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  • #47940
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren


    When this world makes us weary, we can imagine the next and think about how it will be, thanks to Paper 47 of The Urantia Book. The late John Byron imagined how the 57 worlds of the System might appear. Seven of them are called « Mansion Worlds. » On one of the seven is a place called, « Resurrection Hall. » It is there where we will continue our eternal journey. I imagined how life might be on the Mansion Worlds according to Paper 47, and wrote a novel about a couple who resurrect there, about their adventures and discoveries. Whether you read Paper 47 or my novel, or both, you can be assured there is a better world ahead, a marvelous heaven, the first of seven heavens to which we shall someday ascend. That should give us the strength and wisdom to endure the trials of this world, to finish the life we have been given on Urantia, life in an animal body, in preparation for the more spiritual life in eternity.
    Resurrection Hall in print and Kindle, in English, Spanish, French, and German:
    May be an image of text that says 'MANSTON WORLDS RESURRECTION HALL A Mansion World Odyssey by Richard E. Warren THE SEVEN MANSION WORLDS'

    Richard E Warren


    Richard E Warren wrote:

    Whether you read Paper 47 or my novel, or both, you can be assured there is a better world ahead, a marvelous heaven, the first of seven heavens to which we shall someday ascend. That should give us the strength and wisdom to endure the trials of this world, to finish the life we have been given on Urantia, life in an animal body, in preparation for the more spiritual life in eternity.

    The other day a neighbor friend asked me what the UB had to say about the end of the world.  She was worried and said she thought it would be soon, as based on the horrors happening now in Ukraine, and so on.  My mind went into a swirl about how to answer her, but I started out by saying the book doesn’t support that scenario.  I know she was raised Catholic and converted to Judaism. but now she sort of likes the UB, as her current husband is a long time reader.  I acknowledged the Christian idea of the end-of-the-world scenario (and maybe other religions do too for all I know).  We didn’t discuss that, but I did say that people who believe in God, no matter what their religion, could survive death with faith in God.  I told her to have faith.  And she does have faith.

    I probably got a little carried away talking about life and death with her. She seemed reassured. It occurred to me, and I talked to her about it, how to get to the next life in the sense of how little or much a person can do about the process. Basically, a person does his/her part – have faith – and at death the process is facilitated by a host of heavenly helpers all of whom are not within the arena of human direction. Getting to mansonia is an orderly process in the economy of the universe. It is the gift of continuing life on the morontia worlds about which you have written.

     (1230.3) 112:3.5 After death the material body returns to the elemental world from which it was derived, but two nonmaterial factors of surviving personality persist: The pre-existent Thought Adjuster, with the memory transcription of the mortal career, proceeds to Divinington; and there also remains, in the custody of the destiny guardian, the immortal morontia soul of the deceased human. These phases and forms of soul, these once kinetic but now static formulas of identity, are essential to repersonalization on the morontia worlds; and it is the reunion of the Adjuster and the soul that reassembles the surviving personality, that reconsciousizes you at the time of the morontia awakening.


    Thanks for your lovely novels.




    And further,

    (1229.7) 112:2.20 The material self, the ego-entity of human identity, is dependent during the physical life on the continuing function of the material life vehicle, on the continued existence of the unbalanced equilibrium of energies and intellect which, on Urantia, has been given the name life. But selfhood of survival value, selfhood that can transcend the experience of death, is only evolved by establishing a potential transfer of the seat of the identity of the evolving personality from the transient life vehicle — the material body — to the more enduring and immortal nature of the morontia soul and on beyond to those levels whereon the soul becomes infused with, and eventually attains the status of, spirit reality. This actual transfer from material association to morontia identification is effected by the sincerity, persistence, and steadfastness of the God-seeking decisions of the human creature.

    Mark Kurtz


    I suggest we talk to people about the word « progress » because such conversations seem to turn a person’s thinking into hope. The UB authors confirm both as vital. We might remind people progress is necessary for improved relations with God, who as we know, has a great plan for Urantia. Michael came as Jesus to re-define life and relations with God, to introduce his Father as also our Father, a person. Ask people why would Jesus come to us if he didn’t have a progressive plan in mind. Remind people that God can update our concepts at any time in any manner or procedure.


    The main point is to help people see larger possibilities with God. Progress in God’s plan does not include world destruction as the church has taught of the end. Easing them along on this would help??????

    Yeah, but with war now a reality and great potential for more? Yes, even so!


    195:8.13 « During the first third of the twentieth century Urantians killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of the Christian dispensation up to that time. And this is on the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and secularism; still more terrible destructions is yet to come. »


    That news is sour in my mind, but yet it does not say end of the world.  I still have hope and faith in Michael, Divine Minister and Paradise Father for bringing Urantia into Light and Life. The have life in mind, as they define. Each person is still valuable here and on the Mansion worlds without war.


    Thanks Mark.  Survival is progress.  Records are made for each person without a person’s consent.  Transformations are accomplished with each person’s co-operative consent. All secrets are known by God. Bidden or unbidden, he is present within every normal minded person.

    110:2.2 [Part III] 
    They are persistent, ingenious, and perfect in their methods of work, but they never do violence to the volitional selfhood of their hosts. No human being will ever be spiritualized by a divine Monitor against his will; survival is a gift of the Gods which must be desired by the creatures of time. In the final analysis, whatever the Adjuster has succeeded in doing for you, the records will show that the transformation has been accomplished with your co-operative consent; you will have been a willing partner with the Adjuster in the attainment of every step of the tremendous transformation of the ascension career.
    Survival is not automatic.

    109:3.4 [Part III] On worlds such as Urantia (the series three group) there is a real betrothal with the divine gifts, a life and death engagement. If you survive, there is to be an eternal union, an everlasting fusion, the making of man and Adjuster one being.

    Once you get to mansonia, you can still back out.  You can back out here or over there.

    (195.9) 16:9.3 If mortal man fails to survive natural death, the real spiritual values of his human experience survive as a part of the continuing experience of the Thought Adjuster. The personality values of such a nonsurvivor persist as a factor in the personality of the actualizing Supreme Being. Such persisting qualities of personality are deprived of identity but not of experiential values accumulated during the mortal life in the flesh. The survival of identity is dependent on the survival of the immortal soul of morontia status and increasingly divine value. Personality identity survives in and by the survival of the soul.

    The way I think might seem a little quirky to you.  I think a lot about *process* or sequences.  Survival after death is an outcome of how we lived here on earth – the decisions we made here – our motives and inner longings.  After death the process of getting to mansonia is in the hands of others.  And we will pick up over there in mansonia where we left off on earth.



    In total agreement with you all! Thanks for the insight.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Thanks so much for your insights, Mara, Mark, and hello again Alain (translator of Resurrection Hall into French),

    Seems like progress and process are different approaches (conceptualizations?) to the same mountain peak. How I look forward to the many reunions we will surely be part of on Mansonia, once we progress and process up to the faith-goal required of survivors. Some fine day we will be meeting members of the family from generations past, encountering luminaries of Urantia’s history, Andon and Fonta, Adam and Eve, maybe even Van and Amadon, the apostles, Mary Magdalene, Beethoven, the Panopians; we’ll be flying on the backs of great birds and sitting down to dine with innumerable new friends hailing from all over Satania. My body is aging, but I am young and shall remain so. Thank you Father, for eternal youth, for Adondonterhood, notwithstanding the hammers and anvils of this evolving world. Maybe it should be spelled Agonydonter ;~)

    May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'The universe of your origin is being forged out between the anvil of justice and the hammer of suffering but those who wield the hammer are the children of mercy, the spirit offspring of the Infinite Spirit. Urantia civilization was literally forged out between the anvil of necessity and the hammers of fear.'



    Richard E Warren


    Sounds like a good perspective, Rick. Let’s work our way through Urantia best we can and see what happens next.

    Fraternal affection

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