Recent History – In the Spirit of Cross Fertilization

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  • #17854

    Never heard about The Urantia Book until 1991, so what went on in the late 1970s-1980s in USA among the readership is unknown to me and judging from what was going on in the 1990s when I made the error of admitting I was a TUB reader online, I doubt that there is much truth to how that recent history is being re-written.  That is why the « fruits » left behind are a better barometer of truth – this was posted about Mr. Vern Grimsley on TruthBook and the hand picked facts to defend Mr. Grimsley were NOT « unknown » at the time – had they been « unknown », who would « know » them now – but that is not the point I want to make – so here’s the cut and pasted post:

    « ,,,I did not intimately know Vern Grimsley but knew him and greatly admired his leadership, work and character. It took either foolishness or great courage to advocate preparation for nuclear war in the fall of 1983. In the end it destroyed his work and reputation. One thing I do know of – is Vern Grimsley’s great intelligence, so he likely knew the potential outcomes of his actions.

    History, with the release of classified documents from both the CIA and KGB, now shows that the world barely missed a preemptive strike from the USSR at the exact dates he forewarned. This is the closest we came to all out war since the Cuban missile crisis. None of this was known at the time and only came to light after the fall of the USSR. Was his warning just a coincidence considering the climate of the time ?

    The outline of the history is that in 1981 the USSR fearing American intentions developed a policy to closely monitor the West for a possible first strike and then beat them to the punch.

    Things deteriorated during 1982-1983 with Reagan’s words on the evil empire of the USSR and leaving « Marxism-Leninism on the ash-heap of history » (a poor choice of words). Then came the September 1983 USSR shooting down a Korean Airlines plane with an American congressman on board along with provocative airspace intrusions by the USA.

    It reached it’s peak during the Able Archer 83 NATO military exercises from November 2 – November 11, 1983 which the USSR came to believe was preparatory to a first strike by the USA. On November 8th or 9th Moscow reported a US airbase alert and seeking information on an possible American first strike. They estimated they had 7 – 10 days to act first. This would mean they needed a preemptive strike by November 19th, 1983.

    It, in the end, didn’t happen and the public was in ignorant bliss, but it changed Reagan’s relations with the USSR and led to de-escalation.

    At the time there was talk of Vern Grimsley being a destiny reservist. An individual rehearsed for a possible planetary emergency. I do believe a nuclear strike would fit the bill and preserving the Urantia teachings and leadership would be of great importance to our invisible helpers to help move us forward from such an event. However, one can only speculate on such things, especially since it didn’t happen. The great prayer for all rehearsed for planetary emergencies is that they may never be called…. »

    Russia had it right about USA and pre-emptive strikes – they were not paranoid. The same hidden, dark and confused cabal, with a withered hand clutching the levers of war-making « power », IS/WAS/ALWAYS WILL BE dependent on pre-emptive strikes. What USA citizens never expected was that since the cabal could not get away with a pre-emptive strike (to feed their vampire-like need for unearned wealth ala war booty) on the countries with a lot more to steal – like USSR – they launched a pre-emptive strike against the USA, itself, and used that leverage to go invade the Middle East.

    What I am infinitely curious about, and what future generations will be asking, is how did the TUB get entangled in such nefarious shenanigans?

    A BIG snippet of 1980s history that is absurd to ignore is Pope JP II and the Solidarity movement in Poland. No one cares, in Poland, anyway, about « correcting » the « truth » because truth is relative, especially in USA…and in eternity, it does not matter who chooses to ignore what….always by the « fruits » you will know them….look at everything pre-emptive done to USA citizens since 9/11/2001…up to an including « religion »….it’s like a checklist to do the OPPOSITE of Papers 99 -103….

    And that’s what bugs me the most – without TUB, the same « unknown » cabal could never be smart enough to know how many « things » to attack at once in experientially earned cultures….

    So, yeah, Vern had it right, even though the FULL reason will probably have to wait to be corrected in the next epochal revelation.

    At least we now know that God’s going to keep on raising us with « revelations » of TRUTH. In the meantime, by their fruits you will know them is all around in the material world….

    Since we are all wandering down memory lane – THIS song was « it » back then, remember when….?


    “,,,I did not intimately know Vern Grimsley but knew him and greatly admired his leadership, work and character. It took either foolishness or great courage to advocate preparation for nuclear war in the fall of 1983. In the end it destroyed his work and reputation. One thing I do know of – is Vern Grimsley’s great intelligence, so he likely knew the potential outcomes of his actions.

    History, with the release of classified documents from both the CIA and KGB, now shows that the world barely missed a preemptive strike from the USSR at the exact dates he forewarned. This is the closest we came to all out war since the Cuban missile crisis. None of this was known at the time and only came to light after the fall of the USSR. Was his warning just a coincidence considering the climate of the time ?

    Sabinatu, you are not far from the mark and it is also interesting that the CIA and NSA has in the past been very interested in the text of the Urantia Book (primarily in its celestial association and, their UFO investigations of the past), and the organizations associated with it, in that I have also found much information within its text which relates to the forbidden subject of « channeling » and I have had personal associations with specific persons who have been retired from specific military organizations who seemed to also have detailed information as to the location of the notes taken on the Urantia Papers, which I was told were not destroyed and my research has confirmed the actual possibility of their existence based on Dr. Sadler’s professional travels.  Nevertheless, there is additional information regarding « Vern Grimsley’s » association with the Urantia Book which seems to confirm the information which you have presented.

    What I found most interesting is the studies and findings which have been related to auditory influences which might compare to the aforementioned « channeling » topic with its association with the following subjects, Psycho-Acoustics and Psycho-Physics, which I have mentioned having found much corresponding information within the Urantia Book text.  Both these subjects were related to the USA and USSR studies into psychic scientific knowledge and manipulation during the Cold War, and most probably, still going on today in both countries.


    I just want to clarify that I cut and pasted the comment about Vern that was left by another reader on another TUB-related website – and then I made the point that Vern was correct with HIS (Vern’s) amateur psychological assessment of the penchant the power-over-others « seekers » have for greed driven pre-emptive strikes against anyone and anything on the planet and how that cabal had managed to seize control of the « security » institutions and their unlimited budgets of $$$$.  Basically, the crash and burn of the « global » economy has to do with how ALL fiat currency has been funneled into the games « homeland security » is playing with GLOBAL War, Drug and Slave Lords.  Fifty million USA citizens were « collateral ECONOMIC damage » and since that worked so well because of the carefully and fastidiously constructed psychological wall built by the shamans of gizmology, praying next to you in churches, that wall which then prevented the citizens from having any MORAL or ETHICAL recourse to either protection or prevention or CONTAINMENT of the pre-emptive predators (a predator is always taking the pre-emptive strike).  While we slept, they buzz-sawed off the vine of producers and stole the fruit of humanity’s honest work – get this – since the BEGINNING of Occidental Civilization.  How else can 480 mere imperfect take-a-dump each day dudes be worth a collective total of 2.08 TRILLION dollars?!  There isn’t even one trillion suns in the Milky Way!  Where is the COSMIC double-entry bookkeeping of energy vs. output of goods production on which FIAT $$$$ is isssued to have 480 dudes have 2.08 TRILLION??!!  Reallt?!

    Whoever the sycophant « analysts » are who are feeding the PREDATORS their game plan strategies based on TUB info are WRONG.  If the myriad of intelligent beings from Paradise descending to meet the ascenders wanted to take out the aluminum hydroxide protected circuits of the CIA/NSA/ shaman’s gizmos, they could do so without any trouble whatsoever.  The analyst’s just do not seem to have the IQ necessary to understand « power », even ala TUB’s revelation of the Power Director’s role….

    So what’s really going on there? The racial, ethnic and cultural demographics of their employees tells the real story – no « diversity ».  All 100% cartoonish analysis.  :good:   How can you « trust » auditory communications from an unidentified source seizing a subject’s biologic brain waves to transmit iniquitous SOPs for the death and destruction of the « higher spiritual types » who BUILT what they want to steal and OWN as « God’s Will’?

    Personally, I want a « divorce » from the cosmically insane predators.  Mentally, have already filed the Papers  ;-)

    Probably only the Russians will have the proper history to reference in order to legally certify the final divorce papers from the predators and also have the normal sanity of mind and « religion » to enforce the experientially earned and cosmically just and merciful « restraining order »….

    One of the list of reasons given in the Declaration of Independence for the Just War of the colonies against the King was – « ….He has erected a Multitude of new Offices and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance.

    @midi – I perceive the « channelors » to be nothing other than the most iniquitous band of violent, murderous and predatory wild west outlaws ever to roam USA,  supposedly as « patriots » who can act with impunity to eat out our « Substance » because  – why? – They hear voices in their head telling them it is okay?!  They are « chosen »?   And the rest of us have to accept that security intelligence assessment as gospel truth?!


    @midi – I perceive the “channelors” to be nothing other than the most iniquitous band of violent, murderous and predatory wild west outlaws ever to roam USA, supposedly as “patriots” who can act with impunity to eat out our “Substance” because – why? – They hear voices in their head telling them it is okay?! They are “chosen”? And the rest of us have to accept that security intelligence assessment as gospel truth?!

    This may be true « Sabinatu » but there would be an issue with individuals who might think that the « gospel truth » would require a two way interpretation specifically with « waveforms » unique to their various types, where I have found interesting feedback results having experimented with « square wave » transitions from one device to another recognized as digital interference merely through sound.

    The UB indicates the following which is synonymous to audible interpretation.

    (327.3) 29:4.27 4. Energy Transmitters. These beings function chiefly, but not wholly, in an intraplanetary capacity. They are marvelous dispatchers of energy as it is manifested on the individual worlds.

    (327.4) 29:4.28 When energy is to be diverted to a new circuit, the transmitters deploy themselves in a line along the desired energy path, and by virtue of their unique attributes of energy-attraction, they can actually induce an increased energy flow in the desired direction. This they do just as literally as certain metallic circuits directionize the flow of certain forms of electric energy; and they are living superconductors for more than half of the thirty forms of physical energy.

    (327.5) 29:4.29 Transmitters form skillful liaisons which are effective in rehabilitating the weakening currents of specialized energy passing from planet to planet and from station to station on an individual planet. They can detect currents which are much too feeble to be recognized by any other type of living being, and they can so augment these energies that the accompanying message becomes perfectly intelligible. Their services are invaluable to the broadcast receivers.

    (327.6) 29:4.30 Energy transmitters can function with regard to all forms of communicable perception; they can render a distant scene “visible” as well as a distant sound “audible.” They provide the emergency lines of communication in the local systems and on the individual planets. These services must be used by practically all creatures for purposes of communication outside of the regularly established circuits.

    (327.7) 29:4.31 These beings, together with the energy transformers, are indispensable to the maintenance of mortal existence on those worlds having an impoverished atmosphere, and they are an integral part of the technique of life on the nonbreathing planets.

    Nevertheless, the issue one would have with individuals who might perceive these sounds or voices would or should be reluctant to validate these « audible » sounds as gospel when there is no transceive-ability which may be interpreted as logical.  However, on occasion these signals can be blocked through an emphasis of internal emotional pressure directed inward upon oneself.  But, for those who feel dominated from this, it would be very difficult to change their perception as being the truth.  The reference to mindal in the UB is associated with the superconscious and might be more reliable depending on the levels achieved by individuals.


    @midi – I am unable to discern what. specifically, you want to address regarding « channeling » in light of the context of Paper 29 in TUB:

    I do not believe that humans become collateral damage if certain « unknown energies » on Urantia get out of balance because a Power Director is playing PacMan. But greed, as an « emotion » seems to know no bounds in seeking « profit » through the erection of a communications grid meant solely as a fee collector for the people who put up that grid/network.

    There has to be a health limit to EMF pollution of the airwaves just as there is for every other pollution of natural resources used by the « commons », so to speak.  New pollution creating cumulative biochemical dangers in HEALTHY humans is once again in our waters in the form of human excreted (urinated out) intact molecules like Prozac and other biotech wonders.

    We are not doing well controlling the energies we have already « discovered », so I am not ready to blame Power Directors for people hearing voices in their heads  :-(


    @midi – I am unable to discern what. specifically, you want to address regarding “channeling” in light of the context of Paper 29 in TUB:

    It would seem that the « clean-talk » filter on this forum has determined that my post which I had intended to present a few minutes ago which was deleted before It could be posted is a form of censorship.  Where there were no words used which could be indicated as not being « clean-talk » but even the subject matter, which was extensive and factual seems to be an over sight or over-control from big-brother.

    Therefore my post which was intended as a response to your previous post was intercepted and removed before the fact.

    Definitely not a free country or forum here.

    Evidently I presented to much Spirit of Truth in my post????


    @midi – Yea, same thing happened to me on this thread, but it is happening everywhere all of a sudden again, it seems….which is really insane considering the abject depravity (porn, violence, vicious gossip) that far outweighs any « truth » or normal conversation that does NOT get censored!

    So I am with you in being DEEPLY offended by what TUB forums censor and who they jump all over for not being jesus-like. Bullies playing the jesus card on you – disgusting hypocrisy….

    The internet has turned the corner – it is a ghetto ruled by thugs, bullies and hooligans (« …it is my PRIVATE domain so I can kick you out » is the schtick they sell).  Welcome to USA 2015.

    There is nothing about the verboten topic in Paper 29, which is why I do not understand where you were going with it.  UPapers were delivered complete – which is my point, the power of the Descenders is not understood by anyone trolling from the spook communities in the name of national security.

    And, ok, so maybe I am smart enough ;-)  to help Cal et Dal get around the cosmic communications quarantine Urantia is under, but I am so deeply offended, myself, at what intellectually feels like a violent spitball of raw sewage thrown by degenerate savages being broadcast 24/7 on all these e-gizmos that I am all for the current quarantine of Urantia broadcasts being kept in place.  No one sane needs to have to deal with a Urantia Today daily « news » of Nihilism, Hedonism and Anarchy to get some theoretical adequate dose of spiritual growth promoting « affliction » or « contrast ».  Too ugly.  And a waste of time since time will not remember anything that foul beyond when it briefly enjoyed material expression in the internet ghetto.

    Love, truth, beauty, goodness – lost in translation on any Urantia « channel » – even when it isn’t censored because of it’s truth content.


    156:5.12 (1739.7) Kingdom believers should possess an implicit faith, a whole-souled belief, in the certain triumph of righteousness. Kingdom builders must be undoubting of the truth of the gospel of eternal salvation. Believers must increasingly learn how to step aside from the rush of life — escape the harassments of material existence — while they refresh the soul, inspire the mind, and renew the spirit by worshipful communion.

    156:5.13 (1739.8) God-knowing individuals are not discouraged by misfortune or downcast by disappointment. Believers are immune to the depression consequent upon purely material upheavals; spirit livers are not perturbed by the episodes of the material world. Candidates for eternal life are practitioners of an invigorating and constructive technique for meeting all of the vicissitudes and harassments of mortal living. Every day a true believer lives, he finds it easier to do the right thing.

    Seems to be lots of time and energy focused here on the evolutionary errors within planetary progress and those suffered by the Urantia movement….and those to blame for their humanity and lack of perfection…..and the apparent, and self selected, suffering it seems to be causing some among us.  It is only by experience that wisdom is acquired and its not what happens or happened but the response to those that truly matters we are taught.  And if that response is not grounded in love, patience, kindness, and wisdom then such a response has no value or enduring meaning related to the future…or the present.  But if suspicion, complaining, whining, blaming, and castings stones is what is embraced and promoted, one may expect to be disappointed in its reception and its effect and in the lack of any progress or contribution hoped for.

    Do we contribute by such machinations, jaw boning, and teeth gnashing?   I wonder what might be going on NOW in the movement that reflects prior experience in new and better ways?  I wonder what we might do as students and believers which actually contribute to the upliftment of one another and the task of dissemination of this gift?  I wonder at all the progress made despite the errors of our earlier efforts?   I am reminded that all efforts made with sincerity provide evolutionary seed for those fruits to come which unerringly follow such faith based contributions.  Man plans….the gods laugh…..but manage to make divine lemonade from such lemons.

    I’m pretty sure neither fear nor anger offer anything worthwhile.  But do carry on…………………………talk about « raw sewage »…….just sayin’.




    test  – to see if this gets rejected by the system.  w

    Midi – you did get your post through.  Just to let you know, I couldn’t post for several gays due to CleanTalk.  But apparently the system is working today.  Don’t take the glitch personally.  Stay calm.  Cheers!


    Mara – I’ve had some difficulties too having posts disappear instead of loading.  Now I « copy » every post for repasting as needed.  My last post went up normally.  Seems our friends here believe a conspiracy is going on….a conspiracy of « censorship ».  I know this is not true but it’s interesting how some interpret things nonetheless.  Sorry for the technical difficulties….I am confident in its resolution.  Thanks for all you do and the entire team.


    Bradly wrote:  I wonder what we might do as students and believers which actually contribute to the upliftment of one another and the task of dissemination of this gift?  I wonder at all the progress made despite the errors of our earlier efforts?
    I’m on your page Bradly.  Thanks.  The past is past.
    102:7:6  The God-knowing individual is not one who is blind to the difficulties or unmindful of the obstacles which stand in the way of finding God in the maze of superstition, tradition, and materialistic tendencies of modern times. He has encountered all these deterrents and triumphed over them, surmounted them by living faith, and attained the highlands of spiritual experience in spite of them. But it is true , , , ,

    test – to see if this gets rejected by the system. w

    Midi – you did get your post through. Just to let you know, I couldn’t post for several gays due to CleanTalk. But apparently the system is working today. Don’t take the glitch personally. Stay calm. Cheers!

    Mara, how is it that you would say that my post went through.  I could reproduce my post but I have lost interest for now and personally it really doesn’t make a difference to me one way or another.  However these are technical issues which should have some resolution and one should not need to go to special efforts to make a post.

    [. . .] Seems our friends here believe a conspiracy is going on….a conspiracy of “censorship”. I know this is not true but it’s interesting how some interpret things nonetheless. Sorry for the technical difficulties….I am confident in its resolution. [. . .]

    Bradly, why would you say « Sorry for the technical difficulties… » as if you know everything which is going on here?  Also, had you known what was in my post and how the « Clean Talk » functions, it can be activated based on specific word content, however it does not take context into consideration. Therefore it would seem that your attitude, toward me is apparent in your previous post where what you posted had nothing to do with the subject at hand.  Also, you use the term above « our friends here » lucratively to make a point where by now you should know that I do not consider you my friend, because it would seem that you do not have the capacity to know me as a friend, but have shown hostility towards me in the past, more often than I care to mention.  There is no conspiracy here other that the way « Clean Talk » has been setup to function, which also should have a detail page as to the way it is setup to function, and word types which it is looking for in order for participant to be able to avoid.

    Nevertheless, as to my specific issue with my post, it may have been rejected do to a technical error on my part having inserted html code « text » to the « visual » mode, rather than switching modes first.  This however is a technical issue with the use of this forum/blog format.

    Also, there is a larger technical issue which occurred about two weeks ago, which needs to be addressed, where I have observed that I can bring down the database by performing a specific function, which I will not present here because it would disable this forum.  If those who support this site wish to know what I know that should contact me personally, where I will tell them what happened and how to fix the issue.  If support has figured it out and made the corrections then my last statement is mutt, otherwise it would not be difficult to disable this forum from time to time just to make a point.


    MidiChlorian wrote:  Mara, how is it that you would say that my post went through.
    I was referring to this reply (#17865) in which you refer to CleanTalk and many of my replies have been rejected by CleanTalk recently.  My purpose in telling you this concerns everyone who wanted to post during a certain period of  time.  And evidence of the overall glitch, if you follow this forum regularly, is that no one was able to post for several days.  I tried and tried to post « test » for days and got rejected.  If the word « test » does not go through, I assume it is system wide on this forum.
    Suspicion is a mental poison and retards the efforts of the Thought Adjuster and spiritual progress.
    110:1:5 . . .  the mental poisons of fear, anger, envy, jealousy, suspicion, and intolerance likewise tremendously interfere with the spiritual progress of the evolving soul.
    140:5:16  […] Being sensitive and responsive to human need creates genuine and lasting happiness, while such kindly attitudes safeguard the soul from the destructive influences of anger, hate, and suspicion.
    Suspicion is a lingering human trait that needs to be hobbled, since it impedes spiritual progress.  Some of the apostles had this problem. ( 193:4:3 )  I admit having a bit of it myself.  At times I need to check myself.  :-)

    Midi asks above: « Bradly, why would you say “Sorry for the technical difficulties…” as if you know everything which is going on here? »


    Indeed, it would have made more sense to say that I regret that this forum has been experiencing technical difficulties.  Obviously, if I knew « everything which is going on here », I would not offer such a lament since I would already know all about it….which I did not.  Poor grammar perhaps.

    The « subject at hand », begun by Sabinatu and commented on by you seems clear enough and my comments were directly related to those prior posts regarding the earlier days in the UB movement and the claims and inferences about secret government interventions and manipulations and the internal politics of UB organizations…..clear claims of conspiracy posted here in plain English.  It is possible I misunderstood Sab’s continuing claims of blame and your contributions related to mind control and the possible source of « voices » heard by those who claim a power to speak for the gods….and those claims by both of you related to censorship here.

    I had hoped to offer a contrasting perspective that, despite any and all error in the past or its sources, great progress has nonetheless been achieved when the current state of the movement is compared to its humble beginnings sixty years ago yesterday (10/12/1955).   And that, sincere efforts to serve others always brings forth fruit in the garden of progress.

    I appreciate your interest in and assistance with any support that serves the technical integrity of this website, especially since it is the result of so much effort and cost born by so many over the years to provide opportunity for the readership to interact and learn one from another.  I have shared your (and others’) frustrations regarding the « visual/text » modes for posting here…..takes some time to remember the steps and even then I’ve had attempted posts fail to my temporary horror!

    Besides (and after) the « conspiracy » discussed related to spies and brainwashing presented, then you and Sab entered into a discussion about this site’s management/moderators related to censorship:

    Midi says above:  « …seems to be an over sight or over-control from big-brother.  Therefore my post which was intended as a response to your previous post was intercepted and removed before the fact.  Definitely not a free country or forum here.  Evidently I presented to much Spirit of Truth in my post???? »

    And Sab responds: « So I am with you in being DEEPLY offended by what TUB forums censor and who they jump all over for not being jesus-like. Bullies playing the jesus card on you – disgusting hypocrisy….The internet has turned the corner – it is a ghetto ruled by thugs, bullies and hooligans (“…it is my PRIVATE domain so I can kick you out” is the schtick they sell).

    …Love, truth, beauty, goodness – lost in translation on any Urantia “channel” – even when it isn’t censored because of it’s truth content. »


    It would appear that my post was indeed responsive and topical based on the prior content posted by you and Sab.  It seems inappropriate for those posting at such a site to then attack those who provide and pay for such a site – a most unseemly behavior for a guest.  One always has the right to move on and find a more hospitable place to discuss conspiracies and spread malice rather than blame their host for their own self created discomfort.   It is obvious I have offended you in my disagreements with you and that result is illustrative of my own immaturity and lack of graciousness no doubt.  I too have felt mistreated by others and I know how difficult it can be to get over it and move forward, hoping for better outcomes in future attempts to discuss issues and to learn how to disagree without being so disagreeable about it.  My comments above were intended to be issue specific and not personal….so much for intentions.  I look forward to further discourse in time to come.  Best wishes.



    I was referring to this reply (#17865) in which you refer to CleanTalk and many of my replies have been rejected by CleanTalk recently. My purpose in telling you this concerns everyone who wanted to post during a certain period of time. And evidence of the overall glitch, if you follow this forum regularly, is that no one was able to post for several days. I tried and tried to post “test” for days and got rejected. If the word “test” does not go through, I assume it is system wide on this forum.

    Okay, this is not how I understood your initial post and, as to your reference as to the forum being down for a few days, is the supplement from my previous post.  I am a retired IT professional and one of my many talents is to ascertain issues with applications and data bases like the one running for this forum.  As I mentioned earlier, the reason that the Forum was down for those few days was the result of something which I did on this forum, which I was not aware of until it occurred.  After I performed this normal function, the system went down.  Thereby having realized that this system, the way it is configured and setup, had a vulnerability, which I also found on another UB forum which suffered the same problem after I performed the same function which was allowable based on their configuration and setup.  As a result that forum had difficulty for several months with members not being able to login with certain devices.  That forum had repaired the issue and corrected the problem whereby the glitch was found and corrected.

    Now, as far as « Clean Talk » is concerned, it may be having an issue based on the way it is configured and how the limiting code settings have been encoded.  There are specific rules which must be followed in its use and setup.  From its original inception, this forum, has had difficulties, whereby I researched the software and found that because of its reduced cost, it also has reduced capabilities, and the administration supporting the forum may not have the experience to understand what is occurring and how to explain the issues to the software creators when asking for support with specific issues.

    I will not present what I did, which was not intentionally, to bring down the system, because I would not wish to broadcast this issue, so that someone else could create problems for this forum and others forums who are not aware of this issue.

    Since this forum does not have a PM function, it is difficult to present my findings in the support section because I would need to present specifics which would defeat the purpose of support.  On the last version of this forum there were issues which I found and actually contacted the system support person and talked to him on the phone and we were able to resolves some issues, but he didn’t take my advice on one issue which presented problems exactly when I told him that the problem would show its ugly head.

    So, I do appreciate your concern, but please tell me something that I don’t know, where I got paid a lot of money for my experience and was noted as only a handful of IT pro’s who had this ability in the US.

    Thanks for reading, and as I said earlier, if you want to fix the issues I will be happy to assist wherever possible.

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