How photons fly

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  • #18781
    Nigel Nunn

    Re: Ultimatons, photons and neutrinos.

    A friend recently pointed out headlines about a Nobel prize being awarded for work in 1998 and 2001 that showed neutrinos have a tiny bit of that quantum property the standard model calls mass:

    [Arie] « I don’t remember hearing about this, but two scientists won the Nobel this year — and just won a Breakthrough Prize — for discovering that neutrinos oscillate in different « flavors » which means they actually have mass.  Obviously, this aligns with the UB that all matter is ultimately made up of ultimatons. »

    Indeed it does.  The trick is to show how.  Currently, such standard model mass is generated (or induced) by interaction (Higgs mechanism) with a background condensate of weak hypercharge (what Leonard Susskind calls zilch).  Now, one of the features of neutrinos is that zilch is the only thing they interact with!  This fact motivates the scheme I’ve been nipping and tucking for some time (recall thread: « zitter, ziggs and zilch » at old UAI forum).  The idea is that if we can get ultimatons to interact with zilch, then we can build the standard model of particle physics from a foundation of ultimatons, i.e. sequestered and quantized segregata.

    PS: segregata is also called primordial force or pure energy. (126.1, 11:8.5), (469.9, 42:2.9))

    Here’s the scheme so far:

    Step 1 is to sequester (transcendental) segregata onto a time-dependent finite manifold as quantized ultimatons.  Given time (and complementary orientations of axial spin?) these unassociated ultimatons huddle (see figure 1):

    figure 1:

    As a starting point, to make this possible to model (and because Vlad Yershov has already done the work), I see this initial (tri-polar?) huddle as a high-energy version of quark confinement.  This was where some scientifically-minded students got stuck:  they were not ready to imagine quantum chromodynamics (QCD) as a low energy analog of this more fundamental interaction.  (PS: it’s this original store of binding energy that I call on to overcome (standard model, linear) gravity, allowing dark islands to explode.)

    Once we have segregata sequestered and locked in this tripolar way, master physical controllers can manipulate such tripoles « … much as you maneuver adjustable type » (328.2, 29:4.33).

    For our purposes, all we need is some structure whose spin can generate quanta of zilch (see figure 2):

    figure 2:

    You may have noticed that by letting the (ultimatonic) quantization of segregata define Planck’s constant, then E = h.f  appears.  For some time Phil Calabrese has been looking for a way to let photons have an « internal frequency » independent of a « group wavelength ».  Could the spin of this tripole be what he’s after?

    You may also have noticed Weyl fermions creating a splash recently in sci. media.  The interesting thing here is that since a standard model Dirac electron is modelled as a superposition of 4 Weyl spinors, if we can build a weakly interacting Weyl spinor (e.g. from these primitive generators of zilch), then we’ve built the foundation of Standard Model physics (see figure 3):

    figure 3:

    Of course, I’m implicitly revising the authors’ (1934) « electron » to mean fermion, i.e. all flavors of lepton and quark.  But as a way of presenting electrons as « ultimatonic engineering », is this is consistent with their comment:  « … will stand in need of revision »?

    What do you think?

    With the stage now set, here is a Christmas reflection on the two distinct ways the authors say finite photons can fly:  either (1) in straight lines, or (2) oscillating.

    Recall that in the outer space levels, segregata (i.e. primordial force ) is condensed by the presence of primary master force organizers into vast « cyclones of space« .  Associate force organizers can evolve such cyclones of segregata into disks of ultimata, which the power directors can turn into spirals of stars.

    But notice this implies that these cyclones of space are distinct, i.e. that these cyclones of segregata are segregated.

    Think what this means for material light passing between spiral galaxies:  when crossing the (unorganized) pervaded space between cyclones of segregata, photons fly in straight lines (see fusillade (461.2, 41:5.6) ). But when travelling within a pool of primordial force, they appear to wave (see ether (475.10, 42:5.14) ).

    Now since we’re modelling ultimatons literally as spinning quanta of segregata, then if (as suggested in the above diagrams) we build photons from triplets of huddling ultimatons, and give this tripolar huddle an angular momentum, then we might have predicted these dual flight modes of material light (and interesting effects on red-shift…).

    That is to say, when moving through a field of segregata, huddling quanta of segregata may be expected to interact with that field.

    Notice how similar this is to the idea of « linear gravity » (inertial mass) as an interactive phenomenon resulting from a structure (cluster of tripoles of huddling ultimatons) flipping from left-handed to right-handed as it moves through a condensate.  This is the « chiral oscillation » implied by a Higgs-type mechanism for fermions.

    For photons, we have a similar but more primitive mechanism.  In both cases, phenomena emerge from the way ultimatonic structures interact with a condensate of their ancestral stuff, i.e. ultimatons spinning in segregata, and fermions flipping in zilch (weak hypercharge).

    In this way, the quantum property we measure as mass gets built up in three steps — multiple iterations of spins interacting with quantized condensates.  From (A) ultimatons, to (B) photons and neutrinos, and then to (C), the full zoo of fermions and bosons.

    Now I’ll get back to that other thread I’ve left dangling… why the grand universe might be (relatively) small and flat :-)


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