Ugly Bags of Mostly Water

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    As most here probably know, I used an old “Star Trek” that an alien used to describe humans. I have often thought that Sci-Fi writers use this format of communication to be read. As Robert C. Clark said. “Magic is science that we have not discovered yet.”. I would be glad to discuss the “Urantia Book”. In 45 year of seeking, I have not missed much. I came conclusions that appear in this book without having read it. As an UBMA myself, I would like to say this. We live in a world of assigned values. And of course, we exist as temporal creatures. We cannot change “believers”. What they believe they are will always block anything new. (or very old). I think it was Ghandi that said that all religions are valid within the culture that created them. I often tell some people that God doesn’t really care how we perceive Him, or if we we accept an existance of a universal mind. I do believe this: if we do not figure out what and who we are, (while living) we will be just as ignorant when the UGMW fails. I thought about writing, but decided that there is very little that has not already been written. Compiling all the pieces might be possible, but that is not my job. I am the center of the universe. (Mine). God please spare me any more reading. Spare me any more channelers. Spare me” out of body”. I am already mostly space. Greetings to all.



    Hmmm…. seems I can respond to my own post. I may not be able to look in much. I feel the internet has become to invasive. Also, I find enough teachers. Most of course require donations. I watch the TV Ministers for amusement. Isn’t it amazing that a talented scientist can still accept the fundamental religions? There are many like us. I actually was “googling” “jesus did not establish a church” and found this place. Very good, but a bit complicated. At 65, I have read enough. Theosophy, Scientology, Science of mind, Christian Science, etc. Actually, I would like to forget it all and belong to a “little brown church in the vale”. Hey, if your are happy, don’t fix it. People will fight and die over religions that they themselves don’t really understand.


    One more thing. I may not ever get back in here. The passwords assigned failed the first few times. And then there is the possibility that something I might have said could offend someone and get me banned. You know L.Ron Hubbard was quite compelling. Like so many like him, he built up a following. Has any one read the “Quimby Manuscripts”? Mary Baker re-wrote it into her own religion. I thought “Conversations with God” amusing. The Seth Books came from a channeler, as did Abraham Hicks. Christians are convinced all of this is “Devil”. I think that U.S. Andersen with “Three Magick Words” is worth reading. Depak Chopra is okay, as is Wayne Dyer. I have had Mormon friends and I kind of like the “Jehovah Witnesses”. They are building the “Kingdom of God” and need 144,000 “governors. Heck, why not. They think that dead is dead. When Jesus comes they wake up. So……there is no passage of time. I figure that King Tut was a Jehovah Witness. He is going to mad when he wakes up!


    Welcome Ramblon,

    Look like you initiated your thread and respond at it. :)

    To understand your thinking would you define   “Ugly Bags of Mostly Water.”  Is it a pejorative sentence?

    UGMW = ?     UBMA =?

    If as you said you are tired to read  “At 65, I have read enough.” Are you looking for “little brown church in the vale” or communication with fellows?

    If so, how as a religionist can I be of any help to you?

    Warms regards,





    Welcome Ramblon,

    Look like you initiated your thread and respond at it. :)

    To understand your thinking would you define   “Ugly Bags of Mostly Water.”  Is it a pejorative sentence?

    UGMW = ?     UBMA =?

    If as you said you are tired to read  “At 65, I have read enough.” Are you looking for “little brown church in the vale” or communication with fellows?

    If so, how as a religionist can I be of any help to you?

    Warms regards,



    Hi Ramblon,

    UBMA = ?      UGMW = ?

    God please spare me any more reading.  /  Greetings to all.   /    …

    Actually, are you looking to your  “little brown church in the vale” because if as you said you had read enough, it won’t be useful to hang around here !

    Pardon my confusion over your auto-ask and auto-answer yourself.

    In brotherhood,

    André ;)



    Really?     “in brotherhood”.

    Sorry to confuse you.  After reading over my posts, I saw my “typo’ in regards to  I don’t know where the “UGMW” came from. I did not really expect any replies.  Sorry to confuse you with “auto ask and auto answer” I was playing. I spent years with the internet “communities” and yes, we have our “trolls” and serious seekers. I find that your group is quite small (and that is fine). I am a group of one. I am not a follower. Had I been so, I would have rejected all writings that did not fit my personal selections. We all do this. I have “read” that 70% of Americans follow some form of Christianity. (we have to include the Jehovah Witness to fill in the “pie chart”) That being said, nothing you or I can do that will release some people who will “cling to the rock” of their faith. Most do not know the details or history of their own belief, and will accept a religious leader’s opinion.

    I am not sure of the author (plato, I think) who said, “Believe nothing that is unreasonable, but reject nothing without examination”

    I have examined the Urantia book and found it to be very true. It follows with Ancient Wisdom.

    Personally, I believe there is Knowledge (book and experience), Wisdom, (which you either have or you don’t” and most importantly FAITH. This is the real power of mind. It does not matter what you know or think you know, matter responds to MIND. Particles will “dance” to whatever music we play.

    Most certainly, Jesus was killed because He spoke (the best He could) within the Religious Culture  That He was born into. He knew that eventually, the “Church” would silence Him. I am not so sure, He got through to his disciples. Jesus, of course had to follow a certain “format” of belief in order to reach anyone at all. I am certain that many wise writers use Science Fiction. (worked for me) to make points. I can appreciate these writers when they point out that Governments will seize discovers and use them for weapons.

    Religions have always been used to control people. I believe that we are years away (at least not in this lifetime) from any worldwide “spiritual awakening”.  I liked Wayne Dyer’s (and other writers) writing “we are spiritual beings having a human experience”. (not the other way around)

    I read extensively. And yes, the world does “open up”. The problem with written text is that it does not prove anything. I have learned a lot from reading. I have learned more by seeking out people and organizations. They all will produce written text. No days, there is no shortage of Websites that have the “truth” (usually for sale).

    Feel free to point out my “typos”, bad phrasing, and spelling errors.  I do not feel the need to edit writing at a forum. It is what it is.

    My opinion.


    Nigel Nunn

    Hi Ramblon – one of the surprises in these papers is that while the human life of Jesus was of great benefit to his local universe, his death was of most benefit to himself.  Where/how else could he truly experience (drink a full cup of) injustice?

    It’s this sort of experience that allows “Master Michaels” to collaborate with the Trinity Ultimate:

    (1318.5, 119:8.6) “In the experience of descending from God to man, Michael was concomitantly experiencing the ascent from partiality of manifestability to supremacy of finite action and finality of the liberation of his potential for absonite function. Michael, a Creator Son, is a time-space creator, but Michael, a sevenfold Master Son, is a member of one of the divine corps constituting the Trinity Ultimate.”

    Welcome to our quiet little corner on the web  :good:



    Hi Nigel,

    I’m glad to see that this site has not been abandoned. Having made phone calls to my nearest readers of the Book of Urantia, I found that they are no longer meeting for discussions. It also seemed to me that the posts here may go back for months. Are people losing interest?

    Are we not discussing ancient writings? Are we not using written words to describe something that humans cannot grasp?

    In this process, we seem to lose sight of the fact that no one can prove anything in regards to written words. I could claim to be a Prophet from God. With words, I can not prove that I am. With words, you can not prove that I am not. A human can read every book ever written in regards to self defense and then go into the world and get beat up.

    We must simplify, not complicate written truths. We only have today. As it is written in this book called the bible, we must concern ourselves with today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. There is a song, “don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”. That is a bad idea.

    This human body is a Pain and Pleasure device. It functions in time and space. Without this manifestation, there would be no such thing as written text. No assigned values. Nothing to explain human existence. The Book of Urantia may well be the very best explanation of human existence. Every culture, every religion has it’s own miracles. That is the power of Faith, not knowledge.

    I am glad you have taken the time to post. I can appreciate your study and conclusions. Let us remember others have what they call written text from God. (Such as the Book of Mormon). These people will chew up and spit out any other truths but their own. People fight wars over who is right in regards to Religion.

    There is no war in Me. People are entitled to their opinions and if it makes them happy that is fine. Even here, at this Website, we will find those that believe they are the ones that understand. They come not to learn but to convince others that they have “figured out” the purpose of human existence. I need not concern myself with this. It is only my conclusions that matter to me. (as are yours).

    The Book of Urantia may be the best explanation of all. I do believe that the world is unfolding as it should. It does’t need me or written text. Mortal death is a certainty. Eternity is not something that we discover at physical death. The truth in regards to immorality is that we already are. This, of course is my perception. We are a result of our circumstance of our birth, our experience, and our personal power of reasoning. Mind is not a few pounds of tissue in the skull of a human. It just IS. My mission (again my opinion) is to gain as much spiritual knowledge while I am still in the physical. I don’t want to do THIS again.

    One last topic in regards to the universe. 99% of this universe is Plazma. We, of course are dealing with liquids, solids, and gas. It is what we are. It is interesting that human medical terms use the word plazma as basic blood. “there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood.”. If Cain killed his Brother because he would not kill an innocent lamb, then I am on his side. If Abraham was willing to kill his own son he was talking to the wrong god. Abraham’s correct response to his god should have been. “if you want blood, take mine”.

    My respect to you and the Book of Urantia. I will study it more completely if I live long enough. My health is not good. I am not complaining. I look forward the next existence and I hope it is not another physical manifestation.

    World enlightenment would be nice in our time or do we have it already?





    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    You have it already.


    Van, what do you mean by: You have it already.

    Are you saying that Ramblon is enlightened?  How are you defining enlightenment?

    Ramblon wrote: “we are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

    I can’t agree with that at all. If we are spiritual beings, then we must have had prior existence before beginning our human experience. Reincarnation is not supported in TUB. Pre-existence of the soul is not supported either. We are imperfect beings having a perfecting experience.

    Ramblon wrote:In this process, we seem to lose sight of the fact that no one can prove anything in regards to written words. . . . There is no war in Me.
    Interesting that you should start a war on words on a forum with people who study the written word as a source of revelation. For someone who dislikes the word, you do ramble on, Ramblon. And, why do you capitalize “me”?
    In the following quote we’re told that the written word is a reason for believing in God.

    101:2.4-6 There are two basic reasons for believing in a God who fosters human survival: 1. Human experience, personal assurance, the somehow registered hope and trust initiated by the indwelling Thought Adjuster. 2. The revelation of truth, whether by direct personal ministry of the Spirit of Truth, by the world bestowal of divine Sons, or through the revelations of the written word.

    Jesus said that the written word has value because it can contain truth:

    159:4.4 “Many of these books were not written by the persons whose names they bear, but that in no way detracts from the value of the truths which they contain.

    Ramblon wrote:There is a song, “don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”. That is a bad idea.
    I can’t agree with that either. It’s not a bad idea at all to have hope. Wishful, fanciful dreaming is not a good idea, but hope is. Looking forward is. Hope is a characteristic of faith.
    3:5.16 Mortal man earns even his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope.
    55:2.6 The souls of these progressing mortals are increasingly filled with faith, hope, and assurance.
    132:3.5 But truth can never become man’s possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man’s thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope.
    Hope is Adjuster-derived.
    101:2.5 Human experience, personal assurance, the somehow registered hope and trust initiated by the indwelling Thought Adjuster.
    108:6.7 The Monitors are the prisoners of undying hope, the founts of everlasting progression.
    5:2.4 It is because of this God fragment that indwells you that you can hope, as you progress in harmonizing with the Adjuster’s spiritual leadings, more fully to discern the presence and transforming power of those other spiritual influences that surround you and impinge upon you but do not function as an integral part of you.
    Ramblon wrote:Mind is not a few pounds of tissue in the skull of a human. It just IS.
    I don’t accept the idea that mind just “is”. Mind is a ministry. It has a divine purpose, which is to provide a channel of communication between spiritual and material realities. The goal is to progressively spiritize the mind, transferring dominance from material to spiritual. This could not happen if we are spirit beings having a human experience, we would be denied the pleasure of discovery and co-creation. Mind is always creative.
    56:2.2 Mind is the indispensable channel of communication between spiritual and material realities. The material evolutionary creature can conceive and comprehend the indwelling spirit only by the ministry of mind.
    42:12.9 Mind is always creative.
    Ramblon wrote:My mission (again my opinion) is to gain as much spiritual knowledge while I am still in the physical. I don’t want to do THIS again. . . . I look forward the next existence and I hope it is not another physical manifestation.
    Ah! So you do believe in reincarnation. I thought so. You are entitled to believe whatever you chose, just know that reincarnation is not supported in TUB, nor did Jesus ever teach such a thing.
    164:3.4 There was, throughout all these regions, a lingering belief in reincarnation. The older Jewish teachers, together with Plato, Philo, and many of the Essenes, tolerated the theory that men may reap in one incarnation what they have sown in a previous existence; thus in one life they were believed to be expiating the sins committed in preceding lives. The Master found it difficult to make men believe that their souls had not had previous existences.
    Ramblon wrote:99% of this universe is Plazma. . . . It is interesting that human medical terms use the word plazma as basic blood.
    What’s “Plazma”? Is that a female plaza? A plaza where Mas go? Listen, I’ve been in the medical field since 1965 and I’ve never seen anyone receive plazma. And as an anesthesiologist working in a trauma center, I never once confused “plazma” with blood. Plasma is used as volume expander or as a source of coagulation products.
    You mentioned spiritual knowledge. Are you a Gnostic? What exactly is “spiritual knowledge”? How about spiritual experience? Is that the same as spiritual knowledge? Experience does teach, and learning is a form of knowledge. What sort of knowledge on a spiritual level would be useful to you? Is there any spiritual knowledge to be found in the written word? What do you do with “spiritual knowledge” once you have it?
    0:12.12 Accordingly, in making these presentations about God and his universe associates, we have selected as the basis of these papers more than one thousand human concepts representing the highest and most advanced planetary knowledge of spiritual values and universe meanings.

    Ah! So you do believe in reincarnation. I thought so. You are entitled to believe whatever you chose, just know that reincarnation is not supported in TUB, nor did Jesus ever teach such a thing.

    Yes that is true but, the UB does mention “incarnation” and “repersonalization”, or their derivatives, so within various analysis can have several different meanings.  Also, it would appear that “Ramblon” may have technical issues where what is written may not be exactly what is intended, besides he mentioned that spelling is not something that he looks back at on forums, so lighten-up, a little.


    The sporangia are the only creatures in all the universes that experience reincarnation.  But, and this is a big  but, sporangia do not have personality.

    (528.2) 46:7.4 Although spornagia neither possess nor evolve survival souls, though they do not have personality, nevertheless, they do evolve an individuality which can experience reincarnation. When, with the passing of time, the physical bodies of these unique creatures deteriorate from usage and age, their creators, in collaboration with the Life Carriers, fabricate new bodies in which the old spornagia re-establish their residences.

    (528.3) 46:7.5 Spornagia are the only creatures in all the universe of Nebadon who experience this or any other sort of reincarnation. They are only reactive to the first five of the adjutant mind-spirits; they are not responsive to the spirits of worship and wisdom. But the five-adjutant mind equivalates to a totality or sixth reality level, and it is this factor which persists as an experiential identity.

    Personalities do not reincarnate but they can experience repersonalization on ever higher levels of universe reality.  Repersonalization never occurs on the one’s natal planet.  Repersonalization is another word for resurrection, a form of revitalization.  Repersonalization can also refer to the process of providing bodies for planetary service, such as the Prince’s staff and the Material Sons and Daughters.  I’m quite sure that Ramblon is not referring to repersonalization on this planet.  If so, then we have a new problem.

    39:4.15 These very space traversers will sometime carry you to and from the various worlds of the system headquarters group, and when you have finished the Jerusem assignment, they will carry you forward to Edentia. But under no circumstances will they carry you backward to the world of human origin. A mortal never returns to his native planet during the dispensation of his temporal existence, and if he should return during a subsequent dispensation, he would be escorted by a transport seraphim of the universe headquarters group.




    VAn, In my personal journeys (both in reading and experiencing)  I have met so many great people. Some do a lot of good with a little truth, more often, people with a lot of truth understand how to use it to control others.

    Astral bodies. No one seems to notice that we already live in one. There is a thousand  times more space in an atom than particle, The strongest magnetic force  is the center of the atom. The next  strongest force keeps the electrons in orbit. The weakest force is gravity. Jesus broke a few of the laws of physics. (and He was not the only one to do so). We, humans need our gravity, our water, our air, etc. I found the Seth Books of the “Sixties” interesting. Seth says we have “predudice” (spelling?) perception. Absolutely! If we saw all forms of radiation and heard all sounds, we could not function. Interestingly, He suggested that some drugs (LSD) might lift some of these limitations.   Humans might “see” things that they are not able to translate into their reality.  Most can handle it. (I did, 45 years ago). He also suggests that the ego is destroyed and the human might need to adopt another one. Interesting. Yes?  I wake up every day as a new person. I remain the spiritual being a “living soul” as described by the Jehovah Witnesses. They believe that this dies (or sleeps) until the return of Jesus. Good for them, if it makes them happy,


    “cool your tool”. I will continue to simplify. Details of the nature of Blood or what people call it is not important to me. I am not showing off any medical knowledge. Blood plasma another written word that can refer to blood. Yes, you can put it in a centrifuge and remove the red and white cells. Still, it is blood.

    Hope? I don’t have any. No need for it. Matthew, Chapter 6, verse 34. Worry about today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.

    I have a my definition for “abstract”.  As humans we have a mental capacity to look at a two dimensional photo and add “depth”. Only our experience and practice of perception can do this. There is no third dimension in the photo.

    You wrongly assume that I do not like written words. Each letter has an assigned value, as do numbers. We use what we have and here at a forum, we have written words. Why not use them?

    I am not a follower of any Religion that has to do with reincarnation. I have always been here. Where do we go when we die” We are already there. As I mentioned earlier in the string, creations without physical bodies would see us as “trapped” within a form mostly made of water. By the way, I might mention that since there is only ONE GOD, any creature in this or any universe would have the same One.

    I have to keep looking back at your writing. You are a busy one. There is no re-incarnation, no ghosts, just a field of information and energy. Remember that Jesus was asked, “Are you Abraham”. He said “before Abraham, I AM”.

    I don’at think I can “lighten up” any more than I already have. We all have had periods of studying the written word. If you would take the time to read “Three Magic Words” (I did about 40 years ago) you might like U.S. Andersen’s comments on “the lock”.

    If you look into the eyes of a baby, you will see God. The “lock” is a reference to the indoctrination of children in regards to believing what the parents believe. Without these limitations put upon a child, who knows what they would really see. Perhaps their “imaginary friends” are not imagined. Rest assured the parents will get rid of these “friends”.

    Mind is a “ministry”? If so, it is not working properly. God is not hiding. This is not a game of hide and seek. I think perhaps Socrates had it right. We already know the answers, we are not asking the right questions

    While I am on the subject. There is no such thing a “modern man”. The toys have changed, but not the physical organism. I am sure that if we could pull Archimedes forward in time, he could do the math for our space program. Just give him the data and let him work. He said, “give me a lever, and I can move the world”. Feel free to pick on my generalizations. Like I have said, we need to keep things simple, stay within the format of a culture or religion, or no one will listen to you anyway.

    There are thousands of educated Theologians that would argue with all my speculations. I am not interesting in a popularity contest. It would seem that many of our great Spiritual Teachers got themselves killed in their need to spread their version of truth. Scientists didn’t do to well either. I think the Persians wanted Archimedes alive. He was busy when the soldier interrupted him. Opps…… killed him.

    We live in a world of Opinions.  History does have it’s cycles. People will do what they always do. Repeat the past. (and not even realize that they are doing it)

    I suppose I could get more e-mails and look in. Who knows how many people here need to correct me.

    I am not special. All of you are.




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