The Master's Parables

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    Van Amadon wrote:  Why do you ask me?

    Why not ask you?  You are the guru, right?

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Bonita, I’ll do my best.

    If you’ve made contact with the superconscious level of your mind and have talked face to face with your Adjuster, how did you do that?

    I do not make contact with the superconscious level of mind. I make contact with the indwelling divine presence through (or by way of) the superconscious level of mind in accordance with the level of my desire to be loyal to God. The same way you do.

    Why do you think TUB refers to the Adjuster as a divine alter ego if an alter ego is fictitious?

    It refers to the presence of the divine Adjuster as being an alter ego because “the more effective technique for most practical purposes will be to revert to the concept of a near-by alter ego, just as the primitive mind was wont to do, and then to recognize that the idea of this alter ego has evolved from a mere fiction to the truth of God’s indwelling mortal man in the factual presence of the Adjuster so that man can talk face to face, as it were,” in order to “grasp the concept of the Universal Father on Paradise.”

    Are you saying the Adjuster is fictitious?

    See above.

    Are you saying that TUB is giving us wrong information?

    No, what I’m saying is that because our inherent corrupted spiritual DNA makes our understanding inclined to see the information of the Urantia Book as rather being a fiction of “no you can’t” while it plainly says yes you can.”



    No, what I’m saying is that because our inherent corrupted spiritual DNA makes our understanding inclined to see the information of the Urantia Book as rather being a fiction of “no you can’t” while it plainly says “yes you can.”

    I’m not sure I understand this.  What is spiritual DNA?

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    I’m not sure I understand this. What is spiritual DNA?

    It’s just a manner of speaking. Perhaps I should have said spiritual outlook, or spiritual point of perspective.



    So, you’re saying that because our spiritual outlook, or spiritual point of perspective is inherently corrupted, our understanding of the information in the Urantia Book is seen as a fiction, telling us,“no you can’t” while it plainly says yes you can.”

    Did I sum that up right?

    When you use the word “our” are you talking about every single human being on this planet?


    The foot washing stories, both the weeping harlot and the last supper versions, I don’t think are parables. What would make them parables? I think they are merely opportunities Jesus took to teach, but not in parable form. I could be wrong. If you all think both are parables, tell me why. Somewhere in this thread I provided a list from TUB as to what a parable is. Don’t have time to dig it up right now.

    1940.4) 179:4.2 When the twelve heard this, having already been robbed of much of their self-assertiveness and self-confidence by the parable of the feet washing

    i interpreted the meaning of this parabel as actually being partners with or having a level of equality with the master in the business of doing Gods will.


    Good point Gene.  I guess that’s why they call some of the prayers parables.  I could never understand that either.  I guess anything that serves as an illustration of a noble idea can be a parable.  So you’re saying that foot washing is a symbol for doing God’s will?  Not sure if I understood you correctly.  Are you also saying that the parable of the talents (the hole digger parable) is about doing God’s will too?


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    So, you’re saying that because our spiritual outlook, or spiritual point of perspective is inherently corrupted, our understanding of the information in the Urantia Book is seen as a fiction, telling us,“no you can’t” while it plainly says yes you can.”

    Did I sum that up right?

    Yes. This is also why a lot of people who discover the Urantia Book refuse to read it. Because we are for the most part engrained with an outlook or point of perspective that leans towards rejecting spiritual truth because of what was suggested two hundred thousand years ago, and is still maintained by God’s enemies today. Why else is it so hard for so many to believe?

    When you use the word “our” are you talking about every single human being on this planet?

    In general yes. But more and more people are shifting for good their point of perspective. Probably due to the inherent power of the Spirit of Truth.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Now let me ask you a question Bonita. It should be presumed that someone who’s studied the Urantia Book for as long a time as you have will have made the face to face contact with the indwelling divine presence by now. I should add that this contact might not be a part of our consciousness sometimes, since it occurrs in the realm of our self-forgetting super-consciousness.

    Won’t you share with us some of your experiences?



    Sure Enno, after you answer my questions about the alter ego and whether or not TUB is recommending a falsehood.

    While I’m waiting for those answers, let me ask another.  When you say that most people (who are inherently corrupted) reject the truth in TUB because they see “no you can’t” when it really says “yes you can”,  what exactly are the things that they are seeing that says “no you can’t” and why does that matter?

    There are certainly many, many places in TUB where we’re told quite plainly that we cannot do something, or “no you can’t”.  For instance we, as material creatures, absolutely cannot behold the spirit God on Paradise and stay alive.  We are also told that we cannot find God by searching, only by submitting to his guidance like a child (I’m guessing one that is not inherently corrupted.)  They also tell us we cannot know a person as the result of a single contact and that we cannot love another person by a sheer act of will.  We cannot understand the beauty, grandeur or communication techniques of Havona until we get there; we cannot exhibit mercy in and of itself without going through many preliminary steps; we cannot comprehend eternity, infinity or the I AM; we cannot pray to a chemical formula or a mathematical equation, worship a hypothesis, confide in a postulate, commune with a process, serve an abstraction or have loving fellowship with a law; we cannot lead unwilling souls to salvation or compel them to love the truth; we cannot legislate morality or imprison truth; we cannot run away from reality or escape the problems of this world; we cannot buy salvation or earn righteousness; we cannot enter the kingdom of heaven without being born of the spirit; we cannot serve God and mammon; we cannot put spiritual joy under a microscope, weigh love in a balance, measure moral values, or estimate the quality of spiritual worship.  So there are tons of things we cannot do, plenty of “no you can’t” in TUB.  Why is “no you can’t” so important to you?


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Why is “no you can’t” so important to you?

    Because I’ve been told it my entire life.

    Hell, I was even named after it – N.O.




    Good point Gene. I guess that’s why they call some of the prayers parables. I could never understand that either. I guess anything that serves as an illustration of a noble idea can be a parable. So you’re saying that foot washing is a symbol for doing God’s will? Not sure if I understood you correctly. Are you also saying that the parable of the talents (the hole digger parable) is about doing God’s will too?

    not quite

    just for the footwashing: there was much to the entire scenario but what I got from the conclusion was that service is what we all do from the entry level kingdom person to the master himself and beyond. Service to fellow beings, doing Gods will. With that in mind, who is greater-the servent  or the master.

    maybe I should copy and paste the paper.


    So . . .  is the alter ego technique the best approach to recognizing the presence of God within, as TUB tells us or not?


    maybe I should copy and paste the paper.

    Nah . . . don’t do it! Personally, I think it’s a waste of time and cyberspace.  It would be easier to understand if you copied only the parts you’re interpreting.  But regardless, in the end don’t all the parables come down to doing God’s will?  Aren’t they all different ways of saying the same thing?  Different ways to describe living in the kingdom and the perils of not living in the kingdom?  I mean, when you drill all the way down?

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    So . . . is the alter ego technique the best approach to recognizing the presence of God within, as TUB tells us or not?

    As you know Bonita, everything the Urantia Book says is true and helps to understand the approach of how to achieve contact with God.


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