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  • #17460

    Hi administrators,

    It’s been a while I refer on this helping forum. Lately, instead surfing anonymous I registered and take a more active part.

    I get to read some notices from « Administrators » concerning the policy about inappropriate comment.If I am not wrong you noticed privately the offendant  and if no change of attitude, banned from the forum?

    As you can read in my posts I prefer not respond to a offendant still it offend others members. As a example look at this one  #17447 .   I wonder why is he still allowed to write such a offensive way and + leave his post online?

    I know UB teach us to put truth when error or sin are committed,instead of arguing or revenge by offending,sarcastic or patronizing . Other example, when Deitys  allowed in their wisdom Lucifer and his acolytes to continue to perpetrate their propaganda and even give them more space.

    Would you please tell me about that situation and light up my blanks about the procedure .

    Thanks you and  gratitude for the service you kindly offer us.

    André Pominville


    Hello Andre and thank you for your inquiry.

    You have asked an important and legitimate question. The role of moderator is quite challenging. It requires one to be judicious and moderate in response to participants who behave contrary to the website’s rules of conduct. Normally up to three personal and private warnings are given to an offender who in turn has the right of reply. If the individual continues to offend after these warnings have been given, the moderators can, and usually do, de-register the person from the site. After a suitable intervening time (usually a month to start with), the offender can apply to be registered again.

    This procedure is imprecise and subject to the moderators’ interpretation of the prevailing circumstances. When a rule has been violated, the moderators don’t always act immediately. Before taking action, they usually observe the situation for a period to see whether the offender continues in the same course of action, and whether there is some self-correction. This includes corrective comments from other participants. It is a bit of a balancing act and at times the moderators get it wrong. If they immediately delete offensive posts they can be accused of censorship and being heavy-handed. The example you gave is a case in point. The rules of the forum clearly state that posts should be  » kind, fair, respectful and courteous at all times without personal attacks or foul language ». There are many posts that could be viewed as contravening the spirit of this rule. The moderators have to draw a line at some point in deciding whether a post should be deleted or not. The offending post that you cited is probably one which, in my opinion, should have been deleted.

    I hope these comments are helpful and shed some light on how the forum is managed by the moderators. Any constructive suggestions or criticisms are welcome. The moderators are always receptive to any new ideas that will improve the experience of our highly-valued contributors.

    With love,

    Julian (on behalf of the moderators)


    Thank you Julian…. »imprecise » indeed!!!  What a task.  As a member on 3 different UB forums over time, I can assure everyone how difficult it is to  be a moderator, having never been one myself.  While each forum has its own characteristics and sense of community, I think that is the true task for the administration of every such forum, to allow the student body to develop into its own community by some form of self moderation and self correction and to seek unity without uniformity.  This cannot truly be imposed but only encouraged and nourished by the mods.

    I have failed in many ways in this ideal while I learn the better how to engage those with whom I may disagree over these past years and have contributed to contention in my failure to discern the better way in study and conversation, disagreement and debate.  I have suffered many an insult and accusation and have, no doubt, delivered the same, sometimes unintentionally, but others I am not too sure of.  But my dedication to study the Papers and form community with other students and believers keeps me in the fray.  I now try to be less offended when attacked but assertive when others are insulted or bullied by another….but this tadpole remains clumsy, uncertain, and confused as to the ideal of peace maker.  My lack of wisdom is apparent, even to me, far too often.

    But would I learn better by the mods goading me or censoring me or criticizing me?  Perhaps but it is doubtful.  The mods must allow sufficient latitude for the community’s self monitoring and self correction to form that place and that student body which looks out for itself and for one another in the spirit of learning and sharing and teaching with one another who seek to live the truths we share here together.  To be silenced by fear of reprisal is to allow the offender to perpetuate such anxieties in others.  So I recommend that all who come to this place with sincerity and purpose to stand together in the pursuit of harmony and tranquility as we sally forth upon this grand adventure of discovery, discernment, and application of truth, beauty, and goodness.

    I can assure you that the mods here work diligently in this pursuit of community and good cheer!!  No doubt they often feel like they are attempting to herd cats!  I know I don’t make it easy on you guys.  Blessing to all.


    Mark Kurtz

    Thank you André, Julian, Bradly,

    For me what is emerging is to learn from Jesus, noting his reaction to varying life situations as he matured past age 12.  His life is a marvelous example for forum participants, yea for all mankind for personal relationships.  At the risk of sounding too simple, ‘Just be like Jesus’ as we relate to people. We know he was kind and he patiently tolerated error while teaching the better way.   What he did not tolerate is the knowing choosing of evil; we know of his biting denunciation of Jewish leaders during his last temple appearance.  It wasn’t persons he denounced; it was their behavior.  His indicting comments at several different times showed the Priests and Rabbis their concepts were out of harmony with Divinity.

    We are right to call to question and object to bad behavior on this forum if there continues to be objectionable exchanges.  Why?  Because of Jesus’ model and because this forum, as I understand, is for helping people understand and comprehend the UB teachings.  We know good discussion benefits people.  We know the Master wants individual, personal spiritual progress.  Help one another with progress and this forum will be a pleasant place to share.  Absorb the Master’s ways into our hearts and enjoy life adventures!  I believe this is what he wants!



    I just overlook how  »active » is the english forum.

    It is saturday night and it is so empty, so silent,so deserted.

    I took noticed moderator 2 of what you told me … i agree with Bradley, that yours responsibility need patience, tolerance and judgments.

    When our system Satania was put in quarantine … it was to prevent and contend contamination. Some of us,stand up for this uplifting,inspiring and unifying site. I know you have considered the ones who just left without notice.

    What to think about Gabriel who stand on  the behalf of Michael ?

    Like most sincere, truth doers  … i cannot stand insensible, indifferent when in the Family there is discord,irrespective and intolerance. Mod2, it is been a while i was tolerant and ignore such disharmonious behavior but i see disharmony spreading, tinting our attitude.

    I will end up this post now and still are solidare with  you Bradley who make the call.

    I pick-up a passage from UB and really do not know who it might be referred to.

    25:3.12 (278.3) 6. Conciliators to the Superuniverse Major Sectors. The character of the work of the commissioners continues to change as they advance. There is less and less of misunderstanding to adjudicate and more and more of mysterious phenomena to explain and interpret. From stage to stage they are evolving from arbiters of differences to explainers of mysteries — judges evolving into interpretative teachers. Arbiters of those who through ignorance permit difficulties and misunderstandings to arise, they once were; but they are now becoming instructors of those who are sufficiently intelligent and tolerant to avoid clashes of mind and wars of opinions. The higher a creature’s education, the more respect he has for the knowledge, experience, and opinions of others.



    Greetings Andre!!  Great quote.   This one is just after the one you posted.  I am reminded of how very human we are, and while our task is to rise above the material nature, still there will be contention – sometimes between concepts and perspective, and sometimes between persons who do not so rise so far as need be for harmony.  We will be disappointed perhaps in our ideals, but must still struggle to achieve them.  Blessings to the peace makers and the « conciliators ».


    25:3.6 (277.3) 2. Conciliators to the System Headquarters. From service on the evolutionary worlds these commissions of four are advanced to duty on a system headquarters. Here they have much work to do, and they prove to be the understanding friends of men, angels, and other spirit beings. The referee trios are not so much concerned with personal differences as with group contentions and with misunderstandings arising between different orders of creatures; and on a system headquarters there live both spiritual and material beings, as well as the combined types, such as the Material Sons.

    25:3.7 (277.4) The moment the Creators bring into existence evolving individuals with the power of choice, that moment a departure is made from the smooth working of divine perfection; misunderstandings are certain to arise, and provision for the fair adjustment of these honest differences of viewpoint must be made. We should all remember that the all-wise and all-powerful Creators could have made the local universes just as perfect as Havona. No conciliating commissions need function in the central universe. But the Creators did not choose in their all-wisdom to do this. And while they have produced universes which abound in differences and teem with difficulties, they have likewise provided the mechanisms and the means for composing all these differences and for harmonizing all this seeming confusion.


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