The "Document"

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    Hello everyone and Happy New Year! I am a 20-year-old reader of the Urantia Book located just north of Orlando. I am part of study group that meets every Wednesday and we absolutely love studying the Urantia Book — I am very joyful that this revelation has entered my life.

    Recently, one of our group members got onto an email chain in which he received a document called “Solving the Disunity of the Urantia Revelation,” which is directed to the Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book Fellowship, and the Urantia Association International. Some of the members in our study group have read the document, including myself, and are split over whether or not this document is legitimate (written by Revelator-beings or by humans). It would be greatly appreciated if I can get honest feedback on this document — I appreciate your time looking over this. The text below is the cover letter and attached is the document (25 Pages).



    Urantia Foundation,

    The Urantia Book Fellowship,

    Urantia Association International,

    Independent Urantia Groups, and

    Committed Readers of The Urantia Book,


    Greetings, to all leaders of the above addressed organizations, independent groups, independent readers, and to all who would peruse and adopt the attached treatise:

    This treatise has as its primary intention to instill in its readers the original and true purpose for which The Urantia Book was given to this world and for you as an Urantia organization to attain your mandated planetary goal.

    Its secondary intention is the re-unification of the Urantia movement.

    Its third intention is to solve the disunity occurring between all of the above addressees.

    And finally its purpose is to reestablish the above addressees’ good standing in mortal epochal affairs on Urantia.

    It behooves every trustee and leader of the three established Urantia organizations, those persons who have formed their own but separate organizations, and those independent committed readers of The Urantia Book to read carefully all that this treatise entails.

    Failure to do so may affect your organization’s support by those in planetary authority of that epochal revelation known by you as The Urantia Book.

    I am with you in Service to Michael

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    This is something someone like John in Sedona would write.



    Greetings Benjamin…and welcome!!


    You ask about and present a very serious and important issue in the Urantia movement….those who claim to speak to and for our unseen friends and multiple deities…they are known as channelers and the Teaching Mission and have plagued the movement for 30+ years as they make their predictions and bring “news” from the universe and give dire warnings.  This phenomena has been with humanity since time began…and the first sacrifices were performed.  The UB says much on this topic and warns us all about taking ourselves too seriously, spiritual pride, and the fallacy of any intermediary between believer and Spirit or Father….especially mortals.

    This is considered “priestly” behavior and is a falsehood….a very dangerous one.  One with the power and potential to bring confusion and disappointment/disillusionment to believers, especially younger ones.  Their audience tend to be gullible, susceptible to charismatic presentations of feigned spirituality, and the hope for favor and reward.  Papers 87-91 are recommended for study.  In a nutshell, all who proclaim themselves to be oracles or predictors or spokespeople (receivers/transmitters) for the gods are either self deluded or charlatans.  Approach with caution….and dismiss quickly.  We must each do our own work in the Spirit and the Circles….no shortcuts and NO PRIESTS!!  I received Nick’s Treatise or Manifesto a year ago.  Here was my reply:

    A Reader’s Response to Nicholas Scalzo’s Treatise (Revised January 3, 2016)
    By Bradly T. (Written February 1, 2016)

    Let me begin by saying how much I appreciate such thoughtful consideration to the challenges to and the potential for the dissemination of the Urantia Papers and their teachings to an entire world hungry to know God, realize the paternal love and mercy of Deity, and to join the family of the children of creation in this friendly universe.  This gift of Epochal Revelation to our world is, increasingly, a beacon of truth, beauty, and goodness to the ever growing body of readers, students, believers, scholars, pupil-teachers, servants, and servant leaders who hold a sense of stewardship and purpose for sharing that which we hold in such high regard and humble appreciation.

    Having read and studied the Treatise submitted by Nicholas extensively and having witnessed and participated in the Urantia Movement some 40 years, I have quite a different perspective on several elements and propositions within the paper titled “WE NEED TO GO JUST ONE MORE MILE” by my fellow believer and Brother, Nicholas Scalzo.  Our differences of opinion may be several and also in substantial contrast but it is but that….a difference in opinion.  I speak for no other reader or for any group of readers or any organization, but I have served in some capacity of service for the purpose of dissemination of the Papers and the teachings throughout much of the time presented in Nick’s Treatise.

    One must read Nick’s presentation for any context of comparison in our different perspectives of the past, present, and future of dissemination and the major organizations involved, as specified by Nick as the Foundation, the Brotherhood, the Fellowship, and the Urantia Association International (UAI).   It is my position that Nick appears to exhibit significant disappointment in the state of, or progress with, dissemination by the major organizations; and that there seems to be both a sense of impatience and urgency to address his perceived deficiencies; and he seems very certain as to the “solutions” needed for these perceived and articulated failures in the 60 year history of dissemination efforts by the named organizations and the readership at large.

    As for myself, I must say how impressed, even astounded, I am by the progress achieved already in the work of dissemination and how quickly the movement now accelerates globally – all by the selfless and tireless dedication to service by many thousands of readers over the decades, many of whom have worked at the organizational level, or the community/study group level, the creation of conferences and public presentations, and by individual’s acting alone – all and each responding with creativity, inspiration, and loyal persistence in the daunting face of confusion, trial and error, resistance, failures, disappointments, etc. while the readership grew from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands and more over the decades.

    Dissemination itself and the organizations for dissemination have evolved, one failure and achievement at a time, into their greatest number and strength and infrastructure and free will contributions of time, money, talent, and skill than in all prior time combined!!  Today,  readership grows exponentially in every corner of our world, and we all are being connected by study group, classroom, internet and social media, regional and continental and international conferences, and multi-lingual dissemination efforts – all organized, staffed, and paid for by the readership itself!!  This is the most thrilling of all times in the history of the Urantia Movement!

    The success of the revelators in completing this gift, guiding its founders in planting this seed, and their ongoing support of all sincere efforts on its behalf has been wondrous to behold and glorious in its results and implications for the future of our world.  While disappointment has attended this evolutionary gift due to the mortal’s inherent and deficient nature, there can be no doubt of the success of the Revelators in making divine lemonade from the mortal lemons delivered up to them.  We are measured more by our sincerity, loyalty, and effort – all of which are sufficient to overcome our lack of experience or wisdom.

    I have selected five broad categories contained within The Treatise by Nicholas to specifically consider and reflect upon here:
    1. The first is his persistent claim of “default” – the proof is in the pudding as they say.  The progress made which is easily ascertained and measured demonstrates that the gift of the Revelation and the human efforts for its dissemination have been successful.   There is no doubt that it has been clumsy and failures have occurred – but do we believe the Revelators were naïve about the limits and proclivities of mortal minds or how success would likely be quite a muddle rather than a demonstration of perfection and great wisdom?

    2. The second is his proposition that the Apocrypha “about” the Papers has an inherent and permanent authoritarianism which is to be held up like the Revelation itself.   This defies the words written by Dr. Sadler who says that all such apocrypha was to be muted, unpublished, and specifically NOT held up as an independent source of authority for the generations to come.   The instructions provided were about how to plant the seed for its germination and how to construct that trellis of infrastructure for its infancy and budding season….both long past now.  It was guidance on how to begin dissemination and how to prepare for the season of growth and fruit to come.   As stated in #1, no one is more adaptable and capable of moving to Plan B that the permanent residents of our world, the angelic hosts, and the Most Highs.

    3. There is a claim, repeated throughout, that “individuals” of the Commission/Forum were contacted by the Revelators and that such contact is, should be, or may be continued (if one were not in default and were a Reservist).  However, this not only defies Dr. Sadler’s writings in which he said that all contact came with “two or more” Commissioners and never in isolation, but the Papers teach that there are two forms of revelation only, auto/personal and epochal.  Nick is proposing the error of second hand revelation – revelation to the one for some or all others – a most dangerous claim indeed!

    4. #3 leads to the fact that what has most disrupted, damaged, and delayed the harmony of the organizations, membership, and readership is this very claim – that channeling to or through any individual for the instruction or enlightenment to others, which has led to the fiascos of Ham, Gabe, and the Teaching Mission – all of whom claim this same power and privilege – is true and more contact should be expected (if one is pure enough).   This is THE most dangerous element contained in the Treatise in my opinion.  Nick claims some were worthy enough for such communications and others are or will be so.

    There is no such claim made by Dr. Sadler or any others….except those few who claimed such power unto themselves, which led to the very disasters described by Nick in the movement’s history.   Indeed, I’ve heard it rumored that the very last communication with the Revelators was…”You’re on your own now!”  Nick would have us hold up “speeches” by Christy and Martin and others as authoritative apocrypha – directly from the Revelators! –  he has basically proclaimed a form of sainthood for some whom I consider to have been the very root of such evil and failures as were experienced – self exaltation and self admiration …..that were subsequently and painfully overcome.  And claims there will be more contact with certain individuals to come for further instruction….a most peculiar belief in my opinion;  one that suggests impatience and disappointment and opens the door wide for charlatans and endless turmoil.

    5. Nick suggests that we have been remiss to not have created a “Religion” of Urantia and would have all the organizations and the readership unite behind a singular creed and dogma and symbology/theology for the entire world.  And further, that the word “personal” in the UAI Charter is contrary to the Revelator’s instructions.  This despite the fact that it is “personal” religion and religious experience which is presented within the Papers as most relevant, most effective, and most important to every reader and world citizen – not another organized religion or church!  His claim is unsubstantiated by anything other than opinion.  To foster “a” religion with any relationship to the text itself, requires that it be PERSONAL!

    I look forward to the discussion to come and anticipate continued success for the loyal and sincere brothers and sisters who work together in this noble endeavor!!

    Bradly T.


    Me here:  Nick has now raised the ante by claiming direct instruction from celestials and giving dire warnings if some do not follow his instructions.  All BS and lies.  Very sad but not at all credible.

    Glad you are here.  You may copy and share my response to any you may wish to or we can just discuss here where anyone may read or register to participate in the discussion…lots of interesting issues to consider related to all such claims and self important claimants.  Best wishes and again, welcome!  By the way….the Urantia movement is thriving quite nicely despite all past errors, failures, disappointments, and frustrations….it’s a wonderful time to be a student and find the Revelation….things are really poppin’ around the world today!


    Thank you Bradley for disclosing information that throws some light on this recently released document. I wasn’t aware that Nicholas had produced his treatise more than a year ago. I think it is worth adding that the three organisations in question have very recently made significant and encouraging steps towards unity and greater cooperation in their efforts to disseminate the teachings of The Urantia Book. I agree that “things are really poppin’ around the world today” but I’m also aware of a growing sentiment amongst a lot of new readers and students that these organisations are irrelevant to them and seem out of touch with their needs. So I would encourage a balanced viewpoint regarding our present day progress. We need to be receptive to and considerate of legitimate and perhaps even illegitimate criticisms of the major organisations within the movement.

    Bradley, I really appreciate and respect your vast experience of service to the Revelation. You have witnessed so many comings and goings, so many ups and downs over the years. As a relative newcomer I really value being able to tap into your deep perspective and wisdom.


    Greetings Benjamin…and welcome!! You ask about and present a very serious and important issue in the Urantia movement….those who claim to speak to and for our unseen friends and multiple deities…they are known as channelers and the Teaching Mission and have plagued the movement for 30+ years as they make their predictions and bring “news” from the universe and give dire warnings. This phenomena has been with humanity since time began…and the first sacrifices were performed. The UB says much on this topic and warns us all about taking ourselves too seriously, spiritual pride, and the fallacy of any intermediary between believer and Spirit or Father….especially mortals. This is considered “priestly” behavior and is a falsehood….a very dangerous one. One with the power and potential to bring confusion and disappointment/disillusionment to believers, especially younger ones. Their audience tend to be gullible, susceptible to charismatic presentations of feigned spirituality, and the hope for favor and reward. Papers 87-91 are recommended for study. In a nutshell, all who proclaim themselves to be oracles or predictors or spokespeople (receivers/transmitters) for the gods are either self deluded or charlatans. Approach with caution….and dismiss quickly. We must each do our own work in the Spirit and the Circles….no shortcuts and NO PRIESTS!! I received Nick’s Treatise or Manifesto a year ago. Here was my reply: A Reader’s Response to Nicholas Scalzo’s Treatise (Revised January 3, 2016) By Bradly T. (Written February 1, 2016) Let me begin by saying how much I appreciate such thoughtful consideration to the challenges to and the potential for the dissemination of the Urantia Papers and their teachings to an entire world hungry to know God, realize the paternal love and mercy of Deity, and to join the family of the children of creation in this friendly universe. This gift of Epochal Revelation to our world is, increasingly, a beacon of truth, beauty, and goodness to the ever growing body of readers, students, believers, scholars, pupil-teachers, servants, and servant leaders who hold a sense of stewardship and purpose for sharing that which we hold in such high regard and humble appreciation. Having read and studied the Treatise submitted by Nicholas extensively and having witnessed and participated in the Urantia Movement some 40 years, I have quite a different perspective on several elements and propositions within the paper titled “WE NEED TO GO JUST ONE MORE MILE” by my fellow believer and Brother, Nicholas Scalzo. Our differences of opinion may be several and also in substantial contrast but it is but that….a difference in opinion. I speak for no other reader or for any group of readers or any organization, but I have served in some capacity of service for the purpose of dissemination of the Papers and the teachings throughout much of the time presented in Nick’s Treatise. One must read Nick’s presentation for any context of comparison in our different perspectives of the past, present, and future of dissemination and the major organizations involved, as specified by Nick as the Foundation, the Brotherhood, the Fellowship, and the Urantia Association International (UAI). It is my position that Nick appears to exhibit significant disappointment in the state of, or progress with, dissemination by the major organizations; and that there seems to be both a sense of impatience and urgency to address his perceived deficiencies; and he seems very certain as to the “solutions” needed for these perceived and articulated failures in the 60 year history of dissemination efforts by the named organizations and the readership at large. As for myself, I must say how impressed, even astounded, I am by the progress achieved already in the work of dissemination and how quickly the movement now accelerates globally – all by the selfless and tireless dedication to service by many thousands of readers over the decades, many of whom have worked at the organizational level, or the community/study group level, the creation of conferences and public presentations, and by individual’s acting alone – all and each responding with creativity, inspiration, and loyal persistence in the daunting face of confusion, trial and error, resistance, failures, disappointments, etc. while the readership grew from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands and more over the decades. Dissemination itself and the organizations for dissemination have evolved, one failure and achievement at a time, into their greatest number and strength and infrastructure and free will contributions of time, money, talent, and skill than in all prior time combined!! Today, readership grows exponentially in every corner of our world, and we all are being connected by study group, classroom, internet and social media, regional and continental and international conferences, and multi-lingual dissemination efforts – all organized, staffed, and paid for by the readership itself!! This is the most thrilling of all times in the history of the Urantia Movement! The success of the revelators in completing this gift, guiding its founders in planting this seed, and their ongoing support of all sincere efforts on its behalf has been wondrous to behold and glorious in its results and implications for the future of our world. While disappointment has attended this evolutionary gift due to the mortal’s inherent and deficient nature, there can be no doubt of the success of the Revelators in making divine lemonade from the mortal lemons delivered up to them. We are measured more by our sincerity, loyalty, and effort – all of which are sufficient to overcome our lack of experience or wisdom. I have selected five broad categories contained within The Treatise by Nicholas to specifically consider and reflect upon here: 1. The first is his persistent claim of “default” – the proof is in the pudding as they say. The progress made which is easily ascertained and measured demonstrates that the gift of the Revelation and the human efforts for its dissemination have been successful. There is no doubt that it has been clumsy and failures have occurred – but do we believe the Revelators were naïve about the limits and proclivities of mortal minds or how success would likely be quite a muddle rather than a demonstration of perfection and great wisdom? 2. The second is his proposition that the Apocrypha “about” the Papers has an inherent and permanent authoritarianism which is to be held up like the Revelation itself. This defies the words written by Dr. Sadler who says that all such apocrypha was to be muted, unpublished, and specifically NOT held up as an independent source of authority for the generations to come. The instructions provided were about how to plant the seed for its germination and how to construct that trellis of infrastructure for its infancy and budding season….both long past now. It was guidance on how to begin dissemination and how to prepare for the season of growth and fruit to come. As stated in #1, no one is more adaptable and capable of moving to Plan B that the permanent residents of our world, the angelic hosts, and the Most Highs. 3. There is a claim, repeated throughout, that “individuals” of the Commission/Forum were contacted by the Revelators and that such contact is, should be, or may be continued (if one were not in default and were a Reservist). However, this not only defies Dr. Sadler’s writings in which he said that all contact came with “two or more” Commissioners and never in isolation, but the Papers teach that there are two forms of revelation only, auto/personal and epochal. Nick is proposing the error of second hand revelation – revelation to the one for some or all others – a most dangerous claim indeed! 4. #3 leads to the fact that what has most disrupted, damaged, and delayed the harmony of the organizations, membership, and readership is this very claim – that channeling to or through any individual for the instruction or enlightenment to others, which has led to the fiascos of Ham, Gabe, and the Teaching Mission – all of whom claim this same power and privilege – is true and more contact should be expected (if one is pure enough). This is THE most dangerous element contained in the Treatise in my opinion. Nick claims some were worthy enough for such communications and others are or will be so. There is no such claim made by Dr. Sadler or any others….except those few who claimed such power unto themselves, which led to the very disasters described by Nick in the movement’s history. Indeed, I’ve heard it rumored that the very last communication with the Revelators was…”You’re on your own now!” Nick would have us hold up “speeches” by Christy and Martin and others as authoritative apocrypha – directly from the Revelators! – he has basically proclaimed a form of sainthood for some whom I consider to have been the very root of such evil and failures as were experienced – self exaltation and self admiration …..that were subsequently and painfully overcome. And claims there will be more contact with certain individuals to come for further instruction….a most peculiar belief in my opinion; one that suggests impatience and disappointment and opens the door wide for charlatans and endless turmoil. 5. Nick suggests that we have been remiss to not have created a “Religion” of Urantia and would have all the organizations and the readership unite behind a singular creed and dogma and symbology/theology for the entire world. And further, that the word “personal” in the UAI Charter is contrary to the Revelator’s instructions. This despite the fact that it is “personal” religion and religious experience which is presented within the Papers as most relevant, most effective, and most important to every reader and world citizen – not another organized religion or church! His claim is unsubstantiated by anything other than opinion. To foster “a” religion with any relationship to the text itself, requires that it be PERSONAL! I look forward to the discussion to come and anticipate continued success for the loyal and sincere brothers and sisters who work together in this noble endeavor!! Bradly T. Me here: Nick has now raised the ante by claiming direct instruction from celestials and giving dire warnings if some do not follow his instructions. All BS and lies. Very sad but not at all credible. Glad you are here. You may copy and share my response to any you may wish to or we can just discuss here where anyone may read or register to participate in the discussion…lots of interesting issues to consider related to all such claims and self important claimants. Best wishes and again, welcome! By the way….the Urantia movement is thriving quite nicely despite all past errors, failures, disappointments, and frustrations….it’s a wonderful time to be a student and find the Revelation….things are really poppin’ around the world today!

    brilliant reply

    i could only hope to be so articulate one day



    this is a great forum

    hope to hear more from you


    One more clue: the quality of the writing and the message.

    the Urania book is a masterpiece of both. Nothing comes close imho.


    Wow, thank you Bradly. I did not expect that well-detailed of a reply — this is what our group needed to hear. I agree with your thoughts completely. I forwarded your response to our study group and I am already getting responses of relief. Thank you everyone for your interactive and quick responses. Have a great New Year!


    Mark Kurtz


    Would you please go to the contact page at and send me an email.  I’d like to ask you a couple of questions.
    Yes, Bradley did a superb performance rebutting Nicholas’ piece.  I appreciate those few persons over the years who’ve carefully guarded the  credibility of the book and its purposes and the associations.


    My new friend and fellow student/teacher Ben….you are so very welcome.  And thanks to Julian and Gene for the support.  Ben, I’d like to make clear my opinion that the past is the past and it is not wise to spend much time, energy, or angst over the history of the movement these past 60 years…it is not irrelevant, however it is not very relevant to the contents of the Revelation, the current status of dissemination, or the future of our world and its progress through the mortal epochs.  Please be assured that our world, the Shrine of Nebadon, is in the most capable and caring hands and every single world in all the universes of time and space share the same destiny….Light and Life.  Our little world is unique (as are all others by the way) in the evolutionary process of the mortal epochs of progress, but every world makes it eventually.

    Those who have fears and anxieties and impatience and disappointments in the evolutionary process are to be viewed with tolerant indulgence….and some pity.  Jesus said “Fear Not”, not even if all material things shall fail and all worldly efforts falter….we are to persevere in faith….but more than faith….with confident joy for our own safety and destiny….and that of our world.  Worry not and be careful of the voices you give “ear” to.  Each of us is fully endowed and encircuited and no one stands between any of us and our Lord.  The Holy Spirit of the Mother, the Father Fragment, and the Son’s Spirit of Truth speak to us each and the Most Highs rule in the kingdoms of men (the Mortal Epochs).  By the way, the only certain way to tell who is NOT a reservist and spokesperson for the gods is simply to identify those who claim to be….they’re not, most definitely.

    The state of harmony, cooperation, and unity between the Fellowship, the Foundation, and the Association has never been so strong as now.  The leadership and the membership have all been working for many years to bring all 3 into greater unity and harmony and cooperation and joint venture.  This is a moment in time to celebrate for those of us who have lived through the turmoil and trials of the noble history of all those who have committed time, energy, money, expertise, and talent to the movement.  This issue has been discussed by many students in other forums and venues.  The following is copied from a similar conversation at another venue…all the words are my own and my own opinion and you, Ben, are welcome to share them as you determine but be advised….I am but a tadpole with a single voice and opinion and also have no standing or authority so find your own truth by your own experience and live that truth the best you know how.  Peace and blessings to you Ben!

    ~  “I hope I have expressed my great enthusiasm and optimism for the status of dissemination in the world today in contrast to those who whine and point fingers lamenting the failure of the student body to grow and prosper. I view the movement as vigorous and growing and increasingly dynamic around the world today.

    The organizations suffer growing pains, not decaying bones and hardened arteries. It is increasingly difficult to keep up with the global growth story. The U.S./N. American story is not THE story. Nick wrote about the lower number of people attending conferences but what he didn’t present was that in 2016 alone there were conferences in Italy, Russia, Spain, U.K., Germany, Budapest, Bogota, and other places too….Quebec in 2015, Africa in 2017, Netherlands in 2018. There’s a lot going on that’s outside the USA!!

    Latin America is exploding in readership as is Africa….India and Asia will likely be next. And then there is the technology breakthroughs. Conferences are now live streamed (and archived if interested). Study groups are growing in number and participants by language on Skype, Zoom, etc. no matter one’s geographical location. The Association has Board members from 8 countries (11 members) and committee volunteers from over a dozen countries. The Foundation reports growing book sales, especially digital, and especially non-English. The Association and Urantia Book Internet School is spending lots of money in translation capabilities to keep up with demand for materials, communications, and education (great classes and teachers by the way – very cool experience – in the 3 I’ve had, there were students from 5-8 countries out of 20 students per class). Money is being spent to develop websites and databases and local/regional conferences for groups, large and small, no matter where they are, their language, or their budget to expand communication, cooperation, socialization, and continued growth.

    In my 40 years as a reader and enthusiastic disseminator, I have never witnessed anything like this ever! It is truly astounding….breath taking even. Those who think anyone or anything has failed and in default, is like all other whiners I’ve heard over the years – they are the ones who do nothing and contribute nothing and so know nothing about nothing at all. A poor choice for information, let alone inspiration. There’s so much to do! And so many doing it! The earth moves and the wind strengthens and momentum grows in its velocity and mass and force. Who does not know this? Who cannot feel this?

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain who cries the sky is falling….unless you listen to me and do as I say. Pitiful. Sad. A sorry sight.”

    ~  “Yes, since Pentecost, every mortal is fully encircuited and endowed by the trifecta of Spirit and infused by the voice of truth. The UB says much about those who believe they are in communication with various spirits and personalities – we are taught that only the TA, Holy Spirit, and Son’s Spirit speak to us and they cannot be distinguished one from another. No one named the MoronJohnson exists or speaks to anyone. Any and all voices allowed in mind come through the single voice/channel, indistinguishable and united in the purpose of personal circle progress.
    The issue of priests is not limited to the Israelites or contemporary with Jesus. They’ve been around since the caves, if not the trees. Papers 86-90 gives the long history of those who claim to speak to the gods and for the gods and insert themselves between humanity and the gods. Nothing could be more primitive or false….or self important. What a crock!!

    IMO, Nick has doomed his message by his confession of its source and authority and his assertions of self in the issue. But it matters not. The Most Highs still rule and will succeed and there is far less dis-unity than is claimed and what remains recedes and wanes with time. I also think the need for consolidation is far less than once upon a time. The movement and the dissemination of the Papers no longer is dependent upon any singular organizational entity…however, a united readership joined by mutual interest and objective will always have a role, regardless of the reality that there will be many individuals, groups, and organizations with even more diverse and unique service projects too. Unity and unification are not the same things. One might have one without the other – unified disunity (been there, done that)…but unity of purpose might indeed lead to unification. We shall see. But I doubt the doom of anyone or any organization in August of 2017 – Good Grief!”

    ~  “Loyalties are easily entangled and hard to differentiate from the loyalty to shared objectives vs. persons who share objectives…or seemed to once upon a time. The movement has certainly been affected by this conflict. Me too. It was not loyalty to a person though, it was a disapproval and distrust for a specific person in a specific role that mistakenly led me to blame an institution and organization for the perceived flaws and failures of a person – kind of the opposite effect I suppose?

    I was very evangelistic as a newer student and subject to emotionalisms and absolutisms in ways I have outgrown as I studied more and lived more and applied the teachings more in my personal journey. It is not difficult to become myopic and defensive and demanding in our beliefs. And sometimes such perspective leads to a serious case of love for one’s opinion and “knowledge” (prejudice) and to believe one’s perspective is superior to all others’ (spiritual pride). Such a personal experience is what makes Nick’s claims so obviously flawed. His prejudice and pride are not particularly well disguised.

    Nick’s “objective” is not in dispute…or not by me. Unity is desirable for many reasons, as you say – efficiencies, economies of scale, focused resources, and many more desirous opportunities might come by greater unity. The very point and purpose of those ongoing efforts today for enhanced cooperation, team building, coordination, and shared resources…including money, volunteers, joint committees, and leadership meetings/dialogue within the leadership and membership of the Fellowship/UAI/Foundation. The shared “objective” is NOT the issue – and neither are “personalities” or false loyalties. Evolutionary progress by shared experience and enhanced wisdom thereby should lead the student body to ever greater unity in spirit…without uniformity of process, priority, strategy, and tactic…the movement thrives now BY its diversity.

    The Foundation and Brotherhood built bridges into an uncertain and perilous future…and the growing student body has survived the human frailties, faults, and failures of leadership, membership, and organization to reach this time when the Revelation has a dissemination-life of its own. From the written document to the printing plates and press to the digital world of the internet.”

    ~  “I am very sensitive to the issue of stewardship as well – the stewardship of the Papers as well as that of other people’s money. And I am very aware of the dangers of personal pride and the far greater danger of spiritual pride…and have witnessed the rise and fall of some mighty people in the movement who appeared well versed in the teachings which include specific and dire warnings regarding pride and prejudice. I remember a time when publication stopped for a season and books could not be ordered and also receiving a cease and desist order with threat of litigation for having possession of an “illegal” digital index of the UB, gifted to me by a dedicated servant of dissemination and fellow student of the Papers. The power over-reached by some caused me to revolt and support the “reformation” promised by the Fellowship.

    Then came the channelers – those who would correct, complete, revise, continue, and update the Revelation and provide believers with spirit names and the names of spirit guides, and bless certain “indigo” children, and give updates on the rebellion and its adjudication, and guide us through the planetary emergency(ies), and anoint reservists, and speak for the gods. The audience gained and unified by revolt was then certainly and suddenly destroyed by a chasm of disharmony. Now, one might be loyal to flawed leaders in one outfit or support a growing priesthood of soothsayers in another! Good Grief! Took me well over a decade to lay aside my own disappointments, frustrations, feelings of being betrayed, and gain a perspective of self-forgetting service for the greater cause of dissemination while forgiving perceived evils in others. So, yes, there is much in the movement’s past to regret and lament and wonder what if?

    But the past is….the past. Now as I look back, I see all the turmoil and fracturing as so very human and am comforted by the fact that humans may help or hinder by our loyalties and our failures but we are not in charge and planetary progress in the hands of the Most Highs will most certainly prevail, more often and more likely despite human frailties than because of them. But mostly what I see is progress in the movement by painful experience and evolutionary adjustment TO the failures in its past….lessons learned, fences mended, bridges built, harmony being restored, agreement on fundamentals of mission and priorities of ministry. Sincerity brings sound results to all individuals and joint ventures but the lack of wisdom and experience also brings results, consequences which must be overcome by greater wisdom. Then, of course, new lessons and challenges and failures will arise in this never ending evolutionary process.

    It seems that some of us cannot see the past as the past and believe that only by going back can we go forward. Now we have someone who is channeling with the gods and demanding we go back in time with specific instruction and deadlines….or else!! IMO, Nick has now destroyed whatever credibility he might have procured by his Treatise by such a maneuver and claim. Considering the past of the movement, who in their right mind would ever follow the directives of anyone who claims to speak to and for the gods????? Even if he were right….and he’s not.

    I suspect that Nick’s displeasure with the Association is focused on their clear directive against all channeling and channelers? I also wonder if he, like others, feel that dissemination of the Revelation and its teachings requires the fostering of a religion, an institutional and formalized church? Thus his objection to the term “personal religion”…which, according TO the Papers is the only true religion – the relationship of the each with the Spirit. By the way the Charter does not suggest a “personal” philosophy or cosmology…but it does certainly promote a personal religious experience. This common sense recognition of reality appears to violate Nick’s apocrypha beliefs. Nick has also proposed that speeches and letters written by some are “continued revelation” and that the revelators are still speaking to and directing those who are worthy of such specialness – including himself of course! Nick would make the apocrypha ABOUT the Revelation more important than the Revelation itself…how very typical…and disastrous!!!”

    From the UAI Charter:

    1.1 The Urantia Association International (UAI) is a nonprofit, service organization formed to disseminate the teachings of The Urantia Book in order to promote, improve, and expand comprehension and appreciation among the peoples of the world of cosmology, of the relationship of the planet on which we live to the universe, of the genesis and destiny of man and his relation to God, and of the true teachings of Jesus. In so doing, UAI shall endeavor to increase and enhance the comfort, happiness, and well-being of man, as an individual and as a member of society, through the fostering of a personal religion, a philosophy, and a cosmology commensurate with man’s intellectual and cultural development.

    And the channeling policy:

    Within certain groups of people reading The Urantia Book, there has developed a phenomenon labeled “channeling” or the “Teaching Mission.” Advocates of this phenomenon claim to be in touch with superhuman personalities, who sometimes have names taken from The Urantia Book. While Urantia Association neither endorses, promotes, nor denies any individual’s personal experiences, we must assure readers that neither Urantia Association nor The Urantia Book has any connection with this phenomenon.

    Urantia Association has taken great care over the years to ensure that The Urantia Book is not publicly identified with cultic, psychic, or occult groups and phenomena.

    Urantia Association, as an organization, does not sanction channeling activities at Association sponsored functions, seminars, conferences or internet discussion groups. We believe that The Urantia Book‘s teachings should be unencumbered by public alliance with either New Age beliefs or traditional religions.


    Failure to do so may affect your organization’s support by those in planetary authority of that epochal revelation known by you as The Urantia Book.

    HaHaHaHaHa . . . . . what a load of poppycock.  These people just get more and more desperate for attention all the time.  What a great giggle to start out the new year.  Toooooo funny.


    Funny….yes….but sad as well.  Sad because of those who fall for this stuff….and I’ve known some.  A head scratchin’ perplexion!

    It would appear that this fellow is a long time reader and servant of a well established and extended group of reader – but by my conversations with one of them on another forum it appears this was once the case but no longer.  So, Nick got “turned” somehow by someone.  When I first read Nick’s Treatise a year ago, I wondered who would even read it, let alone take it seriously…but it seems to have caused some waves in some quarters.  When someone who is a long time student suddenly turns to spiritual pride, personal loyalties often lead to difficult choices when new baggage is acquired that smells of rotting fish!  Time to find a new companion and friend perhaps.  Some people never  have credibility and some people lose credibility once acquired.  It’s an odd and difficult situation.

    When I first joined another forum 5 years ago, I was approached by a couple of people (from Florida as I recall) offline who were very supportive and quite generous with their praise.  After some time of that, one began to share the messages he/they were receiving and told me I was special enough to join them and become anointed as a Destiny Reservist to help prepare the world for the “correcting times” just ahead.  My response was not appreciated and my uproarious mirth at such nonsense resulted in being reviled and attacked (now publicly of course!) and dismissed as far too stupid to be of any such use.  I’m still laughing too.

    But it is so pitiful to see earnest truth seekers to become entangled in such malarkey and to the point I think sometimes that the baby goes out with the bathwater when sufficient disappointment attends.  We’re a funny bunch of monkeys!!  Reversion will be most interesting for all of us I think.

    Bradly wrote:   Funny….yes….but sad as well.  Sad because of those who fall for this stuff….and I’ve known some.  A head scratchin’ perplexion!

    Only because they don’t trust the Spirit of Truth within them who will unfailingly point out the fallacy to those who are interested.

    Bradly wrote:  After some time of that, one began to share the messages he/they were receiving and told me I was special enough to join them and become anointed as a Destiny Reservist to help prepare the world for the “correcting times” just ahead.

    Yeah, I had one of those lost souls in my house as an overnight guest back in the early 2000’s.  My entire family caught on immediately to the obvious fact that this person was living in LahLah Land.  He was genteel and gracious, but full of baloney, and we all could see it without any effort at all.  He left disheartened because his talks with me ended up unraveling his line of thinking.  Never heard from any of them again.  But I swear, I was very nice and listened to everything he said and was truly interested . . . honest . . . no joke.  It was just that only a few things he said sounded true, the rest was confused beyond belief.  He had a good heart and an honest soul, but a mixed up mind, sorry to say . . . totally twisted around into a pretzel.

    But truthfully, I don’t think we do these people one bit of service by taking them seriously.  However, I do think it is paramount to all who recognize the truth to persistently live it, speak it and share it.  We’re told that truth will eventually crowd out all error if there is an open mind (141:6.2).  Those who close their minds are like Annas, whom Jesus walked away from and said, “Fear is man’s chief enslaver and pride his great weakness; will you betray yourself into bondage to both of these destroyers of joy and liberty?” (142:0.2)

    Those who are in bondage to fear and pride are not joyful or free, they’re miserable and without humor, which is easy to spot a mile away.  Those who take themselves and their specialness so seriously are clearly living in an empty, isolated and unhappy place.  It’s no wonder they crave converts  . . . .  they’re lonely as sin.  Sooooooo . . . . don’t do them the favor of acknowledging their self-inflicted wretchedness, but instead, shine as much light as possible and hope it warms and entices them to come out of their cold and desolate little worlds.

    But I still think anyone who believes they are in a position of authority to speak for celestials concerning the matters of the entire planet is absolutely comical.  I mean, if you’ve spent any time at all in psych wards or hospital ER’s, you can easily recognize this as a mental malady.  And honestly, I don’t think there are pharmaceuticals adequate to handle such impressive levels of narcissistic folie de grandeur.  





    I am certain (and apologetic) that I am beating a dead horse here, as they say.  But I will re-post one more of my replies from UBRON here, as that conversation has gotten rather lively.  Only one seems intent on defending the treatise and Nick, but he brought up an interesting accusation toward me and other posters, claiming me, specifically, to be the defender of the past faults and failures of others (as though my own are insufficient…hahahaha) and a defender of the status quo…someone who is self satisfied and is tightly gripping and defending the organizations under current “indictment” by the celestial supreme court (I just can’t stop laughing myself Bonita).  I beg your indulgence and forgiveness for carrying on so here on the subject.  But truly, my support and enthusiasm and service to dissemination was once destroyed by this exact same form of falsehood.  I’ll not be idle or silent any longer on the matter!  Silence is a form of tacit agreement and allows the perpetuation of a very vile and evil form of disinformation and disharmony with destructive potential.  Stand up and say NO!

    ~  “Lots to consider. Let me begin by assuring you that I have not intended to deny or defend injustice or unfairness by any person or group of them. I am neither apologist for or defender of the past. As stated, I’ve had my own issues with organizations and persons in organizations myself and know the sting of betrayal, disloyalty, and loss…in the movement and in life generally. It took a long time (over a decade) to get over it and reconcile myself to serve dissemination with these groups again.

    The greatest loss to me was delivered by the channelers as they succeeded in dividing, more like shattering, my local Society into factions with permanent losses and fractures that were painful to witness and experience. So, I admit I am generally either deaf to or antagonistic to claims by those who speak to and for the gods and give us “second hand” revelation….neither epochal or personal/auto revelation but by and through the one for others. I don’t know Nick, even by reputation, and his Treatise a year ago had no apparent connection to soothsaying…but obviously does now. So you may say the source does not matter which only means it does not matter to you. It does to me. It is my view that the end never justifies the means…the means must also be considered and worthy or the end goal is irrelevant…a lure that twists the means to achieve the desired end. And proclamations of default and disaster by anyone claiming to be in contact with celestials is an most unworthy means.

    It is immaterial if Nick is the channeler/author or if he is feeding us such fraud by another – he is the publisher and promoter of the claims of authority regarding celestials and courts of celestials who have declared certain organization to have failed, be in default, and under threat of something that will most certainly result in catastrophe and dislocation and setback and loss of progress and momentum and many other consequences….if one were to believe such claims….which I do not. Nick has “smeared” himself with the tar brush of his own choosing….oracles, priests, fortune tellers, and self appointed representatives of the gods. I did not say this…he says this. Nick did say in his Treatise that revelatory contact continues to certain ones and the apocrypha is as important as the Revelation, including speeches and letters by former Trustees…a false claim as well and in complete contradiction to Dr. Sadler’s words and warnings. Another interesting topic for consideration. Nick has made plenty of personal claims that defy the Papers as I understand them.

    As to upholding and defending the status quo…I truly do not understand. Things are moving and changing so quickly, I hardly know what the status quo is…or means. The only thing that is changeless is the fact and function of change itself. Things are changing, the movement is moving. The future is inevitable…and it will be different…and not the status quo. I certainly believe in cooperation, unity, harmony, joint ventures, etc. But the egg has been broken and is well scrambled today and no one may go back in time. Only the future lies open to anyone. I think that is unpredictable…unlike the predictions and threats of Nick and his oracling friends.

    But it is apparent not all are willing (and some never will be willing) to move forward and apply patience and forbearing and forgiveness for past wrongs to focus on the opportunities that lie in the future. Grudges and resentments once embraced are difficult to lay aside. I know this personally. Unfairness and injustice are not to be ignored, allowed to perpetuate, or be defended. But eventually one must choose between the past and the future I think…or so it was with me.

    My point here was not to defend the past or any organizations or disunity…but only to recognize the efforts for unity and harmony taking place today and celebrate the state of dissemination and its progress over time and despite all the faults, frailties, and failures of the past. I have not denied inequity and injustice nor excused it. There is always a form of reckoning for betrayal, disloyalty, deceit, and self importance but its not always apparent or satisfying to the victims.

    I will leave the righting of wrongs to those so compelled and those who wish to put Humpty Dumpty back together again and un-scramble the eggs are welcome to work on that. I am more interested in connecting the student body one to another to self determine the future of that student body and how it organizes and gathers in teams for continued dissemination and harmonization. I have no idea what that will become and have no intention or ability to control or manage the result or the process.

    But what is important to one is not so much to another and such diversity of priority and strategy is a good thing when sincerity is the motive.”

    Me here now, again:  There can be no denying the failures of the past and those of today by the organizations (which are but aggregations of people of course) and the many opportunities for improvement today and the challenges faced from here.  This is simply not the issue.  I’ll not waste my own time and energy in regret, remorse, guilt, shame, blame, resentment, or demands for reparation.  The future beckons and the Most Highs and our unseen friends will succeed where human frailties fail.  I must say that over the decades, regardless of the failures of some, I have been close to many a noble and inspirational servant who selflessly served dissemination.  Every person who has the Revelation today has it only because of the tireless efforts of thousands of such faithful stewards in the past.  Time to quit whining and get busy!!  = )



    I’ll not be idle or silent any longer on the matter!  Silence is a form of tacit agreement and allows the perpetuation of a very vile and evil form of disinformation and disharmony with destructive potential.  Stand up and say NO!

    I agree you should not be silent, but also remember what Jesus did when the “trance prophet” Kirmeth showed up at his campsite.  A trance prophet is TUB’s name for channeler.  Jesus allowed him to spout his drivel knowing that most people will recognize poppycock when they come across it.  Those who don’t recognize it are not really truth seekers, but sadly possess minds that are unstable and erratic.  And personally, I think the reason why their minds are unstable and erratic is because they have no sense of humor, no ability to look at themselves from outside themselves.  They tend to live in an entirely emotional world, easily turned topsy-turvy by life’s little tempests.  Sad.

    148:8.3 About this time there arrived at the Bethsaida encampment a trance prophet from Bagdad, one Kirmeth. This supposed prophet had peculiar visions when in trance and dreamed fantastic dreams when his sleep was disturbed. He created a considerable disturbance at the camp, and Simon Zelotes was in favor of dealing rather roughly with the self-deceived pretender, but Jesus intervened and allowed him entire freedom of action for a few days. All who heard his preaching soon recognized that his teaching was not sound as judged by the gospel of the kingdom. He shortly returned to Bagdad, taking with him only a half dozen unstable and erratic souls. But before Jesus interceded for the Bagdad prophet, David Zebedee, with the assistance of a self-appointed committee, had taken Kirmeth out into the lake and, after repeatedly plunging him into the water, had advised him to depart hence – to organize and build a camp of his own.

    148:8.4 On this same day, Beth-Marion, a Phoenician woman, became so fanatical that she went out of her head and, after almost drowning from trying to walk on the water, was sent away by her friends.

    I still have to laugh at these antics though.  It seems that these people are getting more and more desperate every day.  You can always tell when things are not going well for the delusional . . .  they get angrier, more puffed up and self-righteous than ever, while at the same time trying to convince you that they have more power than ever, broadcasting that horrible, dire and unspeakable things will happen if you don’t heed their prophesies.  It’s the same old, same old, but on steroids.  When you ain’t got nothin’, shouting and throwing temper tantrums only reveal that still ain’t got nothin’.


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