First Fuser’s Club

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  • #44350
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren


    The stars had never been brighter, the breeze never softer; there was no moon out this auspicious night. Everything was right and ready. Ellanora sat in the center of the circle, the eleven other club members sat around, facing her.

    As she prepared her body, mind and soul, she thought of her namesake, her hero of Urantia’s sister world, a loyal leader of the people of Panoptia. Then she recalled the club’s first meeting when Van (an energetic reader from Turkey), out of nowhere asked Ellanora’s study group members–half in jest: « OK, who will be the first to fuse in the fifth epoch? »

    When Van asked his question it had been 133 years since the fusion process was revealed in the Urantia Papers. As far as anyone knew, no one had fused since Elijah, long before Jesus walked. The tumultuous beginning of the 21st century had grown into a spiritual revolution in its latter half as mankind actually began the arduous process of weaning itself off materialism. It was this global revolution–sparked by the new revelation–that actually led the group to found the « Fraternity Of The First Fusers Of The Fifth Epoch », in 2088.

    Van had come up with the question. Ellanora answered with another question: « Why not fuse?!? » The group began discussing these two questions in earnest. And that’s how the club started.  Before the meeting was over they had all pledged to support each other in attempting the first fusion of the fifth epoch. They also voted unanimously to keep it a secret for the time being, and closed the meeting with a prayer seeking Father’s approval in the matter.

    For the next ten years, they dedicated themselves completely to service, work and study. They played and created, traveled and stayed, learned and taught, prayed and worshiped as they went where the Spirit of Truth and their Adjusters led them, all the while perfecting their wills to, « align with the divine ». They also prepared their families and friends–a work unto itself. That’s why they kept the date a secret. Since there was still so much controversy and conflict lingering on Earth, they decided it best not to invite others to the first fusion.

    And now here she is, the one at the center of the circle, the one they had unanimously voted to be the first fuser. After their long and intimate association they all loved her, and each other, with that « startling affection » Michael spoke of as Jesus. Now, with all seven circles mastered, it is time for Adjuster and Agondonter to take flight into eternal uniSon. The Midwayers and Angels signaled they were ready and standing by.

    Ellanora smiled the most beautiful smile imaginable as she peered into the eyes and souls of her circle of friends. They each felt a supreme goodness, as though all were one. Then quite casually, but with no hesitation, Ellanora indicated her final wish to fuse. Almost instantly she felt weightless and slowly began rising. The circle began to vibrate with sound and light. The experience was one of merging, human with the Divine.

    The first fusion since the third epoch was about to take place on Urantia in 2098.  She watched, waved, and took a last look at her longtime friends disappearing below, to all Urantia she sent her final good-bye. The eleven on the ground watched her ascend faster and faster. Their hearts almost leapt from their bodies with joy, happiness and love for Ellanora and the God who makes these apparent miracles possible!

    Ellanora looked up. It was just then she accelerated so very fast and so high the winds burned her flesh, but she felt no pain, quite the contrary. Now a great ball of light that was Ellanora’s body exploded in to an unimaginably beautiful shower of light covering half the sky. It could be seen for 75 miles, followed by a tremendous sound that filled the air in the wake of the translation. The eleven wept in sheer astonishment, as they anticipated their turn, and what this would mean for Urantia. Tomorrow night the second one would fuse, Van. And on the third night, all eyes on Urantia were on their little patch of sky. By the twelfth night millions had converged to watch and worship.

    Author’s page:


    Richard E Warren

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