What is spiritual brotherhood?

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    Mara wrote: This revelation is so huge, I think it impossible to comprehend in its fullness in one lifetime.
    Yes, indeed Mara we are only scratching the surface of something infinitely deep and wondrous, a lifetime is so short when compared to the immense panorama of the evolutionary ages it’s taken to arrive at this moment. So far we’ve come, so far to go yet. Life is but a day’s work, do it well.
     11. The weak indulge in resolutions, but the strong act. Life is but a day’s work — do it well. The act is ours; the consequences God’s. ([Paper 48:7.13, page 556.13] 
    We live in exciting times of transition. What a privilege to think we’re witness to the start of something BIG!! Active participants in its unfolding.
    Self-importance, not work-importance, exhausts immature creatures; it is the self element that exhausts, not the effort to achieve. [Paper 48:6.37, page 555:5]
    Below for context is the full paragraph:
    You will learn that you increase your burdens and decrease the likelihood of success by taking yourself too seriously. Nothing can take precedence over the work of your status sphere — this world or the next. Very important is the work of preparation for the next higher sphere, but nothing equals the importance of the work of the world in which you are actually living. But though the work is important, the self is not. When you feel important, you lose energy to the wear and tear of ego dignity so that there is little energy left to do the work. Self-importance, not work-importance, exhausts immature creatures; it is the self element that exhausts, not the effort to achieve. You can do important work if you do not become self-important; you can do several things as easily as one if you leave yourself out. Variety is restful; monotony is what wears and exhausts. Day after day is alike — just life or the alternative of death. [Paper 48:6.37, page 555:5]
    A person with merry heart is a delightful companion indeed, no wonder Jesus exhorted those around him to “be of good cheer.”
    Each individual is unique and what a wonderful world it will be, when each learns the part that they play in this symphony of souls.
    Most important to be steadfast, living truth of the person you are, a consecrated son/daughter of the Father energised by the prayer “it is my will that your will be done.”
    Through worship—communion with the Father—we replenish our spirit energy batteries to do important work.
    spirit energy must be replenished just as certainly as physical energy. [Paper 44:5.8, page 505:5]
    Without spirit identification there is no survival, without spirit energy nothing of value is possible.
    …human mind, personal mind, has no survival qualities apart from spirit identification. Mind is a divinity bestowal, but it is not immortal when it functions without spirit insight, and when it is devoid of the ability to worship and crave survival. [Paper 36:5.17, page 403.5] 
    All spirit energy comes from the Father and the Paradise Trinity.
    …the nature and source of the life-activation spark. We know that life flows from the Father through the Son and by the Spirit. It is more than possible that the Master Spirits are the sevenfold channel of the river of life which is poured out upon all creation. [Paper 36:6.7, page 404.5]
    Spirit energy activates persons.
    …spirit energy is related to the Universal Father through the absolute personality of the Mother-Son… [Paper 105:3.4, page 1156.1] 
    In the paper, “Lure of Maturity,” Rodan asks the apostles Thomas and Nathaniel, a question wondering where Jesus gets his energy. “Whence then comes the energy to do these great things?”
    The effort toward maturity necessitates work, and work requires energy. Whence the power to accomplish all this? The physical things can be taken for granted, but the Master has well said, “Man cannot live by bread alone.” Granted the possession of a normal body and reasonably good health, we must next look for those lures which will act as a stimulus to call forth man’s slumbering spiritual forces. Jesus has taught us that God lives in man; then how can we induce man to release these soul-bound powers of divinity and infinity? How shall we induce men to let go of God that he may spring forth to the refreshment of our own souls while in transit outward and then to serve the purpose of enlightening, uplifting, and blessing countless other souls? How best can I awaken these latent powers for good which lie dormant in your souls? One thing I am sure of: Emotional excitement is not the ideal spiritual stimulus. Excitement does not augment energy; it rather exhausts the powers of both mind and body. Whence then comes the energy to do these great things? Look to your Master. Even now he is out in the hills taking in power while we are here giving out energy. The secret of all this problem is wrapped up in spiritual communion, in worship. From the human standpoint it is a question of combined meditation and relaxation. Meditation makes the contact of mind with spirit; relaxation determines the capacity for spiritual receptivity. And this interchange of strength for weakness, courage for fear, the will of God for the mind of self, constitutes worship. At least, that is the way the philosopher views it. [Paper 160:3.1, page 1777:2] 
    How profound, through contact of mind with spirit we are energised, by active freewill consent, the will of God supplants the mind of self.
    This sheds a light on that oft-repeated statement regarding access to the mind of Jesus.
    …the everlasting truth: If your own mind does not serve you well, you can exchange it for the mind of Jesus of Nazareth, who always serves you well. ([Paper 48:6.26, page 553:7]
    Pray to be granted the privilege to serve selflessly. In the fullness of time, may the Father provide the energy to do his bidding as we maintain a cheerful disposition within our spiritual brotherhood of ascending souls.

    Tolerance and kindness are the characteristics of spiritual brotherhood.  Attitudes of spiritual pride derived from inflexible tradition need to be moderated by the warmth of interfaith initiatives based on fellow feeling—brotherhood.

    The teachings and practices of Jesus regarding tolerance and kindness ran counter to the long-standing attitude of the Jews toward other peoples whom they considered heathen. For generations the Jews had nourished an attitude toward the outside world which made it impossible for them to accept the Master’s teachings about the spiritual brotherhood of man. They were unwilling to share Yahweh on equal terms with the gentiles and were likewise unwilling to accept as the Son of God one who taught such new and strange doctrines. [Paper 121:7.2, page 1339:7]

    Sharing is Godlike, hopefully that lesson can be learned in a world that has become so interconnected and interdependent. Where ethics begins to be applied in dealings with others. What affects one, affects all, when humanity is considered as one big family.

    The doing of the will of God is nothing more or less than an exhibition of creature willingness to share the inner life with God — with the very God who has made such a creature life of inner meaning-value possible. Sharing is Godlike — divine. God shares all with the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit, while they, in turn, share all things with the divine Sons and spirit Daughters of the universes. [Paper 111:5.1, page 1221:2]


    Vern wrote: . . . we are only scratching the surface of something infinitely deep and wondrous. . . .
    I’ve spent decades studying other themes in the book – other fascinating information on numerous topics in the book.  I have taken for granted the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.  I even take the bestowal of Michael for granted.  And maybe that is why for me the study of spiritual brotherhood has been such a revelation to me.  We talked about it in study group last night.  The continued use of the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” is so very olden to me.  (Jesus used other phrases to describe the relationship of believers too.)  At study group a woman suggested it is a club and price of entrance, faith, a gift to us from God himself.
    137:8:17   “John came preaching repentance to prepare you for the kingdom; now have I come proclaiming faith, the gift of God, as the price of entrance into the kingdom of heaven. If you would but believe that my Father loves you with an infinite love, then you are in the kingdom of God.”
    Then you are in the club. :-)
    Mara wrote:The continued use of the phrase “the kingdom of heaven” is so very olden to me.  (Jesus used other phrases to describe the relationship of believers too.)
    Mara, in this investigation into the meaning of spiritual brotherhood we have already discovered it is synonymous with the kingdom of heaven, a term well known by every Christian believer. By the middle of this century, there will be three billion Christians in the world. The appeal is to them in particular, that we swell the number to ensure the “kingdom believers” are embraced within this reborn spiritual brotherhood
    With good reason the Angels of the Churches have the first turn in Seraphic Planetary Government administration as the initial hundred years of this revelation are considered. To conserve the values that are worth using as foundations for the renewal of Jesus’ gospel. We need to establish a vocabulary of new and resonant symbology to serve well into the future.
    I suggest, the topic of “saving souls” be a valid one to consider as an in-depth study.

    After two thousand years of deliberation, many are still wondering what to do with Jesus?

    Well the time to make an informed choice is now.

    …to discuss the momentous question: “What shall we do with Jesus?” They talked and debated until after midnight, but they could not find any common ground for agreement. Aside from a few persons who inclined to the belief that Jesus might be the Messiah, at least a holy man, or perhaps a prophet, the meeting was divided into four nearly equal groups who held, respectively, the following views of Jesus:

    1. That he was a deluded and harmless religious fanatic.

    2. That he was a dangerous and designing agitator who might stir up rebellion.

    3. That he was in league with devils, that he might even be a prince of devils.

    4. That he was beside himself, that he was mad, mentally unbalanced.

    There was much talk about Jesus’ preaching doctrines which were upsetting for the common people; his enemies maintained that his teachings were impractical, that everything would go to pieces if everybody made an honest effort to live in accordance with his ideas. And the men of many subsequent generations have said the same things. Many intelligent and well-meaning men, even in the more enlightened age of these revelations, maintain that modern civilization could not have been built upon the teachings of Jesus — and they are partially right. But all such doubters forget that a much better civilization could have been built upon his teachings, and sometime will be. This world has never seriously tried to carry out the teachings of Jesus on a large scale, notwithstanding that halfhearted attempts have often been made to follow the doctrines of so-called Christianity. [Paper154:4.6, page 1720:3]

    Time to decide, time for the doubters to be openly challenged by the courageous lives of their fellows who walk with the Father—certitude of believers comprising the spiritual brotherhood, those with a farseeing vison of a much better civilization built upon Jesus’ teachings. This definitely will be.


    Vern wrote:  . . . spiritual brotherhood we have already discovered it is synonymous with the kingdom of heaven, a term well known by every Christian believer. . . .
    Good point about the angels of the churches, the “. . . the earnest contenders for that which is and has been.” ( 114:6:7 )   They are one of the 12 corps of master seraphim having to do with planetary supervision. And you make a good point about the familiarity of the phrase “kingdom of heaven” among Christians.  But by my way of thinking it’s not up-to-date and seems archaic in the same way the King James version of the Bible seems archaic to me.  Maybe this is just a matter of preference and when speaking to people about brotherhood as the occasion arises, one will discover the best way to frame the concept in that very moment, according to what is best in that moment.
    The very small group comprising my weekly prayer circle are Christians of various denominations, and one person converted to Judaism from Catholicism.  This small group has the mentality of us (Christians) versus them (non-Christians) and they further freely express the view that the devil has hold of everyone who is not a Christian.  The other idea freely expressed is the world is in the end times right now.  Recently one lady said that the Internet was the work of the devil.  While the angels of the churches are guardians of that which is and has been, planetarily speaking, individuals Christians are fixated on their view of end times and there seems no way to change their minds about this.  Brotherhood seems an anathema to them, and I’ve encountered this conclusion elsewhere.  But this is a mental construct, not a spiritual one.  Recently in prayer circle I raised a point about Adam and Eve.  I said if we believe Adam and Eve were the first two human beings of all humanity, are we not then brothers and sisters of every other person past present and future?  They assented to it, affirmed it.  But immediately I asked this question:  When Cain slew Able he fled to the land of Nod and got himself a wife, who were those people?  One astute lady said, I’ve always wondered about that!  And this lady is the one who said the Internet is of the devil!!  So brotherhood is a hard sell to those who have the mindset of us v. them.
    Mara wrote:…you make a good point about the familiarity of the phrase “kingdom of heaven” among Christians.  But by my way of thinking it’s not up-to-date and seems archaic in the same way the King James version of the Bible seems archaic to me.  Maybe this is just a matter of preference and when speaking to people about brotherhood as the occasion arises, one will discover the best way to frame the concept in that very moment, according to what is best in that moment.
    Hi Mara, yes, we need to do better than resort to trumpet blasts from the past in getting the message across, that essentially, the reason we live is spiritual—establishing that life support system of inner communion with the Father—vital to health wellbeing and and happiness—survival in eternity.
    What we are talking about is the personal religious experience and religion validates the conservation of souls—it concerns a person’s experience with spiritual realities and eternal values. Only awareness of spiritual realities can bring about planetary progress. Psychology and social science are limited to dealing with the symptoms of the pressures of complex materialistic society while remaining willfully ignorant of causes.

    The materialistic sociologist of today surveys a community, makes a report thereon, and leaves the people as he found them. Nineteen hundred years ago, unlearned Galileans surveyed Jesus giving his life as a spiritual contribution to man’s inner experience and then went out and turned the whole Roman Empire upside down. [Paper195:6.9, page 2077:5]

    But religious leaders are making a great mistake when they try to call modern man to spiritual battle with the trumpet blasts of the Middle Ages. Religion must provide itself with new and up-to-date slogans. Neither democracy nor any other political panacea will take the place of spiritual progress. False religions may represent an evasion of reality, but Jesus in his gospel introduced mortal man to the very entrance upon an eternal reality of spiritual progression. [Paper195:6.10, page 2077:6]

    Time has arrived as the vulnerability of materialism becomes ever more obvious, as things earthly crash and individuals are face-to-face with reality. Evasion of truth finally becomes impossible and making decisions based spiritual values will surely replace the loss of the worldly ones which have proven false.

    Prepare the ground for a well organised and farseeing welcoming committee of the spiritual brotherhood for a flood of new members as things earthly crash.

     “…Kingdom builders, the accredited citizens of the heavenly worlds, are not to be disturbed by temporal upheavals or perturbed by terrestrial cataclysms. What does it matter to you who believe this gospel of the kingdom if nations overturn, the age ends, or all things visible crash, since you know that your life is the gift of the Son, and that it is eternally secure in the Father?…” [Paper 176:3.2, page 1916:2]

    Jesus portrayed the profound surety of the God-knowing mortal when he said: “To a God-knowing kingdom believer, what does it matter if all things earthly crash?” Temporal securities are vulnerable, but spiritual sureties are impregnable. When the flood tides of human adversity, selfishness, cruelty, hate, malice, and jealousy beat about the mortal soul, you may rest in the assurance that there is one inner bastion, the citadel of the spirit, which is absolutely unassailable; at least this is true of every human being who has dedicated the keeping of his soul to the indwelling spirit of the eternal God. [Paper 100:2.7, page 1096:4] 

    There are many ways to express the truth of the divine inner light to believers and would-be-believers. To a God-knowing kingdom believer, the Father will provide suitable creative expression for you to state essential truth in contemporary language suited to the ear of the listener. If we trust the Father’s guidance, opportunities for service to the spiritual brotherhood will present themselves in accordance with genuine love for our fellows—trustworthiness. 


    Enhance the positive and the negative will fall away.

    Embrace unity.

    Spiritual unity is the fruit of faith union with the living Jesus. The visible church should refuse longer to handicap the progress of the invisible and spiritual brotherhood of the kingdom of God. And this brotherhood is destined to become a living organism in contrast to an institutionalized social organization. It may well utilize such social organizations, but it must not be supplanted by them. ([Paper 195:10.11, page 2085:3] 

    Well we are reminded current day Christianity is starkly confronted by the doom embodied in one of its own sayings……..”A house divided against itself cannot.” The fledgling Urantia community has likewise, had similar problems maintaining spiritual brotherhood. May we learn well the lessons of past mistakes and be watchful and alert that we do not repeat them. Achievements of Centuries of Christian influence have carried us to this pinnacle of social evolution—launchpad into an age where ethical awareness permeates culture and the forward social momentum flowers into planetary spiritual brotherhood

    But the Christianity of even the twentieth century must not be despised. It is the product of the combined moral genius of the God-knowing men of many races during many ages, and it has truly been one of the greatest powers for good on earth, and therefore no man should lightly regard it, notwithstanding its inherent and acquired defects. Christianity still contrives to move the minds of reflective men with mighty moral emotions[Paper 195:10.12, page 2085:4]

    Christianity must return to its spiritual purpose—proclaim the good news of sonship with God and consequent brotherhood of man.

    But there is no excuse for the involvement of the church in commerce and politics; such unholy alliances are a flagrant betrayal of the Master. And the genuine lovers of truth will be slow to forget that this powerful institutionalized church has often dared to smother newborn faith and persecute truth bearers who chanced to appear in unorthodox raiment. [Paper195:10.13, page 2085:5]

    There is no place for sectarian rivalry in the spiritual brotherhood of Jesus.

    It is all too true that such a church would not have survived unless there had been men in the world who preferred such a style of worship. Many spiritually indolent souls crave an ancient and authoritative religion of ritual and sacred traditions. Human evolution and spiritual progress are hardly sufficient to enable all men to dispense with religious authority. And the invisible brotherhood of the kingdom may well include these family groups of various social and temperamental classes if they are only willing to become truly spirit-led sons of God. But in this brotherhood of Jesus there is no place for sectarian rivalry, group bitterness, nor assertions of moral superiority and spiritual infallibility[Paper195:10.14, page 2085:6]

    Early adopters of advanced knowledge such as comprise readers of The Urania Book brings with it responsibility of consistent behaviour—sincerity, honesty, courage, tolerance, strength of character and stability of balanced personality. Such a wondrous life changing gift freely given, inspires reciprocity, to be shared inclusively with others, with these family groups of various social and temperamental classes.



    The uniqueness of personality manifests in limitless diversity and varied inherited ability. Spiritual brotherhood is unity within diversity. And though humans differ, as God sees us, there are only two groups of mortals, those who desire to do his will and those who do not.

    Said Jesus: “Though human beings differ in many ways, the one from another, before God and in the spiritual world all mortals stand on an equal footing. There are only two groups of mortals in the eyes of God: those who desire to do his will and those who do not. As the universe looks upon an inhabited world, it likewise discerns two great classes: those who know God and those who do not. Those who cannot know God are reckoned among the animals of any given realm. Mankind can appropriately be divided into many classes in accordance with differing qualifications, as they may be viewed physically, mentally, socially, vocationally, or morally, but as these different classes of mortals appear before the judgment bar of God, they stand on an equal footing; God is truly no respecter of persons. Although you cannot escape the recognition of differential human abilities and endowments in matters intellectual, social, and moral, you should make no such distinctions in the spiritual brotherhood of men when assembled for worship in the presence of God.” ([Paper 133:0.3, page 1468:3]

    Before God all are equal, the spiritual brotherhood recognises the common divinity that transcends superficial differences and coheres in bonds of loving unity.


    In time spiritual brotherhood will lead to world peace. Practical outcome will be world government based on law.

    World peace cannot be maintained by treaties, diplomacy, foreign policies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshift juggling with the sovereignties of nationalism. World law must come into being and must be enforced by world government — the sovereignty of all mankind. [Paper134:6.9, page 1491:3]

    Individual freedom will be the result under world government—fewer taxes, less regulation, greater freedom of expression, more opportunity for personal development—maximisation of potential.

    The individual will enjoy far more liberty under world government. Today, the citizens of the great powers are taxed, regulated, and controlled almost oppressively, and much of this present interference with individual liberties will vanish when the national governments are willing to trustee their sovereignty as regards international affairs into the hands of global government. [Paper134:6.10, page 1491:4]

    With the end of competitive striving for self-determination comes world-wide peace.

    Under global government the national groups will be afforded a real opportunity to realize and enjoy the personal liberties of genuine democracy. The fallacy of self-determination will be ended. With global regulation of money and trade will come the new era of world-wide peace. Soon may a global language evolve, and there will be at least some hope of sometime having a global religion — or religions with a global viewpoint[Paper 134:6.11, page 1491:5]

    Consider the significance of spiritual brotherhood when unified by a global viewpoint, shared in common by all the world’s people. Peace on earth and goodwill to all mankind under the fatherhood of God.

    Collective security will never afford peace until the collectivity includes all mankind. [Paper 134:6.12, page 1491:6]

    The political sovereignty of representative mankind government will bring lasting peace on earth, and the spiritual brotherhood of man will forever insure good will among all men. And there is no other way whereby peace on earth and good will among men can be realized. [Paper 134:6.13, page 1491:7]

    Surely such progressive undertakings will usher Urantia into the era of Light and Life. Each individual’s contribution now sets in motion this great vision for planetary destiny. Just as Van and Amadon set in motion the building of the Garden of Eden for the arrival of Adam and Eve, we are entrusted with the great task of preparing the ground for the inevitable establishment of representative mankind government.


    I’m glad you’re continuing with this topic Vern.  You have a nice way of putting things in your writing.  I notice you’re including some references I’ve previously used here.  But that’s fine.  We are following along on the same study track I think.  Back on page one, Bradly provided the following information about defining the kingdom of heaven, the spiritual brotherhood.  This, too, is worth repeating.
    Bradly wrote:         170:4.1 (1862.9) Jesus never gave a precise definition of the kingdom. At one time he would discourse on one phase of the kingdom, and at another time he would discuss a different aspect of the brotherhood of God’s reign in the hearts of men. In the course of this Sabbath afternoon’s sermon Jesus noted no less than five phases, or epochs, of the kingdom, and they were:
     1. The personal and inward experience of the spiritual life of the fellowship of the individual believer with God the Father. [the personal inward experience]
     2. The enlarging brotherhood of gospel believers, the social aspects of the enhanced morals and quickened ethics resulting from the reign of God’s spirit in the hearts of individual believers. [the social brotherhood of believers]
     3. The supermortal brotherhood of invisible spiritual beings which prevails on earth and in heaven, the superhuman kingdom of God. [the supermortal brotherhood]
     4. The prospect of the more perfect fulfillment of the will of God, the advance toward the dawn of a new social order in connection with improved spiritual living — the next age of man. [improved  spiritual living and the dawn of a new social order – the next age of man]
      5. The kingdom in its fullness, the future spiritual age of light and life on earth.  [the ages of light and life]
    170:4.7 (1863.5) Wherefore must we always examine the Master’s teaching to ascertain which of these five phases he may have reference to when he makes use of the term kingdom of heaven. By this process of gradually changing man’s will and thus affecting human decisions, Michael and his associates are likewise gradually but certainly changing the entire course of human evolution, social and otherwise.
    His concepts of the kingdom of heaven slumber in the so-called Christian church.  We can be grateful to know and be comforted that a more spiritual dispensation is on the way.
    170:5:21 Thus does the so-called Christian church become the cocoon in which the kingdom of Jesus’ concept now slumbers. The kingdom of the divine brotherhood is still alive and will eventually and certainly come forth from this long submergence, just as surely as the butterfly eventually emerges as the beautiful unfolding of its less attractive creature of metamorphic development.
    Mara wrote:  Bradly provided the following information about defining the kingdom of heaven, the spiritual brotherhood.  This, too, is worth repeating.
    Yes Mara, it’s good to see how this topic is evolving even though it’s we small band of voices. Hopefully more eyes are reading.
    Be it spiritual brotherhood known also as the “kingdom of heaven” or “cosmic citizens” or “universe family” or “brotherhood of kindred spirits,” or “united agondonters of Urantia,” gaining a greater understanding of the significance of this unifying-dynamic-love which keeps us connected as one-in-the spirit is worth taking time to investigate.
    Good that you are re-visitng the many “phases,” levels of meaning, invested in the term “kingdom of heaven.”
    1. Mara wrote:  [the personal inward experience]
    2. Mara wrote:  [the social brotherhood of believers]
    3. Mara wrote:  [the supermortal brotherhood]
    4. Mara wrote:  [improved  spiritual living and the dawn of a new social order – the next age of man]
    5. Mara wrote:  [the ages of light and life]

    In my last few posts I’ve been developing No. 4, the potential of spiritual brotherhood in the capacity of moving to a new social order—the next age of man.

    In my continued sifting through my initially referenced 22 results of instances of the term “spiritual brotherhood” in The Urantia Book, I may well be revisiting previously covered territory, which as you say, is worth repeating. What I am keen to come across is a concept not covered yet, so I’ll continue delving deeper.



    Friends….Paper 16 provides some insight as to how beings relate and attract one another into community.  Personality is key.

    16:6.5 (192.1) The cosmic mind unfailingly responds (recognizes response) on three levels of universe reality. These responses are self-evident to clear-reasoning and deep-thinking minds. These levels of reality are:

    16:6.6 (192.2) 1. Causation — the reality domain of the physical senses, the scientific realms of logical uniformity, the differentiation of the factual and the nonfactual, reflective conclusions based on cosmic response. This is the mathematical form of the cosmic discrimination.

    16:6.7 (192.3) 2. Duty — the reality domain of morals in the philosophic realm, the arena of reason, the recognition of relative right and wrong. This is the judicial form of the cosmic discrimination.

    16:6.8 (192.4) 3. Worship — the spiritual domain of the reality of religious experience, the personal realization of divine fellowship, the recognition of spirit values, the assurance of eternal survival, the ascent from the status of servants of God to the joy and liberty of the sons of God. This is the highest insight of the cosmic mind, the reverential and worshipful form of the cosmic discrimination.

    16:7.1 (192.8) Intelligence alone cannot explain the moral nature. Morality, virtue, is indigenous to human personality. Moral intuition, the realization of duty, is a component of human mind endowment and is associated with the other inalienables of human nature: scientific curiosity and spiritual insight. Man’s mentality far transcends that of his animal cousins, but it is his moral and religious natures that especially distinguish him from the animal world.

    16:7.2 (193.1) The selective response of an animal is limited to the motor level of behavior. The supposed insight of the higher animals is on a motor level and usually appears only after the experience of motor trial and error. Man is able to exercise scientific, moral, and spiritual insight prior to all exploration or experimentation.

    16:7.3 (193.2) Only a personality can know what it is doing before it does it; only personalities possess insight in advance of experience. A personality can look before it leaps and can therefore learn from looking as well as from leaping. A nonpersonal animal ordinarily learns only by leaping.

    16:7.4 (193.3) As a result of experience an animal becomes able to examine the different ways of attaining a goal and to select an approach based on accumulated experience. But a personality can also examine the goal itself and pass judgment on its worth-whileness, its value. Intelligence alone can discriminate as to the best means of attaining indiscriminate ends, but a moral being possesses an insight which enables him to discriminate between ends as well as between means. And a moral being in choosing virtue is nonetheless intelligent. He knows what he is doing, why he is doing it, where he is going, and how he will get there.

    16:7.7 (193.6) Man’s choosing between good and evil is influenced, not only by the keenness of his moral nature, but also by such influences as ignorance, immaturity, and delusion. A sense of proportion is also concerned in the exercise of virtue because evil may be perpetrated when the lesser is chosen in the place of the greater as a result of distortion or deception. The art of relative estimation or comparative measurement enters into the practice of the virtues of the moral realm.

    16:7.8 (193.7) Man’s moral nature would be impotent without the art of measurement, the discrimination embodied in his ability to scrutinize meanings. Likewise would moral choosing be futile without that cosmic insight which yields the consciousness of spiritual values. From the standpoint of intelligence, man ascends to the level of a moral being because he is endowed with personality.

    16:7.9 (193.8) Morality can never be advanced by law or by force. It is a personal and freewill matter and must be disseminated by the contagion of the contact of morally fragrant persons with those who are less morally responsive, but who are also in some measure desirous of doing the Father’s will. (emphasis mine)

    16:7.10 (193.9) Moral acts are those human performances which are characterized by the highest intelligence, directed by selective discrimination in the choice of superior ends as well as in the selection of moral means to attain these ends. Such conduct is virtuous. Supreme virtue, then, is wholeheartedly to choose to do the will of the Father in heaven.

    We are community by our common source – common-unity.  I am reminded how the Master exemplified the unified personality and his fragrance enjoyed by so many while others shunned and attacked such nobility of mind and spirit….and inclusion by community.



    Brotherhood and community are the responsibility of all believers:

    101:10.7 (1117.1) Religion effectually cures man’s sense of idealistic isolation or spiritual loneliness; it enfranchises the believer as a son of God, a citizen of a new and meaningful universe. Religion assures man that, in following the gleam of righteousness discernible in his soul, he is thereby identifying himself with the plan of the Infinite and the purpose of the Eternal. Such a liberated soul immediately begins to feel at home in this new universe, his universe.

    101:10.8 (1117.2) When you experience such a transformation of faith, you are no longer a slavish part of the mathematical cosmos but rather a liberated volitional son of the Universal Father. No longer is such a liberated son fighting alone against the inexorable doom of the termination of temporal existence; no longer does he combat all nature, with the odds hopelessly against him; no longer is he staggered by the paralyzing fear that, perchance, he has put his trust in a hopeless phantasm or pinned his faith to a fanciful error.

    101:10.9 (1117.3) Now, rather, are the sons of God enlisted together in fighting the battle of reality’s triumph over the partial shadows of existence. At last all creatures become conscious of the fact that God and all the divine hosts of a well-nigh limitless universe are on their side in the supernal struggle to attain eternity of life and divinity of status. Such faith-liberated sons have certainly enlisted in the struggles of time on the side of the supreme forces and divine personalities of eternity; even the stars in their courses are now doing battle for them; at last they gaze upon the universe from within, from God’s viewpoint, and all is transformed from the uncertainties of material isolation to the sureties of eternal spiritual progression. Even time itself becomes but the shadow of eternity cast by Paradise realities upon the moving panoply of space.


    Vern wrote:  What I am keen to come across is a concept not covered yet
    I found something: the kingdom does not belong to us.  We don’t own it.  It can’t be bought or sold.  It can’t be ruined or destroyed.  You can’t connive your way into it.  In the largest, broadest, deepest sense spiritual brotherhood is inevitable on our world.
    (  )  […] “Introduce men to God and as the sons of God before you discourse on the doctrines of the fatherhood of God and the sonship of men. Do not strive with men–always be patient. It is not your kingdom; you are only ambassadors. Simply go forth proclaiming: This is the kingdom of heaven–God is your Father and you are his sons, and this good news, if you wholeheartedly believe it, is your eternal salvation.”
    But an individual can choose not to enter the kingdom, here or over there, in which case the individual has discovered, recognized, interpreted and rejected God’s plan for entrance into or rehabilitation into the kingdom of the spiritual brotherhood of the universe.
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