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  • #22669
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 24

    Kala and Saro immediately noticed that Orientation Hall’s interior has features of both Resurrection Hall and Banquet Hall.  It is bowl-shaped but segmented into thousands of square cells instead of rings of tables. And it is vast.
    “I will meet you at day’s end, after your last session, and escort you to the exit where you may depart on ten days liberty. Or you may wish to return to your lodging, rest, and begin tomorrow. As long as you are on M1, that will be your home,” their Receiver told them. She then conveyed their seat assignment and pointed them in that  direction. The three embraced and separated. Aids were stationed everywhere to redirect confused pilgrims.
    There was a soft musical interlude that allowed time for everyone to find their place and settle. All was in readiness for a long day’s instruction on orientation to a new world. What is it like outside the resurrection complex? Kala’s and Saro’s curiosity was beyond piqued, and they were just a day away from actually experiencing and exploring this new world full of strange beings and apparent mysteries, new at least to these two hundred thousand novices.
    On the instructor’s platform at the bottom of the bowl, a being took a position and indicated a wish for quiet and attention. Kala immediately recognized her as the Morontia Companion who hosted their banquet the day before. It took a moment for Saro to realize it was she.
      . .
    When all was quiet, she began, “Welcome! Anyone dream last night?” Saro and Kala watched the translation before them, and immediately heard a roaring response. They smiled widely at each other and joined the applause.
      . .
    “Happens every time,” said the Companion with a big smile.
    “Today, we hope to give you enough information to enter Mansion I on your own. But your lodging in the Melchizedek sector will be your base, your home, until you depart for Mansion 2.”
    Everyone was watching their translation of the Companion’s words, at the same time listening to her beautiful voice enunciate the morontia language.
    She continued, “There is more diversity and variety here than the worlds you so recently left–physical, intellectual and spiritual diversity. You may be overwhelmed at first. Here on Mansionia you will find transplanted artworks from far away Havona. Some of it will be visible to you, some not.  Some beings here you may see, some you cannot. Not because they hide, rather because you have much to learn, acquire, and assimilate. Doubt not your vision will improve as you progress.
      . .
    “To material beings the spirit world is more or less unreal; to spirit beings the material world is almost entirely unreal, being merely a shadow of the substance of spirit realities. By gradual growth you ascenders will be able to discern more and more of spirit reality.
    “Always, as you ascend inward in the scale of life, will you retain the ability to recognize and fraternize with the fellow beings of your previous and lower levels of experience. Each new translation or resurrection will add one more group of spirit beings to your vision range without in the least depriving you of the ability to recognize your friends and fellows of former estates.
    “Some of you may be on this world ten days. Some longer. Celestial Artisans agree to tarry in Mansonia for a thousand years of superuniverse time, at least. Yesterday you were introduced to Andon and Fonta, the mother and father of the human race of Urantia. Those two arrived here long, long ago, over a million planetary years.
    “Some beings pass by the Mansion worlds, those coming from spheres in the advanced stages of Light and Life. You are here to learn how to reach Light and Life within yourself, to bring your soul up to that level where it may unite with your Paradise Partner, your Indweller, the real you.
    “While you are in Mansonia the Broadcast Directors will supply you with information and news, while the Thought Preservers will gather and store your gems of mentation, and the Morontia Recorders will capture your image. These two groups preserve your thoughts and your images in the archives of the morontia halls of records.
    “There is a real economy here, and you shall have a place in it. Mansion worlds have an economy of mutual ministry and specialized division of labor. Here you will live, serve, learn, rest, play and worship. You will earn credits for your labors that may be used for travel, for sustenance, for personal wants and needs.
    “Here we do not all do everything; there is diversity of function among morontia beings and evolving spirits. Here we have homes, spirit comforts, and morontia necessities. For every material satisfaction which humans are capable of enjoying, we have thousands of spiritual realities that serve to enrich and enlarge our existence. All the worlds of mortal ascent have temples of worship, and they are the most exquisite creations of the morontia realms and the spirit spheres.”
    The Companion then gave an overview of M-1’s transportation system as correlated images and maps appeared beside her. The professionalism of the Mansion world administrators very favorably impressed Saro and Kala.
    Next she instructed the group on using their harps to obtain information of every imaginable kind, to find individuals, and to locate places. She then asked a company of Mansion World Teachers, who were already in place and standing by in each occupied square, to begin a question and answer period for their group. Kala recalled these teachers are ‘abandoned’ angels, cherubim and sanobim whose former wards have gone on to Edentia.
    This pattern of offering general information from the instructor’s platform, then following it with question and answer sessions about specific information, led by two Mansion World Teachers within each square, repeated all day. The pilgrims were loaded up with useful advice on ways of doing things, and ways not to. The Companion showed them charts of the types of beings here, some of which Kala and Saro had examined the previous morning at their Receiver’s suggestion.
    The Companion then sent them on midday break, for sustenance, for rest, for worship, however they wished to spend it.

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

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    Saro and Kala spent the midday break walking around the outsides of all three halls, enjoying the aesthetics of exquisite gardening and jewel studded architecture. Most structures are made from shimmering, eye-pleasing morontia materials. Kala spotted a group of spornagia tending the gardens. They paused to watch and remark about their “extraordinary beauty.”
    During the last half of orientation day the pilgrims were presented with the fundamentals of morontia culture, a culture “designed and built for transition,” said the instructor. She informed them that pilgrims moved through the ascension scheme in class formation, and that their group was relatively small at 200,000. Many of them were surprised to hear the instructor say, “If your new body should be injured, you be will taken to one of many care facilities on M1. Yes, your morontia bodies may be strong, but they are not invulnerable. They are subject to accidents of a mechanical nature.”
       .. .
    The pilgrims were informed of the eight body changes, morontia adjustments, to be experienced on the Mansions and that there will be a total of 570 alterations before arriving on Salvington.
    They also learned about the sphere they were on, its overall construction from the core to the atmosphere; its water and atmospheric provisions; its power supply and distribution system including some of the beings involved in building and maintaining them. They heard about the mansonia economic system and the wide variety of service venues transient pilgrims may choose from. Practically everyone had questions about their next step when the ten days of liberty end.
    The Companion dwelled on the real purpose of the seven mansion worlds, spiritual progress, the shedding of the “mark of the beast.” Pilgrims who hadn’t already realized it learned that the mansions are rehabilitation worlds, a standard system of spheres for rehabilitating beings of all kinds coming up from the evolutionary worlds.
    She explained that, “The Mansions compensate for the lack of higher spiritual training on those worlds. Eventually mansion worlds will no longer be needed for rehabilitation, when all 1000 evolutionary planets have achieved the highest level of Light and Life.
    “You passed through spiritual infancy during your former life, and now you find yourselves here on Mansonia about to enter primary school. When you leave Jerusem for Edentia, you will be graduate students. And by the time you reach Michael on Salvington, you will be fully fledged, Adjuster fused, sons and daughters of God, well on the way to meet that very God in his abode on Paradise.”
    In the question and answer session that followed, Saro used his harp to access the System’s library to retrieve a line from the Urantia Book he couldn’t quite recall word for word, and read it to the group in his study square.
      . .
    “…On the mansion worlds the seraphic evangels will help you to choose wisely among the optional routes to Edentia, Salvington, Uversa, and Havona. If there are a number of equally advisable routes, these will be put before you, and you will be permitted to select the one that most appeals to you. These seraphim then make recommendations to the four and twenty advisers on Jerusem concerning that course which would be most advantageous for each ascending soul.”
    Much useful and fascinating information was given the pilgrims on this day, so much their minds were reeling. Even Kala and Saro were taken aback by the intricacies, facilities, and provisions of this one world. And it is a poem of living harmony to experience. The host Companion thanked and dismissed the group just before eventide, right after a touching and satisfying group prayer and worshipful moment.
    When the meeting ended the pilgrims moved en masse to Banquet Hall where the service staff had set up a massive moving buffet. Diners could choose from a tremendous variety of dishes, all works of art, all perfectly keyed to the morontia palate. Saro and Kala enjoyed a leisurely dinner, talking with their new classmates, getting to know a new family on a new world.
    When the pair had finished their second delectable meal as mansonians, Saro asked the inevitable question, “Shall we make our exit tonight, or rest first and leave early tomorrow?”

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 26

    Just as Kala and Saro were leaving Banquet Hall, discussing their first visit to the world outside the resurrection complex, all four of their guardian angels appeared.
    The angels seemed even more beautiful than either of them recalled from their last face-to-face contact. They were both thinking perhaps their morontia vision is improving, possibly becoming better attuned to the sights and beings of this world.
    “We have your assignments,” said one of Kala’s guardians. “In ten days you will advance to Mansion 2.”
    Kala and Saro were very surprised and didn’t know quite how to react at first. They had erroneously assumed M1 would be their home for a while. As the implications began to dawn on them, questions arose.
    “Will we stay on M2 for only ten days?” Saro wanted to know, “how far will we be advanced?”
    “That we will know after you have arrived on M2,” answered one of Kala’s guardians.
    This meant they had just ten days to explore Mansonia I, a world the size of Urantia. Their angels led the pair to a sitting area under a giant tree by the side of the pathway, in order to discuss their plans for the coming ten days.
    “We have been exploring this world while you have been here receiving your initiation,” said one of Saro’s angels. “We recommend an excursion with a Morontia Companion.” Kala and Saro immediately recalled the Urantia Paper’s revelations about excursion supervisors, Morontia Companions who serve as mansion world guides and associates in leisure.
    “We four have discussed this matter, and we advise that you retire for the night. We have arranged for a Companion to meet you at your abode at daybreak tomorrow,” said Saro’s angel. “Of course you are not obliged to accept our arrangement. You may leave now, and go wherever you please for the next ten days without any restriction. And you always have the option to take group excursions that leave from the Melchizedek sector each day.”
    Kala and Saro looked at each other, thinking about the options for a moment.

    Saro asked, “If we go with an excursion guide, where will she take us?”
    His angel answered, “First you will be taken to the hall of records to consult the registry about your predecessors, those still on M-1 who you may wish to call upon and make plans to visit during your brief stay here. Then you will transport to three of the principal temples of M-1, considered by some to be the most beautiful. If there is time enough, you may tour the seven major circles of the Morontia Companions, and view their magnificent temple. After that, you will be taken to the governor’s abode. And you have already expressed a desire to visit the gardens of the Banquet Hall.”

    “Can we do all that in one day?” asked Kala.

    “Much depends on you, Saro and Kala,” replied one of her angels. “You may move at your own pace because you are fortunate to have a personal guide for the remainder of your stay. However, if you wish to, you may go on a group excursion. You will forfeit autonomy but you will have your classmates to share the experience. We have explored these venues and recommend you use the proffered personal guide.”

    Saro and Kala wanted to think over their options, especially now, after having learned they are to be on M-1 only ten more days. Their angels departed saying, “When you have decided, we will arrange appropriate reservations.”
    They slowly walked toward the Melchizedek sector, discussing the matter. But they could find no overwhelming advantage or disadvantage with either option, therefore did they settle on their angels’ recommendation.
    No sooner had they decided than one of their angels appeared saying, “Your Companion will call on you shortly after daybreak.” She then embraced them and assured them once again their angels are ever at hand.
    The pair went to their lodge contemplating who they might find in the personnel registry on their first day of liberty on this astonishing world with so many beings and things new to them.

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

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    Their personal Companion arrived on schedule at daybreak. Kala and Saro were silently worshipping in back of their abode, on an elaborate swinging platform that hung from a large flowering tree. Once they set the swing in motion and took a seat, momentum kept it in motion for a long while. As they slowly swung, drifting in and out of prayer and worship, petals fell on them from flowers above. They were feeling a consuming oneness with Our Father, Michael and Mother.
    The Companion caught a glimpse of the pair in the swing and walked around the cottage to greet them. In soft voice she asked, “Ready to tour Mansion World number one?”
    They opened their eyes a bit and smiled, both saying quietly and firmly, “Yes!”
    The Companion introduced herself, very graciously offering her hand. “I am Solonia.”
    Kala and Saro dismounted the platform and greeted her with an embrace. She was as lovely and warm-hearted as any Companion they had so far encountered.
    “That name sounds familiar,” said Saro.
    “Solonia was the name of the ‘voice in the garden’ of Eden on Urantia,” replied Kala.
      . .
    “I adopted that name—one that most ascending pilgrims can easily pronounce–after hearing of the loyalty and leadership she displayed while serving with Adam and Eve on Urantia.” She went on to tell the pair about her title and mode of service, “My current assignment is with the Excursion and Reversion Supervisors. I have been assigned as your guide, to escort you wherever you wish to visit on Mansion 1. And your guardians informed me of their recommendations, to see the registry, to tour three of the main temples and the governor’s headquarters, to visit the seven circles of the Companions, and your desire to tour the gardens of Banquet Hall.”
    “When may we leave?” Kala inquired with a smile.
    “Now.” answered Solonia. “The registry edifice is not far from the nearest gate. And the gate is only a short walk from here. Shall we?”
    “Please lead on, Solonia,” said Saro with beaming enthusiasm. The pair was primed for this experience, ready to see just what’s out there on this beautiful world, one of millions of “cities of God”.
    On the way to the gate, Solonia prepared them for their first impression of greater M1 saying, “You are about to view a world that leaves many pilgrims awe-struck. Since you were somewhat prepared by the revealed text you found on Urantia, you may be merely breathless,” she said with a reassuring smile. They laughed, which broke any tension Kala and Saro were feeling on this unique occasion.
    They were realizing that the resurrection complex is much larger and grander than they first thought, and completely surrounded by a high wall with a broad promenade on top. There are entry and exit gates at regular intervals all around the base of the circular wall. The gate they were approaching is gigantic and somehow, by its design, conveyed a sense of welcome. Certainly not foreboding.
    Well before the pair came to the gate, they could see activity on the outside, on the surface and in the sky. Beings were moving about, some walking, but most riding in, or on, a variety of swift moving vehicles, wheel-less pods of an astonishing array of materials, sizes, and shapes. All vehicles appeared to be riding on an invisible current.
    Kala and Saro looked at each other with a new sense of glee and joy. It was hard for them to imagine exactly what this world would be like, but no longer did they have to use imagination. It was unfolding before them.
    Their eyes became larger with every step. Already they could see a vast cityscape, with walls that form concentric circles, triangles, and squares. When they passed through the great gate, Solonia directed them to a high lookout point that provided an unrestricted view. On reaching the top, Kala pointed overhead and exclaimed, “Saro, passenger birds!” Saro looked up and saw two great wings flare as one of the gigantic flying morontia transport animals landed with a passenger on the promenade above their exit gate.
    What high adventure, what wondrous sights, what a world! Saro and Kala stood atop their perch, viewing vast complexes of work and living with beings moving in every direction, from ground to sky. The complexity and beauty of the view was all but overwhelming. The senario prompted them to try to imagine what might be transpiring inside all those geometric formations, and at the same time wondering what it would be like to see them from a bird’s back!

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

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    After seeing the big bird land, Kala and Saro glanced at each other and instantly knew one of them had to ask. Kala did so, “Solonia, are new pilgrims permitted to ride them?”
    “You are,” she replied.
    “Today?” asked Saro.
    “Now if you wish. Shall I make a reservation?” Solonia pointed to a mushroom peak on the far away horizon saying, “That is where the great birds roost.”
    These lovers of flying, who were both licensed pilots on Urantia, who died while flying, were thrilled by this chance to soar on a bird’s back. When on Urantia they also enjoyed flying gliders for recreation and inspiration, riding on rising air currents with the soaring birds.
    Immediately after Solonia made the reservation, their transport vehicle arrived. It moved very fast, dropping from the sky, coming to a smooth halt directly in front of them, then hovering silently hand-high off the surface. One side of it opened wide and Solonia said quaintly, “Pilgrims first.” They stepped in, the vehicle held quite firm, not shifting at all with their added weight. All three took forward facing seats on lavishly decorated bench chairs, each with cushioned and embellished arm-holds. They watched the door quietly close.
    The pilotless transporter lifted slowly, then accelerated quite rapidly. Kala’s and Saro’s morontia bodies and minds were sensing and cherishing the liberty of flight on this new world. New to them at least. Solonia was very much enjoying watching their reactions to this first flight in a common transport pod. The floor of the vehicle was completely transparent. They looked down, in every direction there appeared dynamism, activity. And everything had a pristine cleanness about it, the air, the structures, even the creatures of this world gleam with morontia beauty, purity, and appeal.
    As they viewed the strange and beautiful world below through the clear crystal shell of their swift ride, now moving extremely fast, “Up to 500 Urantia miles per hour,” Solonia told them. They could see many interconnecting waterways and reservoirs shimmering in the morning light. Saro and Kala were each silently expressing profound gratitude to God for this wondrous world, and for being part of it.
    The transporter reached their destination so quickly the pair didn’t have time to ask Solonia questions about the myriad doings passing beneath them. The pod landed swiftly and perfectly, right in the center of a giant aviary sitting atop a high, broad, pedestal formation.
    Just before setting down they watched birds landing and taking off. They could see that the morontia animals had stalls behind each launch point which were situated all around the pedestal’s periphery. The great birds could launch or land themselves from any point on the pedestal’s edge, and retire to their appointed stall as needed for sustenance, grooming, and rest between flights.
    Kala and Saro followed Solonia to their assigned transports, walking through a charming garden of low, purple-leaved trees, many laden with morontia fruits of diverse colors and sizes, « …of which the birds are very fond, » said Solonia.
    Their eyes bulged on seeing the gigantic birds face to face. As they approached these two great flying creatures they couldn’t help but notice how intelligent they appear. The birds are also beautiful, with flawless feathering, some iridescent, but mostly golden. The two looked alike to Saro’s and Kala’s untrained eye.
    As the three drew near and stood under the two bird’s attentive eyes, each bird watching them out of their right eye, Kala looked up and asked the nearest one, “Do you have a name, beautiful?”
    Solonia translated a jewel ringed plaque on the roost’s wall, “They are called, in Urantian English, ‘Faithful-one and Faithful-two.’
    “That’s reassuring,” said Saro laughing.
    Solonia translated the rest, “One is male, two is female. The female can be distinguished by a faint red band around her upper neck.” They looked closely and spotted it.
    In a display of friendliness and affection, the great birds slowly lowered their heads, placing their large beaks directly in front of Kala and Saro, who looked them straight in the eye and then, impulsively, indulged an urge to embrace the beasts’ beaks. The birds made a chortling sound, one of approval they presumed. They instantly loved these giant flying animals.
    After passing Solonia’s brief tutorial to ensure they possess the skill and confidence to ride the birds, she said, “Faithful 1 and 2 and their progenitors have flown this area for many generations, safely taking millions of pilgrims for their first post-resurrection flight. They know the area and will fly you to any destination their caretakers ask. The birds are quite smart and understand their keepers’ language. It is advised that you not attempt to direct the bird’s path, at least not until you have been qualified by the creatures’ caretakers. Shall I have them instruct your birds to circle this area three times and leave you at the personnel registry? We can reconnect there.” They agreed, Solonia spoke to the keeper and the keeper spoke to the birds in odd, brief spurts. The birds appeared to perceive his meaning. It was touchingly beautiful to watch them communicate.
    The keepers informed Solonia that the animals would be ready to launch as soon as they are outfitted. Saro and Kala were very curious about what they only glimpsed on the way to the great pedestal, so they walked out to its edge for a standing still view. They wanted to know more about the many activities going on inside and outside the triangles, circles, and squares. The range and acuity of morontia vision continued to amaze them, they could view far away objects with astonishing clarity of detail and color. They then and there pledged some part of their ten days’ liberty to tour the surface; to visit the ordinary places of M1.
    When they returned to the birds, the keeper informed Solonia they were almost ready to mount and launch. One of the lovely spornagia came out of the stable’s quarters carrying safety equipment, and offered to help them put on and adjust it properly. Solonia advised Saro and Kala, « The safety devices will deploy automatically should the bird, for any reason, fall from the sky. Accidents are extremely rare, but have occurred,” she added.
    Saro and Kala didn’t seem at all fazed by any possible risk. But Kala had been wanting to ask, “Are these bodies killable?”

    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Page 29

    Answering Kala’s question, Solonia said, “Your bodies may be considered beyond repair by some rare and extraordinary misfortune, but you will never be so regarded. Once resurrection takes place, eternity remains available to all who persevere to the apex of the ascension scheme. However, Companions are instructed to advise ascenders it is intended that you use your body for the utmost benefit of your spiritual progress, without putting it in jeopardy. One of the initial signs of spiritual maturation is the proper care and safeguard of the temple you inhabit, a gift from our creator parents, which in turn is a gift from the First Source and Center. You both did well as stewards of your Urantian bodies, so your life records show, no doubt a contributing factor to your uncommon–uncommon for present day Urantia at least–attainment of the third psychic circle before death. »
    Solonia confirmed what Kala and Saro already knew in their souls, that nothing good ever perishes, most especially the hard earned values that are the sum and substance of an immortal soul.
    She added, “There are time-tested systems of safety in every endeavor of mansonia culture. But you must surely have in some manner realized the beings and forces that created your bodies can create another. And you have been told of the eight adjustments your bodies will undergo as you pass through the System.”
    Her answers were very much what the pair expected. But at a time like this, when one is about to dive off a high perch into an unknown world on the back of a newly-met creature, such questions may come to mind in ex-mortals.
    Their birds were equipped with a broad seat strapped securely to the crook of their neck, which is connected to their body by colorful, shimmering webbing. The saddles have a waist belt attached at back and front, with two short hand grips in front for passenger stability, and where reins to each side of the bird’s bridle are secured.
    The keepers asked Solonia to remind the passengers not to use the reins. Which she did, and the pair expressed assurance and gratitude to the keepers. Obviously, the animals were in perfect condition, well cared for, and superbly content. They also exuded a powerful presence, as if their consciousness equaled the size of their body.
    The keepers then led the birds to the launch point, where they lowered themselves to allow boarding. Kala and Saro donned the goggles that were offered by the attending spornagia, then mounted their birds; Saro on Faithful 1, Kala on Faithful 2, and indicated readiness. The birds stood up. The keepers signaled all is prepared for launch. The animals hobbled to the pedestal’s leading edge, stretched their wings and without hesitation dove nearly straight down catching the heated air coming up around the great pedestal. A favorite line from The Urantia Book was flashing in both their minds at this instant: “Even when the air currents are ascending, no bird can soar except by outstretched wings.”
    They were holding tightly to the saddle posts as they descended, watching the surface rise, and grinning like ecstatic children, completely trusting of these giant birds and their trainers. When sufficient air speed was attained the two birds began flapping their great wings against the warm three gas morontia air, and with every flap they rose mightily.
    The birds quickly climbed in small circles far above the launch point before they started to make the first of three round sweeps of the region. The pair glanced and laughed at each other as they ascended ever so high over this magnificent world.
    Soon they reached a great height. As far as they can see, there are myriad activities amid great circles, squares and triangles. The birds simultaneously stopped flapping and once again stretched out their giant wings to begin a gradual downward glide three times around the area the pair had zig-zagged across earlier, in the transport pod.

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    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

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    Many other beings were flying in a variety of transports around, below, and above them, including other birds with and without passengers. Transportation on the ground and in the air was a moving vision of light and life to Kala’s and Saro’s morontia eyes. For a moment Kala thought she heard celestial music coming from above. Maybe it was only the wind passing her ears.
    The birds were given wide berth by the powered vehicles, which made the pair realize this grand symphony of activity is composed and perfectly co-ordinated by unseen hands on unknown controls. As they floated slowly downward, steady on the backs of their steeds of the air, Kala and Saro were all but mesmerized by the sights and sounds of this wonder-filled world, humming with life and best of all, full of Godliness. The urge to gratefulness overtook them both even as they satisfied a past life wish to soar on a Fandor’s back.
    They were both intently observing the scenery below. The surface was abuzz with movement of beings, on foot and in vehicles, large and small. There is every kind of wall separating the various physical features, high and low, some wide and some narrow, most with alluring, shining, metallic promenades on their top surface. And all are studded with aesthetically appealing arrangements of reflective diamonds, colored jewels, and precious gems in beautiful and symbolic arrays, some that could only be discerned from high above. In fact, their morontia vision could discern many fine details on the surface, even from lofty heights.
    They could see an endless web of water canals crisscrossing each of the geometric segments. Many parks, all teeming with movement, are situated along the canal’s banks. As ever on mansonia, most structures are open to the sky. There are graceful spires and tall edifices dotting the landscape, but no significant land elevations or depressions could be seen. And never a cloud in the rich, rich air.
    Kala was looking at one of the high points on a far away horizon, wondering if it might be the angels’ spaceport. Saro was watching Kala, her magnificent morontia self astride a beautiful bird on their third full day as resurrected Urantians, now flying over Mansion World number one. Their birds seem to be enjoying Saro’s and Kala’s enjoyment. Their cross species friendship was growing with each circle they made over the area.
    It hit them at the same time, an even broader realization of how wonderful the rest of this world might be, and yet M1 is only the first step on the long, long, Paradise journey. Always will Kala and Saro remember Faithful 1 and Faithful 2, marvelous animals who took them on a physical flight preparatory to their imminent spiritual journey, soaring through the Seven Mansion Worlds on the way to Jerusem.
    By the time their final lap was complete, Kala and Saro were beaming with the quiet joy of a long awaited pleasure now satisfied. They glanced at each other and simultaneously thought of attaining certification in order to make autonomous flights.
    After the third circle of the area, the birds slowly glided onto a raised landing pad atop the hall of registry, flaring their great wings and settling gently. It was busy but not crowded. Land and air vehicles were coming and going on the surface below. Many other big birds were landing on and launching from the pad, with and without passengers. Holding stalls are located in a large ring at the center of the pad for the animals’ comfort during waits for their passengers.
    As the beasts crouched down to allow Kala and Saro to dismount, Solonia greeted them with a smile, saying, “Let me guess, you want to earn pilot’s certification.”
    They laughed. “Where do we apply?” asked Kala.
    Before departing the birds and their passengers embraced, arms around beaks. The great birds looked them in the eyes, chortled their affection, then toddled to the edge and flew away home.
    “The registry’s entrance is this way,” said Solonia, directing them to a shaft at the pad’s center.
    Saro and Kala were in awe of the fact that they going to enter the registry they had so often read about, and even dreamed about when on Urantia. They each had short and long lists of friends and loved ones who might have preceded them. Also, they both wondered if they might discover the status of certain deceased luminaries of Urantia’s unique past, beginning with Mary Magdalene, Beethoven, Shakespeare, Lao Tse, Mary and Joseph, any of Jesus’ siblings, John the Baptist, Rodan, Onamanalonton, Ikhnaton, Siddhartha, and a host of others. But they had only ten days.

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    Richard E Warren

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    The hall of records was throbbing with activity, much like the rest of M1. Upon entering the shaft at the center of the hall’s landing pad, the trio stepped into a tiny open-topped transport that took them down and over to the personal kiosk Solonia had reserved.
    As Kala and Saro rode along, they noted the registry had many levels and categorical groupings. They also encountered beings of immense variety, hue, shape, and size, all coming, going, or busy researching. The little pods negotiated turns with ease, traveling in established corridors with other transports, peeling off here and there to leave or retrieve passengers.
    After their thrilling sky ride, Kala and Saro were once again feeling the enormity of the experience of M1. Kala felt compelled to proclaim, “This whole world is a sublime work of art and heavenly beauty, an intricately carved gem hanging in space by loving command of the Dieties.”
    Saro and Solonia smiled at Kala’s poetic expression, Saro adding, “And their faithful Companions do ever lead their charges o’er this Gem, and onto the next Gem of Wonder, greater still!!” They laughed, which helped bring them down to the ground, out of the sky, to be here seeking information about enduring personal relationships, relationships that will last forever and extend all the way to Paradise and beyond, but had their beginnings on the lowly worlds of time and space.
    Now relaxed in their comfortable kiosk with Solonia at their side, the pair felt as if they were an integral part of the artistry that characterizes Mansonia. They simply sat for a moment to enjoy their role in the morontia integration of living and static art. The harmony of M1, the fraternity and friendliness of it, enthralled these newborns so recently from a disharmonious sphere, a sphere hungry for truth, starving for beauty, thirsty for love, and almost clueless about this magnificent place.
    Kala was now recalling reader conferences on Urantia that had mansion world parallels; a generalized, loving, and warm ambiance, above all else. Saro thought it correlated somewhat with the “Christmas Spirit” of Christian tradition on Urantia, when for a short season love and kindness flows more easily, more abundantly.
    Kala, Saro and Solonia spent the rest of the morning going through endless records about relatives in their blood lines, all of which had numerous connections to other records, all fascinating and revealing of lives about which they knew nothing. Solonia helped them better formulate their requests to suit the registry’s retrieval system. Whatever they wished to know, that immediately appeared before them in mid-air in text, image, or graph form.
    But they were surprised to discover none of their Urantia acquaintances had yet arrived, except of course the relatives who attended their resurrection, Saro’s brother Will, his two cousins, Kala’s parents and grandparents, and her cousin Joy. All others were either still living, awaiting dispensational resurrection, or had already graduated from Mansonia.
    They each followed their lineage back to Andon and Fonta. Many in their line had attained Adjusters and passed through the Mansions long ago, and some of those had distinguished themselves in service on Urantia and on mansonia. But all had already moved up to Edentia or above.
    Saro found an archive of brief messages left behind by thousands of leaders and destiny reservists who had ascended from the 619 worlds of the System. Many of them were on their list of Urantian luminaries to look up. They spent much of the day combing through those brilliant and heart-warming greetings, along with biographies and selected thought gems of the great beings, artists, and teachers who took origin on the evolutionary worlds. The translation of the messages was almost flawless. Solonia’s kind, patient assistance, and her immense knowledge of the System’s worlds, helped them greatly when any question arose.
    Kala found personal messages, and recordings, of new compositions by Beethoven, Mozart, and others who reapplied their talents during the mansion world stay and left behind inspired and improved creations for fellow ascenders’ enjoyment. They briefly listened to samples she discovered. There was so very much to read, view, hear, and experience just in the registry. So much so they lost themselves in it. Before they realized it the day had slipped away.
    Finally Saro noted the day’s passing and said, “We could spend our entire liberty here, and still only begin.”
    “True. Ready to take a break?” Kala answered.
    “I am. Is there a temple near?” Saro asked.
    “There are several inside the registry, two nearby,” replied Solonia. “Shall I summon a transport?”
    “If they are close, let’s walk,” said Saro. Kala nodded agreement. They were both sensing an urge to commune with the God who conceived the vast and stupendous cosmos, repletely supplied with ancient and well-kept records, of which they have now had only a slight glimpse.
    They invited Solonia to join them in worship.

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    The urge to worship is a summons to which Kala and Saro harkened two or three times daily on Urantia, circumstances permitting. So much so it became an integral part of their being, ever expanding as they aged. Their call to commune was deeply affected by understanding the revelations about its role in the lives of ascenders. And so they taught their children. Already had they worshipped several times as resurrected beings. It was their first activity after resurrection on M1. Now they enter this humble morontia chapel that happened to be inside the mansion world registry they had so often mused over while still on Urantia.
    “It’s very refreshing to find such robust sensitivity to worship,” Solonia said softly, adding, “and worshiping between two Adjustered ones like you brings it additional depth and quality. So many who come here have little to no understanding or appreciation for it. Of course, all know and use worship as you two do by the time they reach M7.”
    The three stepped gently as they found a place amid many seated, supine, and fetal-positioned morontians already in deep worship, assisted by the low, quieting harmonies that pervaded the temple. Saro and Kala settled and enjoyed a timeless period communing within, with Solonia sitting between them.
    Long before they left Urantia, the pair had worked aggressively, together and alone, to cultivate an intimate relationship with their respective Indwellers, wherever they were, whatever they were doing. All the while they were putting revelation into action, serving fifty years together as living disseminators and advanced teachers of truth. And simultaneously allowing themselves to be directed by combining inner and outer revelation through insights born of worship.
    They had long ago learned to harmonize service and worship. They well knew these two activities are true delights of the soul, things most valuable to the Indweller, and best for growing a soul to fruition and eternal fusion. They had met conflict after conflict, problem after problem, with unflagging energy and inspiring enthusiasm that came out of worshipful communion with their Paradise Partners, and ever with angelic assistance.
    The day was almost gone when they exited the temple. The first shades of darkness could be seen in the Mansonian sky. Saro and Kala were feeling thirst and hunger. Solonia led them to water, and asked, “Should I call for a transport?”
    Looking at each other Kala asked Saro, “My love, do you want to go out on M1 for dinner tonight?”
    He smiled and nodded agreement, then invited their beautiful companion, “Stay with us. In fact, take us to your favorite place for dinner and dance. You do dine and dance?”
    “I do,” answered Solonia, “and it would be an honor to accompany you.” The level of fraternal love between the three had taken a leap up during their worship session.
    A registry transport took them to the nearest exit. They then took another vehicle high and fast, but not far, to a charming spot on the banks of a narrow canal. The transporter dropped them at the water’s edge and took on four new passengers, then quickly shot off into the dusky sky.
    They were early for dinner. In fact they were the only patrons or wait staff in evidence at the moment. The trio took a table under a large, flowering tree. It had long, slender, curvy branches reaching out all around, each one festooned with great clumps of bluish-violet flowers protruding wildly in every direction. Its fruit attracted a variety of morontia birds whose gentle chirping provided a natural musical background.
    It was an enchanting scene, accompanied by the delicate fragrance of many trees and shrubs displaying gorgeous and prolific flowerings. The movement of the birds caused a petal to fall on Kala’s hair. Saro took it and sniffed the delicate aroma. “Smell this,” putting it under Kala’s nose. She feigned a swoon.
    The power and richness of aromas everywhere on M1 delighted Kala; she was ever seeking the ultimate aroma on Urantia. Saro was appreciating his newly discovered levels of olfactory sensitivity and recalling and comparing his first smells of M1, on resurrection day.
    They watched the pedestrians walk along both sides of the canal. They observed watercraft moving by, some by oar power, some larger self-propelled craft were obviously transporting excursion groups. Saro and Kala could not help but note the diversity of moronita forms of being.
    “I keep noticing the great differences between morontia bodies,” said Kala. “It made me think of revelations about them, a line that mentioned personal appearance here will resemble the inner being.”
    Saro called up the text and read, “…in the morontia life, and increasingly on its higher levels, the personality form will vary directly in accordance with the nature of the inner person.”
    Solonia replied, “You well understand mortals leave nothing behind except their old bodies and minds. And you already know they retain their personal level of development in the transition from mortal to morontian.”
    Kala said, “I can sense the whole, inner person in some. But in others, I sense…incompletion.”
    “I can too,” Saro said. “Some radiate beauty, like Kala,” he smiled at her, and she pointed at him. “And some appear to have beauty, but it is blocked in a way, it is partial. Yes, incomplete.”
    Solonia answered, “You both have ample self-awareness and enough aesthetic sensitivity to realize your morontia bodies are comparatively beautiful. All morontia bodies are alike at first. Gradually, and often rapidly, the morontia form takes on the proportions and inner nature of the being who inhabits it.
    « It is obvious to my kind, who have escorted millions of ex-mortals on M1, why ones like you are not to be detained here. You both reflect an uncommon maturity and willingness to learn, to grow, to progress, along with a rare ability to effectively teach what you have learned. So your beauty of being has not diminished since your resurrection, quite the opposite in my estimation. It has expanded.
    “And you would not be advancing after ten days if you did not meet or exceed the requirements of the parental commission. Having successfully raised three children as you did, and on a quarantined world, is a badge of honor and distinction here.”
    “How far do you think we will be advanced?” Kala asked.
    “I know not,” replied Solonia. “Would you like to make an appointment with the counselors, the Evangels?”
    “To plan our route to Edentia?” Saro asked.
    “Yes,” Solonia answered.
    “When may we?” Kala asked.

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    While waiting for the open air bistro to open, the trio sat watching the mix of beings as they strode by. Kala and Saro were again feeling the vibrancy and spirit energy of M1. Each day they were realizing more of the true joy of being and the richness of cosmic living. They especially enjoyed watching angels interacting with other beings. They were fascinated by the variety of languages and sounds they heard from passersby, from each snippet of conversation, along with faint music drifting in from other venues.
    Saro broke their silence. “Solonia, we don’t know the names of mansion food, only the unbelievably wonderful taste. What do you recommend?” Just then a transformation took place at the center of the restaurant. An opening appeared in the ground and a group of servers with a full raft of dishes and drinks emerged from chambers concealed below. At once a server brought their guests chilled water in marvelously sculpted pitchers with matching drinking vessels.
    Solonia said, “Until you are familiar with our foods, I can select for you.” She placed their orders, then explained some of the menu icons to the pair so they would better know their name, type, and appearance. Already had they learned some of the symbols and pronunciation of the System language. As they listened and learned more from Solonia, a large excursion pod landed with enough hungry beings to fill the restaurant’s tables to overflowing. Kala and Saro seized the opportunity to invite a couple to share their table.
    Solonia recognized their language on hearing them speak. She introduced the four. Kala and Saro were immediately impressed by their charm and obvious humility, as well as their curious language. As they conversed through Solonia, Kala and Saro discovered that the couple are siblings, recently resurrected, and from another of the System’s spheres, Panoptia.
    Kala instantly recalled and remarked, “That’s the world saved from rebellion by the young leader, um…Ellenora! She kept your world from falling into the rebellion, and not one soul was lost–correct?” Solonia translated and their new friends replied affirmatively. They relayed they are on the way to join their fellow Panoptians who are tarrying on the Father’s sphere, caretaking and modifying that sacred place, doing it under Michael’s orders and for an unknown future use.
    After a friendly exchange of personal backgrounds, Solonia asked the Panoptians in their tongue, “We have ordered. May I send your menu selections to the service staff?” After asking for her recommendations, they consented.
    While they waited, the five let the conversation cease and all shared the experience of being absorbed in the moment amid the sights, sounds, and smells surrounding them. Kala and Saro were beginning to realize some of the more subtle levels of the seventy senses that accompany morontia life.
    All five thoroughly enjoyed the meal and thanked Solonia prodigiously for the selection. And they each acknowledged the meal was made richer by this chance meeting. Kala and Saro were more fully realizing how much they would like to know the history of each of the System’s 619 worlds, especially the other thirty six that fell into rebellion with Urantia.
    They also realized how fortunate they were in taking origin on the 37th world. The same world where Michael, the sovereign leader and co-creator of millions of architectural and evolutionary worlds, took up mortal life on his seventh and final bestowal, as the babe of Bethlehem, as Jesus the god-man of Urantia. And also where the Lucifer rebellion was terminated. More than once they had heard the sentiment, ‘You’re from Urantia. Lucky you’.
    When the dinner was finished, the trio bid the Panoptian siblings farewell and Godspeed, then set off walking along the canal’s bank. The night sky was speckled with stars; Saro and Kala were becoming accustomed to their pattern. On the surface an endless parade of evening activities passed before their wonderfully sharp eyes,  and entered their morontia hearing with its astonishing clarity.
    Musicians were plentiful and remarkably skilled. Some sang or played solo, but more often, two or more entertained. Some were playing instruments completely new to Saro and Kala. They created sounds and chord combinations Kala and Saro had never heard, or even imagined. And they had no doubt their senses, all of them, were improving, sharpening, broadening, and rapidly.
    All the entertainers and activities created a symphony of background sound, filling their ears with the charming rhythms and tempos of Mansion life. “Are there evening concerts on M1?” asked Saro.

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    “There are countless concerts, chorales, recitations, and musical improvs every night on M1 that music aficionados like you would surely enjoy. In fact, one is very close, and it happens to feature the work of a composer from Urantia, one you researched briefly at the registry.  He is now a member of the Celestial Artisan Corps, and he will conduct tonight’s concert. You of course recall the classical composer, Handel?”
    Kala said, “I do! In fact, we were part of an epic production of his Messiah. Remember, Saro? We were in London. It was an unforgettable experience.”
    “Yes, I recall,” said Saro. “It was moving, divinely so.”
    “There are seats available. Messiah is the feature, and this version he recently re-re-adapted for the morontia sound spectrum. I have experienced previous versions, and have anticipated hearing the newest with keen relish. How fortuitous he should be debuting his latest while you are here. Care to attend?”
    “YES!!” said the pair in harmony.
    “The amphitheater holds 300,000”, Solonia informed them on the way to the concert. It was almost full when they walked in. The variety of beings in attendance was staggering. The musicians were already tuning their instruments. Even that cacophony revealed new ranges in their morontia hearing.
    On the way to their seats they walked past the orchestra. The pair was riveted by the variety of instruments they saw, some recognizable, some quite elaborate and very strange in appearance. The “Great Harp” was indeed immense, “with seven thousand strings played by seventy Celestial Artisans,” said Solonia.
    They took seats high on the theater’s rim and immediately felt at home, luxuriating in the delightful concert atmosphere, but now on mansonia. Both were thinking of trying each of the mansion world instruments, and playing the morontia equivalent of their instruments of training with a group of celestial musicians.
    Then proceeded a wondrous experience in sound, the complexity of which pervaded the depths of their being, and the soaring heights of which well complemented that morning’s flight over M1. The live mixture of choral song and instrumental sound exceeded anything they had previously experienced. Saro and Kala were enjoying every note, chord, and strain, playing it on their respective instruments in their minds, where so much music memory from their Urantia lives was now surfacing.
    They left the concert so moved there was nothing to do but stop outside the exit gate and worship the God who created the potentials, possibilities, creators, administrators, and inspiration that produces such experience. They were not alone in worship, as a ring of humble and grateful beings, of many orders, formed in the spacious park grounds surrounding the amphitheater.
    After a while, when a majority of the post-concert worshippers had departed, Solonia excused herself saying she would arrive at dawn to escort them to their counseling session with the Evangels. The trio enjoyed a loving embrace after which Solonia summoned a transport to her abode.
    The pair stayed and indulged yet another urge to worship. They lay face-up on soft grass, becoming absorbed in the night sky. Their connections to the Divine Indwellers were improving significantly with each day’s passing. Neither of them had felt such firm and continued connectedness with their Indwelling Paradise Partners as they now were.
    It was past midnight before they called for a transport home. Viewing M1 at night from the air for the first time was a perfect ending to such a day. They embraced and kissed as they flew over a vast landscape of life and light, where never a body dies nor ages. Their satisfaction was supreme.
    Kala and Saro followed their now established pattern, walking through the park behind their cottage before retiring. They were feeling very much at peace within themselves, and more in love with God, life, and each other, than ever. And tomorrow they would discuss their immediate destiny with the Seraphic Evangels.
    Saro remarked, “You know, as exciting as all of this is, what’s going on inside is more so. I’m sensing the same happening with you, yes?”
    “I was wondering about you too. You’re feeling much closer to your Adjuster?”
    “I am feeling more and more connected,” replied Saro. “His messages are flashing directly into my mind, clear and dear. There is clarity and the sense that we are as one. And! I’m almost certain of sensing his rejoicing. You?”
    “Yes. It’s beautiful for all four of us…And it has to do with this culture, it’s bent toward one purpose, one that aligns with our purpose. It’s the unity we always wanted and tried to create on Urantia–it’s a spiritual environment.”
    “It feels right. Very right,” said Saro. “What all’s in the UB about the Evangels we’re meeting in the morning.” He accessed the related text. “There are several mentions…Seraphic Evangels do more than one thing.”
    “As I recall, it was an Evangel who ‘whispered to the shepherd boy’,” Kala said.
    “It was. How many times did we read that prayer on Urantia?” Saro read it to her once more:
    “The Gods are my caretakers; I shall not stray;
    Side by side they lead me in the beautiful paths and glorious refreshing of life everlasting.
    I shall not, in this Divine Presence, want for food nor thirst for water.
    Though I go down into the valley of uncertainty or ascend up into the worlds of doubt,
    Though I move in loneliness or with the fellows of my kind,
    Though I triumph in the choirs of light or falter in the solitary places of the spheres,
    Your good spirit shall minister to me, and your glorious angel will comfort me.
    Though I descend into the depths of darkness and death itself,
    I shall not doubt you nor fear you,
    For I know that in the fullness of time and the glory of your name
    You will raise me up to sit with you on the battlements on high.”
    “What will the Evangels advise,” Kala pondered. “Have you thought much about routes? I haven’t.”
    “I haven’t either. There’s so much we don’t know.”
    “Let’s rest, my love,” She caressed his face, he kissed her cheek.
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    Well before daybreak Kala and Saro had exchanged massages, showered, dressed, and discovered a tall drink of fruit juice some unseen solicitous servant had left on the swinging platform in back of their lodging. They gave the swing a push, mounted it, then sat back to back at its center and enjoyed the juice, followed by a morning embrace with their Divine Indwellers. Night birds sang a light and charming melody as they sipped.
    And as the swing ever so gradually came to a stop, so did their morontia minds. They became absorbed in the moment, completely aware of the outer world and at one with the inner world. This happened to them simultaneously as they sat perfectly still in worshipful attitude. It was as if all four, two Ajdusters and two ascending souls, were one in the moment. Suddenly all four of their Guardian Angels joined in this mutual experience of divine attunement and God consciousness.
    Saro’s and Kala’s minds held perfect peace as they viewed Adjuster picturizations of their destiny alongside his former indwellings. They beheld flashes of their Indweller’s past lives, and their own projected path to fusion. They were shown sights and signposts of history and progress that every Paradise ascender eventually witnesses, but they were seeing them here, now, and in rapid succession, like a language without words.
    During this personal spiritual experience, they were given worlds of insight and vast quantities of information, most of which they were able to absorb with little or no difficulty. There were glimpses of Jerusem, Edentia, Salvington, Uversa, Havona, even Paradise. They beheld astounding images that defy description, others that defied understanding but must have deep significance or relevance in their future. They did comprehend that many of the images they perceived were much about the spirit world and its activities, well beyond the simple quasi-physical terrain they were now traversing.
    Lastly, they were permitted to see themselves at the moment of fusion with their Indwellers. They could feel the intense and unspoken love of God, Michael, Mother, and the angels. This was a transcendent experience of divine insight about their future as well as an affirmation of divine approval of their past performance in the rugged test life they passed through on Urantia.
    Never would the pair forget this moment of inner and outer contact on their fifth morning as morontians. The Adjusters, the Guardians, their souls, minds, bodies, and personalities felt as though they were one in eternity, or soon will be.
    Then Saro and Kala lost track of time and space. But they were aware that some of the things they witnessed during this revelatory experience had to be stored for future reference.  There were some revelations and insights beyond their present capacity to grasp, things that must await the development of greater conceptual scaffolding.
    The daylight was well in evidence when the pair descended from the heavenly heights of timeless/spaceless divine insight and transcendent worship. They sat for a while simply being, breathing ever so slowly, feeling at one with eyes shut, at the same time seeing all things in a new light. No outer experience can match the beauty, goodness and truth of inner experience with God, Michael, the Divine Minister, along with their attending angels. Saro and Kala were both realizing this experience, with its many pictures of destiny, would help them make the choices the Seraphic Evangels would put before them this very morning.
    Before they had a chance to discuss their mutual revelatory experience, Solonia arrived, greeting them with great warmth, as she noted a new and finer light coming from the pair, she remarked, “My, but you are learning quickly.”

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    On their walk to the Seraphic Evangels’ meeting, located at another of the edifices connected to the vast Resurrection Hall complex, the trio talked about Kala’s and Saro’s revelatory experience.
    Solonia counseled them saying, “Such experiences have occurred before, but they are not the norm. I estimate the near perfect alignment of your closely kindred minds, resonate souls, matched purpose, and harmonized personalities is unusual. Perhaps that facilitated your apparently identical experiences–although I would caution against such an assumption.
    “Also, simply arriving on this world is a powerful stimulus for spiritual experience and quick growth, especially at first. And doubt not that your Guardians are working for you on unseen levels, even as one of them always watches over you. I expect they will both draw close to you once again at this meeting, as well as your Monitors, who are intensely interested in the career decisions and spiritual welfare of their betrothed.”
    Solonia departed when they arrived at the Evangel’s quarters, agreeing to rejoin them after the meeting. The Evangels’ offices are as beautiful as any they had seen, lined with a multitude of lustrous metals, punctuated with a wide variety of stunning gems, all arranged in aesthetically appealing patterns, shapes and forms. The Evangels themselves could not have been more charming, solicitous, and desirous of serving them.
    After their greeting and name exchange, one of the three Evangels present offered them seats and asked, in Saro and Kala’s language, “You are aware of our order of being and our domains of service?”
    Kala answered, “You are sixth order seraphic servers, all daughters of the Divine Minister. In the Urantia Book you’re called ‘Transition Ministers.’ Saro and I re-read the statements about your order last night, about your work as counselors. And all Urantia has heard the beautiful prayer whispered to the shepherd boy by an evangel. Was that one of you?”
    They laughed. It was the first time Saro and Kala had heard angel laughter. The beauty of the sound of it stirred their souls to love angels even more. “No. We laugh because we were with her only yesterday. In fact she asked us to send you greetings and congratulations. We, all three, have served on Urantia. And like most of the beings in Nebadon we are always interested in the news from Urantia, not only because of Michael’s appearance, also because the new revelation by text has been seeded and germinated there. In fact, you two are the first couple to simultaneously ascend to Mansonia after the third day on the wings of new revelation.”
    Saro replied, “Our Guardians…” Suddenly all four Guardians appeared behind them. Saro paused, smiled at them, then continued, “Our guardians said we may go on to M2 after ten days. May we know how long we will be on M2? How far are we to progress before taking up residence?”
    The spokesperson for the Evangels drew closer and said in a mellifluous tone, “Saro, Kala, being the first pilgrim couple to arrive on Mansonia by simultaneously embracing and sincerely following the teachings of Urantia’s latest revelation, and being two so very well adjusted and service minded, we the Seraphic Evangels–with the advice and consent from your Adjusters and your Guardians–have created a plan for your Mansion World transition. It is the considered opinion of everyone involved–and approved by the Counsel of 24 Elders on Jerusem–that you be advanced every ten days to M7.”
    Kala’s and Saro’s eyes widened as the Evangel continued; they were too surprised to speak. “Of course we have provided for your rejection of our plan. There are other paths that might also meet with acceptance by the System administrators. And you may wish to ask that modifications be made to any course.” She paused, then said, “You should not be surprised, we aren’t. We reviewed your life records, conferred with your Guardians, sought the advice of all concerned and concluded you two are excellent subjects for a special service.”
    She paused again to allow the pair to steady their composure. After the morning’s intimate experience with their Adjusters and Guardians, a bit of themselves was still in that experience. The pictures of their destinies and their Adjusters’ previous indwellings continued to echo in their minds. In fact, given what they saw this morning, the climb to M7 now appeared relatively modest in comparison to the rest of the journey to God, it being merely the first rung on the ladder to Paradise.

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    “Saro, Kala, the transcripts of your lives reflect a pristine model of what we are all hoping to see come from the Urantia Book experiment. All eyes are on the repercussions of the new text revelation to the flagship world of Nebadon. It is already bearing good fruit. You are living evidence of its efficacy.
    “During your lives you steered a course that exemplified wise choices at almost every turn. Your early discovery of, and reliance on, your Adjuster’s wisdom impressed your Guardians. This affected every aspect of your lives, particularly your parenting. While on Urantia, and in spite of all the hazards of living on a quarantined world, in spite of multiple and simultaneous pressures you often dealt with, you very successfully raised three children. All of whom we anticipate will someday arrive here. They in turn are raising others in your parenting tradition.”
    One of Kala’s Guardians reminded them of Andon’s humorous remark to Kala and Saro at Banquet Hall, “’…the number of your seed may someday match mine and Fonta’s’. That could hardly be so, given Andon’s and Fonta’s million year head start, but you should not miss Andon’s point about the magnitude of your positive effect on Urantia’s unique history and population, and the great value derived from the positive outcome of your experience with the text revelation.”
    The Evangel continued, “The parental commissioners have approved your passage, as have we. Not only were you paragons of parenting, your ceaseless seeking advice in prayer, and your finding the divine embrace in worship indicated to us, and well before you died, the harmonious functioning of all seven adjutants. And again, this morning, you registered on the highest levels of spirit consciousness of which you are capable.
    “Your angels have observed in you a willingness to always put the welfare of others before your own. You have consistently displayed loyalty and wisdom in your choices. You have habitually sought out the divine will and done all in your power to execute it. We find almost no trace of the ‘mark of the beast’ in you; you showed moderation in all things except worship.
    “In all your dealings as adults on Urantia, neither of you showed a shade of selfishness or dishonesty. When problems larger than yourselves were forced upon you, you always went to the inner bastion for advice and the restorative, harmonizing effects of worship, ever relying on the divine. We who have been to Urantia and know of its many problems and great potentials do salute the progress of those who have embraced revelation, died, ascended, and stand here ready to serve.”
    Saro and Kala were elated to receive these words of approval from these brilliant angelic administrators. They had indeed been tireless toilers for the establishment of the kingdom of god in the hearts of women and men of Urantia. They had certainly earned what is being offered.
    The lead Evangel spoke again. “I mentioned a special service. On occasion certain groups are formed that help mobilize our plans for mortal ascension from resurrection to fusion. We see you as excellent choices to found and lead this group. We are asking if you will consider joining other highly successful individuals who, like you, showed extraordinary progress in mortal life, relying wholly on faith, angels, Indwellers, and of course, each other.
    “Our aim is to create an ever growing core of mortal survivors, ones who have consummated a union with their Adjusters and who will volunteer to return to M2 to help teach and lead an exceptionally large resurrection class that will be coming up from Urantia after the next dispensational resurrection.”
    Immediately Kala and Saro asked at the same time, “When will that be?”

    Richard E Warren

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