Adjutant Mind-Spirits

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    While it is not good for anyone who believes the UB is true as Epochal Revelation to heckle or pressure those who do not, it is also not a noble thing for those who believe differently to indict those of us who do believe it to be so. Bonita teaches from the Revelation and does so consistently and enthusiastically and with scholarship and no little understanding – and this site is for such study of the text and its affect on student lives.

    Bradly, you need not admonish anyone of their actions or contribution to this forum, and I am well aware of Bonita’s capabilities regarding the Urantia Book and also her extensive study in other religions, as have I.  But it is her hiatus from the forum which, over these few months, had me puzzled as to her new narrative style which is quite impressive, to be sure, where I lookup most all of her references to text to get a better understanding of her meaning in words.  It is those odd differences which have brought additional questions, if for no other reason as to understands her tone better.  Do not think that if she thought heckled or pressured that she would not have some choice words to reply, so fear not, I am merely attempting to reset known personality patterns in changing times, and when it comes to recognizing patterns, I’m very good at what I do.


    …so it would seem that only the Urantia Book is the truth and anything else, is false. This would constitute that the Urantia Book has become the Holy Bible to many who read it.


    Me here:  Hi Midi – it’s really the words above that inspired my response.  The UB says over 1000 of humanity’s highest concepts were incorporated in the UB and we all know truth is to be found everywhere…and all here, I am sure, have found endless truth from many sources.  So I am unsure to whom “it would seem that only the UB is the truth and anything else is false.”  This would include those of us who have come to believe its truths and the wholeness of its Truth….since this falsehood is critically denounced in the UB itself.  The Revelation is here to reduce error and confusion; it does not claim to replace or denounce the truth we have in hand from other sources but to lift those up and bring further illumination to them for the benefit of truthseekers who find this book.

    As to our friend Bonita, you say well.  I think she’s been writing seriously and, perhaps, awaited this new generation of the Forum to share some of her most recent writing and thinking.  Good stuff I think.  Of course, she might have just been busy in her flower, friends, and grandchild garden?  Just glad she’s back.  Peace.

    Now, back to the Adjutants!  ;-)


    Why would you need to explain this to others? Wouldn’t the fruits of the spirit speak for themselves? Wouldn’t the spiritual fragrance be enough? And how would it appear mystic? To use the mind of Jesus would make you more real, more genuine, more sincere and more alive. How would that appear to be mystical or part of a false reality? Using the mind of Jesus is not an affectation, a role playing game. It’s real. If you’re just playing games, then you’re not being sincere and genuine; you’re putting on false faces, pretending to be something or someone you’re not. When you’re living with the mind of Jesus, you’re living the truth and the truth is inconcussible.

    Bonita, you responded, above to my statement below, but my wording below, was specific in order to determine your mindset, where my inference was, based on my wording after introducing the mystic topic, and where after the comma, and then the following would be two questions by the use of “if it would not”.

    MidiChlorian wrote: It is one thing to say that, if your mind doesn’t please you, use the “mind of Jesus”, but how would you explain this to others if it would not appear as a mystic approach or thought?

    If I were to phrase the question another way; given that the phrase “use the mind of Jesus” would not be explainable, as a directive which could not be described, would it not be understood by others as mystical, where by to make this statement in the UB, or by seraphim, could not be learned or taught for that matter.  Thereby, others would consider this as a illogical statement because the statement, that an individual can exchange or use the mind of Jesus can only be experienced and not learned until after the fact.

    It is something that others would question if not given additional information, therefore to bring it up in the UB as written would imply a supernatural ability, and looked upon by new readers as mystical rather than logical.  Where I understand how the phrase can be implemented, and could explain it but, would not make sense to others.


    I’ve always been a little “mystified” by this too Midi and remain uncertain as to the “how so” question.  I think the “mind of Jesus” would best be appreciated by Christian believers who acknowledge Jesus’ gift of the Spirit of Truth and a step toward that “mind” is by being born of the spirit.  But we know that there are many agents of mind ministry which work together to bring this gift into its full mortal mind potential.  I must say though that this particular reality/truth of mind exchange is hardly the most radical fact or truth for the seeker to accept….it takes many a long time just to get past the authors of the Papers I think!!


    (2061.9) 194:2.11 Since the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, man is subject to the teaching and guidance of a threefold spirit endowment: the spirit of the Father, the Thought Adjuster; the spirit of the Son, the Spirit of Truth; the spirit of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.

    (2062.1) 194:2.12 In a way, mankind is subject to the double influence of the sevenfold appeal of the universe spirit influences. The early evolutionary races of mortals are subject to the progressive contact of the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe Mother Spirit. As man progresses upward in the scale of intelligence and spiritual perception, there eventually come to hover over him and dwell within him the seven higher spirit influences. And these seven spirits of the advancing worlds are:

    (2062.2) 194:2.13 1. The bestowed spirit of the Universal Father — the Thought Adjusters.

    (2062.3) 194:2.14 2. The spirit presence of the Eternal Son — the spirit gravity of the universe of universes and the certain channel of all spirit communion.

    (2062.4) 194:2.15 3. The spirit presence of the Infinite Spirit — the universal spirit-mind of all creation, the spiritual source of the intellectual kinship of all progressive intelligences.

    (2062.5) 194:2.16 4. The spirit of the Universal Father and the Creator Son — the Spirit of Truth, generally regarded as the spirit of the Universe Son.

    (2062.6) 194:2.17 5. The spirit of the Infinite Spirit and the Universe Mother Spirit — the Holy Spirit, generally regarded as the spirit of the Universe Spirit.

    (2062.7) 194:2.18 6. The mind-spirit of the Universe Mother Spirit — the seven adjutant mind-spirits of the local universe.

    (2062.8) 194:2.19 7. The spirit of the Father, Sons, and Spirits — the new-name spirit of the ascending mortals of the realms after the fusion of the mortal spirit-born soul with the Paradise Thought Adjuster and after the subsequent attainment of the divinity and glorification of the status of the Paradise Corps of the Finality.

    (2062.9) 194:2.20 And so did the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth bring to the world and its peoples the last of the spirit endowment designed to aid in the ascending search for God.


    If Urantia were an ordinary world, our adjutant mind-spirits would be in contact with adjutant functioning on other planets within the local universe.  Were we not a life-experiemnt planet, our world would be more in sync with the rest of the local universe. So in a sense, we would have been somewhat isolated mindally from other planets even without a rebellion. As it is now, the only hope for planetary cross-fertilization is through the Adjusters (109:4.6) and maybe the archangels’ circuit (108:4.4; 114:5.4).

    65:7.3 The seven adjutant spirits are more circuitlike than entitylike, and on ordinary worlds they are encircuited with other adjutant functionings throughout the local universe. On life-experiment planets, however, they are relatively isolated.


    Nigel Nunn

    Bonita asked:

    “Are you speculating? I mean, you’re free to do that. I’m doing it, so why not you?”

    Agreed — speculation indeed! But whereas Midi draws from deep beyond left field for his speculation, I’ve taken to heart the fundamentals of the UB, and as such a UB fundamentalist, I try to launch my speculations from the 5th epochal revelation. Regarding novel notions about Sangik-Adjutant relationships, I see myself as “taking delight in cultivating” intuitive speculation.

    First, with regard to the relationship of the adjutant circuits to human mind, in paper 117, they write:

    (1286.5, 117:5.7) “[…]. In the mortal experience the human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits and effects its decisions within the arena produced by encircuitment within this ministry.”

    I take that at face value; i.e., that the phenomenon of human mind does not “connect to”, but rather is literally “woven from” patterns of stimulus by, and response to, this level of consciousness of the local universe Divine minister. This first ministry by our local Mother animates us via a set of basal psychological (not biological) motivations, revealed as differential adjutant urges:

    (402.8, 36:5.11) “6. The spirit of worship — the religious impulse, the first differential urge separating mind creatures into the two basic classes…”

    (401.6, 36:5.2) “[…]. These mind-spirits send forth their influence into all the inhabited worlds as a differential urge, each seeking receptivity capacity for manifestation quite apart from the degree to which its fellows may find reception and opportunity for function.”

    But as Bonita wrote, adjutant ministry on our world is unique. For another angle the way the colored groupings might relate to adjutant response, think of the usual sequence on normal worlds:

    (722.6, 64:6.1) “On an average evolutionary planet the six evolutionary races of color appear one by one; the red man is the first to evolve, and for ages…”

    (584.4, 51:4.2) “… and each succeeding evolutionary manifestation of a distinct group of mortals represents variation at the expense of the original endowment…”

    (584.5, 51:4.3) “… The evolutionary races thus alternate in capacity for intellectual growth and spiritual development, ”

    (584.6, 51:4.4) “The evolution of six — or of three — colored races, while seeming to deteriorate the original endowment of the red man, provides certain very desirable variations in mortal types and affords an otherwise unattainable expression of diverse human potentials. These modifications are…”

    Clearly, the differentiator among these coloured variations on the human theme is mindal.  And since our “human intellect resides in the rhythmic pulsations of the adjutant mind-spirits”, I speculate that these groups are distinguished by the peculiar way each were designed to respond the differential ministry of the adjutants. Now, rather than erroneously label this as superior vs. inferior, I read this as “balanced” vs. “specialized”.

    And here’s the point of my speculation: on a normal world, introducing less-balanced “specialists” into a stable population is the perfect way to disturb the stagnation imposed by the satisfied norm.

    Later, as civilizations accommodate and absorb this cultural colouring, since our initial rental mind emulator “effects its decisions within the arena produced by encircuitment within this ministry”, the way we respond to these common urges turns some of us into irrepressible can-do pragmatists, some into politicians, some into civil engineers, some into defenders of the faith, some into teachers, some into dreamers, and some into cultural adjusters.

    PS: to see this business of our “mind arena of choice” in a larger context, come and see this thread: cosmic intuitions



    Nigel Nunn wrote:  This first ministry by our local Mother animates us via a set of basal psychological (not biological) motivations, revealed as differential adjutant urges:
    I have to wonder why you disregard the biological motivations.  We are told that the intellectual life grows out of and upon the foundation of the physical, which is why there are 24 basic orders of psychic organization to go along with the 24 life pattern units in our biologic makeup (36:2.16). We’re also told that the 24 different life patterns are variously responsive to the adjutants. Likewise, it is by and through this response that the adjutants directionize the course of biologic evolution (36:2.18).  So, I don’t think that adjutants animate the psyche without including biologic factors that might affect their function.

    Nigel Nunn wrote: Clearly, the differentiator among these coloured variations on the human theme is mindal.
    I don’t consider that assumption to be clear at all.  The quote 51:4.2 is referring to normal worlds where one race appears at a time.  In those circumstances the red race gets the full bestowal of living energies and subsequent races get proportionately less.  This affects BOTH physical and mental capabilities.  The authors even state that normally the red race is the tallest with each subsequently appearing race being shorter.  This is explained to be desirable  in order to attain a variety of mortal types capable of being carriers of the best of the 24 life pattern inheritance factors.  This has to do with BOTH physical and mental factors.

    Nigel Nunn wrote:  And here’s the point of my speculation: on a normal world, introducing less-balanced “specialists” into a stable population is the perfect way to disturb the stagnation imposed by the satisfied norm.

    I don’t know what this means.  What’s a specialist and what does it have to do with the adjutants?

    Nigel Nunn wrote: . . . the way we respond to these common urges turns some of us into irrepressible can-do pragmatists, some into politicians, some into civil engineers, some into defenders of the faith, some into teachers, some into dreamers, and some into cultural adjusters.

    But, but, but . . . what about inherited biologic traits of character?  We inherit, biologically, certain tendency of behavior and thought.  That’s what they mean by 24 basic orders of psychic organization.  For instance, we are told that Jesus inherited certain personality characteristics from both parents.  From his father he inherited gentleness and sympathetic understanding; from his mother he inherited his teaching ability and capacity for righteous indignation.  These are biologically inherited capacities. In fact, the UB says that, ” . . . heredity lies at the bottom of all character” (76:2.6)  

    This tells me that biology plays a critical role in determining responsiveness to the adjutants.  The biological make up of each of the six races more likely had more to do with determining their responses.  But seriously, I don’t see how you can separate these responses into emotional or intellectual based upon race.

    65:7.7 The adjutants function exclusively in the evolution of experiencing mind up to the level of the sixth phase, the spirit of worship. At this level there occurs that inevitable overlapping of ministry – the phenomenon of the higher reaching down to co-ordinate with the lower in anticipation of subsequent attainment of advanced levels of development. And still additional spirit ministry accompanies the action of the seventh and last adjutant, the spirit of wisdom. Throughout the ministry of the spirit world the individual never experiences abrupt transitions of spirit co-operation; always are these changes gradual and reciprocal.

    This quote is so informative concerning how the adjutants operate.  Once the 6th adjutant makes contact there occurs an overlapping of ministry.  It sounds to me that there is a greater coordination of the adjutants with the 6th leading the way to make contact with the 7th and the 7th leading the way to make contact with the Holy Spirit.  By overlapping, I don’t think they mean holding hands with one another as in Nigel’s diagram.  I think it has more to do with augmentation of the lower ministry by the higher ministry similar to the concept of overtones in physics.

    I take that at face value; i.e., that the phenomenon of human mind does not “connect to”, but rather is literally “woven from” patterns of stimulus by, and response to, this level of consciousness of the local universe Divine minister.

    If our minds are interwoven from patterns of stimuli from the adjutants, then how does this hierarchy take place?  How do we get weaned from the adjutants if they are woven into our minds as part of the fabric?  How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us?  I would say that if we were to retain all of this interwoven material it would be a different story, but we are meant to leave it behind.  We are meant to build thought structures, frameworks of thinking, which in turn, are meant to eventually fade from relevance like temporary bridges.

    The differential urges of the adjutants are meant to eventually cohere under the tutelage of the 7th adjutant, who in turn, coheres to and overlaps with the Holy Spirit, the mind of the soul. The differential distinctiveness of each of the adjutants are no longer a factor at this point.  This is where they being to work in concert; a united effort to ascend the mindal ladder to a place where the adjutants, alone, cannot go.

    112:6.9 In the choosing of truth, beauty, and goodness, the mortal mind enters upon its premorontia universe career under the tutelage of the seven adjutant mind-spirits unified under the direction of the spirit of wisdom. 


    If our minds are interwoven from patterns of stimuli from the adjutants, then how does this hierarchy take place? How do we get weaned from the adjutants if they are woven into our minds as part of the fabric? How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us? I would say that if we were to retain all of this interwoven material it would be a different story, but we are meant to leave it behind. We are meant to build thought structures, frameworks of thinking, which in turn, are meant to eventually fade from relevance like temporary bridges.

    If one looks at a completed structure, building, or sky-scraper, from the architects viewpoint, or the initial blueprints, is would not be that difficult for an archeologist to discern the method of construction, many years latter, when the blueprints are no longer available, but is it necessary to deconstruct the building in order to see what the skeletal structure looks like, or if scaffolding was used in its construction.

    In most cases, in the construction of such a building, the skeleton or framework of the building is the scaffolding, used as the building ascends.  As the foundation is formed and the building continues to grow higher and higher, and the skeletal framework continues to grow upwards, the building continues to grow to completion from the bottom up, so that even though the building is not finished at the highest levels it can be occupied sooner at the foundation levels.  Upon the buildings completion, the structure or the construction method is hidden from the occupants but its infrastructure is still there, even though the occupants may not have understood how the building was created.

    So, in years to come when one looks at the finished building, it can be speculated on how it was constructed, even if the individual threads that were used in its construction cannot be seen, in the overall fabric of time where the material fabric was created.  Everyone looks at the finished garment, but only those who’s job is it to construct the garment would know how it was created.  So, the overlapping of the threads, and the individual parts are still there but woven into a completed product, even though we think that the scaffolding can not be seen it is still there in the completed product, forever remaining in the entire composition.

    P.S.: Not to long ago, at the near completion of the New World Trade Center, there was controversy over whether this building was the tallest, and that the spire should be included in measuring its height.  But, I saw the original rendering of the completed building and the spire was covered with an external structure which showed the building completed to a progressive point like pyramid.  Now whether this is still under construction or whether it had been determined that this final peace was not needed or to be finished later, could be because of overrun costs or lack of necessity, the original plans called for its completion.  But even if it is not completed as planed, if would not take away from the use of the building, only its esthetic appearance.


    MidiChlorian wrote:  So, the overlapping of the threads, and the individual parts are still there but woven into a completed product, even though we think that the scaffolding can not be seen it is still there in the completed product, forever remaining in the entire composition.

    First of all, we are never completed like a building is completed.  Our construction continues into eternity.  But even so, what is it of the adjutant mind ministry that is left as a permanent feature of the soul?  What infrastructure supplied by the adjutants do we take to the morontia worlds?  I’m not aware of any. What we take with us is the spiritually fragrant character we’ve created during the process of living with the adjutants.  And even then, this spiritual fragrance can only develop if there is some impingement of the adjutants with the soul on some level.  This is what is meant by the overlapping of the higher ministry reaching down to uplift the lower ministry. In the process, the best of thoughts are identified for the even higher overlapping ministries of the Spirit of Truth and Adjuster.  All we have to do is submit to the urge for perfection and these mind ministries work for us in that endeavor; they are an ever ascending ladder of thought urges.  But once the higher parts of this so-called building are built, the influences of the lower mind ministries wane; they cease to have any significant influence on the building process and the fact that they once existed is immaterial to its structure.

    110:6.20 From the seventh to the third circle there occurs increased and unified action of the sevenadjutant mind-spirits in the task of weaning the mortal mind from its dependence on the realities of the material life mechanisms preparatory to increased introduction to morontia levels of experience. From the third circle onward the adjutant influence progressively diminishes.



    I agree with Nigel. Even though I also agree that the adjutants affect our physical biology. It should be noted though that Nigel never actually disagreed with the notion that the adjutants affect us physically.

    The tallest to shortest thing is interesting. The Nodites where tall and so where the Adamites. Actually they where huge. Much taller than the coloured races. If you look at Scandinavia where there is the greatest concentration of Andite inheritance you will notice that they are also on average the tallest people in the world. Those nations are also the most civilized.


    First of all, we are never completed like a building is completed. Our construction continues into eternity. But even so, what is it of the adjutant mind ministry that is left as a permanent feature of the soul? What infrastructure supplied by the adjutants do we take to the morontia worlds? I’m not aware of any.

    If we are never completed like a building is completed, then there would be no reason to state that we should be perfect, as our Father is perfect, whereby your analysis we will never be perfect in the eye of our Father.  Once we reach eternity, is when we get to use that perfection, unless eternity has a different set of standards, or a never ending circle. If the soul does not retain anything of the adjutant mind ministry, then what would be the sense of thinking that the soul is being built or developed by experiences of the personality.  Then there is the Morontia world experience, which can best be described in Jesus’ morontia form presentation to his disciples, after His resurrection.  Even though they did not, at first, recognize Him, they were convince that it was He that appeared before them.  So, it was His personality which they recognized to be Him.  Besides, if one it transferred to the Morontia world, do we not pick up where we left off, which would not be possible if we left anything behind.  Or, once on the Morontia world, are there another set of adjutant mind ministries there to take over?

    What we take with us is the spiritually fragrant character we’ve created during the process of living with the adjutants. And even then, this spiritual fragrance can only develop if there is some impingement of the adjutants with the soul on some level.

    If “there is some impingement of the adjutants with the soul on some level”, would this not contradict your previous statement, “what is it of the adjutant mind ministry that is left as a permanent feature of the soul?”  You call it a “spiritually fragrant character we’ve created during the process of living with the adjutants” and would this fragrant character not be woven into this character?

    This is what is meant by the overlapping of the higher ministry reaching down to uplift the lower ministry. In the process, the best of thoughts are identified for the even higher overlapping ministries of the Spirit of Truth and Adjuster. All we have to do is submit to the urge for perfection and these mind ministries work for us in that endeavor;

    Evidently your definition of “overlapping” is different than mine, because when something overlaps something else, it is a parallel joint, which can either extend the both pieces to make them longer or completely overlapping, which makes it stronger.  Take 2, 2×4’s that are 8 foot long, and if you overlap them this makes them stronger, they become a 4×4, that is 8 foot long, or if you overlap them with only 2 foot of each they become extended to 14 feet, and either assumes that they are joined with something, where if not joined they have no bond.  But if they are touching they may be able to transfer one to the other.

    And how does one “submit to the urge for perfection”, whereby if their endeavor is successful, they would need to be perfect also, and if what you say is true and the endeavor is made manifest, would this perfection not stay with you?  Or, does one loose this perfection when one gets to the Morontia world?

    But once the higher parts of this so-called building are built, the influences of the lower mind ministries wane; they cease to have any significant influence on the building process and the fact that they once existed is immaterial to its structure.

    I’d hate to live in a building that you designed, but if the roots of the vine are good, then so are its branches, and thereby its fruit.  So, you are saying that once the blossom of the fruit blooms, and you cut down the tree or the trunk, that the fruit will mature from the blossom, without being attached to its roots.  However, if this building was a rocket, I guess that once it escapes the gravity of the earth, it might have a chance if it has enough fuel.

    I assume that you are speculating Bonita?  Or, your interpretation?  Mine is just an analogy.


    How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us? I would say that if we were to retain all of this interwoven material it would be a different story, but we are meant to leave it behind. We are meant to build thought structures, frameworks of thinking, which in turn, are meant to eventually fade from relevance like temporary bridges. The differential urges of the adjutants are meant to eventually cohere under the tutelage of the 7th adjutant, who in turn, coheres to and overlaps with the Holy Spirit, the mind of the soul. The differential distinctiveness of each of the adjutants are no longer a factor at this point. This is where they being to work in concert; a united effort to ascend the mindal ladder to a place where the adjutants, alone, cannot go.


    Me here:  I too have always pictured the lower adjutants delivering mortals to the bridge of material transcendence with the 6th and 7th being the seat of identity transfer device/ministry to deliver the morontia/spirit mind on the other side.  A bridge does indeed overlap “ministries”/function on both the sides it connects “together” for passage – a bridge does not lie between two edges of a chasm, it overlaps both ends and is supported in its physics upon both ends of overlap.  The first 5 adjutants deliver, by their integrated ministry circuitry , the mortal mind to those higher Adjutants that then allow the mind to create and develop the soul upon this transitional “bridge” from the material mind to soul upon that bridge to the morontia shore and new mind ministry upon the far side of the bridge.  The 6th and 7th provide the ability to transfer the mortal from one side of life to the next and their specific ministries overlap both ends of that transition phase from Adjutant mind to cosmic mind as an individual that is self determined and created by the choice of the mortal mind.  The soul is what makes the first step off this bridge into a type of mind ministry that is fully functional without the Adjutants support and circuitry I think.  The superstructure does not make the trip or the transition with the mind that crosses the transitional structure/ministry of that bridge IMO.  The vine may produce the fruit but the fruit is not the vine upon which it grew and does not take the vine itself but only that which the vine delivered to the fruit.  Or so I think.

    As to the building analogy.  I think it is correct in a fashion but one must consider that the original structure constructed depends upon physical gravity response for its integrity but when the 6th and 7th Adjutants appear, their work is to replace the physical gravitational dependence with the spirit gravity response, and when successful, the structure “floats” and is no longer dependent upon the material foundation it is built upon.  The being/structure under construction by all the Adjutants is designed actually to come to respond to and move toward Paradise.  That which the first five deliver to the 6th and 7th is learning now and being ministered to so that the transitional seat of identity is gaining mass which responds upward and not downward so much, so as to float between two oppositional forces for a season of additional “development” and further reduce the material gravity force in preference and response to spirit gravity circuits and force.  When that ministry is completed and soul fully functional and in the full grasp of spirit gravity, the Adjutants work is done…..they have delivered a material mind for morontia-ization and then delivered a soul/morontia mind to those Spirits that take over from there.  The adjutants are preliminary and transitional ministries to bridge from the material worlds in time and space to the morontia spheres in time and space.

    I don’t get the confusion but I might as well add my own analogies for further confusion anyway.  The mortal body does not make the trip and neither does mortal mind.  The Adjutants re-create the material mind of self into the spirit mind of self.  Is the weaver the cloth?  Thanks for sharing everyone.



    Something I have thought about is, what happens when mind isn’t quite functioning properly in a person. Is that 7th adjutant even able to have any interaction with that mind? I don’t think so. I think on our world for various reasons that 7th adjutant spirit may sometimes have trouble connecting with a mind that isn’t quite working properly. And in these situations it’s nearly impossible to be born of the Holy Spirit (barring some mindal change).


    How do we step up the ladder, or ascend, the psychic circles without bringing all the scaffolding and clutter with us? I would say that if we were to retain all of this interwoven material it would be a different story, but we are meant to leave it behind.

    (104.3) 9:6.5 While mind is energy associated in purely material beings and spirit associated in purely spiritual personalities, innumerable orders of personality, including the human, possess minds that are associated with both energy and spirit. The spiritual aspects of creature mind unfailingly respond to the spirit-gravity pull of the Eternal Son; the material features respond to the gravity urge of the material universe.

    (104.4) 9:6.6 Cosmic mind, when not associated with either energy or spirit, is subject to the gravity demands of neither material nor spiritual circuits….

    (107.13) 9:8.25 The spirit personalities of the vast family of the Divine and Infinite Spirit are forever dedicated to the service of the ministry of the love of God and the mercy of the Son to all the intelligent creatures of the evolutionary worlds of time and space. These spirit beings constitute the living ladder whereby mortal man climbs from chaos to glory.


    We ascend in the spirit by transcending first the material and then the morontial by this ladder of ministry as you say Bonita….the ascender is not the ladder upon which our ascension progresses.

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