Peter and James in regard to the, 1831
James, Jesus’ brother, head of the, 1802, 1831
John a chief supporter of the, 1555
deputation to determine John the Baptist’s identity, 1505
destruction of, by the Babylonians, 1075
former identity of, 1015
holy temple of, center of Jewish theology, 1339
Isaiah’s and Jeremiah’s prediction regarding, 1074
Jesus’ and the apostles’ departure from, cause, 1607
appearance in, followers reaction to, 1789
conviction against going to study at, 1373
decision concerning his public entry into, 1706, 1880
first conscious visit to, effect of, 1377
and John Zebedee’s trip to, 1494
journey to, 1374-1376
two-month sojourn in, 1422
warning of future trouble for, 1915, 1920, 2005
journey of Jesus and apostles to, for the Passover, 1648
the Master’s last human journey to, 1877
officers, appearance of, to arrest Jesus, 1723
persecution of believers in, 1616
reaction of, to Abraham’s espousal of Jesus’ teachings, 1666
vs. Rome as a field for Jesus’ study of mankind, 1461
scribes and believing disciples, gathering of, at the apostolic camp, 1755
shall be trodden down by the gentiles”, 1913
the shrine of the Hebrews’ faith, 1987
temple of Baal and one of Yahweh in, 1074
Jerusem acknowledgement of installation of Urantia’s rulers, time of arrival of, 832
activities of, varieties, 526
Adam and Eve on, 828-829
Adamites, self-government of, 515
Adams and Eves, parenthood training of nonreproducing ascenders by, 516
administrative mount of, 601
Andon’s and Fonta’s fusion with their Adjusters on, 717
an architectural sphere, 456
ascendant citizens, resistance of, to Lucifer’s proposals, 603, 609
ascending mortals’ preparation on, for constellation sojourn, 436, 537
astronomic observatory of, location, 526
broadcasts, 522
children of any Adam and Eve, immortality of, 581
circles, classification of, 523, 527
citizen(s), day of clearance of, for Edentia, 540
nonindwelling of, by Thought Adjusters, 852
citizenship, 435, 494, 539-540, 717, 853
class graduation from seventh mansion world to, 538
corps of twenty-four, designation of a resident governor general for Urantia every hundred years by the, 1252
council of one thousand, function, 517
current ruler of, 393
definition, 359, 378, 756
distance of, from physical center of Orvonton, 359
end of Lucifer rebellion on, 611
executive council, membership of, 512
the first heaven, 523, 539
the four and twenty counselors of, 513-514
freedom of archrebels in, 609
Gabriel’s establishment of his forces on Father’s spheres of, 605
Galantia’s headquarters on, 407
headquarters of celestial life on, 514
home planet of Adam and Eve, 580
identification, 174, 182, 393
local management of, by Material Sons and Daughters, 515
Machiventa Melchizedek’s headquarters on, 514
Material Sons and Daughters as permanent citizens of, 415
Melchizedeks’ influence on, 517, 524
natural preserves of, grandeur of, 520
Nebadon education on worlds of progress associated with, 412, 500
physical aspects of, 519-520
prison worlds, Satan’s place of detention, 611
provision of spornagia for, 530
regime, purpose of, 174
relation of Urantia’s solar system to, 466
residential and administrative areas of, 522
Satania day as reckoned on, 372
Satania headquarters, 509, 519
services, ascenders’ attitude toward their, 521, 526
spirongo of, vs. midway creatures of Urantia, 523
subsatellites of, number and size, 509
transporters from local planets to, 436, 438
upheaval on, during Lucifer rebellion, 606
Urantia advisory council’s location on, 513
vs. Urantia, comparison of, grotesque, 521
welcome of mansion world graduates, 539
Jesus allusion of, to legion of angels, 421
alone in the hills, 1495, 1688
ascension of, 2057
choice of this world for his seventh bestowal by, 1407
conferences of, with the directors of the celestial hosts, 1753, 1787
encountering of Gabriel in the Perean hills by, 1513
farewell of, to Lazarus, 1897
gentile schools of philosophy in times of, 1335
influence of, on Paul’s doctrines, 1340
interest of, in music, 1364
at Jerusalem, 1377-1378
Jewish attitudes during the times of, 1334, 1379
John’s record of the life of, 1342
the living, the only hope of a unified Christianity, 1281, 1829, 2085
Mark’s record of the life of, 1341
Matthew’s record of the life of, 1341
vs. Mithras, 1083
morontia appearances of, 2029-2055
see also Morontia(s), 12. Jesus’ morontia experiences
mortal goal’s attainment on Mount Hermon by, 1493
of Nazareth, restatement of the life and teachings of, 1343
not the Jewish Messiah, 1347, 1386
occidental religions in times of, 1336
ownership of a house in Capernaum by, 1422
Paul’s doctrines as influenced by teachings of, 1340
permission to terminate his incarnation bestowal given, 1513
preparation of, for service in all Nebadon, 1405
teachings of, vs. Christianity, 1036, 1337, 1340
the triumphant, portrayal of, by John, 2092
the truth of the promise of, to some day return to the world of his terminal bestowal, 1319
various names of, 1409, 1492
visit of, to the Nazarite colony, 1605
Jesus, 1. Jesus’ parents
ancestry of Joseph, the father of, 1344
of Mary, the mother of, 1345
denial of any connection with the house of David by, 1348
disillusionment of, as to omniscience of his parents, 1359
earth parents of, 1348-1349
his parents’ ignorance of the Universe Creatorship of, 1372
Joseph’s family’s attitude toward the teachings of, 1349, 1356, 1372
love of his parent for, 1386
Mary’s belief in the Messianic mission of, 1385
Jesus, 2. Infancy and childhood
accident to, in his seventh year, 1361
age of, at return to Nazareth from Alexandria, 1356
Alexandrian believers’ gift to the baby, 1355
arrival of Thought Adjuster of, 1357
birth of, date, 1317, 1352
a brilliant and lovable child, 1363, 1387
childhood activities of, 1357, 1359
trips of, to Galilean Cities, 1368
early childhood of, 1355-1365
play life of, 1361
favorite childhood stroll of, 1350
flight to Egypt with the baby, 1354
health of, during the Alexandrian sojourn, 1355
infancy of, 1344-1354
language achievements of the boy, 1358, 1362
later childhood of, 1366-1376
of Nazareth, birth of, 1351-1352
a Jew by natural birth, 1909
normal development of the child, 1359
weaning of the baby, 1355
Jesus, 3. Adolescence
adolescence of, 1386, 1393, 1395-1406
adventurous, and aggressive nature of the boy, 1361
a citizen of the commonwealth of Israel, at twelve, 1362
communication of, with his Adjuster, at fifteen, 1386
disappointment of, with the consecration rituals, 1377
early knowledge of, about the Jerusalem temple, 1377
effect of Joseph’s death on education plans for, 1388
embarrassment of the teachers of the Law by questions of, 1382
exploration of Jerusalem by, 1380
first appearance of an assigned messenger to, 1376
and second days in the temple, of the boy, 1381-1382
trip of, to the temple, 1378
friendship of, with Jacob, 1357
Joseph’s one demonstration of anger toward, reason, 1371
Nahor’s plan for, 1365
objection of, to the doorpost parchment, 1372
prayer of, on the hilltop, 1417
sale of his harp by, 1402
two purposes of the youthful, 1388
views the temple, 1378-1379
weeping over Jerusalem by the twelve-year-old, 1381
youthful, trips of, with his father, result, 1360
Jesus, 4. Family life
adjustments of his views of religious practices to those of his parent by, 1360, 1372
attendance of, on Jude, in Jerusalem prison, 1415
attitude of, toward baby brother James, 1357
toward Ruth and her playmates, 1416
avoidance of partiality toward members of his family by, 1409
Bethlehem sojourn of family of, reason for, 1352
care of his family, the first obligation of, 1390
compassion of, for his mother at Cana, 1530
conformity of, to his family usages, 1384
a dutiful son, 1386
family-rearing experience of, 1373, 1396
as a father to his brothers and sisters, 1389
formulation of the “Lord’s Prayer” by, 1389
forsaken by his family, 1722
his family’s arrival at Capernaum, 1721-1723
inability of, to understand forbidden Sabbath play, 1361
Joseph’s and Mary’s temptation to favor, 1369
love of, for his family, 1419
a man of peace, influence of, on his family, 1417
Mary’s recognition of, as head of the family, 1400
modification by, of family’s religious forms, 1372, 1402
number of brothers and sisters, 1388
Passover trip of, with Jude, 1415
pledge of obedience of, to his earthly parents, 1384
reaction of, to the birth of sister Miriam, 1357
to his parents’ attitude toward the temple episode, 1384
refusal of, to accept special consideration by his parents, 1370
reply of, to his mother’s rebuke in the temple, 1384
responsibilities of, as head of his father’s family, 1388
Sabbath afternoon walks of, 1363
strolls of, with his brothers and sisters, 1400
seeming indifference of, to possible worry of his parents, 1383
separation of, from the Nazareth family, 1419
solicitude of, for his mother, 1419
success of, as a father to Joseph’s family, 1396
takes James to his first Passover, 1399
teaching of his brothers and sisters by, 1387
weaning of Nazareth family by, 1410
willingness of, to conform to the desires of his earthly father, 1384
Jesus, 5. School experiences
acquirement of early education by, 1358, 1370
beginning study of Greek by, 1359
challenge of chazan, concerning images, 1366
chazan’s interest in the boy, 1363, 1370
date of graduation of, from the synagogue school, 1373
a diligent pupil, 1364
discontinuance of drawing and modeling by, 1367
early education of, 1358, 1363
graduation of, from the Nazareth synagogue school, 1362, 1373
hunger of, for knowledge, 1382
intellectual and theological training of, by the chazan, 1363
scholastic standing of, reward, 1362-1364
Jesus, 6. Occupations and travels
acquaintance of, with north Palestine, 1411
at Antioch, 1480-1481
as boatbuilder and fisherman, 1419-1420
caravan trip of, to the Caspian Sea region, 1484-1485
a carpenter from Nazareth, 229, 1420
creation of new style of boat by, 1419
and the Damascus episode, 1411-1412, 1423
early manhood of, 1407-1418
expertness of, as a yokemaker, 1367
meditations of, at carpenter’s bench, 1391
in Mesopotamia, 1481-1482
mining experience of, at Iron, 1643
reputation of, as a boat designer, 1420
skill of, as a carpenter, 1396
tour of, from Beersheba to Dan, 1492
trip of, to Syria, 1492
wages of, as a fifteen-year-old carpenter, 1393
years of travel of, 1421
Jesus, 7. Trip to Rome
at Carthage, 1438-1439
chance meeting of, with two Corinthian courtesans, 1472
with two travelers from India, 1422
conversation(s) of, with Ganid and Gonod about Buddha, 1466
with Marcus, 1461
with Mardus, the Roman cynic, 1457-1458
with a Roman senator, 1461
with the Roman soldier, 1461
In Rome, with a Greek physician, 1461
with a wealthy slaveholder, 1461
at Cyrene, 1438
farewell of, to Gonod and Ganid, 1481
gaining knowledge of races and classes of men in Rome by, 1460
Ganid’s comparison of, with the Father in heaven, 1481
sojourn of, at Rome, 1455-1467
talks of, with Angamon, results, 1456
in Corinth, with hungry souls, 1476
trips of, about Rome, 1466-1467
use of time during his Mediterranean tour by, 1427
Jesus, 8. Personality
capacity of, for humor and play, 1361
characteristics of, 1425, 1562, 1583, 1671-1672, 1785, 1786, 1874-1875
charm and personality of, 1589
factors in the make-up of, 1521
faith of, characteristics, 2087
influential characteristics of, 1348, 1589, 1721, 2029
Joshua ben Joseph, 1344, 1351
lack of subconscious delusions and superfluous illusions of, 1100
many characteristics of, 1101-1103, 1391, 1412, 1543
of Nazareth, attainment by, of potential spirit personality, 30, 1101
identity of, 1325
a strong and forceful personality, 1589
organization of his mind by, method of, 1398
personality changes in, 1495
presentation of perfected human personality in the life of, 1425
spiritual charms of, 1425, 1585, 1589
Tiberius impressed by bearing and manner of, 1455
Jesus, 9. Activities before baptism
achievements of, with the attainment of adulthood, 1407
conversation of, with John at his baptism, 1504
failure of, to deliver John the Baptist from prison, reasons, 1507
final separation of, from John the Baptist, 1506
first farm experience of, 1357
freedom from responsibility of, 1377
harvesting of grain by, 1367
illness of, 1358
Passover trip of, 1374
invitation to, to become a religious teacher in Alexandria, 1413
John the Baptist’s first visit with, 1359, 1496
joining of, by John’s disciples, 1506
last message of, to John the Baptist, 1507
later adult life of, 1419-1426
message of, to John the Baptist, 1626
plans of, for public work, 1514-1516
and problems of the nationalist movement, 1397
a respected citizen of Nazareth, activities of, 1414
study of nature by, 1364, 1629
time spent at the caravan repair shop by, 1410
in a smith’s shop by, 1368
Jesus, 10. Baptism and forty days
age of, at baptism, 1512
announcement of “my hour has come” by, 1504
appearance of, at end of forty-day isolation, 1523
baptism of, 1408, 1504, 1510-1512
and the forty days, 1509-1523
disappearance of, after his baptism, 1504
end of purely human life of, 1512
forty-day postbaptismal retirement of, 1512-1514
habitat of, during his forty-day isolation, 1515
the Immanuel conference as recalled on the day of his baptism by, 1424
meeting of John the Baptist and, 1503-1504
of Nazareth, status of, at beginning of public ministry, 1517
postbaptismal forty-day seclusion of, purpose, 1512
status of, at baptism, 1511
Jesus, 11. Twelve apostles
apostles learning from living with, 1584, 1945
apostles of, tension between John’s disciples and, 1617
apostolic-holiday activities of, 1718
approach of, to Peter, to wash his feet, 1938
assembling of his apostles for ordination by, 1568
assembly of twelve apostles every morning for instruction by, 1542
call of, to the Alpheus twins, 1541
to Matthew, 1540
to Simon Zelotes, 1540
Thomas and Judas by, 1542
choosing of the first four apostles, 1524-1527
comments of, on apostles’ healing failure, 1757
commission of, to John Zebedee, 1421
consecration of the apostles by, 1583
discussion of, with Nathaniel about the Hebrew scriptures, 1767-1769
and his apostles leaving Galilee, 1587-1588
influence of the life of, on the apostles, 1584
instruction of, as to the apostles’ proclamation message, 1383, 1593
ordination of his apostles by, 1568-1575
of the seventy by, 1800
questioning of the apostles by, after the foot-washing service, 1939-1940
questions of, concerning his Messiahship, 1390-1391
reaction of, to Nathaniel’s query concerning the Golden Rule, 1650
rebuke of James and John by, 1525
of Peter by, reason, 1760
training of the kingdom’s messengers by, 1538-1547
Jesus, 12. Religious life
arrangements made for Jerusalem study of, at fifteen, 1380
attainment of high levels of conscious contact with his Thought Adjuster by, 1421
attendance of, at his first Passover, 1362
attitude of, toward his heavenly Father, in his prayers, 1360
communication of, with his Personalized Adjuster, 1904
completion of the mastery of his human mind by, 1408, 1421, 1492
confidence of, that no real harm could befall him, 1470
frequent solitary retirement of, at Gilboa, 1618
habits of, as to prayer, 1387
meditation and prayer in the Bethany garden by, 1381-1383
of Nazareth, the earth life of, the highest religion in Nebadon, 1128
no provision for self-examination in the religion of, 1583
personal religion of, 1101, 1581-1583, 1785
positive quality of the morality of, 1585
preparation of, for trip to Mount Hermon, 1492
religion of, 67, 1091, 2091-2093
religious life of, how to study, 68, 1460
sinlessness of, 1408
transformation of the difficulties of time into the triumphs of eternity by, 1405
unawareness of his Adjuster’s arrival by, 1357
was great because he was good”, 1103
youthful, and his prayers, 1360
Jesus, 13. Attitudes and abilities
ability of, as a camel driver, 1481
as a linguist, 1484
as a metal worker, 1410
to concentrate, 1400
to help maladjusted human beings, 1461
to recognize truth, 1390
as a storyteller, 1438
to understand confused and distressed mortals, 1408
adeptness of, with the harp, 1364
attitude of, toward accepting his family responsibilities, 1388
toward asceticism, 1512
his being the Messiah, 1390
his life work, 1384
Mary’s attendance at the Passover, 1377
personal combat, 1469, 1518
the Pharisees, 1582
Philip’s foolish questions, 1557
sinners, 2018
wholesome recreation, 1371
cheerfulness of, at Simon’s banquet, 1879
indifference of, to future educational arrangements for him, 1370, 1380, 1422
of Nazareth, refusal of, to compromise with evil, 1521
nonteaching of fasting and self-denial by, 1605
not a personal example for Urantia mortals, 1585
and the Passover, 1379-1381
physical, mental, and emotional development of, 1358, 1395, 1407
proficiency of, as an entertainer, 1389
refusal of, to defend self against a fellow man of sonship status, 1469
to join Zealots, 1396
to visit the Roman public baths, 1461
reverent attitude of, toward nature, 1364
sagacity of, in his temple questions, 1383
skill of, as a harpist, 1364
statement of his position with reference to the nationalist movement, 1397
the untiring patience of, 1401
willingness of, to defend self against one other than a son of God, 1469
Jesus, 14. Human and divine nature
beginning self-consciousness of his divinity and destiny by, 1386, 1408
combined nature of, a definition, 1711
consciousness of, of his potential power, 1416, 1787
contact of, with human experience, 1362, 1392
craving of, for confidential friendship, 1391
the creator of all Nebadon, 1376
decision of, to adopt the title “Son of Man”, 1390
a divine Son, 1604, 1785, 1856
escape from both social extremes of human existence by, 1425
experience of human feelings and emotions by, 1405, 1407, 1425
genuineness of the humanity of, 1521
growing awareness of his creatorship by, 1387, 1395, 1409
human, 1113, 1383, 1424-1426, 1515, 1787, 1969, 2015, 2092
and divine nature of, evidence of, 1395
life of, a transcendental bestowal of God in the form of man, 1583, 2084
living of a perfected life by, 1425, 1581
the man, 196, 1472, 1520, 2090-2091
mastery of his human mind by, 1414, 1421, 2063
natural growth of, as a child of the realm, 1407
of Nazareth, the Father’s incarnated Son, 86, 357, 1084, 1331, 1407, 1857
the Planetary Prince of Urantia, 1512
sovereign ruler of a universe, 1918
the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia, 1014
Nebadon’s fascination with the unfolding life of, 1373
the only revealer of the incarnation of a Creator in the form of a creature, 196, 1417, 1467, 1510, 1604, 1791, 1856, 1985, 2003
the perfected man of a universe, 1103, 1604
possession of unlimited power by, 1543
prays like a man but performs like a God”, 1786
preparation for career of, as a perfected God-man, 1388, 1421
purely human, final act of, 1511
self-consciousness of, of his two existences and his combined natures, 1528
sign of the divinity of, 1895
the Son of God, 1784, 2092
the sovereign ruler of our universe, 1919
a true man among men, 1408, 1425
was the truth,” 1101, 1428, 1594
the youth, and the Creator, 1367
Jesus, 15. Love and Ministry
affection of, for the Bethany family, 1404, 1837
association and communication of, with man, 1784
blessing the little children, 1839-1840
character of the love of men and women for, 1403
comparison of the love of his heavenly Father with that of his earthly father by, 1378
counseling the rich man, 1462-1465
desire of, as to the Jews, 1383
evening conferences of, at Zebedee’s home, 1420
God of love revealed by, 41, 67, 1331, 1378, 1797
high evaluation of man by, 1098
identification of, with different types of men, 1565, 1796
interest of, in the individual, 1359, 1580
learning by, of how various people lived, 1380
love of, for children, 1416
and service of, for mortal men, 2017, 2095
a merciful and understanding sovereign ruler, 1408, 1580
personal contact with the sick in Bethsaida hospital by, 1658
counsel of, to “a certain rich man”, 1463
love of, for men, effect, 1460-1462, 2018
work of, with the religious teachers in Rome, 1456
requirement of a life of loving service by, 2043
respect of, for sincere scribes and Pharisees, 1386
social ministry of, 1465-1466
tarrying time of, in Galilee, 1524-1537
the technique of social contact of, 1460
an understanding comrade, 1546, 1874
an unpretentious layman, 2091
went about doing good, 1590, 1786
Jesus, 16. Reaction to life situations
decision of, concerning personal necessities, 1518
to deprive himself of all superhuman co-operation, 1516
not to become an earthly father, 1405
regarding his mortal bestowal, 1755
as to use of his universe endowments, 1522
destruction of all his permanent writing by, 1514
difficult situation of, in the Zealot matter, 1397
driving the animals from the temple by, 1890
fairness of, to opponents, 1383
inauguration of the bloodless Passover by, 1404
indignation of, at presence of courtesans in the temple, 1378, 1890
lack of interest of, in plans for study in Jerusalem, 1375
life of, on earth, characteristics of, 2084
mortal life of, reaction of his fellow mortals to, 1425
reaction of, to Antioch, 1480
to ceremonies of day of atonement, 1494
to Ezra’s and Rebecca’s proposition of marriage, 1403
to Greek competitive games, 1370
to separation of women from men worshipers, 1377
to the slaughter scenes in the temple court, 1378
reaction of Nicodemus to conference with, 1602
rebuke of Martha and Mary for lack of faith by, 1798, 1845
tax problems of, 1393
willingness of, to learn from even the humblest, 1388
Jesus, 17. The Gospel – His mission
activity(ies) of, during second preaching tour, 1668
in Pella, 1524, 1850
assurance of, of the friendliness of the universe, 1470
beginning of public work of, time, 1509
brotherhood, identification of the, 2067
concept of the kingdom held by, 1859-1861
earth mission of, 1286, 1395, 1664, 1711
emphasis of, on his teachings rather than on his achievements, 1413
the exemplification of a new and original plan of life, 1594
experience of mortal life on worlds settled in light and life by, 1425
inability of, to disclose the idea of his mission, 1397
life and death of, for a whole universe, 2017
the light of mankind, 1347
mission of, on earth, 1390, 1683, 1712, 1851, 1906
the “new and living way” from man to God, 1113, 1426
a new revelation of, the great hope of Urantia, 382, 2086
the one objective of, 1522
the Prince of Peace, 1522
purpose of, for being on Urantia, 1590
earth mission of, 1407, 1518, 1519, 1576, 1597, 1608, 1710, 1791, 1820, 1947-1948, 1952
quandary of, concerning the claim of his mission, 1390
real career of, beginning of, 1394
realization of, of the purpose of his earth existence, 1395
recall of his pre-bestowal Paradise experience by, 1424
restatement by, of his purpose in coming to Urantia, 1632
a statement of his mission by, 1466
supreme mission of, 1406
teaching of, about the kingdom, 1862-1864
vs. those of mystery cults, 1337
the terminator of one age and the inaugurator of a new dispensation, 1510
the world’s deliverer, 1347, 2093
Jesus, 18. Teacher and healer
adeptness of, in asking and answering questions, 1460
analysis of the teaching methods of, 1771
as the Jewish tutor, 1423
authority of, in the discussion of religion, 1421
educational techniques of, 1363, 1401
expression of principles for truth preachers by, 1765
fame of, as a healer, 1587, 1668
familiarity of, with the scriptures, 1383
at Jairus’ house, 1699-1700
leading of Cana wedding procession by, 1528
life of, a commentary on his teachings, 1579-1580
miracles of, see Miracles of Jesus
of Nazareth, decision of, concerning himself and certain Scriptures, 1522
parables of, see Parables of Jesus
peace of, a definition, 1954
at the pool of Bethesda, 1649
questions of, to the scribes, 1377
reaction of, to Capernaum healing, 1633
reading of the scriptures at the Sabbath services by, 1362, 1399
real life and teachings of, time for rediscovery of the, 1582, 2083
recounting by, of the origin of the Passover, 1379
reference of, to “universe mansions”, 341
refusal of, to advertise evil, 1582
spoke as one having authority, 1545
the teacher, 1369, 1373, 1383, 1543, 1594, 1630, 1657
use of parables by, 1688-1694
wept,” at tomb of Lazarus, reasons, 1844
a youthful original thinker and skillful teacher, 1368
Jesus, 19. Relation to God
communication of, with the Father, at the tomb of Lazarus, 1846
concept of God held by, 68
dedication of, to doing the will of the Paradise Father, 1384, 1424
defeat of Caligastia on Mount Hermon by, 1493, 1512
different titles of, reason for, 1413, 1746
the exemplification of the Paradise Father’s love, 1406, 1469
and the Father, oneness of, 1784
the Father’s business, vs. world affairs in life of, 1386
interest of, in making a fuller revelation of God, 1383
life of, and mortal concept of God, 41, 1128, 1141, 2061
lone sojourn of, with God, on Mount Hermon, 1492-1493
a most extraordinary day in the life of, 1376
Mount Hermon Experience of, 1512
of Nazareth, a religious man doing the will of God, 1857, 2090
oneness of the Father and, 40, 1331, 1985
personal Deity referred to by, 31
presents God as the Universal Father, 1008, 1948, 2088
refusal of, to acknowledge the wrath of God, 1378
revelation of himself as a perfected son by, 1519, 1580, 1604
subjection of, to the will of his Paradise Father, 1409, 1417, 1424
teaching of, concerning doing the Father’s will, 1579-1580, 1597
trusted God”, 1102
and “will of my Father in heaven”, 1384, 2087
Jesus, 20. Sermons and discourses
address of, to apostles and workers, 1704, 1858
answer of, to the spies’ charge of Sabbath breaking, 1655
apostles’ private talks at Bethsaida with, 1578
discussion(s), of answer and prayer by, 1848-1849
with the Bethany family, 1380
with Ganid on the functions of the human mind, 1479
with Nabon, 1459
with Stephen, 1411
first conducting of a synagogue service by, 1391
last discourse of, to his apostles, on events of the future, 1934
trip to the temple by, 1905
participation of, in discussions at Urmia, 1485
sermons, see Sermons of Jesus
talk of, on evil, sin, and iniquity, 1659-1661
on the “Grace of Salvation”, 1850-1853
on purpose of affliction, 1661-1662
teaching(s) of, as to practice of the “Golden Rule”, 1454
concerning man’s social attitude, 1580-1581
and later Christian teachers of Urmia faculty, 1491
in the temple, 1596-1601, 1795
at Tyre, 1737-1741
temple discussions of, 1382-1383
Jesus, 21. Farewell – arrest and trials
alone in Gethsemane, 1968-1970
apparent interest of, when on trial, in only his bestowal mission, 1983
appearance of, after his trial and scourging, 1995
appears before Pilate, 1989-1990
attitude of, toward Herod Antipas, reason for, 1393
toward his accusers before Pilate, 1990
before the court of Sanhedrists, 1978-1986
Herod, 1992-1993
beginning of last stage of the human life of, 1749
David’s farewell to, 1967
disclosure of, as to his imminent departure to his Father, 1792
first prayer of, in the garden, 1968
Herod’s attitude toward, 1717, 1992
indifference of, to the doings of the Sanhedrin, 1847
Pilate’s private examination of, 1991
prediction of his imminent departure by, 1944
promise of, to dwell in all gospel believers, 1601, 1808, 1816
Jesus, 22. Crucifixion and resurrection
on the cross, reaction of Judas to sight of, 1998
smile of, at sight of his mother, brother, and sister, 2007
death of, date, 2002-2003, 2011
declarations of, of his intention to return to Urantia, 1918
experience of death by, 1425
explanation of events of his death and resurrection by, 1759
first postresurrection act of, 2022
last hour of, on the cross, 2011
promise of, to return to Urantia, 598, 1603, 1863, 1876, 1914
refusal of, to avoid the cross, 2019
resurrection of, date, 2021
status of, during the tomb experience, midwayers’ indefiniteness as to the, 2015
warning apostles of his coming death by, 1871
willingness of, to subject himself to the cross, 2019
Jesusonian gospel lack of, in present-day Tibet, 1038
need for, in India, 1032
New testament only meagerly, 2091
Jethro influence of, on Moses and the Israelites, 1058
Jew(s) any individual, status of, before God unaffected by national rejection of Jesus, 1909
attitude of, toward the duties of fatherhood, 1398
toward Samaritans, 1535
belief of, as to the new heaven and the new earth, 1500, 1914
comparison of, with Buddha, philosophically, 1467
concepts of God of the, 1052-1053, 1467, 1590, 1597
contribution of, to spread of the gospel, 1333
dictating of, to Pilate, reason for, 1989
dispersion of the, extent of, 1333
effect of the Babylonian captivity upon, 1023
expectancy of a wonder-working deliverer by the, 1523
family life of a, Ganid’s observance of, in Corinth, 1472
future of, apocalyptists’ prediction of, 1500
and gentile(s), 1339-1341, 1903
gospel belongs to both, 1903, 2044
independence of, threefold reason for, 1334
at Jerusalem, vs. the Jews of Philadelphia, 1831
Jesus a, 1594
kingdom-of-heaven concept of the, 1859, 1865
lack of humor of, 1736
a Levantine race, 1332
Mesopotamian taboos assumed by the, 1042
Messianic concepts of the, 1509-1510, 1522
a name for certain tribes of Semites, 1055
of Nazareth, liberal attitude of, toward the gentiles, 1362
no recorded secular history of the, 1070
not a miraculous people, 1075, 1334
Paul’s attempt to remake Jesus’ teachings to please the, 1832
racial sin a theory of the, 1510
reaction of, to Pilate’s reference to Jesus as the “king of the Jews”, 1994
relation of, to Abraham, 1432
a religion without science of the, 1726
and Samaritans, 1612
spiritual stagnation of the, 1727
superiority of family devotion of the, 1335
theory of a sin-cursed nation of the, 1510-1511
view of, of religion, vs. that of Jesus, 1583, 1827
Jewels modern peoples’ veneration of their, 945
Jewish authorities, coolness of, to Judas, 1998
authorities, refusal of, to know the Father, 1951
surprise of, at Jesus’ preaching in the temple, 1790
beliefs, Hellenized, effect of current philosophies on, 1338
birthmark, Christian morality a, 1340
brethren, Jesus’ suggestion to Matthew regarding work with his, 1957
captives, Isaiah the second’s comfort to the, 1069
ceremonial system, loyalty of apostles and believers to the, 2060
reaction of the boy Jesus to the, 1348, 1379
children, play life of, 1361
and Christian Bibles, the origin of the, 1074
consciousness, origin of, in Judah, 1071
culture, Jerusalem the center of, 1365
family life, investigation of, by Family Commission of Twelve, 1344
guards, flight of, from the tomb to their homes, 2023
history, Jesus’ recall of traditional events of, 1387, 1399, 1409
homes, of Galilee, provision for superior child training in, 1358
influence on European civilization, 1332
law, and the death sentence, 1982-1985
“neighbor” as defined by, 1809
leaders, appearance of, at Golgotha, purpose, 2007
assault of Jesus on, 1932
believing, meeting of, at home of Nicodemus, 1810
bribing of the guards by the, 1810
desire of, to kill Jesus, reason, 1796, 1932
older, belief of, regarding incarnation, 1811
Messiah, Jesus’ question as to his relation to a possible, 1390-1391
Paul’s proclamation of a, 1332
morality, in Paul’s Christianity, 1340
nation, Jesus’ concern for the coming tragedy for the, 1906, 1913, 2006
people, 1333-1334
cultural stability of the, cause, 939
Jesus’ growing pity and love for the, 1386
Jesus’ last appeal to, 1903, 1905
practices, Paul’s attitude toward, 2064
priests, altering of Hebrew history by the, 838, 1071
unintentional influence of, on Occidental world, 1068
religion, Ganid’s interest in the, 1471
of the Old Testament, origin of, time and place, 1075-1076
rulers, apostles’ awareness of determination of, to exterminate Jesus, 1932
plan of, regarding the disposal of Jesus’ body, 2012
sacred writings, gift of, to the child Jesus from Egyptian friends, 1355
soldiers, Salem doctrine’s spread in Europe by, 1077
spiritual leaders, noneffect on individual Jews of rejection of Jesus by, 1909
theology, Melchizedek teachings the basic doctrines of, 1077
mistake of effort to connect gospel teaching directly to, 1670, 1961
tutor, Jesus as the, 1423
Jezebel Jesus’ parents’ story about, 1374
Jezreel apostolic visit to, 1668
Joab ringleader of plot to make Jesus king, 1701
Joanna a member of the women’s corps, 1679, 2026
supervision of apostolic Sabbath services at Tiberias by, 1680
treasurer of women’s corps, 1679
the wife of Chuza, at the tomb, 2025
Joash identity of, 1074
Job book of, an example of the teachings of the Salem School, 1043
direct appeal of, to God, 1664
drama of, significance of the, 1070, 1662-1664
reply of, to counsel of his friends, 1663-1664
story of, a masterpiece of Semitic literature, 1662
Jogbehah The seventy’s labors in, 1817
John the Baptist about, 1496-1508, 1510, 1817, 2041
Abner and his associates rumored to be followers of, 1741
apostles of, conference of, with Jesus’ apostles, 1624-1626
Jesus’ special teaching of, 1626
apostles’ retirement at Gilboa to await the fate of, 1617
arrest of, 1506
as the coming Messiah’s advance herald, 1498
attack of, on Herod Antipas, 1506
baptism of Jesus by, 1408, 1424, 1504
baptism by, purpose, 1502, 1536
begins to preach, 1501-1503
beheading of, 1508
birth of, 1496
bitter prison experience of, 1506
childhood visit of, with Jesus, 1496
comparison of, with Elijah, 1499, 1502
confusion of, concerning the coming kingdom, 1498, 1503
conversation of, with Jesus at Jesus’ baptism, 1504
conviction of, of the approaching end of the old order, 1498, 1506
death of, 1508, 1627
Judas’ reaction to, 1751
disappointment of, at Jesus’ failure to contact him, 1507
disciples of, Jesus’ apostles’ difficulties in harmonizing with, 1593, 1610, 1617
early teachings of, basis of, 1499
effect of Jesus’ last message on, 1507
Elizabeth’s son, date of birth of, 1346
Gabriel’s prediction of the mission of, 1345
fame of, in Palestine, 1503
final leave-taking of Jesus by, 1506, 1526
finish of the earth work of, 1507
first preaching of, 1501
visit of, with Jesus, 1359
followers of, concern of, over Jesus’ leaving John in prison, 1588
forty days of preaching by, 1505-1506
general instruction by, 1503
Herodias’ hatred of, 1508
Herod’s superstitious fear of, and his attitude toward Jesus, 1633, 1717
a heroic but tactless preacher, 1502
Jesus’ favorable word for the message of, 1503
last message from, 1626
reference to, as the Elijah of prophecy, 1754
use of the cult of, 1010
kingdom concept of, 1858
last questions of, to Jesus, 1507
meeting of Jesus and, 1503-1504
normal childhood of, 1496
onetime camp of, at Pella, 1806
physical description of, 1497
preaching of repentance by, 1509, 1584
presentation of his flocks to the Nazarite brotherhood by, 1499
in prison, 1506-1507
reaction of, to Andrew’s and Peter’s proposal to join Jesus, 1524
relation of the apostles to the followers of, 1588
sad confusion of, after separation from Jesus, 1506
self-regarded as last of the Israel prophets, 1499
sojourn in Engedi of, 1499
taking of Nazarite vow at fourteen by, 1496
teaching of prayers to his disciples by, 1618, 1620
test of faith and loyalty to Jesus by, 1507
uncertainty of, as to the scope of the kingdom of heaven, 1505
on Urantia advisory council, 514
John Hyrcanus destruction of Samaritans’ temple by, 1612
John Mark belief of, concerning Peter’s night vision, 1703
calling of the leading disciples to the home of, 2057
careful watch of Jesus by, 1963
departure of, with the apostles, for Galilee, 2045
desertion of his sentinel post by, 1967
flight of, from the garden, 1975
hiding by, in a shed in Gethsemane, 1971
Jesus’ secret arrangement with, regarding the last supper, 1933
observance by, of activities of last moments in the garden, 1967
only human observer of Jesus awaiting his betrayer, 1971
plea by, to accompany Jesus into the hills, 1920
reaction of, to the day alone with Jesus in the hills, 1921, 1927
record of Jesus’ life written by, 1341
serving of breakfast to, by morontia Jesus, 2047
welcoming of Jesus and the twelve to the new camp by, 1915
John Zebedee absence of, during the conversion of the thief, 2009
age of, at death, 1556
when chosen as an apostle, 1553
arrival of, at Golgotha, 2007
avoidance by, of reference to “casting out devils”, 1631
bringing of his mother to Golgotha by, 2007
care of, by his granddaughter, 1555
characteristics of, 1554-1555
effect of James’ untimely death on, 1553
experience of, at the pool of Bethesda, 1649
favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 1701
following of Jesus by, to the home of Annas, 1976, 1978
identity of, 1553
influence of Jesus’ life on, 1421, 1555
and James, compatibility of, 1553
Jesus’ commission to, 1421
final personal admonition to, 1955
reason for the choice of, to care for his earthly family, 1955
request of, to bring his mother to him, 1997
and Jude, escorting of Mary from Golgotha by, 2009
lifelong silence of, as to his questioning by Pilate, 1991
lonely vigil of, during Jesus’ abuse by the guards, 1984
marching of, at side of Roman captain, 1980
marriage of, to his brother James’ widow, 1555
Nalda’s recounting to, of her conversation with Jesus, 1614
the only apostle at the crucifixion, 2007
participation of, in the Pentecost preaching, 2060
a personal aide of Jesus, 1554
position of, by Jesus’ mother at the cross, 2008, 2009
presence of, with Jesus before Pilate, 1987
with Jesus during his trial, 1982, 1991
promise of, to Jesus, regarding his family, 1422
recognition of Jesus’ humanity by, 1594
of the morontia Master by, 2046
relations of, with Andrew and Peter, 1553
with Jesus, 1553
remaining by, at Golgotha, until the removal of Jesus’ body, 2011
the Revelator, the four and twenty elders of, 513, 539
selection of Judas Alpheus by, 1539
a son of Zebedee, 1420, 1553-1556
the son of Zebedee, the inspiration for the Gospel of John, 1342
status of, during Jesus’ arrest and trial, 1977
story of the crucifixion by, 2009
tact and sagacity of, 1555
vision of, 378, 608
youngest of the twelve, 1553
Joint meetings, quarterly, Jesus’ and John’s apostles’ plans for, 1625
Jonah Jesus’ discourse on, 1428, 1767
Joppa apostolic visit to, 1706
discourse on Jonah at, 1428-1429
Jordan the apostles’ preaching along the, 2051
John the Baptist’s journey up the, 1503
River, 1351, 1374
Jose identification of, 1372
Joseph of Arimathea as a disciple of Jesus, 2013
association of, with Nicodemus, 1603
faith of, in Jesus’ promised resurrection, 2013
the home of, the morontia Jesus at, 2033
interrupted visit of, to Jesus at Gethsemane, 1606
one of the bearers of Jesus’ body to the tomb, 2013
of the few to believe in Jesus’ resurrection, 2013
presence of, at meeting in home of Nicodemus, 1810
request of Pilate by, for Jesus’ body, 2012
and the twenty believing Greeks, 1924
Joseph, brother of Jesus attitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 1401
birth of, 1362
characteristics of, 1401
limited faith of, in Jesus, 1721
onetime residence of, in old Nazareth home, 1484
preparation of, for becoming head of the Nazareth family, 1414
relation of the youthful Jesus with his brother, 1372
Joseph, father of Jesus ancestry of, 1344
as a builder, success of, 1360
burial of, in Nazareth, 1388
dream of, 1347-1348
family of, Jesus’ grief at absence of, from Bethsaida goodbye visit, 1587
financial status of, at birth of Jesus, 1350, 1354
inability of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 1376
and Mary, 1344-1345, 1349
efforts of, to answer Jesus’ questions, 1358
Gabriel’s choice of, as earth parents of Michael, 1344
length of sojourn of, in Alexandria, 1354
possession of superior personality endowments by, 1345
reaction of, to the boy Jesus’ conduct in Jerusalem, 1367, 1384
return of, to Jerusalem, in search of Jesus, 1381, 1382
people of, rejection of Jesus by, 1969
presence of, at Jesus’ graduation, 1373
racial characteristics of, 1344
reaction of, to Gabriel’s visitation, 1347
responsibility of, for Jesus’ intellectual and religious training, 1358
temperament of, 1348
as a workman in Alexandria, 1355
Joseph, of the Old Testament a believer in Melchizedek, 1023
refusal by, of the military command of the Egyptian armies, 1023
sale of, into Egyptian slavery, 1387
status of, among the Egyptians, 1046
Joshua ben Joseph Adjuster’s leave-taking of, 1511
exhaustion by, of all spiritual values attainable in mortal experience, 1200
Ganid’s ignorance of Jesus of Nazareth as the teacher, 1481
human life of, one source of Christianity, 1084
the incarnation of Michael of Nebadon, 1317
Jesus’ earth name, 1344, 1351
Jesus’ progress from the humanity of, to the divinity of Michael of Nebadon, 1281
the mortal Jesus, 1407
natural human conception and birth of, 1317
Joshua of the Old Testament attempt by, to hold the concept of a supreme Yahweh in the minds of his people, 1059
and Jericho, 1501
Moses’ relinquishing his command of the Hebrews to, 1059
Josiah, the born-blind beggar about, 1812
do you believe in the son of God?” Jesus’ question, 1816
final testimony of, as to his healing, 1814-1815
Jesus’ visit to home of, 1816
Pharisees’ second questioning of, 1814
recital by, of Jesus’ healing him of blindness, 1812-1815
subsequent status of, 1816
Josiah of the Old Testament attack on Necho by, 1074
Jesus’ recall of the defeat of, by the Egyptians, 1387
Judah’s status under the rule of, 1074
Jotapata apostolic work in, 1637, 1741
Mary Magdalene’s and Rebecca’s setting apart as teachers at, 1680
mission, distinguishing feature of the, 1638
Jove present significance of, 1054
Joy(s) apostles’ proclamation of, to fear-bound mortals, 1570
clearinghouses, 312
in the divine spirit, of the sons of God, 1655
ecstatic, of Adjuster-fusion occasions, 623
effort not always productive of, 556
excursion, Gods not taking ascenders on an eternal, 558
of Existence, assignment of, to Divine Counselors, 310
functions of, 312
and Satisfactions of Service, functioning of, 312
a fruit of the Sprit, 381, 2067
and gladness, Jesus’ purpose to bring to men, 1558
in heaven over repentant sinners, 1762, 1851
Jesus’ promise of, in his Father’s service, 1533, 1902
purpose to proclaim, to socially downtrodden, 1541, 1652
to replace sorrow with, 1675
of living, vs. the fear of existence, 952
of the assurance of sonship,” Jesus’ prayer for his apostles’, 1964
power, and glory, believers’ feeling of, after the arrival of the Spirit of Truth, 2059
in the presence of the angels over one repentant sinner, 1851
present, provision for, 644, 1853, 1944
prophetic, “all things work together for good”, 548
a result of spiritual growth, 1098, 1537
of salvation, Jesus’ offer of, 1792, 2035
and sorrow, human, common sources of, 1192
in the spirit, a fruit of divine sonship, 1674, 1944
supreme, the result of loving service, 644, 1945
Joyous life compatibility of a, and a realization of eternal destiny, 1206
wings of a new and living spiritual liberty, 1942
Jubilee(s) of jubilees, changed standing of Divine Minister at the universe, 368
the seven, significance of, 305
seventh, preparation for celebration of the, 305
Judah concentration of land in the hands of a few in, 1074
fate of, after attack by Nebuchadnezzar, 1075
under the rule of Manasseh, 1074
many non-Hebrew elements in, 1072
one hundred years of paying tribute to Assyria by, 1074
the origin of the Jewish consciousness in, 1071
Pharaoh’s later enslavement of, 1073
Judahites vs. the Ephraimites, 1072
Judaism early believers in Jesus a sect within, 2060
Judas Alpheus identification of, 1539
inability of, to understand Jesus’ answer to his question, 1564, 1948-1949
selection of, by John Zebedee, 1539
Judas Iscariot about, 2565-1567
absence of from the Gethsemane camp, 1929, 1966
adverse reactions of, to Jesus’ triumphal entry, 1886-1887
age of, when chosen as an apostle, 1566
Andrew’s awareness of impending trouble with, 1549, 1751
apostles’ attitude toward, 1566
the apostolic treasurer, 1566
appearance of, before Sanhedrin, 1997
approach of, to accost Jesus in the garden, 1974
attitude of, at Gilboa, concerning the kingdom, 1618
causes of the downfall of, 2055-2057
characteristics of, 1566-1567, 1611, 2057
and the chief priests, 1924-1927
choosing of the seat of honor at the last supper by, 1937
conclusion of, as to his decision to desert the Master, 1915, 1924, 1935, 1939
conference of, with the captain of the temple guards, 1968
craving of, for worldly honor, 1926
education of, 1558
a faith adventure, to Jesus, 1566
favorable attitude of, toward proclaiming Jesus king, 1701
financial loyalty of, 1566, 1803
first conscious thought of deserting by, 1708
identification of, 1540, 1565-1566
inability of, to serve as a witness at Jesus’ trial, 1982
Jesus’ call to, 1542
a onetime follower of John the Baptist, 1566
reaction(s) of, to foot washing episode, 1939
to his “reward”, 1998
to Jesus’ rebuke at Simon’s banquet, 1879
to Mary’s anointing of Jesus, 1879
realization by, of the true nature of his sin 1998
secret criticism of Jesus by, 1566
selection of, by Nathaniel, 1540
suicide of, 1567, 1998
a summary of many reactions of, 1751
treasurer of the apostles, 1545, 1547
a victim of resentment, 1567
Judas Maccabee influence of, on Jewish nationalism, 1334
restoration of Mosaic services by, 1360
Jude, brother of Jesus absence of, from the apostles’ study sessions, reason, 1534
arrest of, in Jerusalem, 1415
arrival of, at Golgotha, 2007
attitude of, toward belligerent playmates, 1401
baptism of, date, 1504
belief of, in resurrection of Jesus, 2032
birth of, 1370
characteristics of, 1402
contributions of, to Nazareth family support, 1418
declaration by, of his belief in Jesus, 1527, 1532
effects of his marriage on, 1417
graduation of, 1415
and John Zebedee, the only men believers present at Jesus’ death, 2010
patriotic outbursts of, results, 1416
recognition of Jesus’ greatness by, 1421
support of his mother at Jesus’ cross by, 2009
wedding of, 1484
Judea cities of, workers sent from Abner’s center at Bethlehem to, 1798
comparison of, with Galilee, 1369
going of the apostles into, reason, 1587
Judas Iscariot the only apostle from, 1540, 1565
relations between Jews and gentiles in, 1362
Judean the stalwart, identification of, 1525
Judge(s) of all the earth, a title of Jesus, 1409
-Arbiter, function of, 275-276
backward drift of the Hebrews’ concept of Deity under the, 1059
degrees required of, in the continental nation, 816
a divine, method of judging mortals by, 1475, 1829
God as a, 41, 1590, 1826
integrity of, a guage of a civilization, 797
of men, Andrew a good, 1549
of mortals, angels not, 419
righteous, functioning of Universal Censors as, 313
of states of the continental nation, appointment and terms of office of, 809
on superuniverse headquarters, execution of decrees of cessation of existence by, 37
of survival, Magisterial Sons as, 88
Judgment(s) the apostles’, mercy and, 1577
assurance of justice and mercy in the, 1649
concept regarding, in Hebrew theology, 1045
day, of a new dispensation, 341
a definition, 114
dispensational, of the realm, at conclusion of Michael’s bestowal, 1328
divine, a definition, 115
fair, administration of justice dependent upon, 1469
a benefit gained by a Creator Son through his actual creature experience, 1309
of God, basis for, 47, 1445, 1476
group, vs. personal bias, 1764
of his creatures, control of, by a God of love, proof of, 616
Jesus’ mission not one of, 1795, 1822, 1903
mandates of, place of origin of, 180
mass, by ancients of Days, Gabriel’s relation to, 370
narrowness of, avoidance of, 1776
nature of God’s, 314, 1453, 1609, 1795
one appearance of the word, in the Psalms, 1045
roll call, second, of Urantia, 830
tribunals, of Ancients of Days, and decrees of cessation of existence, 37
unwise, a definition, 52
Judicial actions, of Avonals on inhabited worlds, 225
actions, of Magisterial Sons, 226
mechanism of Nebadon, Gabriel supervisor of, 372
system of the local universe, beginnings of, 573
tribunals, Lucifer’s installation of, on the system capital, 604
trusts, on a world in light and life, 625
work of the universe, Master Son not a participant in, 372
Jupiter brilliance and high temperature of, reason for, 656
critical situation of a moon of, 658
formation of worlds like, 466, 656
identity of, 658, 1080
and origin of the asteroids, 658
Jurassic period, length of, 688
Jurisdiction of Nebadon, Immanuel’s assumption of, 1330
Jurors supreme, of Orvonton, 247
Jury system, maladministered, a travesty of justice, 247
Justa Jesus’ sojourn in the Sidon home of, 1735
Justice absolute, Siddhartha’s teaching of a universe of, 1037
adjudication of defaults demanded by, 428
administration of, in accordance with wisdom of the brotherhood, 1764
a Trinity function, 113
assurance of, for ascending mortals, 246
attitude of, toward what mercy can save, 617
a cardinal virtue, according to Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, 1079
certainty of, in a mercy-dominated universe, 616
child of God assured of, 1649
a definition, 114, 115, 2016, 2018
Deity representation in domains of, 114
delay in execution of, justification of, 616
disclosure of divinity as, 3
divine, embodiment of understanding mercy in, 37, 428, 1898
eternal, and fairness, 38
factors in, 613, 794-796
of God, 36, 41, 507, 1443
the greatness of a nation dependent upon its, 1462
a group function, 1146
guides, function of, 434
human and divine, 1475
inherent in sovereignty of the Paradise Trinity, 114
Jesus’ father-brother spirit of, 1401
man’s concept of, 794
merciful delays of, Lucifer’s reaction to, 605
mercy not a contravention of, 38
and mercy, simultaneous ministry of, infinite wisdom necessary for, 38, 434
nature’s sole type of, 794
of Paradise Trinity, characteristics of, 38, 48, 98, 207, 1146
a plural function, 114, 1146
prevailing of, occasion for, 315, 373
progressive meting out of, 796, 797, 1469
relation of, to righteousness, 115, 246
retributive, and divine righteousness, 36-38, 41, 314, 616
rule of, in Havona requirements, 158
of Supremacy, and mercy, 38, 616
supreme, domination of, by a Father’s love, 617
tempered by mercy, in Orvonton, 182, 615
tribunals of, on all planets, 573
of the Trinity, relation of, to Universal Father’s love, 75, 115
Justification by faith, of Abraham, 1682
man’s, 1610, 1682, 2094
Justus identity of, in relation to the apostles, 2058
wife of, Jesus’ request of, for the two courtesans, 1473
Jesus’ and Ganid’s visits in the home of, 1472
Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7