Harmonic Resonance and Damping

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    This has become a very exciting and inspiring topic for me, the idea that one of the driving forces behind why many of the material objects around us take on their respective forms is because of harmonic resonance. Take cymatics for example and look at the geometries formed by various tones, where particles escape from areas of high resonance and escaping to areas of weaker resonance:


    here is an incredible article by Richard Merrick describing his research connecting harmonic resonance shaping the human body, life & evolution, & how the planets in our solar system orbit the sun as notes in a harmony.


    (500.6)44:1.15 While you have assembled some beautiful melodies on Urantia, you have not progressed musically nearly so far as many of your neighboring planets in Satania. If Adam and Eve had only survived, then would you have had music in reality; but the gift of harmony, so large in their natures, has been so diluted by strains of unmusical tendencies that only once in a thousand mortal lives is there any great appreciation of harmonics. But be not discouraged; some day a real musician may appear on Urantia, and whole peoples will be enthralled by the magnificent strains of his melodies. One such human being could forever change the course of a whole nation, even the entire civilized world. It is literally true, “melody has power a whole world to transform.” Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.

    What are your opinions on any of this?

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    haha hi everyone 2 years later! I’m beginning to realize that, what you can’t establish in a moment you can accomplish in time. 2016 has been widely regarded as « the worst year ever », & so i’m set out to make 2017 much better, for myself and all those closest to me. (I mean, i don’t know any of you too well but you’re readers of the urantia book so i should probably use this forum more often, and it would be nice to have a place to express these feelings of rage & uncertainty in relation to the text) And so I wondered why 2016 was so terrible for everyone, myself very much included, & to exclude some irrelevant, personal & family matters I’ll sum it up as « exclusion ».


    Some harmonic music to set the mood for the post:



    I would like to avoid writing a wall of text here & so i’ll keep it all as simple as possible. Although some of this may seem off topic and long-winded, I wanted to stick with the old thread I had left off with before detaching from my surroundings in life, and the subject resoundingly touches on harmony. If this thread seems out of place for the « Science & History » I would very much be grateful if a moderator could relocate it.

    And so thank you to anyone with the patience to speed-read through my rant! ^^


    Why was 2016 terrible? Although I’m 23, I was a hermit; this being in great contrast to my previous & vivid involvement with the DIY art culture here in Denver, CO. My girlfriend was likewise not going out anymore or living life, and while I would work on my game design and environment art for Tripmine Studios, she would watch Netflix and play videogames, and of course we would hang out together more then enough of the time, get along well, go on hikes and exercise, but we weren’t very inspired about it, & we would still struggle with a very subtle and deeply rooted depression.


    So now 2016 is behind us. I was voting Gary Johnson for president of the US, and in some way anyone on earth who was politically involved felt a little disappointed, regardless of where your stance was, or where you were, because it’s becoming plainly obvious that the social machinery of our global political institutions is outdated.

    We aren’t keeping up with the times we’re setting forth for ourselves.

    Let’s take a step back, and although I won’t take the time to directly quote the Urantia book, avid readers will recognize some concepts, particularly from somewhere around Papers: 160 Rodan of Alexandria, 195 After Pentecost, and 69 Primitive Human Institutions

    The very first human institution was the family, and as we’ve developed through time, we’ve found it necessary to undertake more work than we can possibly negotiate, and so we’ve created machines. As we evolve, and aggregate into larger social conflagurations, we need the social machinery of institutions to keep things going when we die of old age and our grand-kids have no idea what’s going on.

    For anyone who’s a fan of the series Lost, you might remember Faraday talking about Constants and Variables. The constants were the parts of the equation that could actually be equated for, but the variables are unpredictable, they happen as they happen and in a way that’s a very good thing. In Lost everything was a constant except for the people, & because they were personalities, they were variables in the algorithm of the events that play out.

    Now practically all throughout human history we’ve been facing the problem of building up around us an artificial world to superimpose and assert itself over a more comfortable and natural life, with traditional systems so rigid young jesus would have easily protested them.

    In the 90’s we would all ride up some escalator in a post-cold war shopping mall, bombarded with corporate advertisements, & wondering what it all means.

    Today in our modern world, to put things in perspective, research has found that 8 people individually possess as much wealth as half the global population. Our institutions dominate our lives in a very noticeable way, and the final institutional products of our evolution are tearing apart the family at the seams. Recently, apparently my step-dad attempted to murder my mom; after a whole hooplah of drama with the law they are now back together, both working 60 hours a week, my mom in her spare time obsessively writing spiritual poetry and my step-dad spending time on xbox-live, & I have the opportunity to visit them maybe once a month.

    It’s very unfortunate that we are, just like our medieval ancestors, pitifully dominated by the institutions, but we can’t play the poor-me card, and we most certainly can’t blame anyone else for our problems. Our world is riddled with as many problems as it can handle while simultaneously « quivering on the very brink of one of its most amazing and enthralling epochs of social readjustment, moral quickening, and spiritual enlightenment. »

    We’re meandering slowly, minding our own business, meanwhile a recent Pentagon study explains that by 2030, just 13 years from now, 70% of the world will be urban, & of that urban population 70% will be under the age of 18.

    We’re running out of time to solve our manifold problems.


    « 195:6.4 (2076.9) At the time of this writing the worst of the materialistic age is over; the day of a better understanding is already beginning to dawn. The higher minds of the scientific world are no longer wholly materialistic in their philosophy, but the rank and file of the people still lean in that direction as a result of former teachings. But this age of physical realism is only a passing episode in man’s life on earth. Modern science has left true religion — the teachings of Jesus as translated in the lives of his believers — untouched. All science has done is to destroy the childlike illusions of the misinterpretations of life. »

    There’s a solution to every problem currently associated with the outdated machinery of the system, and i’ll give you a few hints.

    1991 in Cuba, after the fall of the Soviet Union, they had fallen into a deep economic crisis. America had taken all of their engineers during the cold war & now they were facing anarchy, their government had dissolved and their nation stopped working in its tracks. And so a miracle took place; these people stopped shoving all of their responsibilities and problems over to whoever was delegated the task, and stopped blaming « the man » for their misfortunes, because for them « the man » no longer existed.

    Faced with this enormous pressure they quickly began learning to deconstruct objects like motors and engines, circuits and computers, and Ernesto Oroza explains: just as a surgeon, under necessity, becomes desensitized to seeing blood, organs, and the insides of a person, so does the average citizen under this since of urgency become desensitized to the inner workings of todays machinery.


    Another example: due to a glitch of bureaucracy, there was a plot of land in Hong Kong, the most densely populated 6 acres to ever exist in human history, which was owned by neither the Chinese or British authorities. This was the Kowloon Walled City. Squatters and settlers collectively added on to the city in a very open-source & diy fashion, and the city thrived from the 1950’s to 1993, the year I was born, when one of the most unique feats of ground-up engineering began demolition. An entire city block of sky scrapers, where one could traverse an end to the other without touching the ground, constructed without the aid of a single architect. The city had a booming internal economy, very much hustle & bustle of manufacturing and make-shift factories and plants, and the some 30,000 families who resided here were truly happy living in their own imperfect creation.


    The solution to our worlds problems:

    Our world is built like a cell-phone or a laptop; no-one person knows how to repair it and you must instead get it taken in or replaced. Things were much more simple in the 70’s & 80’s when open-source hacking was finding it’s way into our hearts, and I’m sure those who could easily fix their own car in the 50’s or 60’s would now be at a loss without taking it in for a tune-up at their dealership.


    A good friend Teri Font had invited my girlfriend & I to work with her at a vegan restaurant, Watercourse Foods. Many artists and intellectuals who would traverse the Rhinoceropolis circuit would enjoy their job here and the head chef Melony would occasionally throw a BBQ for the crew. Well she left on maternity leave and the new management eventually drove everyone out of the restaurant, myself included. With a massive warehouse fire killing 33 artists in a DIY venue in Oakland, California, authorities all over the nation are cracking down on this phenomena. The city of Denver which has thrived on art, is making it impossible for an artist to live here. Rent is raising exponentially and block by block, building by building, every gallery in the RiNo district has been gentrified and replaced with a high-end eat-in, luxary condo, or the upcoming airport transit line. The time is now for the DIY art culture to take shape in reality, no longer existing as a distant and dreamy escape from reality. It is now becoming impossible for regular people to congregate in a non-work-related maker-space without it being a fire-hazard.


    So to bring it all together, that friend Teri Font I mentioned, after leaving watercourse around the end of 2015, started up her own place, the Handy Diner. It’s a vegan restaurant, bringing out the exponent of creative cooking, but by then we had all heard the news that the inhabitants of the makeshift lofts of rhinoceropolis would soon be evicted and many of us were starting to become a recluse of some sort; I had pushed myself away from the community as a defense & begun working on my own creative projects. Well Now a little over a year has gone by & I’m finally taking the initiative to get back involved with the community of my friends in Denver, & everything seems to be falling apart. Teri is losing hope & is wanting to close her diner to become a full time activist, & to me this seems totally backwards, it won’t accomplish anything!

    It had been a labor of love for them to renovate the diner & a friend Ben had begun a beautiful mural of some mutant monsters drinking coffee, & with a little bit of everyone in the place I feel ashamed to have spent almost 2 years away from it all, to realize that just being there makes all the difference in the world, regardless of what you can contribute.


    I started using meetup to find some local indie game-designers & after participating in a 3 day game-jam for Serenity Forge, we’re starting up our own team to work on a fun and collaborative platforming game, Wizard Kitty! I’ve always told myself that circuitry is over my head but I’m currently building a DIY oscilloscope for $17, to buy one already made is typically $3,500 to $30,000! I’m working on it for a musical synthesizer i’m for the first time undertaking, the base of which is an omsynth to build an oscillator, a sequencer, & a sampler!


    — And the best part is, I’m not doing this in the privacy of my apartment, I’m sharing what I’m learning with my friends at the Handy Diner, I’m lugging my soldering equipment over there to be a part of something special and nearly forgotten in my generation, a community.–


    You can use the x/y functionality of an oscilloscope to render images from sound, just as jerobeam fenderson demonstrates here:

    You can even render a game like Quake!

    And I truly believe that through the creative potential that lies in this forgotten 1930’s technology:

    As ambitious as it sounds we may find a method of communicating reliably with midway creatures! Just as Thunder Energies, using their inverse conical telescope, have found incontrovertible evidence of invisible terrestrial entities!


    The future is right in front of us, but it’s not coming on it’s own, we have to be the ones to take the initiative and sculpt it ourselves!


    « It’s not nuclear bombs we must fear but the human mind itself (or lack of it) on this planet. » ~devo

    But there is hope! Contrary to what my favorite band Devo would have you believe, we aren’t all devolving into mindless apes!

    Ladyada at Adafruit Industries has created her own kids show to teach kids the importance of electrical engineering:

    And here she is demonstrating her affairs to White House CTO Megan Smith and Senior Policy advisor for Advanced Manufacturing Megan Brewster!



    Thanks for your patience anyone who scrolled down this far, I promise from here on i’ll keep my posts a fraction of this size but I had alot to get off my chest! ^^

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    Nigel Nunn

    Welcome back, magmasloth!

    Your thoughts remind me to keep in mind… where else in all of Nebadon can inspired individuals and small teams make such a beautiful, and unpredictable, and difference   :-)



    Indeed! Just as the pressure of divorce shapes a family & the pressure of economic failure shapes a nation, the Lucifer rebellion has shaped a very resilient race of mortals on this sphere. Without the guidance of a truly clear connection with our « higher ups », we’ve been forced to learn how to solve our manifold problems the hard way & are beginning to become a powerhouse think-tank of creative solutions & ingenuity. :)

    There's a Urantia discord channel! This is a very intuitive platform for conversation and media sharing. If you have discord, enter this into the join server inquiry: TU5NzeD

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