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  • #26920

    Okay.  I can now say that I am definitely NOT getting email notifications.  So, at least for me, the issue has not been resolved.  Sorry to be such a pain.


    Mmm.. this is a mystery. Hang in there and I’ll send this to our webmaster.


    From Sydney, Australia


    Dear Bonita and anyone else who may be having problems with not receiving email alerts,

    I’ve asked the webmaster to look into your problem, Bonita of not receiving email alerts of posts to the Forum. Your user settings look OK from our end and the emails are being sent out. It’s possible the problem is at your end. Here’s the gist of the webmaster’s reply:

    While it’s possible for a web server to stop sending emails that are supposed to be sent, the vast majority of problems related to missing emails are caused by spam filters. In other words, the website is doing exactly what it is supposed to do—send the email—but the email service on the receiving end—gmail, outlook, etc.—is blocking those emails. This can be true even when the receiver doesn’t see the email in their spam folder or get any other sign the email has been blocked by their email service.

    Because people’s email software is not under our control, we can’t fix an issue related to a specific person not receiving their mail. All we can do is double-check that the emails are being sent out from the website. If others are getting the same types of emails, the problem is not the website.

    There are a few things that receivers can do on their end that might fix it:

    • Check their spam folder, and if the emails are there, mark them as “not spam”
    • Add the sender to their contact list, in this case,
    • Look for spam filter settings at their email provider, lower the amount of filtering, or whitelist the sender

    One thing that may have contributed to recent cases of emails not being received is that on the 24th July, we changed the “from” email address and the “from” name to reflect easier recognition that the messages are coming from Urantia Association’s website. They were coming in as “WordPress>”. Now they’re coming in as “Urantia Association Website>”

    I suggest everyone have a look to see if there are any changes to your email alerts. If so, then it could be related to the changes made and your spam filters thinking they’re junk!

    Bonita, I’m sorry we can’t be any more helpful. Hopefully if you try investigating your provider’s spam system, you’ll be able to get to the bottom of the problem.


    From Sydney, Australia


    Greetings Kathleen…and thanks for the recent improvements….chat is working for me again….not that I use it much.   :good:


    A lingering problem is I  cannot post a link to the search engine here to offer research and reading for topics…all I get is “Search Engine” and the link goes to the search page….not the page I actually linked.  Example on top of page 5 in the Eugenics topic.  I prefer the chronological order of the UAI search engine but it needs repair to be of use for posting in topics.

    Thanks.  I remain patient….and grateful for your team’s work here.  :-)


    While you’re at it Kathleen, I did all the things suggested including the removal of all spam filters and adding the new address to my contact list.  However, nothing has worked thus far.  Still no email notifications and my spam folder is empty.

    And yes, thanks for all you do.


    Hi Brad,

    I’m not sure exactly how you were doing your links to a desired section of the UB, but I just tested a link to a search I did on the word “tadpole” as you can see from the above post, it works.

    Can you explain the process you used and I’ll see if you did it the same way I did it. Here’s how I did it:

    • Open another session of the website and do a search for something in the UB.
    • Once you get to the spot in the book, highlight the URL and copy.
    • Go back to your post and paste in the URL.
    • Highlight the pasted in URL and create the link. (For the benefit of the reader of your post, make sure you select the “open link in a new window” when creating the link.)

    Let me know if you did it like this or if you used another method.



    From Sydney, Australia


    Hi again Brad,

    After posting I realised I only tested the link on the second level search where it goes right to the place in the book when you choose from the first level of search results. So I tested again (did a search on”Jesus”) and just copied the URL on the first level search where you get the list of multiple finds to choose from. It worked too.


    From Sydney, Australia


    Greetings Kathleen!

    testing key word search – Jesus – results:

    Search The Urantia Book


    Okay…still not working….for me.  Copied and pasted word search results address bar.  Always works as a link to results at Foundation’s search engine.  Also worked here for me since the beginning whenever I post the address at the opening page of a topic.  But not working for search results.  Probably my lacking tech savvy.  What’s funny is that on the posting or reply box, the correct address is showing but when I post, what shows is a link to the search engine, not the results of the search.

    Worked!!  Didn’t know about the insert/edit link.  Thanks Kathleen!!


    I placed this post here because I didn’t feel like starting a new topic for this question. I submitted a post in the topic dealing with advice for a couple where one is an ub believer and the other is not. I then edited the post. I checked it a few minutes ago and the post had not been submitted, or at least it did not appear on the forum. Could one of the moderators try and find the post and submit it? Thanks.


    Chuck Smith


    I’ve been looking for your post since yesterday morning Chuck.  Whatever the problem is, I hope it gets fixed because the thread was just warming up.  I’m curious to read what you posted.


    Dear Chuck,

    I did find it! For some reason it got lodged in the Spam folder. I moved it to your topic. Let us know if you need further help.






    I can’t read what Cole wrote.  When I click on the topic, or click on his reply to the topic, or click on page 3 of the topic, the page that comes up is a *reply to the topic* dialog box.  This is what I’mtrying to read:

    2 hours, 50 minutes ago

    Cole Cole

    Other topics work fine for me.



    Just wanted to let you know only half of my  toolbar is showing above….all topics, all replies this week.  Frustrating and can’t recover.  This include colorization of text and blockquoting to differentiate my reply from original and copied post.   There used to be an icon on the right end of the top line of tools to click and make the second line appear….also not there anymore.


    Thanks for the help!

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