Home Forums Study Aids & Resources 2015 UB Study Topic: THE ADJUSTER AND THE SOUL

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  • #18247

    In section 3 ( 111:3:1 ; P. 1218 – 1219), what is the core of religion?


    In section 3, How do we feel values (quality) ?

    Mark Kurtz

    Good questions, Mara.  Core of religion is in paragraph 5 in my book.  Core, as used in this case, seems to suggest nothing happens of value without faith.  Jesus constantly emphasized faith.  Apparently he knows something!  Faith is the driver behind our decisions regarding actions on which we cannot see, touch, hear or otherwise physically sense or prove.  Without omniscience, we are all forced to subjective guessing, conjecture, et al.  So we NONOMPS (non-omniscient persons) must accept faith as justification for beliefs, decisions, priorities, life style and maybe even sacrifices.  Believers know without seeing, therefore determining their lives.  Without this very needed feature at the core of one’s religion, there is little to justify relationship with the Mysterious One we cannot see.  Faith at the center of mind activity is life in motion toward a partially visualized destiny.  My 2 cents.

    Feeling is another mind activity, one offering proof basis for some people.  « Gut » intuition may or may not be a feeling, but one is aware of something active within.  There is enough mystery involved about how people feel, even for believers, to conclude no human being can describe all that God provides.  Non believers may attempt a scientific, psychological, academic standard definition, but likely cannot prove sources of thought and illumination.   2 1/2 cents.



    So we NONOMPS (non-omniscient persons) must accept faith as justification for beliefs, decisions, priorities, life style and maybe even sacrifices.  Believers know without seeing, therefore determining their lives.  Without this very needed feature at the core of one’s religion, there is little to justify relationship with the Mysterious One we cannot see.  Faith at the center of mind activity is life in motion toward a partially visualized destiny.

    Thanks Mark.  Reminds me of  (150:5:3).  And (196:1:3) « To ‘follow Jesus’ means to personally share his religious faith…. »  And to your point, ( 143:2:7) « Even this saving faith you have not of yourselves; it also is the gift of God. And if you are the children of this living faith, you are no longer the bondslaves of self but rather the triumphant masters of yourselves, the liberated sons of God. »




    More questions and exercises are meant to enhance your study experience.  Some of what follows is for discussion in study groups.  Some of what follows is for private consideration, and they will be noted as “private”.


    In section 4 (111:4:1; P. 1219 – 1221). If meanings are nonexistent in a sensory or material world, where are they perceived?
    In section 4, where does the inherent creativity of the Personality function?
    In section 4, what is the problem with freewill?


    For section 5 (111:5:1; P. 1221)  “THE CONSECRATION OF CHOICE”.  Pease read each paragraph and then go back and read each sentence in each paragraph and think in-depth of the meanings and the message.  Describe your thoughts on paper.  (Please take the time with this one!)

    In section 5, what is the doing of the will of God?

    In section 5, describe why we have no real reason not to completely trust God?

    In section 5, what is the creature’s positive affirmation and to where does this choice lead?


    In section 6 (111:6:1; P. 1221 – 1223), what do people need to experientially unify in their own evolving philosophy?

    In section 6, what does a person need to apply in their personal discovery of truth to the ruthlessly practical demands of everyday life?


    The next several questions come from the text (111:7:3; P. 1223).  Please respond to them first in your mind and then on paper. (Private)

    111:7:3; P. 1223:
    « Why do you not aid the Adjuster in the task of showing you the spiritual counterpart of all these strenuous material efforts?
    « Why do you not allow the Adjuster to strengthen you with the spiritual truths of cosmic power while you wrestle with the temporal difficulties of creature existence?
    « Why do you not encourage the heavenly helper to cheer you with the clear vision of the eternal outlook of universal life as you gaze in perplexity at the problems of the passing hour?
    « Why do you refuse to be enlightened and inspired by the universe viewpoint while you toil amidst the handicaps of time and flounder in the maze of uncertainties which beset your mortal life journey?
    « Why not allow the Adjuster to spiritualize your thinking, even though your feet must tread the material paths of earthly endeavor? »

    In section 7 (111:7:0; P. 1223). What adds to the difficulty of Adjusters and guardian seraphim in their work on our world?


    In section 7, there is a touching formal statement by a guardian seraphim detailing the difficulties of her assignment ministering to her mortal subject.  Please write a brief statement of what difficulties your guardian angel might depict as it relates to your life and how you live it.  This is not a call to downgrade or negate yourself but to simply and objectively look from without and describe what you see.


    110:5:3 (P. 1208.2) During the slumber season the Adjuster attempts to achieve only that which the will of the indwelt personality has previously fully approved by the decisions and choosings which were made during times of fully wakeful consciousness, and which have thereby become lodged in the realms of the supermind, the liaison domain of human and divine interrelationship.


    Read the above quote a few times and then write a plan for yourself that will help your adjuster accomplish the intended course of action for you and with you.


    I hope you enjoyed this topical study.  In conclusion, the president of GLMUA adds the following comments.


    “And lastly…
    “Please review the Supreme Quotes and perhaps read further in the text associated with these quotes and describe the relationship between the evolution of the Supreme and your own personal evolution.
    “There is no one right answer.  See your inner life with God the Father and the eventual progress to personal light and life as it inhabits and contributes to universal light and life culminating in the emergence of God the Supreme. And know that as you identify with God, with and through your Adjuster, you are accepting the gift of God. And this is the will of God.
    “On behalf of Greater Lake Michigan Urantia Association Governing Board, Conference Committee and Members, we thank you for participating, joyfully and actively.

    “Warmest Regards,
    “Benet Rutenberg, GLMUA President”



    Ideal and highest realistic course help is available here. Got to know about [edited out by Moderstor-1] from online shares and posts. Was not at all sure about solving them. Needed a definite help of expert trainers to guide accordingly. My sister also suggested some evening sessions for my hectic schedule.

    Mark Kurtz

    What does MBE have to do with studying The Urantia Book?

    Clicking on your link the discussion is about preparing for a bar exam.


    What does MBE have to do with studying The Urantia Book? Clicking on your link the discussion is about preparing for a bar exam.

    Agreed.  A link to preparing for a bar exam is irrelevant on this forum.


12 sujets de 16 à 27 (sur un total de 27)

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