"Resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death"

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    MidiChlorian wrote: Also, if there was nothing to hide, regarding this whole proceedings why were the records “obliterated”?

    So that one like you “Caligastia” can appear on the scene and make a case out of the cowardice of “your” insanity.

    Of coarse “Van Amadon” you are entitled to your opinion, and being that I am here to either defend or reply to any accusations whether justified or not, it would be okay, but in many other cases many are accused but cannot defend themselves, which is the case for how this subject has went.

    It is difficult to defend against opinion when those opinions are fixed in one mind as being false interpretations or in many case lack of intelligence promoted by anger.  Most individuals will follow the leader over a cliff just because they will not reason out information or evidence that may be circumstantial.  In some cases these persons actually have become complacent in what they are doing wrong whereby in their minds everything that they think is true as they see it, not much different then what is currently happening in the US today.  And not much different then what happened to Jesus, where He was judged by a crowd influenced by a few in opposition.

    So, if you are accused of something that you cannot defend, because of an other’s self imposed insanity or error, would you not at least want some form of defence, specifically when one should be assumed innocent until proven guilty.  However, it would seem that much of the justice or judgment inflicted, by many in a group is like the Italian justice system where one is guilty until proven innocent.

    Either way it would seem that the mob rules.


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    What is the big deal over using the moniker, “Caligastia” when the very system we hail from is named after the Prince of Darkness, “Satan?” Further, I do not recall any Celestial informing us that the name of our system will change. So, guess what, folks? Besides being known as Urantians,  when you depart the local system, you will also be designated “SATANIANS” to the rest of creation. And from the looks of the social skills some of you exhibit, the name really fits you!

    Now, munch on that!!? Lol  ;-)



    What is the big deal over using the moniker, “Caligastia” when the very system we hail from is named after the Prince of Darkness, “Satan?”

    What is even more interesting, in that the moniker sited as being “Caligastia” was presented and accepted on another UB forum, where one would think that the admin of that other web-site, would reject that application for usage, if it were considered as offensive.  However, it was accepted as stated, therefore allowed by that sites admin.  It would also seem that a delay in processing a request for admission to a forum, using any moniker, would be reviewed prior to admission, so if this name was so offensive, why was it accepted?

    Another question might be, if the same request for admission to this forum, where one might wish to use the same moniker as indicated above, would it be accepted or rejected?  I assume, after such a kafuffle, it would be rejected.

    People are tripping over a name. Ted Bundy was a serial killer. I guess parents should not name their son Ted, lmao!!

    What is the big deal over using the moniker, “Caligastia” when the very system we hail from is named after the Prince of Darkness, “Satan?”

    What is even more interesting, in that the moniker sited as being “Caligastia” was presented and accepted on another UB forum, where one would think that the admin of that other web-site, would reject that application for usage, if it were considered as offensive. However, it was accepted as stated, therefore allowed by that sites admin. It would also seem that a delay in processing a request for admission to a forum, using any moniker, would be reviewed prior to admission, so if this name was so offensive, why was it accepted? Another question might be, if the same request for admission to this forum, where one might wish to use the same moniker as indicated above, would it be accepted or rejected? I assume, after such a kafuffle, it would be rejected.


    Mark Kurtz


    Lucifer, Caligastia, Dalagastia and other rebels are losers because their decisions are clearly out of harmony with Michael and the Father’s plans. We’d all benefit by casting our time and thinking for following Jesus and his teachings, and as you know, the UB includes details of plans for settling Nebadon in Light and Life. Put your thinking into finding priority harmony with him and you likely would be less interested in the sophistries of name justification usage here.

    One study group is looking intensely at Jesus in Part IV to address a question: What does it truly mean to personally follow Jesus? This question, augmented by studying Jesus, could/would cause personal adjustments. Concentrating thinking on Him is far more important than intellectual sparring over losers’ names. He has told us that He is the way and the life and he set a marvelous model for what really is important.



    We’d all benefit by casting our time and thinking for following Jesus and his teachings,

    I agree, with you on following the teachings of Jesus, how would Jesus have handled such a situation, its in the UB, by the way?

    as you know, the UB includes details of plans for settling Nebadon in Light and Life.

    Can you present these plans specifically and in the words of today which one can understand?

    Lucifer, Caligastia, Dalagastia and other rebels are losers because their decisions are clearly out of harmony with Michael and the Father’s plans.

    I’m not sure that the “rebels are losers” but they would have been out of harmony with “the Father’s Plans” and considering that Michael had not finally been bestowed as Sovereign to the Universe, until His final bestowal here, it would seem that the “Father’s plans” were played out by Jesus and His teachings.  Therefore, one can assume that Jesus presented the Plan to us through His teachings and actions while in living form, as the Father (although the Father was presented in Jesus’ personalized adjuster).  Also, if Jesus thought that the rebels were losers, especially here on Urantia, why select this place to make His final bestowal?  Could His decision to act out His final bestowal here, indicate that there was much potential in these so called “losers”? Where if it was not for the rebellion, He might not have went out of sequence in choosing Urantia, and prior to the norms, as noted in the UB.

    So, what would be the current status or thinking in Michael’s mind, or thought, today regarding the adjudication of the rebels, not to mention that the rebellion is over because of His final bestowal, and that the Ancient of Days have not yet handed down their verdicts.  If they have not yet made a decision, who are you/we or anyone in the universe to presume a final judgment, especially if there is no hard evidence for conviction.

    Then, also how does one know that the rebels did not get behind Jesus/Michael, as they were command to do, by Him.

    I am sorry Mark, but I think it is silly and immature to get offended by a name.  One could carry the names of any of the archrebels yet profess positive ideas, while someone with the name Michael or Gabriel could promote sophistries. It is silly, my friend. I firmly disagree with your position on this.

    BB— Lucifer, Caligastia, Dalagastia and other rebels are losers because their decisions are clearly out of harmony with Michael and the Father’s plans. We’d all benefit by casting our time and thinking for following Jesus and his teachings, and as you know, the UB includes details of plans for settling Nebadon in Light and Life. Put your thinking into finding priority harmony with him and you likely would be less interested in the sophistries of name justification usage here. One study group is looking intensely at Jesus in Part IV to address a question: What does it truly mean to personally follow Jesus? This question, augmented by studying Jesus, could/would cause personal adjustments. Concentrating thinking on Him is far more important than intellectual sparring over losers’ names. He has told us that He is the way and the life and he set a marvelous model for what really is important.



    One could carry the names of any of the archrebels yet profess positive ideas, while someone with the name Michael or Gabriel could promote sophistries.

    Yes that’s true, where an example would be “Lucifer of Cagliari” or “Lucifer of Siena“.


    One could carry the names of any of the archrebels yet profess positive ideas, while someone with the name Michael or Gabriel could promote sophistries.

    Yes that’s true, where an example would be “Lucifer of Cagliari” or “Lucifer of Siena“.

    What a self justifying crock!!!  Midi, one who self chose the name Devil for his mischief, does not profess “positive ideas” or ideals but, rather, contradicts the Revelation at every turn.  One who is born with a name is one thing.  One who chooses their name and selects such  a nefarious character to emulate demonstrates motive and agenda…and not a “positive” one either.  Get real.

    Your suspicions, paranoia, doubts, dark perspective, false indictments of local and universe heroes and leaders is legendary and foul.  Your misstatements and falsifications of the Papers deliver a rather putrid and bleak portrayal of your character IMO…and not just mine.  You claim here the rebellion began on Urantia….false.  You claim Van was a rebel and murderer…false.  You claim the Most Highs have the “most to gain” from rebellion…false.  You claim Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia, Dalagastia and the other System and Planetary rulers who led the rebellion were victims of a great conspiracy….false.  You claim the Mansion World experience to not be real or on physical spheres but is a “virtual”, mental exercise/experience….false.  You claim that Michael’s bestowal here was out of the norm and out of sequence….false.  You claim there is no evidence of rebellion, treason, and betrayal by the rebels (rather than acknowledge the effects of mercy ministry, patience, and the yet greater fruits to gain by that ministry)…..false.

    Either you know nothing of the UB….or your agenda is to spread lies, deceit, doubt, darkness, and fear.  The very antithesis of the teachings as gifted.  Your self selected name of the Devil, Caligastia is very appropriate and descriptive….for you betray the UB and its student body and the great light found within the teachings by your distortions, deceptions, falsehoods, and lies.  This is not accidental or naïve….it well demonstrates your mind, your motive, your intentions, your priorities, your agenda….and a most distorted perspective on the reality of this friendly universe.  Silence in the face of such falsehood is to allow your doubts, fears, darkness, and dastardly designs to propagate…and I simply cannot be party to such acquiescence.

    I don’t know how the mods here or anywhere can allow such toxic waste to pollute any group of students of the Revelation.  Enough is enough!   To be clear, I am not angry….merely disgusted.


    In having mentioned in an earlier post, in reference to an association to a name only, as may have some unknown or, unsubstantiated circumstances that may or may not have validity, and more specifically the name “Lucifer of Cagliari”, I decided to look into this persons history, as is knowable by current history.

    What I found was fascinating in that “Lucifer” also had an interesting history which could, in some way parallel the “Lucifer” noted in the UB. However, there is little documentation related to the former, because of his steadfast opinions, which took on the subject as noted as became a belief as “Luciferians” versus belief of “Arianism”, where this Lucifer opposed the current Emperor Constantius II, who sided with the Arian doctrine, and was extremely outspoken and made implications against the Emperor, whereby being banished for some time. Nevertheless, Lucifer seemed to defend the mandates of the “Council of Nicea”, put together by “Emperor Constantine”, who also condemned the Arian doctrine, in so much as having “ordered a penalty of death for those who refused to surrender the Arian writings” requiring that these writings be put to the flame or fire. However, there were many who still professed this doctrine and continued to profess in its belief. Over time, little remained regarding the Arian doctrine, however, I was able to find many documents, translated to English, where it appeared to come from the Vatican Library, being that this was a history that involved the Church.

    Having read some of the documentation, in order to get a better idea of what were the principles behind the “Luciferian” verses “Arianism” confrontation, and it had much to do with the validity of the Son verses God and whether the Son was God or man who represented God? This is a very minor analogy, and there was much debate with logic using Biblical notations to make each point, where one side argued the Trinity of God and the other being that since the Son was created, by God as the “Word” it would indicate that the Son only represented God, as a man. This argument seems to continue to this date, however the main argument which resulted at that time was the various Creeds presented by these various Church sects, where which one was correct and which one to follow?

    This got me thinking about the Lucifer Rebellion as presented in the UB, one of the point made by Lucifer was the following, regarding the requirement of everyone pledging “allegiance to this unseen Father.”

    (603.4) 53:3.3 2. The universe government of the Creator Son — Michael. Lucifer contended that the local systems should be autonomous. He protested against the right of Michael, the Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father and require all personalities to acknowledge allegiance to this unseen Father. He asserted that the whole plan of worship was a clever scheme to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. He was willing to acknowledge Michael as his Creator-father but not as his God and rightful ruler.

    This got me to thinking, why would Lucifer indicate that this “unseen Father” was “a hypothetical Paradise Father”, where it did not explain directly who this “Paradise Father” was, as described in the UB, and how this might even sway “Caligastia” to side with this type of proclamation? As it turns out, I believe I found my answer to this puzzling question, where I can see the logic being presented, when I followed the UB’s results by searching the word “oath”. It would seem that the primary “oath” which was to be presented, was to the “Paradise Trinity”, which by itself would not be uncalled for, however this did not explain the “unseen” part of the proclamation, and the reason for using “hypothetical”. What I finally found was the following UB quote:

    (1292.1) 117:7.7 When mortal ascenders are admitted to the finaliter corps of Paradise, they take an oath to the Paradise Trinity, and in taking this oath of allegiance, they are thereby pledging eternal fidelity to God the Supreme, who is the Trinity as comprehended by all finite creature personalities. Subsequently, as the finaliter companies function throughout the evolving universes, they are solely amenable to the mandates of Paradise origin until the eventful times of the settling of local universes in light and life. As the new governmental organizations of these perfected creations begin to be reflective of the emerging sovereignty of the Supreme, we observe that the outlying finaliter companies then acknowledge the jurisdictional authority of such new governments. It appears that God the Supreme is evolving as the unifier of the evolutionary Corps of the Finality, but it is highly probable that the eternal destiny of these seven corps will be directed by the Supreme as a member of the Ultimate Trinity.

    Now this “hypothetical” “unseen Father” seemed to make sense, in that even the UB indicates that the “Supreme” is not yet complete or formed and for the most part, until a total association of “light and Life”, in the superuniverse, which has never occurred, would the Supreme only be a futuristic formation within infinity. Therefore, how could anyone pledge an allegiance to the “Supreme” not yet realized, and in some UB text, indicating no knowledge of how the universe would be conformed at the time of this actualization.


    The one who posts here and calls himself the Devil (Caligastia), Midichlorian, has lied to us (repeatedly) about the order and nature  of this friendly universe (including the Mansion Worlds adventure) and more specifically has slandered and made false accusations against the Constellation Fathers and Most Highs regarding their role and their success at ruling in the kingdoms of men while Midi defends the traitorous rebels in our System.  We should consider some text which well demonstrates this additional falsehood and claim by this enemy of the Revelation who serves well his namesake who yet remains unsilenced here for his own clever, coy, but clear treachery amongst us….this, apparently a form of amusement and entertainment for him here where we gather to study the teachings but not for him to spread falsehood and fear.

    20:1.10 (223.15) Melchizedeks are the joint offspring of a local universe Creator Son, Creative Spirit, and Father Melchizedek. Both Vorondadeks and Lanonandeks are brought into being by a Creator Son and his Creative Spirit associate. Vorondadeks are best known as the Most Highs, the Constellation Fathers; Lanonandeks as System Sovereigns and as Planetary Princes. The threefold order of Life Carriers is brought into being by a Creator Son and Creative Spirit associated with one of the three Ancients of Days of the superuniverse of jurisdiction. But the natures and activities of these Local Universe Sons of God are more properly portrayed in those papers dealing with the affairs of the local creations.

    43:0.1 (485.1) URANTIA is commonly referred to as 606 of Satania in Norlatiadek of Nebadon, meaning the six hundred sixth inhabited world in the local system of Satania, situated in the constellation of Norlatiadek, one of the one hundred constellations of the local universe of Nebadon. Constellations being the primary divisions of a local universe, their rulers link the local systems of inhabited worlds to the central administration of the local universe on Salvington and by reflectivity to the superadministration of the Ancients of Days on Uversa.

    43:2.1 (487.3) The constellations are the autonomous units of a local universe, each constellation being administered according to its own legislative enactments. When the courts of Nebadon sit in judgment on universe affairs, all internal matters are adjudicated in accordance with the laws prevailing in the constellation concerned. These judicial decrees of Salvington, together with the legislative enactments of the constellations, are executed by the administrators of the local systems.

    43:2.2 (487.4) Constellations thus function as the legislative or lawmaking units, while the local systems serve as the executive or enforcement units. The Salvington government is the supreme judicial and co-ordinating authority.

    43:2.3 (487.5) While the supreme judicial function rests with the central administration of a local universe, there are two subsidiary but major tribunals at the headquarters of each constellation, the Melchizedek council and the court of the Most High.

    43:3.1 (488.3) The rulers of the constellations are of the Vorondadek order of local universe sonship. When commissioned to active duty in the universe as constellation rulers or otherwise, these Sons are known as the Most Highs since they embody the highest administrative wisdom, coupled with the most farseeing and intelligent loyalty, of all the orders of the Local Universe Sons of God. Their personal integrity and their group loyalty have never been questioned; no disaffection of the Vorondadek Sons has ever occurred in Nebadon.

    43:3.2 (488.4) At least three Vorondadek Sons are commissioned by Gabriel as the Most Highs of each of the Nebadon constellations. The presiding member of this trio is known as the Constellation Father and his two associates as the senior Most High and the junior Most High. A Constellation Father reigns for ten thousand standard years (about 50,000 Urantia years), having previously served as junior associate and as senior associate for equal periods.

    43:3.5 (488.7) The Constellation Fathers are little occupied with the individuals of an inhabited planet, but they are closely associated with those legislative and lawmaking functions of the constellations which so greatly concern every mortal race and national group of the inhabited worlds.

    43:3.6 (489.1) Although the constellation regime stands between you and the universe administration, as individuals you would ordinarily be little concerned with the constellation government. Your great interest would normally center in the local system, Satania; but temporarily, Urantia is closely related to the constellation rulers because of certain system and planetary conditions growing out of the Lucifer rebellion.

    43:3.7 (489.2) The Edentia Most Highs seized certain phases of planetary authority on the rebellious worlds at the time of the Lucifer secession. They have continued to exercise this power, and the Ancients of Days long since confirmed this assumption of control over these wayward worlds. They will no doubt continue to exercise this assumed jurisdiction as long as Lucifer lives. Much of this authority would ordinarily, in a loyal system, be invested in the System Sovereign.

    43:3.8 (489.3) But there is still another way in which Urantia became peculiarly related to the Most Highs. When Michael, the Creator Son, was on his terminal bestowal mission, since the successor of Lucifer was not in full authority in the local system, all Urantia affairs which concerned the Michael bestowal were immediately supervised by the Most Highs of Norlatiadek.

    Midi, you know, a few years back, either on this forum or the other, I drew parallels between the story of Lucifer of Cagliari and Lucifer of Satania, right down to the pamphlets and manifesto, and play on words like Sardinia – Satania and Cagliaria – Caligastia. I even toyed with the possibility that the Revelators took that history and tweaked it to what has been delivered in UB. I was even thinking of doing some research into the architecture of the Vatican and its hierarchy to compare with the Heavenly administrations and architectural bodies reported in TUB. I put it on the backburner.  Perhaps one day I will pick up where I left off.

    In having mentioned in an earlier post, in reference to an association to a name only, as may have some unknown or, unsubstantiated circumstances that may or may not have validity, and more specifically the name “Lucifer of Cagliari”, I decided to look into this persons history, as is knowable by current history. What I found was fascinating in that “Lucifer” also had an interesting history which could, in some way parallel the “Lucifer” noted in the UB. However, there is little documentation related to the former, because of his steadfast opinions, which took on the subject as noted as became a belief as “Luciferians” versus belief of “Arianism”, where this Lucifer opposed the current Emperor Constantius II, who sided with the Arian doctrine, and was extremely outspoken and made implications against the Emperor, whereby being banished for some time. Nevertheless, Lucifer seemed to defend the mandates of the “Council of Nicea”, put together by “Emperor Constantine”, who also condemned the Arian doctrine, in so much as having “ordered a penalty of death for those who refused to surrender the Arian writings” requiring that these writings be put to the flame or fire. However, there were many who still professed this doctrine and continued to profess in its belief. Over time, little remained regarding the Arian doctrine, however, I was able to find many documents, translated to English, where it appeared to come from the Vatican Library, being that this was a history that involved the Church. Having read some of the documentation, in order to get a better idea of what were the principles behind the “Luciferian” verses “Arianism” confrontation, and it had much to do with the validity of the Son verses God and whether the Son was God or man who represented God? This is a very minor analogy, and there was much debate with logic using Biblical notations to make each point, where one side argued the Trinity of God and the other being that since the Son was created, by God as the “Word” it would indicate that the Son only represented God, as a man. This argument seems to continue to this date, however the main argument which resulted at that time was the various Creeds presented by these various Church sects, where which one was correct and which one to follow? This got me thinking about the Lucifer Rebellion as presented in the UB, one of the point made by Lucifer was the following, regarding the requirement of everyone pledging “allegiance to this unseen Father.”

    (603.4) 53:3.3 2. The universe government of the Creator Son — Michael. Lucifer contended that the local systems should be autonomous. He protested against the right of Michael, the Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father and require all personalities to acknowledge allegiance to this unseen Father. He asserted that the whole plan of worship was a clever scheme to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. He was willing to acknowledge Michael as his Creator-father but not as his God and rightful ruler.

    This got me to thinking, why would Lucifer indicate that this “unseen Father” was “a hypothetical Paradise Father”, where it did not explain directly who this “Paradise Father” was, as described in the UB, and how this might even sway “Caligastia” to side with this type of proclamation? As it turns out, I believe I found my answer to this puzzling question, where I can see the logic being presented, when I followed the UB’s results by searching the word “oath”. It would seem that the primary “oath” which was to be presented, was to the “Paradise Trinity”, which by itself would not be uncalled for, however this did not explain the “unseen” part of the proclamation, and the reason for using “hypothetical”. What I finally found was the following UB quote:

    (1292.1) 117:7.7 When mortal ascenders are admitted to the finaliter corps of Paradise, they take an oath to the Paradise Trinity, and in taking this oath of allegiance, they are thereby pledging eternal fidelity to God the Supreme, who is the Trinity as comprehended by all finite creature personalities. Subsequently, as the finaliter companies function throughout the evolving universes, they are solely amenable to the mandates of Paradise origin until the eventful times of the settling of local universes in light and life. As the new governmental organizations of these perfected creations begin to be reflective of the emerging sovereignty of the Supreme, we observe that the outlying finaliter companies then acknowledge the jurisdictional authority of such new governments. It appears that God the Supreme is evolving as the unifier of the evolutionary Corps of the Finality, but it is highly probable that the eternal destiny of these seven corps will be directed by the Supreme as a member of the Ultimate Trinity.

    Now this “hypothetical” “unseen Father” seemed to make sense, in that even the UB indicates that the “Supreme” is not yet complete or formed and for the most part, until a total association of “light and Life”, in the superuniverse, which has never occurred, would the Supreme only be a futuristic formation within infinity. Therefore, how could anyone pledge an allegiance to the “Supreme” not yet realized, and in some UB text, indicating no knowledge of how the universe would be conformed at the time of this actualization.



    In having mentioned in an earlier post, in reference to an association to a name only, as may have some unknown or, unsubstantiated circumstances that may or may not have validity, and more specifically the name “Lucifer of Cagliari”, I decided to look into this persons history, as is knowable by current history. What I found was fascinating in that “Lucifer” also had an interesting history which could, in some way parallel the “Lucifer” noted in the UB. However, there is little documentation related to the former, because of his steadfast opinions, which took on the subject as noted as became a belief as “Luciferians” versus belief of “Arianism”, where this Lucifer opposed the current Emperor Constantius II, who sided with the Arian doctrine, and was extremely outspoken and made implications against the Emperor, whereby being banished for some time. Nevertheless, Lucifer seemed to defend the mandates of the “Council of Nicea”, put together by “Emperor Constantine”, who also condemned the Arian doctrine, in so much as having “ordered a penalty of death for those who refused to surrender the Arian writings” requiring that these writings be put to the flame or fire. However, there were many who still professed this doctrine and continued to profess in its belief. Over time, little remained regarding the Arian doctrine, however, I was able to find many documents, translated to English, where it appeared to come from the Vatican Library, being that this was a history that involved the Church. Having read some of the documentation, in order to get a better idea of what were the principles behind the “Luciferian” verses “Arianism” confrontation, and it had much to do with the validity of the Son verses God and whether the Son was God or man who represented God? This is a very minor analogy, and there was much debate with logic using Biblical notations to make each point, where one side argued the Trinity of God and the other being that since the Son was created, by God as the “Word” it would indicate that the Son only represented God, as a man. This argument seems to continue to this date, however the main argument which resulted at that time was the various Creeds presented by these various Church sects, where which one was correct and which one to follow? This got me thinking about the Lucifer Rebellion as presented in the UB, one of the point made by Lucifer was the following, regarding the requirement of everyone pledging “allegiance to this unseen Father.”

    (603.4) 53:3.3 2. The universe government of the Creator Son — Michael. Lucifer contended that the local systems should be autonomous. He protested against the right of Michael, the Creator Son, to assume sovereignty of Nebadon in the name of a hypothetical Paradise Father and require all personalities to acknowledge allegiance to this unseen Father. He asserted that the whole plan of worship was a clever scheme to aggrandize the Paradise Sons. He was willing to acknowledge Michael as his Creator-father but not as his God and rightful ruler.

    This got me to thinking, why would Lucifer indicate that this “unseen Father” was “a hypothetical Paradise Father”, where it did not explain directly who this “Paradise Father” was, as described in the UB, and how this might even sway “Caligastia” to side with this type of proclamation? As it turns out, I believe I found my answer to this puzzling question, where I can see the logic being presented, when I followed the UB’s results by searching the word “oath”. It would seem that the primary “oath” which was to be presented, was to the “Paradise Trinity”, which by itself would not be uncalled for, however this did not explain the “unseen” part of the proclamation, and the reason for using “hypothetical”. What I finally found was the following UB quote:

    (1292.1) 117:7.7 When mortal ascenders are admitted to the finaliter corps of Paradise, they take an oath to the Paradise Trinity, and in taking this oath of allegiance, they are thereby pledging eternal fidelity to God the Supreme, who is the Trinity as comprehended by all finite creature personalities. Subsequently, as the finaliter companies function throughout the evolving universes, they are solely amenable to the mandates of Paradise origin until the eventful times of the settling of local universes in light and life. As the new governmental organizations of these perfected creations begin to be reflective of the emerging sovereignty of the Supreme, we observe that the outlying finaliter companies then acknowledge the jurisdictional authority of such new governments. It appears that God the Supreme is evolving as the unifier of the evolutionary Corps of the Finality, but it is highly probable that the eternal destiny of these seven corps will be directed by the Supreme as a member of the Ultimate Trinity.

    Now this “hypothetical” “unseen Father” seemed to make sense, in that even the UB indicates that the “Supreme” is not yet complete or formed and for the most part, until a total association of “light and Life”, in the superuniverse, which has never occurred, would the Supreme only be a futuristic formation within infinity. Therefore, how could anyone pledge an allegiance to the “Supreme” not yet realized, and in some UB text, indicating no knowledge of how the universe would be conformed at the time of this actualization.


    Evidently we are ‘blessed’ by our own Luciferian?!  Well down the rabbit hole we go…..again….and again!  Justifying traitors, betrayers, and treachery.  Can’t wait to post the quotes which verify the insanity of Lucifer, Satan, Caligastia and others…and their champions!



    After a good nights sleep and further reflection, I have determined it is best if I take Bonita’s good advice and not get further entangled with the lies and deceptions of Midichlorian/Caligastia/ – the Luciferian amongst us here in a point by point refutation.  For  those who wish to know the real story and sequence of events and the villains and heroes of the Rebellion, the Papers tell the very detailed story clearly – from its inception in the twisted mind of Lucifer, to his recruitment of Satan and Caligastia, to the response from those on our world to the Constellation Courts, and the current status of all who joined in this rebellion – its all there to read.

    There is now among us students of the Papers, a bizarre and twisted element who pretend to believe the UB is authored by celestial but has been constructed and written to cover up truth and reality….but do not fear….they are happy to tell us what the book actually says and means in its deceptions of reality.  Truly more amusing that frightening.

    One thing we can all agree on is the UB says what it says and does not say what it does not.  Apparently that ends the agreement for some who believe they hold special knowledge or understanding and hold a personally superior set of ‘keys’ required to ‘unlock’ the real meaning of what is said and what is not.  But the words written in the book are not difficult of reading or comprehension and the message and tone are unmistakable – we are created in love, we are guided in love, we share a great destiny of love, and we are safe and secure forevermore in the embrace of God’s love.  Those who come here or any student body to insert doubts, fears, despair, and conflict are no friends to the Papers, the student body, believers, or God’s friendly universe.  They are not difficult to identify.  For me they are difficult to ignore.

    The sincere students of the Revelation are now, have been, and will continue to be harassed, beguiled, attacked, put down, and led astray by these ones.  As the Lord said, we will always be set upon by wolves in sheep’s clothing.  We must learn to cope with this fact and not be afraid to ‘cry wolf’ when such ones creep into our midst to disrupt and derail our attempts to study and learn what the UB says and what it does not say.  The only true source of understanding the Papers is to personally study them and be guided into truth discernment personally by the Spirit within…and not by the words of other students.  Although I have learned much and been guided into the text by many other sincere students to thereby learn for myself what the book says and does not say.

    The world hungers for the bread of life but some offer only the dust of dead stones.  We are charged with personal discernment and progress.  We should not lean too hard on anyone else’s proclamations and claims of knowledge in lieu of the work required to grow in understanding and in the spirit.  I appreciate all SINCERE students who share this wondrous guide and lamp through the terrain of this life and its forever destiny.  We have all begun that which need never end:

    115:3.17 (1263.4) Statics in growth can never appear in the total cosmos since the basis for growth — the absolute actuals — is unqualified, and since the possibilities for growth — the absolute potentials — are unlimited. From a practical viewpoint the philosophers of the universe have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as an end.

    PS – The Supreme is not merely potential and is actual, powerful, and a mighty influence on all of time and space today…another lie by he who calls himself the devil.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    This got me to thinking

    As goes the father of sin (insanity) so goes his children.

    We are all children. Children who are tasked to decide. We are equipped to do this though, but depending on where we decide to align our loyalty, determines what becomes of our mind.

    If one gets to thinking incorrectly, there is resident in the mind a devoted facilitator who will immediately signal that fact, that your thinking is wrong.

    When this moment is dismissed and the thinking continues toward more and more error, there comes a point when deliberation overrides any vestige of sanity.

    The result of continuing to embrace this way of thinking results in the mind’s DISTORTION and at a point, this self-induced situation of the mind becomes IRREVERSIBLE and is always an evolution of being unaware that it has occured.

    No longer can anything be done for these lost children, and this world of the father of sin is full of them.

    But all things most definitely come to an end and this situation of tolerating our benumbed brethren has reached that point. They’ve known this for generations and have long been preparing their successors, one group at a time, even until today, passing on subtly their ideas of deceit and destruction.

    But they are not succeeding and it is pitiful to watch them experience the dawning of a great light of love and devotion, and especially is this true in the heart of this community where the strong and loyal come together to support each other against the cowardice of those who molest the minds of innocent children.


    “But whosoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea.”



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