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    Tout à fait d’accord avec toi Bradly


    Tout à fait d’accord avec toi Bradly

    Totally agree with you Bradly.”

    Thank you for speaking up Jean.  It’s up to the community to manage the community experience and expectations I think.  The mods are not moved by any single opinion or voice.  Tough job that.

    But a classroom or student community requires some decorum and discipline to remain focused on task and purpose.   Or so I believe.

    This site is for the sharing and discovery and discussion of a very particular universe reality perspective.  Lots to learn…and share!



    Mark Kurtz

    Yes, Jean, Bradly, Mara and others, I agree there is little to no value in Rich’s posts. We are here to study The Urantia Book only, to think and express our thoughts sincerely about what the authors are attempting to help us to comprehend their teachings. We are not here to compare the book to other resources, past or present.

    For all those persons who may show interest in the topic, as readers participating here have stated so well, the UB teaches nothing to support a “return to earth to learn more or for corrections” concepts. Progress is always forward.


    It’s been an interesting and frustrating few months here due to the intrusions of a certain poster who has recently departed the premises for greener pastures and new audiences.   The remaining posts here by “Anonymous” may cause some confusion and continuity disruption but have never been particularly relevant or topical in any regard.

    I hope the topic here will continue to generate interest and discussion.   I have always found the human concepts of karma and reincarnation to each contain elements of profound truth in their respective perspectives.

    While the two very different concepts have been united by some ancient, and more recent religionists, I have always found them quite separate and  distinctly differential in perspective.   Indeed, the reaping of what is sown is a universal truth shared my most religions, religionists, and human philosophies.

    Reincarnation not so much.  The concept of heaven has effectively subdued the mythology of perpetual rebirth on the world of origin, substituting more accurate belief in a new level of being and new place of residence for those who survive the grave of material death.

    One life per customer.  Eternal life for those who respond to the Spirit connection we are all blessed by and with!

    Soul resurrection in the heavenly estate and reincarnation, or the transmigration of life after life on the world of birth, have different perspectives of how personal experiences and choices leads to a perfecting or enlightening and ultimate perfection of being.

    The continuity of personality and selfhood, which perpetually gains evolutionary progress and experiential wisdom in an eternal adventure of spiritization is uniquely presented in the UB which includes aspects of many human mythologies and traditions.



    Hello to all who have recently productively commented on Rich’s unproductive posts! Ironically, though Rich may have intended some of us to side with his perspectives on reincarnation, his comments actually brought us closer together in our commitment to studying the greater truths found in the Urantia Book!

    I think part of the reason we found his comments so disconnected is because he seemed to merely search the UB for quotes to support his existing beliefs, which is what I had done when I first joined this forum, but I don’t that anymore. Like the expression which states, “You cannot see the entire forest when you only look at the individual trees”, picking select quotes to promote an individual agenda (as Rich seemed to be doing) likely caused him to miss the bigger pictures and interconnectedness of life as most perfectly presented in the UB.

    We must learn to understand the differences between the misperceptions of human reincarnation supposedly happening on this one planet (Earth) versus the UB’s revealed truth of repersonalizations on various planets (geared toward personal education & development & advancement) that are physically located closer and closer to Paradise.

    Perhaps as a teaching tool we could envision the Paradise ascent from training sphere to training sphere as various planets located along the path of a HUGE Fibonacci spiral, with our planet of nativity (Urantia) located toward the outermost part of that spiral, with increasingly more advanced planets located further along that spiral, eventually ending in the center of the spiral (where Paradise is located). I thought of that analogy when I saw Nigel Nunn’s astronomy videos that try to illustrate how the UB reveals the macro structures within the physical universe.

    For Bradly, Nigel, Bonita, Mara and others who have encouraged me to keep reading the UB, I thank you all, for the UB continues to increase my overall understanding “of the forest” while simultaneously perfecting my individual understanding “of the trees” which make up that forest. Every question I have ever pondered about life – some of which I originally thought were unanswerable – has so far been answered to my satisfaction, and it always seems to explain itself as I continue to read it in its presented order! I also feel an increasing personal peace from continually reading the UB, despite the troubling events in this world.

    Please realize that I am known by those in my life to sometimes ask so many questions that I sometimes give people headaches (or exhaustion/exacerbation); I don’t do that to aggravate people – I just want to more fully understand life (& the afterlife) and my place in it.

    Bye for now.




    14:5.7 (159.3) Not until you traverse the last of the Havona circuits and visit the last of the Havona worlds, will the tonic of adventure and the stimulus of curiosity disappear from your career. And then will the urge, the forward impulse of eternity, replace its forerunner, the adventure lure of time.

    14:5.8 (159.4) Monotony is indicative of immaturity of the creative imagination and inactivity of intellectual co-ordination with the spiritual endowment. By the time an ascendant mortal begins the exploration of these heavenly worlds, he has already attained emotional, intellectual, and social, if not spiritual, maturity.

    14:5.9 (159.5) Not only will you find undreamed-of changes confronting you as you advance from circuit to circuit in Havona, but your astonishment will be inexpressible as you progress from planet to planet within each circuit. Each of these billion study worlds is a veritable university of surprises. Continuing astonishment, unending wonder, is the experience of those who traverse these circuits and tour these gigantic spheres. Monotony is not a part of the Havona career.

    14:5.10 (159.6) Love of adventure, curiosity, and dread of monotony—these traits inherent in evolving human nature—were not put there just to aggravate and annoy you during your short sojourn on earth, but rather to suggest to you that death is only the beginning of an endless career of adventure, an everlasting life of anticipation, an eternal voyage of discovery.

    14:5.11 (160.1) Curiosity—the spirit of investigation, the urge of discovery, the drive of exploration—is a part of the inborn and divine endowment of evolutionary space creatures. These natural impulses were not given you merely to be frustrated and repressed. True, these ambitious urges must frequently be restrained during your short life on earth, disappointment must be often experienced, but they are to be fully realized and gloriously gratified during the long ages to come.



    Thank you Bradly for the relevant UB quotes; notice that the UB says we can’t even imagine all that is in store us! And I also want to correct one of my comments regarding the huge spiral idea. I should NOT have said that all the planets/training spheres are literally forming a huge spiral leading us to Paradise. The UB presents the idea of concentric circles – progressively larger outer rings encircling progressively smaller inner rings, with Paradise in the center. The UB also provides the idea of a giant wheel, which is specifically the macro shape that Nigel mentioned in his astronomy videos. I should have simply quoted what is revealed in the UB.

    Bye for now.


    The UB says that our ability to discover truth and meanings and to expand our understanding of universe reality while gaining knowledge and perspective is due to our personality and mind endowment.   We are designed, engineered, and created to seek more and more understanding of the world and universe around us and the how and the why of it all.

    Those who lack curiosity and the determination to know and understand more are often plagued by self inflicted prejudice – a stubborn pride and blind loyalty to one’s current beliefs and opinions.  Prejudice is a close cousin to ignorance, as the most prejudiced among us also lack sufficient knowledge to overcome that false confidence in our current reality perspective and beliefs.

    Those who embrace reincarnation and those who reject it may both equally be prejudiced and also equally ignorant – lacking relevant knowledge.   It is not false beliefs that are the real problem or obstacle.  Rather it is the pride in our misunderstanding and false beliefs that calcify into brittle prejudice.

    This, of course, is true of many false beliefs about science,  religion,  and philosophy.  Certainly is belief (or disbelief really) in reincarnation a rather insignificant example I think.  False beliefs and ignorance are not obstacles to those who seek knowledge,  understanding,  truth, and reality perspective.

    Faith may prosper despite ignorance and even prejudice but true growth is certainly retarded by our egotistical loyalty to our current beliefs and the fear to know more and understand better than we do now.

    Prejudice is self limiting in a universe and a selfhood designed for eternal adventure and discovery and growth!  Scientists who believe there is no God and religionists who believe there is no science.

    Holy Moly!


    100:1.2 (1094.4) Some persons are too busy to grow and are therefore in grave danger of spiritual fixation. Provision must be made for growth of meanings at differing ages, in successive cultures, and in the passing stages of advancing civilization. The chief inhibitors of growth are prejudice and ignorance.

    101:8.4 (1115.1) Faith does not shackle the creative imagination, neither does it maintain an unreasoning prejudice toward the discoveries of scientific investigation. Faith vitalizes religion and constrains the religionist heroically to live the golden rule. The zeal of faith is according to knowledge, and its strivings are the preludes to sublime peace.

    111:4.9 (1220.8) Since this inner life of man is truly creative, there rests upon each person the responsibility of choosing as to whether this creativity shall be spontaneous and wholly haphazard or controlled, directed, and constructive. How can a creative imagination produce worthy children when the stage whereon it functions is already preoccupied by prejudice, hate, fears, resentments, revenge, and bigotries?

    Restated in modern phraseology, the substance of Jesus’ teaching was:

    132:3.2 (1459.2) Truth cannot be defined with words, only by living. Truth is always more than knowledge. Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience, even spiritual and living realities. Knowledge originates in science; wisdom, in true philosophy; truth, in the religious experience of spiritual living. Knowledge deals with facts; wisdom, with relationships; truth, with reality values.

    132:3.3 (1459.3) Man tends to crystallize science, formulate philosophy, and dogmatize truth because he is mentally lazy in adjusting to the progressive struggles of living, while he is also terribly afraid of the unknown. Natural man is slow to initiate changes in his habits of thinking and in his techniques of living.

    132:3.4 (1459.4) Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father’s will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth. There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress.

    132:3.5 (1459.5) But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.



    I have read the comments on the topic of reincarnation and am happy about the lively exchange about it. :-)

    I have been doing intensive research on the subject of reincarnation, soul ascension, soul origin for 20 years, including world religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Gnosis and the Urantia Book. I find those reincarnation teachings with very long incarnation times, such as in Hinduism or Buddhism or the collecting of sparks in Gnosis, too tedious and I reject them, as well as eternal damnation in hell. I also know the books by Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon and the reincarnation reports by Ian Stevenson, as well as Robert Monroe’s “The Man with Two Lives”. For me, the techniques of regression described there are a step forward, because that was not feasible in earlier times. According to the theory of reincarnation, it is assumed that the soul stays between lives in the astral world and when it incarnates again, it usually does not remember the previous life. If this does happen, it is because it is either an old soul or the soul did not go to the astral world between lives but stayed on earth. Such a case is described by Ian Stevenson; she remained in a tree and reincarnated a short time later. For me the astral worlds are not identical with the mansion worlds. The astral worlds belong to the earth. But then I came across newer soul teachings, e.g. those of V.Hasselmann/ F. Schmolke “Young Souls – Old Souls”. For me, reincarnation and the teachings of the UB are not mutually exclusive, since the said soul teaching postulates a limited reincarnation time and represents a maturing program for a soul on an evolutionary planet. According to these statements, the soul incarnated here goes through a kind of growth program, beginning as an infant soul, on to the child soul, on to the young soul (adult soul), on to the mature soul and finally to the old soul. These 5 cycles have 7 stages each, so there are 35 stages, each with a different motto, that automatically build on top of each other. This includes a total of 80 to 100 lives, the soul matures automatically. The infant soul is about, I quote “First steps into being human, discovery of the body”, the child soul is about, I quote “joie de vivre and exploring the world”, the young soul (also adult soul) is about, I quote ” Strength, power and conquest”, the mature soul is about, I quote “responsibility, problem awareness and introspection”, the old soul is about, I quote “authenticity, loneliness and farewell” and it opens up to the next higher spheres . During these cycles, their individuality and ability to love increase and their compulsive and instinctive acting out decrease. Karmic entanglements are also described here as finite, beginning in the late Child Cycle, progressing through the Young Cycle, resolving in the Mature Cycle, and ending in the early Old Cycle. If you put this in relation to the 7 psychic circles in the Urantia book, which describe an advancement, I do not think that this can be achieved in a single lifetime. Urantia offers not only sickness and suffering, but also interesting and joyful aspects and many different opportunities to learn and to have certain experiences that I do not think would be possible in a single lifetime. According to the Urantia Book, all human beings would be an Infant Soul 1st Stage 1st Incarnation. But that is definitely not the case, because on the one hand one can clearly see that people here have different levels of consciousness and on the other hand infant souls would never read a scripture like the Urantia Book, nor could they understand it and an infant soul could not choose one either eternal adventure because she is not even able to think about it, because she acts purely instinctively. Only mature or old souls can do that. The people here in the forum are at least mature or old souls. An infant soul in its first life on Urantia reacts mostly purely instinctively and it is about sheer physical survival, exploring the functions of the physical body, perceiving light and dark, hunger and thirst, sleeping and waking. The superstition described in the UB and the fear of ghosts are located in the cycle of the infant and child soul, so they are only temporary phases in the soul development.

    With the levels described in great detail, you can easily check which level you are on. According to this soul teaching, this is how the memories of previous lives begin only in the late mature cycle and intensify in the old cycle, but it is not a must, since the soul matures without it. In the same way, enlightenment experiences are located in the old soul cycle, but are also not a must because the soul matures without them. In my opinion, this limited cycle of maturity of the soul was introduced because of the rebellion that had happened before, because too few souls decided to live on due to this drop in consciousness. They are thereby given many opportunities to choose to do so while attaining wisdom and the capacity to love while still meeting the challenges of an evolutionary world. To me it works out that the incarnation time on Urantia is the kindergarten and the soul comes to school on the mansion worlds and then it goes on and on. I mean, what is 8,000 to 10,000 years of incarnation compared to eternity? Why such a rush? The Universal Father, Thought Adjuster and Guardian Angels certainly have sufficient time and patience for the incarnation cycle to be completed. And for these beings, the time a soul spends on an evolutionary planet is just a moment longer from their vantage point. My conclusion from my extensive and intensive research as well as from my own experience is: There are the souls that start here on Urantia (that’s most of them, I call them planetary starter souls), then the souls that have been on other planets before (mostly a higher consciousness was anchored there than here; that’s a lot fewer than them planet starter souls) and then the descended souls from higher spheres (these are really very few). However, in my observation these are also angelic ones and not just Michaels, Judges’ Sons or Melchizedeks, for these perfect beings have their perfection because they were created that way; they lack their own experience of experiencing imperfection and becoming perfect through a long process. If, for example, a Seraphim incarnates on an evolutionary planet, then his order of angels will also benefit from his experiences and he will then know how an ascender began his long journey. And when these beings incarnate here, they have the opportunity to participate in this evolutionary maturity program just like the planetary starter souls.



    Greetings flower24 and welcome!!

    Certainly I do not know and cannot say your claims here are incorrect.   But clearly the UB directly contradicts your proposition of pre-existent souls or reincarnation or multiple lives on the planets of origin/birth or any interruption to self awareness and the experiential progression of wisdom and spiritization.

    That is 4 profoundly important and distinct aspects of the mortal reality and progressive education.  Perhaps the most important reality perspective presented in the Papers is the morontial level of reality and personal experience which divides and intervenes between our material life from our future pure spirit experience to come.

    I wonder what quotes from the UB you might reference for us UB students gathered here to study those presentations of reality perspective?

    Certainly does the path to Paradise and the perfecting adventure take a long, long time so we are to enjoy the journey and not be anxious for the destination.   The UB teaches that it is the fact of the experience of living this material life and awakening on the first Mansion World that is most important  – not the actual progress achieved.

    The experience of this life is shaped more by our planetary epoch and our faith experience as to our spiritual progress and the 7 circles toward fusion rather than the myth of previous lives.  According to the Papers each mortal on Urantia originates here and we are having our very first experience with personality,  mind, free will,  and selfhood.

    The Papers also tell us that the Paradise Creator Sons are experiential beings and so are all beings created in the Super and Local Universes.  There is even Experiential Deity we are taught.  The universe of universes is a partnership between the perfect and  perfected and the perfecting experiences and expressions of that experience.   Therefore there can be no lapse of experiential memory or expression to truly benefit from our progressive adventure.

    Or so I understand the UB to teach.

    The UB is not a riddle or metaphorical code book but claims itself to be  a literal presentation of factual reality perspective.

    But we each believe what we believe.


    In any case, glad you are here.


    Bradly :-)


    39:4.13 (435.6) To the inhabited worlds the quickeners of morality portray mortal life as an unbroken chain of many links. Your short sojourn on Urantia, on this sphere of mortal infancy, is only a single link, the very first in the long chain that is to stretch across universes and through the eternal ages. It is not so much what you learn in this first life; it is the experience of living this life that is important. Even the work of this world, paramount though it is, is not nearly so important as the way in which you do this work. There is no material reward for righteous living, but there is profound satisfaction—consciousness of achievement—and this transcends any conceivable material reward.

    112:3.7 (1230.5) Upon death the Thought Adjuster temporarily loses personality, but not identity; the human subject temporarily loses identity, but not personality; on the mansion worlds both reunite in eternal manifestation. Never does a departed Thought Adjuster return to earth as the being of former indwelling; never is personality manifested without the human will; and never does a dis-Adjustered human being after death manifest active identity or in any manner establish communication with the living beings of earth. Such dis-Adjustered souls are wholly and absolutely unconscious during the long or short sleep of death. There can be no exhibition of any sort of personality or ability to engage in communications with other personalities until after completion of survival. Those who go to the mansion worlds are not permitted to send messages back to their loved ones. It is the policy throughout the universes to forbid such communication during the period of a current dispensation.


    I find the idea of retrogression an illogical belief in the UB context and teaching of progressive experiential spiritization as mortals traverse the perfecting adventure.

    Above you describe the transfiguration of types of celestials from celestials to material mortals.  Do they then go back to being angels, etc.?

    The UB describes the universal value and benefits of differentiation and differential functionality between types of beings and specialization even among the same types of beings, including mortals (Father/Son/Spirit Fused for example).

    There are select non-mortal/human ascenders who are “humanized” described in the UB which does not include human birth or incarnation which leads me to appreciate your proposal but also recognize its conflicts with and contradictions of the teachings in the Papers.

    Very interesting.

    Paper 40 might help in the study and consideration of this topic.


    31:5.2 (349.2) When an advanced evolutionary world attains the later eras of the age of light and life, the Material Sons, the Planetary Adam and Eve, may elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and embark upon the evolutionary course of universe ascent leading to the Corps of Mortal Finaliters. Certain of these Material Sons have partially failed or technically defaulted in their mission as biologic accelerators, as Adam did on Urantia; and then are they compelled to take the natural course of the peoples of the realm, receive Adjusters, pass through death, and progress by faith through the ascendant regime, subsequently attaining Paradise and the Corps of the Finality.

    31:5.3 (349.3) These Material Sons are not to be found in many finaliter companies. Their presence lends great potential to the possibilities of high service for such a group, and they are invariably chosen as its leaders. If both of the Edenic pair are attached to the same group, they are usually permitted to function jointly, as one personality. Such ascendant pairs are far more successful in the adventure of trinitizing than are the ascendant mortals.

    31:4.1 (348.6) Many of the faithful seraphic guardians of mortals are permitted to go through the ascendant career with their human wards, and many of these guardian angels, after becoming Father fused, join their subjects in taking the finaliter oath of eternity and forever accept the destiny of their mortal associates. Angels who pass through the ascending experience of mortal beings may share the destiny of human nature; they may equally and eternally be mustered into this Corps of the Finality. Large numbers of the adopted and glorified seraphim are attached to the various nonmortal finaliter corps.

    40:1.1 (443.12) Mortal creatures of animal origin are not the only beings privileged to enjoy sonship; the angelic hosts also share the supernal opportunity to attain Paradise. Guardian seraphim, through experience and service with the ascending mortals of time, also achieve the status of ascendant sonship. Such angels attain Paradise through Seraphington, and many are even mustered into the Corps of Mortal Finality.

    40:1.2 (443.13) To climb to the supernal heights of finaliter sonship with God is a masterly achievement for an angel, an accomplishment far transcending your attainment of eternal survival through the plan of the Eternal Son and the ever-present help of the indwelling Adjuster; but the guardian seraphim, and occasionally others, do actually effect such ascensions.

    55:4.9 (627.7) The System Sovereign has authority to release midway creatures any time after the first settled stage so that they may humanize in the morontia by the aid of the Life Carriers and the physical controllers and, after receiving Thought Adjusters, start out on their Paradise ascension.

    55:4.30 (629.8) Throughout all of these epochs the imported assisting Material Sons and Daughters exert a tremendous influence on the progressing social and economic orders. They are potentially immortal, at least until such time as they elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and start for Paradise.

    55:4.31 (629.9) On the evolutionary worlds a being must humanize to receive a Thought Adjuster. All ascendant members of the Mortal Corps of Finaliters have been Adjuster indwelt and fused except seraphim, and they are Father indwelt by another type of spirit at the time of being mustered into this corps.


    So….the UB tells us who is humanized and why and how.  But no such experience includes reincarnation or any being becoming a different type or form of being.

    For those few beings who may and do have this experience it is not about being or becoming humans but, rather, becoming endowed with the God Fragment for a specific ascendant experience they are quite conscious of and does not require living ot being born as a human.

    At least this is what the UB teaches.  Personally I read the Papers a long time seeking confirmations of my personal reality perspective before it, slowly and incrementally and increasingly, displaced my inventions and personal mythologies with its expanded and integrated universe reality perspective.

    It took quite awhile.  It is still gaining context and clarity by continued study.  Many readers will not embrace the perspective given as their own.  Perfectly okay.  The UB also teaches it is our faith experience that delivers our spiritual progress and not our beliefs, metaphysics,  knowledge, or understanding of universe realities…at least not in this brief material life.

    With faith and response to our Deity Connection we will have ample opportunity to learn more and better.


    What I wrote above about reincarnation is not just mere belief to me, but observation and verification. However, I do not hold to the concept of reincarnation, but it is important for me to wake up here and now after this life on the mansion world. I find The Urantia Book to inspire adventure and hope to continue realizing one’s potential. :-)  
    Bradley wrote:

    Above you describe the transfiguration of types of celestials from celestials to material mortals. Do they then go back to being angels, etc.?

    They humanize to obtain a Thought Adjuster to then ascend to Paradise.


    Seraphic destiny.

    <small>39:8.5 (440.7)</small> 3. To attain Paradise by the evolutionary mortal technique. 

    Evolutionary mortal engineering, as I understand it, is when a being incarnates as a human and also experiences the evolutionary mortal engineering, which is physical death and subsequent resurrection on the mansion world.








    I wonder what you mean by “Evolutionary mortal engineering, as I understand it, is when a being incarnates as a human…”?

    Hmmmm…. we originate our being and selfhood as humans/mortals by material birth according to my understanding of the Papers.

    We are not a “being” prior to our human birth.  Any being who “incarnates” has pre-existence and is not human.  Humanization, for our few celestial friends who experience it, does not require or include incarnation for the Adjuster endowment and does not include any form of death or resurrection experience for those Guardian Angels or Midwayers or Material Sons/Daughter who experience humanization.

    I appreciate your observations and verifications and perspective on this topic.

    Each being, both by type and personally, is important to the universe economy of purpose and plan.  The faith experience of mortals and long experiential perfecting ascension is a wonderful topic and grand adventure to consider.



    39:8.5 (440.7) 3. To attain Paradise by the evolutionary mortal technique. The supreme choice of seraphim in the career of time is the post of guardian angel in order that they may attain the career of finality and be qualified for assignment to the eternal spheres of seraphic service. Such personal guides of the children of time are called guardians of destiny, signifying that they guard mortal creatures in the path of divine destiny, and that in so doing they are determining their own high destiny.

    39:8.6 (440.8) Guardians of destiny are drawn from the ranks of the more experienced angelic personalities of all orders of seraphim who have qualified for this service. All surviving mortals of Adjuster-fusion destiny have temporary guardians assigned, and these associates may become permanently attached when mortal survivors attain the requisite intellectual and spiritual development. Before mortal ascenders leave the mansion worlds, they all have permanent seraphic associates. This group of ministering spirits is discussed in connection with the Urantia narratives.

    39:8.7 (441.1) It is not possible for angels to attain God from the human level of origin, for they are created a “little higher than you”; but it has been wisely arranged that, while they cannot possibly start up from the very bottom, the spiritual lowlands of mortal existence, they may go down to those who do start from the bottom and pilot such creatures, step by step, world by world, to the portals of Havona. When mortal ascenders leave Uversa to begin the circles of Havona, those guardians of attachment subsequent to the life in the flesh will bid their pilgrim associates a temporary farewell while they journey to Seraphington, the angelic destination of the grand universe. Here will these guardians attempt, and undoubtedly achieve, the seven circles of seraphic light.

    39:8.8 (441.2) Many, but not all, of those seraphim assigned as destiny guardians during the material life accompany their mortal associates through the Havona circles, and certain other seraphim pass through the circuits of the central universe in a way that is wholly different from the mortal ascent. But irrespective of the route of ascent, all evolutionary seraphim traverse Seraphington, and the majority pass through this experience instead of the Havona circuits.

    39:8.9 (441.3) Seraphington is the destiny sphere for angels, and their attainment of this world is quite different from the experiences of the mortal pilgrims on Ascendington. Angels are not absolutely sure of their eternal future until they have attained Seraphington. No angel attaining Seraphington has ever been known to go astray; sin will never find response in the heart of a seraphim of completion.

    39:8.10 (441.4) The graduates of Seraphington are variously assigned: Destiny guardians of Havona-circle experience usually enter the Mortal Finaliter Corps. Other guardians, having passed their Havona separation tests, frequently rejoin their mortal associates on Paradise, and some become the everlasting associates of the mortal finaliters, while others enter the various nonmortal finaliter corps, and many are mustered into the Corps of Seraphic Completion.



    (441.1) It is not possible for angels to attain God from the human level of origin, for they are created a “little higher than you”; but it has been wisely arranged that, while they cannot possibly start up from the very bottom, the spiritual lowlands of mortal existence, they may go down to those who do start from the bottom and pilot such creatures, step by step, world by world, to the portals of Havona.

    As you point out (above), angels were created a little hight than us.  There is no such thing as a humanized angel.  They are a separate order of being.  Jesus explained something about them to Nathaniel:

    167:7.2    “The angelic hosts are a separate order of created beings; they are entirely different from the material order of mortal creatures, and they function as a distinct group of universe intelligences. Angels are not of that group of creatures called ‘the Sons of God’ in the Scriptures; neither are they the glorified spirits of mortal men who have gone on to progress through the mansions on high. Angels are a direct creation, and they do not reproduce themselves. The angelic hosts have only a spiritual kinship with the human race. As man progresses in the journey to the Father in Paradise, he does traverse a state of being at one time analogous to the state of the angels, but mortal man never becomes an angel.

    “The angels never die, as man does. The angels are immortal unless, perchance, they become involved in sin as did some of them with the deceptions of Lucifer. The angels are the spirit servants in heaven, and they are neither all-wise nor all-powerful. But all of the loyal angels are truly pure and holy.

    “And do you not remember that I said to you once before that, if you had your spiritual eyes anointed, you would then see the heavens opened and behold the angels of God ascending and descending? It is by the ministry of the angels that one world may be kept in touch with other worlds, for have I not repeatedly told you that I have other sheep not of this fold? And these angels are not the spies of the spirit world who watch upon you and then go forth to tell the Father the thoughts of your heart and to report on the deeds of the flesh. The Father has no need of such service inasmuch as his own spirit lives within you. But these angelic spirits do function to keep one part of the heavenly creation informed concerning the doings of other and remote parts of the universe. And many of the angels, while functioning in the government of the Father and the universes of the Sons, are assigned to the service of the human races. When I taught you that many of these seraphim are ministering spirits, I spoke not in figurative language nor in poetic strains. And all this is true, regardless of your difficulty in comprehending such matters.

    “Many of these angels are engaged in the work of saving men, for have I not told you of the seraphic joy when one soul elects to forsake sin and begin the search for God? I did even tell you of the joy in the presence of the angels of heaven over one sinner who repents, thereby indicating the existence of other and higher orders of celestial beings who are likewise concerned in the spiritual welfare and with the divine progress of mortal man.

    “Also are these angels very much concerned with the means whereby man’s spirit is released from the tabernacles of the flesh and his soul escorted to the mansions in heaven. Angels are the sure and heavenly guides of the soul of man during that uncharted and indefinite period of time which intervenes between the death of the flesh and the new life in the spirit abodes.”

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