The Master's Parables

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    Interesting….I wonder, did the words Jesus spoke die as he spoke them then? Or when they were written? And were the scriptures Jesus studied so earnestly irrelevant and dead to him so long after they were written?

    Parables are stories made up of words, and stories are easily passed around and passed down.

    Ahead of us in our careers we’re going to be learning other languages.  Word-symbols are used throughout the various sectors of universe advancement.  I find it interesting to note the importance of keeping records.

    25:6:2   As the recorders advance in universe service, they continue their system of dual recording, thus making their records always available to all classes of beings, from those of the material order to the high spirits of light. In your transition experience, as you ascend from this material world, you will always be able to consult the records of, and to be otherwise conversant with, the history and traditions of your status sphere.
    And this:
    39:4:16   6. The Recorders. These seraphim are the keepers of the threefold records of the local systems. The temple of records on a system capital is a unique structure, one third material, constructed of luminous metals and crystals; one third morontial, fabricated of the liaison of spiritual and material energy but beyond the range of mortal vision; and one third spiritual. The recorders of this order preside over and maintain this threefold system of records. Ascending mortals will at first consult the material archives, Material Sons and the higher transition beings consult those of the morontia halls, while seraphim and the higher spirit personalities of the realm peruse the records of the spirit section.
    The printing press was the first improvement in record keeping for us.  Of course the printed records  vary as to the quality of truth, beauty and goodness contained therein.


    Mara wrote:  Ahead of us in our careers we’re going to be learning other languages.

    And being a singer, I can’t ignore the importance of these words about the universal language of music:

    44:1.15 Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.


    I’m wondering if anyone wants to get back to the mustard seed parable???

    I’ve often wondered about the mustard seed.  In the parable it says that it is the smallest of seeds, but we know that isn’t true.  I’ve had much smaller seeds stuck in my teeth, just sayin’.  But with a little reading, I found out that in Jesus’ time the mustard seed was the smallest seed that farmers sowed.  Under favorable conditions in that part of the world, the mustard plant could grow up to 10 feet tall. I think that’s pretty big for a garden plant. Also, the mustard seed was the fasted to sprout.  Apparently you could plant it one day and have it germinate the next, and in one season grow 10 feet.  It suggests the amazing power contained in such a tiny speck of a seed that will germinate just about anywhere.  Nevertheless, it was probably a little bit shocking to his listeners that Jesus chose such a lowly seed to represent the kingdom of heaven.  They probably were expecting something with more grandeur. But if you know your seeds and plants, the reason for using it becomes obvious.


    To have or express an opinion is neither self love nor prejudice which is a blind devotion to one’s opinions which prevents transcending one’s limits of perception, discernment, understanding, and appreciation of that which remains to be known.

    So Bradly, you exhibit a blind devotion not to your opinion but to the opinion of those that authored TUB? Is that right?

    And while some are humble by nature, my humility is well earned by sufficient humiliation both undeserved and well deserved…mine is a result or effect of experience in how wrong how often I have been about so much for so long.  My ignorance is sometimes overwhelming…and certainly humbling.

    But Bradly, you are to humble yourself ONLY before God. All others are your brothers of which God is no respecter.

    Are the parables of Jesus “dead” because they are recorded in words?

    Yes, they are dead as recorded in words. The parables of Jesus are written in your SOUL by the Spirit of Truth.

    .I wonder why then you waste your precious time among readers at sites dedicated to readers to share the study of the UB?

    My precious time is DEDICATED to the Will of the Father. You can not serve two Masters. No one must dedicate themselves to the study of a text. TUB is a “thing” and the meaning of dedication to a thing is to exclusively allocate your time to that purpose of study. This excludes the dedication to the Will of God. You cannot divide your time.

    You have no need for the Revelation and no regard for its students or student body.  Perhaps another group of believers (in God) would provide more reward for you?

    I have need of continuous and living revelation and TUB cannot possibly provide that. It is a text, not a living person and not the LIVING Spirit of Truth that creates a consciousness of Christ Michael. You cannot serve two Masters.

    A very shallow non-response there Louis.

    Tadpoles live in the shallows.


    I’m wondering if anyone wants to get back to the mustard seed parable???

    […] Jesus chose such a lowly seed to represent the kingdom of heaven. They probably were expecting something with more grandeur. But if you know your seeds and plants, the reason for using it becomes obvious.

    I do.  The image of a tiny seed becoming a “tree” is vivid.  You sow the seeds in drills about 1⁄8 inch deep. That’s very shallow.

    The plants are easy to grow and produce seed in as few as 60 days. The greens are edible, the flowers attractive, and if the seeds are allowed to mature on the plant, they will self-sow and still provide plenty of seeds for mustard making.


    The plants are easy to grow and produce seed in as few as 60 days.

    Easy to sow, easy to grow and they get huge, apparently.  I think all of those things can compare to the kingdom of heaven.  The yoke is easy and the burden light; it takes just a flicker of faith.  The growth requires only  loyalty, and the results are massive.

    The kingdom of heaven is defined a few different ways in the UB, but I think in this parable we see clearly that smallness becomes greatness.  In other words, like the attitude of a child who accepts the realization of divine sonship.  In quote 100:1.5 we are told that the soil essential for spiritual growth requires a normal consciousness of smallness, or humility.  I think it is this awareness of smallness in relation to God’s greatness opens the gates to tremendous growth potential.

    I also think that the Parable of the Sower reveals that the way to the kingdom is wide open for everyone.  The seeds are sown just about everywhere.  And these particular mustard seeds germinate and grow rather quickly with very little work from the individual other than faith and loyalty to God’s will. God does everything for humans as long as they are loyal to his instructions.

    93:6.4 This covenant of Melchizedek with Abraham represents the great Urantian agreement between divinity and humanity whereby God agrees to do everything; man only agrees to believe God’s promises and follow his instructions.


    On being humble: As Jesus taught in his enacted parable of brotherly love, the humility he offered to other men was to be as their servant and even to wash their feet. He most certainly was humble toward other men and not just to God, and he’s the real example to follow, rather than any others who would like to have no need for humility or humbleness toward others.

    “Peter said, “Master, do you really mean to wash my feet?” And then, looking up into Peter’s face, Jesus said: “You may not fully understand what I am about to do, but hereafter you will know the meaning of all these things.” Then Simon Peter, drawing a long breath, said, “Master, you shall never wash my feet!” And each of the apostles nodded their approval of Peter’s firm declaration of refusal to allow Jesus thus to humble himself before them.” (179:3.3)

    tas wrote:  As Jesus taught in his enacted parable of brotherly love, the humility he offered to other men was to be as their servant and even to wash their feet.

    Yes!  A fantastic example of him taking his own advice.  He said:

    158:6.3 Have not I told you that he who would be greatest in the kingdom of my Father’s spiritual brotherhood must become little in his own eyes and thus become the server of his brethren? Spiritualgreatness consists in an understanding love that is Godlike and not in an enjoyment of the exercise of material power for the exaltation of self.


    Thank you tas!!  I agree with you and Bonita on this point on humility and being humble, kind, thoughtful, mindful, and attentive to all other believers, especially, and as we walk by in general….we are ambassadors of the kingdom in all regards once we become loyal to universe reality and the resulting family of ALL.  There is no example of and no excuse for verbal abuse and the expressions of fear or anger as a tool or weapon against those who we find ourselves disagreeing with or even those who  may be disagreeable or mean spirited even, and certainly not to those fellow religionists whom we chance to encounter on the pilgrim’s path.

    The Master gave such example…repeatedly and persistently.  And his parables do indeed demonstrate the potential power for transformation in words and, even further, the choosing of words carefully and purposefully to communicate, illustrate, illuminate, and challenge the minds of others to consider, reflect, discern, learn, and change our intentions, motives, priorities, choices, responses, and our outcomes thereby.  And he provided the “proofs” of the spirit within during such transformation and transcendence which cannot be hidden nor fabricated otherwise.  The religionist which does not respond to the spirit is no religionist at all.  Words are but words until activated by mind into action of free will choice….and then words become living by their expression in our life.  The parables are the most wonderful example I know of the power of words to travel through time and space as a record of truth, beauty, and goodness united by love and expressed in service.

    Bradly wrote: . . . we are ambassadors of the kingdom in all regards once we become loyal to universe reality and the resulting family of ALL
    I just discovered this related quote from Carl Jung.  I think it’s beautiful. Like the mustard seed that grows gargantuan, the smallest contains the whole:
    The great principle or beginning, heaven, is infused into man the microcosm, who reflects the star-like natures and thus, as the smallest part and end of the work of Creation, contains the whole.

    There is no example of and no excuse for verbal abuse and the expressions of fear or anger as a tool or weapon against those who we find ourselves disagreeing with or even those who  may be disagreeable or mean spirited even, and certainly not to those fellow religionists whom we chance to encounter on the pilgrim’s path.

    Bradly, your perceptions are your reality but not necessarily God’s reality. If one is so thin skinned, then one must stay out of the Sun’s glare. Expose yourself and you are sure to get burned.


    There is no example of and no excuse for verbal abuse . . . .

    The Master never used it.

    Mark Kurtz

    The Master listed 11 Fruits of the Divine Spirit just before his ascension.  Again he reminded people of that day what is at the heart of divine teaching to transform animalistic nature into divine nature.  This teaching applies to us today, here and within all relationships.

    Sign me, just as much in need to learn His ways as anybody else,



    The Master never used it.

    Correct, and that is why He is the Master. A perfectly balanced personality.

    Mark Kurtz wrote:  The Master listed 11 Fruits of the Divine Spirit just before his ascension.  Again he reminded people of that day what is at the heart of divine teaching to transform animalistic nature into divine nature.  This teaching applies to us today, here and within all relationships.

    I agree.  And it is his Spirit of Truth who makes it possible for us to recognize the truth in Jesus’ parables.  Another one of his kingdom of heaven analogies concerns leavening.

    151:4.3 “The kingdom of heaven is also like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, and in this way it came about that all of the meal was leavened.”

    Like seeds sown, mustard or otherwise, yeast is also living. Yeast also rapidly multiples and results in growth.  It takes only a pinch to make a loaf of bread.  Just a pinch of truth allowed to live in one’s soul will rapidly multiply and spread to influence one’s whole life and the life of others as well.

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