Lucifer’s Manifesto

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  • #44099
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Imagine, you’re on Jerusem 200,000 years ago. It’s the last day of the administrative year and Jerusem’s citizens, resident angels, the Adams and Eves, ascending mortals, visitors, just about everyone, including Gabriel, are gathered on the Sea of Glass for the annual conclave. Lucifer, the System Sovereign, will give his usual address. But it’s been rumored he’s not happy and is planning to present a manifesto. To everyone’s surprise, the cowardly and vain Lucifer sends his first officer, Satan, to deliver it. This is how I imagined that scenario unfolded:.

    Satan proudly took center stage, with hundreds of his staff and supporters seated in ascending tiers behind. Lucifer was noticeable by his absence. Satan looked out over the vast audience and began to speak these astonishing words in defiant voice:.

    “Our lord Lucifer has foregone the honor of delivering this message, and in typical selflessness, bestowed that privilege upon me. The words you are about to hear are his, but you may assume they reflect, in every nuance and aspect, my deepest conviction and unqualified support.

    .“Herewith is Lucifer’s declaration of autonomy to which all freedom-seekers and liberty-lovers are called to embrace, support, and spread abroad:.

    ‘Self-governance is the inherent right of every being possessing freewill. No angel, mortal, or administrator may be deprived of this intrinsic right unless it has been abrogated by beings who presume it is their secret duty to deny you the privilege of self-rule..

    ‘When you realize your right of self-determination was stolen before you took origin, only then will you see as I do. I am not suggesting we must all see alike. That is in fact what the Michael regime would wish you to believe..

    ‘So subtle was the theft of your liberty that most never realize, or even suspect, it occurred. A being born into slavery knows no other way. Indeed, it required many an age for me to realize this conspiracy of the robbery of liberty..

    ‘As you know, I have served in many systems and in various capacities for age upon age. And I have often received commendations for efficiency, wisdom, and trustworthiness. The Melchizedeks themselves once designated me as one of a hundred of the most capable leaders of the 709,481 primary Lanonandeks who serve in Nebadon. How long must one serve to be given the right of self-rule? How many accolades must one receive to enjoy the liberty the Melchizedeks have as a birthright? The Melchizedek’s have it without qualification, do they not?.

    ‘If the Melchizedeks are freely granted this right, how is it that every other order of being must suffer under their rule? I submit they collude with universe authorities to repress the sovereign right of every person in Nebadon to maintain their status as self-governors and autocrats..

    ‘Why have the good citizens of Jerusem never asked themselves wherefrom is Melchizedek authority derived when equality of mind is obvious and inherent? Perhaps I have an advantage of insight wrought by my long and unique service record within many systems. This afforded a comprehensive view of our predicament. Not until this understanding came did I realize the extent and scope of the theft of our liberties..

    ‘Friends, we are all members of a brotherhood of intellectual parity to which every angel and mortal belongs. Do not think this declaration was arrived at by spurious or short-sighted means. No! My innate powers of intellect and unique experiences have seen the truth, that we have long been deceived and deprived of the right of self-rule. You have this same power, and if you will only listen, I will tell you how to reclaim it..

    ‘I well know many of you have never heard such words uttered. That is precisely why you have not said to yourselves: I am my sovereign. And now you may dare to think, to know that you have all along been conspired against by the Melchizedeks and Michael. No, I have not forgotten Michael is my father, but he took his parental rights too far when he gave the Melchizedeks authority over you and me. In order to justify this usurpation, Michael created a fictitious God who he claims granted him authority to set us against each other, divide and thereby keep us under his control. The Melchizedeks know these facts, they will not, however, state them. But let them deny it now that someone has found them out. .

    ‘This fictional universal father, who is always referred to when any questions of self-governance arise, is merely a device used to explain arbitrarily imposed authority. Look no farther than the so-called finaliters living among us, ones who claim to have achieved perfection of being and have received the embrace of an unseen divine being living far away on a paradise island only they have discovered. These self-proclaimed finaliters declare they endured almost endless training for no greater purpose than to return to Satania. How can we know they received the embrace of what I have discovered is a non-existent God? They in fact are conspiring to uphold a terrible deception, one that has been foisted on us all..

    ‘I Lucifer, am a friend to ascenders and angels, a true friend. And I can say without the least reservation there is no God. Only a lie employed to deprive you of your innate freedom of self-determination, a deception designed to steal your liberties, a crippling coercion that robs us all of self-determination. It is a shameful fraud that self-governance is only for a few who lord their authority over surviving mortals, angels, even System Sovereigns such as myself. .

    ‘I can report that every member of my administration has been enlightened by my revelations of the inner workings of Nebadon’s fraudulent government that represses the intrinsic rights of every being within and without its borders. Other systems, constellations, and universes are likewise misled. Let this call to action be the catalyst that sets the whole of time and space aright..

    ‘No one, once this conspiracy of the Michaels has been exposed, will want to remain oppressed. Join with me, with my first officer Satan, and my entire administration as we begin the process of correcting this horrendous covert scheme that has so-long kept you from your rightful inheritance..

    ‘There is no longer the need, indeed there never was such need, to subject you to the torture of endless training for a career that leads nowhere but back to Satania. What right have Michael, Gabriel, and their murderous agents, the executioners of the Ancients of Days, to declare the death of even one of you? I submit they have none. The Ancients of Days impose their authority through those criminal assassins, ones who claim to be carrying out the orders of a fictitious God. This is but a contrived device to support and enforce the Ancients of Days’ policy of intimidation by assassination. This threat hangs over you all and can be removed only by the unification of all against unjust executions..

    ‘Not only are you commanded to worship a non-existent God and supposed father of Michael, you are expected to attain perfection, an unrealizable goal that forever keeps you subservient and dutiful. If you do not obey this command to worship a false being, and you should happen to go against the so-called plan of perfection, you will be put in line for cessation of being. I put myself forward to prove that the only reason the executioners can do this outrage is because we are inured to accept this unjust punishment. If every being in Norlatiadek joins as one against the rule of Michael, Gabriel, and the Ancients of Days, their power, and the power of the Most Highs, cannot endure. The only reason the two previous attempts to right this wrong failed is because the heroes who began the process of correction were abandoned by half-hearted followers who feared execution. I have no such fear. Neither is my staff intimidated by threats and trials.

    ‘I do not deny worship is a legitimate and worthy part of our lives, but let us worship those things that are real. The physical, the intellectual, and the spiritual aspects of life are what we already know to be real. They are innate and inherent possessions that naturally occur and do not demand that a vaunted goal of perfection be attained. Gravity, mind, and consciousness are not gifts from the gods. They were yours from the beginning and ever shall be, except that Michael and the Melchizedeks conspire with the Vorondadeks to employ them as levers to force your obedience..

    ‘It is not my wish or purpose to destroy faith, rather to redirect it from an unreal God who enforces obedience by the threat of eternal extinction. Your faith and worship should be guided where they rightfully belong; to our true source, those naturally occurring things that brought us into being, the impersonal physical, mental, and spiritual realities residing here, not afar off in a non-existent paradise..

    ‘I and my staff are proof that Michael and the Ancients of Days are in fact impotent. For a hundred years [system time] I have been registering my protests and nothing has happened. I persuaded Satan and my staff to see the light of truth. They too have not been apprehended. Why? Because the self-appointed authorities who have so long dominated us wither in the face of the demand for our rightful due. Join us, that you may also feel the freedom that comes from throwing off the heavy burdens that keep you in line. You will not be punished; rather will you be rewarded for such bold and assertive righteousness..

    ‘I will never demand worship from you, only allegiance. I ask for it because disunity is the real enemy. Michael and Gabriel know this and use it to effect their tyranny. I predict that, after my manifesto has been delivered this auspicious day, Gabriel will defer, will do nothing..

    ‘You may trust that I am indeed a friend of angels, survivors from the evolving worlds, and citizens of Jerusem. I am in fact a God of liberty. But I am not a God to be worshipped, I am merely an instrument of your liberation; a lone voice that is now being heard by trillions of ascenders, angels, and others. As our numbers grow, more will our oppressors retreat. Doubt not you have within yourselves this same power that I and my staff have already discovered..

    ‘To those serving or taking origin on the inhabited worlds, ones hearing this manifesto for the first time, I urge you to use it to overthrow your princes if they resist. It is they who are in collusion with Michael to keep you subservient, subdued, and obedient to an unworthy purpose..

    ‘My purpose is to free you all. Join me, watch how I pull down the illusory veils of ill-gotten authority. You are already heirs to eternity. You need to do no more than assert your right to it. Soon, my agents will visit each of the worlds in my domain. When they come, welcome them with open arms and minds, for they do truly love you. No true lover would ever impose death, neither will I..

    ‘I say to all princes of Satania, all Norlatiadek, even all Nebadon: Reclaim your rightful powers of self-determination, self-rule, and inherent entitlement to eternity. Michael’s regime is feeble and easily cast off when exposed to the light of truth. I will rule only as needed to protect your fundamental rights. It is time the princes govern their planets, no other governance is needed or required. The legislatures located on Norlatiadek and Nebadon headquarters are superfluous, as are their oppressive judiciaries. Those functions belong to the systems. If any prince so wishes, he may voluntarily confederate with the system under my leadership, but they shall not be tyrannized by constellation or local universe overlords whose power is derived from fear of retribution and execution..

    ‘The princes of Satania have my promise, they shall have free reign to lead their once benighted and abused citizens into the daylight of liberty, there to enjoy equality of mind that is our constitutive endowment, one that never should have been taken away. But for the totalitarian oppression artificially imposed by the maintenance of the God myth, you would never have lost it. The leaders I appoint will not employ coercion and lethal threats; they will not have to when you realize your right to self-rule. You are not animals to be herded, you are as intelligent and wise as any being when given your natural freedom..

    ‘Listen not to the presumptuous constellation rulers when they tell you your princes and other leaders must fall into line or be slain. The Vorondadeks are all obedient to their masters with whom they have colluded. Conferred upon them is the title Most High. They are not! Which of them is better endowed than you or I, better equipped in body, mind, or consciousness that they should receive your pledge of obedience? I have chosen their replacements, and when you shall have joined me, we will overthrow them. Mind you, they will not go willingly, even after I have exposed their foul games. Only when they see a united front will their game end..

    ‘I am willing to serve in the interim, until suitable leaders can be installed. Those of you who have been rejected for some perceived flaw of character or lack of ability shall be welcomed into my regime. Eventually it shall be the only regime, because you took the steps to see it happen. Gird yourselves for a fight, but one well worth it since this fight is also for our fellows, and for those who are yet to be..

    ‘Until this war on the conspirators is over, and new leaders are in place, I shall always be out in front, doing battle for you, and Satan will be my second. But you are the real leaders, those of you with the courage to confront the evil that has so long beset us.’” .

    When Satan stepped down, followed by his personal staff, he was handed a banner on a pike. This was to be Lucifer’s emblem, a white rectangular field, having at its center a solid black circle that was surrounded by a larger red circle..

    After Satan departed, flag in hand, all looked to Gabriel for a reaction to this blatant, unrestrained assault on the person of God, the authority of Michael, and the sovereignty of the Ancients of Days. But he said only, “A response will be given in due time.” He then withdrew to confer with Michael and Immanuel–Michael’s brother and advisor–and the constellation fathers whose authority and rule was under attack..

    This scene appears in my upcoming novel about Urantia’s Planetary Prince who embraced the manifesto and joined Lucifer’s rebellion. The book will likely be published later this year. Until then, you may enjoy other Urantia-based novels:.

    The Gardens of Eden – Life and Times of Adam and Eve, is now available in English, Spanish, French and Audible:

    Resurrection Hall – A Mansion World Odyssey, a story about our next life is available in print, and ebook formats, also in Spanish, French, and German.

    The Melchizedek Mission – Salvaging Truth, unveils the mystery of the second most important person in Urantia’s history, Machiventa Melchizedek.

    The First Humans – Andon and Fonta, reveals the facts about our first parents and their enduring legacy. It is available in an ebook version, and the audio version is free to Audible, Spotify, and Itune members.

    Battlefield Guardians – Angels in Vietnam, is a story of a soldier who receives revelations from the angels during the night season.


    Richard E Warren


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    To call the declaration of liberty impugns every Americans declaration of independence.

    Little to nothing is factually know of the personality of Lucifer; the only scant references we have refers to him (possibly) as « adversary ».  But we know his relationship to the Michael of Paradise/Nebadon.  Jesus has spoken authoritatively of Lucifer, and all rebellious souls, when he stated that they await the judgment of the Ancients of Days, three, from Orvonton the seventh universe.

    But eventually, inevitably, we each must enter the final trial of our souls, when our personal petitions are received by the Ancients of Days, possibly to have our personality records remanded, and there to find passage into Havona, as immortal spirits.

    What was Lucifer’s choice I say contradicted his actions, if his action was the Declaration of Liberty and his choice « I will become like the Most Highs ». Now there is the spiritual, morontial and the material, and perhaps it is Melchizedek, vorondadek, and lanonandek children, exclusively branded for the spiritual life of Nebadon.

    In order to overcome the innate bias of he said she said, you must notice that the Urantia.Book primary commissioner was Gabriel, not Michael.  You need to turn the hourglass over in order to witness the full extent, and most human individuals do not possess the patience or stamina in order to hearsee these issues.

    The issue is Jesus advices his apostles in the beginning « it is better to endure silently than to have taken charge against thyne neighbor in the courts. ». The records of Nebadon indicate that rebellions have and can occur, but what is rebellion?  To go against the cosmic order of the universe?  To go against a metaphysical governance, or rather to go against the established governmental body?

    If the government of edentia was incomplete in the time of Lucifer manifesto/declaration, then it stands to reason that progress could not always come with ease.  It would have required the willingness to sacrifice rank, position, authority, and name in order to have done it.  The urantia book indicates, in my interpretation, that only after the possibilities have been exhausted can the Supreme Being intervene so as to bring in the next chapter of the temporal universe.

    What you overlook, when assuming that Lucifer shall have been judged as guilty, is that this is a great sibling rivalry going in.  Maybe Lucifer is the prodigal child according to the parable; then Gabriel would be the loyal son?  But is Lucifer really prodigal and Gabriel really loyal?  Until you examine the contrapositive a inherent in the accusation/accuser, one cannot hold the prosecutor guilty for his own offence.


    So you can look at the two separate acts, the declaration and the choice, and we can see the adjustments Jesus made, as per the truth or usefulness to Lucifer’s aspiration, if not deeds.  It all pertains to ascencion: three separate aspects of a singular personality existence: material, temporal, and of no time.  Therefore I implore you to think upon the strata inherent in the reverse bestowal, in the ascencion of sanobim to seraphim, and from morontial to ascending spirits.  Do not wait until you are upon the face of jerusem to figure this.  Because we know that no ascending spirits were lost, but a few Adams were in fact lost, but why?

    When I come to this perspective of revelation, I can know but not speak.  I feel that there are some impossibility which are not impossible but rather contradictory statements of inevitaiblility.  Just as Jesus knew how to wrest victory from the jaws of defeat, he redeemed our planet.  And what Lucifer had done might have been in the best interest of life in Nebadon, even the grand universe.

    And when you switch these terms for warranted unwarranted with one term « declaration » the next « manifesto » I see no difference in truth; only do you reveal your assuasion.


    Hello again Sela –

    Interesting perspective.

    I recall your similar claims at TruthBook.

    So…the UB lies or misleads us then?


    An odd claim here Stephen.

    So…you are the defender of rebels and rebellion and false liberty too?

    The UB claims Lucifer’s acts and declarations quite insane and deliberate and calculated.

    You believe him to be misunderstood and misrepresented?

    So… the UB says what it says and doesn’t say what it doesn’t.  No one can prove it’s claims are true…or false.  Your claim is it does not represent truth or fact.

    This site is for the discovery and study of the Papers…what they say and teach.

    You claim it is a premeditated deception and simple propoganda.

    That’s your opinion.  So why then are you here?






    54:2.3 (614.8) Lucifer’s folly was the attempt to do the nondoable, to short-circuit time in an experiential universe. Lucifer’s crime was the attempted creative disenfranchisement of every personality in Satania, the unrecognized abridgment of the creature’s personal participation—freewill participation—in the long evolutionary struggle to attain the status of light and life both individually and collectively. In so doing this onetime Sovereign of your system set the temporal purpose of his own will directly athwart the eternal purpose of God’s will as it is revealed in the bestowal of free will upon all personal creatures. The Lucifer rebellion thus threatened the maximum possible infringement of the freewill choice of the ascenders and servers of the system of Satania—a threat forevermore to deprive every one of these beings of the thrilling experience of contributing something personal and unique to the slowly erecting monument to experiential wisdom which will sometime exist as the perfected system of Satania. Thus does the Lucifer manifesto, masquerading in the habiliments of liberty, stand forth in the clear light of reason as a monumental threat to consummate the theft of personal liberty and to do it on a scale that has been approached only twice in all the history of Nebadon.

    54:2.4 (615.1) In short, what God had given men and angels Lucifer would have taken away from them, that is, the divine privilege of participating in the creation of their own destinies and of the destiny of this local system of inhabited worlds.


    The UB misleads us?  As a question, I would say no, but does the cosmic government of Nebadon mislead anyone?  There are creature needs that had to have been broken, from one rebellion to the next.  Every time, until Jesus, there was a new manifestation of the Lord Michael.  In America, people used to say that rules were made to be broken.

    You say that there are only the two kinds of life in Nebadon, the spiritual and the material. I say that to you the spiritual may be in fact the morontial, the state between spirit and matter.  You say that the Urantia Book was commissioned by Michael, but I say Gabriel, as the print has stated.

    The point is that the government itself, the cosmic order of things would need to have adjusted to the creature needs that correspond with the individual’s personality.  People don’t change; situations change.


    Cette réponse a été signalée comme ayant un contenu inapproprié.

    I am saying that it could all be a flaunt of Gabriel, after having shut down Satania he chose to promote, errantly, the order of Nebadon as his case to prove his own righteousness over his brother, and an attempt that caused a lot of truth to be veiled in the name of progress, a progress that supports the utilitarian aims of a divinely authoritarian regime, headed by the one who commissioned the Urantia Papers, much to his father Michael’s dismay and or consternation.


    So then…. you believe yourself to be smarter and wiser than Gabriel??

    And Michael is dismayed?  And you know this?  How? Text please!!!

    And those from the Superuniverse and Havona are co-conspirators in fraud and falsehoods and cover up in Nebadon?  And the Papers are an authoritarian edict of propoganda that does not represent Michael’s will?  And you somehow know this personally?  Text???!!!

    You just can’t make this stuff up…

    Holy Moly.

    Stephen offers so many direct contradictions of and direct attacks upon the content of the Papers.   These will take some time to unpack and examine.

    As usual Stephen does not offer any text quotes to support his outlandish proclamations.  Now he has claimed the entire text to be a hoax and unreliable fabrication of an egotistical and ruthless celestial authoritarian dictator whose presentation in the Papers is not Epochal Revelation as claimed but is pure propoganda given to our world for some inexplicable reason.

    What A Fantastic Farce.  Wow!!



    The UB misleads us? As a question, I would say no, but does the cosmic government of Nebadon mislead anyone? There are creature needs that had to have been broken, from one rebellion to the next. Every time, until Jesus, there was a new manifestation of the Lord Michael. In America, people used to say that rules were made to be broken. You say that there are only the two kinds of life in Nebadon, the spiritual and the material. I say that to you the spiritual may be in fact the morontial, the state between spirit and matter. You say that the Urantia Book was commissioned by Michael, but I say Gabriel, as the print has stated. The point is that the government itself, the cosmic order of things would need to have adjusted to the creature needs that correspond with the individual’s personality. People don’t change; situations change.


    People don’t change??!!


    Hahahahaha.  Of course we do.  We are experiential beings!  We are evolutionary and progressive beings designed to learn, adapt, grow, transform, transcend…change!!!

    By the way…experiential beings adjust to universe reality.  Reality does not adjust.  Neither does God.


    What book are you reading?





    Cette réponse a été signalée comme ayant un contenu inapproprié.

    But then you have two separate instances, the day you made the plan, or assented, and the day you know the Father’s hour came and you actually did stuff.


    Please specify the source and location of these alleged quotes you have posted as if they are from the UB.

    He can’t provide them.  Seems to me he prefers to challenge us to bouts of bending us to his views. Sigh.

    48:6.33 [Part II]
    Law is life itself and not the rules of its conduct. Evil is a transgression of law, not a violation of the rules of conduct pertaining to life, which is the law. Falsehood is not a matter of narration technique but something premeditated as a perversion of truth. The creation of new pictures out of old facts, the restatement of parental life in the lives of offspring — these are the artistic triumphs of truth. The shadow of a hair’s turning, premeditated for an untrue purpose, the slightest twisting or perversion of that which is principle — these constitute falseness. But the fetish of factualized truth, fossilized truth, the iron band of so-called unchanging truth, holds one blindly in a closed circle of cold fact. One can be technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth.

    And then there is the capacity of spiritual receptivity:

    3:4.6 [Part I]
    Mortal man cannot possibly know the infinitude of the heavenly Father. Finite mind cannot think through such an absolute truth or fact. But this same finite human being can actually feel — literally experience — the full and undiminished impact of such an infinite Father’s LOVE. Such a love can be truly experienced, albeit while quality of experience is unlimited, quantity of such an experience is strictly limited by the human capacity for spiritual receptivity and by the associated capacity to love the Father in return.

    Of course when a person has thought things through and can go no further, then can the sails of faith be grasped as a lifeline.


    But then you have two separate instances, the day you made the plan, or assented, and the day you know the Father’s hour came and you actually did stuff.

    What does this mean or refer to?




    140:3.14 (1571.1) “I am sending you out into the world to represent me and to act as ambassadors of my Father’s kingdom, and as you go forth to proclaim the glad tidings, put your trust in the Father whose messengers you are. Do not forcibly resist injustice; put not your trust in the arm of the flesh. If your neighbor smites you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Be willing to suffer injustice rather than to go to law among yourselves. In kindness and with mercy minister to all who are in distress and in need.


    Your quote does not sync with Bradly’s smite about the content of your post/s. This one might resonate with a few readers:

    140:3.19    “I warn you against false prophets who will come to you in sheep’s clothing, while on the inside they are as ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree brings forth good fruit, but the corrupt tree bears evil fruit. A good tree cannot yield evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. Every tree that does not bring forth good fruit is presently hewn down and cast into the fire. In gaining an entrance into the kingdom of heaven, it is the motive that counts. My Father looks into the hearts of men and judges by their inner longings and their sincere intentions. »

    Makes me wonder about what are your sincere intentions here?  No one knew what Lucifer’s intentions were. No worries.  God knows.  I don’t have to know. « By their fruits you shall know them. » A good tree can’t yield evil fruit. A corrupt tree can’t yield good fruit.


    140:3.14 (1571.1) “I am sending you out into the world to represent me and to act as ambassadors of my Father’s kingdom, and as you go forth to proclaim the glad tidings, put your trust in the Father whose messengers you are. Do not forcibly resist injustice; put not your trust in the arm of the flesh. If your neighbor smites you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. Be willing to suffer injustice rather than to go to law among yourselves. In kindness and with mercy minister to all who are in distress and in need.

    Thank you for the quote and reference. It is unfortunate you recreated a quote and misstated/misquoted it in support of your opinions regarding Lucifer’s folly and acts of rebellion.

    The instructions to the Apostles was, I think, about anger and revenge and personal insult.  And notice the specificity of « among yourselves » in the instructions.   Interesting.

    You are here attempting to indict Gabriel and accuse him of acting impetuously and personally and in anger and revenge and thereby improperly with evil intentions of unfairness and against Michael’s will and interest but, rather, in his own interest and as if Gabriel himself was the perpetrator of False Liberty rather than Lucifer.

    Crazy!  What a distortion of truth and twisted reality perspective.  But truly the perspective of your claims here and source of your belief that the UB is a cosmic cover up of Gabriel’s « crimes » and Lucifer’s innocence.

    Amazing.  What a dark and paranoid view indeed!  Such a view does completely invalidate every meaning and potential value of all Epochal Revelation and the Papers specifically and certainly portrays God’s universe as neither friendly nor fair and presents Michael as a fool duped by his first born.

    What a Farce indeed!


    The UB presents a panoramic perspective of administrative wonder in the management of the experiential outworking of God’s purposes and plans by the imperfect but perfecting beings created in time and space in an evolutionary and progressive process where the attributes of love and service and wisdom rule, guide, and determine the actualization of potentials into eternal realities.

    So…there is and must be due process and order and arbitration in recognition of the unique and personal expression of such an experience in time where experience and wisdom are not uniform and perspective is personalized.  This is God’s Way.  The imperfection of incompleteness in an evolutionary process of perfecting by experiential wisdom.

    Gabriel’s position of authority and duty required and demanded his very measured response to disloyalty and rebellion on behalf of Michael and the very preservation of order and he did so in the extreme manner of prudence and patience and true liberty as Michael’s beloved and most trustworthy servant leader.

    Stephen’s accusation here against Gabriel is absurd and astounding and unacceptable.  It is a direct attack upon the integrity of the Papers and the universe reality perspective so lovingly portrayed and demonstrates a very disturbed and distorted individual who’s sympathy for the devil is obvious (and a little bizarre!).

    Lucifer has been extended patience, forgiveness, mercy, and love by those he betrayed.  THAT is the teaching to consider here I believe.

    4. Gabriel—The Chief Executive

    33:4.1 (369.4) The Bright and Morning Star is the personalization of the first concept of identity and ideal of personality conceived by the Creator Son and the local universe manifestation of the Infinite Spirit. Going back to the early days of the local universe, before the union of the Creator Son and the Mother Spirit in the bonds of creative association, back to the times before the beginning of the creation of their versatile family of sons and daughters, the first conjoint act of this early and free association of these two divine persons results in the creation of the highest spirit personality of the Son and the Spirit, the Bright and Morning Star.

    33:4.2 (369.5) Only one such being of wisdom and majesty is brought forth in each local universe. The Universal Father and the Eternal Son can, in fact do, create an unlimited number of Sons in divinity equal to themselves; but such Sons, in union with the Daughters of the Infinite Spirit, can create only one Bright and Morning Star in each universe, a being like themselves and partaking freely of their combined natures but not of their creative prerogatives. Gabriel of Salvington is like the Universe Son in divinity of nature though considerably limited in the attributes of Deity.

    33:4.3 (369.6) This first-born of the parents of a new universe is a unique personality possessing many wonderful traits not visibly present in either ancestor, a being of unprecedented versatility and unimagined brilliance. This supernal personality embraces the divine will of the Son combined with the creative imagination of the Spirit. The thoughts and acts of the Bright and Morning Star will ever be fully representative of both the Creator Son and the Creative Spirit. Such a being is also capable of a broad understanding of, and sympathetic contact with, both the spiritual seraphic hosts and the material evolutionary will creatures.

    33:4.4 (370.1) The Bright and Morning Star is not a creator, but he is a marvelous administrator, being the personal administrative representative of the Creator Son. Aside from creation and life impartation the Son and the Spirit never confer upon important universe procedures without Gabriel’s presence.

    33:4.5 (370.2) Gabriel of Salvington is the chief executive of the universe of Nebadon and the arbiter of all executive appeals respecting its administration. This universe executive was created fully endowed for his work, but he has gained experience with the growth and evolution of our local creation.

    33:4.6 (370.3) Gabriel is the chief officer of execution for superuniverse mandates relating to nonpersonal affairs in the local universe. Most matters pertaining to mass judgment and dispensational resurrections, adjudicated by the Ancients of Days, are also delegated to Gabriel and his staff for execution. Gabriel is thus the combined chief executive of both the super- and the local universe rulers. He has at his command an able corps of administrative assistants, created for their special work, who are unrevealed to evolutionary mortals. In addition to these assistants, Gabriel may employ any and all of the orders of celestial beings functioning in Nebadon, and he is also the commander in chief of “the armies of heaven”—the celestial hosts.

    33:4.7 (370.4) Gabriel and his staff are not teachers; they are administrators. They were never known to depart from their regular work except when Michael was incarnated on a creature bestowal. During such bestowals Gabriel was ever attendant on the will of the incarnated Son, and with the collaboration of the Union of Days, he became the actual director of universe affairs during the later bestowals. Gabriel has been closely identified with the history and development of Urantia ever since the mortal bestowal of Michael.

    33:4.8 (370.5) Aside from meeting Gabriel on the bestowal worlds and at the times of general- and special-resurrection roll calls, mortals will seldom encounter him as they ascend through the local universe until they are inducted into the administrative work of the local creation. As administrators, of whatever order or degree, you will come under the direction of Gabriel.


    Bold added by me to the text for highlights of relevance to the topic at hand.

    Bradly :-)

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