Adjutant Mind-Spirits

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    I don’t get the confusion but I might as well add my own analogies for further confusion anyway. The mortal body does not make the trip and neither does mortal mind. The Adjutants re-create the material mind of self into the spirit mind of self. Is the weaver the cloth? Thanks for sharing everyone.

    I used the building analogy scenario, as the building of the individual person, where the construction method, of the person can be hidden within its makeup but all the parts are there, even if one does not remember everything it took to make the finished product or potential finished personality.

    Where the bridge is not the person but, as you indicate Bradly, a method, or path built between to sides, which under normal circumstances would connect two sides, not much different than upper- and nether- paradise.  For what ever reason, this bridge once existed between these two sides but now has been made impassible, and from the UB we know that there is a stationary point which aligns the two sides and both sides rotating in opposite direction one clockwise the other counter-clockwise.

    Let us assume that the souls is on one side and the spirit of the soul is on the other, and that the gulf which needs to be bridged, is spirit in nature, where the adjutants are the method of circuitry used but still not compatible with both sides.  This is where mind comes into play, in that mind is the common factor between the material world and the spiritual world.  The morontia world is the bridge which connects the spirit world with the material world, where the soul is dead and the spirit is eternal.  The human material body is a vessel being used to reactivate the soul’s mind with the spirit mind, though this vessel and being are being helped by the circuits of the adjutants.  Once the first five adjutants are established and rooted, or circuited they can now have an opportunity to establish the 6th., and connect with the 7th.  The first five and the sixth are in essence working as one, and with the joining of the seventh which would constitute the building up of all seven through experiential understanding of the mortal life or existence.  This experience takes time to understand which eventual becomes wisdom, where now there is one entity which is inclusive of all seven adjutants.  But where to go from there, where the seventh adjutant stage is the equivalent of the seventh circle phase which may take place on a material or morontia world, where from the seventh circle, one may progress back inward to the first circle, which is more spiritual than the seventh circle.

    As one ascends inward they may need to pause and even go forward and backward, in order to pick up pieces of time past which the soul had experienced prior to sleep.  These experiences acquired are made possible through the seven adjutants which are imbedded, even though they are associated to a physical body, they are needed for the morontia body to realize its reality while in transition over the bridge from one side to the other.  In all of these transition segments the mind is the constant factor which is an actual in all realms, whereby the mind uses all of the features of the adjutants to make the experience as realistic as possible, regardless of whether the individual actually has a body or not.  It must have had the experience of having had a body in order to pass through from the material, morontia and spirit worlds.  Even though one might think that something is left behind, it has not because they are personality patterns which make up the entire eternal soul person.

    Besides in military tactics, once you have crossed a bridge, you protect it should you need to cross it again while you retreat, and if your retreat is because of a failed effort, you may burn that bridge in order to keep the opposition from gaining easy access to home.  But sometimes bridges can be burned for reasons which cannot be predicted or helped.


    Something I have thought about is, what happens when mind isn’t quite functioning properly in a person. Is that 7th adjutant even able to have any interaction with that mind? I don’t think so. I think on our world for various reasons that 7th adjutant spirit may sometimes have trouble connecting with a mind that isn’t quite working properly. And in these situations it’s nearly impossible to be born of the Holy Spirit (barring some mindal change).

    Scott if you are refering to individuals who’s minds are not considered normal from the standpoint of a normal- or super-minded individual, and who could be associated to individuals with downs-syndrome, then yes, their capacity of mind is less than normal but not unable to relate to mind relationships, where it must be taken into consideration that they think differently, but not abnormally when one associates them to different levels of age as would a normal-minded person experience at different levels of growth or ascension.

    (1241.5) 113:1.3 1. The subnormal minded — those who do not exercise normal will power; those who do not make average decisions. This class embraces those who cannot comprehend God; they lack capacity for the intelligent worship of Deity. The subnormal beings of Urantia have a corps of seraphim, one company, with one battalion of cherubim, assigned to minister to them and to witness that justice and mercy are extended to them in the life struggles of the sphere.

    So, to treat them with the same level of understand as would a normal person to another normal person, would not add any life credits to the normal minded individual, but rather would add demerit point as recorded by many more watchful eye’s, than the normal person.  For these subnormal minds, the adjutants have a way of compensating these levels, by setting a different set of standards.  You may understand better if you think of these persons as a different race, with special needs but who have much more to offer than what a normal minded person could offer.

    Nigel Nunn

    Bonita pointed us towards (848.6, 76:2.6):

    (848.6, 76:2.6) “…, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character;”

    Thanks Bonita, this is the key: think of what the Life Carriers are attempting. They need to evolve a biochemical system that can support the adjutant-motivated character of an Adjuster-indwelt personal ascender (!!)  So, if we think of the human package as a system of 7 psychosomatic interfaces via which the adjutants urge us on, then I’m thinking of this “heredity” as our default, innate, inherited tendencies of response to adjutant motivation.

    Note, this is “pre-choice”.  This is our default (inherited) set of likes and dislikes, our naturally cheerful disposition, our “inherited gentleness”, our “sympathetic understanding”, our delight in teaching, even that “capacity for righteous indignation” :-)    These “biologically inherited” tendencies and capacities are the psychological foundation upon which our mind arena of choice sits. This is Square 1, from which we set out on that priceless journey of discovering, recognising, interpreting and choosing.

    Note also the distinction between our inherited tendencies, and the actual choices we make despite those inherited tendencies.

    See the attached diagram below (Adjutant_mech.jpg) for a hint of the way I’m thinking.

    Regarding “specialist”, that’s my polite-if-cryptic way of saying someone with an exaggerated and possibly destabilizing trait. Imagine someone who’s courage and zeal/worship are not constrained by the necessary counsel, understanding and wisdom; or someone who’s intellectual curiosity divorces their mind-set from those they love. When isolated, such individuals become tragedies. But in the right circumstance (a stable society) they might serve as salt that adds savour.

    Regarding self-extraction from baggage, Bonita wrote:

    [Bonita]: “How do we get weaned from the adjutants if they are woven into our minds as part of the fabric? How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us?”

    Sorry for the confusion. I don’t think I ever said “the adjutants are woven into our minds”.  What I was trying to say was that their emulation of mind-like function literally serves as human mind:

    (1286.5, 117:5.7) “[…]. In the mortal experience the human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits and effects its decisions within the arena produced by encircuitment within this ministry.”

    I also envisage that as we get better at responding to this ministry, such ministry becomes increasingly sublime — eventually merging gently with that more morontial ministry we anticipate.

    Regarding that “scaffolding and clutter”, don’t forget about the literal transfer of the seat of our identity. I’m under the impression that we (literally) shift the location from which we drive (between material and morontia wombs?).  Since this change in circumstance is so extraordinary, I wonder if isolated mystics mistake it for something more than that it really is… simply the shifting from kindergarten to first grade?

    Regarding my insufficient diagrams, Bonita wrote:

    [Bonita]: “This quote is so informative concerning how the adjutants operate. Once the 6th adjutant makes contact there occurs an overlapping of ministry. It sounds to me that there is a greater coordination of the adjutants with the 6th leading the way to make contact with the 7th and the 7th leading the way to make contact with the Holy Spirit. By overlapping, I don’t think they mean holding hands with one another as in Nigel’s diagram. I think it has more to do with augmentation of the lower ministry by the higher ministry similar to the concept of overtones in physics.”

    Your experiential blueprints trump my trivial sketches!  Those little diagrams were intended simply to show that, for normal healthy third-circle humans, our mind arena of choice is simultaneously activated from below and lured onward from above.

    Regarding emotional (i.e. “moving”) vs. intellectual (i.e. “thought through”), that’s a juicy topic   :-)


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    MidiChlorian wrote:  If we are never completed like a building is completed, then there would be no reason to state that we should be perfect, as our Father is perfect, whereby your analysis we will never be perfect in the eye of our Father.

    By stating that we are never completed, I am not referring to perfection.  I am referring to the fact that it will require eternity for the Adjuster to endow the personality with all the meanings and values he carries with him. (110:7.5 ) Also, the revelators conjecture that there can never be a limit to intellectual evolution or the attainment of wisdom. (55:6.5)

    MidiChlorian wrote:  If the soul does not retain anything of the adjutant mind ministry, then what would be the sense of thinking that the soul is being built or developed by experiences of the personality.

    That’s right, it’s experiences of the personality, not experiences of the adjutant mind.  The adjutant mind provides the urge to discover, recognize, interpret and choose.  These conscious choices are then lodged in the supermind (soul) for Adjuster spiritization. (110:5.3)

    MidiChlorian wrote:  Besides, if one it transferred to the Morontia world, do we not pick up where we left off, which would not be possible if we left anything behind.  Or, once on the Morontia world, are there another set of adjutant mind ministries there to take over?

    We pick up where we left off spiritually. Only that which is spiritually significant survives. (112:5.22) The adjutant mind is a borrowed mind and it stays behind. Likewise, the mortal intellect dies along with the body. (112:6.4) The adjutant mind can only function at the level of physical mind ministry; the adjutants do not function on the morontia level. There will be NO adjutants on the mansion worlds.(112:6.6).  When we enter upon our morontia careers we must spiritually evolve using the cosmic mind, the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth and the Adjuster (110:6.21).

    MidiChlorian wrote:  If “there is some impingement of the adjutants with the soul on some level”, would this not contradict your previous statement, “what is it of the adjutant mind ministry that is left as a permanent feature of the soul?”

    That is not a statement; it is a question which I asked along with the question about taking infrastructure to the morontia worlds. Questions I asked in order to point out their illogical premise. I then answered both questions with, “I’m not aware of any.”

    MidiChlorian wrote:  And how does one “submit to the urge for perfection”, whereby if their endeavor is successful, they would need to be perfect also, and if what you say is true and the endeavor is made manifest, would this perfection not stay with you?  Or, does one loose this perfection when one gets to the Morontia world?

    When you submit to the urge of hunger, what happens?  You eat.  When you submit to the urge for perfection, you are recognizing the hunger and thirst created by the Adjuster. (101:2.14; 110:1.2) All we have to do is submit to the urge and we will be unerringly guided, step by step.(2:5.5)

    MidiChlorian wrote:  I’d hate to live in a building that you designed, but if the roots of the vine are good, then so are its branches, and thereby its fruit.  So, you are saying that once the blossom of the fruit blooms, and you cut down the tree or the trunk, that the fruit will mature from the blossom, without being attached to its roots.

    And where do those roots come from?  From the material mind??  NO!  I don’t think so.  The roots of the vine come from GOD, the Spirit, the Adjuster, our true spiritual nature. They are spiritual roots, not material roots, and the vine grows out from those roots of original divine endowmment.(102:7.4)  Jesus said that he is the vine.(180:2.1; 180:2.4; 182:1.22)  His roots are in the Father.  We are supposed to stay connected to this vine, to the Spirit of Truth, at all times in order to be pulled spiritually toward the root of our inner Spirit. (180:2.1; 180:2.5)  Staying connected to that vine is what gives us spiritual energy from the root and it is only spiritual energy that can produce spiritual fruit. (100:2.1; 180:2.5)

    That which grows in the material mind is the moral conscious, a part of mind which compels one to look to the vine to solve moral dilemmas. This arises from the combined effort of all seven adjutants. (42:10.4)  The first moral decision is indicated in the 7th adjutant (108:2.1), at which point, the adjutants all work in concert (108:2.3; 110:6.13) to supply impetus for further desire to connect with the spiritual vine.

    MidiChlorian wrote:  However, if this building was a rocket, I guess that once it escapes the gravity of the earth, it might have a chance if it has enough fuel.

    One way to escape physical gravity is to physically die.  The other way is for the mind to become more spiritual. (12:8.5)

    MidiChlorian wrote:  I assume that you are speculating Bonita?

    I clearly state when I’m speculating.  I made no such statement.

    Bradly wrote:  The first 5 adjutants deliver, by their integrated ministry circuitry , the mortal mind to those higher Adjutants that then allow the mind to create and develop the soul upon this transitional “bridge” from the material mind to soul upon that bridge to the morontia shore and new mind ministry upon the far side of the bridge.  The 6th and 7th provide the ability to transfer the mortal from one side of life to the next and their specific ministries overlap both ends of that transition phase from Adjutant mind to cosmic mind as an individual that is self determined and created by the choice of the mortal mind.  The soul is what makes the first step off this bridge into a type of mind ministry that is fully functional without the Adjutants support and circuitry I think.

    I think it is very important to realize that once an individual enters the 7th psychic circle, there is no discernible functional division among the adjutants.  They are completely coordinated and united by the spirit of wisdom.  Read again the description of the role of this 7th adjutant:

    36:5.12 7. The spirit of wisdom – the inherent tendency of all moral creatures towards orderly and progressive evolutionary advancement. This is the highest of the adjutants, the spirit co-ordinator and articulator of the work of all the others. This spirit is the secret of that inborn urge of mind creatures which initiates and maintains the practical and effective program of the ascending scale of existence; that gift of living things which accounts for their inexplicable ability to survive and, in survival, to utilize the co-ordination of all their past experience and present opportunities for the acquisition of all of everything that all of the other six mental ministers can mobilize in the mind of the organism concerned. Wisdom is the acme of intellectual performance. Wisdom is the goal of a purely mental and moral existence.

    This adjutant is the spirit coordinator and articulator of all the others.  It utilizes everything all the other six adjutants are capable of mobilizing in the mind for the purpose of survival.  Then, all of these coordinated, articulated and mobilized experiences and opportunities favorable for survival are made available for the down-grasp of Divinity (65:7.7).  This down-grasp comes from the Holy Spirit, the mind of the soul; it is the overlapping of higher mind to the lower mind for the purpose of ascending ideas.

    The soul cannot function at all on any material level, including the level of material mind.  The material mind is foreign to the soul.  In fact, the soul is not even aware of the material mind until it grows to a critical mass (111:3.4).  It becomes the function of the Holy Spirit to effect the transfer of survivable ideas as the supermind of the soul and she can do this without any particular assistance from the attitude of the material mind in regards to these survivable ideas (34:5.5) When they say that the soul partakes of the material mind, this is how it is achieved, through the Holy Spirit’s ability to access those coordinated, articulated and mobilized factors presented by the 7th adjutant.

    Jesus taught that the arrested and focused intellectual attention, aroused and quickened, is the gateway to the soul (152:6.4).  The intellect of the material mind, when focused on survival is a mind utilizing the 7th adjutant and a quickened mind is one animated by spirit utilizing the 6th adjutant.  The 6th and 7th adjutants serve as the gateway to the soul, a place where ideas are organized and mobilized into spiritually survivable ideals ready for the down reach of Divinity. The down-reach of the Holy Spirit can be visualized as illumination of the gateway and the source of mind-gravity, ever pulling thoughts laden with spiritual potential toward her.  

    We are told that we should organize knowledge into idea-decisions and then mandate wisdom to labor unremittingly to transform those ideas into increasingly practical ideals (101:6.7).  In other words, utilize the two higher adjutants as the gateway to the soul.  The gateway is what connects our dual natures and keeps us from the dilemma of having to serve two masters. 

    The spiritual nature of an individual exists within the soul.  The soul, being morontial, only functions on supermaterial levels of reality and therefore requires a supermaterial or morontial level of intellect. But at the same time, the mortal mind is decidedly material and we need it to function in a material world.  During this life we must contend with this duality of existence where we live and think in a material world, while in our inner lives we are capable of transcending it.

    The process of transcendence requires a change of focus. The normal everyday stream of consciousness must be arrested and turned inward in order to think spiritually. Each person’s trigger for this is different, which is one reason why Jesus chose parables to teach a variety of minds.  Once the mundane stream of thought is brought to attention it can be awakened by the spirits of worship and wisdom who serve as the gateway to the super-intellect of the soul, a gateway illuminated by the presence of Spirit.

    The spirit of worship creates the impulse for spiritual thinking, which is basically thoughts turned toward spirit.  Once the impulse is acted upon the spirit of wisdom is able to direct those thoughts toward the soul for meditative processing.  Within the soul the Holy Spirit provides the capacity to think spiritually and the Spirit of Truth provides further illumination necessary for correlating spiritual thoughts with the Adjuster’s thoughts making their meaning comprehensible and useful.  Another name for this process is spiritual insight.  It occurs within a mind which is becoming spiritized, the first step toward spiritualization.   Jesus called this The Way.


    MidiChlorian wrote:  Let us assume that the souls is on one side and the spirit of the soul is on the other, and that the gulf which needs to be bridged, is spirit in nature, where the adjutants are the method of circuitry used but still not compatible with both sides.

    The spirit of the soul is within the soul; it is its nucleus.  The gravity pull from spirit draws from the material to the morontial and finally to itself, going through various transmutations in order to do so.  The lower 5 adjutants do not function on morontia or spirit levels, which means they do not function within the morontia soul or its spirit nucleus.  The 6th and 7th only impinge upon the higher morontia level, which is why they can make contact with the secondary midwayers and why they serve as a gateway.

    MidiChlorian wrote: The morontia world is the bridge which connects the spirit world with the material world, where the soul is dead and the spirit is eternal.

    What do you mean the soul is dead? If the soul is dead, the identity of the personality is dead (112:3.2). There’s no need for a bridge.  There’s no need for a mind either.

    The human material body is a vessel being used to reactivate the soul’s mind with the spirit mind, though this vessel and being are being helped by the circuits of the adjutants.

    Reactivate the soul’s mind???? So you think that the soul was active at some previous time and then became inactive or dead?  Does this mean that you believe in pre-existence of the soul?  You can’t possibly believe that something we cocreate in partnership with God during our earthly experience of human living can pre-exist as an already formed entity that needs simply to be reawakened and activated. (Which happens to be a primitive gnostic idea.) I’m adamantly against such a notion. Here’s my rant against the pre-existence of the soul which I wrote about 5 or 6 years ago:

    Are we part of God or is he part of us? Is there a difference, and if so, where and when did the separation take place? That question has been part of a great quest of philosophical and metaphysical thought since the beginning of man. How does this all work?

    Many believe that we originate from one mega Original Soul which buds off little souls that incarnate into bodies to get the experience of material existence. At some point on our spiral down from “On High” we lose our ability to function as pure Original Soul and soon forget how. Some believe that a tiny piece of us remembers and we only need to awaken it to regain all of our virtues. This simply does not make sense to me.

    First, if you accept the concept of incarnation, it naturally follows that you would have to accept the concept of reincarnation, a philosophy that keeps a soul trapped in a material plane of existence and a topic for another essay. Second, the notion that we simply forget our origins and our connection to the divine implies a certain amount of laziness of spirit. How easy is it to believe that you have simply forgotten how to behave in a morally acceptable manner. The onus of responsibility becomes vague  with no need to work at it since death will bring you back to what you have forgotten. Furthermore, if you are so fortunate as to remember during your mortal life, what stops you from rejoining the Original Soul immediately? Where does free-will, personality and individuality fit into this? Far too many questions that haven’t been adequately answered from a philosophical point of view than I am willing to embrace.

    This is what I do accept. We are of animal origin, we have evolved over time physically and mentally. Our minds have reached a certain level at which we are capable of experiencing advanced emotions such as compassion, fear, awe, wonder and love. We have developed a discerning attitude towards these emotions and have placed them onto that which we do not understand. We have reached the age of morality and an ability to comprehend a cosmic cause and effect. We have witnessed outstanding moral behavior in others and occasionally try to emulate it. We have created gods to control our fears and misunderstandings. We have reached out to gods to help us and heal us. We have found solace in these gods and have named them. Great prophets have taught us that there is One God and his name is Love.

    We have struggled as evolutionary creatures. We have not struggled as heavenly princes playing at being spiritual paupers here on earth. Those of us who have accepted the evolutionary climb and realize that we are nothing more than human animals are struck by the distance between us and God. In some, this invokes fear and anger; in others, it creates humility and desire. It is the knowledge of that distance that causes us so much pain and hope at the same time. How can such a magnificent God love and cherish such lowly creatures? How can we ever be worthy of this great love and caring. And, those of us who see this love and caring want ever more to be capable of giving the same.

    Here lies the greatest mystery of all. When we answer the call to “be perfect even as I AM perfect,” we find ourselves accepting the responsibility for our moral decisions. At the very moment we make our first moral decision, God grants us his eternal gift, a fragment of himself, to take up residence within us and show us the way to bridge the distance between God and man. We are now committed to becoming like him, joining him as a partner and sharing his love.

    It is at that very moment when we receive a portion of God himself, the pre-existing Mystery Monitor or Thought Adjuster, that our soul is conceived. Our soul does not pre-exist us, our Thought Adjuster does. It is through the action of our Thought Adjuster that our newborn soul is given eternal life. It is through cooperation with our Thought Adjuster that our soul continues to grow in spiritual fragrance, eventually maturing into pure spirit.

    It is our responsibility, therefore, to rise to the challenge with courage and commitment and accept responsibility for our budding and immature souls. We then, naturally look for guidance from our indwelling Father Fragment, the indwelling piece of eternity that longs to join with us in the upward struggle to Paradise. And yes, the path for us is to ascend from the lowest created being all the way to Paradise. We do not originate in Paradise, wander away and then take the trip back home again.  That idea is just plain preposterous.


    I’m adamantly against such a notion. Here’s my rant against the pre-existence of the soul which I wrote about 5 or 6 years ago:

    I’m curious Bonita, is what you have presented, after the notation above, all that you have written from years aforementioned, if so, was your last paragraph, your current position of that which preceded? If not, then it would seem that you are relying on your past understandings and that nothing which has conspired since then would be relevant in the present.  Regarding Gnostic codex’s or thought, I once indicated that you were intermixing these various independent doctrine as one where, they were independent renditions based on, as you said, the reason why Jesus spook in parables.  Which need to be segregated as different individual understandings of these parables, which only a few have been presented.  If you assume that all the different variations are to be clumped together as one, then it would make sense as to your “rant” which is interpreted as only one understanding.


    What do you mean the soul is dead? If the soul is dead, the identity of the personality is dead (112:3.2). There’s no need for a bridge. There’s no need for a mind either.

    What’s your take on the “sleeping survivors”?

    Nigel Nunn wrote:  (848.6, 76:2.6) “…, and heredity lies at the bottom of all character;” Thanks Bonita, this is the key: think of what the Life Carriers are attempting. They need to evolve a biochemical system that can support the adjutant-motivated character of an Adjuster-indwelt personal ascender (!!)

    No wait!  Back-up a second, please.  First of all, it is not just the Life Carriers involved in evolution of the biochemical system; it is an integrated effort by the Life Carriers, physical controllers and the adjutant mind-spirits. It takes all three to condition the course of organic evolution. (36:5.1; 65:0.7) The adjutants are an integral part of biologic evolution; they condition it, which means that they determine its outcome, they train, acclimate and mature.  Second of all, once human will appears on a planet, the Life Carriers vamoose. (65:1.8)  It is the adjutants that prepare the mind of a free-will personality for the indwelling of Divinity. The Life Carriers have nothing to do with personality free will.

    So, if we think of the human package as a system of 7 psychosomatic interfaces via which the adjutants urge us on, then I’m thinking of this “heredity” as our default, innate, inherited tendencies of response to adjutant motivation.

    Okay then . . . so you’re giving the adjutants a new name: “7 psychosomatic interfaces”.  So does this mean that you think the adjutants are the heredity which lies at the bottom of our characters and not our genetic makeup, our chromosomes?  I prefer to think that our chromosomes determine the way in which we react to adjutant instincts and urges.  For instance, the spirit of intuition’s reflexive instinct toward self-preservation may manifest itself differently depending upon one’s inherited genetic make up.  For instance, in response to a threat, one child might instinctively run to mommy for help, another might hide under the bed, yet another might fight back.  All of those reactions would be dictated by  the amount and type of release of neurotransmitters affecting various parts of the brain and glandular system, all which are determined by genetic makeup. Likewise, the spirit of understanding would be manifested differently in a person incapable of quick reasoning, rapid judgment, and prompt decision than in a person who is capable.  Capability would be determined by genetic inheritance of brain function.  I would go on with all the other adjutants, but I think I’ve made my point. Perhaps we are saying the same thing.  I don’t know for sure.

    Nigel Nunn wrote:  [Bonita]: “How do we get weaned from the adjutants if they are woven into our minds as part of the fabric? How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us?” Sorry for the confusion. I don’t think I ever said “the adjutants are woven into our minds”.  What I was trying to say was that their emulation of mind-like function literally serves as human mind:

    Nigel, those were essentially rhetorical questions meant to illustrate the ridiculous.  I answered them myself, and I was referring to something Midi wrote.   That being said, now I’m confused by what you just said.  Did you say that the adjutants’ emulation of mind-like function literally serves as human mind?  I have no idea what that means.   Are you saying that the adjutants are our actual mind, that they don’t just make contact with our mind?   What about this: ” The adjutants are the children of the Universe Mother Spirit and constitute her personal ministry to the material minds of the realms.”(36:5.1)  How can they be a ministry TO mind if they ARE mind?  That doesn’t make sense to me.

    The mortal mind is an intellect system which includes much more than just adjutants.  The UB defines mortal mind as: ” . . .  a personal-energy system existing around a divine spirit nucleus and functioning in a material environment.”(12:9.6) I think the use of the word personal separates the individual mortal mind from that which is ministering TO it, even though mind itself is essentially a ministry.  Our minds are individualized  and personal, they ” . . . have their origin in the cosmic mind much as nebulae take origin in the cosmic energies of universe space.”(111:1.2)




    What’s your take on the “sleeping survivors”?

    Do you think that all sleeping survivors have dead souls?


    I’m curious Bonita, is what you have presented, after the notation above, all that you have written from years aforementioned, . . .

    NO.  Would you like to read all my other rants on the erroneous idea of pre-existence of the soul?


    Is this lower adjutants reacting to the sound of melody?

    Moosic? lol



    Do you think that all sleeping survivors have dead souls?

    No, I’m saying that death is like sleep.


    The adjutants are an integral part of biologic evolution; they condition it, which means that they determine its outcome, they train, acclimate and mature. Second of all, once human will appears on a planet, the Life Carriers vamoose.

    If you look up the definition of “adjutant” it is a military term, where they aid and assist higher officers.  They are officers themselves but are not necessarily assigned to just one higher officer but can liaison between higher officers.

    Also, all the “Life Carriers” do not “vamoose”, a few do often stick around.  If you look at Life Carriers as radiation, of various kinds, that which activates and binds, and others which mutate various organisms, a few would need to stay resident, like solar radiation to continue the mutation process, and or keep life flowing.


    NO. Would you like to read all my other rants on the erroneous idea of pre-existence of the soul?

    You misunderstand, what I was asking is, what you posted, current or a copy of your writing.  And if a copy, or just a restatement, has there been nothing in between, the writing and now which may have changed based on what you may have learned, since the writing.  In other words, would nothing have changed since your original thoughts, which would modify them in any way, or are your thoughts static based on your previous writings or understanding?

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