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  • #24755
    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Please go to your dark corner and enjoy the view.

    Bradly, did you just tell me to stand in the corner?

    I live in a round house.



    “Only the personality can pick and choose the decisions of mind it thinks worthwhile” now that’s a cool distinction

    Yeah, without personality mind is helpless to act on any of its ideas.  Personality has the power of choice, the power of will, and nothing else can do that.  Since personality is automatically driven toward unification, and mind itself is unity, then the only thing that can mess it up is deliberate twisted thinking and deliberate twisted choosing.  Simple hampering and hindering only temporarily messes things up as indicated in the quote below.  So it must take tremendous anti-unification energy, I would think, to turn the ship completely around, about face.  When the whole universe is going one way and you decide to grind the works to a stop and turn yourself in the opposite direction, isn’t that a kind of madness?   I think that’s what they call cosmic suicide.

    56:4.2 Personality inherently reaches out to unify all constituent realities.

    111:2.1 Mind, in its essence, is functional unity; therefore does mind never fail to manifest this constitutive unity, even when hampered and hindered by the unwise actions and choices of a misguided self. And this unity of mind invariably seeks for spirit co-ordination on all levels of its association with selves of will dignity and ascension prerogatives.

    102:2.5  Mind is unity; . . .



    Thanks Bonita and Gene…’ve led us into some wonderful discoveries for me which broaden my perspective and give new meaning to words already traversed before!

    Excellent teaching!

    I am very pleased to learn more about personality, mind, and how the adjutants compel us into recognition of and response to spirit forces; forces which may not interfere with free will but do bring certain pressures and yearnings for even the most primitive or the youngest and least experienced of minds to define life, even our material life, in spirit delivered truth for the discovery of spirit.  The mortal mind is wired for such discovery and response….and it requires interference (which can take many forms) to slow or diminish the power of that transformation whereby the mind naturally begins to transfer the seat of identity in our dual nature.   This natural ballast or braking mechanism (material side of our nature) is an important element in a time-based transformative process I think.  Thus the need and demand for balancing and harmonizing both natures of our birth endowment.  The transfer of our identity must take time and must be reinforced by repetition of lessons and experiences to deliver wisdom and maturity which facilitates the complete spiritization to come.

    The gravity of materialism or material reality-response can interfere it is true and many mortals become consumed by material attachments.  And yet, that inner voice and light keeps leading us to choices and motives for choice which belie the apparent material mindedness of our fellows who have not committed (been born again) to the Spirit nature but still do they respond in many ways to explain the material by way of the inner spirit consciousness that may be short in knowledge, facts, beliefs, or even attention.  The adjutants are always ministering to mind and personality is always engaged in discernment and choice.   The angels and the adjutants and mind and personality are bestowed upon all children and all primitives no matter the mortal epoch or enlightenment and wisdom of the mortal mind so invaded by this conspiracy of spirit forces!

    Fantastic!  Thrilling!  A great study as we consider Agondonters!

    Thanks to all.  = )


    Bradly wrote: I am very pleased to learn more about personality, mind, and how the adjutants compel us into recognition of and response to spirit forces; . . .

    Hey Bradly, you might like the next quote which states that the evolution of dominance is an inborn characteristic of personality.

    112:2.15 The purpose of cosmic evolution is to achieve unity of personality through increasing spirit dominance, volitional response to the teaching and leading of the Thought Adjuster. Personality, both human and superhuman, is characterized by an inherent cosmic quality which may be called “the evolution of dominance,” the expansion of the control of both itself and its environment.



    Is it safe to assume that the use of the word “cosmic” in the revelation is always somehow related to mind?


    I think I understand why Bonita has dedicated so much effort to the study of mind – it permeates everything. There is not a topic in the book or an event in our lives that is not touched by mind somehow.

    i appreciate so much sharing.

    Gene wrote: i appreciate so much sharing.

    I appreciate people to share with.  Thanks to all of you.

    Gene wrote: Is it safe to assume that the use of the word “cosmic” in the revelation is always somehow related to mind?

    I think the word cosmic encompasses more than mind.  I’m pretty sure it encompasses all of reality, don’t you?  But I agree, mind reality  is the intermediary between physical reality and spiritual reality, so it touches both.

    65:7.8  The domains of physical, mental, and spiritual gravity are distinct realms of cosmic reality, notwithstanding their intimate interrelations.

    9.6.7  The greater the spirit-energy divergence, the greater the observable function of mind; the lesser the diversity of energy and spirit, the lesser the observable function of mind. Apparently, the maximum function of the cosmic mind is in the time universes of space. Here mind seems to function in a mid-zone between energy and spirit, but this is not true of the higher levels of mind; on Paradise, energy and spirit are essentially one.

    Gene wrote:  I think I understand why Bonita has dedicated so much effort to the study of mind – it permeates everything.

    The reason I began studying mind is because that’s where the Adjuster lives, along with that quote which tells us that it’s our thoughts that guide us Godward.


    So much to think about here….so just to learn even more (or add to my confusion – haha), I wonder how the multiple gravity circuits affect the “the evolution of dominance” – the inherent cosmic quality of personality.  Do the gravity circuits power or pull increase as we traverse the Circles?  Don’t I remember that material attachment is a form of “anti-gravity” or resistance to the non-material gravity circuits?

    And could we also discuss more about the personality “expansion of the control of both itself and its environment.”  Is this volitional will and material manipulation/organization/utilization?  Is this a perpetually increasing or expanding power based on spiritualization?

    Thanks to all.  = )

    Bradly wrote:  Do the gravity circuits power or pull increase as we traverse the Circles?

    It might be useful to recall that only actuated reality potentials with qualitative value respond to spirit gravity. It’s actual reality that responds to gravity.  Gravity doesn’t, by itself, pull or power anything.  I think this is an important little factoid.

    Actualized reality gravitates to the appropriate circuit based upon its composition.  Actuated material reality gravitates toward the physical gravity circuit.  Actuated spiritual reality gravitates toward the spiritual gravity circuit.

    Ideally, as we progress through the circles we leave a trail of actuated reality of sufficient value to become part of the soul, which contributes to the Supreme.  Such value gravitates toward spirit, its home base.

    6:5.2 The Eternal Son does not personally pervade the potentials of spirit inherent in the infinity of the Deity Absolute, but as these potentials become actual, they come within the all-powerful grasp of the spirit-gravity circuit of the Son.

    7:1.3 Spirit realities respond to the drawing power of the center of spiritual gravity in accordance with their qualitative value, their actual degree of spirit nature. Spirit substance (quality) is just as responsive to spirit gravity as the organized energy of physical matter (quantity) is responsive to physical gravity.

    117:5.6 The progressing personality leaves a trail of actualized reality as it passes through the ascending levels of the universes. Be they mind, spirit, or energy, the growing creations of time and space are modified by the progression of personality through their domains. When man acts, the Supreme reacts, and this transaction constitutes the fact of progression.

    I’m not sure if this is literally true, but in theory I think it is.  I think potentials exist within the mind arena, which is the arena that spans the gulf between physical and spiritual reality. The purpose of mind ministry is to urge the individual to allow spiritual reality to dominate both the mind and the body. It’s up to us to discover, recognize and interpret the value of those potentials within the higher arena of mind prior to action (choice).  We do this with the personal help of mind ministry from the Holy Spirit and spiritual ministry from the Spirit of Truth – real live persons.  (Our mind arena has multiple levels of function.)

    I find it fascinating that we understand physical gravity so well even though it is nonpersonal (centered in the Isle of Paradise).  Mind gravity and spirit gravity are both centered in actual bona-fide personalities.  Likewise, personality gravity is centered in a real, living person.  It should be easier to appreciate mind, spirit and personality gravity, but it apparently isn’t.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Bonita and Bradly,

    I see you have taken the topic of the Agondonters into the realm of the potential of personality dominance.

    I would like to point out something about this, but in order to be effective in doing so, I’ll make a comparison.

    Let’s compare the revelations of the Urantia Book to music. And those who study and read it to musicians, and these forums as a stage to perform on, as well.

    Now don’t forget, like personality, there is great potential in musicianship, which sometimes can be used to make great artistic statements. Or not.

    View this video and get an idea of what your performance is like on the stage of this forum.


    [Edited by Moderator-1]



    Bradly, I think this quote is interesting:

    0:4.10 4. Personal and Impersonal. Deity expansion, personality expression, and universe evolution are forever conditioned by the Father’s freewill act which forever separated the mind-spirit-personal meanings and values of actuality and potentiality centering in the Eternal Son from those things which center and inhere in the eternal Isle of Paradise.

    In my last post I said physical gravity is nonpersonal, it appears that the proper word is impersonal.  And the quote somewhat addresses what I was saying about all gravity but physical/material gravity being personal.

    Deity expansion, personality expression and universe evolution have a lot to do with the evolution of dominance, I think.  Although we humans are not deity, we do have the potential for divinity expansion. Isn’t our goal to evolve our divinity potentials by seeking the actuality of Deity? I think we accomplish this by increasingly identifying with Deity, Deity being personal.  All else is material and falls into the grasp of material gravity.  Which is why, I think, they say the more we evolve (transfer dominance), the less subject to material gravity we become, presumably because there is less actualized material substance available.

    115:3.15 Actuality (of Deity) is what man seeks in the Paradise ascent. Potentiality (of human divinity) is what man evolves in that search. The Original is what makes possible the coexistence and integration of man the actual, man the potential, and man the eternal.

    7:3.2 The mortal mind, for example, initiates its career as a material mechanism and is eventually mustered into the Corps of the Finality as a well-nigh perfected spirit existence, becoming progressively less subject to material gravity and correspondingly more responsive to the inward pulling urge of spirit gravity during this entire experience. The spirit-gravity circuit literally pulls the soul of man Paradiseward.

    Also, I’d like to clarify a statement I made in my last post, because it may be confusing.  I said, ” Gravity doesn’t, by itself, pull or power anything.”  What I’m trying to say is that we don’t sit and wait for gravity to pull the truth, beauty and goodness out of us, we have to actualize those ideals as part of our reality first.  That’s when the “pull” is felt.  But, it is actualized reality responding to the ever present and constant gravity presence, rather than the other way around.  It’s not gravity yanking our chains, if that is any clearer.  Maybe not.

    Oh well . . .  here’s another quote explaining the difference between potential and actualized reality.  Actualized spirit values respond to the gravity grasp of the Eternal Son, whereas potentials (values that have not been actualized), respond to the Deity Absolute.

    7:1.10 Viewed from the personality standpoint and by persons, the Eternal Son and the Deity Absolute appear to be related in the following way: The Eternal Son dominates the realm of actual spiritual values, whereas the Deity Absolute seems to pervade the vast domain of potential spirit values. All actual value of spirit nature finds lodgment in the gravity grasp of the Eternal Son but, if potential, then apparently in the presence of the Deity Absolute.

    I think it is our job, through spiritual insight, to discover, recognize and interpret those potentials provided for us by the Thought Adjuster, then chose to actualize them into reality, at which time they are capable of responding to spirit gravity.  Just like material matter, the more actualized reality that is coalesced by spirit gravity, the greater the expansion of the soul.  And the greater the expansion or evolution of the soul, the greater dominance it has over thought and action.  Eventually it becomes unstoppable, I think.  That’s probably when you fuse, but I’m guessing.


    I’m not sure if this is literally true, but in theory I think it is. I think potentials exist within the mind arena, which is the arena that spans the gulf between physical and spiritual reality. The purpose of mind ministry is to urge the individual to allow spiritual reality to dominate both the mind and the body. It’s up to us to discover, recognize and interpret the value of those potentials within the higher arena of mind prior to action (choice). We do this with the personal help of mind ministry from the Holy Spirit and spiritual ministry from the Spirit of Truth – real live persons. (Our mind arena has multiple levels of function.)

    Well….this would support the “yearning” and “hunger” and “thirst” element in transferring the seat of identity.  It’s more than the spiritual nature itself in our dual nature that brings the mind to contemplation, discernment, response, and commitment to spirit…it is also mind ministry acting and responding in its normal function?  The mind is the arena of choice we are taught…it is where motives, intentions, priorities, and all responses to all circumstances and situations are determined and wisdom by experience becomes integrated into ever wiser choices.  And, I think, the more of reality known to the mind in fact combined with experiential wisdom, then the more truth is discovered by the harmonizing and integration of reality with those choices made at every intersection of choice.


    Thanks Bonita…for this and the gravity discussion…of course you are right about the pull or force of gravity, it’s uniform and universal in power and effect – based on mass of that affected by gravity?   The more spiritized the mind, the more it responds to the gravity circuits engaged.  A progressive orbit drawing ever nearer the source of gravitational effect.  We cannot progress through the Circles without adding to soul and as the soul grows from this spiritualization, the more the soul has capacity for its own responses?  Still more questions than answers!

    I appreciate this Forum and those who bring hope, wonder, curiosity, sharing, and caring to this place, where students may gather to learn from one another….a classroom is neither platform nor stage but is a place to gather and share and demonstrate curiosity in the pursuit of knowledge, understanding, and utilization of lessons learned.  The stage for our “performance” is our daily walk.  And every musician must learn to read and play their own music.  The notes of fact on the sheet music becomes the truth when the musician plays those paged notes on the instrument of life itself….and the true musician who love music needs no audience to love to make the music!  Let us all keep rockin’!

    196:3.3 (2094.2) The progressive comprehension of reality is the equivalent of approaching God. The finding of God, the consciousness of identity with reality, is the equivalent of the experiencing of self-completion — self-entirety, self-totality. The experiencing of total reality is the full realization of God, the finality of the God-knowing experience.
    196:3.4 (2094.3) The full summation of human life is the knowledge that man is educated by fact, ennobled by wisdom, and saved — justified — by religious faith.


    Funny…simultaneous posting!!!!!!!!!  = )  Thanks Sister….you rock!


    As we identify with deity and begin to actualize the related realities, do you think that these actualized realities have gravity?

    analogous to physical gravity where all matter has it and the attraction is mutual with the exception that the more massive thing wins.


    Bonita and Bradly, I see you have taken the topic of the Agondonters into the realm of the potential of personality dominance. I would like to point out something about this, but in order to be effective in doing so, I’ll make a comparison. Let’s compare the revelations of the Urantia Book to music. And those who study and read it to musicians, and these forums as a stage to perform on, as well. Now don’t forget, like personality, there is great potential in musicianship, which sometimes can be used to make great artistic statements. Or not. View this video and get an idea of what your performance is like on the stage of this forum. [Video edited out by Moderator-1]

    Each participant here has a right to express an opinion.  At times readers discover topics to pursue that are inspired by or tangential to the main topic, such as Agondenters, and there is nothing wrong with it, as long as the person who started the topic does not mind.

    View this video and get an idea of what your performance is like on the stage of this forum.

    While your statement is your opinion, it is also an ad hominem against Bonita and Bradly.  Correct yourself.



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