Is Silence Your Golden Parachute…? Or the Parachute that Did Not Open…?

Home Forums Inspiration Is Silence Your Golden Parachute…? Or the Parachute that Did Not Open…?

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    Have you listed to the Audio Version? If you have not yet listened to the Audio Version…you are MISSING OUT on a POWERFUL LISTENING EXPERIENCE…

    Is Silence Your Golden Parachute…?

    Or the Parachute that Did Not Open…?

    (Written December 31st, 2014)

    Time is the teacher, in my experience… All is revealed in time… Whatever we may presently fall short of understanding in our hearts, and not just in our minds, may sometimes, along the way, require…falling apart…so that we may reassemble as a new woman or man of truer character. Loving service as friend to a friend…never holds grudges…never seeks revenge……lets go of selfish prejudices…is not burdened by guilt of past actions…knows no strangers…only the children of a Loving God…  –Tim R Walls

    As you enter the new year…an unforgiving heart won’t take you very far…
    is silence your golden parachute…? or the parachute that did not open…?
    negative words misspoken hastily…my friend…you lose it… and fall apart…
    any attempt to make amends…you choose to remain wounded…heart that is broken…?
    the high ideals of brotherhood, friendship and unselfish love are abandoned…
    except those that never challenge you…never disagree with anything you say…?
    the forgiving heart beats far louder than the mind which remains unrepentant…
    it is shouting out at you to choose to break the silence…begin a new day…
    if it is always up to me to speak the words that soften your hardened heart…
    you will not continue to grow where friendship is concerned… as your body light dims…
    it gets harder and harder to slough that scaly, rust-ridden mind-skin… discard…
    the immature self… embryonic child-in-man-suit…for a soul-light suit…trade in…
    and when the day comes…you can no longer ignore your loudly beating heart…
    may a loving, forgiving, humbly serving friend be your golden parachute…
    sail you to soft landing… may your indwelling spirit illuminate the route…

    Are you the kind of person that knows only how someone else’s words make you feel, but not how your own words make another feel…? Are you willing to kick a friendship, even a longtime friendship out the door and to the curb, when thoughtless words are exchanged…?  If this characterizes your behavior toward friendship…maybe you are not the spiritual person you pretend to yourself to be… A true friend goes the extra mile…turns the other cheek…is quicker to forgive than all others around him or her…and knows that to unselfishly love others is the greatest experience in this life or any other…  –Tim R Walls

    may a loving, forgiving, humbly serving friend be your golden parachute…
    sail you to soft landing… may your indwelling spirit illuminate the route…

    Tim R Walls

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