Why did the Life Carriers establish life before storms?

Principal Forums Personal Experiences Why did the Life Carriers establish life before storms?

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  • #7611
    Mark Kurtz

    The Life Carriers established life on Urantia before the earth crust and sub matter were settled, while hurricanes and tornadoes were possible, before new energies were discovered and before our environment had settled into steady state.  Why didn’t they wait?


    Hey Mark!!  I always wondered too about why life is so hard.  I don’t mean the effort to live a material life, but, as you suggest this past million years of geologic drama and resulting weather, etc. is so indiscriminate and haphazard.  It’s not like a suffering by bad choices or something.  I grew up in a farm family and always knew of the biblical verse of the rain falling equally on the just and unjust…but that also means tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other forms of devastation, not just the rain.  Then I read about the nonbreather worlds.  Good grief.  Pounded by asteroids and meteors your whole life!!  It gave new meaning to that verse….meteors rain on the just and unjust alike!!

    As only the architectural worlds are geologically stable, I presume all «primitive» peoples live on unstable but slowly stabilizing worlds.  I wonder if it has to do with a «sweet spot» of development for biological «infection» as it takes so many millions of years to evolve from first spark of life to light and life?  Science speculates that the stabilization of orbiting worlds may hearken an evolutionary de-stabilization of the sun over the same time frame.  The material evolutionary cycle – planetary formation, biologic evolution, and light and life from first people takes a mighty long time.  I have no clue really as to why.  Finaliters come from real tough origins…or at least the early ones do.  Takes lots of pressure over a long time to form a diamond.

    So happy to see you here Brother.  Please continue to add you voice wherever and whenever you wish at the Forum.  Invite a few friends while you’re at it.  Peace Friend.


    If there were no storms on this planet, nor molten core, wouldn’t it be a dead planet?  What exactly does it mean to have a planet in a «steady state»?

    Here’s what I think: Stability is proportional to divinity (12:6.1).  I don’t think it would be possible to introduce primitive life on a totally stable, and already divine, sphere. What would be the point?  How would it evolve?  Life is meant to evolve in relationship to its environment, each depending on the other (58:6.6).  A totally stable environment would not be able to contribute the stimuli necessary for biological evolution.

    Don’t forget that life activation is concomitant with the adjutant mind spirits.  Life and mind are insolubly linked by the Creative Spirit.  Life is designed with mind being the mediator between matter and spirit. When evolution progresses to the point where  spirit dominates both the mental and physical aspects of life, the environment follows suit (Paper 116, Section 5). It doesn’t work the other way around.  The evolution of life is about mind over matter and spirit over mind. To begin with matter over mind, meaning a perfect environment first affecting the evolution of a perfect mind, is not the way the universe is designed.  Why have an ascension plan if that were the case?  Why escape a perfect planet?



    Mark Kurtz

    OK Brad and Bonita!  Very good responses.  You offered good concepts to consider.  I’m humbled to have asked the question!  Coming up from difficult times sharpens a person for difficult assignments, apparently. :-)


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