Undying Hope

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  • #28147

    Yesterday we met in the home of one of our study group buddies for a topical discussion on “Undying Hope”. The presenter handed out sealed envelopes and on the outside of each envelope was a question or two relating to the topic. Each envelope was numbered. Starting with number one, the person read the question/s out loud and had an opportunity to respond in his/her own words. Then the envelope was opened and the UB references pertaining to the questions were read. It was a fascinating way to study this topic and it was a marvelous day.

    I am opening this topic to share with you the questions. It will be up to forum participants and readers to develop your own answers and provide references. I hope you enjoy it.

    1.  What is the difference between “hoping” and “wishing”?
    2. What do we gain by living in an insecure and uncertain world?
    3. What is the source of all our insecurities and uncertainties during our mortal lives? What forces can we harness to combat our struggles during our life in the flesh?
    4. How has religion historically addressed this struggle between human desires and uncertainty, and faith in the unseen God?
    5. In the Urantia Book there are descriptions of hosts of spiritual forces: the ministering spirits of the Central Universe, supernaphim, counselors, advisers and on our planet, all the seraphim, cherubim and midway creatures. What is their purpose?
    6. What happens if we disobey our Thought Adjuster’s admonitions?
    7. Is there any way we can escape or lessen the hardships of our mortal life?
    8. How can we know we are responding to our Thought Adjuster, and not just hearing voices in our head, in other words really being spirit-led?
    9. Of what can we be certain, on what can we place our “undying hope”?
    10. Can we use a new understanding of insecurity and uncertainty to fortify our “undying hope”?

    Dear Mara,

    Very interesting methods.

    Yesterday, out of the blue I red all 4 pages in thread

    administration, I would like to formally lodge a complaint

    …. after so much verbalise expressive exercise ‏finally sprouted out wiser advises …..

    You may attack an idea, if you must attack something, but never the person expressing it.   Rick # 27774

       The problem was I would then mistake my misunderstandings for my beliefs    Nigel # 27867

    I’ m interested Mara, count me in. Let me inquiring “my beliefs” and come back, lay them down.



    I’ m interested Mara. . . .

    Thanks andré  :-)   As the spirit moves you . . .


    What is the difference between “hoping” and “wishing”?

    I’ am answering from perspectives developped during the last 60 years. Not looking at the blue book.

    I hope =… is expectative as the future goes.

    I wish = expectative as above but including past and present time.



    I think hope is an exercise of faith based upon the realization and trust in the fact that goodness is at the heart of everything.  Wishing is miracle thinking while hoping is a faith-trust in a friendly universe.


    What do we gain by living in an insecure and uncertain world?

    Before faith is distill, we gain desesperation without certainty. Logic fade out confronted with inexplainable, beyond comprehensive facts of life.



    What is the source of all our insecurities and uncertainties during our mortal lives?

    Perfection processus. Those “in” and “un” are settle to be improved as delicacy in quality and quantity till we knock on heaven’s doors.  26:4.13

    What forces can we harness to combat our struggles during our life in the flesh?

    The self.

    Surrender willingly us to the guidance of our indwelt beloved Divine part.



    How has religion historically addressed this struggle between human desires and uncertainty, and faith in the unseen God?

    Human desires” respond from innate gifted Divine will.

    i.e. mental/adjutants, personnality/free will, T/A / God’s will.

    Pre-primitive and primitive religion took the determined evolutive path, step by step as God’s plans.

    Unfolding new perceptions of reality as we mature under T/A adjustments.



    In the Urantia Book there are descriptions of hosts of spiritual forces: the ministering spirits of the Central Universe, supernaphim, counselors, advisers and on our planet, all the seraphim, cherubim and midway creatures. What is their purpose?

    Ministering spirits of the Central Universe= angels

    26:1.15 … they form that unbroken chain of spirit ministers which has been provided by the Infinite Spirit for the help and guidance of all who seek to attain the Universal Father through the Eternal Son.



    What happens if we disobey our Thought Adjuster’s admonitions?

    I do not thing admonitions stuff adress T/A responsability.

    Would think more suitable regarding Spirit of Truth and Holy Spirit.

    TUB define errors (desobedience) resulting as maladaptation, ignorance of God’s ways to do things.

    Thats is why Spirit of Truth stand on patway to redirect the ill-advised, innapropriate conduct.

    The Holy Spirit gouvernance through angels ministries.



    8: How can we know we are responding to our Thought Adjuster, and not just hearing voices in our head, in other words really being spirit-led?

    i think the hearing voices thing is related to mysticism type efforts to contact spirit. Somewhere in paper 100 it talks about how dangerous this can be. As opposed to effort to contact the adjuster, simple prayer of thanksgiving and worship is more beneficial.

    i also think real contact with adjuster followed by real effort to respond equals growth and realizing growth may not happen immediately, maybe not for weeks or months. Remember we do not cause growth, we are grown by spirit.

    also, when we crave righteousness it is a clue that the adjuster is in there and functioning.


    Is there any way we can escape or lessen the hardships of our mortal life?

    Escape seems a wrong human immature perception.

    Lessened the impact of perfecting processus imply change of perceptions.

    One of this changement suggest an illogical sequence.

    1:6.3 (30.2) Never lose sight of the antipodal viewpoints of personality as it is conceived by God and man. Man views and comprehends personality, looking from the finite to the infinite; God looks from the infinite to the finite. Man possesses the lowest type of personality; God, the highest, even supreme, ultimate, and absolute. Therefore did the better concepts of the divine personality have patiently to await the appearance of improved ideas of human personality, especially the enhanced revelation of both human and divine personality in the Urantian bestowal life of Michael, the Creator Son.

    2:0.3   All our efforts to enlarge the human concept of God would be well-nigh futile except for the fact that the mortal mind is indwelt by the bestowed Adjuster of the Universal Father and is pervaded by the Truth Spirit of the Creator Son. 



    How can we know we are responding to our Thought Adjuster, and not just hearing voices in our head, in other words really being spirit-led?

    First of all “hearing voices” never been there.

    Secondo … “Spirit-led” after commitment from my part “TO DO God’s will” sincerely done … is all God request demand. Through effective closenest to T/A +   prayers… all done with sincere, desirable attitude may infaillibly respond to God’will



    Of what can we be certain, on what can we place our “undying hope”?

    Incertainty as discuss earlier is our lot of ascending journey.

    With faith endowment we can solely rest on God’promisses.



    Can we use a new understanding of insecurity and uncertainty to fortify our “undying hope”?

    You bet !

    •   Association with one’s fellows. 160:2.8
    •  Renew our minds by the transformations of the indwelling spirit.  144:5.81


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