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  • #25571

    It’s interesting that two very different imagining minds have come my way at just about the same time: one from a scientist who just cannot let god into his life because of biblical contradictions but who’s imagination is inspired by physics and now one from an inspired religionists with the 5th revelation as a background and inspiration as a stimulus.

    just finishing Carl Sagan’s book “Contact”

    looking forward to Resurrection:

    how very important our imaginations are!

    one day the two -science and religion – may be recognizably united, with a little creative imagination.

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    …how very important our imaginations are! one day the two -science and religion – may be recognizably united, with a little creative imagination.

    Tell it, Gene.

    A little can go a long way, God willin’.

    Richard E Warren

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