African Associations

To talk to someone about The Urantia Book, to find other readers in your local area, find study groups or hear about conferences taking place in Africa see contact details below. (Click on the country name in Contents to skip to it.)



Urantia Association of Malawi (UAM) (National Association)

NameEmail AddressTelephone
UAM Website
Grevet Moyo[email protected]+265 999 138 153
Linda Mtambo[email protected]


Association Sénégalaise pour la Recherche et la Formation en Sagesse Divine Progressive (UAS) (National Association)

NameEmail AddressTelephone
UAS Website
Mamadou Doudou Diagne[email protected]
Assane Diagne[email protected]


Urantia Zambia National Association (UZNA) (National Association)

NameEmail AddressTelephone
UZNA Website
Joel Chongo Mvula[email protected]+260 977 870 227
Winnie Makaki Mutondo[email protected]+260 978 863 842

African Continental Coordinator

The purpose of Continental Coordinators is to achieve heightened focus on Urantia Association International’s mission and goals on those continents that have existing associations or reader activities that are in the development stages of becoming organized. 

These Coordinators serve as the representatives of Urantia Association to the reader groups and associations, as well as being liaisons between their region’s associations. Their core tasks are to promote cooperation, communication, projects, and activities that help readers and the associations spread the teachings of The Urantia Book and to bring Urantia students together for comradery and service.

NameEmail AddressTelephone
Collins Lomo[email protected]+233 24 430 3049