Do Our Celestial Friends Make Contact with us?

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    Thx Tas

    your making me feel lazy. :good:

    as I recall you have voiced some of the concerns I had last year when I ended any attempts to communicate rationally with them.


    1.   The cult displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader or leaders whether they are alive or dead.


    2.   The cult usually regards its belief system, ideology, and practices as the truth, and the law.


    3.   The cult tends to be elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members.


    4.   Often cult leaders elevate themselves to messianic levels.


    5.   Often the cult claims to have a special mission to save humanity.


    6.   The cult is usually preoccupied with bringing in new members.


    7.   The leader or leaders dictate, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel.


    8.   Cult leaders induce feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.


    9.   Group-think dominates cults and independent or critical thinking is often described as prideful and sinful.


    10. Cults demand absolutism – total, unquestioning obedience and submission to the group both in action and thought.


    11. Cults use coercion and guilt to maintain control and avoid rebellion.


    12. Disobedience to the cult and its leader(s), including even minor disagreement with group doctrine, may result in expulsion and shunning.


    13. In the cult questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.


    14. The cult usually practices rites and rituals such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions and other methods of mind indoctrination.


    15. The cult usually has a polarizing us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.


    16. The cult leader often claims not to be accountable to any mainstream authority.


    17. The cult teaches that its ends justify whatever means it deems necessary.


    18. Frequently, subservience to the cult leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, or radically alter their personal goals and activities in order to conform to the group.


    19. The cult is usually preoccupied with making money.


    18. Cult members are usually expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.


    20. Cult members are usually encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.


    21. Loyal cult members fear reprisals if the leave or consider leaving the group.

    I did not experience this one.  The group disbanded, due to a lawsuit against it.  Through discovery, the lawyers representing the group connected the dots and found drug use among the special group of leaders, the leader himself and his wife.  Little did the membership know.  It was all a sham.  We were suckers.  We were duped.  We were lead to believe our religion was the last and final one.  We were holding up the earth.  We were waiting for the spaceship in the sky to  arrive, hover overhead while we boarded it.  It’s so loony-tunes to recall.  But I count my experience with them over a period of 3 1/2 years as good, because I have actual experience to draw from when topics like this one come up.  And I am not a stupid person!  That’s what gets me.  Why do perfectly sane and intelligent people go in for this stuff?  As I said previously, they go into it because they want to.  They want to believe it.  In a cult everything is all set up for you and you do not have to think.   Finally, for me I fully understand the power of group-think.  It is a way to escape from thinking through things for yourself.  It’s the lazy-mans way.  It’s the tell-me-what-I’m-supposed-to-do-next sort of thing.  That’s the explanation for channeling.



    Gene wrote:the idea is you respond to the email alert by clicking on the Update Page link and it takes you to their latest experiment and they want your feedback.

    So wait!!! Are you saying that the article titled “Bridge to the Future” was written by a midwayer?  I’m very confused.  When I read that this morning I thought it was just a member of the church writing it.  It is signed, “Elaia Luchnia”.  Now, is that a human or a midwayer or neither?

    I did a search for that name and the website xjwsforchrist popped up.  There’s a poster, AGUEST,  who claims the following:

    BTW – I took a look at the “” site… and I am… disturbed. For a LOT of reasons, but primarily because of the closing greeting they are using: “Elaia Luchnia”. This is a name I made up with the sister that went with me to Bethel some years ago… and that we used when writing the Society. It means “two olive trees/lampstands” and is taken from Revelation 11:4. There are also two articles on their site that I PROMISE I wrote. They have been tweeked a bit, but… I know my writings.

    I have an email in to ask them where they got the name from. Their letters are all addressed to the GB… as well as the Writing Department and so, I really think what I shared is accurate, in spite of that additional information posted by dear Ant (peace to you!). I THINK… that someone IN the Writing Department is behind the site… and got his/her start by some of the things I and perhaps this sister wrote to the “Society” years ago.

    Of course, I realize, their response… and that of some elsewhere (JWN)… would be “Well, maybe you’re not the ONLY one who gets information, SA!” And that could be true. But the name AND [very] similar writings? Way too coincidental. We’ll see what they have to say, if they respond at all. If it IS what I think (though I don’t think I’ll ever know that) I don’t mind that they use either (the name or writings) to build up the Body of Christ, as they claim to be doing. I only mind… that they are DOING so… in conjunction with… and supporting… and thus “touching”… the “unclean thing” that is the WTBTS.

    ( is the same organization as The Christ Experiment and on their site they explain why they use the name:

    5. Who is Elaia Luchnia?
    At the end of most of our articles, we sign off “Elaia Luchnia” which means “olive trees and lamp stands.” It is taken from the 4th chapter of Zechariah where the prophet speaks of Two Witnesses.  We chose that designation because there are two primary writers of the information on this site, and we are certainly bearing witness to the Father and his Christ, and are trying to be a source of illumination to the congregations and to the world.  And, we know that the book of Revelation makes reference to Two Witnesses, but whether we are part of the symbolic drama of Revelation is a matter far beyond our knowledge.

    But, we have evidence that they are plagiarizing other people’s material and that’s enough to raise my eyebrows.  So they are Jehovah’s Witness folks then?  Did I get that right? Also, if you go to they have a book for sale there by these same people titled: The Good News of the Kingdom.  It’s also written by Elaia Luchnia and in the acknowledgments they thank a person named Monitoya.  I don’t know if that’s a person or a midwayer, or one of the two authors.


    Gene wrote:the idea is you respond to the email alert by clicking on the Update Page link and it takes you to their latest experiment and they want your feedback.

    So wait!!! Are you saying that the article titled “Bridge to the Future” was written by a midwayer? I’m very confused. When I read that this morning I thought it was just a member of the church writing it. It is signed, “Elaia Luchnia”. Now, is that a human or a midwayer or neither? I did a search for that name and the website xjwsforchrist popped up. There’s a poster, AGUEST, who claims the following:

    BTW – I took a look at the “” site… and I am… disturbed. For a LOT of reasons, but primarily because of the closing greeting they are using: “Elaia Luchnia”. This is a name I made up with the sister that went with me to Bethel some years ago… and that we used when writing the Society. It means “two olive trees/lampstands” and is taken from Revelation 11:4. There are also two articles on their site that I PROMISE I wrote. They have been tweeked a bit, but… I know my writings. I have an email in to ask them where they got the name from. Their letters are all addressed to the GB… as well as the Writing Department and so, I really think what I shared is accurate, in spite of that additional information posted by dear Ant (peace to you!). I THINK… that someone IN the Writing Department is behind the site… and got his/her start by some of the things I and perhaps this sister wrote to the “Society” years ago. Of course, I realize, their response… and that of some elsewhere (JWN)… would be “Well, maybe you’re not the ONLY one who gets information, SA!” And that could be true. But the name AND [very] similar writings? Way too coincidental. We’ll see what they have to say, if they respond at all. If it IS what I think (though I don’t think I’ll ever know that) I don’t mind that they use either (the name or writings) to build up the Body of Christ, as they claim to be doing. I only mind… that they are DOING so… in conjunction with… and supporting… and thus “touching”… the “unclean thing” that is the WTBTS. ( is the same organization as The Christ Experiment and on their site they explain why they use the name:

    5. Who is Elaia Luchnia? At the end of most of our articles, we sign off “Elaia Luchnia” which means “olive trees and lamp stands.” It is taken from the 4th chapter of Zechariah where the prophet speaks of Two Witnesses. We chose that designation because there are two primary writers of the information on this site, and we are certainly bearing witness to the Father and his Christ, and are trying to be a source of illumination to the congregations and to the world. And, we know that the book of Revelation makes reference to Two Witnesses, but whether we are part of the symbolic drama of Revelation is a matter far beyond our knowledge.

    But, we have evidence that they are plagiarizing other people’s material and that’s enough to raise my eyebrows. So they are Jehovah’s Witness folks then? Did I get that right? Also, if you go to they have a book for sale there by these same people titled: The Good News of the Kingdom. It’s also written by Elaia Luchnia and in the acknowledgments they thank a person named Monitoya. I don’t know if that’s a person or a midwayer, or one of the two authors.

    im not saying anything like that. Everything on that website is of human origin.

    i never said or felt or otherwise entertained any midwayer involvement

    your reading into my experience much more than I’m trying to relate.

    that organization somehow got my email address and sent me those emails and I responded maybe twice before I decided it was a scam.

    im here on planet earth, never met a midwayer

    I don’t expect I ever will while I still have my feet on the ground.

    the experiment is a scam, I detected it a year ago. I’m not a cultist or channeler or anything related to that stuff

    hope I made myself clear.

    please let me know if I did not.





    hope I made myself clear. please let me know if I did not.

    Oh yes.  I’m not implying that you’re involved in anything like that at all.  I’m just wondering if you had more information.   So, you’re saying that nothing written on the website is written by midwayers and none of the emails you got were written by midwayers either.  I was under the impression that the emails you received were from the group but written by midwayers.  If not, sorry for the confusion.  I would still like to know where the midwayer emails are.  I’d love to read them and that is what I was asking for, midwayer emails.  On the website they say that they have been receiving them since 2012 but paraphrased them.  Recently, and I don’t know what date that would be, they started printing the midwayer emails verbatim.  Those are the ones I want to read.  Do you know anything about them?


    This isn’t going to evolve well.

    You got that right tas!  Great work there.  Thanks.


    hope I made myself clear. please let me know if I did not.

    Oh yes. I’m not implying that you’re involved in anything like that at all. I’m just wondering if you had more information. So, you’re saying that nothing written on the website is written by midwayers and none of the emails you got were written by midwayers either. I was under the impression that the emails you received were from the group but written by midwayers. If not, sorry for the confusion. I would still like to know where the midwayer emails are. I’d love to read them and that is what I was asking for, midwayer emails. On the website they say that they have been receiving them since 2012 but paraphrased them. Recently, and I don’t know what date that would be, they started printing the midwayer emails verbatim. Those are the ones I want to read. Do you know anything about them?

    thx Bonita

    sorry if I created any confusion.

    i gave my opinion to them two times about evangelical related stuff if memory serves and there was no real conversation, it was like their way or the highway and I chose the latter.

    never did take the time to investigate in depth after that and mostly forgot about them or anything about them I may have learned.

    this recent midwayer connection being developed on this thread comes as a bit of a suprise to me but it’s my fault for not being a good investigator originally.

    But then again they gave me little incentive to spend my effort.

    It is interesting however how they are resurfacing and I am learning more about why I was originally off of them like a dirty shirt.

    and this is serious business however. Our spiritual growth as individuals can so easily get sidetracked by bogus claims of communication with superhuman beings. As I stated before: long ago I trusted my young inexperienced brain to a couple guys that talked to midwayers, and were transported to them on spaceships. I laughed out loud uncontrollably when they told me this, (kind of like you did at the begining of this thread, not meant to mock, just a natural incredulous response) and that terminated our relationship and the trust. Gave me some wisdom though.

    i don’t want to mock Julian’s friends or anyone else, but my experience is mine to share and that is what I’m doing.




    Please feel free share your thoughts. Your Brothers in Faith,

    Gene, when one goes to the aforementioned website and click on the “About Us” sub-link – it will take you to a page which presents the sites “Mission Statement”. However, when one looks below that section on the page you will see, “About The Authors” section where you will see a link to the main organizations web-site: ““, which when one goes to this main site you will see that this groups primary religious affiliation is “JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES“. Most web-sites have at the bottom of their main page have a link called “Site Map” which generally presents all of the sites sub-links. So as for “The Christ Experiment” web-site, it would appear to be an intro to the “Anointed Jehovah’s Witnesses”, where it would be interesting as to why the previous site would reference things or narrations found in the Urantia Book? The same “Site Map” can be found at the bottom of “The Christ Experiment” site as follows:!site-map/bptl2

    that is a really cool find



    So wait!!! Are you saying that the article titled “Bridge to the Future” was written by a midwayer?  I’m very confused.  When I read that this morning I thought it was just a member of the church writing it.  It is signed, “Elaia Luchnia”.  Now, is that a human or a midwayer or neither?

    The articles, including “Bridge to the Future” are not written by Midwayers; my understanding is that they are written by the two writers that developed the website. The article “Re-introducing: To those engaged in the Master’s ministry” contains one of the so-called Midwayer messages which I have reproduced below:

    5/21/15 – 1:09 am

    Several generations ago, a certain apostle of Jesus spoke of being harmoniously joined together and this is the time for such a united effort to surface and sweep over the land of Urantia to bring to life the Master’s way of doing things. All faith sons should be One in purpose yet diverse in method in broadcasting the plain and authentic teachings of Jesus. Letting go of pride and personal pursuits of self promotion and giving way to a period of time set aside to promote unity of destiny will by moving as One glorious brotherhood of faith sons. Encourage the better way to effectively establish lasting change, not by natural power and strength, but by supernatural spirit influenced power. In a special campaign to “work what is good toward all,” release all former harmful speech, negative talk and self grandiosity. The atmosphere on Urantia is ripe for such an effort. So might we, as Spiritualized Midwayers, suggest a spirited article that expresses the heartfelt desire to lock arms in a show of spiritual solidarity based of mutual respect and devotion to the Master Son to do the utmost to promote FAITH as the Unifying process that will change the world. It’s so needed in the world at this time so that man can stop spinning endlessly into nothingness and start progressing with the assistance of the spirit agencies available and unquestionably at your service. Pray on this suggestion you faith sons of sublime destiny potential. [This message was the inspiration for Bridge to the Future and Fortifying the Foundation, Parts I and II.]

    I have also reproduced below (I hope nobody minds!) the article “Uniting Heaven and Earth” which contains several of the purported Midwayer emails:


    May 8, 2016

        Celestials and humans working together to further the actual teachings of Jesus – the good news of the kingdom of the heavens – is what we mean when we refer to ‘uniting heaven and earth.’  Such a union is a powerful means to ‘bring heaven down’ so that God’s will can be done on earth as it is in heaven.

        Although the actual ministry of spreading the good news is a work assigned to humans, our celestial family has a vested interest in seeing this work completed. No other human endeavor holds more promise for our world than teaching all of mankind that they are all the children of God, brothers to one another, and all purposed to embark on the heavenly ascension career when their time on earth is complete. This good news is the means by which our world will recover from the ill effects of rebellion and default, and finally get back on track. (Matthew 24:14) Until this is done, the ascension path of practically every celestial being resident on our planet will be delayed. For these reasons, it is understandable why our celestial family would be eager to assist all those who engage in this work – the Master’s Ministry.

        Since the ministry is the work of humans, our celestial family is limited in what they can do. They will not, of their own volition, initiate a preaching or teaching work. But they will assist, encourage and support any who take the step of their own free will. They are wholly devoted to the evolutionary process of spiritual advancement and will not usurp man’s responsibility to do the will of God, nor his opportunity to choose to become fellow workers with Christ Michael.

       The type of support they offer can take different forms.  For the first year of our ministry, we engaged more in our face to face, in real life (IRL) ministry than our online ministry. During that time, we perceived celestial support based on the way certain events unfolded and in the unusual opportunities that were presented to us. And we saw a definite and undeniable correlation between what we published on the site and what was occurring in real life. But when health issues prevented us from continuing the IRL ministry, the celestial support took on a different form. Since we were limited to writing our ministry rather than speaking it, the support came in the form of written suggestions to improve and inspire what we wrote and how we wrote it. We suspect that as long as we are ‘housebound,’ that form of support will continue. But when we are able to return to an IRL ministry, we would not be surprised if the form of their support altered again.

        Accordingly, those engaged in the Master’s Ministry should be open to various forms of celestial support. Some may experience unusual maneuvers in circumstances, others may unknowingly and regularly encounter Midwayers that will provide just the right information at the right time, some may receive written messages, and there may be yet other ways our celestial family manifests their support. But in whatever way the assistance occurs, we all can be confident that it will always be supportive, suggestive, inspirational and advisory. Again, they NEVER usurp our God-given free will.

        Some may wonder how they can tell whether the support is authentic. In response, we would point to Jesus’ words:

    A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.” – Matthew 7:18-20 (See also UB 140:3.19)

        So, authentic celestial support faithfully acted upon will always result in good. Their support will always be in harmony with Jesus’ actual teachings, and in harmony with universe and planetary arrangement, protocol and purpose. It will always honor Michael/Jesus as the Universe Father and as the one through whom we all must go in order to reach the Paradise Father. And it will always be positive, optimistic, and faith inspiring. Our family never uses fear to motivate us to do good works.

        They are especially distressed at the prevalence of end times theology. In reports on thewildfires currently raging in Canada, we see repeated references to Armageddon, hell and the apocalypse. It is certainly understandable that people living through these unfortunate occurrences would be profoundly affected and naturally use such references to describe their ordeal. But some people who are personally unaffected by these occurrences use these unfortunate events to perpetuate the idea of a coming catastrophic end. That is unhelpful.

        In that regard, early last year, we were given the suggestion to publish a newsletter that would counter the idea that we are heading toward ‘the end of the world.’ We tossed around potential names for the newsletter and, for several reasons, eventually settled on the title “The Bright Morning Star” (BMS). We thereafter began trying to figure out how to go about publishing a newsletter that would be encouraging and a little different from what is presently available. About a month later, a huge earthquake hit Nepal, India. On that day, we received this email:

    April 25, 2015

    In our world today, just as it was in the past, there are 24 hours provided for each day, 12 for night and 12 given to the day, with opportunities for doing what is good or the time can be used for the opposite, yes for doing what is bad. So much time throughout history has been devoted to bad telling in morbid detail the incidents that occur naturally in weather events or accidents or the unfortunate evils committed by so called “humans beings.” But no matter if by person, place or thing, those types of reports will not be found in this Newspaper, only the good, the very best of what mankind does in behalf of his fellow citizens. A paper devoted to the positive attitudes of loving people willing to go beyond the call of duty to help a complete stranger. Columns that will focus on peoples who for centuries have opposed one another who dare to start anew to make the future for themselves and for their children to be “brighter.” You will also read from time to time young ones saying enough is enough of the senseless killing of our future doctors, lawyers, pastors and who knows maybe even a Godly person to Lead a Nation with eternally good principles. Children of all ages taking ownership of the schools and playgrounds by displaying as One United Movement for Peace! This is the inspiration behind the BRIGHT MORNING STAR.

        Then 3 hours later, we received this:

    April 25, 2015

    Earlier a Midwayer wrote some thoughts for the BMS which is totally appropriate since it is they who do so many of the hidden gems that makeup the majority of the miraculous occurrences on Urantia, as they assist this very moment to aid in finding survivors of the earthquake and subsequent tremors in India.


       We were told that Midwayers get very frustrated when natural disasters occur, not because they are primarily the ones who assist in the rescue efforts, but because so many people start foolishly and fearfully talking about end times. They know that as long as people live in expectation of a catastrophic end, they will have little incentive to participate in advancing planetary progress or working to solve the problems that they constantly complain about.

        It took us some time to figure out how to produce a newsletter and what the content should be. We actually put it on the back burner for several months while we did other things.  However, in late December, we started again working on the BMS and in mid-January, we received this message:

    January 12, 2016 – 8:08 pm

    This would be a beautiful place to inject some of the solutions that confront mankind in the 5th Revelation and present them in the BMS. It’s time to be bold and do the unthinkable and that is to Change the World!

        In response, we published information to show that the world is getting better, not worse, we expanded the section on the “Goodness of the Human Spirit” to show the ways in which many people are reaching out to serve others, and we included information directly from The Urantia Book. In future issues, we will continue to inject solutions suggested inThe Urantia Book whenever possible.

        When the first issue was completed and ready for publishing, we received this message:

    January 21, 2016 4:41 pm

    The BMS is absolutely beautiful “[a certain Seraphim] believes that this new section will increase the confidence and faith in the Divine Purpose of the Paradise Trinity and the plan of the Creator Son. There is an abundance of goodness being performed every second of every day no matter the world. Like a doctor who operates on the eyes to correct a weakness, it takes time to refocus or train the eyes and the same with mankind’s negative eye being refocused to see the good in one’s daily life or in the lives of others. Never stop searching for new ways to improve your effectiveness in reaching the souls of your brothers and sisters.

        We also thought the BMS would be a good place to begin sharing some of the actual messages we received from our celestial family. In the first issue – the February 2016 issue– on page 6, we used the content from the April 25, 2015 email under the heading “Our Inspiration,” and we used part of the January 21, 2016 email as the closing quotation at the back of the issue.

        Just before we published the second issue – the May 2016 issue –  we received this message:

    4/15/16 – 9:54 pm

    The quest or goal of mortal man is to leave behind a footprint that others strive to walk in and extend the steps of their predecessor not out of ego for the sheer purpose of out doing someone, no let that never be the intent. On the contrary let your strides of accomplishment be spirit begotten due to the desire to extend further the progress made by the muses of your generation. Study and learn of achieving mortals, not based on their given faults but search for the inspiration they were able to provide in such a short Urantia life span. Then place yourself inside the frame of reverential individuals who had not the knowledge you’ve been blessed to have been given or taught you, then humbly ask yourself, “Am I doing what it takes to leave a footprint worthy of extending after I’ve moved on?” Work at being great in love and kindness.

        This message is quoted practically verbatim on Page 2 of the May 2016 issue under the heading “Leaving Footprints.” Interestingly, no one expressed any objection to those quotations. In fact, we received some emails from readers expressing their appreciation for those words of encouragement. We hope they continue to appreciate the information now that they know they are not of human origin! And it is our intent to continue the practice of using direct quotes from the celestial messages we receive in The Bright Morning Star, especially since the newsletter was conceived and inspired by certain Spiritualized Midwayers.

        This is just one example of how heaven and earth have been uniting to further the actual teachings of Jesus and to lead our world toward light and life. And there is nothing mystical about it. The information is always practical, positive and faith strengthening. Yes, by their fruits you will recognize them!

        As a final note, due to the great response to the efforts of all those engaged in the Master’s Ministry, it would not surprise us if thousands of Seraphim are being dispatched to Urantia to support the growing number of faith sons around the world who are earning their own personal Guardian of Destiny. But all such personal Seraphim would serve only as advisors and assistants. The actual workers must come from among mankind.

        Brothers, it is still true that the harvest is great, but the workers are few. We hope by sharing our experience, more people will be willing to engage in this great harvest work – the Master’s Ministry –  and will ‘be on the lookout’ for the direct support of our celestial family so they, too, can ‘unite heaven and earth.’

        And as always, we welcome comments and will respond to all inquiries to the best of our ability.

    Your Brothers in the Faith

    Ok, this is me now….the most likely explanation for these emails IMO, without having had the opportuinty to examine them firsthand and expose them to an IT expert, is that they were sent by someone who has ‘channeled’ the messages. But I am open to further evidence.

    I also want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your interest and the time and effort you have put into your responses. This topic is controversial and can certainly provoke strong emotions on both sides of the debate. I personally attribute good motives to these people but I agree with the consensus of the views expressed on this thread that they have been mislead and are in danger of overly inflating their self importance with the fatal potential to delude many others. Can anything be done to prevent this?


    Holy moly Julian.  Thank you so much.  All I can say is that it cannot be more obvious that these are fabricated.  Just a few sentences in I could tell it was the same authors as the website, or at least of a kindred mind. First of all, what is with all the caps?  Have you seen the words one,  unifying, godly capitalized in any of the midwayer papers in TUB? Have you ever read anything by a midwayer that promotes these phrases let alone put them in caps: lead a nation, change the world? No you haven’t.  Have they ever used contractions?  And since when do they call themselves Spiritualized Midwayers. What the heck does that mean?  They are the United Midwayers of Urantia last I checked. Does that mean they have Adjusters and are now ascension candidates?  That, of course, only happens after we reach light and life, and then they move on to the mansion worlds like we do, never to return.  And, midwayers from other planets would be unlikely. What the heck are they talking about?

    The first letter is a pep talk and is mostly meaningless fluff. This piece of work from “Elaia Luchnia” is poppycock and why is Ministry capitalized:

    Until this is done, the ascension path of practically every celestial being resident on our planet will be delayed. For these reasons, it is understandable why our celestial family would be eager to assist all those who engage in this work – the Master’s Ministry.

    Jesus came to open the way to ascension.  The path is wide open and there is no delay.  Anyone making it to the third psychic circle goes directly to the mansion worlds.  People that don’t make it to the third psychic circle are delaying themselves.  And here’s another bunch of poppycock:

    Accordingly, those engaged in the Master’s Ministry should be open to various forms of celestial support. Some may experience unusual maneuvers in circumstances, others may unknowingly and regularly encounter Midwayers that will provide just the right information at the right time, some may receive written messages, and there may be yet other ways our celestial family manifests their support.

    People don’t regularly encounter midwayers giving them information. (And incidentally, the word  midwayer is not capitalized in TUB) What are they teaching people?  It’s nonsense, a total fantasy to think like this.   I call these diaper dreams by the mentally incontinent. That’s not mockery, it’s pity. Quotes have already been provided which explain that midwayers very, very rarely make themselves or actions known.

    And this is amazingly incontinent:

    Earlier a Midwayer wrote some thoughts for the BMS which is totally appropriate since it is they who do so many of the hidden gems that makeup the majority of the miraculous occurrences on Urantia, as they assist this very moment to aid in finding survivors of the earthquake and subsequent tremors in India.   We were told that Midwayers get very frustrated when natural disasters occur, not because they are primarily the ones who assist in the rescue efforts, but because so many people start foolishly and fearfully talking about end times.

    So now midwayers are the primary go-to folks during disasters!  Huh?  That’s a new one!  The midwayers may have gotten Peter out of trouble, but Peter was an apostle and probably a reservist.  Today, midwayers are assigned to reservists, as far as I understand it. The United Midwayers have four different roles: planetary messengers, sentinels for supernaturals, contact personalities which stabilize the liaison between material and spiritual for reservists, and progress helpers to the angels, a group made up of the more spiritual types of midwayers. (Read 77:8.5-9)

    77:8.13 Their chief work today is that of unperceived personal-liaison associates of those men and women who constitute the planetary reserve corps of destiny.

    This next quote is not exactly accurate either.

    They know that as long as people live in expectation of a catastrophic end, they will have little incentive to participate in advancing planetary progress or working to solve the problems that they constantly complain about.

    There are members of Islam who are working very hard for the end of the world because they believe that will bring the Mahdi and a worldwide caliphate, which they think is God’s will.  There’s a whole section of the world’s population who think catastrophe brings progress, and midwayers know that better than any of us (they’re very intelligent).  But I do respect this group’s desire to rid the world of the “end times” myth.

    I’m blown away by this one:

    The quest or goal of mortal man is to leave behind a footprint that others strive to walk in and extend the steps of their predecessor not out of ego for the sheer purpose of out doing someone, no let that never be the intent. On the contrary let your strides of accomplishment be spirit begotten due to the desire to extend further the progress made by the muses of your generation. Study and learn of achieving mortals, not based on their given faults but search for the inspiration they were able to provide in such a short Urantia life span. Then place yourself inside the frame of reverential individuals who had not the knowledge you’ve been blessed to have been given or taught you, then humbly ask yourself, “Am I doing what it takes to leave a footprint worthy of extending after I’ve moved on?” Work at being great in love and kindness.

    First of all, besides the horrible, horrible grammar, the goal of our life in the flesh is divinity attunement with the Adjuster (110:3.4).  Admittedly this does have the potential to leave behind a trail of reality actualization which can be considered a footprint, but it doesn’t look like that’s what they’re talking about.  Why would I be interested in extending the work of the muses of my generation?  First of all, I have no idea who the muses are since muses don’t really exist.  And what is an “achieving mortal’?  Do they mean someone who has achieved wealth, success, fame, political office?  Achieved what?  Don’t you think that they would specify spiritual achievements and give some examples of obviously righteous people worth placing “yourself inside the frame of reverential individuals”  . . . whatever the heck that means. I’m pretty sure midwayers are more intelligent than this.

    Julian wrote: Can anything be done to prevent this?

    Prevent it? No. This rubbish will always be around in one form or another.  But, I have found that megalomaniacs feed on attention. The more attention you give (positive or negative) the more inflated they become. (I’m sure they’re loving this thread!)  If you completely ignore them they will eventually deflate.  As long as anyone is reading their website, their emails, talking to them, arguing with them or engaging them in any way at all, they will flourish until they self-destruct.  It is a fact that every sin has within it the seeds of its own destruction.  This can take time, a lot of time (think Lucifer), but meanwhile, put the offenders in prison and cut off communication, at least for yourself.

    53:9.8 But for ages the seven prison worlds of spiritual darkness in Satania have constituted a solemn warning to all Nebadon, eloquently and effectively proclaiming the great truth “that the way of the transgressor is hard”; “that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction“; that “the wages of sin is death.”



    I re-read true and false Liberty frequently

    try to memorize


    I agree there’s much to pick apart here, it’s plain to me that these are very human in origin.  My impression is just the same as yours Bonita on the writing style, it’s obvious not only from the word choices and grammar that it’s from a regular somebody, but that that “somebody” appears to be either one and the same writer of the rest of it or such a close associate that they think very much alike.

    Aside from the megalomaniac possibility it seems as likely (to me even more likely) that this is more a case of a person’s self esteem issues and wanting to be convinced they are carried away in engagement with a world-changing wonderful enterprise, doted on and favored with attention from celestial beings.  The attention it brings from people that read about this and find it compelling obviously also is a motivator IMO.

    It reminds of this characteristic of Peter:

    “…he disliked to descend from the clouds of ecstasy and the enthusiasm of dramatic indulgence to the plain and matter-of-fact world of reality.” (139:2.8)

    While the Urantia Book opens a much bigger vista and wider universe frame for people to think about, maybe it’s inevitable that a certain percentage are inevitably going to slot themselves personally into the picture as so pivotal and favored.  The ways they do that certainly have a pattern to them don’t they?  I think it was Bradley who pointed out, you’ve got the people who think they’re reservists, the people like we’re discussing who think they are talking with midwayers or other celestial beings, you’ve got circle counters.  There’s even been a few who think that they are the “another and greater John the Baptist”.

    In answer to your question Julian, maybe it’s unavoidable, but maybe also it’s healthy that these sorts of things do come up once in a while, to keep the broader readership inoculated against getting carried away with divergences from the “matter-of-fact world of reality.”  I really appreciate that you reproduced some of the messages so they can be aired out and people can learn from this type of thing.


    Yes, Peter was a dreamer which is why Jesus gave him that nickname.  His real name was Simon.  Peter means rock.  Jesus obviously was teasing him by drawing the comparison between an ecstatic dreamer and a real solid rock.  We also know that Peter didn’t give up his ecstatic dreaming despite the warning to be a rock.  He was one of the fellows in the Bible who frequently went into trances in an attempt to pull off some miraculous healing or other feat of presumably divine magic.  It’s a human weakness, let’s face it.

    It really is a shame that these Jehovah’s Witness people chose to go down the road of the paranormal.  A lot of what they have on their website is good stuff that I honestly don’t have a problem with.  It would have been fine without the claims of divine intervention.  Maybe you’re right tas, maybe they lack confidence in their own ministry and needed to manufacture helpers, which is very sad.

    In terms of doing something about it I’m reminded of what Jesus said about the strange preacher:

    159:2.1 My son, in matters of this sort it would be better for you to reckon that he who is not against us is for us. In the generations to come many who are not wholly worthy will do many strange things in my name, but I will not forbid them.

    We’re stuck with people like this, there’s no two ways about it.


    Thanks Julian for the topic…I must admit that at first post I was very upset with you and disappointed you would give additional publicity to such claims….but upon further reflection, I must agree with tas’s brilliant observation regarding “inoculation” – well said.

    The community of seasoned and experienced readers who have faced such claims and know the Papers well enough to refute and even expose those self important and self deceived readers or those who merely prey upon seekers and pilgrims who employ age old priestly ploys upon those who are simply and sincerely hoping to join the family of God and do his will.  We must join together to discover how best to apply love, patience, kindness….and truth in all such situations and to do so without indifference or indulgence but firmly and collectively.

    The good thing about this kind of folk within the UB community especially is that they obviously contradict and defy the very book they plagiarize for their nefarious ends of abusing the flock.  Every such claimant I have encountered over the decades is proven false by the UB which they parrot and parody.

    It is an unfortunate fact that some will be duped and others will give sympathy and rush to defend such nonsense simply because they are not yet well versed enough in the text that swallowing such camels appears to be more gracious or something.  Misconception, preconception and loyalty to falsehood leads to prejudice, another mind poison….anything is possible is a false mantra of the uninformed.  Or so I think.  Thanks again Julian….especially for your declarative personal conclusion.  The UB was given to reduce confusion and eliminate error by a factual presentation of how things work….believe it or not….but for those who hold up the UB as authority certainly need to stop misrepresenting, twisting, revising, misstating what is plainly written for all to read and study….if they only will.

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