The Michael Plan

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    Just thinking practically about what would actually happen if we started going to people and giving them quotes from the 4th epochal revelation we would come off as preaching to them, they would reject us. They would quickly figure out where those lines came from with a quick internet search and the cat would be out of the bag. Its not practical to go out in public and start acting like this. Someone has to ask us about our spirituality and our religious life in order for there to be a connection. Only in the context of a personal friendship can we even make these connections. Even with friends there won’t be a curiosity on their part if we are not actually living this higher form of unselfish love. Unless people around us choose to ask the question we can’t answer the question. Jesus invoked questions in peoples minds because he was God and Man, that curiosity gave him an “in” with everyone around him. The people around him saw a peace that passed all understanding and that made them curious. But we shouldn’t pattern our life’s work after Jesus because he was God and man. Its impossible to do what he did, we are not Creator Sons.


    To TUB,

    Yet isn’t that exactly what Jesus said?  We would do what he did and even greater things. Either he meant that or he was giving us false hope. I think he meant it. And don’t we also have the divine fragment, the divine spirit indwelling us?  We, too, have an “in.”

    Really, how would people even know to ask you about your beliefs if you never talk about them? Just because a person lives a loving life does not in and of itself evoke questions about your religious or spiritual beliefs. And what is wrong with telling other people about what you believe?  Isn’t that exactly what Jesus told the 12 and the 70 and all his followers to do – to preach the gospel to the whole world?  And if people attach the wise sayings of the UB to the UB, is that really fatal?  It only gives you an even greater opportunity to teach.  What a novel idea!  Instead of reading the book with people who already accept it, why not teach people who don’t know anything about the UB? Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?

    That’s why a Plan, perhaps with many of the features of the so-called “Michael’s Plan,” could be very useful. It could include ideas on how to not just read the book with friends, but to introduce and teach the book to strangers. And a fellowship of like-minded UB readers could be a strong support group that could embolden each other and strengthen each other to take the leap of faith and … dare I say it … PREACH!!!!!  Ah the fear of rejection! Mortal man is such a fearful group!



    To Tas,

    I have read every document posted with the so-called “Michael’s Plan” and I can see some value in it, though I also see a need for revisions.  That’s why I started this thread, to get a conversation started about it.  I see it as a good first effort. I don’t think the authors of the Plan intended for it to be a final expression, but only the beginning of a conversation. Some of the points that have been offered in this thread are well taken and the authors of the Plan would do well to consider these matters in their next revision.  But isn’t there some commendation that can be given to those who are trying to make an effort to advance the teachings of the UB?

    Just because past efforts have not been successful is no reason to give up trying new and diverse ideas. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water. A seed must be planted. Spirit agitation must occur in order to create motion. But with a spirit of love, tolerance and patience for one another who we KNOW are our brothers in Christ.

    Clearly, the UB encourages the development of one brotherhood, the Jesus brotherhood.  Therefore it militates that there must be some type of unity, albeit unity without uniformity. This is a process of trial and error. But no need to extinguish the light and bulldoze the plan. So the title needs to be changed.  That’s minor.  So there’s a person who supports that plan who had made some egregious errors in the past. So what.  It is the content that matters.  I hope Barbara and her co-authors continue trying to develop something that serves to unify the fragmented UB communities. It is needed if the Revelation is going to get real traction worldwide.



    If the Michael Planners are looking for new world leaders, then have them look at themselves. I get the feeling that there is a campaign going on here to recruit new converts to the cult.

    This is truly fascinating, Bonita, you where the first person to bring up, and associate this “Michael Plan” and assign the word “cult” to it.  Then it appears as if you played into your own words to assume that this is now a “Michael Plan Cult”, where it is fascinating how individuals make assumptions before even asking questions if this could be considered a cult plan to begin with?

    Who said anything regarding “cult” other than Bonita, or did I miss something in translation here?  Just because someone asks a question as to whether they believe in the wording or presentation of a specific UB phrase or paragraph, and they give their honest opinion as an answer does not constitute a profession of faith or a swearing of an oath or making a creed of profession.  However, everyone is entitled to their opinion, although it would seem to be based on a misunderstanding.

    It would also seem that if one was not sure of another’s intent or statement, it would be appropriate to ask for a more defined definition?  Although it would seem that every reader of the UB has a way of interpreting the UB in their own way, which is as it should be, however it is my understanding that this forum can be used to get a better understanding as to other readers understanding of the text, albeit that this discussion is related to the UB in that we are discussing a document which is associated to the UB.  Fascinating to be sure.





    And two final points:

    It is unbelievable to me that a discussion about the contents of the so-called “Michael’s Plan” has now been characterized as a cult in the minds of some.  Isn’t it possible to discuss something or support an idea about something without being labeled a cult?  What is it about Jesus and Part IV of the UB or the well-intentioned effort of others to spread the message of Part IV that evokes so much animosity among UB readers? A very, very sad day indeed!

    And yes, Part IV of the UB was written by Midwayers, not Michael. But that does not minimize its relevance, accuracy or importance in the least. The Midwayers involved in the Fifth Revelation were commissioned and authorized to contribute their portion. In most instances, they were giving their first hand eyewitness accounts.  And remember, the Midwayers work at the direction and pleasure of Michael who is an able delegator. Midwayers are no doubt monitoring these websites and making what is written here available for reflectivity transmissions through Seraphic and other celestial beings throughout the universe. Nothing is ever lost.  So I wonder how our universal family are receiving this thread.



    Truly the movement has great traction and clear acceleration.  The movement has not failed to move forward.  The mistakes of the past have helped much in the experience of leaders and members of those organizations previously mentioned.  Progress is quite evident to all with the eyes to see.  Today, there are well over a thousand study groups and over a dozen translations of the Revelation.  Thousands of individuals still have their shoulder to the wheel and work tirelessly, and for free, as servants to the movement, the Revelation, and the dissemination of truth, beauty, and goodness….and that’s just in the Urantia movement itself.  Which is hardly the only vehicle for the Most Highs and angels.  The Spirit of Truth is working, still, to catch the ear and move the heart of every single mind on the planet.  Shall we discuss this progress, which led to the gift of another Epochal Revelation, or the progress made in its dissemination the past 60 years?  Do any doubt the certain and inevitable conclusion to this progress?  Certainly there is more to do…more than those willing, so far, to do it.  If any seek an opportunity to serve through the Association, just raise your hand.  Lots of very interesting and important work for all volunteers is available….no problem.  But I would honor those who built this road we move along upon today and recognize those thousands who disseminate the Revelation today already….some as organization members and many more on their own, day by day, as they pass by.

    Scott – agree.  We cannot create the yearning, the hunger, and the thirst.  We can only live the truth, shine the light of love wherever we are and go, and respond to all intersections of service opportunity.  We are told that the fruits of the spirit act like a magnet.  No need for pulpit and loud voices to help, in our way, the angels and spirits of truth and progress.  Your light shines here and many places….and I have no doubt, in your daily walk.  None here need to be told what’s what about the gospel of Jesus or the cosmic facts and truths given us in the FER.  We must first learn, and then teach, and walk the walk or the way of spirit progress.  Perfecting, not perfection is the goal of mortals upon their planets of birth.  Who’s to judge another?  Who’s to question any other’s love for the Master or God?  Who indeed.

    Barbara – you have been most gracious and patient and I look forward to your voice on this and many other topics to come.  I also feel that the organizations and the readership be united in goal and purpose if not in projects and missions.  This will require vision and dialogue and a patient process to manage the human condition that is inherent in us creatures of duality in our confusions and errors.  I applaud your efforts to consider how to help in that worthy goal of unification without uniformity.  I hope your group has received feedback that you find useful and worthy of consideration.  But all sincere effort to advance cooperation, understanding, respect, and love are always worthy….even if the results are not what we hoped.  Thanks for attending us here.  Peace.


    Elise if we preach the words of a secondary midwayer to people they will tune us out. It’s not practical. When has preaching TUB to strangers ever worked out for anyone? Nobody wants to be preached to. They want to be loved and understood.  Forcing TUB on someone is self-assertive. I sense that the plan is, is that if we get enough people to yell the same thing loud enough at people they may listen. Thats like using TUB as a hammer to hit people over the head with. It’s not jesusosian at all. It’s self-assertion. We shouldn’t use TUB as a hammer to hit people over the head with :).


    There is no reason to try and match a Creator Son. That is IMO a self righteous attitude. A Creator Son is God. Maybe Jesus as a 9 year old is something we can aspire to, but an adult Jesus is beyond anything anyone has ever seen.


    A religious, humanized and social organization grew out of the activities of Paul and his successors based on Jesus’ teachings and as modified by others.  Paul was a great organizer and writer of letters.  Several centuries later some of his  letters and other written materials were selected as gospel and were assembled together for an elite few who had access to the opus, and it became known as the word of God, as it is known today.  Can Urantia Book students throw away Micheal’s baby with the bath water?  I do not, nor does the book, dismiss the truths of the 4th Epochal.

    It is ironic to me a text was created so many centuries ago, now, embedded the hearts and minds of millions and in the cultures and traditions of so many.  And many, many have found Jesus’ saving message therein or thereby through the oration of persons on the subject of faith and mercy, among other subjects:  the orations of self-proclaimed preachers, or, the orations of theologians – scholared, vetted, graduates of special schools of the study of one or more of the religions of the world.  Getting saved happens other ways via the 4th too, through the Spirit of Truth and God knows how else, even as we speak about “a” plan named after our Creator Son.

    The good news is that Jesus lives in the hearts and minds of anyone who would have him in to sup.  He does not exhort us to agree about “plans,” procedures, organizations or patterns.  These constitute the social brotherhood not the spiritual brotherhood.  The spiritual brotherhood has no bounds, no borders, no doctrines.  But organizations have a right to establish their missions statements and other organizational aspects.  They have the responsibility to say who they are, and by implication, not who they are, as for example, UAI informed me about its policy regarding channeling when I signed up a bit ago.

    On this thread I appreciate your comments in general.  I especially like the courtesy and good humor, but I also like the thoughtfulness of responses.  I’m a longtime reader who came on the scene after the Vern Grimsley thing, but before the loss of the copyright and I support the Foundation and UAI, because I agree with the organizational principles of UAI and I support the work of the Foundation.  I am glad I did not experience the demise of the Urantia Brotherhood, though as I understand it the dba of UAI is the Urantia Brotherhood Association.  Correct me if I am wrong.

    The Gideon people put free editions of their bible here, there and everywhere.  Others go out two by two and knock on doors to get their version of the bible or their own bible-like book out to the public – all in an effort to share God as they understand him with others.   The Urantia Book is finding its way into the hands and hearts of people, and I suspect many of our unseen friends are doing their part to bring the book to people and to bring people to the book.  After that, its is up to the individual what to do as regards finding out about the social brotherhoods – this, that or some other organization focused on the book.  Or not.  In my mind whatever else has been, is, or will be written about the book – its “plans”, procedures, organizations and patterns – are evolutionary and relative to the time frame in which they are created, as well as the intellectual attainments of the individuals involved.

    I am somewhat interested in the contact commission stuff, but not really.  The past is unchangeable.  Humpty dumpty had a tumble.  I do not envision a melding of the two main social and organizational branches of the onetime Urantia Brotherhood.  I think that is what the thesis of the so-called Michael plan is about.  It is an audacious title.

    Unity without uniformity.  Spiritual unity, that is.











    Greetings and welcome 1-2-3…..well said.  I look forward to your voice here too.  Interesting about how the Revelation tends to “find” students.  There’s an old saying – “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”  Any who thirst and seek, will find, within and without.  A glorious truth.  Thanks.




    (549.2) 48:4.15 When we are tempted to magnify our self-importance, if we stop to contemplate the infinity of the greatness and grandeur of our Makers, our own self-glorification becomes sublimely ridiculous, even verging on the humorous. One of the functions of humor is to help all of us take ourselves less seriously. Humor is the divine antidote for exaltation of ego.

    (549.3) 48:4.16 The need for the relaxation and diversion of humor is greatest in those orders of ascendant beings who are subjected to sustained stress in their upward struggles. The two extremes of life have little need for humorous diversions. Primitive men have no capacity therefor, and beings of Paradise perfection have no need thereof. The hosts of Havona are naturally a joyous and exhilarating assemblage of supremely happy personalities. On Paradise the quality of worship obviates the necessity for reversion activities. But among those who start their careers far below the goal of Paradise perfection, there is a large place for the ministry of the reversion directors.

    (549.4) 48:4.17 The higher the mortal species, the greater the stress and the greater the capacity for humor as well as the necessity for it. In the spirit world the opposite is true: The higher we ascend, the less the need for the diversions of reversion experiences. But proceeding down the scale of spirit life from Paradise to the seraphic hosts, there is an increasing need for the mission of mirth and the ministry of merriment. Those beings who most need the refreshment of periodic reversion to the intellectual status of previous experiences are the higher types of the human species, the morontians, angels, and the Material Sons, together with all similar types of personality.

    (549.5) 48:4.18 Humor should function as an automatic safety valve to prevent the building up of excessive pressures due to the monotony of sustained and serious self-contemplation in association with the intense struggle for developmental progress and noble achievement. Humor also functions to lessen the shock of the unexpected impact of fact or of truth, rigid unyielding fact and flexible ever-living truth. The mortal personality, never sure as to which will next be encountered, through humor swiftly grasps — sees the point and achieves insight — the unexpected nature of the situation be it fact or be it truth.

    I especially like the courtesy and good humor, but I also like the thoughtfulness of responses.


    (1950.3) 180:5.8 But the highest realization and the truest interpretation of the golden rule consists in the consciousness of the spirit of the truth of the enduring and living reality of such a divine declaration. The true cosmic meaning of this rule of universal relationship is revealed only in its spiritual realization, in the interpretation of the law of conduct by the spirit of the Son to the spirit of the Father that indwells the soul of mortal man. And when such spirit-led mortals realize the true meaning of this golden rule, they are filled to overflowing with the assurance of citizenship in a friendly universe, and their ideals of spirit reality are satisfied only when they love their fellows as Jesus loved us all, and that is the reality of the realization of the love of God.

    Life is but a day’s work….let us do it well….and whistle while we do so.  Smiles all around!!  A little reversion anyone?


    Dear friends,

    Thank you, Bradley, for posting the series on humor and our need for it. Refreshment was certainly welcome. For those of you who didn’t know Vern Grimsley, he had a notable sense of humor. I had the feeling the other day that if he knew what we were saying, he would be laughing along with us.

    Yesterday I finally managed to reach all of my co-authors by email about this forum. Although I have not heard back from all of them yet, I feel I can express the thoughts I will be sharing with them. Carolyn Kendall has already responded that if the tone of our document needs changing, we should do that as we want to support healing and healthy relationships. I think that could be done fairly quickly and easily. As for other parts that need work, perhaps we could revise the most pressing points, too.

    For the title, “Discerning Michael’s Plan” is more accurate, meaning open conversation about ongoing developments, considering the past, present, and future, clearly encouraging individual views and interpretations. The general topic is “Plans for Epochal Revelations.” The overall theme of “Planetary Mortal Epochs” might be too broad, but as already noted, there have been a lot of good studies on the topic. Just my thoughts for the moment.

    Regarding 1-2-3’s point about our thesis for the social organizations, what our document proposes is to restore Urantia Brotherhood, which would involve much more, in my opinion, than melding the two largest social organizations. Those organizations might be involved in some way, and I would like to see some unbroken continuity from the founding of Urantia Brotherhood to the present, but the project is larger than that.

    All interested readers could explore such questions as: If Urantia Brotherhood had continued, what would it look like? What type of organization would best provide scaffolding for the spiritual brotherhood?

    I like the forum format so far, although my as my cyber world colleagues would say, we may be on buffer overload. I understand that and just wanted you all to have an update. Thanks to all who are making this exchange possible.

    Peace and love,



    Barbara – I am so glad to hear the conversation here on the forum has triggered further reflection and consideration by the group concerned.  Just my opinion, but I think “Discerning Michael’s Plan” is an excellent choice for eliminating any authoritarianism-by-perception-of-title, and it feels like it is an invitation to a discussion rather than a done-did-deal.  Great first step!  Mortal efforts to discern universe patterns and to align our priorities – individually and collectively – to the Way and the Will is a most fascinating topic of great interest to many.

    Balance, unity, and harmony result from maturation and that, by experience.  I believe the Revelation will help guide this movement, over time, in that direction once again.  It is my hope that the growing readership finds ample opportunity for sharing and caring one with another and in service to the greater good of all.  In the meantime, there is much at hand to attend to.  Welcome, again.  And best wishes in your endeavor to build bridges, mend fences, and bring vision to bear for the movement’s organizational consideration.

    An interesting question as to what things might have been like if some things had not occurred to bring such a detour as has already occured.  I’ll let others comment on that.   Peace.

    Brad  ;-)



    I vote to avoid using Michael’s name altogether for the following reasons:

    1. People generally associate the name Michael with the so-called archangel.
    2. The name Michael can be easily confused by the public to be a human Michael.
    3. It might be misunderstood to mean that Michael’s plan is different from God’s plan when they are actually one and the same.
    4. It is too reminiscent of the use of the word “Christ” in Christendom.
    5. Using Michael’s name for something completely human seems sacrilegious, a disrespectful encroachment on his sovereignty.



    Bradley and Bonita,

    Wonderful to hear from you–and great food for thought! I am glad this forum may continue.




    Thanks Barbara.  I just thought of a 6th reason to avoid the name Michael.

    When you use Michael’s name on something it gives it power.  Most of us know Michael as Jesus and there are those who would interpret anything with Michael’s name on it as a mandate from Jesus.  This can foment fanaticism.  It’s understandable.  People who love Jesus/Michael are willing to give their lives to him and some people can become overzealous and dangerous in that regard.  The last thing this Revelation needs is a faction of Michael Martyrs.

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