The Dangers of Democracy

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    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Thank you for this thread Rick. I have to agree with Bonita’s stand on this issue. We’re moving forward, not backward. Here’s the first definition Google provides for “populism” and is in my opinion what’s driving the political situation regarding Western Democracy in our time.

    ˈpäpyəˌlizəm/<input height=”14″ src=”” type=”image” width=”14″ />
    1. support for the concerns of ordinary people.
      “it is clear that your populism identifies with the folks on the bottom of the ladder”
      • the quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people.

    Ordinary people have “had it” with being told their racist, uneducated, and treated as if they’re not able to see the blatant crimes being committed by their government representatives. The people are just cleaning their house.


    You’re welcome Van. Bonita posted that too. We should see soon enough, whether the house is being cleaned or demolished.


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    People who lust for power stick out like a sore thumb and should be removed from politics.

    We agree on that, Gene. Gerrymandering and the extreme difficulty of constitutional reform make it all but impossible.



    Richard E Warren


    Too bad his kind of populism isn’t popular, hasn’t even been tried according to UB.

    That was as of the 1930’s.  It’s 2017.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    I know it’s a hot potatoe, but one of the most significant things the revelators tell us, in my opinion, is that there’s a very important distinction between superior and inferior human beings. They make it clear this distinction occurs amongst racial groups and within these groups individually, irrespective of the group standing overall, one way or another.

    I see that this is where the problem lies fundamentally. We have criminals masquerading as leaders who are very busy promoting tolerance for all and its hidden agenda, universal suffrage, for their personal self-serving benefit in spite of how detrimental it is to the proper functioning of government.

    This a terrible problem that’s getting worse. Ordinary people understand this and are now doing something about it.

    I see the Spirit of Truth playing the greatest role in this scenario. To me, we’re actually entering that stage in social evolution where the teachings of Jesus are being taken serious like never before, and this is true due to the functioning and response by ordinary people to the Spirit of Truth.




    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Too bad his kind of populism isn’t popular, hasn’t even been tried according to UB.

    Bonita wrote: That was as of the 1930’s. It’s 2017.

    Point taken. Hope you’re right. We can judge by the fruits of the spirit ripening.



    Richard E Warren


    I don’t get the China idea. Aren’t we rebuilding our military after 8 years of demise? Is it military might that worries you? Is it military might that defines a nation that is respected as leader? Does China have an immigration problem? Anything China has that makes you want to move there?

    the possibility of liberty, even if it is currently stressed and corrupted is a powerful appeal and the populist half of the nation is trying to make it better.


    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    …I see the Spirit of Truth playing the greatest role in this scenario. To me, we’re actually entering that stage in social evolution where the teachings of Jesus are being taken serious like never before, and this is true due to the functioning and response by ordinary people to the Spirit of Truth.


    From your keyboard to Michael’s ear! Spirit fruits will be the evidence of that evolution.


    Richard E Warren


    You’re welcome Van. Bonita posted that too. We should see soon enough, whether the house is being cleaned or demolished.

    Doesn’t it depend on what house you’re referring to?  Yeah, some things will get demolished.  That’s what happens with evolution.  Lots of useless things get discarded.  People who hold dear to useless things will obviously think the world is coming to an end.  This is what makes the modern age such a treacherous one.  The scaffolding folks build in order to create their world view is shorter lived than in the past.  The speed of change is increasing and when that scaffolding collapses, it can be very dangerous if there isn’t a support under it.  This is where religion is supposed to come in.  And the good news is that religion is alive despite being bashed and beaten up over the past few decades by secular humanism.

    When folks suffer collapse of their scaffolding they naturally panic.  It’s a scary, fearful thing.  Some protest, some riot, some run scared.  But none of that would be necessary if they had true religion. What would it matter to a person if their whole world collapses if they have Truth (with a big T)?  What we’re seeing in the news is a lot of chaos from those who are experiencing a collapse of scaffolding. It has little to do with the collapse of western civilization, just the collapse of an ideology that didn’t work out because it wasn’t based on Truth, it could not be acted out in reality. And these false ideologists will undoubtedly continue to bang their heads against the wall of reality, making a bigger and bigger racket, causing more and more unrest and spreading more and more anger, which gets them nowhere. Better known as the definition of insanity.

    But what the modern world needs is stability so it can focus on ideals and build a lasting culture.  We are evolving to a higher culture and that is something that cannot happen without superior thinking and new ideas.  New ideas always seem to upset the wagon cart, so until we arrive at a calmer time (which we’re told will take a millennium), there will be tumult and many people will get themselves all upset and panicky over what is essentially nothing.

    50.6.4  Culture presupposes quality of mind; culture cannot be enhanced unless mind is elevated. Superior intellect will seek a noble culture and find some way to attain such a goal. Inferior minds will spurn the highest culture even when presented to them ready-made. Much depends, also, upon the successive missions of the divine Sons and upon the extent to which enlightenment is received by the ages of their respective dispensations.

    66.6.1  The degree of a world’s culture is measured by the social heritage of its native beings, and the rate of cultural expansion is wholly determined by the ability of its inhabitants to comprehend new and advanced ideas.

    99.1.1 Mechanical inventions and the dissemination of knowledge are modifying civilization; certain economic adjustments and social changes are imperative if cultural disaster is to be avoided. This new and oncoming social order will not settle down complacently for a millennium. The human race must become reconciled to a procession of changes, adjustments, and readjustments. Mankind is on the march toward a new and unrevealed planetary destiny.

    So, the best thing to do is offer folks the good news. Religion and culture go hand-in-hand (79:4.9).  Will printing TUB in Mandarin foster stability worldwide?  Hard to say. Can’t hurt though. But what we really need is ordinary people living ordinary lives in the manner that Jesus did.  Hooray for the ordinary men and women on this planet who just want to live their lives with God at the center of it!

    99:1.3  Urantia society can never hope to settle down as in past ages. The social ship has steamed out of the sheltered bays of established tradition and has begun its cruise upon the high seas of evolutionary destiny; and the soul of man, as never before in the world’s history, needs carefully to scrutinize its charts of morality and painstakingly to observe the compass of religious guidance. The paramount mission of religion as a social influence is to stabilize the ideals of mankind during these dangerous times of transition from one phase of civilization to another, from one level of culture to another.



    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    I don’t get the China idea. Aren’t we rebuilding our military after 8 years of demise? Is it military might that worries you? Is it military might that defines a nation that is respected as leader? Does China have an immigration problem? Anything China has that makes you want to move there? the possibility of liberty, even if it is currently stressed and corrupted is a powerful appeal and the populist half of the nation is trying to make it better.


    Seems like military might means less and less everyday as cyber power takes over. But China’s big advantage now is its gathering unity coupled with its family centric ethic.  Hope you’re right about it getting better, and that the West can remain a leading influence in family building and intelligent governance. I am concerned, and I think we all share that, as evidenced on this thread.



    Richard E Warren


    Jesus was not a social or political reformer.  He did counsel that wealthy man who asked for his advice.  But I found these interesting comments he made on behalf of a poor man who had been falsely accused.  He’s talking about justice as the foundation of civil government.  He talks about a sacred duty . . ..

    132:4.8   Meeting a poor man who had been falsely accused, Jesus went with him before the magistrate and, having been granted special permission to appear in his behalf, made that superb address in the course of which he said: “Justice makes a nation great, and the greater a nation the more solicitous will it be to see that injustice shall not befall even its most humble citizen. Woe upon any nation when only those who possess money and influence can secure ready justice before its courts! It is the sacred duty of a magistrate to acquit the innocent as well as to punish the guilty. Upon the impartiality, fairness, and integrity of its courts the endurance of a nation depends. Civil government is founded on justice, even as true religion is founded on mercy.”
    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Hooray for the ordinary men and women on this planet who just want to live their lives with God at the center of it!



    We do agree on that much! And they will win the day. 


    Richard E Warren

    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Jesus was not a social or political reformer. He did counsel that wealthy man who asked for his advice. But I found these interesting comments he made on behalf of a poor man who had been falsely accused. He’s talking about justice as the foundation of civil government. He talks about a sacred duty . . ..

    132:4.8 Meeting a poor man who had been falsely accused, Jesus went with him before the magistrate and, having been granted special permission to appear in his behalf, made that superb address in the course of which he said: “Justice makes a nation great, and the greater a nation the more solicitous will it be to see that injustice shall not befall even its most humble citizen. Woe upon any nation when only those who possess money and influence can secure ready justice before its courts! It is the sacred duty of a magistrate to acquit the innocent as well as to punish the guilty. Upon the impartiality, fairness, and integrity of its courts the endurance of a nation depends. Civil government is founded on justice, even as true religion is founded on mercy.”
    Good point, Mara.

    Richard E Warren


    But China’s big advantage now is its gathering unity coupled with its family centric ethic.

    Have you been reading the news lately?  The ordinary people of China are protesting over several contentious issues concerning land, labor and environment.  The government has been destroying farmland, increasing pollution and abusing workers.  Plus, the one child rule does little to foster the family, in my opinion.  I wouldn’t want to live there, that’s for sure.


    Richard E Warren
    Richard E Warren

    Will printing TUB in Mandarin foster stability worldwide? Hard to say. Can’t hurt though.

    .Thanks for that! :good:   :good:   :good:  


    Richard E Warren


    But China’s big advantage now is its gathering unity coupled with its family centric ethic.

    Have you been reading the news lately? The ordinary people of China are protesting over several contentious issues concerning land, labor and environment. The government has been destroying farmland, increasing pollution and abusing workers. Plus, the one child rule does little to foster the family, in my opinion. I wouldn’t want to live there, that’s for sure.

    Interesting!  This phrase, “The ordinary people of China U.S. are protesting over several contentious issues concerning land, labor and environment. The government has been destroying farmland, increasing pollution and abusing workers.” applies as much to the U.S. right now as it does to China.

    Edited to add:  The one child rule in China was changed in 2013.  But they do still limit the number of children and I agree with Bonita on that.  However, perhaps the silver lining is they, too, are evolving – perhaps in the right direction (at least on that one factor).

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