"Resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death"

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    MidiChlorian wrote: I have mentioned this before, and it would also qualify that the mansion worlds are, in essence, a virtual type of reality that is projected in mind. Therefore, each individual may experience something different but it would still be different and “you will notice considerable change,” because as it is noted in the UB, when received on the mansion world, there are many so called rooms, that are created for each individual, in order to transition into this different reality, and it may take some time to get augmented to those changes.

    Midi – I’m sure I don’t understand this you write about the Mansion worlds, in essence, being a virtual type of reality projected in mind. That sounds like a rather esoteric and mystical description. We are assured the mansion worlds are very real and very material as all architectural worlds are – even in Havona. The universes of time and space are not the matrix of scifi or any form of mental projection or not so according to the UB. Perhaps I don’t understand your definition of “virtual”…but if you mean non-dimensional or lacking in physicality, I would disagree. Perhaps you might post some supporting text to help me understand your point here?

    Bradly, I was pretty sure that “virtual type of reality projected in mind” would get your attention. However, at this point, one thinks that the reality on the mansion worlds is the same as we might relate to it here, but as you well know it is not but, as the UB indicates when we look at reality, there are different types of reality that make up the cosmos, so to speak.

    (1135.6) 103:6.4 When man analytically inspects the universe through the material endowments of his physical senses and associated mind perception, the cosmos appears to be mechanical and energy-material. Such a technique of studying reality consists in turning the universe inside out.

    As we can see from the quote above, we are told that when attempting to study reality we must think of some parts of reality by “turning the universe inside out.” But, what does this actually mean, do we assume that what we see on a daily basis as reversed, no, but it does present us with an idea that, in a relation to space, there is another, kind’a space which exists along with our own, and that it also occupies the same space. If this were not true, then how could morontia beings or even angelic beings be standing right next to us, observing us? Now this really does not explain what I meant by “virtual” it would represent a simulated type of reality and as an individual interacts with others in a material reality, the mind can also represent or project the same physical experience to a morontia being using the same type of impulses as different forms of energy.

    It is important to understand that if one has not experienced the physical life, and as much as is possible as variations to experience, it would be difficult to implant specific impulses that one has not experienced while living. Therefore, there are limitations as to what can be experienced and depending on whatever adventure a personality is destined for, additional experiences may be required.
    This still would not explain a virtual reality that might be experienced on a mansion world, specifically number one, where it is mentioned in the UB that some, depending on the level that they may have achieved may end up on another, more advanced mansion world. Notwithstanding, when the various quotes indicate that one starts off where they left off, actually refers to the level achieved, therefore may alter one’s understanding as to what they might expect.

    (1135.7) 103:6.5 A logical and consistent philosophic concept of the universe cannot be built up on the postulations of either materialism or spiritism, for both of these systems of thinking, when universally applied, are compelled to view the cosmos in distortion, the former [materialism] contacting with a universe turned inside out, the latter [spiritism] realizing the nature of a universe turned outside in. Never, then, can either science or religion, in and of themselves, standing alone, hope to gain an adequate understanding of universal truths and relationships without the guidance of human philosophy and the illumination of divine revelation.

    Even though the phrases, “inside out” and “outside in” would be difficult to visualize, it actually really indicates occupying the same space, and that “a universe turned inside out” might indicate regarding “materialism” as a projection through a barrier, like how the human eye inverts an image and is processed upside-down and most likely as a mirror image in the brain. Also one must apply macro verses micro even though, it doesn’t apply until one uses it like going through the eye of an needle.

    There have been some visual presentations that show a representation of the universe or paradise as two cones where the points of the cones intersect like in a hour glass, but this is not the case, the two cones are overlapped as one and when travelling on the inside of one cone to the point, at the point it turns and travels up the outside of the other cone, now reverse it so that you are travelling between the cones. The space between the cones is the same but according to the UB the cones are revolving opposite to each other and represents the Isle of paradise. That’s why the UB uses a single point as a reference in parades.

    (1136.1) 103:6.6 Always must man’s inner spirit depend for its expression and self-realization upon the mechanism and technique of the mind. Likewise must man’s outer experience of material reality be predicated on the mind consciousness of the experiencing personality. Therefore are the spiritual and the material, the inner and the outer, human experiences always correlated with the mind function and conditioned, as to their conscious realization, by the mind activity. Man experiences matter in his mind; he experiences spiritual reality in the soul but becomes conscious of this experience in his mind. The intellect is the harmonizer and the ever-present conditioner and qualifier of the sum total of mortal experience. Both energy-things and spirit values are colored by their interpretation through the mind media of consciousness.

    (1136.2) 103:6.7 Your difficulty in arriving at a more harmonious co-ordination between science and religion is due to your utter ignorance of the intervening [be between two] domain of the morontia world of things and beings. The local universe consists of three degrees, or stages, of reality manifestation: matter, morontia, and spirit. The morontia angle of approach erases all divergence between the findings of the physical sciences and the functioning of the spirit of religion. Reason is the understanding technique of the sciences; faith is the insight technique of religion; mota is the technique of the morontia level. Mota is a supermaterial reality sensitivity which is beginning to compensate incomplete growth, having for its substance knowledge-reason and for its essence faith-insight. Mota is a superphilosophical reconciliation of divergent reality perception which is nonattainable by material personalities; it is predicated, in part, on the experience of having survived the material life of the flesh. But many mortals have recognized the desirability of having some method of reconciling the interplay between the widely separated domains of science and religion; and metaphysics is the result of man’s unavailing attempt to span this well-recognized chasm. But human metaphysics has proved more confusing than illuminating. Metaphysics stands for man’s well-meant but futile effort to compensate for the absence of the mota of morontia.

    (1136.3) 103:6.8 Metaphysics has proved a failure; mota, man cannot perceive. Revelation is the only technique which can compensate for the absence of the truth sensitivity of mota in a material world. Revelation authoritatively clarifies the muddle of reason-developed metaphysics on an evolutionary sphere.

    (1136.4) 103:6.9 Science is man’s attempted study of his physical environment, the world of energy-matter; religion is man’s experience with the cosmos of spirit values; philosophy has been developed by man’s mind effort to organize and correlate the findings of these widely separated concepts into something like a reasonable and unified attitude toward the cosmos. Philosophy, clarified by revelation, functions acceptably in the absence of mota and in the presence of the breakdown and failure of man’s reason substitute for mota — metaphysics.

    It is important to understand the morontia stage between the stage of matter and spirit, where it is difficult to explain why I indicate a virtual reality where I will attempt to explain this in more detail in relation to the spirit domain.


    I presume any color difference, skin color especially, would not really determine one’s ‘race’ in regards to this?  Perplexing.

    If race isn’t determined by skin color, how is it determined? My guess is that even in those future days when we’re all the same skin color, some folks will still be looking for superior/inferior traits to be prejudiced about.

    I don’t know if I’m reading this next quote correctly, but doesn’t it say that there are resurrection chambers, other than the seven wings, for people of blended race?  At what point are you considered sufficiently blended to be resurrected there . . . that is, since we’re not normal.  I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the amount of Adamic blood.  They say Urantians have much less than an eighth (78:4.1).

    47:3.5 From the Temple of New Life there extend seven radial wings, the resurrection halls of the mortal races. Each of these structures is devoted to the assembly of one of the seven races of time. There are one hundred thousand personal resurrection chambers in each of these seven wings terminating in the circular class assembly halls, which serve as the awakening chambers for as many as one million individuals. These halls are surrounded by the personality assembly chambers of the blended races of the normal post-Adamic worlds. Regardless of the technique which may be employed on the individual worlds of time in connection with special or dispensational resurrections, the real and conscious reassembly of actual and complete personality takes place in the resurrection halls of mansonia number one. Throughout all eternity you will recall the profound memory impressions of your first witnessing of these resurrection mornings.




    Excellent research Bonita!!

    Bradly, I was pretty sure that “virtual type of reality projected in mind” would get your attention. However, at this point, one thinks that the reality on the mansion worlds is the same as we might relate to it here, but as you well know it is not but, as the UB indicates when we look at reality, there are different types of reality that make up the cosmos, so to speak.

    47:4.6 (535.2) Though you have morontia bodies, you continue, through all seven of these worlds, to eat, drink, and rest. You partake of the morontia order of food, a kingdom of living energy unknown on the material worlds. Both food and water are fully utilized in the morontia body; there is no residual waste. Pause to consider: Mansonia number one is a very material sphere, presenting the early beginnings of the morontia regime. You are still a near human and not far removed from the limited viewpoints of mortal life, but each world discloses definite progress. From sphere to sphere you grow less material, more intellectual, and slightly more spiritual. The spiritual progress is greatest on the last three of these seven progressive worlds.

    The mansion worlds are material and physical Midi, not virtual or mere projections.  I understand your tendency to make the simple and direct into coded complexities….and you do seem to enjoy the process so much.  Fine by me.  I suggest a re-read  of Paper 46 for a description of architectural sphere and their very real and dimensional materialism….even if the material is morontial.  The morontia reality is a bridge of transition…not a virtual non-reality in mind.

    Paper 46
    The Local System Headquarters
    1. Physical Aspects of Jerusem
    2. Physical Features of Jerusem
    3. The Jerusem Broadcasts
    4. Residential and Administrative Areas
    5. The Jerusem Circles
    6. The Executive-Administrative Squares
    7. The Rectangles — The Spornagia
    8. The Jerusem Triangles

    So you think riding fandors will be a video game or holodeck “virtual” experience, eh?  Hope you’re wrong and quite certain of it too!!



    There are several different levels of reality but I don’t recall anything being mentioned about a virtual reality in TUB.  Virtual means simulated, right?  Artificial, man-made, computer-generated, make-believe.  Morontia reality is none of those things as far as I understand it. Morontia reality is simply superhuman reality.  It’s not something the human mind could ever generate on its own, with or without a computer. However, it is something we are all familiar with since it is the same reality as the soul. If you’re conscious of your soul, you’re conscious of a low level of morontia reality. There’s nothing simulated about it.


    I suggest a re-read of Paper 46 for a description of architectural sphere and their very real and dimensional materialism….even if the material is morontial. The morontia reality is a bridge of transition…not a virtual non-reality in mind.

    Paper 46 The Local System Headquarters
    1. Physical Aspects of Jerusem
    2. Physical Features of Jerusem
    3. The Jerusem Broadcasts
    4. Residential and Administrative Areas
    5. The Jerusem Circles
    6. The Executive-Administrative Squares
    7. The Rectangles — The Spornagia
    8. The Jerusem Triangles

    So you think riding fandors will be a video game or holodeck “virtual” experience, eh? Hope you’re wrong and quite certain of it too!!

    I have done an extensive review of paper 46, Bradly, so why don’t you start a topic that reviews this paper, where an architectural world such as “Jerusem”, can be blueprinted as a mechanical device system which would merely indicate that these worlds are space ships, ready to carry one away, to wherever?

     (509.1) 45:0.1 THE administrative center of Satania consists of a cluster of architectural spheres, fifty-seven in number — Jerusem itself, the seven major satellites, and the forty-nine subsatellites. Jerusem, the system capital, is almost one hundred times the size of Urantia, although its gravity is a trifle less. Jerusem’s major satellites are the seven transition worlds, each of which is about ten times as large as Urantia, while the seven subsatellites of these transition spheres are just about the size of Urantia.

    (509.2) 45:0.2 The seven mansion worlds are the seven subsatellites of transition world number one.

    (509.3) 45:0.3 This entire system of fifty-seven architectural worlds is independently lighted, heated, watered, and energized by the co-ordination of the Satania Power Center and the Master Physical Controllers in accordance with the established technique of the physical organization and arrangement of these specially created spheres. They are also physically cared for and otherwise maintained by the native spornagia.

    If Jerusem is 100 times the size of Urantia (about 2,400,000 miles in diameter), then how is it that Jerusem’s mass is a little less then Urantia’s, there would be a reason for this, which is described in paper 46. Keep in mine that our sun’s diameter is about “109 times that of Earth.”

    And for “riding fandors”, which were, according to the UB, were ridden on Urantia, like shown in the movie “Avitar”, or as depicted in the “Flintstones”, back when.

    The point is, if these states of being progress from morontia to spiritual and are not considered material, then how is it your understanding that what is indicated a “spiritual reality” is actually the same as “material reality”?  How is it that spiritual beings need a material architectural world to live on?  Why not just take over worlds like Urantia to make their homes?

    One thing that I noticed in the text is that the reference to time on Jerusem changes when they talk about it in that 10 days on Jerusem would be like a lunar month on Earth.  So, when you spend 10 days on a mansion world, it is like spending a month on Earth, or have you not calculated this, as it has been presented in the UB.  Why mention it in the UB if it doesn’t mean anything?

    It is not unusual that TUB has been deemed as a UFO religion in the making, I assume for those who are waiting to be taken away by aliens.


    I have done an extensive review of paper 46, Bradly, so why don’t you start a topic that reviews this paper, where an architectural world such as “Jerusem”, can be blueprinted as a mechanical device system which would merely indicate that these worlds are space ships, ready to carry one away, to wherever?

    The TUB clearly states that Jerusem is a planet, not a spaceship.

    46:2.8(521.5)Mount Seraph is the highest elevation on Jerusem, almost fifteen thousand feet, and is the point of departure for all transport seraphim. Numerous mechanical developments are used in providing initial energy for escaping the planetary gravity and overcoming the air resistance. A seraphic transport departs every three seconds of Urantia time throughout the light period and, sometimes, far into the recession. The transporters take off at about twenty-five standard miles per second of Urantia time and do not attain standard velocity until they are over two thousand miles away from Jerusem.

    46:2.9(521.6) Transports arrive on the crystal field, the so-called sea of glass. Around this area are the receiving stations for the various orders of beings who traverse space by seraphic transport. Near the polar crystal receiving station for student visitors you may ascend the pearly observatory and view the immense relief map of the entire headquarters planet.

    With regard to the time difference on Jerusem vs. Urantia, that is due to a phenomenon known by our scientists as time dilation.  To oversimplify and very briefly summarize a complex principle, “According to the theory of relativity, time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two observers, either due to a velocity difference relative to each other, or by being differently situated relative to a gravitational field.”  [reference = wikipedia]


    The TUB clearly states that Jerusem is a planet, not a spaceship.

    I’m not going to dispute what you present Keryn, because the wording used in the UB can be understood many ways, but how does one interpret the following as being a planet?

    (172.1) 15:5.13 10. Architectural Worlds. These are the worlds which are built according to plans and specifications for some special purpose, such as Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe, and Uversa, the seat of government of our superuniverse.

    Now the words “which are built according to plans and specifications” could also refer to as being built over time like planets are built or created.  But if we were to literally read the quote above, it would indicate as being constructed with materials, in a material reality.

    Also, a mountain 15 thousand feet in height, on a sphere the size of our sun, would be minuscule in size, and being the highest, would indicate a very smooth surface in proportion to size.


    Well yes, the architectural ‘worlds’/ ‘spheres’/ ‘planets’ as they are referred to in TUB are material.  There is really no other way to understand the word “planet” than as a material sphere in space.

    As to your question of why would spiritual beings require a material world to live on – that is indeed one of the mysterious things (among MANY) in TUB that I simply accept on faith.  Perhaps there are other, material beings, that perform functions on the material abodes that also house spiritual beings.  One thing TUB tells us is that there are an immense variety of types of beings ranging on the spectrum from crudely physical —- sublimely spiritual and everything in between.

    43:0.4 (485.4) The supervisor seraphim, the third order of local universe angels, are assigned to the service of the constellations. They make their headquarters on the capital spheres and minister extensively to the encircling morontia-training worlds. In Norlatiadek the seventy major spheres, together with the seven hundred minor satellites, are inhabited by the univitatia, the permanent citizens of the constellation. All these architectural worlds are fully administered by the various groups of native life, for the greater part unrevealed but including the efficient spironga and the beautiful spornagia. Being the mid-point in the morontia-training regime, as you might suspect, the morontia life of the constellations is both typical and ideal.

    37:10.3 (416.3) The Spornagia. The architectural headquarters worlds of the local universe are real worlds — physical creations. There is much work connected with their physical upkeep, and herein we have the assistance of a group of physical creatures called spornagia. They are devoted to the care and culture of the material phases of these headquarters worlds, from Jerusem to Salvington. Spornagia are neither spirits nor persons; they are an animal order of existence, but if you could see them, you would agree that they seem to be perfect animals.


    37:10.3 (416.3) The Spornagia. The architectural headquarters worlds of the local universe are real worlds — physical creations. There is much work connected with their physical upkeep, and herein we have the assistance of a group of physical creatures called spornagia. They are devoted to the care and culture of the material phases of these headquarters worlds, from Jerusem to Salvington. Spornagia are neither spirits nor persons; they are an animal order of existence, but if you could see them, you would agree that they seem to be perfect animals.

    Keryn, even though it is in the realm of science fiction but, the reference to “Spornagia” and the association to “architectural headquarters worlds” leads me to believe that these “Spornagia” are a type of biologic or material entity like Nanites that can be used to construct material objects that once formed can retain their shape and repair that shape when disturbed.  I refer to science fiction because in the TV series “Andromeda” the ship Andromeda was supposed to be made up of these type of Nanites or in this case “Spornagia”, and created the space ship based on a set of architectural planing by advanced being, in this case from the past.  In essence these architectural creations were considered as being alive, and not much different then what the UB implies with “the Spornagia.”


    I’m wondering if it has anything to do with the amount of Adamic blood. They say Urantians have much less than an eighth (78:4.1).

    I have a tendency to believe that in our blood types the RH factor, more specifically the negative factor is a mutation of the original blood types found on Urantia, and that this mutation would or could be referenced back to the infusion of “Adamic blood.”  Where the description of the original races and how they merged and or were altered and some were lost over time, would have a comparison to the overall blood types as known to us today.  Therefore, race typing could vary well be found in our blood types.

    (722.6) 64:6.1 On an average evolutionary planet the six evolutionary races of color appear one by one; the red man is the first to evolve, and for ages he roams the world before the succeeding colored races make their appearance. The simultaneous emergence of all six races on Urantia, and in one family, was most unusual.

    (723.1) 64:6.2 The appearance of the earlier Andonites on Urantia was also something new in Satania. On no other world in the local system has such a race of will creatures evolved in advance of the evolutionary races of color.

    It is more likely that the “emergence of all six races on Urantia, and in one family,” was the appearance of all six blood types to appear in one family, from two parents, where as we know it now has merged down to 3 basis blood groups, ABO, or 4, if one takes AB, into account.


    As I understand it, the only difference between an architectural sphere and a planet is that the planet forms in an evolutionary manner and architectural spheres are formed by the direct action of power directors.  Both are made of matter. (15:5.1; 15:6.7) Another difference has to do with the ability of the power directors to manipulate energy patterns on architectural worlds, but not so much on evolutionary worlds. (29:3.9)

    There are many more blood group systems than the ABO system and the Rhesus D system.  There are over 600 different blood antigens and about 35 different blood group systems, not including about 200 minor subgroups which can cause transfusion reactions.  Then there are those platelets  . . .


    I have done an extensive review of paper 46, Bradly……

    And for “riding fandors”, which were, according to the UB, were ridden on Urantia, like shown in the movie “Avitar”, or as depicted in the “Flintstones”, back when.

    Really?  From Paper 46:

    46:2.4 (521.1) The transportation system is allied with the circulatory streams of energy movement, these main energy currents being located at ten-mile intervals. By adjustment of physical mechanisms the material beings of the planet can proceed at a pace varying from two to five hundred miles per hour. The transport birds fly at about one hundred miles an hour. The air mechanisms of the Material Sons travel around five hundred miles per hour. Material and early morontia beings must utilize these mechanical means of transport, but spirit personalities proceed by liaison with the superior forces and spirit sources of energy.

    Try simply reading the words written perhaps?  They don’t require a code breaker or a metaphorical reinterpretation…and I don’t either.  Thanks anyway.


    MidiChlorian wrote: I have done an extensive review of paper 46, Bradly……

    And for “riding fandors”, which were, according to the UB, were ridden on Urantia, like shown in the movie “Avitar”, or as depicted in the “Flintstones”, back when.

    Really? From Paper 46:

    46:2.4 (521.1) The transportation system is allied with the circulatory streams of energy movement, these main energy currents being located at ten-mile intervals. By adjustment of physical mechanisms the material beings of the planet can proceed at a pace varying from two to five hundred miles per hour. The transport birds fly at about one hundred miles an hour. The air mechanisms of the Material Sons travel around five hundred miles per hour. Material and early morontia beings must utilize these mechanical means of transport, but spirit personalities proceed by liaison with the superior forces and spirit sources of energy.

    Try simply reading the words written perhaps? They don’t require a code breaker or a metaphorical reinterpretation…and I don’t either. Thanks anyway.

    Okay Bradly, it would seem that you are reverting back to your usual self but, that’s okay.  First it would seem that you cannot read what I wrote, as you seem to insist that the separation of a sentence would not imply the same subject or thought stream. Where regarding my using your reference of “riding fandors” and my reference to “Urantia”, was not linked with paper 46, and would imply that you are not aware of the following UB text:

    (831.1) 74:3.4 The third day was devoted to an inspection of the Garden. From the large passenger birds — the fandors — Adam and Eve looked down upon the vast stretches of the Garden while being carried through the air over this, the most beautiful spot on earth. This day of inspection ended with an enormous banquet in honor of all who had labored to create this garden of Edenic beauty and grandeur. And again, late into the night of their third day, the Son and his mate walked in the Garden and talked about the immensity of their problems.

    (746.4) 66:5.6 It was in these days that carrier pigeons were first used, being taken on long journeys for the purpose of sending messages or calls for help. Bon’s group were successful in training the great fandors as passenger birds, but they became extinct more than thirty thousand years ago.

    Where it would seem that Adam and Eve were lucky to get to ride the fandors just as they were going extinct?

    Also, in your presenting of the UB text above (46:2.4) it indicates that these “transportation system is allied with the circulatory streams of energy movement,” and since they are not really roads as we might think but “main energy currents” that are aligned in a grid, would imply something different than what you seem to think?  Where as I used a reference from the “Andromeda (TV Series)” before, it might then imply that these “energy currents” could be likened to a “Slipstream” as mentioned in that Series and also in Star Trek: Voyager, and being that these two series were created by the same contributor, it wouldn’t surprise me to be presented in their usage there?  Now this reference does not imply that what is presented in the UB text above is the same thing but they would indicate something similar.  Then there is the first highlighting that showed above: “By adjustment of physical mechanisms the material beings of the planet can proceed at a pace varying from two to five hundred miles per hour.” Where if I were to read this literally, that “the material beings”, where “beings” implies persons, can adjust their “physical mechanisms” in order to travel at high speeds along these “currents”, could imply that these beings could literally fly, or how would you translate this statement?  Also, yes a “planet” can be defined as a structure that orbits something like a sun, but being that the planet of Jerusem is as large as a Sun, and uses various mechanical power producing methods, I would acknowledge the term “planet” could and would also apply.  Then there are the “transport birds” that you seem to imply are “fandors” but, since it literally does not mention that they are “fandors”, they could be something different, or are you reading something into the text that is not there?

    Nevertheless, I presented many other questions in my previous post, where it would seem that you have not attempted to answer or explain what the answers may be.  Can you answer any of these questions, or are you just attempting to change the focus onto other areas in order to make someone look bad, where as I have mentioned before, it would seem that you are slipping back to your old self.  But that’s being you, and I’m fine with that because it gives me more openings into different subject matter. So thank you for being You.

    So, please Bradly, can you answer some of the other questions that were presented.

    Oh, yes I almost forgot the last sentence in your selected UB quote above where: “spirit personalities proceed by liaison with the superior forces and spirit sources of energy.” So, it would imply that “spirit personalities” use “superior forces and spirit sources of energy”; can you explain this statement to me as to what these different “forces” or “sources” of energy are?  They must be explained somewhere, or have the authors left these things up to the readers imagination? Yes, the text says what it says, but what does it mean?

    Thank you in advance.


    Thanks for the invitation Midi…but I won’t, at this time, go down another rabbit hole with you, virtual or otherwise.  And yes the ‘transport birds’ and fandors are two distinct species of a similar form and purpose it seems.  Both very real and physical which fly and carry people, not mechanical or imaginary or virtual.  Your virtual world is your own.  Please enjoy.  But for those who wish to discuss what the Papers actually and clearly and redundantly teach….we will carry on.

    You may start any topic you wish Midi.  As far as I am concerned, this topic is an excellent format for consideration of the very real and physical spheres – both evolutionary and architectural.  As I understand it, the architectural spheres are the first in every local universe, built as the abodes of the first orders of created beings in the Locals, Constellations, and Systems for the purpose of housing and organizing the vast hosts of beings who serve the Creator Sons and those helpers from the Super/Central Universes and this is completed long before the vast forces of energy and matter begin the very slow evolutionary formation of stars and planets we can see in the sky.  A study of the following will be very helpful.



    Thanks for the invitation Midi…but I won’t, at this time, go down another rabbit hole with you, virtual or otherwise. And yes the ‘transport birds’ and fandors are two distinct species of a similar form and purpose it seems. Both very real and physical which fly and carry people, not mechanical or imaginary or virtual. Your virtual world is your own. Please enjoy. But for those who wish to discuss what the Papers actually and clearly and redundantly teach….we will carry on.

    You may start any topic you wish Midi. As far as I am concerned, this topic is an excellent format for consideration of the very real and physical spheres – both evolutionary and architectural. As I understand it, the architectural spheres are the first in every local universe, built as the abodes of the first orders of created beings in the Locals, Constellations, and Systems for the purpose of housing and organizing the vast hosts of beings who serve the Creator Sons and those helpers from the Super/Central Universes and this is completed long before the vast forces of energy and matter begin the very slow evolutionary formation of stars and planets we can see in the sky. A study of the following will be very helpful.


    Okay Bradly, it wasn’t an invitation but a request, for your understanding of what the UB says, as opposed to what it doesn’t say, that’s your prerogative of coarse.

    But you still insist on attempting to get in jabs, or so I believe when you state above “Your virtual world is your own”, and imply something that I might mean where you actually have no idea of what was meant by stating “virtual”, where in a previous post you stated “Perhaps I don’t understand your definition of “virtual”…but if you mean non-dimensional or lacking in physicality,” which is far from my meaning but, then you do not ask me, yet you attempt to put words in my mouth by your misunderstanding which has become the status quo.

    Also, you present study guides as in the search parameter link above, as if you think that I haven’t done this many times before. But, as I have mentioned before I use a different type of search mechanism, using the PDF version of the text, and have edited out the various books and papers which lets me see all of the results pretty much at the same time or with a quick scan determine what I’m looking for.  However the search engine used above does have curtain advantages when looking for multiple words within a paragraph, otherwise I appreciate your additive, already looked this up and more.  Still no answers????

    As before, thanks for your effect.

    Just a reminder:

    (1.2) 0:0.2 It is exceedingly difficult to present enlarged concepts and advanced truth, in our endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception, when we are restricted to the use of a circumscribed language of the realm. But our mandate admonishes us to make every effort to convey our meanings by using the word symbols of the English tongue. We have been instructed to introduce new terms only when the concept to be portrayed finds no terminology in English which can be employed to convey such a new concept partially or even with more or less distortion of meaning.


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