The Melchizedek Visit – 1000 AD

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  • #42254


    When are you going to realize that everything you do in the way of e-interacting is a PROJECTION of what’s inside YOU?

    If you were to ask your Thought Adjuster for searing insights to make a case for judging me for some internet “social rating” developed by a country who is not in good social standing in human history right now after the smallpox blanket schtick,

    where in the UB “teachings” does it say that you would get permission from your TA to do that and based on “technology” today, you are selling the idea that you could actually do that?!

    Didja miss the crucial “just the facts” REVELATION about Personality Gravity Circuit…..?

    Now that it is clear, globally, how “family” cults and cabals are actually at least 200,000 years old and following Lucifer’s Manifesto the whole time,

    people are talking and using this information to look again at recent past events in their own lives and as a citizen of USA, in general,

    OUR “social rating”, if you will, the USA organization of “government” that only works if the people, themselves, are good, true and ethical (beauty)

    and there’s a critical philosophical question – the “WHY ARE WE?” – that is being asked about ANY human experientially earned “government” if you have the “WHO are we?” all wrong!

    It is NOT a “scientific” endeavor mandate from the Most Highs to Caligastia or to a Bill Gates cult prop-up to monkey around with the DNA strands that were a “God’s Will” SUCCESS story on this planet!  Dystopia dope better than religious opium?

    The SCIENCE in our HUMAN hands is the built-in natural ability to empower the potentials ripe for perfecting that are present NOW in the successful DNA design (God’s Will) for better health and joy of LIFE by careful mating.  Caligastia launched an orgy – the utilitarian “animal husbandry” approach.  And now he’s channeling his genius to an internet Mr. DNA?!

    A crime so huge and done so fast, that every Law of Life was broken.

    Every single one of these “mind circuits” are NOT “alive” in a microchip so therefore, the internet is NOT a metaphor for God.

    The BIG CRIME…? All these gifts and talents for Joy in Life in the mind circuit available to humanity were used AGAINST humanity to create this LOCKDOWN.

    1. The spirit of intuition—quick perception, the primitive physical and inherent reflex instincts, the directional and other self-preservative endowments of all mind creations; the only one of the adjutants to function so largely in the lower orders of animal life and the only one to make extensive functional contact with the nonteachable levels of mechanical mind.


    2. The spirit of understanding—the impulse of co-ordination, the spontaneous and apparently automatic association of ideas. This is the gift of the co-ordination of acquired knowledge, the phenomenon of quick reasoning, rapid judgment, and prompt decision.


    3. The spirit of courage—the fidelity endowment—in personal beings, the basis of character acquirement and the intellectual root of moral stamina and spiritual bravery. When enlightened by facts and inspired by truth, this becomes the secret of the urge of evolutionary ascension by the channels of intelligent and conscientious self-direction.


    4. The spirit of knowledge—the curiosity-mother of adventure and discovery, the scientific spirit; the guide and faithful associate of the spirits of courage and counsel; the urge to direct the endowments of courage into useful and progressive paths of growth.


    5. The spirit of counsel—the social urge, the endowment of species co-operation; the ability of will creatures to harmonize with their fellows; the origin of the gregarious instinct among the more lowly creatures.


    6. The spirit of worship—the religious impulse, the first differential urge separating mind creatures into the two basic classes of mortal existence. The spirit of worship forever distinguishes the animal of its association from the soulless creatures of mind endowment. Worship is the badge of spiritual-ascension candidacy.


    7. The spirit of wisdom—the inherent tendency of all moral creatures towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement. This is the highest of the adjutants, the spirit co-ordinator and articulator of the work of all the others. This spirit is the secret of that inborn urge of mind creatures which initiates and maintains the practical and effective program of the ascending scale of existence; that gift of living things which accounts for their inexplicable ability to survive and, in survival, to utilize the co-ordination of all their past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental ministers can mobilize in the mind of the organism concerned. Wisdom is the acme of intellectual performance. Wisdom is the goal of a purely mental and moral existence.”


    Hi Keryn!

    Define “strange”?




    Well put !


    Hi Keryn!

    Define “strange”?


    I will answer your question after you have answered mine.  In the meantime, find a dictionary.


    Nameless says:


    When are you going to realize that everything you do in the way of e-interacting is a PROJECTION of what’s inside YOU?

    If you were to ask your Thought Adjuster for searing insights to make a case for judging me for some internet “social rating” developed by a country who is not in good social standing in human history right now after the smallpox blanket schtick,

    where in the UB “teachings” does it say that you would get permission from your TA to do that and based on “technology” today, you are selling the idea that you could actually do that?!

    Didja miss the crucial “just the facts” REVELATION about Personality Gravity Circuit…..?

    Now that it is clear, globally, how “family” cults and cabals are actually at least 200,000 years old and following Lucifer’s Manifesto the whole time,

    people are talking and using this information to look again at recent past events in their own lives and as a citizen of USA, in general,

    OUR “social rating”, if you will, the USA organization of “government” that only works if the people, themselves, are good, true and ethical (beauty)

    and there’s a critical philosophical question – the “WHY ARE WE?” – that is being asked about ANY human experientially earned “government” if you have the “WHO are we?” all wrong!

    It is NOT a “scientific” endeavor mandate from the Most Highs to Caligastia or to a Bill Gates cult prop-up to monkey around with the DNA strands that were a “God’s Will” SUCCESS story on this planet!  Dystopia dope better than religious opium?

    The SCIENCE in our HUMAN hands is the built-in natural ability to empower the potentials ripe for perfecting that are present NOW in the successful DNA design (God’s Will) for better health and joy of LIFE by careful mating.  Caligastia launched an orgy – the utilitarian “animal husbandry” approach.  And now he’s channeling his genius to an internet Mr. DNA?!

    A crime so huge and done so fast, that every Law of Life was broken.

    Every single one of these “mind circuits” are NOT “alive” in a microchip so therefore, the internet is NOT a metaphor for God.

    The BIG CRIME…? All these gifts and talents for Joy in Life in the mind circuit available to humanity were used AGAINST humanity to create this LOCKDOWN.”



    Again…confusing and “strange”.  And false…or certainly in total contradiction of the Papers.

    What do you mean by getting “permission” from my God Fragment?  Weird.  The very notion of permission to choose and exercise freewill suggests a gross misunderstanding of the very important realities of freewill presented in the UB.

    Even prayerful reflection and the alignment of will and purification of motive and the exercise of experiential wisdom does NOT include or require “permissions”.

    The claim of and belief in a planetary mortals cabal and conspiracy of global manipulation is really too absurd and primitive for reply or further comment.  Text please?!

    There is a conspiracy of greed and power that ensnares some mortals of every generation and acts to perpetuate the idolization of material wealth and self importance.  This conspiracy is self perpetuating but requires no specific organizations or leadership or continuity or cooperation or agreement or central command.  It only requires the evil/error of immaturity and self importance.  That’s enough.

    The spiritual brotherhood grows as the power of greed and self importance diminishes by evolutionary and experiential progress of mortals which is due to two factors and forces:  the ministry of the Spirit within and by the planetary ministry and leadership of the Most Highs.

    Again and still do you present targets for your blame and disappointment and anxiety and impatience.  There is no war in heaven.  The devil is not in charge of our world or preventing our epochal progress and is not to blame for the very normal and universal repercussions of mortal materialistic and self important  choices and priorities and the natural outcomes we suffer thereby and therefrom.

    And the internet has absolutely nothing to do with the Mind Circuit described in the Papers.  Nothing whatsoever.  Very misleading and false.

    The 7 Adjutant Mind Spirits are fully intact, fully engaged, and fully functional.

    Such false beliefs only excuse poor mortal choices and behaviors and their inherent results IMO.

    Fear Not.


    No other objections by the community here regarding such distortions and misrepresentations of the text?


    So…does community politeness and decorum require silent acquiescence for paranoid delusion and the shrill sky-is-falling rhetoric imposed upon us here?  Or is such silence considered incorrectly to be somehow altruistic? Should the motive or agenda of a poster be considered?  If innocence may be served by the community’s silence….is wisdom too so served?  Ahhhh…the dove and the serpent.  So complex a conundrum.

    But this place is (allegedly) a classroom and study group first and foremost.  Who here thinks it somehow appropriate in this classroom, or ANY classroom, to allow falsehoods, misstatements, misrepresentions, and contradictions of the UB to go unchallenged and uncorrected?  Really!!??

    Does anyone perceive a desire here by Nameless to share the actual teachings of the text beung studied, or to learn of those and discover meaning and value?  Hmmmm…… Do you find these posts contain the assurances gifted to us by this Epochal Revelation?

    It really is not what happens that matters nearly so much as our response to what happens I think.  Not responding IS responding I believe.

    Much to consider….


    I agree with Keryn….Strange…..


    “Unusual or surprising in a way that is unsettling or hard to understand.”


    unusual · odd · curious · peculiar· funny ·bizarre · weird· uncanny · queer · unexpected · unfamiliar · abnormal · atypical · anomalous · untypical · different · out of the ordinary · out of the way · extraordinary · remarkable · puzzling · mystifying · mysterious · perplexing · baffling · unaccountable · inexplicable · incongruous· uncommon · irregular · singular · deviant · aberrant · freak · freakish · surreal · suspicious· dubious · questionable · eerie · unnatural · outré · unco · fishy · creepy · spooky · rum · bizarro · eccentric · unconventional · idiosyncratic · outlandish · offbeat · quirky · quaint · zany · off-center · wacky · way out · freaky · kooky · kinky · oddball · like nothing on earth · cranky · screwy · off the wall · wacko· backasswards



    You know….“STRANGE”

    Not a difficult concept.  We can look it up….as recommended.

    Thank you Keryn for speaking up.  ;-)

    Mark Kurtz

    Well, Bradly, I did post objection. See post 42167 on August 14.

    I agree with sincere efforts at rebutting untruths posted on this Forum. As you say, the book says what it says. This Forum is not for laundering one’s objections about how God manages the Cosmos.

    Keep up your good work. You get a blue Jerusem ribbon and more stars! And also, I’ve also been wondering where are all the readers who believe the Revelation and could support us moving to greater credibility for the book.  Where is Bonita? She’s been a great contributor for helping people to understand many of the advanced teachings.

    Again, let’s get back to the spirit of the original post from Rick Warren.


    Mark wrote:

    “Thank you Moderator 2. I was thinking of posting a reminder to “nameless” this Forum is gifted to discuss The Urantia Book and to help each other understand what the revelators intend to convey. We are not here to discuss what is posted on other forums or any other doctrine from any groups.


    The person I want to follow is Jesus whom we know has earned and granted final authority in this Nebadon universe, not any other doctrine or personality. It is he who has granted his Spirit of Truth to help us recognize truth and to help with conviction of truth. It is he who listed his 11 Fruits of the Spirit. For me it is those 11, which if they grow within us, we may trust as evidence of actual spiritual growth. It is those 11 we ought to shine forth in this Forum. Let’s keep the Forum clean!”


    Thanks Mark…you shine.

    Yes…the good news of our affectionate and skillful leadership by Big Mac!!



    Michael’s 7th and final bestowal incarnation was as a human, a mortal of the realm.  But it is interesting to note that his 1st bestowal was as a Melchizedek.  From the highest form of local universe origin beings to the lowest, in a successive and descending order.

    I suggest reading the first 4 sections of Paper 35 to learn about the Melchizedeks.  These beings have many roles and responsibilities.   One of those is acting as the Local Universe first responders and emergency services team.  They are the fixers and hot shots and marines, those who rush into burning buildings and are sent to situations that require creative ingenuity and unquestioned loyalty and great experiential wisdom, especially emergencies regarding mortals and mortal ascension.

    Please note below that Michael served 24 emergency missions during his first Bestowal as a Melchizedek.


    119:1.3 (1309.4) All the inhabitants of Salvington and those dwelling on the constellation and system headquarters worlds assembled about their respective receiving stations for universe intelligence, hoping to get some word of the mission and whereabouts of the Creator Son. Not until the third day after Michael’s departure was any message of possible significance received. On this day a communication was registered on Salvington from the Melchizedek sphere, the headquarters of that order in Nebadon, which simply recorded this extraordinary and never-before-heard-of transaction: “At noon today there appeared on the receiving field of this world a strange Melchizedek Son, not of our number but wholly like our order. He was accompanied by a solitary omniaphim who bore credentials from Uversa and presented orders addressed to our chief, derived from the Ancients of Days and concurred in by Immanuel of Salvington, directing that this new Melchizedek Son be received into our order and assigned to the emergency service of the Melchizedeks of Nebadon. And it has been so ordered; it has been done.”

    119:1.4 (1310.1) And this is about all that appears on the records of Salvington regarding the first Michael bestowal. Nothing more appears until after one hundred years of Urantia time, when there was recorded the fact of Michael’s return and unannounced resumption of the direction of universe affairs. But a strange record is to be found on the Melchizedek world, a recital of the service of this unique Melchizedek Son of the emergency corps of that age. This record is preserved in a simple temple which now occupies the foreground of the home of the Father Melchizedek, and it comprises the narration of the service of this transitory Melchizedek Son in connection with his assignment to twenty-four missions of universe emergency. And this record, which I have so recently reviewed, ends thus:

    119:1.5 (1310.2) “And at noon on this day, without previous announcement and witnessed by only three of our brotherhood, this visiting Son of our order disappeared from our world as he came, accompanied only by a solitary omniaphim; and this record is now closed with the certification that this visitor lived as a Melchizedek, in the likeness of a Melchizedek he worked as a Melchizedek, and he faithfully performed all of his assignments as an emergency Son of our order. By universal consent he has become chief of Melchizedeks, having earned our love and adoration by his matchless wisdom, supreme love, and superb devotion to duty. He loved us, understood us, and served with us, and forever we are his loyal and devoted fellow Melchizedeks, for this stranger on our world has now eternally become a universe minister of Melchizedek nature.”

    119:1.6 (1310.3) And that is all I am permitted to tell you of the first bestowal of Michael. We, of course, fully understand that this strange Melchizedek who so mysteriously served with the Melchizedeks a billion years ago was none other than the incarnated Michael on the mission of his first bestowal. The records do not specifically state that this unique and efficient Melchizedek was Michael, but it is universally believed that he was. Probably the actual statement of that fact cannot be found outside of the records of Sonarington, and the records of that secret world are not open to us. Only on this sacred world of the divine Sons are the mysteries of incarnation and bestowal fully known. We all know of the facts of the Michael bestowals, but we do not understand how they are effected. We do not know how the ruler of a universe, the creator of the Melchizedeks, can so suddenly and mysteriously become one of their number and, as one of them, live among them and work as a Melchizedek Son for one hundred years. But it so happened.


    I repeat, I am NOT a UB code-talker,  Therefore, I am not USING the UB to bear false witness against any other UB reader,

    When “education” MUST be done “remotely” , and ALL UB websites are to be used ONLY by UB code-talkers scrambling to hide their “bad math”:

    More misery for others = More $$$$ for ME ME ME

    what’s the problem with waxing philosophical about the human species to which we all belong…?


    UB has a lot to offer to answer those questions!  And it’s all GOOD, TRUE, and BEAUTIFUL.

    Whatever else may call itself a “Deity”, without those Deity Attributes – truth, beauty, goodness – you got nothing. You’re just a small dark micro chip sized blip in time and space that has ZERO eternal value. And you don’t get to trash a Nursery of Life like Earth.

    The consciousness of TIME is a universal possession of our human mind.  If you don’t read the UB beginning with Paper 1 sequentially to Paper 196, you can come up with a lot of “strange”.  UB code-talkers are hoping for that, but dismissing geologists, biologists, physicists, artists, etc. as the un-chosen has consequences.

    Here’s item #1 – Lucifer Manifesto – Paper 53 – “….Whatever the early origins of trouble in the hearts of Lucifer and Satan, the final outbreak took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The cause of the rebels was stated under three heads:


    1. The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer charged that the Universal Father did not really exist, that physical gravity and space-energy were inherent in the universe, and that the Father was a myth invented by the Paradise Sons to enable them to maintain the rule of the universes in the Father’s name. He denied that personality was a gift of the Universal Father. He even intimated that the finaliters were in collusion with the Paradise Sons to foist fraud upon all creation since they never brought back a very clear-cut idea of the Father’s actual personality as it is discernible on Paradise. He traded on reverence as ignorance. The charge was sweeping, terrible, and blasphemous. It was this veiled attack upon the finaliters that no doubt influenced the ascendant citizens then on Jerusem to stand firm and remain steadfast in resistance to all the rebel’s proposals….”.

    So that means that Part One of the Urantia Book is also a “revelation” for Lucifer, et al, because it turns out that they did not know who THEY were, so fast forward 200,000 years…Nihilism, Hedonism, Anarchy.

    “dark and confused”



    :-(   And down the rabbit hole we go!

    Apparently this topic, as interesting as it is and might have become, is lost.

    Too bad.

    Now we are told the UB revealed unknown knowledge to Lucifer and Caligastia.  Oh dear.  So false.

    Do I hear the whisper of justification for rebellion here?


    I repeat, I am NOT a UB code-talker, Therefore, I am not USING the UB to bear false witness against any other UB reader, When “education” MUST be done “remotely” , and ALL UB websites are to be used ONLY by UB code-talkers scrambling to hide their “bad math”: More misery for others = More $$$$ for ME ME ME what’s the problem with waxing philosophical about the human species to which we all belong…? WHO ARE WE? WHY ARE WE? UB has a lot to offer to answer those questions! And it’s all GOOD, TRUE, and BEAUTIFUL. Whatever else may call itself a “Deity”, without those Deity Attributes – truth, beauty, goodness – you got nothing. You’re just a small dark micro chip sized blip in time and space that has ZERO eternal value. And you don’t get to trash a Nursery of Life like Earth. The consciousness of TIME is a universal possession of our human mind. If you don’t read the UB beginning with Paper 1 sequentially to Paper 196, you can come up with a lot of “strange”. UB code-talkers are hoping for that, but dismissing geologists, biologists, physicists, artists, etc. as the un-chosen has consequences. Here’s item #1 – Lucifer Manifesto – Paper 53 – “….Whatever the early origins of trouble in the hearts of Lucifer and Satan, the final outbreak took form as the Lucifer Declaration of Liberty. The cause of the rebels was stated under three heads:


    1. The reality of the Universal Father. Lucifer charged that the Universal Father did not really exist, that physical gravity and space-energy were inherent in the universe, and that the Father was a myth invented by the Paradise Sons to enable them to maintain the rule of the universes in the Father’s name. He denied that personality was a gift of the Universal Father. He even intimated that the finaliters were in collusion with the Paradise Sons to foist fraud upon all creation since they never brought back a very clear-cut idea of the Father’s actual personality as it is discernible on Paradise. He traded on reverence as ignorance. The charge was sweeping, terrible, and blasphemous. It was this veiled attack upon the finaliters that no doubt influenced the ascendant citizens then on Jerusem to stand firm and remain steadfast in resistance to all the rebel’s proposals….”. So that means that Part One of the Urantia Book is also a “revelation” for Lucifer, et al, because it turns out that they did not know who THEY were, so fast forward 200,000 years…Nihilism, Hedonism, Anarchy. “dark and confused”

    Dark and confused…yes.  And strange.  Very Strange.

    Nigel Nunn

    Nameless wrote:

    “So that means that Part One of the Urantia Book is also a “revelation” for Lucifer, et al, because it turns out that they did not know who THEY were, … “

    Nameless, you hit the nail on the head!  That Lanonandek Sons lack EXPERIENTIAL insight beyond their personal (finite) frame seems to be precisely the problem that requires their elder (Melchizedek) brothers, occasionally, to step in.

    If interested, I try to explore this issue in this document: The Lanonandek Dilemma

    From page 4:

    “While the ascenders for whom Lanonandeks care are rapidly bumped beyond their initial finite frame, the Lanonandeks themselves apparently are bound into their local frame for the duration of the Grand Universe age. It may thus be among the brilliant but timebound Lanonandeks that the Daynals find their most effective, and crucial, opportunity to serve.”

    “In all universes all the Sons of God are beholden to these ever-faithful and universally efficient Trinity Teacher Sons. They are the exalted teachers of all spirit personalities, even the tried and true teachers of the Sons of God themselves.” (20:8.4, 231.4)



    From Nigel’s post above:

    Nameless wrote:

    “So that means that Part One of the Urantia Book is also a “revelation” for Lucifer, et al, because it turns out that they did not know who THEY were, … “

    Nigel:  Nameless, you hit the nail on the head!  That Lanonandek Sons lack EXPERIENTIAL insight beyond their personal (finite) frame seems to be precisely the problem that requires their elder (Melchizedek) brothers, occasionally, to step in.


    Nigel….are you claiming:

    1.  The UB is a written revelation to other worlds and beings as well as the FER to Urantia?

    2.  Celestials, including Lanondeks, do not know about origins and cosmology and the personalities of the Super and Central Universes?

    Again…what a strange claim and  contradiction of the text.  There are vast libraries and schools and teachers and beings from Paradise and those from the Local Universe who have been to Paradise and back.

    Your claim suggests System Sovereigns and Planetary Princes are unprepared and uneducated and untested for their duties and assignments.  And yet their failure rate is so infinitesimal.

    While it us true that Lanondeks are beings who gain experiential wisdom by learning and doing, where does it say morontia mind lacks insight and inspiration along with mota?  You claim it…but not the text posted.

    Are you saying then the Manifesto was an instrument of ignorance rather than deliberate sin?  That the Deceiver was merely deceived himself?

    What a indictment of all those brilliant and loyal Lanondeks!  What a contradiction to the teachings of the Revelation.

    35:8.2 (392.2) Being a later and lower—as concerns divinity levels—order of sonship creation, these beings were required to pass through certain courses of training on the Melchizedek worlds in preparation for subsequent service. They were the first students in the Melchizedek University and were classified and certified by their Melchizedek teachers and examiners according to ability, personality, and attainment.

    35:8.3 (392.3) The universe of Nebadon began its existence with exactly twelve million Lanonandeks, and when they had passed through the Melchizedek sphere, they were divided in the final tests into three classes:

    35:8.4 (392.4) 1. Primary Lanonandeks. Of the highest rank there were 709,841. These are the Sons designated as System Sovereigns and assistants to the supreme councils of the constellations and as counselors in the higher administrative work of the universe.

    35:8.5 (392.5) 2. Secondary Lanonandeks. Of this order emerging from Melchizedek there were 10,234,601. They are assigned as Planetary Princes and to the reserves of that order.

    35:8.6 (392.6) 3. Tertiary Lanonandeks. This group contained 1,055,558. These Sons function as subordinate assistants, messengers, custodians, commissioners, observers, and prosecute the miscellaneous duties of a system and its component worlds.

    What do you mean Nameless “nailed it”????

    Nailed what….exactly?  It is completely false to claim Lucifer – or any celestial anywhere – gained ANY knowledge from the UB by its writing or publication.  Preposterous really.

    If that’s the claim?

    There are those who excuse Lucifer’s folly and iniquity.  Some have claimed his acts were the will of God.  You offer ignorance and lack of insight as an excuse?

    I look forward to clarification.  Chasing Nameless down the rabbit hole still obscures and distracts from Big Macs ministries I think….


    However, a read of Paper 35 will help connect the very real Local Universe  education of Lanonendeks and other celestials and the training received to prepare all beings for service – especially Sovereigns and Princes – by the Melchizedeks!



    All this demonstrates the very obvious need for study and discovery groups with sincere students hoping to learn what the UB teaches.  Also illustrates the dangers of pandering to misrepresentations of the text in a classroom.  Worse than silent acquiescence is agreement with falsehoods.   IMO.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

     If interested, I try to explore this issue in this document: The Lanonandek Dilemma

    Thanks very much for that insightful document, Nigel. Am about half way thru a novel on pre- and post-rebellion Urantia/Jerusem. You brought out several fine points and worthy facts, two of which demand consideration to understand a rebellion’s genesis, and it’s otherwise inscrutable appeal to the lower orders of administrators:

    1. The Lanonadeks, like mortals, require faith. But their ‘cosmic frame of reference’ is limited, circumscribed, they cannot have the Adjuster provided cosmic frame that we enjoy.

    2. They don’t advance beyond the System level. Once rated by their elder brothers, the Melchizedeks, they are forever (or until all time and space is settled in Light and Life) first, second, or third in rank.

    And a possible third, their inherent ‘brilliance’ combined with their innate unascending situation, and a spoonful of pride, can precipitate just such unreasonable atheism, just such reckless reasoning as to deny the maker of all things and beings, as infected Lucifer’s mind. Even so, it’s noteworthy that only 700 of Nebadon’s allotted 12,000,000 Lanonandek’s have ever strayed, and that only three of that number were (primary) System Sovereigns.


    Richard E Warren

    Nigel Nunn

    Bradly wrote:

    I look forward to clarification.

    Bradly, sorry for the confusion. For clarification, see this document.

    The point (which I should have made more clear) is that, while Michael and his Divine Mins fully explain “The Phenomenon of Man” to the youngest and lowest of their (descending) “Local Universe Sons of God”, these Lanonandeks have to take ON FAITH the transcendental nature and purpose of Adjusters personalized by Michael’s variation on his Father’s “human technique”. And here we find Lucifer’s problem: he did not BELIEVE what his (Melchizedek) teachers, and his local universe Father (Michael) had taught him.

    Having thus lost faith in his original mission (helping his father Michael with Michael’s Father’s business of personalizing Adjusters), Lucifer’s increasingly deranged mind had to invent some self-satisfying purpose for (what he thought was) his naturally unending life. And as we know, he fell under the spell of the delusion his bright mind wove. The point about the Daynals (Trinity Teacher Sons) is that they have the knack for helping such time-bound Lanonandeks appreciate what Michael and his Father are REALLY doing in space and time:

    “The Paradise Spiritual Sons are unique Trinity-origin beings and the only Trinity creatures to be so completely associated with the conduct of the dual-origin universes. They are affectionately devoted to the educational ministry to mortal creatures and the lower orders of spiritual beings. They begin their labors in the local systems and, in accordance with experience and achievement, are advanced inward through the constellation service to the highest work of the local creation. Upon certification they may become spiritual ambassadors representing the local universes of their service.” (231.1, 20:8.1)

    So, just to clarify, I did not mean to suggest the Urantia Book was written for the benefit of any of the descending orders of Local universe Sons; what I MEANT to IMPLY was that the ontology and cosmology sketched in Part 1 of the Urantia Book is something that Lanonandeks, like humans, must necessarily take ON FAITH. This I believe was a point of interest touched upon by our Nameless friend in that — yes — strange and disjoint post.

    Again, sorry for the confusion!


    Thank you Nigel.  I too have really enjoyed and benefitted by your posted work on the Lanonandeks.  Page 3 is especially related to the claims and discussion here.

    Isn’t the same faith and belief requirement true of all celestials who originate in and are confined to the Local Universe who are not “humanized”…or those without the God Fragment?  And certainly even those of us so endowed require faith and belief.

    So what is it that excuses sin and iniquity and the rejection of truth and reality?  In the Lanonandeks or anyone else?  The failure to spiritualize truth, beauty, and goodness and the disloyalty toward others for such SELF assertion seems, to me anyway, to be very personal and individually specific and peculiar.

    A failure of will and choice and motive and intention and priority at a personal, individual level that reveals insanity resulting from the embrace and repercussions of False Liberty and Self Importance combined with Disappointment and Blame and Impatience.  Not a function of type or level of Sonship I don’t think but the result of stinking thinking plus time and the rot within that can grow if allowed to.  Bitter fruit indeed.

    Thanks again Nigel! :good:

    0:3.25 (6.5) Much of the confusion of all orders of beings, high and low, in their efforts to discover the Father-Infinite, is inherent in their limitations of comprehension. The absolute primacy of the Universal Father is not apparent on subinfinite levels; therefore is it probable that only the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit truly know the Father as an infinity; to all other personalities such a concept represents the exercise of faith.

    1:3.3 (25.3) The Universal Father is not invisible because he is hiding himself away from the lowly creatures of materialistic handicaps and limited spiritual endowments. The situation rather is: “You cannot see my face, for no mortal can see me and live.” No material man could behold the spirit God and preserve his mortal existence. The glory and the spiritual brilliance of the divine personality presence is impossible of approach by the lower groups of spirit beings or by any order of material personalities. The spiritual luminosity of the Father’s personal presence is a “light which no mortal man can approach; which no material creature has seen or can see.” But it is not necessary to see God with the eyes of the flesh in order to discern him by the faith-vision of the spiritualized mind.

    1:5.5 (28.2) In the local creations (excepting the personnel of the superuniverses) God has no personal or residential manifestation aside from the Paradise Creator Sons who are the fathers of the inhabited worlds and the sovereigns of the local universes. If the faith of the creature were perfect, he would assuredly know that when he had seen a Creator Son he had seen the Universal Father; in seeking for the Father, he would not ask nor expect to see other than the Son. Mortal man simply cannot see God until he achieves completed spirit transformation and actually attains Paradise.

    1:7.5 (31.5) Ultimate universe reality cannot be grasped by mathematics, logic, or philosophy, only by personal experience in progressive conformity to the divine will of a personal God. Neither science, philosophy, nor theology can validate the personality of God. Only the personal experience of the faith sons of the heavenly Father can effect the actual spiritual realization of the personality of God.


    So….what was it, again, that Nameless “nailed”??  His claim is that Part 1 of the UB was ‘news’ to Lucifer and Caligastia.  That they were ignorant and uneducated and unaware of universe cosmology and reality!

    False.  Not nailed.  A direct contradiction of the UB.  Another, of so many, contradictions to the UB so far.  So many false claims (and no questions), that makes one wonder about motive and agenda and sincerity.  Learning does not appear to be on this agenda of this reader.

    You Nigel are a most sincere and astute seeker and I appreciate the opportunity to learn alongside such a generous believer of truth who shares such a reasoned passion with such perceptive faith….and kindness and patience toward others….certainly toward me.

    As I grow older and lose my wit I can be a little grumpy and should probably learn to listen more and speak less perhaps!  Hahaha…yes indeed!


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