Do Our Celestial Friends Make Contact with us?

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    Didn’t Julian say that the people who are receiving the emails from midwayers are getting messages which only concern their group ministry?  What is this group ministry he is referring to?  Are they trying to form a church or a religion of some kind?

    I’m curious, what’s the website address?

    For those of you who are interested in learning firsthand about the motive and agenda of this group, here is a link to their website:

    In order to derive a more comprehensive understanding of their motive, I would encourage those who are curious to read the website’s introduction and the various ‘experiments’ that they have begun, particularly Experiment 6. You can then begin to read about their reception of celestial messages at the following link:!mm-reintroducing-mm/sqpn9.



    Actually not.  We can do our homework.  We can research and explore.  It is not suspicion in a malevolent fashion, it is a matter of uncovering the truth.  Our goal in life is to recognize reality.  We are supposed to question the reality of everything.  We actually have a duty to utilize the cosmic mind and its recognition responses in order to discover what is real and what is unreal.  That’s why God gave us a mind.  Those who put their heads in the sand and bury their one talent will have to pay the price at some point.  And that is an unpleasant position to be in.

    Nicely put Bonita! And that represents the spirit of my inquiry….why I initiated this thread.

    And, the idea of supernatural midwayer email is ridiculous; I think most of us seem to agree on that.  None of us are saying that the group receiving the emails are ridiculous, just their claim of superhuman emails.  Get it?

    I don’t see it as ridiculous….certainly no more so than the idea of supermortal beings manipulating a pencil to write on paper.


    Thanks for the link Julian.  I can’t make heads or tails of that website.  It’s too frenetic for me. Way too much angst there.  Eight emails a day?  That’s somebody with an agenda for sure. But I was right, it is a church and that’s all I needed to know to put this baby to bed.  No midwayer would encourage one church over another.  Churches are made by humans for humans.  They are not organized or designed by superhuman beings.  Holy cow, what chutzpah!

    So which emails are from the midwayers again? It’s hard to tell what’s going on, it’s all gibberish.



    101:8.1  The acceptance of a teaching as true is not faith; that is mere belief. Have another look at the quote you have used here. Does it really support your argument that their faith in the source is mere belief?

    Yes, it does Angela.  Here’s a rewrite of the quote: The Christ Experiment Church accepts the teaching in the midwayer emails as true, but that is not faith, that is mere belief.

    Does it make sense to you now?


    I don’t see it as ridiculous….certainly no more so than the idea of supermortal beings manipulating a pencil to write on paper.

    Okay then.  Only you can decide what to believe and what not to believe.  Sooner or later you’ll sort it all out.  Actually, if the emails are true, then beautiful things should start happening any day now.  If Michael of Nebadon has ordained this church to be the one and only true church, worth eight supernatural emails a day to help get rolling, then it will roll.  We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?  The truth can always be acted out because it is real.  That which is unreal, untrue, will not survive.


    Thanks for the links Julian.  Been studying the place.  I wish all sincere believers and servants the very best, whether I agree with their claims and beliefs or not.  I appreciate their efforts to spread the good news as they perceive it.

    If their claims are true, I guess I’ve been on the wrong team for a long time.  No one I know in the leadership of the Association, Fellowship, or Foundation (each of which I have been member or supporter over the decades) claim such attention and ministry and support for our efforts to disseminate the actual Revelation itself.  I do remain confident the efforts of so many others who disseminate the Revelation and teachings also benefit from the work of our unseen friends but cannot claim such public celestial endorsement, encouragement, and instruction.

    There are many who are forming religions and churches based on the UB.  I guess they are not the “chosen” ones either?  Very special group indeed!

    But I’ll not be joining….I have a direct connection myself and seek no intermediaries….clergy, midwayer, or any other….just sayin”.


    Bradly wrote: But I’ll not be joining….I have a direct connection myself and seek no intermediaries….clergy, midwayer, or any other….just sayin”.

    Me neither!  Didn’t Jesus say that the gospel would spread without miracles and wonders?  It seems that these people have no faith in what Jesus said.  I consider mysteriously appearing emails to be a wonder, if not a miracle.  So they’re making Jesus look a bit foolish, in a way.  I say, if they need that much help, then there must be problems with their righteousness, no? Jesus also said that the extent you must go to spread the gospel is a measure of your failure to live the righteous, religious life.  These folks must have failed if they need wonders and miracles to help them spread the gospel.  Just sayin’.

    Like you Bradly, I’m all for people trying hard to live a righteous, religious life.  But, I’m adamantly opposed to forming new churches, especially around TUB.  Then, having the gall to use newly revealed personalities, the midwayers, which are only mentioned in TUB, to proselytize your version of the gospel is eerily unrighteous in my opinion.  It presumes divine authority has been given to this church, which is highly unlikely.

    Imagine if Peter or Paul did that.  Well . . .  actually they did do that.  They called it the “Holy Spirit” speaking through them.  And sometimes Paul channeled Jesus, as indicated in 2 Cor 13:1-4.  Peter would go into trances and speak directly to Jesus, which sounds a bit like channeling to me. In one of his trances, according to the Bible, Jesus told Peter to kill and eat (Acts 10:9-16). TUB says that it was actually a vivid dream (153:3.6). They did all sorts of twisted and crazy things in the name of  Jesus back then, so why not now?  Humans have not changed one bit since then, but that fact alone is sad, very sad.

    There is something devious about using the supernatural to progress your ideology.  Our royal rulers used to do that, but politicians today know better not to go there.  But not churches it seems, not religious groups who need supernatural means to make people think there is something wrong with them if they don’t agree, obey and follow.  I don’t understand how anyone could see this in any other light than pure manipulation of human emotions with imagined divine authority.

    Jesus would never do that, never.  He chose not to go that route in his own ministry; he refused to utilize divine authority to get his way, why would he start now?  And we know that if anything spiritual is happening on this planet, which category midwayer emails to churches would fall under, Michael would have a hand in it. So, the whole thing is kinda ridiculous when you think about it . . . just using logic here.

    166:0.1 Jesus repeatedly called the attention of his apostles to the fact that the gospel of the kingdom could spread without the accompaniment of miracles and wonders.

    152:5.4 And now do you all see that the working of miracles and the performance of material wonders will not win souls for the spiritual kingdom?

    126:1.5 The devout people of those days truly believed that prophets and men of promise always demonstrated their calling and established their divine authority by performing miracles and working wonders. But Jesus did none of these things; wherefore was the confusion of his parents steadily increased as they contemplated his future.

    Angela wrote: This group have tremendous faith in the source of the emails and that — all by itself — is a beautiful thing.  I believe that may make them Agondonters.

    The term agondonter is defined thusly: ” . . . evolutionary will creatures who can believe without seeing, persevere when isolated, and triumph over insuperable difficulties even when alone.” (50:7.2)

    The group in question are believing WITH seeing.  They’re seeing emails from a supernatural source addressed to them personally in the here and now.  They cannot be isolated and alone because they are getting special, individual supernatural help which is visible and tangible. What I think these folks are doing is relinquishing their agondonter status, if indeed the emails are real.  They have something material to hold onto with a personality attached who is sending divine information directly to them personally in the context of their individual lives.  So they really aren’t triumphing over insuperable difficulties alone, are they?

    Now, I know what you’re thinking.  We all have a tangible book to hold onto written by celestials.  Well,  I don’t know about yours, but my book is not inscribed with Dear Bonita, and there are no supplements coming directly my way meant to personally explain the book to me in order for me to live the religious life while here on earth. No personality outside of myself is giving me daily tips on how to interpret the revelation and live it.  No visible, tangible personal help comes eight times a day to my inbox, nor in any other way, such as numbers mysteriously appearing on my digital clock as a sign or prompt from supernatural sources (reference to the 11:11 crowd).   All I have are the invisible spirit influences within my soul, and my faith in those invisible, inner spiritual helpers is what makes me an agondonter.  The Christ Experiment Church apparently has opted to go the visible, outer, unisolated route, which in my opinion, nullifies their agondonter status (if it’s real).  And I would argue that all the other channeling groups are doing the same thing.


    Many good points Bonita….especially so the signs and wonders and miracles point!!  I’ve actually wondered if I lost my agondontor standing as soon as I read there was such a thing in the Papers (could it be I was one before I knew there was such and lost it as soon as I knew there was?….hahahaha, so much to worry about if we choose).   But as I was already a faithchild and believer, I figured the UB did not cancel that ticket already issued….of course it really doesn’t matter….finaliter is good enough for anybody!!!

    I am reminded of the 5000 which became 500 which became less and less as the free bread and fish quit coming to them.  Milk toast and spoon feeders are so easily distracted and disappointed it seems.  Perhaps this group serving wonders will have better luck…but I doubt it.

    Live by the miracle, fall by the lack of them.


    Well I’ve been receiving emails from christtheexperiment for several months.

    have no idea how they got my email address.

    i did engage in a couple conversations with them responding as they requested but found them to be too highly opinionated for me. I was wrong every time I stated my opinion. No real conversation or sharing  happened like it does here.

    nuf said?


    Wow Gene!  I’m so impressed that you were chosen to get the emails. You must be hot stuff, huh? Would it be unethical to share them here?  I confess that I don’t really know what would be right or wrong in this circumstance.  Do you think they are copyright protected?  Also, do you know the name of the ring leader of the group?  I’d love to do a search.

    Yeah, nuf said alright!  Any group who bullies based on their supposed divine authority is suspect in my opinion.  BTW, the fact that you are always wrong is a sure sign of a cult, and not a good one either. Check out #8-11 in the list below of common cult practices.

    1.   The cult displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader or leaders whether they are alive or dead.

    2.   The cult usually regards its belief system, ideology, and practices as the truth, and the law.

    3.   The cult tends to be elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members.

    4.   Often cult leaders elevate themselves to messianic levels.

    5.   Often the cult claims to have a special mission to save humanity.

    6.   The cult is usually preoccupied with bringing in new members.

    7.   The leader or leaders dictate, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel.

    8.   Cult leaders induce feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.

    9.   Group-think dominates cults and independent or critical thinking is often described as prideful and sinful.

    10. Cults demand absolutism – total, unquestioning obedience and submission to the group both in action and thought.

    11. Cults use coercion and guilt to maintain control and avoid rebellion.

    12. Disobedience to the cult and its leader(s), including even minor disagreement with group doctrine, may result in expulsion and shunning.

    13. In the cult questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

    14. The cult usually practices rites and rituals such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions and other methods of mind indoctrination.

    15. The cult usually has a polarizing us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

    16. The cult leader often claims not to be accountable to any mainstream authority.

    17. The cult teaches that its ends justify whatever means it deems necessary.

    18. Frequently, subservience to the cult leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, or radically alter their personal goals and activities in order to conform to the group.

    19. The cult is usually preoccupied with making money.

    18. Cult members are usually expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.

    20. Cult members are usually encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.

    21. Loyal cult members fear reprisals if the leave or consider leaving the group.


    ive by the miracle, fall by the lack of them.

    Yeah, that’s exactly right.  I’ve been doing some reading this morning and got to thinking that the reliance on supernatural messages from outer space is really a throwback to more primitive times.  Check out this quote:

    90:0.2 In the advancing concepts of primitive man the spirit world was eventually regarded as being unresponsive to the ordinary mortal. Only the exceptional among humans could catch the ear of the gods; only the extraordinary man or woman would be heard by the spirits. Religion thus enters upon a new phase, a stage wherein it gradually becomes secondhanded; always does a medicine man, a shaman, or a priest intervene between the religionist and the object of worship. And today most Urantia systems of organized religious belief are passing through this level of evolutionary development.

    It seems to me that the Christ experiment people are the exceptional ones that catch the ear of the gods.  They are the extraordinary group which is now the middleman to divinity attainment.  They decide who gets the emails and who don’t, right?  So they have the power of the gods and by their mercy will intervene for us and keep us on the straight and narrow path to the religion which the gods want us to practice. It’s a really a huge step backward, don’t you think?

    Jesus came to free us from this poppycock.  There are no more special extraordinary people (not that there ever was).  Why would he set this organization aside as the chosen people when that’s exactly what he came to rid us of?

    191:6.3 This gospel of the kingdom belongs to all who believe it; it shall not be committed to the custody of mere priests.

    194:3.6 At last, true religion is delivered from the custody of priests and all sacred classes and finds its real manifestation in the individual souls of men.

    Also, when Machiventa Melchizedek came to Salem, did he get special communications from the gods and relay them to the common folk?  Did he work wonders and miracles? Did he teach his priests to rely on any of that, to go into a trance and channel the spirits or to claim any kind of divine authority in order to persuade believers?  I don’t think so.  Jesus certainly did not instruct the apostles or disciples to do that, so what’s up with these people today?  I think they’re an example of regressive religion.  I don’t think they are at all progressive in any way.  From what I read on the website, they seem rather . . .  gee, what’s a kind way to put it . . . . . hmmmm . . . . can’t think of any nice way to say it so I won’t.  Regressive will have to do.  


    Hey Bonita

    im pleased you are so impressed?

    Not at all unethical but my spam blocker has made me search for a reminant and I did find one example below from last year.

    the idea is you respond to the email alert by clicking on the Update Page link and it takes you to their latest experiment and they want your feedback.

    i tried it a fare share amount of times and quit.

    dont know if the link I copied and pasted will work but looking at the URL it is for what it’s worth.

    sorry I don’t have any conversations to share but I described my opinion earlier and that will have to be enough.


    Subject: Re: Email Alert
    Date: June 10, 2015 at 11:51:15 AM PDT

    On Jun 10, 2015, at 10:30 AM, wrote:

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Today we posted the following information. See our Update Page:

    • a new article under New Revelation – Bridge to the Future

    Please feel free share your thoughts.

    Your Brothers in Faith,


    Looks like the URL attached to the Update Page didn’t paste as a functional link

    but the link on the bottom takes you to the home page where you can click updates and get there


    Reading through the website they aren’t so benign as I thought.  They want to presume to present The Urantia Book to others and be a major voice interfacing with Christians to explain the book’s teachings, all the while behind it their impetus is a presumption of direct contact and guidance from celestial beings on the matters.

    They want “an army” of people buying into their effort:

    “It has been our opinion from the very beginning of our ministry in 2012 that what is needed is an army of preachers and teachers who are fully versed in the authentic teachings of Jesus.”

    Here are quotes that really raise alarm bells:

    “Direct celestial contact is not necessary for survival, but ‘to those engaged in the Master’s Ministry,’ it offers a significant advantage in combating ignorance and moving our world forward toward light and life.”

    This is such a double dose of manipulation and appeal to pride.  By already claiming that they have direct celestial contact regularly, they’re talking here about themselves having a “significant advantage” in “combating ignorance” and being a vanguard of “moving our world forward”.  Yet myself, not being a part of their efforts and not having had similar celestial contact…. It must be that I’m not sufficiently engaged in “Master’s Ministry”? I haven’t had his “significant advantage” they know, which I’ve been left out from to date.  This is classic nascent cultism (in the pejorative sense) — this is the start of defining those who are “in” and those who aren’t.  It’s setting up that those who are extra special enough to be favored in grandiose and heady world-changing plans are in a contrast to those who merely have what’s “necessary for survival”.  Boy, who wouldn’t want to be extra special.

    “It will require that one be willing to be uncomfortable and seriously consider the possibility of direct celestial support. The alternative is continued celestial silence. Which would you prefer?”

    This is silly manipulation, that those who don’t buy into it aren’t able to because of their flaws (in this case defining them as not up for it because of weakness of not wanting to be “uncomfortable”).  I’m not seriously considering the possibility of their direct celestial support.  That must be because I’m unwilling to be uncomfortable.  It’s actually fascinating to see , the birth of cultist ego and the early manipulations.

    [And on their direct question of what I prefer, my direct response is:  That God’s will be done.]

    “We hope all those engaged in the Master’s Ministry pray on this suggestion and welcome further support and communication with our celestial family, for all such ministers have good reason to believe that they will have it.”

    Since I don’t have communication with the “celestial family”, while they do, well, I must not be a special or good enough minister or I must not believe hard enough.  Maybe I should sign up so they can show me and then I can really be engaged in Master’s Ministry, and then I can really be combating ignorance, and really moving the world forward.


    This isn’t going to evolve well.

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