Is covid-19 a renegade from the past?

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  • #38579
    Mark Kurtz

    Here is a UB reference for the question:


    The bacteria, simple vegetable organisms of a very primitive nature, are very little changed from the early dawn of life; they even exhibit a degree of retrogression in their parasitic behavior. Many of the fungi also represent a retrograde movement in evolution, being plants which have lost their chlorophyll-making ability and have become more or less parasitic. The majority of disease-causing bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to this group of renegade parasitic fungi. During the intervening ages all of the vast kingdom of plant life has evolved from ancestors from which the bacteria have also descended.


    Those with knowledge please enlighten us!



    Those with knowledge please enlighten us!

    I don’t have knowledge.  Only another reference:

    65:5.2    But throughout all of this biologic adventure our greatest disappointment grew out of the reversion of certain primitive plant life to the prechlorophyll levels of parasitic bacteria on such an extensive and unexpected scale. This eventuality in plant-life evolution caused many distressful diseases in the higher mammals, particularly in the more vulnerable human species. When we were confronted with this perplexing situation, we somewhat discounted the difficulties involved because we knew that the subsequent admixture of the Adamic life plasm would so reinforce the resisting powers of the resulting blended race as to make it practically immune to all diseases produced by the vegetable type of organism. But our hopes were doomed to disappointment owing to the misfortune of the Adamic default.

    No discussion is happening here, so I decided to post info from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US) regarding what you can do to keep Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)  at bay.  Protect yourself:  There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

    Practice good personal hygiene, keep homes and workplaces safe, practice social distancing.  In Spanish: Enfermedad del Coronavirus 2019 (COVID‑19) .  I couldn’t find anything from the CDC in French.


    Info from « The Guardian » (online) re  « Coronavirus: many infections spread by people yet to show symptoms – scientists »

    « Many coronavirus infections may be spread by people who have recently caught the virus and have not yet begun to show symptoms, scientists have found.

    « An analysis of infections in Singapore and Tianjin in China revealed that two-thirds and three-quarters of people respectively appear to have caught it from others who were incubating the virus but still symptom-free. »  Etc. . . .

    Mark Kurtz

    Thank you Mara. I’ve read similar reports. But, I think these very problematic viruses are indeed the left over, remaining renegade life forms and I believe we will eventually find cures for most or all diseases. Adam left a mighty contribution on Urantia, but not enough to save us from many troublesome diseases. It could be that the covid-19 is a mutated offspring of these many renegades.


    Anyway, we will likely see much more research spending from many more nations to help identify and create defenses.



    « Those with knowledge please enlighten us! »

    Revealators enlighted us. I might sound simplest/elementary/uncomplicated but it is primordial to emphasis the core of this first evolutionnary state of life.
    Retrograde disfonction of evolutionnary life plants, ice age return, wordwide wars are naturals expected primitives beacons at least specifics to our planet Urantia.

    The mortal mind can immediately think of a thousand and one things—catastrophic physical events, appalling accidents, horrific disasters, painful illnesses, and world-wide scourges—and ask whether such visitations are correlated in the unknown maneuvering of this probable functioning of the Supreme Being. Frankly, we do not know; we are not really sure. But we do observe that, as time passes, all these difficult and more or less mysterious situations always work out for the welfare and progress of the universes. It may be that the circumstances of existence and the inexplicable vicissitudes of living are all interwoven into a meaningful pattern of high value by the function of the Supreme and the overcontrol of the Trinity.

    As a son of God you can discern the personal attitude of love in all the acts of God the Father. But you will not always be able to understand how many of the universe acts of the Paradise Trinity redound to the good of the individual mortal on the evolutionary worlds of space. In the progress of eternity the acts of the Trinity will be revealed as altogether meaningful and considerate, but they do not always so appear to the creatures of time     10:7.6 

    Question :

    What would you consider might be « the core of this evolutionnary state of life? »


    Mark Kurtz

    André asked, Question :

    What would you consider might be « the core of this evolutionnary state of life? »


    Paper 36, especially section 2 seems to address your question. The life experiment labs surely must be extensive and teeming with capable « scientists » of many celestial beings. We are told the Life Carriers and the Melchizedeks are allowed to experiment in extensive labs with different theories or models, being motivated to improve life, perhaps with many different forms.

    The Universe Mother provides the actual life spark through the Life Carriers on each planet. One may assume this life spark to initiate action, the long involved evolutionary reaction to her contribution, must somehow include results from her children experimenting in Universe laboratories. Recall also, our local universe creators established Nebadon with plans approved on Paradise.

    With this knowledge, it seems we may assume the « core of this evolutionary state of life » is hidden in Her life spark in cooperation with life plans by the Melchizedek Sons. She and and our Creator Son allow their Sons to learn and to attempt improvement. What a nice pair of parents we have here!

    What do you think, André?

    Anyone else in on this question?


    Mark, I think your point of view prone towards sciences. And considering this part of trine « evolutionnary state of Life » science/philosophy/religion, it remind me UB adress a lot about science (electro/chimic) subject.

    The scientific process in evolution, look at the growth/development of the intellectual capacity. Physical evolutionary process required in primitive’s ages enhancement of the brain.This development is a oblitary avenue. Till mortal volition appears.

    So what could it be « the core of this evolutionnary state of life? » regarding philosophy and religion?

    Tell me Mark … what you think about my previous answer to your thread?

    Is that dedramatise this planetary infectious disease?

    As UB’s reader are you inspired to Jesus’ injonction …. «  Do not worries about anything! » 86:2.1


    n.b.  all of this answer or partake do not implies irrespect for otherthenmine point of view. Au contraire, it mingle individual’perspectives. Kaleidoscope’s differences of perception


    Mark Kurtz

    André, truthfully, I am having difficulty understanding your comments. Could you send me a private email through the contact page of

    My original post was because I was curious if the new virus would be related to or actually be one of the renegades mentioned in the UB. I like the fact scientists are working hard to find cures for many diseases.


    You are right Mark,

    My posts do not answering your question.

    65:5.2     as you quoted, directly point out to the retrograde source of this virus.




    My apologies in advance, Mark, that my reply does not address your question either.

    Readers might want to read updates from the World Health Organization (WHO).  Go to the Newsroom.

    WHO Newsroom


    Again, off topic re the UB, but informational . . .

    Disinfection Guidance from the CDC (US)

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    …My original post was because I was curious if the new virus would be related to or actually be one of the renegades mentioned in the UB.

    The quote seems to fit this virus perfectly.

    …The bacteria, simple vegetable organisms of a very primitive nature, are very little changed from the early dawn of life; they even exhibit a degree of retrogression in their parasitic behavior. Many of the fungi also represent a retrograde movement in evolution, being plants which have lost their chlorophyll-making ability and have become more or less parasitic. The majority of disease-causing bacteria and their auxiliary virus bodies really belong to this group of renegade parasitic fungi…. 65:2.3

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren


    Mark, Forum Friends, Visitors,

    Been noticing some good things coming out of Covid, like the kids were playing ball in the street after ten years glued to screens indoors. Young and old are going to the local parks. Also, good and bad leadership is being exposed globally. And the need for global coordination, on many levels, is surfacing in dramatic terms. The sweatshop slaughter industry is being reformed (in the US at least). Pollution is way down, and cooking at home is way up.

    Another good thing, and maybe this is merely anecdotal, people seem to care for one another a degree more, something like the seasonal love we give into during Christmastime.

    Like always happens, a common enemy united us for a moment. Maybe some of this will last. Interesting to note the pandemic of 100 years ago killed about 30 million and not much wisdom was retained, it was all but forgotten til now. My would-be grandmother died in that one… There have been a little over 300,000 Covid deaths so far. About .00003 of Earth’s current population.



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    Covid killed two friends on June 18. Betty and Curtis hosted my local Study Group for twenty years. They also opened their house many times for Michaelmas gatherings on August 21st. And Betty was in the middle of editing one of my audio books. Both were near 80 and fully prepared to graduate. They departed Urantia on the same day, in the hospital holding hands, after more than half a century together. The local and national media ran their sweet story. This 2 minute Youtube video has personal photos and an interview with their son.
    Google their name to see other videos.

    Richard E Warren

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