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  • #22635

    The two quotes after the one Bonita posted would lend credibility to her opinion that “recall” of facts and knowledge is probably not reflective of the Mansion World experience – especially on #’s 1-3.  I would offer the advice/opinion that another way to introduce UB concepts might be the orientation/educational experience that ALL survivors must surely share.  The UB is Cosmology/History 101.  It is taught on all “normal” material worlds throughout the Mortal Epochs and will certainly be taught on the Mansion Worlds.  So, perhaps, the fact of the 5th Epochal Revelation could be referenced but the contents might be delivered as the normal educational process of the survivors’ stories?   There is only one reality; the presentation of that reality should suffice to utilize the UB’s contents and fictionalize the experience of that reality for survivors.

    This might be a way to introduce and integrate other survivors who made the 3 day trip for spiritual reasons rather than knowledge?  (Not that the main characters survived because of “knowledge” rather than their own personal circle progress – what delivered such circle progress on Urantia for survivors?)  It remains my opinion that we can take such details too far for a fictionalized presentation of a personal experience in the future.  But our friend Rick asked for opinions…..hahahaha!  The story and style is great!  Perhaps a tweak in perspective might help bring the UB into the story without it becoming the story?  Personally, I would never ask others to weigh and comment on my writing.  I’m just too shy….hahhahaha!
    112:6.4 (1236.2) In the morontia estate the ascending mortal is endowed with the Nebadon modification of the cosmic-mind endowment of the Master Spirit of Orvonton. The mortal intellect, as such, has perished, has ceased to exist as a focalized universe entity apart from the undifferentiated mind circuits of the Creative Spirit. But the meanings and values of the mortal mind have not perished. Certain phases of mind are continued in the surviving soul; certain experiential values of the former human mind are held by the Adjuster; and there persist in the local universe the records of the human life as it was lived in the flesh, together with certain living registrations in the numerous beings who are concerned with the final evaluation of the ascending mortal, beings extending in range from seraphim to Universal Censors and probably on beyond to the Supreme.
    112:6.5 (1236.3) Creature volition cannot exist without mind, but it does persist in spite of the loss of the material intellect. During the times immediately following survival, the ascending personality is in great measure guided by the character patterns inherited from the human life and by the newly appearing action of morontia mota. And these guides to mansonia conduct function acceptably in the early stages of the morontia life and prior to the emergence of morontia will as a full-fledged volitional expression of the ascending personality.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Do you mean this one?

    112:6.3 To a certain extent, the appearance of the material body-form is responsive to the character of the personality identity; the physical body does, to a limited degree, reflect something of the inherent nature of the personality. Still more so does the morontia form. In the physical life, mortals may be outwardly beautiful though inwardly unlovely; in the morontia life, and increasingly on its higher levels, the personality form will vary directly in accordance with the nature of the inner person. On the spiritual level, outward form and inner nature begin to approximate complete identification, which grows more and more perfect on higher and higher spirit levels.

    That’s the one, thanks.

    So, an out of control morontian will have an out of control body to match? That’s sort of the way it is here, so I suppose it would be even more so there. This means that there is value in learning to appreciate beauty in all its forms. Wouldn’t vanity serve a purpose then? Personally, I would want to look as beautiful as possible, which would mean discovering, recognizing, interpreting and doing all things beautiful. It would bring out the inner artist in me, that’s for sure. When you think about it, vanity was an unstepped emotion exhibited by Andon and Fonta and vanity is also an emotion that contributed to the development of society, it’s social. Vanity is only useful if you have someone else to parade yourself in front of. I would think that there must be higher forms of vanity without the problems of self-admiration, conceit and self-absorption. Isn’t pride in one’s accomplishments a useful tool for growth if tempered with humility? I think there’s some mota level of vanity out there to be discovered that is more in line with self-respect. I also think there are probably mirrors on mansonia, perhaps the mind-planning angels, who help us see ourselves as others see us, which might nudge us to want to be more beautiful.

    Vanity might be there, any animal legacy.

    48:6.25 Here you are face to face with true friends and understanding counselors, angels who are really able to help you “to see yourself as others see you” and “to know yourself as angels know you.”

    Odd that this quote is followed by the Jesus mind-exchange quote. There’s no more beautiful a mind than that! Seems as though the mind-exchange helps us see ourselves as others see us and as God sees us, and that’s pretty beautiful. I’m sure the Jesus mind-exchange works on the mansion worlds too. I’m also betting there’s a superconscious level to make contact with, that being the Adjuster, who is more readily discernible.

    Maybe a combination??

    Rick, I have a critique which I hope you won’t take poorly. I know you have to include TUB in your story, otherwise there’s no purpose to writing it. The problem I’m having is the way you’ve made it such a clearly identifiable part of the memory of your characters. I sincerely doubt the details of the book are transferable as active memory. My understanding is that memories of what is written in the book would have to be recollected as something familiar from the past. The words written in the book are not spiritually valuable until they become an active part of a personal religious experience (which I probably should define, but not now). TUB is central to the story, but I can’t see where an encyclopedic memory of the words in the book would have much value on the mansion worlds. That’s a monkey brain function, right? Your story, in my mind, is suggesting some sort of superiority for those who studied TUB, a kind of advanced understanding. I’m not sure that flies in the real world. Then again, my impressions could be all screwed up.

    Thanks for the critique. Hadn’t heard from you in ten pages or so, was beginning to worry, afraid you’d given up in abject frustration ;-)  

    The only justification I came up with for having them recall UB specifics is that those specific memories DO have spiritual significance, spiritual value. So they may not recall Paper 42’s many physical details. It was a spiritual experience for me finding the UB, will I forget that? I don’t know.

    But the lead characters aren’t superior except in knowing advanced facts, and the whole lot is due for Orientation (right on target Bradly!) on the third day after resurrection. Then they can take the 10 days off.


    Richard E Warren

    Bradly wrote: But our friend Rick asked for opinions…..hahahaha!  The story and style is great!

    I agree! The story is great.  I’m enjoying it.  I’ve also weighed the decision to say something heavily despite the obvious trouble in explaining myself.  My big fear, one that everyone already knows, is that TUB be treated as though it were a religion with an ideology.  This is why I made the comments I did in response to Chuck.  The same applies to TUB.  The words in TUB have meanings.  It’s about the meanings, not the words.  The way the mansion worlds are described in TUB, using the English language, are probably only a faint representation of what actually exists.  Descriptions on other planets would differ accordingly.  Anyway, I’m not sure I’m explaining this very well.

    In this next quote we’re told that our flesh and blood experience is just a hazy dream.  I am more than certain that recollection of what is written in TUB will be even hazier, if recollected at all.  It also says that time clarifies mortal associations.  I wonder if they’re talking about associations with other personalities or associations with text?  Probably not text, is what I’m thinking, because it is not essential to the ascension career. It doesn’t matter a hoot whether you’ve read the book or not, so I would be careful not to make it look like those who’ve read and studied it have a distinct advantage.  It’s not like any of us who get there will even remember having read it . . . maybe that’s what I’m saying . . . egad, I think I’m getting myself into a pickle here.

    112:5.21-22  And when you thus awaken on the mansion worlds of Jerusem, you will be so changed, the spiritual transformation will be so great that, were it not for your Thought Adjuster and the destiny guardian, who so fully connect up your new life in the new worlds with your old life in the first world, you would at first have difficulty in connecting the new morontia consciousness with the reviving memory of your previous identity. Notwithstanding the continuity of personal selfhood, much of the mortal life would at first seem to be a vague and hazy dream. But time will clarify many mortal associations.

    The Thought Adjuster will recall and rehearse for you only those memories and experiences which are a part of, and essential to, your universe career. If the Adjuster has been a partner in the evolution of aught in the human mind, then will these worth-while experiences survive in the eternal consciousness of the Adjuster. But much of your past life and its memories, having neither spiritual meaning nor morontia value, will perish with the material brain; much of material experience will pass away as onetime scaffolding which, having bridged you over to the morontia level, no longer serves a purpose in the universe. But personality and the relationships between personalities are never scaffolding; mortal memory of personality relationships has cosmic value and will persist. On the mansion worlds you will know and be known, and more, you will remember, and be remembered by, your onetime associates in the short but intriguing life on Urantia.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren
    Bradly wrote: But our friend Rick asked for opinions…..hahahaha! The story and style is great!

    I agree! The story is great. I’m enjoying it. I’ve also weighed the decision to say something heavily despite the obvious trouble in explaining myself. My big fear, one that everyone already knows, is that TUB be treated as though it were a religion with an ideology. This is why I made the comments I did in response to Chuck. The same applies to TUB. The words in TUB have meanings. It’s about the meanings, not the words. The way the mansion worlds are described in TUB, using the English language, are probably only a faint representation of what actually exists. Descriptions on other planets would differ accordingly. Anyway, I’m not sure I’m explaining this very well. In this next quote we’re told that our flesh and blood experience is just a hazy dream. I am more than certain that recollection of what is written in TUB will be even hazier, if recollected at all. It also says that time clarifies mortal associations. I wonder if they’re talking about associations with other personalities or associations with text? Probably not text, is what I’m thinking, because it is not essential to the ascension career. It doesn’t matter a hoot whether you’ve read the book or not, so I would be careful not to make it look like those who’ve read and studied it have a distinct advantage. It’s not like any of us who get there will even remember having read it . . . maybe that’s what I’m saying . . . egad, I think I’m getting myself into a pickle here.

    112:5.21-22 And when you thus awaken on the mansion worlds of Jerusem, you will be so changed, the spiritual transformation will be so great that, were it not for your Thought Adjuster and the destiny guardian, who so fully connect up your new life in the new worlds with your old life in the first world, you would at first have difficulty in connecting the new morontia consciousness with the reviving memory of your previous identity. Notwithstanding the continuity of personal selfhood, much of the mortal life would at first seem to be a vague and hazy dream. But time will clarify many mortal associations. The Thought Adjuster will recall and rehearse for you only those memories and experiences which are a part of, and essential to, your universe career. If the Adjuster has been a partner in the evolution of aught in the human mind, then will these worth-while experiences survive in the eternal consciousness of the Adjuster. But much of your past life and its memories, having neither spiritual meaning nor morontia value, will perish with the material brain; much of material experience will pass away as onetime scaffolding which, having bridged you over to the morontia level, no longer serves a purpose in the universe. But personality and the relationships between personalities are never scaffolding; mortal memory of personality relationships has cosmic value and will persist. On the mansion worlds you will know and be known, and more, you will remember, and be remembered by, your onetime associates in the short but intriguing life on Urantia.

    It’s very gratifying and encouraging that you two think the story is great, and most especially that you are enjoying it.

    I did make their memories a little hazy, at first. Then they had a visit with family members who’ve been on Mansonia a while, who helped them piece together a picture of their former life….Also, you have given me an idea. I don’t think it is implausible that Kala and Saro can obtain a copy of the UB, from the Satania System library! Why wouldn’t a copy, or a download equivalent, be there?



    Richard E Warren


    I did make their memories a little hazy, at first. Then they had a visit with family members who’ve been on Mansonia a while, who helped them piece together a picture of their former life….Also, you have given me an idea. I don’t think it is implausible that Kala and Saro can obtain a copy of the UB, from the Satania System library! Why wouldn’t a copy, or a download equivalent, be there?

    well the 4th is certainly there otherwise it would not have been revealed to us in such beautiful detail.

    or do you think it’s just stuck in the memories of the revealators??


    I don’t think it is implausible that Kala and Saro can obtain a copy of the UB, from the Satania System library! Why wouldn’t a copy, or a download equivalent, be there?

    Along with every other written revelation in the universe.  TUB is a big deal for us but I don’t think it rises to the level of the Fourth Epochal Revelation in significance to the rest of the local universe.  They might also want to see what is written from the times of Melchizedek, maybe meet him in person.

    I had a dream a long time ago in which I visited a Melchizedek school and met one of them.  It was one of those dreams that I can never forget.  It’s funny, I’ve gone through periods of my life where I’ve recorded dreams just to see if there was anything there (haven’t done so in quite a while though), and when I go back and read about those dreams I don’t remember having them at all.  But this dream about the Melchizedek school I remember vividly and I had it about 14 years ago.  I remember every single detail.  As it turns out, there was a Melchizedek teacher who was about to begin a class based on something he indicated to me was in TUB.  I didn’t stay for the class because I was being shown around by the dean of the school and I was too busy asking her really stupid questions like where do people sleep (it was a residential school).  I left with the notion that it was a school of life.  Everything taught was smoothly integrated into life.  They weren’t teaching head knowledge, they were teaching life knowledge.  That made a huge impact on my psyche, for some reason.  Maybe that’s why I remember the dream so vividly.

    But anyway, I’m not sure book knowledge is at the center of the morontia experience.  Perhaps Kala and Saro’s foggy memories of running into some of this stuff before becomes a burning curiosity for them and they’re sent to the library to read the book to satisfy their curiosity.  But I’m sure they will be humbled by discovering that books from other planets are also there and some might be even more advanced, beyond their capacity to understand (at the moment at least).

    By the way, are Kala and Saro wearing shoes?  Do their feet touch the ground?  Every time I dream about the angels coming to take me to heaven they won’t let me take my shoes.  And now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I float the whole time I’m there, maybe because I don’t have a morontia body and have to be carried around in some way, don’t know. I love those dreams.  Such fun.  Sorry for the diversion. My ideas about the next life are a bit different.  But I love the banquet scene.  All my dreams about heaven are social events of one form or another.  Lots of people, lots of things to see and do, lots of new problems to solve.  Very exciting stuff.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    I did make their memories a little hazy, at first. Then they had a visit with family members who’ve been on Mansonia a while, who helped them piece together a picture of their former life….Also, you have given me an idea. I don’t think it is implausible that Kala and Saro can obtain a copy of the UB, from the Satania System library! Why wouldn’t a copy, or a download equivalent, be there? well the 4th is certainly there otherwise it would not have been revealed to us in such beautiful detail. or do you think it’s just stuck in the memories of the revealators??

    Hmm, good question….the way the authors talk about record keeping of every kind, even beings who are recorders, Bonita is probably right, every book or thought of any value is stored in the System’s libraries.



    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    I don’t think it is implausible that Kala and Saro can obtain a copy of the UB, from the Satania System library! Why wouldn’t a copy, or a download equivalent, be there?

    Along with every other written revelation in the universe. TUB is a big deal for us but I don’t think it rises to the level of the Fourth Epochal Revelation in significance to the rest of the local universe.

    No, but that doesn’t mean they can’t view a copy.

    They might also want to see what is written from the times of Melchizedek, maybe meet him in person.

    A Mel is welcoming them between the next banquet courses.

    I had a dream a long time ago in which I visited a Melchizedek school and met one of them. It was one of those dreams that I can never forget. It’s funny, I’ve gone through periods of my life where I’ve recorded dreams just to see if there was anything there (haven’t done so in quite a while though), and when I go back and read about those dreams I don’t remember having them at all. But this dream about the Melchizedek school I remember vividly and I had it about 14 years ago. I remember every single detail. As it turns out, there was a Melchizedek teacher who was about to begin a class based on something he indicated to me was in TUB. I didn’t stay for the class because I was being shown around by the dean of the school and I was too busy asking her really stupid questions like where do people sleep (it was a residential school). I left with the notion that it was a school of life. Everything taught was smoothly integrated into life. They weren’t teaching head knowledge, they were teaching life knowledge. That made a huge impact on my psyche, for some reason. Maybe that’s why I remember the dream so vividly.

    That’s a hoot, thanks for sharing it. :-)  

    But anyway, I’m not sure book knowledge is at the center of the morontia experience. Perhaps Kala and Saro’s foggy memories of running into some of this stuff before becomes a burning curiosity for them and they’re sent to the library to read the book to satisfy their curiosity. But I’m sure they will be humbled by discovering that books from other planets are also there and some might be even more advanced, beyond their capacity to understand (at the moment at least).

    Absolutely, their ten days are still ahead, much to explore on M1.

    By the way, are Kala and Saro wearing shoes?

    DANG! How could I forget their shoes? Will have to insert it in the final draft.

    Do their feet touch the ground?

    Of course, not sure about the angels.

    Every time I dream about the angels coming to take me to heaven they won’t let me take my shoes. And now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I float the whole time I’m there, maybe because I don’t have a morontia body and have to be carried around in some way, don’t know. I love those dreams. Such fun. Sorry for the diversion.

    No, please, divert as you are led!


    My ideas about the next life are a bit different.

    They are, best I can tell. You seem to have it more spirit than physical, more ethereal than solid. No?

    But I love the banquet scene.

    Just figured there’s bound to be a welcoming befitting the occasion.

    All my dreams about heaven are social events of one form or another. Lots of people, lots of things to see and do, lots of new problems to solve. Very exciting stuff.



    Richard E Warren


    They are, best I can tell. You seem to have it more spirit than physical, more ethereal than solid. No?

    No, not at all.  People definitely have forms, bodies and there’s nothing ethereal about them, I just never noticed feet actually in contact with the ground.  Here’s the thing, my experiences with heaven are dream experiences, and we all know that dreams are mostly screwed up.

    But since it’s okay to divert, I’ll share another dream.  My best friend and companion since my divorce passed away in ’08.  He was a new TUB reader so we talked about the afterlife from time to time.  At one time I told him that if he predeceased me I wanted to know if he made it or not, and if it’s real.  He and I liked to garden and we had been planting flowers specifically to attract humming birds.  For 8 years we never saw a one, so I said, half jokingly, if you make it to heaven send me a humming bird.  We both knew that messages can’t be sent from heaven, so I told him to have an angel send it, maybe that would get around the rules.  We laughed it off.  Well, the son-of-a-gun up and died a few days before Thanksgiving, a time when the garden was dormant.

    Come early June I was busy setting up a large garden party for my son’s college graduation.  My brother and his wife came in from out of town a few days early to help me with the set up.  We were out on the patio talking one sunny afternoon when something bumped into my straw hat.  My brother and sister-in-law went nuts yelling, “Did you see that?  A humming bird just flew at your head!”  I didn’t see it, but I felt it.  I calmly replied, “Oh, that’s just Cliff, but inside I was shaking.”  I think he found a way around the rule, just guessing at that.  I didn’t see the message, but it came nonetheless.

    That night I had a weird dream.  It was a quick dream, just a flash but definitely memorable.  I saw a body sliding out of a tube.  It looked to me almost like sausage being made, not all that appealing really.  The body was very interesting and hard to describe.  It had arms and legs and a torso, no genitalia and what looked like skin but obviously was not.  The body was made up of one single substance in and out, like solid jello  . . . like I said, hard to describe.  The color was pinkish, like pig skin, but exceptionally smooth, completely hairless and very, very clean looking.  It had an inner glow, almost opalescent, which made it look a little wet . . . again, hard to describe.  Anyway, it was a full adult size body, plump, pink and pleasant.  I recognized Cliff and thought, whoa! That is not at all what I expected our heavenly bodies to look like.  I thought men would look like Adonis and women like Botticelli’s Venus.  I was really hoping for Venus (no shoes) . . . Well anyway, it was over in a jiffy and the message was simple, Cliff had been reborn. At least that’s what I wanted to believe.

    I have no doubt he made it, but it could all be my imagination too.  I could have read into the humming bird event and the dream could have been my mind manufacturing my wish fulfillment.  That is entirely possible and probably likely.  But I want to believe that he’s there and that the body he got is a reflection of the character he was in this life, a plump and pleasant old guy with most of his hair gone . . .  anyway, I digress.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    They are, best I can tell. You seem to have it more spirit than physical, more ethereal than solid. No?

    No, not at all. People definitely have forms, bodies and there’s nothing ethereal about them, I just never noticed feet actually in contact with the ground. Here’s the thing, my experiences with heaven are dream experiences, and we all know that dreams are mostly screwed up. But since it’s okay to divert, I’ll share another dream. My best friend and companion since my divorce passed away in ’08. He was a new TUB reader so we talked about the afterlife from time to time. At one time I told him that if he predeceased me I wanted to know if he made it or not, and if it’s real. He and I liked to garden and we had been planting flowers specifically to attract humming birds. For 8 years we never saw a one, so I said, half jokingly, if you make it to heaven send me a humming bird. We both knew that messages can’t be sent from heaven, so I told him to have an angel send it, maybe that would get around the rules. We laughed it off. Well, the son-of-a-gun up and died a few days before Thanksgiving, a time when the garden was dormant. Come early June I was busy setting up a large garden party for my son’s college graduation. My brother and his wife came in from out of town a few days early to help me with the set up. We were out on the patio talking one sunny afternoon when something bumped into my straw hat. My brother and sister-in-law went nuts yelling, “Did you see that? A humming bird just flew at your head!” I didn’t see it, but I felt it. I calmly replied, “Oh, that’s just Cliff, but inside I was shaking.” I think he found a way around the rule, just guessing at that. I didn’t see the message, but it came nonetheless. That night I had a weird dream. It was a quick dream, just a flash but definitely memorable. I saw a body sliding out of a tube. It looked to me almost like sausage being made, not all that appealing really. The body was very interesting and hard to describe. It had arms and legs and a torso, no genitalia and what looked like skin but obviously was not. The body was made up of one single substance in and out, like solid jello . . . like I said, hard to describe. The color was pinkish, like pig skin, but exceptionally smooth, completely hairless and very, very clean looking. It had an inner glow, almost opalescent, which made it look a little wet . . . again, hard to describe. Anyway, it was a full adult size body, plump, pink and pleasant. I recognized Cliff and thought, whoa! That is not at all what I expected our heavenly bodies to look like. I thought men would look like Adonis and women like Botticelli’s Venus. I was really hoping for Venus (no shoes) . . . Well anyway, it was over in a jiffy and the message was simple, Cliff had been reborn. At least that’s what I wanted to believe. I have no doubt he made it, but it could all be my imagination too. I could have read into the humming bird event and the dream could have been my mind manufacturing my wish fulfillment. That is entirely possible and probably likely. But I want to believe that he’s there and that the body he got is a reflection of the character he was in this life, a plump and pleasant old guy with most of his hair gone . . . anyway, I digress.

    Much appreciate the attempts at descriptions, Bonita. I’m finding that’s the fiction writers’ biggest challenge. The inner glow, clean, tube womb, solid jello, one substance, all resonated somehow. Great friendships, insightful dreams and promises of resurrection, the stuff the Supreme is made of! As the gardeners say, “Lettuce grow”.

    Richard E Warren


    Thanks for engaging my fantasies Rick.  You’re right, fiction writer’s have their hurdles which is why I stopped trying to write fiction.  I’m terrible at it.  The first thing I was taught by my coach was to put the entire story you want to write into one sentence which highlights your message.  To me that meant that you had to have the story already written in your head.  I could never get to the end of anything in my head.  My brain won’t think like that, it doesn’t accept endings for some reason.  I could dream up thousands of beginnings, but never an ending to a story. Which is also why I’m a terrible story teller, I go on and on and on until people pull their hair out.  Speaking of endings, have you thought about how you’re going to end your story?  Seems like you could make this a sequel with lots of beginnings and endings.

    I once started a story about a woman who takes off to drive cross country and finds herself lost in the badlands of South Dakota where she comes across a strange woodsman.  Turns out he’s a Melchizedek. They spend days in the woods surviving while he tells her wonderful stories about how the earth was born, how divine beings once lived here, the true devil story and the plan for the future, the real story from TUB, simplified and not using any TUB language.  When she’s found, of course, everyone thinks she went crazy or that she had some kind of near death experience, but the story gets told.  Some people are intrigued, some are outraged but most ignore her because the woodsman is never found, not until an inquisitive news reporter goes to the site where they discovered her car and he suddenly runs into the woodsman himself.  And before you know it, he’s hearing all about the many other inhabited worlds and how humans came to be on this planet, how evolution works and all sorts of new information.  I could never find an ending to that story either though.  I probably would keep going on and on until Jesus’ second coming.  Never know when to shut up . . .

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Thanks for engaging my fantasies Rick.


    You’re right, fiction writer’s have their hurdles which is why I stopped trying to write fiction. I’m terrible at it. The first thing I was taught by my coach was to put the entire story you want to write into one sentence which highlights your message. To me that meant that you had to have the story already written in your head. I could never get to the end of anything in my head. My brain won’t think like that, it doesn’t accept endings for some reason. I could dream up thousands of beginnings, but never an ending to a story. Which is also why I’m a terrible story teller, I go on and on and on until people pull their hair out. Speaking of endings, have you thought about how you’re going to end your story? Seems like you could make this a sequel with lots of beginnings and endings.

    Indeed. The characters could go all the way to Paradise in a series of long tales. But, it seems right to have this story end after they have ascended all 7 mansions, maybe at their fusion party on Jerusem. Should be enough for a book, and then see if there are other tales that need to be told, if interest holds, we’ll see. The Adam and Eve story as it is in UB would make fine backbone for a fiction, wouldn’t it?!

    I once started a story about a woman who takes off to drive cross country and finds herself lost in the badlands of South Dakota where she comes across a strange woodsman. Turns out he’s a Melchizedek. They spend days in the woods surviving while he tells her wonderful stories about how the earth was born, how divine beings once lived here, the true devil story and the plan for the future, the real story from TUB, simplified and not using any TUB language. When she’s found, of course, everyone thinks she went crazy or that she had some kind of near death experience, but the story gets told. Some people are intrigued, some are outraged but most ignore her because the woodsman is never found, not until an inquisitive news reporter goes to the site where they discovered her car and he suddenly runs into the woodsman himself. And before you know it, he’s hearing all about the many other inhabited worlds and how humans came to be on this planet, how evolution works and all sorts of new information. I could never find an ending to that story either though. I probably would keep going on and on until Jesus’ second coming. Never know when to shut up . . .

    I like the story line! Maybe end it when Mel vanishes and the protagonist departs in ‘chariots of fire’ ;~)


    Richard E Warren

    Nigel Nunn

    Rick — truly beautiful. And good!

    PS: on page 14, they wonder “what sort of cello…” Here’s a taste. Strings attached, so to speak, but no body. Make sure you have headphones and rich audio gear before proceeding. (For those “whose time units are short” (1295.6, 118:1.6), zip ahead to time 7:30. Or for those who really can’t wait, 16:06).

    Possible edits:

    [p16:4] “completely assured of their importance to the masters and workers of this world.”
    [p16:4] “completely assured of their importance to both the workers and supervisors of this world.”

    [16, last para] who condescended to walk among them
    [16, last para] who graciously walked among them

    [p18:1] “and separated, moving singly around the hall.”  (repeated twice).

    Well done!  :good:



    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Rick — truly beautiful. And good! PS: on page 14, they wonder “what sort of cello…” Here’s a taste. Strings attached, so to speak, but no body. Make sure you have headphones and rich audio gear before proceeding. (For those “whose time units are short” (1295.6, 118:1.6), zip ahead to time 7:30. Or for those who really can’t wait, 16:06). Possible edits: [p16:4] “completely assured of their importance to the masters and workers of this world.” [p16:4] “completely assured of their importance to both the workers and supervisors of this world.” [16, last para] who condescended to walk among them [16, last para] who graciously walked among them [p18:1] “and separated, moving singly around the hall.” (repeated twice). Well done! :good: Nigel


    Thanks sooo much, Nigel. Appreciate the encouraging words, outrageously excellent cello music, and the edit suggestions. The edits can be added to the master draft, but not the Forum after 3 days. :(


    Richard E Warren


    I didn’t know we were editing you work too Rick.  There are some spelling errors I noted.  I’m sure you’ll flush them all out at some time down the road.  Nice job.

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