The "Document"

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    So, from me, please leave the discussion nod until you have something topical to contribute and if there is something you actually wish to discuss, please begin a topic for THAT discussion.  Just sayin’…..

    Bless you Bradly.  You mirror my thoughts exactly.  I’m really sick of it myself.  But I also have to say that if Ben would contribute to the discussion that he started, he might help in keeping it on track.  When the original poster abandons a topic, it eventually wanders onto something else that the other posters are interested in, like destroying each other’s characters or fighting over who is the smartest in the room.  My guess is that Ben moved on and is no longer interested since he got the information he came for.  What do you think?


    As this topic has left the rails, as Midi just pointed out, I must say I am puzzled why anyone would think Bonita and Rexford might be the same person…totally different voices and perspectives…although both wonderful to hear….different instruments and parts in the orchestra for sure!!

    And yes I loved both voices and miss Rexford’s wonderful harmony.  Bonita and Rexford were not shy about correcting my memory and my understanding.  I only got to enjoy Rexford for about a year.  Perhaps he’ll return there, or even more fun, here!!

    Bonita never changed her name at TB and her posts are a great learning resource at TB.  When I mentioned Bonita to Rexford and suggested he read her posts, he advised me he already had and was most impressed by her scholarship and perspective….and attitude!!  Hahahaha….me TOO!!  That conversation was public by the way.

    Poor Rexford got the axe – temporary suspension – when engaged with a nasty piece of conflict with Manny/Louis/toto/loucol/JohnnyBones – the “MannyFesto Choir” who has also been booted here.  He snuck back immediately with his fourth or fifth name in 4-5 years…a rather tragic display of insincerity and deception IMO…but then I have no authority there or here and don’t want any either.

    Unfortunately at TB, the strategy and tactic I mentioned above has taken over….no one can carry on a topical discussion long before nod or Louis or some similar troll hijacks it and takes it into the ditch.  By the way Midi, might as well tell you here and now, Louis/toto PM’d me at TB and asked my for my silence regarding his attempt to “get you” regarding the scientific discussions you have been part of.  I did not respond and was quite offended actually.  I find him particularly annoying.

    We have our own disagreements you and me from time to time….but I usually find your posts on-topic and thought provoking.  It is obvious our minds work very differently….and I do not claim to be the brightest bulb in the store!  Hahahaha.

    Ben – if you return, I promise to get back on-topic here immediately!!  Until then, I guess we’re having a “Not-ism” party.  = )


    Thanks for clearing up the matter of the fellowship. As for the position of the foundation, I looked it up. They don’t tollarate channeling or those who practice it either.

    Good to know…and I probably should have!!

    I suggest they form their own group.  But the fact is they are unraveling.  At first when only one or a handful were making predictions and giving dates, their stupid excuses for their failures could perpetuate their silliness further.  But now?  There are competing oracles and predictors and their kind of bumping into one another.  Too much of a bad thing…too many poohbahs in disagreement.  Too many disappointments for the flock….no matter how gullible.  So many self proclaimed reservists so wrong about so much for so long.  Perhaps this serpent eats itself tail first?  Here’s hoping!!


    Unfortunately at TB, the strategy and tactic I mentioned above has taken over….no one can carry on a topical discussion long before nod or Louis or some similar troll hijacks it and takes it into the ditch. By the way Midi, might as well tell you here and now, Louis/toto PM’d me at TB and asked my for my silence regarding his attempt to “get you” regarding the scientific discussions you have been part of. I did not respond and was quite offended actually. I find him particularly annoying.

    Thanks Bradly, but I can get in communication with “Louise/toto” any time I wish, where I have had personal communication with him through Email, but that is not my issue with him, which really isn’t an issue, only that he is focusing on an area that he should change to his medical knowledge, which would actual produce productivity should he change his focus.  I know what he wants me to do but that is not my purpose, therefore until he uses his abilities to focus on something constructive, there is no way that he could possibly “get you”/Me to change my approach until he stops closing his mind to new ideas.

    Thanks anyway, much appreciated.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon


    So what’s the subject of this topic? It’s the Document. What’s the document all about? It’s to cast influence. Whenever anyone speaks about religious and spiritual things it influences others. This has been going on for ages and will continue for many more.

    In early times, before the written word, the shamans did this for the purpose of influencing others. During these times it was largely to control the people for not so altruistic intentions. They in effect sought to enslave the people for their own ends, and this is still continuing today; in come “the Document”.

    Not since the advent of the Urantia Book has there ever been an opportunity for true religious liberty on a scale like there is today. Now, individually and in groups, we have a place to go to, the text of the Urantia Book, for an explanation of how to live the spiritual life unhindered by the negative influence of others, notably by those who attempt to use religious teaching for the wrong reasons. No, I’m not talking about you.

    One of the primary functions that the Urantia Book provides is a clear description of what to do to be religious, live the spiritual life we’re destined to, with as little collateral and encumbering influence as possible from others. The Urantia Book points us to the source of it all, within, and tells us to cultivate a direct relationship with the Father, who indwells us, there to guide and protect us from becoming enslaved by being negatively influenced by others too much. This is what drives many of us to vehemently state our positions and, of course, seek to influence.

    My position regarding all of this is that now, since the advent of the Urantia Book, even though we as people will congregate and end up influencing or being influenced by others, we should stay focused on the ultimate reality, humanly speaking, of the spiritual liberty we may earn through real spiritual experience, and how the Urantia Book validates that it’s God’s will that we first seek for the truth, within. We in the Urantia Book community have a unique opportunity to help each other become better in this world and thereby make a greater contribution to our friendly universe.


    Thank you VanAmadon….I can hardly contain my enthusiasm for your thoughtful sharing and my agreement.

    Indeed, as you say, the UB comes at an advent or it would not be presented as an “epochal” revelation.  Timing is an inherent attribute I would think to anything considered epochal.  And I think it was Gene who pointed out (or perhaps Chuck) that term also describes an enduring influence expected by the authors.

    I also agree, if I understand you correctly, that while the UB is filled with a factual presentation of universe reality and its creators and citizens to provide orientation to mortals lacking such knowledge, truth itself is discovered within by living and choosing according to our understanding of reality and how it works.  We are able to live in reality and according to reality in recognition of reality and the perspective of reality…which most certainly should change our motives for living, our intentions at the intersections of choice, the priorities that drive our choices, and guide us in our relationships while living and choosing….all according to reality rather than some false construct of reality and with an understanding of our dual nature and our potential destiny.  That destiny is best realized by the truths discovered while living a life within universe reality.  We are “wired” for truth delivery, discovery, realization, response, and utilization if we can but overcome the material attachments and animal natures we are born with.  Or so I see it.

    I think the Spirit of Truth has been quite successful in awakening and personalizing the religious life and this gift of knowledge/facts is well timed as a response and additional fulcrum for the reality-response already gained in the mortal minds of Urantia due to the work of the 3 Spirits within us all – the Mother’s, Father’s, and Son’s.  Society, or the aggregation of individuals, has also changed significantly due to these great uplifters and unifiers and harmonizers and has assisted in planetary progress through the mortal epochs.

    Oracles, priests, sooth sayers, etc. are not particularly relevant…even if sincere…in such a time as we now live.  The Document is an example of self importance and self interest that would defy free will by its dictatorial “instructions”.  Perhaps I am missing it, but I don’t find the UB particularly declarative in instruction of what to do and when so much as how things work and what works and what does not work or bring desirable results.  If you want these results, then here’s the perspective and the motive which will bring those results, however, there are as many choices and decisions and as much uniqueness of experience and expression as their are minds in the universe of universes….there are no specific things or order of things which everyone must all do alike.  The universe is a celebration of individuality motivated by love, sharing, and caring but not proscribed to or by the same choices or expressions.

    Jesus left us with but two commandments – both are based on love and individuality of expression and experience.  The Document commands more…obedience….as do all forms of the priesthood.  The contrast is stark indeed.  The Document expresses impatience, another curiosity to me…given the epochal nature of the Revelation and planetary evolutionary progress.  The Document defies evolution and substitutes a construct demand that simply can never be achieved….even if it were desirable….which it is not….we are instructed to go back in time and reconstruct the past (unscramble the egg) which ignores the present moment of situation, need, and opportunity…one might say it defies reality.  Or so I see it.

    I recognize I have not expressed myself well on this complex issue and look forward to the thoughts of others regarding those who would dictate what to do and how to do it and when to do it….or else!!

    Thanks again to VanAmadon for the thoughtful articulation.  = )


    I have to confess that I couldn’t even get past the title of the document without gagging.  It’s so hateful right out of the gate, and so contrived.  I mean incredibly contrived . . .  using Jesus’ birthday?  Come on guys, if you’re going to create something believable, you have to be less phony about it.  And the voice, how harsh and unloving is that voice?  It reminds me of the Old Testament volcano god.  I can’t imagine any Melchizedek being so cranky.  It’s so obviously human produced, anyone with half a brain should be able to see that.  And why so political?  Human politics have to be solved by humans.  Humans who attempt to wield political power by fiat from the celestial realm are throw backs to the days of the divine right of kings.  Why would this civilization want to go backward.  Bizarre!  These people need psychiatric help.  I think they have meds for this.

    Bradly wrote:  I recognize I have not expressed myself well on this complex issue and look forward to the thoughts of others regarding those who would dictate what to do and how to do it and when to do it….or else!!

    You laugh yourself silly then carry on. Like the nobility . . . keep smiling, be calm and carry on.  You absolutely cannot take these people seriously.  When you do, you give them credence.  Don’t do that.  That’s what they crave.  If pompous power-hungry palookas get the better of you, they’ve won.  As of now, like Kirmeth the trance prophet, these control freaks only attract unstable and erratic souls who want to be controlled.  The question becomes: what is our moral responsibility toward the unstable and erratic souls, of which there are quite a few?  I think we give advice only when asked, and otherwise, smile and carry on, as we pass by.  Those who want to save the world should consider the Master’s words: “May your wisdom equal your zeal and your courage atone for your ignorance.” (140:7.7)



    “The question becomes: what is our moral responsibility toward the unstable and erratic souls, of which there are quite a few?”

    ill give my opinion and may get censored for it:




    One must read Nick’s presentation for any context of comparison in our different perspectives of the past, present, and future of dissemination and the major organizations involved, as specified by Nick as the Foundation, the Brotherhood, the Fellowship, and the Urantia Association International (UAI). It is my position that Nick appears to exhibit significant disappointment in the state of, or progress with, dissemination by the major organizations; and that there seems to be both a sense of impatience and urgency to address his perceived deficiencies; and he seems very certain as to the “solutions” needed for these perceived and articulated failures in the 60 year history of dissemination efforts by the named organizations and the readership at large.

    Bradly, I’m curious as to why you (personally) would have received a copy of this document, and why.  As you indicate and assume that this “Nick” person is the originator of this document is also misleading, as I have mentioned previously, and now I have proof as to the primary author, where in the “document” it is mentioned the “Conciliating Commission” who’s or where its initial introduction seems to come from one individual (receiver/transmitter) back in 2012, which I have corresponding documentation to validate this, from that individuals posting to his self-administered forum.  This individuals hatred for the UAI is well documented and it would now seem that the underlying intention for this planed broadcast works hand in hand with his idea of setting these various organization against themselves in order to further his plan to attempt to take over the potential market associated to the Urantia Book.

    As I mentioned I have copies of his resent presentations regarding this document where it seems to have appeared on his forum as well, and he seems to be changing his attitude in order to present confusion, where the sheer size of this document and its self contained contradictive content by over statement and repetition of information, is synonymous to his writing style.

    Bottom line is that this document is a product of a schizophrenic mind, where by his own admiration, is a requirement to be able to channel the higher spirits, where upon he also teaches others in how this can be accomplished.  I have read his own narrations that he started his forum and various web-sites so that other individuals who may suffer from schizophrenia may have the opportunity to present their receptions as transmissions to the public.  However, those so-called broadcasts are heavily monitored and augmented by this administrator if any material does not coincide with his mandates.

    Being that there are meany followers who have attached themselves to his coattails, it would seem that he has also acquired a god complex, which if too many individuals attach themselves to this train, there could be a bigger problem in the future to come?

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Being that there are meany followers who have attached themselves to his coattails, it would seem that he has also acquired a god complex, which if too many individuals attach themselves to this train, there could be a bigger problem in the future to come?

    Midi, you’re very perceptive. I know you’re talking about Ron Besser. I think what he’s doing is very harmful, but it doesn’t take long to figure out that it’s all deception. He’s not the only one who does this between Urantia Book organizations and forums, deceiving who they really are. Some even cross gender.



    It should be self evident by this thread that there will be no new epochal revelations for a very very long time. Assimilation of the 5th will likely require thousands of years.

    In other words we are babies with a new toy.


    Being that there are meany followers who have attached themselves to his coattails, it would seem that he has also acquired a god complex, which if too many individuals attach themselves to this train, there could be a bigger problem in the future to come?

    Midi, you’re very perceptive. I know you’re talking about Ron Besser. I think what he’s doing is very harmful, but it doesn’t take long to figure out that it’s all deception. He’s not the only one who does this between Urantia Book organizations and forums, deceiving who they really are. Some even cross gender.

    Regarding your assertion about the individual in question, I will not confirm or deny at this time, and as far as other individuals associating themselves, be it “cross gender” or otherwise, that would be a personal issue, and would be their prerogative to do so. Even the UB would concur that women have been oppressed and persecuted over time, and their voices negated just because of their gender, so if presenting themselves as someone else, works for them then so be it.  It is the voice which is important, but when these voices dominate others it can also become concerning, but still can be considered as a viable opinion.

    I have been researching many offshoot Urantia organizations, as well as the primary one’s and there would seem to be issues with all but, mostly sincere to their purpose as indicated.  It is the ones that do not state a specific purpose, or have alternate reasons for their using the Urantia Book to foster financial, political and or personal endeavors that I find primarily most interesting, and secondly my interest is why people latch onto certain groups, and participate as they do, because everyone has issues which may affect their participation in such groups or multiple groups, and this gives me an insight into there personality patterns, that seem to make up multiple personalities, or not.  The UB implies a dual nature but also indicates that there are many associated influences that can play a less than normal influence on anyone.  So, my studies seem to make me more proficient in associating various psychologies just by observing the written words presented.

    As to the aforementioned person, I have found many similarities between other subject that I have focused on and there seems to be to many similarities for this to be just coincidental.  So, it would seem that there are fewer people represented then what would originally be associated to all of these occurrences.


    It should be self evident by this thread that there will be no new epochal revelations for a very very long time. Assimilation of the 5th will likely require thousands of years. In other words we are babies with a new toy.

    This very well may be correct “Gene”, but this will not stop others from either creating their own supplements, for various purposes, and there will always be those who would believe them to be from whomever is indicated as their authors.  Thereby, creating numerous cult type factions, which may or may not be good, in the ability to keep a majority from forming.

    If it were possible to look into the future, in order to see how the Urantia Book may have influenced the future, there might be a concern if a majority were to form, and their followers, where to be misguided based on personal understandings of the book, the same thing has been seem in the various Bible sects.  Maybe, the future is in jeopardy, if we do not understand how such products can effect the majority.  Don’t forget this is an experimental planet.


    It should be self evident by this thread that there will be no new epochal revelations for a very very long time. Assimilation of the 5th will likely require thousands of years. In other words we are babies with a new toy.

    This very well may be correct “Gene”, but this will not stop others from either creating their own supplements, for various purposes, and there will always be those who would believe them to be from whomever is indicated as their authors. Thereby, creating numerous cult type factions, which may or may not be good, in the ability to keep a majority from forming. If it were possible to look into the future, in order to see how the Urantia Book may have influenced the future, there might be a concern if a majority were to form, and their followers, where to be misguided based on personal understandings of the book, the same thing has been seem in the various Bible sects. Maybe, the future is in jeopardy, if we do not understand how such products can effect the majority. Don’t forget this is an experimental planet.

    Well, with my first exposure to the revelation in 1971 I met John the Baptist now residing in Sedona and with very little reading or religious background I spotted a fraud with no help from anyone. His followers were increasing in numbers and I was out of there. I’m not highly educated and have average or maybe less than average intelligence.

    Its not that difficult.

    this spirit of truth within us really works. Even if we do not understand what it is or are knowledgeable of its presence.

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