"Resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death"

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  • #27547

    I wonder if it’s not more dangerous to go onto a public UB study group site and use the name Caligastia to then post false claims that there was a conspiracy to cause default and rebellion at the highest levels of creatorship and leadership while then declaring Lucifer and his fellow rebels to be misunderstood, misrepresented, badly treated, and a demonstration that there is no fairness, justice, mercy, or free will for any creature, especially not mortals.  That’s what you teach Midi…repeatedly.

    Whoa!  Is that true?  If it is, it’s remarkably evil.  The worst I’ve seen in the TUB community, ever!  It’s nauseating, isn’t it?  Definitely not utilizing those two highest adjutants at all, let alone the soul.  Whew . . . what a mess!  That’s what I’m talking about . . . if you  allow the adjutants to do their ministry, none of this would happen.  . . .  Dang! that’s awful . . . yuck . . .  can’t get that bad taste out of my mouth.


    I do not teach, Jesus did not teach, and the UB does not teach anyone at anytime to ‘escape’ the vicissitudes or the mortal struggle but to be invigorated and inspired by citizenship in the friendly universe…here and now….not later. Nor are there any teachings to be idle while here awaiting death. I love this life. I am loved by many and love many and there is much for me to do in service to others while abiding in this most wondrous world of glorious beauty. Ahhhh….we’re here such a short time and never to return and with so many opportunities for experience that will not come again in this form.

    If one actually studies the UB and discovers those truths available and embraces them to be spiritized by the Father Fragment, suicide or indolence would not be any problem. Rather, those who hunger and thirst and come to believe in God’s love, patience, mercy, and finds the hope of perfecting in the heavenly abode to embrace and be embraced by God….then the Revelation can offer a helping hand of perspective and context which feeds hope and trust and faith.

    A couple of things Bradly. First, as the text in the UB proposes, once our travels in this “friendly universe” seem to be completed, are not some of use, re-associated to planet or sphere of our origin?  Also, one must remember that there are permanent citizens of this sphere, Urantia, where by definition live permanently.

    Second, it would seem that your personal understanding of people may be limited where “suicide” is a problem for many, whether it be through chemical induction and their side-effects or through desperation brought on by various cases or reasons, which may not be of their own making.  If memory serves me correctly, you had some difficulty understanding issues with “suicide” in your own family tree.  However, to indicate “indolence” of these persons, would imply fault or judgment towards persons who may experience despair, and it would seem that the remedy you propose is for “them to be spiritized by the Father Fragment,” which could be an option for persons who may be considered normal minded, but being that these people may be less than normal in thinking, due to whatever issues that may prevail, they might take on an alternate reasoning as to what is presented in the UB, specifically regarding the afterlife.  Therefore, your zeal of what waits for one, on the other-side, so to speak, could foster them to expedite that path, to a new fantastic adventure.  The UB indicates that one should not fear death, but it also indicates that the more one does in life, to enlighten them-self against this fear, that it will be easier then after.  It is not so much what you say but, how you say it, Bradly.

    Then there are those who have been brainwashed into believing that death is the true path to paradise, or other new adventures to come; they also have issues, where they may misinterpret what the UB does present, whereby bolstering there already unfortunate beliefs, possibly forced upon them by others.  But, as you have indicated, this is, or their issues, are not your problem.  Okay, if it is not your problem, or our problem, whose problem is it?


    Whoa! Is that true? If it is, it’s remarkably evil. The worst I’ve seen in the TUB community, ever! It’s nauseating, isn’t it? Definitely not utilizing those two highest adjutants at all, let alone the soul. Whew . . . what a mess! That’s what I’m talking about . . . if you allow the adjutants to do their ministry, none of this would happen. . . . Dang! that’s awful . . . yuck . . . can’t get that bad taste out of my mouth.

    Well Bonita, it might have been if it were not for the person using the avatar name “fanofVan”, who seemed to feed the flames and added to the subject matter. Why, when the implication came around that “Van” might have feed the flames of the rebellion, and as indicated in the text that “Van” had little regard for his fellows, causing a distraction so that the Tree of Life could be stolen by “Van’s” followers, and putting all those, the majority of his fellows, to suffer the aspects of death, the flames got even higher.  All in all, that subject would have made for a very good thesis paper, on the general behavior of persons, especially the predictable behavior just by using an adverse name.


    Whoa! Is that true? If it is, it’s remarkably evil. The worst I’ve seen in the TUB community, ever! It’s nauseating, isn’t it? Definitely not utilizing those two highest adjutants at all, let alone the soul. Whew . . . what a mess! That’s what I’m talking about . . . if you allow the adjutants to do their ministry, none of this would happen. . . . Dang! that’s awful . . . yuck . . . can’t get that bad taste out of my mouth.

    Well Bonita, it might have been if it were not for the person using the avatar name “fanofVan”, who seemed to feed the flames and added to the subject matter. Why, when the implication came around that “Van” might have feed the flames of the rebellion, and as indicated in the text that “Van” had little regard for his fellows, causing a distraction so that the Tree of Life could be stolen by “Van’s” followers, and putting all those, the majority of his fellows, to suffer the aspects of death, the flames got even higher. All in all, that subject would have made for a very good thesis paper, on the general behavior of persons, especially the predictable behavior just by using an adverse name.

    Thank you Midi aka Calagastia {not really the devil and betrayer of course, just Midi’s self chosen moniker for psycho experimental purposes}.  I am admittedly fanofVan.  But you Sir are the source of the “implication”.  Your insincerity and your personal agenda display for us all your personal  lack of integrity and rather twisted and despicable character.  Not to mention (okay, I admit mentioning your twisted distortions of the FER}, your obvious  hypocrisy.

    Let me be clear here:  among many other false claims and distortions, Midi/Cali has claimed that Van and the faithful Corps are guilty of stealing the Tree of Life and being the rebels who caused the rebellion, which began on Urantia.  And the Life Carriers screwed up on Urantia and were protected by Gabriel and his higher ups and the rebellion began on Urantia and Lucifer and  his cronies were only following orders and there was a cover up of this which resulted in the UB as a revelatory cover up to the mortals of Urantia of the creator’s conniving  and deceitful mishandling of the complete botched up mission of the Life Carriers on ALL decimal worlds and the UB is a part of this conspiracy of cover-up by Michael…and yes those much higher too…which results in the innocence of Lucifer, Satan, Calagastia, and all who participated in rebellion…which was not rebellion but the ‘exposure’ of deceit and deception and iniquity by our Creator Son and Gabriel and all others upheld in our history as told by the revelators.

    In other words, the UB is a fabrication of lies intended to deceive God and us mere tadpoles.  Of course, IMO, it is Midi/Cali who is the fraud and another, like Lucifer, in love with himself and his very specialness of superiority.  Students beware.  Just sayin’….




    Let me be clear here:  among many other false claims and distortions, Midi/Cali has claimed that Van and the faithful Corps are guilty of stealing the Tree of Life and being the rebels who caused the rebellion, which began on Urantia.  And the Life Carriers screwed up on Urantia and were protected by Gabriel and his higher ups and the rebellion began on Urantia and Lucifer and  his cronies were only following orders and there was a cover up of this which resulted in the UB as a revelatory cover up to the mortals of Urantia of the creator’s conniving  and deceitful mishandling of the complete botched up mission of the Life Carriers on ALL decimal worlds and the UB is a part of this conspiracy of cover-up by Michael…and yes those much higher too…which results in the innocence of Lucifer, Satan, Calagastia, and all who participated in rebellion…which was not rebellion but the ‘exposure’ of deceit and deception and iniquity by our Creator Son and Gabriel and all others upheld in our history as told by the revelators. In other words, the UB is a fabrication of lies intended to deceive God and us mere tadpoles.  Of course, IMO, it is Midi/Cali who is the fraud and another, like Lucifer, in love with himself and his very specialness of superiority.  Students beware.  Just sayin’….

    Holy Crap!  I had no idea . . .  it’s a shame such mental derangement exists in this world, but it does. Why it’s allowed on forums I’ll never understand.  They tell us that pity is only a partial manifestation of mercy.  To be honest, I can’t get past pity on this one.  How is it that there are enough mercy credits to cover this amount of evil?  Our God must be a truly wonderful God to have mercy on a person capable of such distorted thinking.  Of course, God loves the person and not the person’s perverted sins.  I might be able to do that . . . not sure.  In this case it really is sin because  has consciously chosen to act out his evil thoughts and share them with the world.  He laughs his behavior off calling it an experiment on the human mind. Like Josef Mengele? Personally, it makes me ill.  Sin will do that.

    Bradly, I think it’s beautiful to choose the moniker “fan of Van,” especially if you try to emulate him.  Wasn’t he the greatest personality to walk the face of earth besides Jesus and Melchizedek? Even Adam and Eve weren’t as loyal to God’s will as Van.  Van is a true superhero. Heck, he might have even had a cape!  He’s known as Van the Steadfast.  Wouldn’t we all like to be known as the Steadfast?  I know I would.

    But honestly, let’s move on.  Dwelling on evil and sin is disgusting.  , himself, will have to answer for his sins.  And although we as family members are stuck with the repercussions of his sin, we must be committed to turning it all into something true, beautiful and good.  We must be Van-like at all times –  wholeheartedly devoted to reality, steadfast and loyal to supreme values no matter the cost, and relentlessly choosing to shine a bright light in the face of all darkness we encounter.  Revelation is a gift, let us be grateful.


    Yes…let’s move forward.  I regret my self defensiveness and anger.  Getting accused of being Jim Jones by someone who calls himself the Devil set my hair on fire when Midi/Cali said:

    “This can be a potential problem, pushing people to think that some out into the future, or in this case after life, is better than what they might make or change in their current life.  Very dangerous thinking.   This is what concerns me Bradly, in that you seem to be at the front of the pack promoting death.”

    I’ve had over 5 years of this sort of attack here and at TB from him which is nothing compared to his distortions and dismemberment of the UB.  No excuse for my own bad behavior though.  Yesterday was a trying day in several ways.  Guess that post was the final straw that broke my back.  Still….anger is like a stone hurled into a hornet’s nest….for I have stung myself thereby.  And Midi will still be Midi and will still insult me and twist the teachings…so nothing is gained by my loss of composure.  What a display.  Apologies to all who attend here….and to BB for my radical departure from this lovely topic…the glory of the heavenly abodes.  Think I need a season for reflection and rebalancing.

    To be clear, I regret my anger and its expression…what I wrote is true enough and there is the written record by Midi/Cali’s own hand as evidence to his claims….and his lack of denial here, rather, his defense of his conspiracy theories.

    Thanks Bonita…I am a fanofVan and believe he might indeed be the greatest of personalities….but I wonder if Amadon was the greatest and most stalwart of all mortals of all time on our world?  What an adventure in faith!  It’ll be fine to see their stories portrayed in Heaven.  Loving this life as it is my only life to love…and live…may it last forevermore!  Peace.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Bonita, Bradly and Midi,

    What passion you all have. You inspire me.

    How can you not be drawn to something as glorious as this revelation we all love so dear. And how could you not be overwhelmed by its brilliance, how it can stagger the imagination of what it is, and who we are in relation to God.

    Regarding you Midi, your provocation, well it speaks for itself. But that doesn’t take away from your courage to put on display a type of naked resilience to express a form of outrage that’s very rare.

    Joining a public UB forum with the moniker “Caligastia” takes some guts. But now that I’ve seen what you’ve been posting here and there for a few years, I can honestly say that I understand where you’re coming from.

    There is paradoxical power in a lot of things, so in a way, it makes sense to have done what you did by taking on the moniker of the highest of the despised, the Coward of Urantia, Caligastia.

    Let’s not ever forget how “the father of sin turned his face away from the excruciating horror of the scene of the crucifixion” and that the result of sin, deliberately doing what you know is wrong, is sometimes very impactful in its consequence, way beyond even what might have been unimagined.




    Loving this life as it is my only life to love…and live…may it last forevermore!  Peace.

    Yes.  And loving life means wherever you’re living – on earth or on a mansion world – it doesn’t matter.  Life is a living love.  Life is God’s law and any perversion of it is pure evil. Isn’t your statement above a testament to the fact that you are not promoting death, but life itself!   God’s law?

     p555:1  48:6.22 Law is life itself and not the rules of its conduct. Evil is a transgression of law, not a violation of the rules of conduct pertaining to life, which is the law. Falsehood is not a matter of narration technique but something premeditated as a perversion of truth. The creation of new pictures out of old facts, the restatement of parental life in the lives of offspring—these are the artistic triumphs of truth. The shadow of a hair’s turning, premeditated for an untrue purpose, the slightest twisting or perversion of that which is principle—these constitute falseness. But the fetish of factualized truth, fossilized truth, the iron band of so-called unchanging truth, holds one blindly in a closed circle of cold fact. One can be technically right as to fact and everlastingly wrong in the truth.

    As for , since the folks who run these forums refuse to silence him, we have only one thing to do- use him as an example of all the wrong ways a person can think about the Revelation.  Surely that is enlightening in and of itself. I have to rely on Jesus’ technique of letting the false prophets expose themselves.  Yes, they will carry off some unstable souls with them, but this is a merciful universe.  Those who unwittingly get carried off will not be charged with as great a sin as the one who leads them off.

    158:8.1 But whosoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea.

    Bradly, you have done yeoman’s work in attempting to enlighten  but he stubbornly fights back even when he knows he’s wrong.  I tried myself, but I’ve come to the conclusion that trying to help someone with such deeply perverted thinking is beyond my capabilities.  Better to keep shining light, I think, than directly attack darkness.  At least that’s my new approach.  If it doesn’t work I’ll search for ways to shine an even brighter light.  Not sure I’m even up to that, but it is my goal. I can’t be bothered with pettiness anymore. There’s too much work to be done.  The kingdom is a beautiful place, no need to tarnish it with poisonous distractions . . . that’s how I’m loving life these days. The essence of life is spirit, and spirit is true, beautiful and good.


    It would seem evident that Bradly/”fanofVan”, has continued in his attempt to distract the subject, or to high-jack a subject, specifically when confronted with questions, as to his current attitude, as he seems to present it.  It does not surprise me for his attack, and redirection, more specifically after my previous post #27548, where I tended to pose him with personal questions that he refuses to answer, or comment on.  In other instances where there have been some members of this forum who wished to open a subject, to further examine certain aspects of the rebellion, he seemed to be in the forefront to squash those type of subjects.  This might have been something that I would have expected from “Van”, back in the day, and being that Bradly is a self proclaimed Fan of Van, it surprises me not.

    In my most recent study of the UB, it seemed that “Van” took it upon himself, to go against what Jesus presented, specifically the brotherhood of man, which in just indication would not have been available to “Van” in his time, so his actions which kept his fellow staff members isolated from the tree of life, literally resulting in their death, would not be totally subject to his mandate but also from the “Constellation Fathers” who sanctioned his appointment to the staff.  Had it not of been for the isolation of communication, back to “Van”, from his appeal to the “Most Highs”, where it has been repeated over and over, that the “Most Highs” rule on “Urantia”, thereby it can be indicated that the “Constellation Fathers” rule on Urantia, where being that Michael had not finished His final bestowal, making Him the Sovereign of this universe, the “Constellation Fathers” were in control.  This might also indicate that there is or was an infrastructure issue in the universe that many did not see?  So, if the “Most Highs” ruled on Urantia, it could also be assumed that they did nothing to circumvent what Michael/Jesus had to deal with on His bestowal mission.  Interesting to say the least.  Had it not been for a recently found transmission from the “Most Highs” to “Van” giving him validation for his appeal, there is no telling what may have occurred.

    (760.4) 67:6.9 It should be recorded that, when Van appealed to the Most Highs of Edentia after Lucifer had sustained Caligastia on Urantia, the Constellation Fathers dispatched an immediate decision sustaining Van on every point of his contention. This verdict failed to reach him because the planetary circuits of communication were severed while it was in transit. Only recently was this actual ruling discovered lodged in the possession of a relay energy transmitter where it had been marooned ever since the isolation of Urantia. Without this discovery, made as the result of the investigations of the Urantia midwayers, the release of this decision would have awaited the restoration of Urantia to the constellation circuits. And this apparent accident of interplanetary communication was possible because energy transmitters can receive and transmit intelligence, but they cannot initiate communication.

    (760.5) 67:6.10 The technical status of Van on the legal records of Satania was not actually and finally settled until this ruling of the Edentia Fathers was recorded on Jerusem.

    So it would seem that based on the hierarchy at the time, “Van” went over the head of the current System Sovereign, to get validation from those beings who put him into the position that he held, which might indicate that he was a plant within the planetary regime.  It is needless to say that I find “Van” a questionable character in the history of Urantia, more specifically that he would take it upon himself to play judge and jury, against his associates, which would have been the responsibility of the Ancient of Days.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    So it would seem that based on the hierarchy at the time, “Van” went over the head of the current System Sovereign, to get validation from those beings who put him into the position that he held, which might indicate that he was a plant within the planetary regime.

    If that’s the case Midi, who planted him, since he was here on Urantia before the onset of the rebellion?

    This doesn’t make any sense, sorry.

    Van acted in a crisis. He did what was right. If those of his brothers and sisters who aligned with the rebellion, by so doing, put themselves in a position to be unable to access the life sustaining fruit of the tree of life, well then, a light should have gone on in their rebellious little heads, like it probably did, but was ignored, to knock it off and get behind Van.

    If Van’s leadership actions caused them to die a material death, then their death occured by suicide, due to a self-imposed trap of their own stubborn and out of control free will.

    And you have a free will also, to believe and choose whatever you want to think about what happened, and so express yourself.



    If that’s the case Midi, who planted him, since he was here on Urantia before the onset of the rebellion?

    Its not so much that he was planted, as it would have been approved.

    (749.2) 66:5.31 10. The supreme court of tribal co-ordination and racial co-operation. This supreme council was directed by Van and was the court of appeals for all of the other nine special commissions charged with the supervision of human affairs. This council was one of wide function, being intrusted with all matters of earthly concern which were not specifically assigned to the other groups. This selected corps had been approved by the Constellation Fathers of Edentia before they were authorized to assume the functions of the supreme court of Urantia.

    The Constellation Fathers would have the most to benefit from any rebellion, and being that they were also, involved with the assignment of Caligastia to Urantia, even after there were many other opportunities, for Planetary Prince, and where the final word for all assignments, as above, “Van” had to be approved even after being selected by Caligastia, and being that “Van” went directly to them to petition for an appeal, after Lucifer sustained “Van’s” appeal, regarding the same subject, would indicate that “Van” was working with the “Constellation Fathers” otherwise someone in “Vans” position would not have authority, not being a Son of God, to even address them, because it has been noted that the Most Highs do not involve themselves with individuals, so “Van” had to of had special dispensation to even contact them.  Not to mention that, even though the return confirmation or communication was stopped, and that it was an immediate response, to “Van’s” appeal, would indicate that there had been additional communication in the past that might have been intelligence gathering and passed on.

    But I indicated that the Constellation Fathers had the most to gain, giving them additional control over the Universe where the following would indicates that with the passing ages they get more and more power where eventually they would be subject to only one, the Supreme Being, who would have no connection with Havona, or the current Trinity, as noted in paper 55 section 12.  One would need to read down from the following in order to associate the “Constellation Fathers” to the Supreme.

    (633.6) 55:9.3 As the ages pass, the Constellation Fathers take over more and more of the detailed administrative or supervising functions which were formerly centered on the universe headquarters. By the attainment of the sixth stage of stabilization these unified constellations will have reached the position of well-nigh complete autonomy. Entrance upon the seventh stage of settledness will no doubt witness the exaltation of these rulers to the true dignity signified by their names, the Most Highs. To all intents and purposes the constellations will then deal directly with the superuniverse rulers, while the local universe government will expand to grasp the responsibilities of new grand universe obligations.

    Van acted in a crisis. He did what was right. If those of his brothers and sisters who aligned with the rebellion, by so doing, put themselves in a position to be unable to access the life sustaining fruit of the tree of life, well then, a light should have gone on in their rebellious little heads, like it probably did, but was ignored, to knock it off and get behind Van.

    You need to get your time-line set.  At the time that the Tree of Life was acquired, rebellion was only assumed by “Van” and not yet officially declared, on Jerusem, although it was inevitable, that’s why “Van” appealed to Lucifer, and then to the “Most Highs”, and during his long-winded speech to the staff, and others, indicating that “Van” would send an appeal, which seemed to be a delay needed for action.  Whether what he did was right, or wrong, did not fully pan out for seven years for everyone to make a decision, but his actions would have been premature if the majority elected to stay loyal.  Therefore, it could be said that the theft of the Tree, was a bargaining chip or possible bribery, to force a favorable decision.

    Either way, “Van” took control prior to what was or was not a crisis, which took seven years to validate.

    Also, if there was nothing to hide, regarding this whole proceedings why were the records “obliterated”?

    (757.3) 67:3.10 There is no end to the recital of the stirring events of these tragic days. But at last the final decision of the last personality was made, and then, but only then, did a Most High of Edentia arrive with the emergency Melchizedeks to seize authority on Urantia. The Caligastia panoramic reign-records on Jerusem were obliterated, and the probationary era of planetary rehabilitation was inaugurated.





    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    So let me see. What you’re suggesting is that the reality of God is a fraud.

    If that’s not it, what the hell are you suggesting? That the UB is a deception?

    Get to the point of why you’re denigrating the foundation of what most, if not all of us except you apparently, hold to be the greatest thing that exists materially in our world, the Urantia Book.

    Please explain yourself.



    So let me see. What you’re suggesting is that the reality of God is a fraud.

    If that’s not it, what the hell are you suggesting? That the UB is a deception?

    Get to the point of why you’re denigrating the foundation of what most, if not all of us except you apparently, hold to be the greatest thing that exists materially in our world, the Urantia Book.

    Please explain yourself.

    I’m really not sure of your meaning, where are you indicating that the Constellation Fathers, or the most Highs, who are the same, are “God”, where I’m not suggesting reality of any sort only that if there are no true records that can be accessed, there is no proof, of anything that is assumed to be true just because it is written in a book.  How it is written and read is relative to the information not reality.

    It seems to you who is implying that there is deception present, not I, I only read the text and attempt to associate as much of it to bring me to an understanding of the events which seems to be colored to convict or nobilify prior to any evidence being presented, either way.

    It’s a book that has much useful information in it and, if your wish to make it a Bible, that is your prerogative.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    My Bible isn’t a book.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon
    Also, if there was nothing to hide, regarding this whole proceedings why were the records “obliterated”?

    So that one like you “Caligastia” can appear on the scene and make a case out of the cowardice of “your” insanity.


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