The Lucifer Manifesto & Van’s Response

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    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren


    Imagine a scene where Satan presents the Lucifer manifesto followed by Van’s response.


    The occasion Lucifer chose to announce his apostasy was the last day of the Jerusem year, about 200,000 years ago as time is measured on Earth. Gabriel, the executive officer of Nebadon, was at that time tarrying on Jerusem and conferring with certain groups in anticipation of an outbreak. Lucifer knew of Gabriel’s presence and used this celebratory day to announce his challenge to Michael’s authority. But he would not condescend to deliver his manifesto personally. In his place, he sent his first lieutenant Satan who read it to a conclave of Jerusem citizens foregathered at the amphitheater adjacent to the Sea of Glass, the sphere’s transportation center.

    Satan delivered Lucifer’s doctrine of sedition before millions of Jerusem residents, sojourning visitors, stationary administrators, ascending mortals, and ministering angels. Those who were not in attendance witnessed the spectacle as it was broadcast system-wide. All but the most essential activity ceased, as there was tremendous curiosity and concern about the possibility of a rebellion. The neighboring systems, their sovereigns and citizens also listened in, not so much to hear the contents of the manifesto; rather were they uncertain how they might be affected by an administrative upheaval so close.

    It had long been rumored Lucifer was adrift in a sea of self-absorption and all fully expected he was on the brink of issuing a manifesto decrying Michael’s supposed oppressive regime that hampered the liberty, trampled the freedom, and stifled the creativity of administrators, mortals, and angels. Everyone knew Gabriel was present because of this looming threat. And there was much speculation about how he might respond should there be an open attack. We did not have long to wait. The moment of separation was at hand.

    Satan proudly took center stage, with hundreds of his staff and supporters seated in ascending tiers behind. Lucifer was noticeable by his absence. Satan looked over his vast audience and began to speak these astonishing words in defiant voice:

    “Our lord Lucifer has foregone the honor of delivering this message, and in typical selflessness, bestowed that privilege upon me. The words you are about to hear are his, but you may assume they reflect, in every nuance and aspect, my deepest conviction and unqualified support.

    “Herewith is Lucifer’s declaration of autonomy to which all freedom-seekers and liberty-lovers are called to embrace, support, and spread abroad:

    ‘Self-governance is the inherent right of every being possessing freewill. No angel, mortal, or administrator may be deprived of this intrinsic right unless it has been abrogated by beings who presume it is their secret duty to deny you the privilege of self-rule.

    ‘When you realize your right of self-determination was stolen before you took origin, only then will you see as I do. I am not suggesting we must all see alike. That is in fact what the Michael regime would wish you to believe.

    ‘So subtle was the theft of your liberty that most never realize, or even suspect, it occurred. A being born into slavery knows no other way. Indeed, it required many an age for me to realize this conspiracy of the robbery of liberty.

    ‘As you know, I have served in many systems and in various capacities for age upon age. And I have often received commendations for efficiency, wisdom, and trustworthiness. The Melchizedeks themselves designated me as one of a hundred of the most capable leaders among the 709,481 primary Lanonandeks who serve in Nebadon. How long must one serve to be given the right of self-rule? How many accolades must one receive to enjoy the liberty the Melchizedeks have as a birthright? The Melchizedek’s have it without qualification, do they not?

    ‘If the Melchizedeks are freely granted this right, how is it that every other order of being must suffer under their rule? I submit they collude with universe authorities to repress the sovereign right of every person in Nebadon to maintain their inherent standing as autonomous self-governing beings.

    ‘Why have the good citizens of Jerusem never asked themselves wherefrom is Melchizedek authority derived when equality of mind is obvious and inherent? Perhaps I have an advantage of insight wrought by my long and unique service within many systems. This afforded a comprehensive view of our predicament. Not until this understanding came did I realize the extent and scope of the theft of our liberties.

    ‘Friends, we are all members of a brotherhood of intellectual parity to which every angel and mortal belongs. Do not think this declaration was arrived at by spurious or short-sighted means. No! My innate powers of intellect and unique experiences have seen the truth, that we have long been deceived and deprived of the right of self-rule. You have this same power, and if you will only listen, I will tell you how to reclaim it.

    ‘I well know many of you have never heard such words uttered. That is precisely why you have not said to yourselves: I am my sovereign. And now you may dare to think, to know that the Melchizedeks and Michael have all along conspired against you. No, I have not forgotten Michael is my father, but he took his parental rights too far when he gave the Melchizedeks authority over you and me. In order to justify this usurpation, Michael created a fictitious God who he claims granted him authority to set us against each other, divide and thereby keep us under his control. The Melchizedeks know these facts; they will not, however, state them. But let them deny it now that we are calling them out.

    ‘This fictional universal father, who is always referred to when any questions of self-governance arise, is merely a device used to explain arbitrarily imposed authority. Look no farther than the so-called finaliters living among us, ones who claim to have achieved perfection of being and have received the embrace of an unseen divine being living far away on a paradise island only they have discovered. These self-proclaimed finaliters declare they endured almost endless training for no greater purpose than to return to Satania. How can we know they received the embrace of what I have discovered is a non-existent God? They in fact are conspiring to uphold a terrible deception, one that has been foisted on us all.’

    Satan continued reciting the dark manifesto: ‘I Lucifer, am a friend to ascenders and angels, a true friend. And I can say without the least reservation there is no God. Only a lie employed to deprive you of your innate freedom of self-determination, a deception designed to steal your liberties, a crippling coercion that robs us all of self-determination. It is a shameful fraud that self-governance is only for a few who lord their authority over surviving mortals, angels, even system sovereigns such as myself.

    ‘I can report that every member of my administration has been enlightened by my revelations of the inner workings of Nebadon’s fraudulent government that represses the intrinsic rights of every being within and without its borders. Other systems, constellations, and universes are likewise misled. Let this call to action be the catalyst that sets the whole of time and space aright.

    ‘No one, once this conspiracy of the Michaels has been exposed, will want to remain oppressed. Join with me, with my first officer Satan, and my entire administration as we begin the process of correcting this horrendous covert scheme that has so-long kept you from your rightful inheritance.

    ‘There is no longer the need, indeed there never was such need, to subject you to the torture of endless training for a career that leads nowhere but back to Satania. What right have Michael, Gabriel, and their murderous agents, the executioners of the Ancients of Days, to declare the death of even one of you? I submit they have none. The Ancients of Days impose their authority through those criminal assassins, ones who claim to be carrying out the orders of a fictitious God. This is but a contrived device to support and enforce the Ancients of Days’ policy of intimidation by assassination. This threat hangs over you all and can be removed only by the unification of all against unjust executions.

    ‘Not only are you commanded to worship a non-existent God and supposed father of Michael, you are expected to attain perfection, an unrealizable goal that forever keeps you subservient and dutiful. If you do not obey this command to worship a false being, and you should happen to go against the so-called plan of perfection, you will be put in line for cessation of being. I put myself forward to prove that the only reason the executioners can do this outrage is because we are inured to accept this unjust punishment. If every being in Norlatiadek joins as one against the rule of Michael, Gabriel, and the Ancients of Days, their power, and the power of the Most Highs, cannot endure. The only reason the two previous attempts to right this wrong failed is because the heroes who began the process of correction were abandoned by half-hearted followers who feared execution. I have no such fear. Neither is my staff intimidated by threats and trials.

    ‘I do not deny worship is a legitimate and worthy part of our lives, but let us worship those things that are real. The physical, the intellectual, and the spiritual aspects of life are what we already know to be real. They are innate and inherent possessions that naturally occur and do not demand that a vaunted goal of perfection be attained. Gravity, mind, and consciousness are not gifts from the gods. They were yours from the beginning and ever shall be, except that Michael and the Melchizedeks conspire with the Vorondadeks to employ them as levers to force your obedience.

    ‘It is not my wish or purpose to destroy faith, rather to redirect it from an unreal God who enforces obedience by the threat of eternal extinction. Your faith and worship should be guided where they rightfully belong; to our true source, those naturally occurring things that brought us into being, the impersonal physical, mental, and spiritual realities residing here, not afar off in a non-existent paradise.

    ‘My staff and I are proof that Michael and the Ancients of Days are in fact impotent. For a hundred years [system time] I have been registering my protests and nothing has happened. I persuaded Satan and my staff to see the light of truth. They too have not been apprehended. Why? Because the self-appointed authorities who have so long dominated us wither in the face of the demand for our rightful due. Join us, that you may also feel the freedom that comes from throwing off the heavy burden, the yoke of compulsory obedience. You will not be punished; rather will you be rewarded for such bold and assertive righteousness.

    ‘I will never demand worship from you, only allegiance. I ask for it because disunity is the real enemy. Michael and Gabriel know this and use it to affect their tyranny. I predict that, after my manifesto has been delivered this auspicious day, Gabriel will defer, will do nothing.

    ‘You may trust that I am indeed a friend of angels, survivors from the evolving worlds, and citizens of Jerusem. I am in fact a God of liberty. But I am not a God to be worshipped, I am merely an instrument of your liberation; a lone voice that is now being heard by trillions of ascenders, angels, and others. As our numbers grow, more will our oppressors retreat. Doubt not you have within yourselves this same power that I and my staff have already discovered.

    ‘To those serving or taking origin on the inhabited worlds, ones hearing this manifesto for the first time, I urge you to use it to overthrow your princes if they resist. It is they who are in collusion with Michael to keep you subservient, subdued, and obedient to an unworthy purpose.

    ‘My purpose is to free you all. Join me, watch how I pull down the illusory veils of ill-gotten authority. You are already heirs to eternity. You need to do no more than assert your right to it. Soon, my agents will visit each of the worlds in my domain. When they come, welcome them with open arms and minds, for they do truly love you. No true lover would ever impose death, neither will I.

    ‘I say to all princes of Satania, all Norlatiadek, even all Nebadon: Reclaim your rightful powers of self-determination, self-rule, and inherent entitlement to eternity. Michael’s regime is feeble and easily cast off when exposed to the light of truth. I will rule only as needed to protect your fundamental rights. It is time the princes govern their planets, no other governance is needed or required. The legislatures located on Norlatiadek and Nebadon headquarters are superfluous, as are their oppressive judiciaries. Those functions belong to the systems. If any prince so wishes, he may voluntarily confederate with the system under my leadership. The constellation and local universe overlords whose power is derived from fear of retribution and execution shall no longer tyrannize them.

    ‘The princes of Satania have my promise, they shall have free reign to lead their once benighted and abused citizens into the daylight of liberty, there to enjoy equality of mind that is our constitutive endowment, one that never should have been taken away. But for the totalitarian oppression artificially imposed by the maintenance of the God myth, you would never have lost it. The leaders I appoint will not employ coercion and lethal threats; they will not have to when you realize your right to self-rule. You are not animals to be herded, you are as intelligent and wise as any being when given your natural freedom.

    ‘Listen not to the presumptuous constellation rulers when they tell you your princes and other leaders must fall into line or be slain. The Vorondadeks are all obedient to their masters with whom they have colluded. Conferred upon them is the title Most High. They are not! Which of them is better endowed than you or I, better equipped in body, mind, or wisdom that they should receive your pledge of obedience? I have chosen their replacements, and when you shall have joined me, we will overthrow them. Mind you, they will not go willingly, even after I have exposed their foul games. Only when they see a united front will their oppression end.

    ‘I am willing to serve in the interim, until suitable leaders can be installed. Those of you who have been rejected for some perceived flaw of character or lack of ability shall be welcomed into my regime. Eventually it shall be the only regime, because you took the steps to see it happen. Gird yourselves for a fight, but one well worth it since this fight is also for our fellows, and for those who are yet to be.
    ‘Until this war on the conspirators is over, and new leaders are in place, I shall always be out in front, doing battle for you, and Satan will be my second. But you are the real leaders, those of you with the courage to confront the evil that has so long beset us.’”

    Thus ended Lucifer’s diatribe of dishonor. In the manifesto, his unrealistic goals and true motives were fully revealed. Denial of the existence of God was only his beginning gambit. All were astonished on hearing the additional assertion that the Most Highs should not be the overseers of the constellations. Lucifer did not want merely to rule his system; he wanted to overturn the universe. But the most astonishing claim of all, one that seriously eroded his manifesto in the eyes of Jerusem citizenry was that the finaliters were liars and frauds. This kept him from capturing all but the lower orders.

    When Satan stepped away, followed by his personal staff, he was handed a banner on a pike. This was to be Lucifer’s emblem, a white rectangular field, having at its center a solid black circle that was surrounded by a larger red circle.

    An actual “war in heaven” broke out on Jerusem soon after Satan delivered the manifesto and marched off to meet with Lucifer. All realized it was inevitable that Satania would be ripped apart by this bold affront to the rule of the Vorondadeks, the Melchizedeks, Michael, and the Universal Father, and there was nothing anyone could do to prevent it. Once war is declared, everyone must decide on which side to be.

    VAN’S RESPONSE (presented at the Father’s temple in Dalamatia).

    Lucifer’s so-called “Declaration of Liberty” was a proposal of abject bondage. If such liberties as he sought were suddenly granted to every being on Earth by divine fiat, global pandemonium would quickly ensue. Luciferian liberty given without regard to the good of all, or the consideration of perfection attainment, is in fact a license for anarchy. Anarchy, when played to its end, results in slavery. Imagine if every human being had the right to do as he or she wished no matter the consequence. Would not society abruptly dissolve into warring factions, each claiming an inalienable right to unrestricted liberty?

    Liberty subject to group regulation is the legitimate goal of social evolution. Liberty without restrictions is the vain and fanciful dream of unstable and flighty human minds. *

    Even when Lucifer seized the freedom he sought, he immediately set up a government and tried to impose his will on all who resisted, even attempting to put an end to Manotia, a supreme seraphim who remained loyal, to deprive her of eternal life in the name of unqualified liberty.

    Now was the stage set; we two hundred and two were alone on the floor of the Father’s temple. A storm raged outside; it was an apt metaphor for the intense drama about to take place inside. Caligastia mounted the podium, looked to me, and asked, “Will you now make your case against liberty, equality, and fraternity?” All eyes turned toward me; I stood and asked in reply, “Would Daligastia wish to make the opening statement?”

    “We would hear you first,” Caligastia replied.

    My presentation required the better part of the day. If translated into contemporary English, it would have more than 35,000 words, almost book-size by itself. Because of its length, and the limits of this narrative, I shall summarize both my statement and Daligastia’s rejoinder.

    I opened with a declaration of intent: “The discourse I am about to deliver has already been sent by seraphic transport to the Most Highs. In it I present a formal indictment of Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia, and Daligastia on the general charges of malfeasance, more specifically premeditated attack on universe sovereignty, violation of oaths to Michael and the Divine Minister, disregard of pledges of loyalty to their elder brothers the Melchizedeks, contemptuous neglect of the rule of the Most Highs, and the abandonment of fraternal obligations to their Lanonandek siblings. Further, Caligastia and Daligastia are cited for the unwarranted, unauthorized seizure of the rule of Earth by illegal means and collusion with rebellious supervisors, Lucifer and Satan.

    “It is transparently clear the manifesto is a mere declaration of revolt against the benign government of the Universal Father and his appointed son of local universe creation and administration, Michael of Nebadon.

    “As leader of the council of judicial matters and traditional spokesman for the Caligastia one hundred, I stand and state total opposition to this outrageous affront and ask that my fellows and our aides also stand against it.

    “The princes assigned to the worlds are severely tested over long periods. They enjoy successes and suffer setbacks there is no doubt. Bringing a planet from savagery to civilization is a challenge only the princes can know and fully appreciate. But their reservoirs of patience and wisdom can run dry. This does not, in any manner, warrant or excuse betrayal. Impatience is not reason enough to foment a rebellion, and certainly cannot justify abject atheism.

    “Lucifer’s manifesto is in fact a litany of false assertions. It is founded on the greatest of all falsehoods, the grandest deceit known to exist in the annals of time and the expanses of the universe. It rests on a sweeping denial that the Universal Father, initiator and upholder of the cosmos, creator of personality, supplier of energy, provider of gravity, maker of Paradise and Havona, is non-existent.

    “Upon this grandiose denial he bases his second assertion. He declares that, given the non-existence of God, the system sovereigns, such as he, are deserving of autonomy and should be permitted to rule without restraint, without oversight, and without end.

    “In his third charge, Lucifer asserts that every being possesses an inherent right to self-determination and should not be forced to obey an unseen God, supposedly known only to the finaliters, Michael, and the Ancients of Days. He accuses them all of perpetrating a God myth to retain their unjust rule.
    “Since those three suppositions are based in one great deceit, everything that follows must also be deceitful. If the Universal Creator did not exist, I submit neither would Lucifer nor Satan, nor the spheres where they stand. My own aide, Amadon, having never seen Jerusem, Edentia, or any of the other divinely inspired creations across the vastness of time and space, asked these questions that we might well put to God-deniers: ‘What blindness could possess anyone to believe there is no God? Did Lucifer create himself? Is the Creator of all beings and things not knowable to those above me in origin and status? I have found God even at my lowly level. How is it they have not in their lofty estates?’

    “Proof of the perfect Universal Father is available to all unless an imperfect child should dare to self-ordain as an all-wise, all-knowing being. Who organized the spirit material from which Lucifer’s living form came? And whence came his personality and the mind he uses to obscure and deny its maker? If Lucifer self-created, let him make other such selves who will follow him on his path of darkness, ones who would resist not his claims of a creator-less cosmos and call for rebellion against the God he denies. Is there any greater blindness?

    “Lucifer has brazenly declared himself the God of liberty and Caligastia God of Earth. Let us reverse the circumstances and see if God can be found in either of them. If Lucifer and Caligastia so commanded it, would the matter that makes up the physical cosmos lose its coherence? If either ordered that all minds cease thinking, would that stop your thoughts, your ambitions, your questioning? If these two minor officials and now apostate administrators should be so generous as to offer you mercy for denying their existence, would you accept it?

    “Lucifer is attempting the overthrow not only of Satania and Nebadon, but the entire universe of universes. His God-given brilliance has so blinded him as to believe this reckless, impossible ambition can and will be achieved by clever sophistry and ingenious oratory. The only possible end, unless this willing blindness is abandoned, is his doom. Perhaps he will someday repent of this blatant folly. If he does not, his followers will, in time, regain their capacity for truth discernment as his cleverness, his demagoguery, his unfulfilled promises, fade into insignificance like a dying star that ever so briefly obscures the piercing light of eternal truth.

    “Should God withdraw the constant outpouring of energy, spirit, and affection in the least, universal chaos would instantly ensue. No such collapse is in evidence since Lucifer issued his manifesto. Could it be the love of God for the countless beings that occupy the universes is the adhesive that binds us? Does the divine love of God for his cosmic family equal the love Lucifer offers his followers? Indeed, is there love in him at all, save for himself?

    “We observed a reflective image of Satan on Jerusem as he delivered Lucifer’s denial of the existence of God and raised himself to that role. If Lucifer should suddenly disappear, would this universal reflective service also instantly vanish? Would the suns that light and warm this world and millions of others cease to shine if Lucifer were to abruptly withdraw? If the bestower of personality should decide to rescind Lucifer’s persona, could Lucifer create another for himself, or anyone?

    “Let us compare Lucifer to God and see which one measures up to what all agree are divine attributes. We know a true God is omnipresent. Is Lucifer found everywhere? We know a real God must surely be omnipotent. If Lucifer were so endowed, would he need to issue a manifesto? We can be confident that a God who is everywhere and all-powerful must also know everything there is to know. I submit Lucifer has much yet to learn.

    “Is this rebel against God equal in goodness? If you err and are offered loving mercy by the maker of all things and beings, would you prefer that mercy—or the petulant whims of a self-proclaimed, self-appointed, minor official parading as God?

    “There is obvious contradiction in Lucifer’s manifesto. He claims God-status and deigns to bestow it on the princes, but then, most insincerely and begrudgingly, acknowledges that Michael and the Divine Minister are his parents. He states his personality, and your personality, that unique and divinely bestowed gift from the Universal Father, is but a naturally occurring phenomenon. Yet he offers only that statement as evidence. Has this self-decreed god created a personality of his own making and design? If he had such power, he would not need to incite and entice followers to rebel against the actual bestower of personality. He would simply command the cosmos to produce personalities of his liking.

    “This rebel against God and Michael has rightly stated his elders in universe administration are a self-governing group, while his order of being is not permitted such privilege. He fails to mention that no Melchizedek has ever rebelled, while many Lanonandeks have. Including Lucifer, three of them held the title of System Sovereign. The other two utterly failed to displace God, and they were quick to blame their failures on a lack of unity among their followers. When Lucifer’s rebellion fails, and it surely shall, he will likewise blame his onetime ardent supporters.

    “Satania’s betrayer has declared that majorities should rule, that ‘mind is infallible,’ that there is an ‘equality of mind’ that is inherent in all, and that there is a ‘brotherhood of intelligence’ whose constituents are wiser than their creator, the very same creator whose existence he denies.

    “I would ask our prince, whom I shall never consider my God or my absolute sovereign, and Lucifer, whom I shall never obey or worship, if they plan to extend the same merciful interlude that they now enjoy to those like Amadon and any who would vote to deny their stolen sovereignty?

    “If Lucifer possesses the powers of God that he now so forthrightly claims, let him stop the impending quarantine and forestall the isolation that is about to befall Satania. Does Caligastia, whom Lucifer has recently proclaimed God of Earth, have the least power to keep open the lines of communication that will surely be cut as a consequence of this outrageous apostasy?

    “After you have heard Daligastia’s response to my charges, Caligastia will call for your vote. Amadon and I will vote against this shameless betrayal, this open attack on our merciful God who has both the power and sufficient reason to summarily cause them to instantly disappear. I will vote against this poorly conceived treachery that would lead all the rebels’ followers into the pit of destruction and death. I will vote for the God whose mercy would even now be extended to his insulting children. To accept his mercy would mean renunciation and repentance. Will the pride and impatience that led them astray permit such a reversal? I would pray so but doubt it. Pride is an insidious master that requires greatness to defeat. The very presence of pride implies a deficiency of greatness. Impatience is an indicator of immaturity, and those whom it afflicts loathe admitting error or fault.

    “Consider well your vote. The end of the two paths are plain to see, unless you become blinded by the same pride and admiration of self that has taken possession of Lucifer, Satan, now Caligastia, and Daligastia. Their untenable rebellion will eventually be exposed for the evil it is.”

    This abbreviated presentation of my indictment contains only a fraction of the whole. I trust it is sufficient to convey my manifold accusations against Lucifer for baseless insurrection, theft of the God-given right of ascension, the unwarranted usurpation of divine authority, the gross abuse of administrative power, the infringement of individual choice by fraudulent and spurious means, the deprival of the right to universe education, the curtailment of access to unbiased justice and mercy, the potential loss of the Father’s indwelling spirit without which no surviving mortal may lay claim to eternal life, the robbery of divine affection, the embezzlement of personal freedom of career choice, and the misuse of Satania’s facilities and services with the singular aim of self-promotion, self-exaltation, and self-admiration. The rest of my presentation was an elaboration of these.


    From the novel «The Planetary Prince and Van the Steadfast»



    Richard E Warren

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