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    Yes…so many people of legend and myth and the ancient warriors and gods from the pages of time had true origins and great stories!!

    I believe Thor was of mixed and diluted Andite blood and conquered the blue people.

    80:5.1 (893.3) The tribes of northern Europe were being continuously reinforced and upstepped by the steady stream of migrants from Mesopotamia through the Turkestan-south Russian regions, and when the last waves of Andite cavalry swept over Europe, there were already more men with Andite inheritance in that region than were to be found in all the rest of the world.

    80:5.2 (893.4) For three thousand years the military headquarters of the northern Andites was in Denmark. From this central point there went forth the successive waves of conquest, which grew decreasingly Andite and increasingly white as the passing centuries witnessed the final blending of the Mesopotamian conquerors with the conquered peoples.

    80:5.3 (893.5) While the blue man had been absorbed in the north and eventually succumbed to the white cavalry raiders who penetrated the south, the advancing tribes of the mixed white race met with stubborn and protracted resistance from the Cro-Magnons, but superior intelligence and ever-augmenting biologic reserves enabled them to wipe the older race out of existence.

    80:5.4 (893.6) The decisive struggles between the white man and the blue man were fought out in the valley of the Somme. Here, the flower of the blue race bitterly contested the southward-moving Andites, and for over five hundred years these Cro-Magnoids successfully defended their territories before succumbing to the superior military strategy of the white invaders. Thor, the victorious commander of the armies of the north in the final battle of the Somme, became the hero of the northern white tribes and later on was revered as a god by some of them.

    80:5.5 (893.7) The strongholds of the blue man which persisted longest were in southern France, but the last great military resistance was overcome along the Somme. The later conquest progressed by commercial penetration, population pressure along the rivers, and by continued intermarriage with the superiors, coupled with the ruthless extermination of the inferiors.

    80:5.6 (893.8) When the tribal council of the Andite elders had adjudged an inferior captive to be unfit, he was, by elaborate ceremony, committed to the shaman priests, who escorted him to the river and administered the rites of initiation to the “happy hunting grounds”—lethal submergence. In this way the white invaders of Europe exterminated all peoples encountered who were not quickly absorbed into their own ranks, and thus did the blue man come to an end—and quickly.

    80:5.7 (893.9) The Cro-Magnoid blue man constituted the biologic foundation for the modern European races, but they have survived only as absorbed by the later and virile conquerors of their homelands. The blue strain contributed many sturdy traits and much physical vigor to the white races of Europe, but the humor and imagination of the blended European peoples were derived from the Andites. This Andite-blue union, resulting in the northern white races, produced an immediate lapse of Andite civilization, a retardation of a transient nature. Eventually, the latent superiority of these northern barbarians manifested itself and culminated in present-day European civilization.

    80:5.8 (894.1) By 5000 B.C. the evolving white races were dominant throughout all of northern Europe, including northern Germany, northern France, and the British Isles. Central Europe was for some time controlled by the blue man and the round-headed Andonites. The latter were mainly situated in the Danube valley and were never entirely displaced by the Andites.

    Me here:  I think perhaps, these are the Lake Dwellers of Switzerland and Austria who were pushed to the Atlantic seaboard and are known today as the Celts – my ancestral tribe!




    Different search engines offer different tools and approaches to topical searches.

    Here at this site:


    The Foundation site:


    And at TruthBook:


    Best wishes!!





    Hello Bradly! I did read your last clarifying comments regarding Thor & the Cro-Magnons and your Celtic ancestry. I was told years ago that I have partial ancestry to the Celtics thru one of my parents. It is very nice when the UB gives info that we can cross-reference with historical info.

    I am still almost daily ready the UB, having reached the halfway point after reading the beginning – what a great book this is! So many topics addressed! For the most part, the UB answers most all the questions I have as I read. I read recently about our Thought Adjusters essentially functioning as our superconsciousness, which I found very useful in making connections to other sources I’ve read regarding what some refer to as our true Higher Selves. I also better understand why the UB warns us to NOT so easily assume dreams, visions and other sudden realizations are coming from Divine sources. The subconscious is such a mixed bag of tricks & treats!

    There is one subject I wish I understood better – the Midway Creatures. Of course I have read all that the UB contains, but it is still somewhat fuzzy. I wish I could see a clear connection to what other sources have mentioned regarding them. Since U have a Celtic ancestry, have you considered which legendary beings from folklore correspond to the Midway Creatures? Would modern technology such as cameras that can see the infrared or UV part of the light spectrum, or thermal imagining devices, detect their presence? I ask you knowing that I am likely asking unanswerable questions.

    Until next time, take care and a late happy new year wish!


    Greetings Michael!!!!

    So good to hear your voice at the Forum again!

    Glad to hear your studies continue.   Well done.  You are approaching my favorite Papers in the middle of the book on the personal religious experience and then those on the Adjusters and The Supreme – Papers 100-118.

    The Midwayers are so unique and important to the evolutionary worlds of time and space.   Only on those very rare worlds where the Planetary Prince enters rebellion are there rebellious midwayers, who can create many interesting and intentional forms of mischief.

    I do think ours did result in many legends and folk tales of fairies and goblins and gods and other assorted reality-interlopers (so to speak).  With only loyal midwayers among us these past 2000 years, modern people may now dismiss such legends as simply fairy tales invented by primitive minds.

    I’m not so sure about that.

    Midwayers share the destiny of finality and the Corps of Finality but are on the evolutionary worlds into the Light and Life epochs before released for their ascendant adventures.  Fascinating!!

    Please ask anything you wish and comment on your discovery of the UB freely!!

    Bradly. ;-)


    Here’s a link to the keyword search for “midwayers”:


    when a world is settled in light and life then there’s no more need for reincarnation, until then reincarnation is helpful for most mortals.

    52:7.2 (598.5) The Teacher Sons come in groups to the spiritualizing worlds. A planetary Teacher Son is assisted and supported by seventy primary Sons, twelve secondary Sons, and three of the highest and most experienced of the supreme order of Daynals. This corps will remain for some time on the world, long enough to effect the transition from the evolutionary ages to the era of light and life—not less than one thousand years of planetary time and often considerably longer. This mission is a Trinity contribution to the antecedent efforts of all the divine personalities who have ministered to an inhabited world.

    I am confused. TUB states in several places that the idea of reincarnation is absurd. How would one explain, then, the work of those such as Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, and Michael Newton? (Not to mention the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism). I have an idea on the issue, but I would first like to see some discussion on it to get some other ideas I may not have considered. Then I would like to share my thoughts on the subject.


    Thanks as always for your thoughtful feedback, Bradly! I assume from the UB that if we could see the smaller Midwayers, they would likely appear much like humanoid creatures, since the smaller ones were born to one human man & one human woman, though both of those humans had some unusual DNA considering their ancestors. By the time Jesus (aka – our local universe Son of God Michael) began his ministry, we find in the UB that the Midwayers were responsible for the apparent “miracles” ascribed to Jesus. In that context, I do wonder if they are the same as the legends of various elemental beings (perhaps elves), since they used available elements to turn water into wine at the wedding feast.

    Regarding the taller, older line of Midwayers, should we also assume they were humanoid in physical appearance as well as humanoid prior to their physical appearance?! Also I wonder if those who were/are invisible to human eyes are capable of shape-shifting, or at least the ability to project however they want to physically appear to humans, as the UB seems to indicate of the Melchizedek who appeared during the time and place of the biblical Abraham.

    And having now finished half of the UB, I can’t stress enough the importance of reading all the UB, starting from the beginning, for it logically builds upon the info that proceeds it. Also, the UB always seems to address all reasonable questions that one may logically ask as they read it, but not necessarily in the chapters that one would expect! That’s why I find that every sentence in every chapter must be read before comparing & contrasting with other sources of info, such as what I was doing when I first joined this forum.

    So now let me try to address the comments by Rich & Ragathea regarding reincarnation, taking the UB into greater consideration this time. Rich, are you somehow interpreting that UB quote as a reference & confirmation of reincarnation? If yes, you may want to re-read it within the context of that chapter, for that quote does not seem related to your prior comment regarding the assumed usefulness of reincarnation. The quote has more to do with the various teacher personalities remaining on an assigned planet for as many generations of human students as needed. Repersonalization (which is confirmed by the UB) is technically different than reincarnation (which Ragathea correctly says is absurd as far as the UB is concerned). The UB says we only experience one lifetime on our planet of origin, which for us is this Earth.

    Repersonalization may be easier to grasp after you read the part in the UB about Adam & Eve having to transition from their original, advanced bodies (that were common to their planet of origin) to less advanced physical bodies (common to this Earth). Though they ultimately died physically, they were latet allowed by Son of God Michael to transition (aka -repersonalize) to more advanced bodies that are common to the planet on which they now reside. Do you see the difference?

    Ragathea, welcome back! Correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t you already make some thoughtful comments near the start of this forum about Dolores Cannon, Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, as well as Buddhism & Hinduism? By the way, I have read books from each of those authors, all of which were quite interesting! I am not as familiar with Hinduism & Buddhism, but the UB seems to properly address the topic of reincarnation (and other topics) as taught in the context of those 2 great religions. Regarding the way Cannon, Weiss, and Newton explain reincarnation, the UB does not seem to directly address their version of reincarnation. HOWEVER, we can logically apply to those modern authors/researchers what the UB DOES say about the way in which some well-intended individuals (such as the apostles John & Paul) misinterpreted SOME of their own real visions that their Thought Adjusters allowed them to have.

    So, I’m suggesting that those modern researchers/authors may have indeed perceived higher realities but only in a limited, skewed ways within the framework of their personal, imperfect minds, for our Thought Adjusters do NOT force us to perfectly perceive/understand greater truths all at once, just like we can’t (or rather shouldn’t) force ourselves or anyone else to learn more than what they are willing & able to learn as they individually mature in this lifetime. Thus, what may appear to some of us as reincarnation taking place on this Earth may simply & likely be some aspects of the Mansion World system that we have truly perceived but misinterpreted to some degree, and that is only natural.

    As an example, compare the story of Adam & Eve in the Bible with the story of Adam of Eve in the UB – big difference in perception, but understandable considering the mental framework common to more primitive humans thousands of years ago (who could not have fully grasped the story of Adam and Eve as found in the UB) versus the greater mental framework of modern humans, though we also will seem somewhat primitive to the humans who will live a thousand years from now.

    I look forward to reading your replies, Rich, Ragathea, and Bradly! Take care.

    Nigel Nunn

    Hi urantia4me,

    Many thanks for sharing such a splendid perspective. You make me anticipate similar depth of insight from you into any of the many topics the UB presents!




    Thank you Nigel! It really helped me to read the UB from the start; there is such good logic & structure embedded throughout the UB, and I am still amazed by the volume of details in the book, some of which were indepedently confirmed several years later by researchers in their respective fields of study. (By the way, I now can better understand why you, Nigel, appreciate the UB’s details & clues regarding the formation & properties of outer space. Did you ever read in the UB something regarding the speed of light slowing down at times?? I ask because I recently learned from an astronomy website that plasma in outer space affects the speed of light, causing it to slow down a little bit. But that same site indicated that gravitational waves move constantly at the speed of light.

    For example, regarding the section on reptiles, the UB states that “the largest of the dinosaurs originated in western North America…buried throughout the Rocky Mountain regions…” Not long after I had read that section, I saw a TV documentary that mentioned how the greatest deposit of T-Rex bones were found in the 1970s in the Rocky Mountain region. Of course, we know that the UB was published in 1955 – more than 20 years before that discovery, for the information found in the UB Papers was being generated during the 1930s & 1940’s, if I recall correctly.

    Additionally, the documentary indicated that most paleontologists were hesitant to believe the theory by one of their colleagues that birds evolved from reptiles, but if I recall correctly, fossils of hollow-boned baby dinosaurs were found in the 1990s; many, if not all, modern birds have hollow bones, thus the evolutionary connection between birds and reptiles was, at that time, finally established. But again, the UB confirmed that fact decades earlier in Paper 60, Sections 1 and 2:

    “But earlier reptiles were smaller, carnivorous, and walked kangaroolike on their hind legs. They had hollow avian bones and subsequently developed only 3 toes on their hind feet, and many of their fossil footprints have been mistaken for those of giant birds…But these flying pterosaurs were not the ancestors of the true birds of subsequent ages. They evolved from the hollow-boned leaping dinosaurs…”

    Truly the UB is a genuine revelation!


    Hello again Bradly,

    You are right about the Papers I will soon be reading; I actually read those chapters prior to reading from the start of the UB, but for that reason, I know I didn’t have the full context at that time & thus I struggled to understand some parts, so this time around, it should be even more enlightening. However, I did take a short break to read a much shorter book on ideal human health – still reading that one.

    Hi Ragathea (& Rich),

    Please feel free express your ideas regarding the authors you mentioned and the religious belief systems you mentioned; I love learning, even if what I learn may not fit with my current ideas & beliefs. I still have books that I read by those same authors, and from others like them – only now I found it necessary for me to use much of my free time to carefully read and ponder the UB.

    Regarding those authors’ ideas on reincarnation, and how they (and the numerous people they interviewed) may not have the full context of what they have learned so far, consider the possibility that in the Mansion World system, part of our experiential learning may at times consist of life simulations that seem so realistic that those in the afterlife may mistakenly conclude they are reincarnating back on their planets of origin.

    For example, in his book “Far Journeys”, self-proclaimed out-of-body pioneer Robert Monroe reported that during one of his “journeys”, he wanted to see God, but in order for his request to be granted, he had to pass simulated tests, which seemed totally real to him, as if he kept reliving his life on Earth, but only after he successfully passed his tests did he realized those past lives were not real – only very convincing simulations. I’m NOT saying that the UB confirms what I just wrote; I’m only saying something like that MAY be occurring in the Mansion World system. Can you, Ragathea (& Rich), see how easy it would be for those modern researchers (or the ones they hypnotized) to misinterpret simulations as being actual reincarnations? Notice how very real our nighttime dreams can seem, until we wake up.

    On that note, I will say, “Goodnight everyone”.

    Nigel Nunn

    Hi urantia4me,

    You asked:

    “Did you ever read in the UB something regarding the speed of light slowing down at times??”

    That’s a question whose time has come! For an observer at rest in some frame, that observer defines a speed of light relative to the electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability of the space or medium through which that light is passing.

    This is where UB cosmology plays a wild card. One of its unique features is that all standard model matter is built from arrangements of clusters of ultimatons; and that these ultimatons condense within a distribution of primordial force-charge (segregata).

    So one of the (many!) implications of UB cosmology is that galaxies exist within massive invisible disks of ultimatons, which in turn exist within isolated halos of primordial force-charge.

    Thus this model begs the question: is the electrical permittivity and magnetic permeability of an island of segregata the same as the permittivity and permeability of the (more or less) quiescent regions between these islands of segregata?

    If so, then we might predict that the speed of light through the space between galaxies will be different to the speed of light through the space within a galaxy; which would be a very exciting discovery for next.gen astronomers :good:



    That is quite interesting, Nigel! I think I recall reading at least some of the parts of the UB that you referenced, though some of what I read in the UB went over my head at that time, so I’m glad you explained it enough for me to understand it better.

    Even before I asked you that question about the speed of light, the impression I got from the UB that there are definite differences between organized/developed space and unorganized/undeveloped space that may correspond to the differences between the Actuality and the Potentiality of The Universal Father.  Also, the UB paper that covers the Seraphim Transport mentioned that while Seraphim can travel up to 3 times the speed of light, they normally travel less than that due to areas of space that require them to move more slowly; I suspect their slowing down at times is related to what you shared in you last post.

    Also, I wonder if what you mentioned regarding the differences between space inside a galaxy versus the space between galaxies somewhat corresponds on a smaller scale to the various areas of space within our heliosphere versus interstellar space. (I’m thinking specifically of the travels of Voyager 1 & Voyager 2 when I ask that last question.)

    I guess I will go for now, as it is late at night where I am in the US. Nice to communicate with you Nigel, for I enjoy the subject of astronomy! By the way, what do you think are the “dark islands of space” mentioned in the UB?

    Best regards, Michael

    Nigel Nunn

    urantia4me wrote:

    By the way, what do you think are the ‘dark islands of space’ mentioned in the UB?

    Hi Michael,

    I give “dark islands” my best shot in this YouTube video: Part 4C – Exploding Dark Islands (v2).

    For easier reference, here’s the script for that video: PDF Script for Part 4C

    For more background, here’s a playlist for the full set .



    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    “You will reincarnate whether or not you believe that you will. It is much easier if your theories fit reality; but if they do not, you will not change the nature of reincarnation one iota.” (From the book: THE SETH MATERIAL) i believe in seth, my only difference with tub.

    So now let me try to address the comments by Rich & Ragathea regarding reincarnation, taking the UB into greater consideration this time. Rich, are you somehow interpreting that UB quote as a reference & confirmation of reincarnation? If yes, you may want to re-read it within the context of that chapter, for that quote does not seem related to your prior comment regarding the assumed usefulness of reincarnation. The quote has more to do with the various teacher personalities remaining on an assigned planet for as many generations of human students as needed. Repersonalization (which is confirmed by the UB) is technically different than reincarnation (which Ragathea correctly says is absurd as far as the UB is concerned). The UB says we only experience one lifetime on our planet of origin, which for us is this Earth. Repersonalization may be easier to grasp after you read the part in the UB about Adam & Eve having to transition from their original, advanced bodies (that were common to their planet of origin) to less advanced physical bodies (common to this Earth). Though they ultimately died physically, they were latet allowed by Son of God Michael to transition (aka -repersonalize) to more advanced bodies that are common to the planet on which they now reside. Do you see the difference? Ragathea, welcome back! Correct me if I am mistaken, but didn’t you already make some thoughtful comments near the start of this forum about Dolores Cannon, Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, as well as Buddhism & Hinduism? By the way, I have read books from each of those authors, all of which were quite interesting! I am not as familiar with Hinduism & Buddhism, but the UB seems to properly address the topic of reincarnation (and other topics) as taught in the context of those 2 great religions. Regarding the way Cannon, Weiss, and Newton explain reincarnation, the UB does not seem to directly address their version of reincarnation. HOWEVER, we can logically apply to those modern authors/researchers what the UB DOES say about the way in which some well-intended individuals (such as the apostles John & Paul) misinterpreted SOME of their own real visions that their Thought Adjusters allowed them to have. So, I’m suggesting that those modern researchers/authors may have indeed perceived higher realities but only in a limited, skewed ways within the framework of their personal, imperfect minds, for our Thought Adjusters do NOT force us to perfectly perceive/understand greater truths all at once, just like we can’t (or rather shouldn’t) force ourselves or anyone else to learn more than what they are willing & able to learn as they individually mature in this lifetime. Thus, what may appear to some of us as reincarnation taking place on this Earth may simply & likely be some aspects of the Mansion World system that we have truly perceived but misinterpreted to some degree, and that is only natural. As an example, compare the story of Adam & Eve in the Bible with the story of Adam of Eve in the UB – big difference in perception, but understandable considering the mental framework common to more primitive humans thousands of years ago (who could not have fully grasped the story of Adam and Eve as found in the UB) versus the greater mental framework of modern humans, though we also will seem somewhat primitive to the humans who will live a thousand years from now. I look forward to reading your replies, Rich, Ragathea, and Bradly! Take care.




    Rich, so many things in the UB you disagree with and for so long too!!


    Michael…you may wish to not engage this one.

    Trouble with a capital T.


    Mods here allow his foolishness and piracy.   Too bad.

    Other sites have terminated his posting and hijacking privileges for good cause.

    Habitually disruptive and unresponsive.


    when a world is settled in light and life then there’s no more need for reincarnation, until then reincarnation is helpful for most mortals.

    52:7.2 (598.5) The Teacher Sons come in groups to the spiritualizing worlds. A planetary Teacher Son is assisted and supported by seventy primary Sons, twelve secondary Sons, and three of the highest and most experienced of the supreme order of Daynals. This corps will remain for some time on the world, long enough to effect the transition from the evolutionary ages to the era of light and life—not less than one thousand years of planetary time and often considerably longer. This mission is a Trinity contribution to the antecedent efforts of all the divine personalities who have ministered to an inhabited world.

    I am confused. TUB states in several places that the idea of reincarnation is absurd. How would one explain, then, the work of those such as Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, and Michael Newton? (Not to mention the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism). I have an idea on the issue, but I would first like to see some discussion on it to get some other ideas I may not have considered. Then I would like to share my thoughts on the subject.

    This is a direct contradiction of the Papers.   That’s okay.  Disagree all you want but let’s be clear; you often contradict and disagree with the UB here and other places too.  Kind of consistent actually in that regard.


    Thank you for the links, Nigel; I will look at them more carefully in the next few days, for I was just checking this forum before going to sleep.

    Hi Bradly! I was wondering what happened to you over the past week or so, since you normally reply so promptly. I appreciate you keeping me aware of things. Just so you and Rich know, prior to the UB, I have read a various sources who have done their best to explain reincarnation. While I stand by my recent comments on that subject, I will also add this – the many higher-level beings which the UB has revealed seem to have quite a tolerance & patience for our misunderstandings, especially if we are honestly trying to live appropriately & educate ourselves about life now & the afterlife.  So much so that they don’t bother to overtly correct those who continue to promote “modern” ideas about reincarnation, starting with Madam Blavatski’s “Theosophy” & Edgar Cayce (whose readings I’m very familiar with) in the early 1900s, and later the Seth material (of which I was already aware) in the 1960s, and others since then like Cannon, Newton, Weiss, Goldberg, etc.

    The main point of listing all those individuals is to let Rich and others know that I know very well what has been taught regarding reincarnation. But what Rich & others may not yet be considering is how truths comes to our individual awareness in stages based on what we can accept at any given time. Thus for some people, like Cayce, Newton, & others, their staring point in adult life may be atheism, and maybe later on, they may turn to Buddhism, and still later on, they may accept the teachings of mainstream Christianity, and then later in life, they may consider the version of reality as presented in the Seth readings, and then finally they may read & accept the revelation of the UB.

    Notice how each set of teachings keeps getting closer & closer to ultimate truth, which is a natural human process, provided we are honestly seeking greater truths. I think Nigel once quoted the UB, stating that our ideas are like scaffolding that eventually falls away, leaving us only the essential truths. I am curious to know what Rich believed before he found the Seth teachings. Also, did Rich find it difficult to let go his prior beliefs?

    Even before I found the UB, I began to question the validity of reincarnation, such as how fair is it to hold people accountable for supposed mistakes made in lifetimes that they don’t even remember?! And when I began asking serious questions of those claiming to be psychic or past-life regression therapists, I soon realized there’s no way to truly, objectively validate what they tell you about your supposed past lives. It’s all based only on what you FEEL to be true. And on a practical level, while karmic debt is being resolved in one area of our lives, we create more karmic debt in other areas of our lives, so we never really get out of the rat race when you look closely at how the reincarnation process supposedly works. One step forward but 2 or more steps backward, for each lifetime?! That doesn’t add up, even if you have 10,000 lifetimes! And now we can see why the apostle Paul falsely stated that the death of Jesus on the cross became the perfect sacrifice to end all imperfect sacrifices. Same basic idea of karmic debt needing to be paid but in a different cultural/religious setting.

    But this is where the UB makes more sense – you can KNOW what to expect in great detail in the afterlife; eternal survival is logically explained, with realistic, standardized goals to meet in order to graduate to higher levels of existence.

    Goodbye for now.

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