"Resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death"

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  • #27437
    I never thought of that angle and it makes sense, Midi. These conjured up verbiage Revelators employ at times opens the door to non-literal interpretations.

    Which times would that be I wonder?

    Specifically when the Authors use made-up words which have no literal meaning. Please define “spiritized” for me, then I will acknowledge that what you say has substance. How can you say that all in the UB can be literally understood, without using your imagination as to some of the implied meanings? Com-on Bradly, since the UB is so simple for you to understand, what is the literal meaning of the word “Spiritized” ??????? Then you say this: “Perhaps prejudice and ignorance are indeed “the chief inhibitors of growth”….and understanding and learning too!” I’m not the one who refuses to transform from tadpole to frog.



    Here’s another way to look at deficits. Just for illustration, imagine the soul is a piece of fabric that is supposed to have every flower in the world woven into it in order to be complete. If a person dies with a piece of fabric with only a few dozen flowers on it, that person has a deficit. There are many reason why that can happen: a life too short, a life where not every flower was available, an inability to weave, or slowness of weaving, preoccupation with shiny objects, a dislike of flowers or weaving . . . there are zillions of reasons why that fabric arrived in the next life without all the flowers on it, but as long as some effort was put into weaving, then more time and more opportunities are given.

    That is an excellent analogy for “deficits”, Bonita but, what about “so many and such varied defects“.  It is one thing to add what is missing but defects would need to be corrected, and if they did not present themselves as defective flowers needing correction, how would they be recognized?

    But that is your definition, Bonita. And you could not support it with existing Urantian lexicons. And I believe that that is Midi’s point. It then makes it fair game to approach the interpretation of the revelation non-literally.

    One of the easiest ways to think about the word “spiritize” (being a verb) is to think of it as Adjuster sanctioned, which in relation to the soul, would be something worthy of survival. I think “spiritize” is slightly different than “spiritualize”, which means to make something spiritual. We are in the process of spiritualizing our personalities, but we can only do this with the help of Adjuster spiritization. There are other ways to explain this . . . too busy right now.


    Bonita honed in on a word I should not have used or, perhaps, could have elaborated on. It really does not do justice what the Revelator conveys in the quote, “so many and such varied defects.” Defect and deficit qualitatively are not the same. A deficit implies lack of something while Defect implies a fault in something. While deficits of character could be found on the mansion world, I wanted really to draw attention to defects.

    Here’s another way to look at deficits. Just for illustration, imagine the soul is a piece of fabric that is supposed to have every flower in the world woven into it in order to be complete. If a person dies with a piece of fabric with only a few dozen flowers on it, that person has a deficit. There are many reason why that can happen: a life too short, a life where not every flower was available, an inability to weave, or slowness of weaving, preoccupation with shiny objects, a dislike of flowers or weaving . . . there are zillions of reasons why that fabric arrived in the next life without all the flowers on it, but as long as some effort was put into weaving, then more time and more opportunities are given.

    That is an excellent analogy for “deficits”, Bonita but, what about “so many and such varied defects“. It is one thing to add what is missing but defects would need to be corrected, and if they did not present themselves as defective flowers needing correction, how would they be recognized?



    One of the easiest ways to think about the word “spiritize” (being a verb) is to think of it as Adjuster sanctioned, which in relation to the soul, would be something worthy of survival. I think “spiritize” is slightly different than “spiritualize”, which means to make something spiritual. We are in the process of spiritualizing our personalities, but we can only do this with the help of Adjuster spiritization.

    There are other ways to explain this . . . too busy right now.

    I understand Bonita, and the question of meaning won’t go away. But the word in question is “spiritized” not “spiritize” where the one is the past tense of the other, one is the action and the other the product. The following two quotes use the word “spiritize”, also no defined meaning.

    (1112.3) 101:6.7 Revelation teaches mortal man that, to start such a magnificent and intriguing adventure through space by means of the progression of time, he should begin by the organization of knowledge into idea-decisions; next, mandate wisdom to labor unremittingly at its noble task of transforming self-possessed ideas into increasingly practical but nonetheless supernal ideals, even those concepts which are so reasonable as ideas and so logical as ideals that the Adjuster dares so to combine and spiritize them as to render them available for such association in the finite mind as will constitute them the actual human complement thus made ready for the action of the Truth Spirit of the Sons, the time-space manifestations of Paradise truth — universal truth. The co-ordination of idea-decisions, logical ideals, and divine truth constitutes the possession of a righteous character, the prerequisite for mortal admission to the ever-expanding and increasingly spiritual realities of the morontia worlds.

    (1182.4) 107:6.2 The Adjuster is man’s eternity possibility; man is the Adjuster’s personality possibility. Your individual Adjusters work to spiritize you in the hope of eternalizing your temporal identity. The Adjusters are saturated with the beautiful and self-bestowing love of the Father of spirits. They truly and divinely love you; they are the prisoners of spirit hope confined within the minds of men. They long for the divinity attainment of your mortal minds that their loneliness may end, that they may be delivered with you from the limitations of material investiture and the habiliments of time. *

    The line in the last quote which I have underlined, might be the best definition or definer for both words, “spirtitize” and “spiritized” being the completed task of the “Adjusters work”.


    I find this admission interesting…

    0:0.1 IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia — that being the name of your world —
    there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such terms as God, divinity, and
    deity. Human beings are still more confused and uncertain about the relationships of the
    divine personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of this
    conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion, I have been directed to
    formulate this introductory statement in explanation of the meanings which should be
    attached to certain word symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which
    the Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate into the English
    language of Urantia.

    Out of curiosity, what was the original language of the revelations from which we derive this English translation? Does anyone know if it is mentioned in the text? I do not recall.


    I never thought of that angle and it makes sense, Midi. These conjured up verbiage Revelators employ at times opens the door to non-literal interpretations.

    Which times would that be I wonder?

    Specifically when the Authors use made-up words which have no literal meaning. Please define “spiritized” for me, then I will acknowledge that what you say has substance. How can you say that all in the UB can be literally understood, without using your imagination as to some of the implied meanings? Com-on Bradly, since the UB is so simple for you to understand, what is the literal meaning of the word “Spiritized” ??????? Then you say this: “Perhaps prejudice and ignorance are indeed “the chief inhibitors of growth”….and understanding and learning too!” I’m not the one who refuses to transform from tadpole to frog.

    Midi…the UB is not “so simple for (me) to understand”.  Never made any such claim.  Certainly some parts of the Revelation are easier to understand and far more students agree as to the meanings.  Every reader finds some concepts and sections easier to understand sooner than others.  Some of us are not particularly enthused or intent to understand some sections at all.  But my experience has been that much I did not earlier understand delivers more meaning and more value by greater study and better integration of concepts and context.   This seems to be a common experience among students over time and multiple readings.

    This implies (or defines) growth…new appreciation and integration of concepts that held or delivered less earlier.  Progress!

    As the authors tell us, they only employ new terminology when none exists to express a concept.  So, as Bonita points out, spiritize is defined by the many times and ways it is used to describe our personal transformation in-the-spirit.  Spiritizing is a growth process whereby truth discovered and lived delivers an ever growing wisdom by our experience witth truth, beauty, and goodness.  I thing spiritization is a description of soul growth and circle progress.

    But I’m certain spiritize is not without meaning – specific meaning – and its meaning has great value for those who experience it.  And it is neither metaphorical or allegorical any more than Urantia, Thought Adjuster, Havona, or any of the hundreds of new concepts requiring an expression.  It’s okay to not understand something and it’ll be a long, long time, if ever, that we understand everything.  Mystery and that yet to be discovered simply add to the adventure of our future education in the university of creation.  All is revealed in the fullness of time.  That which is most important to learn and embrace, IMO, is the glory and wonder of our source and destiny in this friendly universe and our trust and hope and faith in God and how close God is to us, as within us each and all.

    I trust God.  I seek understanding.  My quest is to discover meaning and value and learn to express that discovered and embraced.  Eternity should be time enough to learn that not known with any certainty today I think!


    Out of curiosity, what was the original language of the revelations from which we derive this English translation? Does anyone know if it is mentioned in the text? I do not recall.

    Not sure BB, but I suspect that it has something to do with symbols, similar to what we see in Chinese language, where symbols can be associated to what the brain may store as configured neurons or chemical compositions which can be translated into many languages once one translates their structure.  It would seem that the human brain would store information that is common to all, and that there is another area used to translate this information into the various languages we have learned. How else could those who communicate in different languages be understood by either our Adjusters or God?

    (17.2) 0:12.13 We are fully cognizant of the difficulties of our assignment; we recognize the impossibility of fully translating the language of the concepts of divinity and eternity into the symbols of the language of the finite concepts of the mortal mind. But we know that there dwells within the human mind a fragment of God, and that there sojourns with the human soul the Spirit of Truth; and we further know that these spirit forces conspire to enable material man to grasp the reality of spiritual values and to comprehend the philosophy of universe meanings. But even more certainly we know that these spirits of the Divine Presence are able to assist man in the spiritual appropriation of all truth contributory to the enhancement of the ever-progressing reality of personal religious experience — God-consciousness.

    (303.2) 27:6.4 These Paradise philosophers teach by every possible method of instruction, including the higher graph technique of Havona and certain Paradise methods of communicating information. All of these higher techniques of imparting knowledge and conveying ideas are utterly beyond the comprehension capacity of even the most highly developed human mind. One hour’s instruction on Paradise would be the equivalent of ten thousand years of the word-memory methods of Urantia. You cannot grasp such communication techniques, and there is simply nothing in mortal experience with which they may be compared, nothing to which they can be likened.


    I find this admission interesting…

    0:0.1 IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia — that being the name of your world — there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such terms as God, divinity, and deity. Human beings are still more confused and uncertain about the relationships of the divine personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of this conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion, I have been directed to formulate this introductory statement in explanation of the meanings which should be attached to certain word symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which the Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate into the English language of Urantia.

    Out of curiosity, what was the original language of the revelations from which we derive this English translation? Does anyone know if it is mentioned in the text? I do not recall.

    BB – it was not a planetary language….Systems, Locals, Supers….have different languages as I recall.  I’ll see what I can find on the languages of the universes.  Do you recall reading about the “harps of God”?

    And what do you mean by “admission”??!!  You seem so intent on finding fault and failure with the Revelation….and you lack any subtlety in your constant attempts to do so.  Very revealing…and a little annoying.  But whatever…………..


    Why are you intent on finding fault with my take of UB, Bradly? I find what you do very annoying. And that is why for the most part I IGNORE YOU.

    I find this admission interesting…

    0:0.1 IN THE MINDS of the mortals of Urantia — that being the name of your world — there exists great confusion respecting the meaning of such terms as God, divinity, and deity. Human beings are still more confused and uncertain about the relationships of the divine personalities designated by these numerous appellations. Because of this conceptual poverty associated with so much ideational confusion, I have been directed to formulate this introductory statement in explanation of the meanings which should be attached to certain word symbols as they may be hereinafter used in those papers which the Orvonton corps of truth revealers have been authorized to translate into the Englishlanguage of Urantia.

    Out of curiosity, what was the original language of the revelations from which we derive this English translation? Does anyone know if it is mentioned in the text? I do not recall.

    BB – it was not a planetary language….Systems, Locals, Supers….have different languages as I recall. I’ll see what I can find on the languages of the universes. Do you recall reading about the “harps of God”? And what do you mean by “admission”??!! You seem so intent on finding fault and failure with the Revelation….and you lack any subtlety in your constant attempts to do so. Very revealing…and a little annoying. But whatever………….. ;-)



    A defect is an imperfection, something that has yet to become perfected.  Many people inherit defective characters from their earth parents.  These defects may result in deficits which need to be addressed. The soul does not arrive on the mansion worlds fully perfected.  That being so, it does not mean that the soul arrives on the mansion worlds with sin woven into its fabric. The repercussions of sin can leave weaknesses or inadequacies in the fabric itself, not to mention the missing interwoven spirit patterns that might result.

    Spiritize, spiritized, spiritizing, spiritization all basically mean Adjuster attunement.  When the creative imagination is flowing in a controlled channel, it is flowing in a channel attuned to the Adjuster.

    110:6.8 1. Adjuster attunement. The spiritizing mind nears the Adjuster presence proportional to circle attainment.

    132:3.5 Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

    Can indulgence of sin lead to a defect in character, Bonita?

    A defect is an imperfection, something that has yet to become perfected. Many people inherit defective characters from their earth parents. These defects may result in deficits which need to be addressed. The soul does not arrive on the mansion worlds fully perfected. That being so, it does not mean that the soul arrives on the mansion worlds with sin woven into its fabric. The repercussions of sin can leave weaknesses or inadequacies in the fabric itself, not to mention the missing interwoven spirit patterns that might result. Spiritize, spiritized, spiritizing, spiritization all basically mean Adjuster attunement. When the creative imagination is flowing in a controlled channel, it is flowing in a channel attuned to the Adjuster.

    110:6.8 1. Adjuster attunement. The spiritizing mind nears the Adjuster presence proportional to circle attainment. 132:3.5 Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.



    That which is most important to learn and embrace, IMO, is the glory and wonder of our source and destiny in this friendly universe and our trust and hope and faith in God and how close God is to us, as within us each and all. I trust God. I seek understanding. My quest is to discover meaning and value and learn to express that discovered and embraced. Eternity should be time enough to learn that not known with any certainty today I think!

    Yes, Bradly it is your opinion that you are concerned about most.  That’s fine, and you have contributed valid viewpoints using your opinion.  But, it is “MO” that you want to stuff your “O” down my throat, in so much as literally indicating that it is your opinion that is the only opinion that matters.  Since we all have opinions or viewpoints, it would be my hope that everyone has an opportunity to express these understandings even if they may not be correct in your opinion.  Your narrations seem to imply that I do not trust or have faith in God, and you do not know me well enough to make these types of implication over the many years you have attempted to discredit me.  That too is your prerogative, but that doesn’t mean that I have to like it, and IMO, you do this to bring attention to yourself, as possibly being the authority of only certain sections of the UB which you seem to have mentioned in the narration from which I extracted the quote above.  This is why I have over time indicated that what you say and the way you say it, sounds like you are preaching to an audience, and bring down fire and brimstone onto your flock.


    Spiritize, spiritized, spiritizing, spiritization all basically mean Adjuster attunement. When the creative imagination is flowing in a controlled channel, it is flowing in a channel attuned to the Adjuster.

    110:6.8 1. Adjuster attunement. The spiritizing mind nears the Adjuster presence proportional to circle attainment.

    I assume that your mention of “Adjuster attunement” where I think that any form of tuning would go both ways and not only for the Adjuster.  Would it also, not be an attunement of the host being indwelt by the Adjuster?  Also, the mention of “circle attainment” is another concept that would need clarification specifically when related to the Host and the Adjuster.


    Can indulgence of sin lead to a defect in character, Bonita?

    Yes, of course.  But don’t forget that we have more than one character.  We are dual-natured beings.  We have a character we inherited from our earth parents and a character we are spiritualizing with our Adjuster parent which is the soul. The transfer of dominance is about changing our preference from the human to the divine character . . . changing the seat of identity, or what character traits we identify ourselves by or with.

    Indulgence in sin not only destroys the human character, it prevents growth of the soul because of the misdirection of character identification.  There are innate drives for growth of the soul in every person which function unless they are specifically inhibited.  (100:1.6) In fact, the soul evolves regardless of mental conditions, but it cannot grow in the absence of a desire for perfection. (65:8.4) Although souls can get lost in confusion, they only get lost in a directional sense as long as a relationship with the Adjuster is present. (100:5.1)

    Of course this would change if the personality habitually chooses to identify with sin, which is iniquity.  Iniquity not only destroys the human character, it also destroys the soul . . . it actually kills it (67:7.1; 112:0.15).  A survival character (the soul) is derived from the decisions we make during life.  Decisions against God’s will cannot contribute to the soul.  Decisions against God’s will are decisions against the light, or in favor of darkness. When light is not honestly received and acted upon, darkness develops within the soul until the light finally goes out. (139:12.8)



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