Prayers and Praise

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  • #24315

    Hello to all my Forum friends and fellow UB students,

    It has been a while since my last post in which I disclosed that I was receiving treatment for rectal cancer. Your responses to that post were very comforting and reassuring. I just wanted to bring you up to date with my treatment and to thank you for your ongoing prayers on my behalf.

    I had a major operation (6 hours) on the 6th of January which was successful, inasmuch as the surgeon, whom I have great respect for, was able to remove all the cancerous tissue. However, there was a cost involved! During the operation, the surgeon noticed that the tumour had spread lower in the rectum, which meant that he had to remove it completely as well as the anal sphincter. As a result, I now have a permanent colostomy bag but had he not noticed the branching, the tumour would have regrown within a month! So I am extremely grateful for his skill and competence. He was able to give me the good news that there was a clear margin between the tumour and the surrounding organs, although one of my lymph nodes contained some cancer cells. Consequently, I am now undergoing an 18 week course of chemotherapy (I’ve only completed six weeks) which is not pleasant but I’m handling it okay.

    I count myself as very blessed in so many ways. These experiences really change you, as I’m sure many of you can testify to. God has been truly gracious, merciful, and tender. The experience has taught me the inestimable value of relationships….with family, friends, and most of all with the spirit beings that indwell me. I have always tended to « sweat the small stuff » and I guess that is probably still the case but this experience has certainly helped me to see all those minor irritations in a different light. They really don’t rate a mention when compared with the blessings that are available right now if I am receptive to them….and of course to the indescribable glories that lie ahead of us once we depart from this our native planet. May the Gods be praised!

    So once again, thank you for your petitions on my behalf. I know it’s not about persuading the Father to do anything that he is not already doing but they are a powerful benefit to both you the petitioners and of course me, the recipient of your loving entreaties.

    I hope this update brings joy to your hearts!


    Julian  :-)


    When I suggested this topic on another post, this was what I had in mind. The study of prayer that preceeded this post was a good one, but not according to my idea. (That’s not to say that I haven’t enjoied the topic so far!) My idea was a place where we could post prayer requests if we needed prayer and praise reports when the prayer was answered. Praise God that Julian had his prayer, and by extention our prayers on his behalf, answered!


    I hope this update brings joy to your hearts!

    It does!

    Susan Owen
    Susan Owen
    Maître des clés

    Dear Julian,

    So good to get this update and for the encouragement on not sweating the small stuff.  Good to be reminded.

    Will continue to hold you in prayer.



    Dear brother,

    As the circle of eternity scattered glimse effuse moments in the kingdom of our Father The Supreme.

    So do God Almithy effusing Himself to walk with each men an everlasting Divine crescendo.

    Warms brotherly regards Julian,



    Dear Andre,

    Thank you for your encouraging message. It is always timely to be reminded of our Father’s loyal love. I can report that since my treatment finished in June, I have been feeling wonderful! Each day is a marvellous blessing and I particularly value the love and caring support of my brothers and sisters.

    I hope that you are well!



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