Urantia Foundation, the original publisher of The Urantia Book is committed to producing high quality translations of The Urantia Book that faithfully represent the English text in all major languages. Here is the list with links to the translations of the book:
- Español (Spanish)
- Português (Portuguese)
- Polski (Polish)
- Български (Bukgarian)
- Français (French)
- Română (Romanian)
- Magyar (Hungarian)
- Deutsch (German)
- Русский (Russian)
- Italiano (Italian)
- 한국어 (Korean)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- فارسی (Farsi)
- Suomi (Finnish)
- Ελληνικά (Greek)
- Svenska (Swedish)
- עברית (Hebrew)
- Eesti (Estonian)
- Lietuvių (Lithuanian)
- العربية (Arabic)
- 日本語 (Japanese)
- Čeština (Czech)
- Dansk (Danish)
- Indonesian (Indonesian)
- Türkçe (Turkish)