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  • #24945
    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Please stand by: James Comey just got fired. I’m going to pay attention to cable news for a moment so I can get REALLY confused.

    You’re right. What an adventure!



    Please stand by

    Inappropriate content that has not one scintilla of value in the study of either the topic or the Urantia Book.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon


    I was commenting on the direction the originator had taken this topic. Which had to do with the confusion of the attention. What’s wrong with that?


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    On the issue of confusion, here’s some more the Urantia Book has to say about it:

    (109:5.3) But your unsteady and rapidly shifting mental attitudes often result in thwarting the plans and interrupting the work of the Adjusters. Their work is not only interfered with by the innate natures of the mortal races, but this ministry is also greatly retarded by your own preconceived opinions, settled ideas, and long-standing prejudices. Because of these handicaps, many times only their unfinished creations emerge into consciousness, and confusion of concept is inevitable. Therefore, in scrutinizing mental situations, safety lies only in the prompt recognition of each and every thought and experience for just what it actually and fundamentally is, disregarding entirely what it might have been.



    Thank you Mara for pointing out again the persistent disruption of topics with attention-getting tactics.  I understand the frustration with trolling.  I share it.

    To troll:  making a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them.

    I think the best way to get rid of trolling is to ignore it since the practice is solely used to attract attention to the one trolling.   If the administration cannot stop trolling, I think this is our only option.  What do you think?


    In regards to confusion, I believe it results from an inability to ascertain God’s will.  If we had a direct line without interference to the Adjuster, and if we used that line regularly, listened and acted accordingly, there would be little confusion in the mind (or in the world for that matter).  But we do not have that luxury, at least until we traverse all the psychic circles.  While on our journey through the circles, confusion is inevitable, if we are growing.  No confusion, no growth.

    99:6.1 Confusion goes before growth as well as before destruction.

    But I think there are degrees of confusion just as there are degrees of disloyalty.  The further away our minds go from divinity the more confused they get; likewise, the closer they go towards divinity, the less confused they become.  The mind is unity, it doesn’t do well with confusion.  The  mind craves resolution (problem solving). Resolution in line with God’s will causes growth.  Resolution against God’s will causes destruction (like Lucifer).


    Thank you Mara for pointing out again the persistent disruption of topics with attention-getting tactics.  I understand the frustration with tolling.  I share it. To troll:  making a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. I think the best way to get rid of trolling is to ignore it since the practice is solely used to attract attention to the one trolling.   If the administration cannot stop trolling, I think this is our only option.  What do you think?

    I do think trolling is an attempt to get attention.  I have a seven year old granddaughter who craves attention.  She has a vivacious personality and is very immature.  Of course she is immature!  She is seven!  She does stupid antics she thinks she should receive accolades for doing at which more mature people, even older children, often roll their eyes, though they tolerate her need to be noticed.  To me it is cringeworthy behavior, but she will grow out of it.  Rodan had quite a bit to say about maturity.

    160:1.6  When men dare to forsake a life of natural craving for one of adventurous art and uncertain logic, they must expect to suffer the consequent hazards of emotional casualties — conflicts, unhappiness, and uncertainties — at least until the time of their attainment of some degree of intellectual and emotional maturity. Discouragement, worry, and indolence are positive evidence of moral immaturity. Human society is confronted with two problems: attainment of the maturity of the individual and attainment of the maturity of the race. The mature human being soon begins to look upon all other mortals with feelings of tenderness and with emotions of tolerance. Mature men view immature folks with the love and consideration that parents bear their children.
    160:3.3  Another requirement for the attainment of maturity is the co-operative adjustment of social groups to an ever-changing environment. The immature individual arouses the antagonisms of his fellows; the mature man wins the hearty co-operation of his associates, thereby many times multiplying the fruits of his life efforts.
    160:3.4   My philosophy tells me that there are times when I must fight, if need be, for the defense of my concept of righteousness, but I doubt not that the Master, with a more mature type of personality, would easily and gracefully gain an equal victory by his superior and winsome technique of tact and tolerance. All too often, when we battle for the right, it turns out that both the victor and the vanquished have sustained defeat. I heard the Master say only yesterday that the “wise man, when seeking entrance through the locked door, would not destroy the door but rather would seek for the key wherewith to unlock it.” Too often we engage in a fight merely to convince ourselves that we are not afraid.

    And this is one of my favorites:

    156:5.18 [Part IV]
    As you grow older in years and more experienced in the affairs of the kingdom, are you becoming more tactful in dealing with troublesome mortals and more tolerant in living with stubborn associates? Tact is the fulcrum of social leverage, and tolerance is the earmark of a great soul. If you possess these rare and charming gifts, as the days pass you will become more alert and expert in your worthy efforts to avoid all unnecessary social misunderstandings. Such wise souls are able to avoid much of the trouble which is certain to be the portion of all who suffer from lack of emotional adjustment, those who refuse to grow up, and those who refuse to grow old gracefully.

    But doesn’t confusion motivate toward not being confused?

    if I’m confused in the shop I keep trying alternatives until I get it right or as right as possible.

    Outside the shop is another story. Prayer sometimes helps.

    lack of progress can breed frustration and failure unless you learn how to find enjoyment in the difficulties involved in getting it right.

    its called work. Work is a saving grace.

    confusion comes when the effort stops.

    i keep telling my grandkids not to be afraid of it, work is your friend.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Bradly, the originator of this topic, suggested that it’s important to focus for a time on the issue of confusion.

    I think that’s a great idea.

    Bradly also said that one of his favorite sayings is – if you’re not confused then you’re not paying attention.

    I think he was joking to make a point, and it’s funny, taken as a joke.

    But in the context of what studying the Urantia Book does, which is to dispel confusion, it’s another matter entirely.

    Bradly, you were joking right?

    No one will disagree that if paying attention to, and studying what the Urantia Book says makes you confused, then doing so might be dangerous.

    What do you think?



    . . . unless you learn how to find enjoyment in the difficulties involved in getting it right.

    I completely agree that there is enjoyment in having difficulties and in what has to be done to right them which for me involved making decisions and more decisions.

    39:4.14   The keys of the kingdom of heaven are: sincerity, more sincerity, and more sincerity. All men have these keys. Men use them — advance in spirit status — by decisions, by more decisions, and by more decisions. The highest moral choice is the choice of the highest possible value, and always — in any sphere, in all of them — this is to choose to do the will of God. If man thus chooses, he is great, though he be the humblest citizen of Jerusem or even the least of mortals on Urantia.


    On the subject of confusion, take heart.

    110:3.5   Confusion, being puzzled, even sometimes discouraged and distracted, does not necessarily signify resistance to the leadings of the indwelling Adjuster. Such attitudes may sometimes connote lack of active co-operation with the divine Monitor and may, therefore, somewhat delay spiritual progress, but such intellectual emotional difficulties do not in the least interfere with the certain survival of the God-knowing soul. Ignorance alone can never prevent survival; neither can confusional doubts nor fearful uncertainty. Only conscious resistance to the Adjuster’s leading can prevent the survival of the evolving immortal soul.
    Gene wrote: . . . i keep telling my grandkids not to be afraid of it, work is your friend.
    I agree.  This is something my father taught me too.  He instilled a rigorous worth ethic in me, and I passed it on to my children who have thanked me for it.  Jesus worked hard his whole life, on many different levels.  He is a fantastic role model.  The problem today is that few people remember, or even care about the human Jesus, the worker.
    Today’s youth have been taught in school (and by parents too, because they were taught in school) that confusion is someone else’s fault.  They are taught that world should be easy to live in, and if it isn’t someone else is to blame.  Kid’s get unearned grades, promotions and accolades just for showing up.  They don’t even have to really try, just show up.  That’s a very low bar . . .  no effort at all except to get out of bed and away from the TV! Argh . . .  I can go on interminably about this, it gets me so upset. There are many scapegoats today and they are all like the ogres in children’s books from long ago.  The only problem is that now people think they are real. They really think someone is responsible for stealing their bliss.  They’re living in a fantasy world and when the bubble bursts, it is painful, for which there are buckets of pills to help ease it . . .  don’t get me started on this . . .  I could go on forever.
    If you’re confused it’s because YOU have a problem, not the world.  WORK to solve YOUR problem and it will contribute to the world’s problems being solved.  mummblemummmble . . . .

    I think the best way to get rid of trolling is to ignore it.. . .

    I forgot to tell you I agree with you – the best thing to do is ignore it.  This might be instructive:

    173:2.8   And it was this genius of the Master for dealing with his adversaries that made them so afraid of him. They attempted no more questions that day; they retired to take further counsel among themselves. But the people were not slow to discern the dishonesty and insincerity in these questions asked by the Jewish rulers.

    153:3.1  Many were the questions asked Jesus during this after meeting. Some were asked by his perplexed disciples, but more were asked by caviling unbelievers who sought only to embarrass and entrap him.
    157:2.1   By this time some of the Sadducees were united with the Pharisees in their effort to entrap Jesus.
    164:1.2  The lawyer asked this question hoping to entrap Jesus into making some statement that would contravene the Jewish law which defined one’s neighbor as “the children of one’s people.”
    164:5.2  Some of the Jewish teachers sought to entrap him by publicly asking him. . . .
    174:2.1   Accordingly, several groups of learned men were designated to be on hand the next morning in the temple to undertake to entrap him with difficult questions and otherwise to seek to embarrass him before the people.
    Etcetera.  Oh to be such a genius as the Master!

    Ya know, one thing I retained from my Mormon daze was singing hymns. I loved it and I remember many of them and I sing them in my mind as situations arise. They are so motivational.

    Reading geneoligy of my adopted mom was inspiring too. Great grandparents walked to Utah with Brigham Young and settled in Love Utah. Also southern Idaho. Idaho was a retreat when the Virgin river flooded or the Indians ran them out.

    Our ancestors did not have time to even think about idle frustration and resulting confusion.


    Bradly, the originator of this topic, suggested that it’s important to focus for a time on the issue of confusion. I think that’s a great idea. Bradly also said that one of his favorite sayings is – if you’re not confused then you’re not paying attention. I think he was joking to make a point, and it’s funny, taken as a joke. But in the context of what studying the Urantia Book does, which is to dispel confusion, it’s another matter entirely. Bradly, you were joking right? No one will disagree that if paying attention to, and studying what the Urantia Book says makes you confused, then doing so might be dangerous. What do you think?

    Nope….not a joke…but there is humor within this truth.  There is much to learn…there is much to adjust and adapt in what has been learned already.  As described well by Bonita and her posted text quotes….for every choice we make at every intersection of relationship and decision, there are a multitude of choices and methods and perspective – and some are superior and others inferior – and we are to discern the better and better and still better WAY.  Contemplating our choice is work and one must pay attention and wonder as to the best way to express God’s will in the moment.  Who learns anything new without some confusions attending?  What’s the best way to do something?  Well, that probably changes based on experience, no?

    To be clear – I’m not confused by the same things…but the more we come to know, the more we discover still far more to learn and to understand.  The last 3-4 pages of this topic is ripe with supporting text from Mara, Bonita, Gene, and others – if one were to read those and go into the text for elaborations.  Nothing wrong with confusion if tempered with patience, trust, and experienced in faith.  Material life is challenging and perplexing and so is the transfer of the seat of our dual natured identity.

    Let me repeat that the lack of confusion indicates either pride & prejudice or a very dull mind paying no attention to much at all.

    It’s not the study of the UB that is the source of my confusions….and NO, the UB is still NOT a Dangerous Book as you have declared previously and exhaustively.  You declare above:  “No one will disagree that if paying attention to, and studying what the Urantia Book says makes you confused, then doing so might be dangerous.”  Actually I DO disagree with every part of this statement/claim/proposition.  Confusion is NOT dangerous!!  And neither is study of the gift of Reality Facts about our source and destiny.  Your constant insinuations are insulting and off point – still and again!!  (Thanks to Mara and Bonita and Gene and Keryn who point out the Nod/Notisms of falsehood and irrelevancy and distraction and distortion.  You seem to have a real talent at ignoring the obvious – confused perhaps?)

    Reading the UB will cause some confusions as it often/always challenges preconceptions and misconceptions and will propel the student into new areas of reflection, consideration, and a changing perspective of reality….as that understanding of reality grows over time.  Same as all other knowledge acquired does so….not peculiar to the UB in any way….just part of learning, doing, growing, and the acquisition of experiential wisdom.

    So, I think that if you’re not confused, then you’re not paying attention.

    An old Zen saying:  Things are not as they appear….and neither are they different (and cannot be).

    But how things “appear” should progressively change as we grow in Spirit and attain our Circles of Progress.  The more acquainted we become with Reality, the more Reality adjusts our perspective and our choices and our motives and our intentions and our priorities at the intersections of decision.

    = )

    Mara wrote:  Oh to be such a genius as the Master!

    I think it was more than genius.  I think he was the epitome of goodness and anything less that good that crossed his path was illuminated for what it was by the contrast. Not so for us unless we attain the level of goodness he had (and has).  I think the further along we go in the circles, the more light we shine and the greater the contrast when evil shows up.  Meaning . . . it’s easier to see not just by us but by others too . . .  which is why the consequences of our righteous acts belong to the Supreme (the collective evolution of us all).  I also think that is one of the reasons why it was so important to allow everyone to eventually see the Rebellion for what it was.  It was evolutionary for each person and for the Supreme as well, but I digress . . .

    My goal is to change trolling behavior, which involves the one trolling recognizing the behavior as attention seeking.  That is something I’m not sure happens with shining light alone.  I think there has to be a willingness to see. You?

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