"Resume their lives just where they left off when overtaken by death"

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    What are controlled channels of creative imagination?

    132:3.5  But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

    132:3.10  Universe progress is characterized by increasing personality freedom because it is associated with the progressive attainment of higher and higher levels of self-understanding and consequent voluntary self-restraint. The attainment of perfection of spiritual self-restraint equals completeness of universe freedom and personal liberty. Faith fosters and maintains man’s soul in the midst of the confusion of his early orientation in such a vast universe, whereas prayer becomes the great unifier of the various inspirations of the creative imagination and the faith urges of a soul trying to identify itself with the spirit ideals of the indwelling and associated divine presence.


    What is ‘strenuous material efforts’? What is ‘difficulties of creature existence’? What is ‘problems of the passing hour’? What is ‘handicaps of time and uncertainties which beset mortal life journey’? What is ‘material paths of earthly endeavor’? The above are all duplicated by the Adjuster; they all have a spiritual counterpart if the experiences they impart on the soul have spiritual value or significance. But bear in mind, these experiences differ from soul to soul. What may survive in one person, may not hold true in another.

    Not all of our material efforts with the difficulties of creature existence make it to soul level experience.  If there’s no truth, beauty or goodness in the experience, it does not survive.  And, it’s not the problems of the passing hour themselves that are duplicated by the Adjuster, it’s the solutions to those problems that have a chance of being duplicated, but only if they are true, beautiful and good. What the soul accrues and takes to the next life is only that which responds to spiritual gravity.

    7:3.2 The spiritual-gravity pull of the Eternal Son constitutes the inherent secret of the Paradise ascension of surviving human souls. All genuine spirit values and all bona fide spiritualized individuals are held within the unfailing grasp of the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son. The mortal mind, for example, initiates its career as a material mechanism and is eventually mustered into the Corps of the Finality as a well-nigh perfected spirit existence, becoming progressively less subject to material gravity and correspondingly more responsive to the inward pulling urge of spirit gravity during this entire experience. The spirit-gravity circuit literally pulls the soul of man Paradiseward.

    7:3.5 But how much more perfect is the superb technique of the spiritual world! If anything originates in your consciousness that is fraught with supreme spiritual value, when once you give it expression, no power in the universe can prevent its flashing directly to the Absolute Spirit Personality of all creation.

    12:8.5 As the mind of any personality in the universe becomes more spiritual – Godlike – it becomes less responsive to material gravity. Reality, measured by physical-gravity response, is the antithesis of reality as determined by quality of spirit content. Physical-gravity action is a quantitative determiner of nonspirit energy; spiritual-gravity action is the qualitative measure of the living energy of divinity.



    Another reason why the soul cannot contain sin is because it is a reflection of the mortal’s choosing to do the will of God.  God’s will cannot be sin.

    0:5.10 4. Soul. The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience. The mortal and material mind is the mother of this same emerging reality. The substance of this new reality is neither material nor spiritual–it is morontial. This is the emerging and immortal soul which is destined to survive mortal death and begin the Paradise ascension.

    The Adjuster only counterparts that which is indestructible – survivable- and that is truth, beauty and goodness.

    111:3.7 In so far as man’s evolving morontia soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible. If there is no survival of eternal values in the evolving soul of man, then mortal existence is without meaning, and life itself is a tragic illusion. But it is forever true: What you begin in time you will assuredly finish in eternity—if it is worth finishing.

    The soul is the new character or nature we bring with us to the next life.  Character traits worth surviving must have been activated by personality choice in order to become part of the soul.  In other words, actual deeds permeated by truth, beauty and goodness are the only contributions which are soul-worthy.  The new character is a character which is approaching divinity.  Divinity attainment is the goal of character growth, and hence soul growth, which is essentially the same thing. This is achieved by becoming more and more like the Divine parent in character and nature, and this is achieved by doing the will of God.

    101:3.4 Through religious faith the soul of man reveals itself and demonstrates the potential divinity of its emerging nature by the characteristic manner in which it induces the mortal personality to react to certain trying intellectual and testing social situations.

    The character of the soul is an evolutionary experiential acquirement of potential divinity.  The fact that it evolves, or emerges, is why we are told that striving is critical. Striving, or living a life of continuous prayer, as if living in the personal presence of God, is the only way to maintain consciousness of the fact of sonship, and the realization of a universe teeming with truth, beauty and goodness.   It’s not so much what we are now but what we are striving to become that matters most.  Always growing and progressing.

    111:1.5   And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity. 


    This is what I said: ” they all have a spiritual counterpart if the experiences they impart on the soul have spiritual value or significance”

    What is ‘strenuous material efforts’? What is ‘difficulties of creature existence’? What is ‘problems of the passing hour’? What is ‘handicaps of time and uncertainties which beset mortal life journey’? What is ‘material paths of earthly endeavor’? The above are all duplicated by the Adjuster; they all have a spiritual counterpart if the experiences they impart on the soul have spiritual value or significance. But bear in mind, these experiences differ from soul to soul. What may survive in one person, may not hold true in another.

    Not all of our material efforts with the difficulties of creature existence make it to soul level experience. If there’s no truth, beauty or goodness in the experience, it does not survive. And, it’s not the problems of the passing hour themselves that are duplicated by the Adjuster, it’s the solutions to those problems that have a chance of being duplicated, but only if they are true, beautiful and good. What the soul accrues and takes to the next life is only that which responds to spiritual gravity.

    7:3.2 The spiritual-gravity pull of the Eternal Son constitutes the inherent secret of the Paradise ascension of surviving human souls. All genuine spirit values and all bona fide spiritualized individuals are held within the unfailing grasp of the spiritual gravity of the Eternal Son. The mortal mind, for example, initiates its career as a material mechanism and is eventually mustered into the Corps of the Finality as a well-nigh perfected spirit existence, becoming progressively less subject to material gravity and correspondingly more responsive to the inward pulling urge of spirit gravity during this entire experience. The spirit-gravity circuit literally pulls the soul of man Paradiseward. 7:3.5 But how much more perfect is the superb technique of the spiritual world! If anything originates in your consciousness that is fraught with supreme spiritual value, when once you give it expression, no power in the universe can prevent its flashing directly to the Absolute Spirit Personality of all creation. 12:8.5 As the mind of any personality in the universe becomes more spiritual – Godlike – it becomes less responsive to material gravity. Reality, measured by physical-gravity response, is the antithesis of reality as determined by quality of spirit content. Physical-gravity action is a quantitative determiner of nonspirit energy; spiritual-gravity action is the qualitative measure of the living energy of divinity.



    Many quotes presented where these small extractions which have been emphasized for various reasons can by them-self contain text or data that requires additional explanation, other than just presenting them as a response to implications or attempts to be informative, yet many are not explained?

    Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

    Being that “Faith” becomes an “inspiration”, and held as truth by a holder, how is it “spiritized” or better yet what is “spiritized” in relation to one’s “imagination”?  Here one assumes that “inspiration” comes from a resulting feeling or image of a potential thought.

    prayer becomes the great unifier of the various inspirations of the creative imagination

    Being that “prayer” can be associated with requests for either help or something that may be lacking, I can see where it can be a “unifier” but, how does it apply to “imagination”?  Where “inspirations” can be associated to wishing that a potential result may be granted, yet in the same sense, has already been imagined to be received, even if only a hopeful expectation.

    The spirit-gravity circuit literally pulls the soul of man Paradiseward.

    What is a “spirit-gravity circuit”? Literally ? And if “the soul of man” becomes spirit after death, and if the “spirit-gravity” can effect the spirit soul, then spirit must contain some type of spirit-matter in order to be pulled by gravity as we may imagine it to be.  So without knowing what a “spirit-gravity circuit” is, how can the statement above make any sense?

    spiritual-gravity action is the qualitative measure of the living energy of divinity.

    Based on the previous expression, and then this one, where the action of “spiritual-gravity” associated with the “living energy of divinity”, okay, that is possibly understandable but in relation to pulling the “soul”, and then also assuming that “divinity” seems to be everywhere, how can “gravity” be applied as an explanation of “qualitative measure”?  Sounds logical but until the various components are understood or defined, how can one truly ascertain its true meaning?

    As a mortal creature chooses to “do the will of the Father in heaven,” so the indwelling spirit becomes the father of a new reality in human experience.

    To “do the will of the Father” cannot be a choice if there is only one to choose from, but how does one know what would be the true “will of the Father” until after having chosen, and already is a part of one’s experience, and part of their reality?  In general this statement implies that the choice has been influenced and by having chosen correctly affects the “indwelling spirit”, but to what result that may effect the individual?

    In so far as man’s evolving morontia soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible.

    Okay, as the soul evolves, through “truth, beauty, and goodness”, which these attributes can be interpreted differently by many, how does  or what is, “value-realization”?  And if this “value-realization” is only associated to someone who is God-conscious, does it imply that this “indestructible” being is material, and not spiritual, where when the soul becomes spirit, and as we know that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed, this might be the association to “indestructible”, but the sentence requires speculation.

    My purpose, is to show that many of the responses using UB quotes, and more specifically certain sections of these quotes, often do not really explain or even relate to an implied response to someone elses statement or possible explanation.  This is not to focus on anyone individual because I use the same method, in hopes to express my own understanding, and is relative to the readers own understanding of the text in the UB.  Sometimes the UB cannot be taken literally as presented.

    If that were the case then what would be the point of the Mansion world, a place to eliminate character deficits? Why and how are character deficiencies lodged into the soul, surviving death and translating to Mansion world #1 to be purged? Consider the following revelation:
    47:3.8 Almost the entire experience of mansion world number one pertains to deficiency ministry. Survivors arriving on this first of the detention spheres present so many and such varied defects of creature character and deficiencies of mortal experience that the major activities of the realm are occupied with the correction and cure of these manifold legacies of the life in the flesh on the material evolutionary worlds of time and space.

    The Adjuster only counterparts that which is indestructible – survivable- and that is truth, beauty and goodness.

    111:3.7 In so far as man’s evolving morontia soul becomes permeated by truth, beauty, and goodness as the value-realization of God-consciousness, such a resultant being becomes indestructible. If there is no survival of eternal values in the evolving soul of man, then mortal existence is without meaning, and life itself is a tragic illusion. But it is forever true: What you begin in time you will assuredly finish in eternity—if it is worth finishing.

    The soul is the new character or nature we bring with us to the next life. Character traits worth surviving must have been activated by personality choice in order to become part of the soul. In other words, actual deeds permeated by truth, beauty and goodness are the only contributions which are soul-worthy. The new character is a character which is approaching divinity. Divinity attainment is the goal of character growth, and hence soul growth, which is essentially the same thing. This is achieved by becoming more and more like the Divine parent in character and nature, and this is achieved by doing the will of God.

    101:3.4 Through religious faith the soul of man reveals itself and demonstrates the potential divinity of its emerging nature by the characteristic manner in which it induces the mortal personality to react to certain trying intellectual and testing social situations.

    The character of the soul is an evolutionary experiential acquirement of potential divinity. The fact that it evolves, or emerges, is why we are told that striving is critical. Striving, or living a life of continuous prayer, as if living in the personal presence of God, is the only way to maintain consciousness of the fact of sonship, and the realization of a universe teeming with truth, beauty and goodness. It’s not so much what we are now but what we are striving to become that matters most. Always growing and progressing.

    111:1.5 And it is not so much what mind comprehends as what mind desires to comprehend that insures survival; it is not so much what mind is like as what mind is striving to be like that constitutes spirit identification. It is not so much that man is conscious of God as that man yearns for God that results in universe ascension. What you are today is not so important as what you are becoming day by day and in eternity.



    The soul IS the mortal character which survives.  We grow a noble character while in the flesh, and continue growing it exactly where we leave off when we wake up on the mansion worlds.  Character grows.  The morontia fabrics which were interwoven with spirit character patterns by the Adjuster during life on earth is the very same interwoven morontia fabric we take with us to the mansion worlds. There we will continue to cooperate with the Adjuster’s spirit-character weaving exactly where we left off.

    And it’s not just what you think that becomes woven onto that fabric.  The Supreme is evolving in a trifold manner.  The soul is comparable to the Supreme in that it also requires trifold input to growth.  Like the Trinity, which is Thought-Word-Action, so too is growth of the soul needful of all three components.  What we think must have meaning, which is what the Word is all about.  Meanings which have value are those that can be spiritized (which is what the Adjuster does), and then made ready for action by personality choosing.Only ACT-ualized reality can become a spirit-pattern worth weaving onto the morontia fabric of the soul by the Adjuster.

    How’s that?  No quotes!  Y’all should know the supporting quotes by heart now.




    A deficiency of the character is something that has not been developed yet. It may be that the building blocks for it were not present, or the individual chose not to develop it during life on earth, or the individual went about the task poorly and unwisely.  There are many things that can contribute to a character deficit.  In this next parable Jesus describes how some deficits come to be: foolishness (immaturity), wasting time (laziness), paying attention to things with no value (underdeveloped religious instinct), holding onto rotten things (perversity), only living for the moment with no regard to the future (impatience) . . . lots of things contribute to poor character growth (deficits).  These habits during life color the character of the soul because of the absence of growth in the areas they relate to. They leave an imprint.

    156:5.2 It was during this same sermon that Jesus made use of his first and only parable having to do with his own trade — carpentry. In the course of his admonition to “Build well the foundations for the growth of a noble character of spiritual endowments,” he said: “In order to yield the fruits of the spirit, you must be born of the spirit. You must be taught by the spirit and be led by the spirit if you would live the spirit-filled life among your fellows. But do not make the mistake of the foolish carpenter who wastes valuable time squaring, measuring, and smoothing his worm-eaten and inwardly rotting timber and then, when he has thus bestowed all of his labor upon the unsound beam, must reject it as unfit to enter into the foundations of the building which he would construct to withstand the assaults of time and storm. Let every man make sure that the intellectual and moral foundations of character are such as will adequately support the superstructure of the enlarging and ennobling spiritual nature, which is thus to transform the mortal mind and then, in association with that re-created mind, is to achieve the evolvement of the soul of immortal destiny. Your spirit nature — the jointly created soul — is a living growth, but the mind and morals of the individual are the soil from which these higher manifestations of human development and divine destiny must spring. The soil of the evolving soul is human and material, but the destiny of this combined creature of mind and spirit is spiritual and divine.”


    Sometimes the UB cannot be taken literally as presented.

    Which times would that be I wonder?  When it contradicts one’s treasured preconceptions?  When it challenges our prejudices?  So some of the Revelation can be taken literally but not all?  And who will determine which is which?  And who will explain/interpret that which should not be taken literally?

    So when the authors tell us these facts and history are to authoritatively eliminate error and reduce confusion, what they really meant was this is a collection of random, unreliable teachings that will confuse and confound us instead?

    Perhaps prejudice and ignorance are indeed “the chief inhibitors of growth”….and understanding and learning too!  And perhaps the authors wrote what they intended and meant what they wrote?  A lack of personal understanding should not result in revisions of that which is presented for our comprehension simply because we don’t comprehend it in my opinion.


    The soul IS the mortal character which survives. We grow a noble character while in the flesh, and continue growing it exactly where we leave off when we wake up on the mansion worlds. Character grows. The morontia fabrics which were interwoven with spirit character patterns by the Adjuster during life on earth is the very same interwoven morontia fabric we take with us to the mansion worlds. There we will continue to cooperate with the Adjuster’s spirit-character weaving exactly where we left off.

    And it’s not just what you think that becomes woven onto that fabric. The Supreme is evolving in a trifold manner. The soul is comparable to the Supreme in that it also requires trifold input to growth. Like the Trinity, which is Thought-Word-Action, so too is growth of the soul needful of all three components. What we think must have meaning, which is what the Word is all about. Meanings which have value are those that can be spiritized (which is what the Adjuster does), and then made ready for action by personality choosing. Only ACT-ualized reality can become a spirit-pattern worth weaving onto the morontia fabric of the soul by the Adjuster.

    How’s that? No quotes! Y’all should know the supporting quotes by heart now.

    Bonita, I’m not suggesting that UB quotes shouldn’t be used, only that in the case of you using the word highlighted above: “spiritized“, which is one of those words that the authors have created to better represent some meaning, it is used but until we examine what it actually may mean, how can one read it and or use it without examining what was meant by its use and creation.  For this meaning, one would need to look at all the other places this word is used, in hopes of getting a better understand of its meaning.  Therefore, here are the UB quotes where this word is used, so when one examines these examples, can a clear meaning be ascertained?

    (82.3) 7:1.4 The reactions and fluctuations of spirit gravity are ever true to the content of spiritual values, the qualitative spiritual status of an individual or a world. This drawing power is instantly responsive to the inter- and intraspirit values of any universe situation or planetary condition. Every time a spiritual reality actualizes in the universes, this change necessitates the immediate and instantaneous readjustment of spirit gravity. Such a new spirit is actually a part of the Second Source and Center; and just as certainly as mortal man becomes a spiritized being, he will attain the spiritual Son, the center and source of spirit gravity.

    (82.5) 7:1.6 Spirit-gravity pull and response thereto operate not only on the universe as a whole but also even between individuals and groups of individuals. There is a spiritual cohesiveness among the spiritual and spiritized personalities of any world, race, nation, or believing group of individuals. There is a direct attractiveness of a spirit nature between spiritually minded persons of like tastes and longings. The term kindred spirits is not wholly a figure of speech.

    (533.1) 47:3.3 The mortal-mind transcripts and the active creature-memory patterns as transformed from the material levels to the spiritual are the individual possession of the detached Thought Adjusters; these spiritized factors of mind, memory, and creature personality are forever a part of such Adjusters. The creature mind-matrix and the passive potentials of identity are present in the morontia soul intrusted to the keeping of the seraphic destiny guardians. And it is the reuniting of the morontia-soul trust of the seraphim and the spirit-mind trust of the Adjuster that reassembles creature personality and constitutes resurrection of a sleeping survivor.

    (950.2) 86:0.2 Man’s earliest prereligious fear of the forces of nature gradually became religious as nature became personalized, spiritized, and eventually deified in human consciousness. Religion of a primitive type was therefore a natural biologic consequence of the psychologic inertia of evolving animal minds after such minds had once entertained concepts of the supernatural.

    (1459.5) 132:3.5 But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

    So based on the usage of this word, can one come up with a synonym or group of words which would better represent the idea that the authors had intended for its use, specifically since there is no definition of “Spiritized” in the English language?

    How can we use this word if we do not understand it meaning?


    Here’s another way to look at deficits.  Just for illustration, imagine the soul is a piece of fabric that is supposed to have every flower in the world woven into it in order to be complete.  If a person dies with a piece of fabric with only a few dozen flowers on it, that person has a deficit.  There are many reason why that can happen: a life too short, a life where not every flower was available, an inability to weave, or slowness of weaving, preoccupation with shiny objects, a dislike of flowers or weaving . . .  there are zillions of reasons why that fabric arrived in the next life without all the flowers on it, but as long as some effort was put into weaving, then more time and more opportunities are given.

    Another way to look at deficits is comparing the soul to a plant.  Some folks arrive on the mansion worlds with a full grown tree heavy with fruit.  Some folks arrive with a tree and not so much fruit.  Others arrive with a bush and some with a seedling.  Surely the seedling is at a deficit, it needs more help than the full grown fruit-bearing tree, and it will get all the help it needs on the appropriate mansion world.

    Trying to think of other ways to illustrate deficit, but I have a deficit of things done . . . gotta long to-do list this weekend.

    Without going into the intricate details how the mortal character transfers itself into the afterlife, is it safe to say character flaws, for example, the propensity to “sin,” also find their way into the mansion world? And if they do, can we conclude that certain debased human behaviors survive death?

    The soul IS the mortal character which survives. We grow a noble character while in the flesh, and continue growing it exactly where we leave off when we wake up on the mansion worlds. Character grows. The morontia fabrics which were interwoven with spirit character patterns by the Adjuster during life on earth is the very same interwoven morontia fabric we take with us to the mansion worlds. There we will continue to cooperate with the Adjuster’s spirit-character weaving exactly where we left off. And it’s not just what you think that becomes woven onto that fabric. The Supreme is evolving in a trifold manner. The soul is comparable to the Supreme in that it also requires trifold input to growth. Like the Trinity, which is Thought-Word-Action, so too is growth of the soul needful of all three components. What we think must have meaning, which is what the Word is all about. Meanings which have value are those that can be spiritized (which is what the Adjuster does), and then made ready for action by personality choosing.Only ACT-ualized reality can become a spirit-pattern worth weaving onto the morontia fabric of the soul by the Adjuster. How’s that? No quotes! Y’all should know the supporting quotes by heart now.



    Which times would that be I wonder?

    Specifically when the Authors use made-up words which have no literal meaning.  Please define “spiritized” for me, then I will acknowledge that what you say has substance.  How can you say that all in the UB can be literally understood, without using your imagination as to some of the implied meanings?  Com-on Bradly, since the UB is so simple for you to understand, what is the literal meaning of the word “Spiritized” ???????

    Then you say this: “Perhaps prejudice and ignorance are indeed “the chief inhibitors of growth”….and understanding and learning too!”

    I’m not the one who refuses to transform from tadpole to frog.

    What you state below, Midi, is a conclusion I arrived at a while ago, besides other factors, based on the following revelation:
    32:3.6  Literally and figuratively, spiritually and personally, the Father and the Sons are one. It is a fact: He who has seen a Creator Son has seen the Father.
    The above revelation illustrates to me revelation is not exclusively literal.

    Sometimes the UB cannot be taken literally as presented.



    One of the easiest ways to think about the word “spiritize” (being a verb) is to think of it as Adjuster sanctioned, which in relation to the soul, would be something worthy of survival.  I think “spiritize” is slightly different than “spiritualize”, which means to make something spiritual. We are in the process of spiritualizing our personalities, but we can only do this with the help of Adjuster spiritization.

    There are other ways to explain this . . . too busy right now.

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